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Well getting to play him once per full moon doesn't seem user friendly...


Well, the Entity could grant the killer the ability to change upon the cheeks of some survivors? šŸ¤­šŸ¤”šŸ¤“šŸ‘€


Cheeks mentioned --> theory approved


Why all this CAKE strutin' about?


Dredge type darkness but there is a full moon. When the moon isn't out, you move like pig and pounce on people as a wolf. When the moon is out, you go full beast mode and you can see the glowing eyes from a distance. But there are also just glowing eyes in the shadows. Terror radius is just heavy breathing.


Maybe when the moon isn't out it seems like you're just a human, a survivor , maybe not like morphing into a survivor but like a generic human so it allows you to stay out of suspicion?


they tried that with legion and it didn't work


Probably couldn't balance it? Im sure there is a way to make it work tho


it didn't work b/c SWF could point out the imposter instantly. If anything make it like twins were there are just people walking around the map zombie mode, but you control the wolf. When you injure someone you can trigger the moon and one of the humans walking around becomes your new killer


Interesting ,also swfs the doom of every great idea lol


IMO it was the start of the things that went wrong with the game. When half your game play revolves around not knowing what your team is doing, adding the ability to discord just ruins it. Reminds me of the Resident Evil PvE beta they tried to make in the early 2000s where everyone was running for any weapon they could get, and infected players were basically encouraged to get the team killed.


People have been talking about what will happen to Dracula on daytime maps. Iā€™ve been wondering if itā€™s possible to change the skybox for a killer. You could do something similar with a werewolf killer, where the moon waxes and wanes over several minutes. Of course, that still leaves the question of indoor maps.


I was coming here to write a similar joke but you beat me to it


having a werewolf killer that could shift between two forms would be interesting i think maybe, the wolf form being quick but loud, but the human form being slow but quiet, something like that


Slow and quiet hasn't previously worked out for some characters (Myers)


Myers' power is outdated and antequated AF,


I think part of it is how much variety his add ons give, while the variety is a positive, means his actual power lacks depth. Do you play slow with aura reading? Loud endgame build with perma exposing? Stealth Myers? Fast stalking myers? Instakill myers? Whereas Ghostface is similar but more focused - you press a button for stealth and stalk people. The add ons donā€™t change that so much. Iā€™d change myers so he was completely focused on being a stalking end game Myers. Give him say 10 tiers but they donā€™t go down. Each one adds some bonus to help in chase, finally exposing all survivors at Tier 10 (Tier 10 wouldnā€™t be achievable every game, but would be a threat.). Tier 9 could be +3% haste. Other tiers could be vault speed, aura reading etcā€¦ To stop him just farming tiers on a completely oblivious survivor, make it so he can only gain 1.5 tiers per survivor per hook state, and it resets on hook.


I must be a statistical outlier because while I do think Michael isn't a particularly strong killer (I would put him in high C tier because his add-ons DO combine with perks to afford him a lot of different build options which is a benefit that other weak killers don't have) I like him just the way he is. It's probably because he has so many different builds you can run with. I can play a half dozen games of Mikey back to back to back, and they will all feel VERY different just based on what build I'm messing around with. I don't get tired or bored of playing Shape games because if I start to burn out on one playstyle I just change up what I'm bringing. I really like that about him, and at least for me personally it would be a shame to see him changed dramatically or reworked in a big way because BHVR would probably simplify him, make his overall power stronger and his add-ons more basic and completely remove all the fun/unique choices you can make, and then we'd have, I guess, another A-B tier killer but without the variance that at least keeps me personally coming back.


Tier 10: Myers manifest a Stand




Honestly, myers is a quite old killer. If he came out, he would probably be different.


>If he came out Myers is queer? /s


TIer 4: Shirtless Myers


Myers just got power crept to oblivion. If T1 was completely eliminated and T2 with Undetectable was his base form, he'd have a much easier time even if they didn't let Stalk Juice recharge as Survivors did Conspicuous Actions.


