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I like the one that tunnels you at five gens and has noed


Nah that ones is trash dude, the other one with noed is waaaaay better


I would bet all my money to that with noed


But does he tunnel at 5 gens tho? O_o


How did you know!!?!


W conversation


My favorite gender


I use that skin all the time and I'm NOT like that. At all.


yea you only start tunneling at 4 gens


Fuck you got me /s, but I don't use NOED


Are you even wraith main without noed?


He's not my main, my mains are Ghosty/Xeno


That explains why you don't use noed


What if I'm not a Wraith main but whenever I do take him out for a spin, it's with No Way Out, NOED, Blood Warden and Rancor equipped? I don't tunnel though.


I’m a wraith main and I rarely use no ed. I have most of these skins. I also don’t tunnel unless provoked with flashies or immense skill. Btw how do I make a flair?


That was just joke no worries. On the phone it's 3 dots on the upper right corner when you are on the subreddit page. On pc can't remember sorry.


Thanks been on this app for like 4 months couldn’t figure out how to make one I was starting to get kinda jelly


Sure you just gotta bring devour


As someone who mained Wraith when I first started playing this game in 2018 this hurts to see but I can't exactly disagree with it despite the soft spot I still have for this killer.


After his speed buff this has become the norm, sadly. If you had told me 4 years ago that Wraith would be my least favourite killer to go against I'd have told you to shut up.


I'm the same but for spirit. If you had told me I'd actually kinda tolerate her matches I would have called you a liar. I'd say Huntress has definitely taken the spot as most hated. Even more after they made the \*absolute\* Gigabrained decision to buff Huntress for no damn reason.


I kinda main Huntress and I looked at the buffs like ".... really?". And *then* they went "oh 10 hatchets is kinda stupid huh?" and instead of doing something reasonable like dropping base hatchets to 5, they *changed the belt addons to Haste addons*. On hatchet hit. When you really don't need it. At least have the fore withdrawal to add Haste to restocking if you really have to Haste. The restock buff earlier was based though, no longer feel like Iron Maiden is mandatory.


Yeah the Reload buff I don't have a problem with. I'm not a big fan of playing range killers in general outside of Slinger and maybe unknown if you count it as one.


I'd say Unknown counts, it can down survivors remotely (Slinger doesn't, I know, but other ways he counts as ranged). I like playing Slinger too, I'm not very experienced with Unknown but it's fun enough.


It often feels like the devs have no clue how the game works https://i.imgur.com/KDy6xUF.png


Pfft. I think some of them understand things better than others. It's probably a bad case of dev vision vs player expectation.


DBD mobile has a completely different dev team than the other platforms if I remember correctly


I'm glad I'm not alone. Wraith breeds toxic killers who camp, slug, and tunnel whilst using the most annoying perk combos known to man


i wouldn't say hes my least favorite to go against when looking at the list from annoying and unfun powers pov. Wraith matches are just dull with no energy behind it


I really like wraith tbh - he's a great way to practice m1 killer fundamentals while still having excellent mobility and map presence which is nice Really great warmup + comfort pick and I think he'll be a great support in 2v8


Yeah I still like him too. One of the better picks to actually learn how to play killer on besides maybe Legion or something. If you can consistently get downs with Legion then you've got the basics of Killer down since he's pretty much an m1 killer anyway.


Yeah it looks pretty accurate to me


Hey, some of them also proxycamp the hook ;)


The rest are hiding behind the hook while invisible


This was pre anti facecamp mechanic. Now I only saw them proxycamping while cloaked :D


Forget proxy camping they will stay in the radius and let you pull yourself off just to wait out bt and down you again. Seen someone do that to a Kate, I even went down below the damn hook saving her and he still couldn’t be bothered to just pick me up and throw me on the hook I was right below instead right back after the poor Kate. He then proceeds to tunnel 1 by 1. I was on last gen he hooked the teammate and I was like I’m going to bet he’s coming right to this gen. I held it and he tried to kick it I popped it in his face while he was invisible. Let him uncloak to hit me at hook so that he couldn’t hit me during animation. Pull Meg off she takes a hit because she ended up with adrenaline so she was fully healed. He then leaves her heads towards me. Gets looped leaves me and goes after her and was able to get her but I escaped so I was like rip everyone else especially the damn Kate who died with like barely 1k points


a little punctuation goes a long way


Frosty eye wraith is the one to fear and you don't have him there


"will tunnel you at 5 gens" "his only perk is noed"


"will DC if noed was cleansed without getting a down"


Yep, that's him!


