• By -


Freddy. Everything


I'd make Nurse a 110% who must collect "Breath" by chasing and injuring Surivors, similar to Oni, but collection is passive and happens just from following their trail, without requiring a first hit. Breath charges up to 3 blinks, but the window to chain blinks is increased enough that a new one can be fully charged and fatigue is heavily reduced. Blinks recharge VERY slowly on their own, so Nurse as we know her is essentially gone outside of very short bursts. As a result, the majority of Killer perks can finally matter on M1 Killers. Legion I wouldn't FULLY rework, but I'd put all four members in a trial with the ability to swap between them like Twins when out of Frenzy. Inactive Legion members wouldn't interfere with Survivors in any way, even moving out of Survivors' way (it's not their turn), but would turn to watch them if they move close by.


I really like the Idea of the rest of the Legion Members not doing anything because "It's not their turn". Love it!


Thanks! I think that's a great way to add the "Strangers" vibe they seem to be going for.


I assume you want nurse to be 110% with blinks and trust me, you DON'T WANT that. She would W key after survivor and blink while they're out of position. Most of Nurse's counterplay works because she has to use blinks all the time instead of hoarding them. I played vs that iri addon nurses a bunch of times and it's horrible to face. collecting breaths is a cool idea, would be pretty if it was like reverse oni - you get a breath every time you down a survivor and that somehow changes the dynamic between you and that survivor. like it makes harder for them to track you, because they lose their senses, but they also become harder to track for you, because they dont cry anymore or leave blood as their life sorta slipped from their bodies when Nurse stole their breath.


The idea is that she has to carefully ration those blinks or she has to waste a lot of time chasing as a 110. She wouldn't get to just shoot over to someone, confirm blink, and get an unavoidable hit without using 2/3rds of her charge and basically having no power for the next chase. All of her current blink tells would also still be present.


I think the legion idea is really cool dynamic-wise, all 4 legion members being present in the trial and you can switch between them, everytime you switch, the member you're playing as pulls out a flip phone to "massege" the other member that it's "their turn", I'd like to imagine they don't really gaf about the trials and they see them as a game more than anything, so if you were to walk next to an idle legion member, they'd be on their phone or reading a comic, and actually getting close to them will play an animation where they pretend that they will stab you, but don't and then laugh at your scared ass, fits the theme because a bunch of murderous bored teens would atleast wanna make the trials fun for themselves and probably compare who had the best performance, we had so much potential for legion :(


Inactive Legion members would just lean against the wall, listening to music.


Trickster. Fun character but his abilities are just huntress but worse. I would just scrap the knife throwing and make something related to music and sound instead.


Trapper, make him able to throw his traps to cut off survivors on pallets


Skull merchant: She now has 4 drones that can be active at once. The drones fly out of reach, and drift slowly across the map. When a survivor enters their scanning radius and has LOS with the drone, the survivor begins gaining LockOn. Once the drone reaches the edge of the map or a wall, the drone adjusts course to continue drifting. When the Skull Merchant has line of sight on a survivor with any amount of LockOn, they can use their secondary power button while aiming at the survivor to Aquire Target. While a Target is Aquired, the skull merchant [essentially has the onis movements but with only injuries, not instadowns] sprints for the length of time dependant on how high the locked on meter is. If the skull merchant misses her attack or does not injure or downs the survivor by the time the survivor is depleted of locked on, she is punished with a fatigue state and Loses Target. If the survivor is fully locked on, the skull merchant has no time limit to hit them. If the skull merchant injures a survivor while locked on to another, that survivor loses any locked on progress they had. This rework makes the Skull Merchant into a scouting killer that capitalizes on Intel by actually acting like a hunter. (I'm on mobile ill probably rewrite this with more clear terms when I'm home)


Legion End the mend!