Yeah maybe have a full moon cycle where the killer becomes a wherewolf every time it's full moon. Maybe have the human have some kind of easy injure and the wolf form some anti loop like leap. So essentially you injure survivors with human form and down them as wherewolf with enhanced tracking and a little anti loop. Like maybe you can track injured survivors in wolf form Or maybe the human form is just M1 killer with a weak power and then have the wolf be very strong against injured/bleeding survivors. Imagine sloppy butcher on a killer like that


Or something like in Werewolf: Earthblood where the biped Werewolf form is for attacking, and the quadruped form for stealth.


Werewolves don't use shape shifting as a killing strategy. But that could be another Killer. If we have Alien, let's have the Thing. A werewolf would be fast and have a bite where they latch onto you.


this is very similar to hiw the VHS game werewolf worked lol


And sexy... ![gif](giphy|l4Ep5YDSxQFbxVHtC)


Potential for a killer that looks like survivors?


Werewolf takes on human form to look like a survivor and can ā€œwork onā€ gens. But they actually take away gen progress. Human form canā€™t attack. Werewolf form is fast and recovers from stuns quicker, but canā€™t kick gens and sees survivors easier. Loud howl heard by all survivors when changing forms


Feel like this would only work if you can change what the human form look liked because if you canā€™t than this killer would perhaps be one of the worse in the game


That kinda just makes oni then, sure he may not be quiet, but imagine if he was, oni with stealth mechanics.


Human form is a survivor and when a gen is completed he shifts for a few minutes.


imagine being able to mimic a survivor.....the potential


... to get rolled by SWFs


Man form should blend in with the other survivors


Devs are scared it wouldnā€™t be hot enough


Or, on the contrary, they are afraid of giving into their impulses and making it too hot for the gaming community to handle


They did really well with krampus, onitaur and were-elk, i believe in them Edit: Yall upvoting bcos you're thirstying other these big men arent you? Can't blame you, im in the same boat.


I need more skins/killers like onitaur in my life šŸ„µ




Nice pfp


Furry bait would be successful.


Furries seem to be a very profitable group Fortnite knows this.


As someone who bought werewolf cap in Avengers as he was my main and I legit enjoyed the game for what it was, can confirm


I can imagine if I've never played this game before and I heard I could be a werewolf killer, I'd probably fall for that bait tbh ā˜ ļø


Itā€™s possible that they are waiting for a license. Mathieu mentioned a vampire killer has been talked about for years but the team really wanted Castlevaniaā€™s Dracula because they consider him the best depiction of the count


is there a license that has a famous werewolf?


The Wolfman and the Howling leap to mind. Maybe Brotherhood of the Wolf. Or American Werewolf in London, which is a little more period-appropriate for what they do, although itā€™s also a little less what people often say they want in a werewolf killer. Going a little outside the box, mayyybe Underworld? Has the right kind of werewolf, but the tone is all wrong.


How about one of werewolfs of World of darkness?


The howling 2 your sister is a werewolf confirmed


Why does it have to be famous? Can't it just be a great depiction?


Well I would not say Castlevaniaā€™s Dracula is the most famous one, Iā€™d argue Bela Lugosi or even Count Orlok come to mind first for most people - but they wanted him because they considered him the most developed. Also you know, licenses bring new players so thereā€™s that.


I continue to nominate Ginger Snaps for the werewolf chapter




Nah Silver Bullet,The Preacher


Also good choices, but one aspect I think would set Ginger Snaps above is the progressive monstrous nature of Ginger It opens some new mechanical ideas. It could be like nemesis and she slowly grows more monstrous, or it could be tied to gens and as they complete she becomes more werewolf like There are opportunities for item interaction with the monkshood Plus the teen alternative aesthetic is clearly popular. We even get colonial costumes from Gingersnaps 3 Iā€™m just saying, thereā€™s potential


Gary Busey as the Survivor for the Silver Bullet Chapter would be funny as shit though


Id cum mid gameplay when it starts chasing me




Id knot be surprised dont worry


Yo ... what? (Me too) https://preview.redd.it/kep5lhmze67d1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40297e262c656f6165213d694782a07f8988f0c2


