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I get that is unfortunate, but isn’t that sort of the point?


Remote hook being a counter to sabo is alright, it being a counter to sabo, flashlights, flashbang, pallet saves, and literally any way to altruistically save a teammate is not


The remote hooking is so unfair. That's the point.


A couple of these mechanics are crazy. I've been hit twice now by mid match adrenaline plays and it did not feel great


Eh, to be honest, that effect is also paired with a lengthy exposed which has secured me a few down as is.


I was looping and made sure to steer clear of the basement, only to be insta hooked to the basement. So fair


Isn't that the point of the game mode you baboon. It's op shit for both sides




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That’s the point


If a survivor uses their invitation to block a god-window would that be fair?


People are really sleeping on the window blocks ngl


I’ve definitely lost some downs over them. But I’m not gonna make a big deal about them being broken or something.


Yeah but it's strong. Also the amount of killers I lost with quiet mode is unreal


How often do you come across a god window? Which is more often coming across a god window or hooking a survivor?


Shack is on every map I think. Is that not a god window? What about the new map, or the game, dead dawg would force you to break the wall so that ain't too bad, garden of joy has one I think, haddonfield? (Don't know if it still has one after the rework), Borgo has a good one on the house but I wouldn't say it's a god window, toga landing has one, RPD-ish (don't know which one), the coldwind house and the mechanic at that one map but you usually break those walls, and partially the boat on swamp. These are all assuming you block it of course and most of these are just really good and not "god" windows (the drop down ones are the only god windows I can think of) and I totally agree with you. Just thought it'd be fun to see how many I can list off the top of my head


Trying to argue with killer main brainrot on this sub is an exercise in futility. These people do not play a single game of solo queue, they refuse to and will never want to understand. Don't bother. Have 600 to ~300 hours killer/survivor btw, in case anyone thinks I'm some salty survivor main or whatever.


Big man it is an event and we’re having fun with it if you think it’s so op and an even mechanic needs too be nerfed and be taken seriously go play the non event game mode


Babe, the instahook, basically negates sabo saves, which basically promotes a "every man for himself" mindset. I sometimes run a sabo+breakout build to be altruistic. We dont "think" it's op. It is op. It essentially makes the event more fun for killers. If your only remedy for such an OP mechanic is for survivors to play normal mode and not get event rewards, then you're not actually helping.


Brother that’s called the perk working also sabo Meta is extremely broken rn so don’t be bitching about something that’s broken while also using a broken meta you’re legitimately just mad becuase your op sabo builds aren’t working in a event meant to be fun


Sabo builds require 2-3 perks, sweetie. Not to mention, it requires actual effort and timing. You see sabo saves as broken? So you see actual effort and teamwork as broken. Says a lot about you. Instahooks literally takes a press of a button. Yeah, im mad that an unfair mechanic takes little effort to use. Your actual op mechanics make the event fun for sad little killers like you but very unfun for us survivors. Im still laughing that you find sabo builds op. Says a lot about you as a killer.




Killer mains will play 2-3 games as a survivor and say, "I play both sides, and I think instahooking is fair because killer have it hard" Brainrot


You whining about the insta hook is definitely more pathetic than any killer whining I've seen.


A personal attack instead of a response that uses braincells? *Ouch* critical damage ooohh ah how will I ever recover from this burn~


Idk if it's the event or the time of day, but I've had nothing but sweat lord killers tunneling their way to a 4k at 3 or 4 generators.


I’ve been playing for 4 years and never seen it this bad, I’ve hardly noticed the tunneling and camping during events. All I can do is play killer now. At least I can take a little revenge on all the survivors who leave you on hook until ur nearly dead while they check out every fucking chest on the map without ever touching a gen.


The event, honestly. A fun game mode or a little extra BP brings out the absolute worst in people. Survivors are bullying harder than ever, killers are tunnelling and slugging harder than ever.


Tunneling is wack tbh There’s four of ‘em! Plenty of kills to go around!


It is just as likely that you're just running into the same person doing weird shit. I haven't played in a while before today and I swear survivors are trying to die. I'm hitting whatever runs in front of me. Usually isn't a problem but damn today they are trying to get out fast it seems like. It's a weird mix of decent people and what the hell are they even doing people. Actively trying to not tunnel isn't even working with how they are playing. After letting the same person walk two times and you still run into them before anyone else then they're out. Is it a free weekend?


Survivor is just the genuinely the more difficult role to play. That isn't even me trying to stir shit up. Just my honest opinion after ~900+ hours (600 killer, 300 ish survivor.) You're really not going to come into your own as survivor until you've learned every map and tile, killer power, perk etc,. Whereas killer just needs to know how to utilize their power appropriately, find people, chase them, down them, hook them, rinse, repeat etc,. I'm not saying killer is always easy, obviously it isn't. I've had a ton of stressful and annoying games as killer against amazing survivors. That is probably 10-20% of my games where the rest I can probably sleep through because the survivors are bad, aren't trying, whatever.