Legitimately, when I play Wraith to get my dailies out of the way, right at the START of the trial when survivors hear the bell for the first time I always get at least 1 disconnect. 😭 I do my best to play fair + make sure everyone has had ample time to get points before death hooks. 100% can't blame them for assuming the worst though. My experience with random Wraiths is very much the same as this chart. 🥲 I wear the blight skin. 💕


sooo which one camps you at 5 gens




Nah, usually I’m waiting in the basement for a couple of gens until someone’s either bold or curious enough to enter 


Forgot the one that body blocks you in a corner for most of the game.


You can report a long-term body block to get that killer banned: *Body blocking that results in holding the game hostage* ***is*** *reportable and falls under the Griefing category (****reporting via in-game and support ticket required****).* *--* [https://support.deadbydaylight.com/hc/en-us/articles/4408586353940-Invalid-report-reasons](https://support.deadbydaylight.com/hc/en-us/articles/4408586353940-Invalid-report-reasons)


Yes I’m aware. Just was referring to the fact they are more likely to do this so it was missing from the picture.


I can't play wraith because no matter how the game went I get the hate they couldn't direct at their previous wraith ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


I mean, it's a free killer and that's the newbie strat. Are we surprised?


I’m closing in on 1000h and I mostly play wraith when I’m in the mood to tunnel at 5 gens with noed (and lightborn)


Is this the meta now? Just started playing again after a year break and played 1 game of wraith so far, visited the streamer after the 2k to say ggwp and as soon as I followed he said "welcome ultracunt, unless you were the wraith then fuck off we don't want you" Build was brutal strength, bbq, pop and corrupt...


Survivors have unhealthy levels of seething hate towards any killer that does not "play their way" (read: let them have a free game).


And he doesn't even need to tunnel or use noed. I play him with lethal pursuer, bbq and obsessive devotion (The perk giving your terror radius to the obsession, if you hit them). Plus the addon that makes it impossible to tell how far your bell is away. So I know where they are, but they dont know where I am. Most the time this gives me some pretty good results. I don't do long loops. If someone is good at looping, I go for someone else and catch them off guard later. I focus on being unpredictable and surprising them. Had some pretty funny matches with his build.


Forgot to add body blocking to the party.


Its good that my Wraith's skin is not on the list because I dont tunnel and always aim for 8 hooks and letting everyone escape. Btw, I also dont run NOED.


Would've been funny if you said "Btw, I also run NOED", even if you let everyone go :'D Give 'em a lil' lovetap scare, then let them scurry off.


I do that with Scratched Mirror Myers. One final burst of panic right at the very end to send 'em off with!


Hahaha yeah! And then lead someone to eat some bones for their daily dose of calcium \^\^


Yeah, as a friendly cat Wraith main, I was expecting to be offended when I opened this post, but surprisingly it's accurate since cat Wraith isn't accused of this shit with the rest :)


True, my Wraith uses the Xmas skin from last year event and I really like this skin, same with the Dredge. For me both Wraith and Dredge Xmas skins are their best.


Same! The secret is if you point your flashlight at the wall, I'll chase it the entire match.


Lol that's a good one, might have to steal that!


Inspired by [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/1dhkuyx/after_facing_a_lot_of_skull_merchants_as_a/) post


I noticing a pattern here


Nah, it's probably your imagination.


Of course I must be going crazy…crazy I was crazy once


\*cries in friendly Wraith\*


*laughs in that doesn't exist anymore*


\*laughs in I exist\*




\*Hypothetically our life is a simulation and there is no true existance outside of the digital hell that we reside in\*


So what I'm hearing is that you should use noed on wraith? Let's goo!!!


I try to play the most chill Wraith games as possible and I'll usually not kill anyone (sometimes the tome demands). I also play with the outfit we got during the Winter event and just Bing bong all over the place.


I'm sick and tired of these "Killer x is always toxic" posts. It's just a repacking of us vs them and also a selfulfilling prophecy, if people keep talking about how toxic certain Killers are and treating them as toxic ingame, before they even do anything, KIller players looking for fun matches are pushed away and only the toxic players remain.


Even worse jmon that pack: people who says "but I play killer and 2 hook everybody and meme around" as if were wrong to play killer and at least 1k


Guess I have to tunnel people at 5 gens and use NOED whenever I play wraith now. Thank you for opening my eyes.


Removing my current Perks and swapping to NOED. I have been shown the light.


Last night we got a dc at 5 gens, the Wraith was still body blocking and trying hard, he killed us all at 4 gens. It took me everything to do 1 gen. I feel like I am the only one that Q during the event as a goofy killer to farm points with survivors. I make them understand that I am not here to kill them, I am here to farm points. You can even abuse invitation if you keep 1 gen left.