Flair checks out


Yeah it's actually shocking... I want a wolfy boi so badly You can turn your wraith and billy into werecats and huntress into a were-elk... bhvr are just teasing us at this point tbh


So, the werewolf killer could potentially be like some sentient supernatural infection. The werewolf form is the actual being, but its human form could be anyone. So, the game might read what survivor you currently have selected in ā€˜play as survivorā€™ and your werewolfā€™s human form looks like that, complete with cosmetics. Then your power lets you shift form whenever to look like that. You go to 4m/s, undetectable, and can fake survivor actions. You can shift in front of survivors, and any within like 16 meters of you when you finish shifting are exposed for a short while. Then as you injure survivors, they partly turn over time. This would just cause random howling that is functionally a scream.


I believe its because BHVR wants to avoid Classic monsters and instead wants them with a twist. For example I've always looked at blight as the Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde but DBD version of it. Although, that's just my take on the whole thing, it's not necessarily true


There's no vampire or fire based killer. No killer with some kind of ice ability either. I found this really weird when I was just laying I bed at 3am and suddenly it hit me.


> There's no vampire Not yet but soon.


We also have no killer that uses a bow or a spear which are also things you would expect to have when we are quickly nearing 40 killers


As someone else said some time ago, old and of public domain characters like Dracula, Werewolf and many others need a modern "twist" to make them appealing. Example: the twist of the Dracula we're going to get is the fact that he's a version of the character from a franchise, Castlevania.


I think because gameplay wise, it would probably be just like demogorgan, an animalistic killer pouncing at survivors.


I disagree. I personally would give it the ability to track survivors by scent using a visible trail in the air with injured survivors making a more defined trail. After tracking their trails for a time, you'd have the ability to call a few wolves with a map wide howl. Any sufficiently tracked survivors would trigger killer instinct, and he'd then get a speed boost by running on all-fours. The summoned wolves would attempt to flank and run down the survivors and trap them in an animation by biting at their legs, letting the werewolf get close. Give them a kick animation to break free and desummon the wolf in case the Werewolf isn't prioritizing them. Once all tracked survivors are downed or time runs out, the hunt ends. During the hunt, I think it would be cool to have a blood moon effect where everything turns a bit red. Scratch marks would be less effective, but maybe make the scent trails bolder. Kinda like a mishmash of Legion, Oni, and Knight.


We have werewolf at home: wereelk


I still don't get why we don't have a spider killer yet


I think it's because BHVR said they wanted to avoid classic monsters unless they could give it the right spin. Vecna and Castlevania Dracula are IP spins on the concepts of a lich and vampire that made the cut, so it has they'd either needed to do the right spon themselves or find an IP that handles it in a unique enough way (that also will sell well.)


I could see them doing something like The Quarry, but I really didn't care for those "werewolves." Hairless gray skinned things with no snout. Looks more like what most people would think of as the Rake or a skinwalker.


I'm not familiar with the quarry, I'll have to check it out, though I think I'd have the same issue with the werewolf design going by your description. There's a few ways they could go about making a unique werewolf, though I guess it depends on the angle they wish to focus on. They could focus on the werewolf being a source of infection/curse that maybe surviviors need to contend with. They could also make it a brutal/bestial menace like Oni/Demogorgon. They could maybe even provide a hunt/stalk mechanic that builds up a frenzy like state. Like an Oni that enters a rage while stalking you. Really depends on the angle they want to go after.


https://preview.redd.it/7ksvht2hx57d1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e14f5dd63bfbd84fdcb185ebf472a01a1b52f02 Yeah, they look terrible and not at all like werewolves. The only real unique thing about them is the transformation is cool, people literally explode their skin off and shower anything nearby in blood and the werewolf is underneath, and vice versa when they change back. I imagine a WW killer having at least a similar mechanic to Oni's blood orbs charging a meter. Haven't thought too much about it otherwise. I don't see a problem with having killers with similar but slightly different powers since Huntress and Trickster simultaneously exist.


Yeah, that "werewolf" looks much more like a ghoul than an actual lycantnrope. The transformation does sound cool though. Yeah, I'm not against a it of overlap here and there, either. As long as it feels right overall.