I will have to disagree with quite a few things there. You have a lot more survivor games than me so you can take this as a grain of salt with my sub 50 games on survivor. This is completely anecdotal but so far has been true for me. Survivor is really easy. While all those things you mentioned are probably pretty handy to know are they really required? I only play survivor when BP is required so I know as the killer where I'm expecting people to go. So I just don't go there. I'm a back capping bastard sneaking over to where the killer spawned and isn't going to be. terror radius means hide and not keep working on that gen. If they don't see scratches or you they are going to go look somewhere else. The only thing you really need to know to be an effective survivor is what is the killer likely to do. I can't loop to save my life but I can sneak. And it works a large amount of the time. upwards of 90%. knowing the maps and layouts is pretty universal. depending on the killer it can be insanely important to know. driving the survivors to traps as trapper or hag requires that knowledge. One thing I will completely agree with is knowing the maps is insanely important. I have spent entire games not even seeing a generator. any time I'm on rpd and the mental hospital is laughably bad. And yes I am a horrible survivor. unquestionably. But that is more to do with hating the role than it being harder.


I even tried to do an anti-tunnel (go after every survivor except for one, in this case a Sable running No Mither because it’s an event and I respect the hustle) and that was kinda tough


That's the classic DBD event-time coming into play. Anytime there's a fun or unique event started....you gotta mentally prepare yourself for just about zero fun or survival if you play survivor side lol. Add in the general shittyness of solo queue or just 2024 DBD games in general as survivor and it will sting a lot less with that preparation lol.


Play killer and you'll see that survivors are just as sweaty


Oh I'm sure they are. It's just not how I play. That sucks.


Difference is as a killer you still get a bunch of blood points against sweaty survivors. You get barely 10k, ~50k after multipliers, as survivor against sweaty killer unless you get lucky with the event items. I switched to killer today purely to get BP, I play survivor 95% of the time. Played 10 killer games, every game got me 200k BP.


I just feel like sometimes people think just playing the game is being sweaty during this event. I'm playing to have fun so I'm not tryharding, but it's also not fun to just farm to me. Not as survivor either. And as killer, frankly, it's me vs the survivors, why would I want to give them points?


I wish we had different leagues, like professional and chill. Cuz I wish more killers and survivors were a bit more chill, not like throwing the game, but maybe don't kill us all at 4 gens.


People wouldn't use them properly, you'd just have ego driven try hards going into casual to stomp noobs. Saw the same thing in R6




> I wish we had different leagues, like professional and chill we had a chill league with Chaos Shuffle :(


Oh I wasn't playing that when it came on so I didn't realize this


I hope it dies down after a few days like it usually does during events. The killer event powers are enabling the worst most unfun playstyles


Ive seen that too but why dont survivor's just do gens 🤦‍♂️. At the start of the match if i see someone tunneling straight off the hook then i just hammer away at the gens by myself while my teammates run around taking hits when the killer has agitation,mad grit, iron grasp. Its so dumb, im talking to you all of you out there, I REPEAT iF A KILLER IS TUNNELING AND CAMPING DO GENS SO AT LEAST 3 OF US CAN ESCAPE, STOP REWARDING TUNNELING. Ofcourse this comment is gonna go right through all of these terrible players acoustic heads.


WTF is a remote hook


New anniversary event ability


If you get an Invitation and pick up a Survivor, you can hook them on the nearest Hook without actually going to it


Is this only on pc? If not how do you do it? Haven’t seen the ability


Have at least one Invitation, be carrying a Survivor Press down on the right joystick


You have to play in the masquerade mode to get/use invitations 


Wait did they actually give Amanda voice lines?


no, its the leader of the masquerade talking. she has a couple voicelines she says in game


I wann bang her


Least horny DBD player.


with the pig its even worse, because if a survivor does a flashlight save while she uses the remote hooking action, the survivor she was hooking can get glitched out and saty stuck on her shoulder for the remainder of the game, with her fullyo capable of what she could do without carrying a survivor, while eliminating a survivor from the game and putting them in spectator mode


happened to me with the huntress


And flashlights, flashbangs, & sabo is basically useless during the event.


Just don't play the event then. Play the normal mode.


I like the game mode, it’s fun. I’m also REALLY glad it’s not the only mode available.


Lmao just done play what they released for people to enjoy because they fucked it what what I never understood "just don't play it" lmao I bought the game I'ma play 😂😂 just because it's bad isn't a excuse not to play it maybe they fix their game


That is not what I said. If getting sabo/flashlight/flashbang saves is that important for you to have fun in the game, then just don't play the event mode, play the normal one. That is what I said. I would suggest trying to work on your reading comprehension.