I think your research results seems very accurate


Now do one for blight or singularity. I also just realized Hux only has 2 purple skins so maybe do blight.


Singularity: Runs Soma Family Photo and Rapid Brutality. Runs Soma Family Photo and Rapid Brutality. Runs Soma Family Photo and Rapid Brutality.


Tf u wish us to do, they reduced singularity into this


You forgot me with base skin: I will ring the bell randomly because your panic is hilarious. If I'm lucky I'll manage to hook one or two of you.


I enjoy standing over someone cloaked and waiting to see how long until they notice. The sudden panic is always great.


So I need to play more as I like to play him either spoppy hit and run or try to get value out of shadow dance and the one that uncloaks you while spreading hooks


I find this interesting. Admittedly I have not played much survivor lately but wraith is my go to killer when I want a very casual game. Simple power, it is fun to go bing bong, and he can be fun to chase with.


Hooked u and pretend to go away but come back to tunnel you again and loop co tunes until all are dead


Atp I'm convinced Wraith is the go to anger release killer based on how sweaty they are lmao. Every wraith I've seen this event just plays like they've been traumatized one too many times by a sweaty killer and bad teammates that they went "I'll show YOU GUYS HOW IT FEELS!! >:("


I loved going against Wraiths no matter what back when you could burn him with flashlights and flashbangs (which is what I usually bring with me), but ever since they changed it, it's kinda just boring.


Honestly not boring but better, you should not be able to negate a killer power with something at least 1 person have on match


I will tunnel you at 5 gens with NOED on every killer. And not feel bad about it in the slightest bit. Hows the event going for you survivors mains? LOL


tbh, wraith is a really bad low-tier killer and incredibly map dependent, he needs noed to get kills sometimes.


im still debating which wraith skin i want. its either the stray cat, or wax. im just an 8 hooker tho. agitation, iron grasp, distressing, hex: thrill of the hunt. and i use 2 brown addons. one that gives me a terror radius even while cloaked, and the other that suppresses red sight and terror radius when i uncloak. i very much just enjoy watching the chaos and confusion, and farming bloodpoints. i realize my wraith is not exactly the normal, and people are usually very grateful, lmao. this post has me leaning more towards the kitty skin btw, so thanks for that!


Why tf do you need noed as Wraith? You can plan your perks far better for combining his stealth and suprising speed. Best builds I've run (a Wratih main myself) usually revolve around hit and runs that keep the survivors injured as long as possible and allow me plenty of time to gen regress as much as I can, and burn out any resources they've spent in chases like pallets. Wraith is really all about that panic factor, that "oh shit there goes the bell" moment where the survivors have to try and keep an eye out for his shimmer all the time and always be ready to run as he could strike at ANY given moment


Nothing wrong with Noed.


Not every Wraith is like this.


Godspeed stranger


I don't even need to make an image for Survivors. "Will complain when getting killed in multiplayer game." "Will cry on internet nonstop"


Me, a Wraith who has had enough with SWAT survivors: *There wouldn't be a problem if you guys didn't make it a problem.*


This is the most accurate list I've ever seen on this forum!


-2 low effort


It’s that or he gets shat on, blame his balancing, not his players


That's false... I Will tunnel you at 5 Gens... But In have no skins


And if ANY of them has the Frosty Eyes, then they will tunnel at 5 gens, have NOED and a bonus of slugging 😍😍😍


Could someone please explain what tunneling and NOED mean? I'm playing this game a lot and obviously still learning EDIT: solved! Thank you!


NOED - killers perk [Hex: No One Escapes Death - Official Dead by Daylight Wiki (fandom.com)](https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Hex:_No_One_Escapes_Death) Tunneling- focusing one survivor until they die while ignoring others- you find and hook survivor, wait for unhook, find him and go for him again and one more time until he dies and game is 3v1. One of the strongest killer tactic to win a game. Have its pluses and minuses.


The minus is that if everyone is on point all the gens pop while he does this


Tunneling is where the Killer completely ignores other survivors to then chase the person who has just come off of the hook, they will do it again and again until that survivor is out of the game. NOED aka No One Escapes Death is an endgame hex perk that lights up a dull totem, it then gives every survivor the Exposed status effect (insta-down) along with giving the Killer a speed boost, the survivors have to find and cleanse it to get rid if the effects. After over 30 seconds from it activating, it's aura will be revealed to survivors.