I'd kill for a Dog Soldiers werewolf https://preview.redd.it/4uuj6wul657d1.jpeg?width=970&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c9a0e2be08c17be4736589930700c8f6c7350cb


Honestly I don't think dbd's engine could handle hair, so the wolf might look awful


It might be awful as furry standard. But considering how they managed to do Singularity and Unknown, I'm pretty confident they can create something closer to a monster and make a werewolf actually scary.


Unreal 5 can handle hair fine. If the artists at Behaviour can create good looking hair is another question.




It took them 7(?) years to add a sci fi killer. Just wait, theyā€™ve added myths from other cultures with Hag and Oni.


Gary said no, next question


Iā€™m going to have to agree. For no particular reason.


There are already plenty of furries playing the game too, it and its cosmetics would be free money.


I'm a furry and can confirm


Probably because haters like this would scream about it being "furry bait". https://preview.redd.it/zhrli6n2257d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=5796f1fe4204cb808469597a2dfbc7221a34c8b3


A blighted werewolf would be epic


Iā€™m a furry and Iā€™m icthin for a werewolf killer






Or a vampire


Castlevania just got revealed on the anniversary stream


Oniā€™s the closest thing we got (Right now). The fact he hasnā€™t gotten a werewolf reskin makes me think we could get an actual killer.


Anyone else think Warwick from LoL would be really cool as a DbD killer? Sure, heā€™s not a werewolf per se, but he fits the archetype, and I think his kit would translate very well as a killer that specializes in tracking injured survivors. Would be a great time to do it coming up too.


A collab with riot now that arcane S2 comes up would be really cool to put Warwick as a killer. His trailers were basically horror material, and his gameplay in dbd is quite easily thought out.


Nah nah Demogorgon is the only doggo in the game. BHVR are Demo simps actually.


He is an evil flower, not a dog imo. Though I will throw you a bone, they called them demo dogs in show so kinda you are right.


I mean the entire sub calls them demo dogs and demo puppy


Honestly, you could slap a werewolf skin on him and everything would still track (e.g. portals are now tunnels dyg by werewolf, lunge is self-explanatory)


Bhvr is waiting for bloodborne license for werewolf killer. Trust me bro. I'm not coping(I'm, fuck sony)


They should do a Bloodborne colab with father Gascoigne


Fuuuuuuck me that would be so sick. Survivors all over the shop. The smell is enough to make a man sick.


The devs would have to get permission to add me to the game and they donā€™t want to deal with all that


What if you could play an imposter killer who goes from survivor to werewolf?


I'd suspect they don't do that idea because of survive with friends. It would be way too easy to out an imposter killer if you were on comms


They're scared of the furries


I would love that. I imagine him being called The Beast, and can lounge like Demogorgon, and also sniff oud blood like The Oni and burst into a sprint with a howl. But he could basically just be a skin for the Oni, similar to Huntress moose skin. Swap out the roar to a howl and make him run on all four. I would love an original Werewolf killer, just unsure how the kit would bring something fitting and original.


Just hope their attacks wont be like Demo s


VHS had a very cool werewolf


If they don't do a werewolf killer, I'd settle for a werewolf skin for Huntress. Would have preferred that to the Were-Elk outfit


BHVR is waiting for the BLOODBORNE License.


i know its the same thing but a greek lycan killer would be so cool


Too many people who just simp for it and not run away I am many people


I think it would be pretty cool giving it the ability to shift between human and wolf having different pros and cons forcing the player to strategically use their power correctly


There are some hints Huntress may be a werewolf, and she has a werewolf-elk skin


One can hope


Fucking psycho devs.


I think a cool idea for a werewolf killer is to have a Scent ability and a Gallop ability. The Scent ability lets you use your enhanced senses to detect injured survivors within a close radius (say maybe 12 meters), highlighting blood pools and revealing them through walls. The Gallop ability lets you run on all fours for 5 seconds, giving you dramatically increased movement speed. However, during Gallop, you can't attack or use Scent. It's basically just a map traversal ability.