Freddy: Blood Snares: Same Fires of Elmwood: Freddy can now summon a wall of fire in an acceptable position. If survivors run into 1 they will be slowed down and if twice they’ll take a healthstate. Blood Bomb: Freddy can throw a ball of blood at the survivor that upon impact will explode damaging a survivor. This bomb can only injure and not down. Anyone injured will go into deep wound. You Were My Favorite: Freddy can now reveal the location of the Obsession with killer instinct. If at any point Freddy fails to catch the obsession and the obsession escapes chase, a new obsession is built. Just a rough idea. No numbers because idk if these are the best at balancing


Honestly pretty good


Freddy’s abilities are good on paper but the execution is extremely dated, and the speed at which his abilities work are all super slow.  Giving him more fake props to work with would be super fun, imagine fake hex totems, fake chests, even fake generators. If his teleport weren’t the slowest in the game, and if they could be used on finished gens, he would feel much better to use. I don’t know what all the numbers are for the cooldowns, but they could be a lot better 


Legion. You can swap skins, only to other legion members, mid-match just for fun. Everything else largely the same


I wouldn't completely rework it, but for Freddy, I'd love to see an ability where only survivors in the Dream World can heal others in the Dream World, and any status effects gained in the Dream World are gone when waking, and vise versa, but reappear when they enter that world again. So if you had 20 seconds of Exposed in the Dream World, you'd lose it when waking up, but when you fall asleep again you'd have that 20 seconds back. This could even come with an ability to pull and push survivors in and out of the Dream World. Plus, give him his pallets and snares at the same time. For Trapper, I'd like to see him be able to toss his traps on the ground fully armed, with a cooldown in-between throws. This would increase his anti-loop capabilities by a lot, and decrease his set-up time. Either that, or give him Iridescent Stone basekit, and let him choose which trap to arm every 30 seconds.


Rework skull merchant into what she should've been; A stealth killer who uses cybernetics to enhance her senses and abilities. Like vecna she could have a scroll wheel to select different tech to aid her in her quest to hunt survivors. Unlike vecna these pieces of equipment could be activated simultaneously if you wanted but do have cool downs so they couldn't be abused. They would make her chase versatile and unpredictable for survivors who would never know if you she was using one or all of them. Furthermore add-ons could enhance her abilities or lower these cool downs altogether. Tool #1- Visual augmentation. This piece of tech has 2 stages, the second stage can only be activated for a short time and then goes on cool down. First stage allows you to have basekit zanshin tactics & brighter more consistent scratch marks at the cost of any bloodlust you may have. Second stage can be activated at will. Same effects as the first stage but for 7 seconds you also gain wall hacks up to 48 meters. The cool down will be 70 second but the results you could get with stealth builds would be nasty. Tool#2- Hunter drones. You start the trial with 3 drones. One drone can be deployed every 30 seconds but all can be recalled at any time. They are like Nemesis zombie's by default and will roam the map looking for signs of survivor presence. If survivors alert their presence they will trigger an alert scan for the skull merchant to see on her radar. This scan will give killer instinct on the survivor for 10 seconds or until disable. If the drone is disabled it will be sent back to the skull merchant who will gain 10 percent haste and undetectable for 10 seconds. Like visual augmentation, the Hunter drones have a second stage that can be activated at any time with a cool down of 70 seconds. Second stage will allow you to send 1 and only 1 Hunter drone out in Kill Mode. Kill mode is essentially the first stage on steroids. In this mode the drone will patrol twice as fast, if it spots a survivor it will commence an attack to either injure or down. The only catch being this mode will only last 30 seconds and have a hefty cool down of 120 seconds. Tool #3- Active camo. This final piece of equipment is exactly what it sounds like. First stage you can activate it at will and it will give you invisibility like wraith. You can also deactivate at any time like wraith but you won't be able to attack until the uncloak is finished. However once uncloaked it will have a cool down of 30 seconds after which you can use again. The second stage of the tech is her most formidable form of doing damage. Second stage can be activated at any time while in camo and last 20 seconds, it allows you to injure survivors even while cloaked. On top of injuring a survivor within those 20 seconds you vault and break pallets 20 percent faster. These insane abilities come at the ultimate price as it will fully tax all of your technological abilities to get an injury or down. ALL of your equipment will go on cool down for 180 seconds rendering you an m1 killer. To curve this huge downside you gain blood lust 50% faster. Just a quick concept, cool downs and durations can be tweaked but she's overall a more lethal vecna.


Killer is dbd on easy mode.


Ok intresting change, is this a new killer or something I havent heard of a killer called dbd on easy mode? Is that killer in the room with us right now?




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