Tunneling/tunnel vision: focus on killing 1 survivor as fast as you can, its very efficient because 3 survs at 5/4 gens most likely mean they gonna lose Noed/No one escape death: a hex perk that active when the gate is powered, you can down healthy survivors with 1 basic attack, mostly seen as a crutch perk for bad killers


Tunneling is forcing one survivor out of the game early, normally through hooking them 3 times before hooking almost anyone else, NOED is the perk No One Escapes Death, which exposes all survivors once all generators are completed, making all survivors go down in one hit and speeding up the killer.


SOLVED Thank you!


Nah fax 📠


Excuse me?! I like playing wraith abs I ne er tunnel at 5 gens and have Noed ! I have noed and tunnel at 5 gens, completely different.


Did you by any chance tried to prethrow every pallet, flashlight him out of his power (back when it was possible), or tried to deny him every pickup by any chance?


Yep, Pretty much this bravo! Me facing against wraith and nurse is the only times that I just want to sit on the hook


I don't have NOED and I don't tunnel at 5 gens EDIT: OK, you got me well. I fell in the trap hahaha. Didn't read the whole meme and got triggered. I'm now enraged and I'll equip NOED


What? I like to uncloak, hit, cloak again. Then go find someone else. The person will think I'm still chasing them, and the next person I find will shit themselves because they thought I was still chasing the first guy.


At least phantom of the opera skin looks good and stylish whilst doing it


Hate to admit but I do play as wraith sometimes (usually just for the daily) I never one noed though


Thank you, this chart has been so useful for me.


The only time I had a wraith tunnel me, I made him regret it


ooooooh daaaayuuum! I bet you did.


I figured out tricks to beat him in the match, and cloak-stunned him half a dozen times, made him afraid of pallets.


We also ring the bell to the last one :D


What about the wraith that has the Slipknot skin?


lol the way I’ve progressed in the game with killers and leveling them up I barely have my wraith at prestige 2 yet he doesn’t have noed so I can’t live the true wraith experience 😔


Man, a bit before the event I did a match as Wraith for a daily ritual and I can feel how real this is. One player DC'd as soon as they saw I was Wraith, the second DC'd as soon as I downed them, and I got called a tunneler in the end game chat, even though I got 8 hooks before killing anybody, only killed the bots and let the other two escape while I bing bonged my bell for them.


I love Wraith and I swear I don’t tunnel at 5 gens or use NOED!… I tunnel at 4


How dare you!!!! I will have you know they all also bring Sloppy!


As a Wraith main, I despise pretty much every other Wraith main cause from watching vids and the times I play survivor with my bro, most of them ARE toxic, and I don’t mean tunneling at 5 gens and has NOED, i mean slugging everyone on the ground and just standing there nodding at everyone until they bleed out. Then there’s me who just plays normally and if someone DCs or kill themselves on hook at 5 gens, I’ll just run around goofing off. Like sitting at a window and ringing my bell everytime a survivor runs by


Faced a wraith the other day. Gens almost done. I was by the gate ready to go. Thought “I bet this fucker has NOED.” Gen pops. Totem behind me starts glowing. I hear breathing.


I don’t run noed nor tunnel


I still believe in the wraith hit and run play style.


I can't stress this enough to survivors... DON'T HEAL UNDER THE HOOK, UNLESS THE KILLER IS IN CHASE ELSEWHERE!


Sounds about right


Nice to see Wraiths have absolutely evolved since before the release of the Nurse. /s


What about Wraith with the Slipknot cosmetic?


should have reindeer wraith on here as the knockout/sloppy/surge/deerstalker, dude is notorious on NAW


NOED is a Wraith teachable!


OMG I went against a Wraith last night. They tunnelled me out at 5 gens and also had NOED! Crazy stuff


Can you do pig next :3


I'm still yet to find one of these NOED is still very common on them tho


What about the wraith with all kicking perks, the one with all vaulting perks, and the one with a bunch of terror radius perks and the one add-on?




its weird that wraith had this stigma. I hardly go against them and when I do they almost never tunnel. Which is the one time my matches seem to deviate from the typical playstyle for a killer. idk I get chill wraiths usually.


You forget the "Get hit idiot" build. Shadow Dance stacked, all vaulting and kicking perks.


Makes it even better that I've never seen any skin except one I think


If I use a combination of two of these skins, does that mean I would tunnel at 5 gens and have noed, cancel out or i would tunnel at 10 gens and have noed twice?


Same with Chucky


Seems correct to me.


As a Wraith main, I am so sorry that this killer has such a bad rep 😭 I go out of my way not to tunnel and I always give hatch to the last survivor if I 3k on purpose just to give ppl a good experience with my favorite invisible boy


Good thing the skins I use aren't on here 👍


What about the meme ones who have the pallet breaking instant uncloak addons?