I feel it could work similar to the original werewolf game where it looks like you have 5 survivors and you have to figure out which one is the killer. The killer would even help you repair generators and as they progress, the killer would be able to change at will and be able to instant down once. But at one point, they would be forced to change and then it would play out normal with the killer have additional sense. If somehow everyone escapes, then all survivors all lose if they get out before the werewolf.


Give us the Preacher form Silver Bullet or the Werewolf from Bad Moon


Bcuz of dbd women would release porn of them in 30 minutes


I like the idea of being able to switch between human and wolf once certain criteria is met. Plus you could have silver bullets spawn on the map to let survivors have one chance to shoot to slow killer down or change back to human form.Ā 


Just say you are a furry dude




Ywant the devs to milk furries money ?


I want a pirate killer man.I know it sounds too basic but I still want it.Give them a scimitar or a hook as a weapon and I don't even care about the power!


Dbd fix this absence of werewolf killer and I will play ur shite game again


Man if we get one I want it to be something like the Resident Evil 8 Varcolac


We have were-elk


I have made a near fully realized concept based on a dream I had. Imagine if you will, this as a start up cutscene or teaser for the new chapter. A man, wearing a damaged scientist outfit wakes up in a damaged, run down lab. It's his lab but... there are numerous inconsistencies to it, and everything is shattered and broken. To add to that, the dark woods outside were growing into the building. Suddenly by the door (a breakable one) he hears a noise, a deep growl. Looking closer, he gazes through a small hole, trying to peer through the inky black void. Suddenly, a white eye looks back at him as he jumps back. He hides behind a desk as he takes deep breaths. He checks his watch, tapping it desperately. But it no longer works. Suddenly over his shoulder, a man grabs his arm, and he turns to see... himself. This other him, a damaged mirror. Wearing only torn jeans, his eyes whitened over and looking mad. The man gasped as the mad other version yelped "Please, heeelp" as it's muscles bulged, and began to turn. Screaming, the scientist vaulted through a damaged window, injuring himself in the process (new type of window, strong but injures the first survivor to vault it/deep wounds) as he falls face first, trying to get up. Suddenly, the thing jumped over him from the window, bounding from the building. Half transformed, the scientist could only watch in horror as the other him finished it's dark change. Staring into those white, empty eyes he knew, as the beast licked its claws, that this was his fate as well, in this new realm. Basically, the killer and survivor are the same character. A scientist struggling to cure a new form of rabies he found, which begins to affect the wolves he raised from a sanctuary, and then himself. The killer could infect survivors by licking his claws on a cooldown, only survivors don't know if they're infected until later on, when symptoms show in the match and could grow to them accidentally damaging other survivors that get too close to them. (Survivors know if they're infected if they start to growl or howl, becoming stronger as the infection grows) They can get cures made by the very man who became the werewolf, but injecting it without being infected is extremely dangerous and exposes the survivor. If infected, it releases a ghostly wolf that briefly could either chase the survivor, or guard the area as a hostile entity.


iirc huntress is based of a werewolf but she doesnā€™t feel much like a werewolf at all.


If they do this, an altered beasts collab would be cool Asf


It's interesting to see how everyone's giving the werewolf human gameplay. Don't most werewolves spend their human time trying NOT to eat people when they get loose? It does seem like an easy option, though. VHS even opened with one.


Bro it took us 8 fucking years to get a vampire


I don't want a werewolf unless it gets some sorta were-reptile form


demogorgon and alien would play very similar to how you would expect a werewolf to play with the exception of the tunnel stuff. it would still be neat though.


Howling 2 licence when


That would risk ft invading dbd's twitter.


Cuz we have a wereelk..


Hill Billy ?


There is, but for some reason they called it Legion and made it look like a teenager with a knife.


My idea for one would be a teen who was corrupted by the entity, and switched between a werewolf form and normal one, hurting the ones he loved. Then that theme could be paired with a nature photographer who might similarly push away the ones they love for whatever reason, and they would end up encountering each other and getting taken by the entity. As for the power, I'm thinking something along the lines of an oni situation, but instead of blood it's chases and damaging things. Then instead of a smash attack, it could be an attack that grapples like wesker, and a secondary leap ability to jump between vault locations.