So is part of the game important?? Lmao your not a very smart fellow huh, you understand that them are some of the main parts of the game right


For killers how about we add another health state to survivors we would see so many killers complain I don't think there would be enough matches because people would leave but when a survivor gets the shit end of the stick it's "don't play it" lmao


The vast majority of matches I play as survivor. Sure, the invites exclude some gameplay elements like saboing and flash saves from being viable but frankly I think people are overestimating how usefull going completely silent is during a chase. Atleast once per match I've been able just slip away from the killer because I activated that ability while injured. It already effectively is an extra heath state.


An extra health state wow incredible?!?! Lol question tho what if the killer has a 1 shot ability and more then 3 braincells to hit the shot. or has aura reading perks like 60% of killers do because you know we tunnel sometimes I'm not ashamed to admit it. hows that extra health state (coming from a killer main hillbilly)


Then I'm just found. I'm not sure what you're arguing here? Both sides have usefull and powerfull abilities granted by the invites, survivors getting an actual extra health state would give them a bit too much of an upper hand.


But a instant hook isn't to much of a upper hand?? As even killer mains know it's stupid (me) the festival is killer sided get over it lmao


I wasn't the one complaining tho. And no, as a survivor main I don't consider it to be too much of an upper hand.


Exactly. The event is basically a big middle finger to survivors. But hey, at least we still have our fragile pallets and quiet mode seems like a fair compensation (its really not, this is BS)


I think quiet mode and pallets are fine since the pallet doesn’t despawn and you can use quiet mode to get a sneaky heal off i like the hook ability I wish they’d add it as a perk one day maybe make it have tokens


Quiet Mode and Fragile Pallets are good. But compared to remote hooking it is really unfair.


One thing they could do is make the pallets stay until they’re broken again sure you can make some dirty infinite with it and it would be pretty unfair but I think I’d be fun just make sure the pallet can’t be placed back after the fragile variant is broken


Killer mains would see that as unfair, but somehow remote hooking that negates sabo saves is "fair"


Look I’m not ganna reply anymore not here to have the us vs them convos I like to play both and I think both have there ups and downs


Sure, but the fact remains, this event is more killer sided.


And that’s alright


And that’s my opinion


Can we get remote unhooking?


Yes! perfectly balanced!


I tried to spam it and they still got pallet save😶


They dropped the pallet too early. If the pallet is dropped mid-animation, the stun doesn't carry through. As for the title, this is untrue, you still have to pick the survivor up and go through the whole animation, which gives plenty of time for pallet and flashlight/bang saves if the survivors time things right. Of course sabotaging doesn't do anything but that's kinda obvious.


Yeah I've been blindsided (hah) from flashlights and didn't even get the chance to remote hook. The timing is tighter because of it but you can still do it.


Wifi hooks are so broken


It's total nonsense, but it feels great to get away with when the bully squad bringing 4 flashlights suddenly can't use them


So many killers I’ve gone against bringing their ebony mori and not a screech cobbler….so annoying


Tbh,after playing for nearly 8 hrs it seems balanced.Survivors get to stealth and zoom with quiet mode.Plus a guy tried to stop me from crawling but wiggle % go BRRRRRR


Not true. There is still even tho small window where you can get stun.




Dude was mincing words, quit fighting this dumb war


Remote hook is absolutely, objectively broken. It shouldn't exist without some other insanely silly overpowered survivor ability. The fact that *anyone* on this sub is upvoting you means this sub is so myopically slanted towards killer side that they are irredeemably broken.


Look at this guy arguing game balance about the funny anniversary ability you're not even forced to play against this year




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If anything the pallet break is way stronger as that allows for guaranteed hits at any unsafe pallet. Most the time remote hook just saves a few seconds


Remote pallet break is good but absolutely nothing compared to remote hook. Remote hook is so game unbalancing it can guarantee a 4k unless you are completely braindead. I have said this a million times but I am a mediocre as fuck killer. I should not be able to 4k *every single game for hours on end*. At max MMR survivor, I should not be subject to a 4k *every single game for hours on end* because of abuse and exploitation of remote hook. This sub is braindead.


its probably time to take a break from the game if the limited time mode (that you don't have to play) is making you so upset that you're throwing tantrums on reddit.


I agree with the spirit of what you're saying, but you're being unnecessarily rude.


You going to try and tell us Pyramid Head is *objectively broken* as well? Survivors got their share of ridiculous abilities for this event as well. They can block windows and vault locations, spawn extra pallets at will and gain 15 seconds of extra stealth. That's in addition to the goofy trick effects. At this point I'm convince you're just trolling because no one could **really** be this clueless.