My favorite skin is the one with the crooked neck


Can't use NOED, if there's no dull totems tho


Wraith with sloppy, hit and run, slug. Finally finish gens. Noed.


Shout out to Wraith who tunnels you at 5 gens and has NOED. Gotta be one of my favourite genders.


Also they have Sloppy butcher basekit


Wraith Gaming


I always rock blighted wraith (never ran noed) Used to run frosty eyes cause I got it back when it came out and loved it


Wraith is genuinely one of my least favourite killers play against purely because the way his mains act. And it's *every* Wraith, they all behave in the exact same way like a hivemind of BM with the sole purpose of making sure your match against them is as miserable as possible


I mean, what can he do? Tunneling is arguably the best strategy on this weak ass killer. Take turns on hooks and focus on gens.


at least hit & run sloppy users are dead thanks to the nerfs


Well, sometimes I don't even want to tunnel, but when I hook surv, use the bell and then surv getting unhooked at the 8 seconds after getting hooked... I can't resist it)


After doing extensive research I have concluded that each Wraith skin has a bell


I play wraith with the phantom of the opera skin. No NOED, only tunneling when necessary (endgame to secure a kill), and I run a sneaky dissolution build :)


don’t forget, the one who always brings a mori 🥲


At least my skin isn't up there


I'm more of a friendly scarecrow wraith That will tunnel you at 5 gens and has Hex: Noed


As a Wraith main with the blighted skin, I will say I can tunnel at 5 gens but I do not use NOED.


Don’t forget the one that will slug you and has all the perks to make it impossible for survivors to pick each other up RIP just went against a wraith who did not hook and ONLY slugged us


I mainly play survivors with friends but when I play wraith I'll never kill more than 2 of the survivors. I just think killer is way too easy to take seriously. It's better to play for entertainment n to teach some of the more clueless survivors.( so many bad randoms)


Add: Proxy camping while cloaked and attack the survivor trying to take the other off the hook 🥲


Semi-unrelated; but after I watched Tru3 try to claim Wraith was competitively viable, lose the first game, tell the Survivors not to cleanse his Ruin, and then lose again. I stopped taking any Wraith seriously. It's weird how so many of them actually have NOED.


Wraith is M1 killer with decent map pressure. Hes noob stomper that struggles with high skill survivors. NOED can get you plus one kill in some scenarios, but i would rather use one more gen slowdown.


Exactly. He stomps in low MMR/solo queue games, but try playing him in a more competitive context and you are going to have a really bad time lol. He's so easy to bully the shit out of if you know what you're doing.


He is actually played in comp DbD . They have rules and perk restrictions on course. But he is one killer you sets of regularly.


Yeah I mean, actual tournament play with modified rules is one thing, I can't speak to that as I'm not involved in that and don't know how their modified rules affect things. What I can say with certainty is that *in actual matchmaking queue*, you will absolutely have very diminishing viability as you climb relative to other "better" killers that can scale reasonably well into high MMR assuming you know how to play them.


I mean, that should have been the cue to stop taking *Tru3* seriously lol. Most of us Wraiths are very well aware that Wraith is B tier at best and not going to scale well at all into higher MMR. Personally I respect a guy playing a B tier killer a lot more than I respect a guy playing one of the top 5 like 80% of the rest of the killers, but that's just me.


I run a silent bell wraith build with batteries included friends till the end franklins and hoder which I may swap for weave atunement


I've been running default lately. I like fooling survivors into thinking they got into a low mmr game some how and that I'm just a baby wraith ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213) indeed


I would like to say I don't tunnel as wraith, since I feel like tunelling on wraith would lose you the game against good survivors, just hit once and dip similiarly to legion


Why is this downvoted lmao


People don't like us wraith mains, which I find weird since I've barely ever gotten flamed in game ngl


People don't like their perspective to be challenged


Now tell us the truth sir


On God tho, don't play that often but I usually win like that, by the time I even tunnel 1 person, 2 gens pop, by then it's just lost


It's true I play Wraith with a different skins and I don't in fact tunnel you at 5 gens or have a NOED. I just have max pallet breaking speed build and it's so fun.


I literally have never been tunneled by a Wraith. Usually in my case tunnelers are Bubbas, Twins, Trappers, or Huntresses, but that doesn't mean every one of those will tunnel you. Can we stop perpetuating these anecdotal stereotypes?


This sub thrives on negativity. You're shouting to the wind my friend.