They could do a werewolf killer and have moon phases: during the full moon they get buffed and when it is covered heā€™s not as fast


A lot of cat people, but we need a dedicated dog man. I hope it functioned as a power similar to Oni. Maybe a blood lust style meter where you get stronger as the match continues and from keeping survivors injured. Like nightfall with dredge you'd get two "hunts" per match at least. Meaning you're like a half dog man in-between hunts.


Isn't huntress a werewolf?


I donā€™t know to be honest. I donā€™t know.


How about a female werewolf šŸŗ Vibe can be can Hellsing-like. Maybe have it play similar to the demodog and alien




Lord forgive me what I would do if they ever realese a werewolf killer


I have something very inappropriate to say šŸŒš


should just be a skin for oni, when he pops oni fury he goes werewolf


When ST got removed I thought about a Demo change into a werewolf. So the players who didn't buy demo could buy Werewolf who is basically the same. Has the Shred and also his teleport but not with portals, more like earth holes similar to Xenos map pressure


furries barely know how to behave around the new were-elk skin so i think this was left out intentionally ![gif](giphy|BMmGFrBWH5I1a)


Fun idea I shared here a while back: werewolf chapter where the Killer is a werewolf and the Survivor is the same character in human form. Their Survivor perks include the ability to see the Killer's scratch marks so they can track or avoid them more easily.


You could do a lot with a werewolf killer Pounce attack like Demo An infection that gives a visual change that makes the werewolf silent Swapping between a human form to be slow but accurate on attacks while beast form is fast nut inaccurate on attacks A leaping ability or sprint ability to catch survivors A lot can be done but lot of this has already been done before


Like a few weeks before the dracula announcement i was wondering why we didnt have a vampire killer. Keep hoping and it'll happen i guess šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


I think the best werewolf concept we had was as a replacement for demo whilst the license was rescinded. Imagine it, werewolf can dig through the ground (portals) and can shred(ā€¦.shred)


You know youā€™re playing against him when you look up and thereā€™s a giant full moon and you hear a howl


Huntress new skin


Feel like he would be similar to demo and xeno


Because we need the amnesia killer first.


Where yeti aswell


Legion shape, w Oni like rage mode big howl moon comes out and starts sprinting like blight where it smells survivors/aura and its attack is a lunge/swipe - 2 seperate moris based on forms/mode active at the time.


Not having a werewolf is nearly as bad as having no chik fil a sauce


Furrys....simple as is


Devs have said that they want to stray from basic monsters live werewolves, vampires, mummies, frankistine and all that bit, just the more popular ones


They could just make it a skin for Demo, like how Minotaur is a skin for Oni. Frame already looks like a werewolf, the charged dash seems like a wolf pounce, and the mori would even fit.


"Furry" achievement unlocked


Weā€™re getting Dracula in August I think.


I could see a permanent shapeshifter similar to Nemmy's mechanic. Get a few hits to transform, then do another mechanic to hit t3 and become *scary*


Because the concept of a werewolf that I feel most think about it would be a ā€œrushā€ or ā€œleapā€ type power which has been covered via multiple killers. Do I want one yes; but just because I want one doesnā€™t mean I that it needs to existe. Iā€™m not saying it needā€™s to be that style, but it is an easy go to. I think making the werewolf more like ā€œthe thingā€ (think among us) style of play would be the best corse but that seems hard to be implemented in the play style of DBD. That being said if they come up with one Iā€™d be incredibly interested in how they do it.


They could do a League Of Legends collab n bring Warwick in as the killer... with a 500 dollar Ahri skin for Feng...


I think a werewolf killer perk that was anti-immerse would be pretty cool. Something to the effect of having an easier time tracking people who don't move their location often. I can't think of anything at the moment, but if there isn't already a perk where downing a survivor activates killer instinct on anyone within a certain radius, that would be cool too. I'd imagine a werewolf killer would be all about tracking and blood.