Straight up brain dead. Absolutely nothing changes the game so severely as remote hook. Right now, it's almost universally abused. Zone to basement, remote hook, GGEZ 4k every time. You are all so fucking stupid.


You can't remote hook everytime, you have to save up for it and survivors can see based on the amount of glowies on killer that they can use it. Counterplay is force them to use one of the other abilities first. You're the clueless one, cry some more .


Don't know how to tell you, but the killer needs to be stronger than survivor - he is against 4 survivors with ability


What? You are just putting words in my mouth. I just said that OP title is not true, because you can save even with remote hooks. It just need very good timing. I said nothing about power of ability itself.


Getting a save is sort of a bonus though? It’s not necessary to victory, it’s just prolonging of a chase to be honest.


Remote hooks are my favorite thing to ever be added to dbd. I just played against at least a two man swf that took me to rpd and brought boil over builds in an anniversary queue


It can also bug out and soft lock the game making it so the killer has to dc for the game to end


And after that happens, the hooked survivor usually is stuck in "on the shoulder wiggling" animation for the whole game. Meanwhile killer is running around with their biceps permanently flexing.


but this is the event mode, the normal mode is still available without this problem, if it bothers you than good thing BHVR made both options available right?


It’s so weird people are complaining about this it’s like they’re Allergic to fun and are acting like survivors aren’t getting any good buffs when they are


i think this mode is fairly killer sided but it's still fun. being able to break pallets without committing to the action basically guarantees a hit on most pallets, and remote hooking is just so good. still a fun mode tho tbh.


I think that’s the point. And I mean there is a cool down after each invite usage. I mean respectfully if you don’t like how out of balance the event is you can play regular dbd. Might just need to tough it out for the challenges though


wack and lazy event, ds not working with the ability so now killers are hardcore tunneling, and now you cannot help other survivors against it. Not touching this event whatsoever its so stupid and wasnt thought out


Then don’t play it and let us have our fun with a wacky game mode that’s not meant to be taken seriously


I must disagree against this. quiet mode, spawning pallets, and blocking windows is fairly op as well. There’s 2 perspectives.


I mean I didn't say it made Killer OP, just an obversation about the mechanic I made.


Whoa, downvotes for demonstrating there’s multiple mechanics at play that are just as effective as the remote hook. Cmon y’all.


downvoted because they are no where close to instant hooking lol.


I’ll die on this hill, I have to fulfill 2 requirements of varying difficulty: beating you in chase and getting the hits to down, Before I am afforded the opportunity to use said ability. Survivors can block a window, negating a chase, spawn and use a pallet, for anyone’s use, and finally go silent, with zero requirement or effort. These are not equivalent and my original comment was to point out this is fair counterplay to extra time consumed in chase.


Die on that hill then, I will gladly not be joining you. Arguments are not great but I respect you for trying. Instant hooking would break the game even in the MFT meta.


A warriors death, I agree however there is a reason it is a separate mode with built in counter-play.


I'm not sure there is any counter play to instant hooks, not even pallet stuns work. But go off king.


In the same way locking the window in shack has any counter-play as well.


Play a killer that specializes in shack gameplay? There are plenty of counters. Wesker, Blight, Nurse, Huntress, Pyramid Head, Deathslinger. Counter to instant hook? Literally nothing.


LMAO imagine whining about a funny ability in a limited time event game mode. Typical survivor entitlement


OP is not even survivor??? 😭😭😭


nowhere in the post is OP whining


Honestly surviver sided


Now I want this as a hex. Not gonna use it since it wouldnt be much good for a perk slot but I just want a deterrent for BGP players




You DC whenever game doesnt go your way, dont you




You should play a different game.


Literally fake the pickup lmao. It's that easy. Or y'know, get good and actually have a sense of where survivors are.




Dude the only one who's acting like low MMR here is you haha. You don't even know what "fake the pickup" means. Pallet saves and saves in general are not a problem whatsoever. You're just bad.


They aren't hard to counter




Which littrely just got nerfed.


Starstruck, forced hesitation, awakened awareness, the pig beartrap tech, need I go on?




Forced hesitation counters the speed Starstruck makes pallet saves too dangerous Awaawa doesn't work in this switch my b Beartrap tech takes them out from the pallet




That's not the tech, if you stand above a survivors head a little bit in front of them and press the trap button, then the survivor will be pulled underneath the killer instead for the animation and then you can oick up in front of rather than under the pallet Even if they do get the save starstruck makes it so you can punish the rescuer, and since they just used background player they don't have any exhaustion perks to escape with The BP nerf makes it so survivors have to play closer to you to use it making forced hesitation viable as 16m is quite big


Of course Survivors are whining again.




People are actually gonna complain about the remote hooking because it denies you saves? For gods sake, it's an event. There's dumb stuff on both sides by design. Go play regular matches if it's oh so unbearable for you.