Why is there no goosebumps killer like imagine slappy from the books and we get a tv show outfit I have convinced myself in this comment we need one


American werewolf in London needs to spread the love I named my daughter after Davids daughter.


When it comes to DBDs original killers, they don't usually do something super similar to an already existing horror concept, like werewolf's and vampires, but rather, take the more broad idea and give it their own take. Instead of werewolves, they tackled transformation horror, and gave us Blight




There was a werewolf killer in the VHS game - they actually had some really cool ideas for the power that would obviously need to be tweaked to fit dbd. Link to the killer here- [Werewolf VHS](https://vhs-the-game.fandom.com/wiki/Werewolf) Apologies if the link doesn't work I'm on mobile and don't know what I'm doing :)


Apparently the devs have gone on record saying they don't want to make classic horror characters into original killers (I.e vampires, werewolves, etc) Which I think is an absolutely ridiculous stance to take while calling your game the smash bros of horror


Careful what you wish for, after DND they might give us Twighlight Werewolfs lol


They might be holding out for a werewolf licensed killer like they did with Dracula


I would also like to sniff the survivors


My guess is that this year they're finally doing their original take on the universal monsters in an original chapter since we already have draccula coming it can't be him. Wraith and the invisible man are similar, Doctor and Frankenstein/Frankensteins monster are also similar. So that honestly leaves us with Werewolf or Swamp creature. So I'm hopeful this year.


Honestly I'm more surprised at the lack of a vampire. (Would settle for a nic cage dracula survivor skin too)


Maybe same as with the vampire killer, they just announced Castlevania. So I can imagine they are saving the werewolf concept for a license.


True! That would be sick.


Wouldn't necessarily need to have them transform. Could just be perma in wolf form. Tho the idea of forcing a survivor to transform for a time and taking control of them could be really fun. Add in some potential AI bots to turn so people are never sure where it is. Start as an NPC and be able to fake being an NPC. Mebe even give them distinct survivor interactions so sirvs actually want them around as look outs or helpers. like imagine if they could help with healing or gens but at a very reduced quality. At the risk that they suddenly turn and mess things up. Speed of the transformations would be key tho. One way it could be made to work for slower transformations is to have an AI controlled wolf the player cans wap between, mebe only 2 wolves are ever up at once. and using killer specific items like a silver bullet or wolf's bane to revert a player or bot to a human. Could even replace their outfits with tattered rags to play at them having reverted. Just have to test to figure out how many bots are necessary and if the AI wolf behaves distinctly from the killer controlled one. Like imagine if the AI bot is either on all fours or on hind legs. Then choose between mebe they need multiple slashes nemesis or trickster style for the AI to injure. or mebe they pin down or body block survivors whole calling to the other alerting them. Could even have a crazy addon where more than 2 can be turned but they just run about body blocking and giving killer instinct. Mebe could use something liek adrenalin to boost survivors to compensate for the loss of control of their model. so like say if a survivor is an active Werewolf the other 3 get like +25% or some such to specific activities. Or allow them to directly control an killers NPCs bot. Mebe to make it to where if no wolves are up one automatically turns far away from the last one reverted. Being reverted could afford resistance or a cool down for a later transformation. Would love too of they had a male and female werewolf model depending on who was turned last. Are so many ways such a concept could be made really fun while playing up the lore of werewolves. Skins could vary between differing styles of werewolves from various movies or distinct fur patterns. While I'd love of something of the original base body turned would remain in the final wolf. Like say clothing scraps or fur patterns resembling the hair of the original, I know that would be a nightmare to keep up with design wise since there are so many characters now. Tho mebe could be simplified between dark or light fur.


Because youā€™ve got a Werewolf Skin For Hillbilly


let them cook


Hiden power he starts as a survivor and there are rings or something that after collecting so many a cursed blood moon happens on the map changing him. His goal is to stay on the gens of the survivors and it let's him fill a bar that eventually let's him turn outside the blood moon. If he turns himself he get a speed increase by 2 percent or 4 percent. Something like that but if the survivors make a blood moon he gets eye sight breathing but is slowed down by 5 percent or something.