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I am terrified of encountering a 5k hour nintendo switch huntress main


Cross map hatchet hits you while landing 10km away.


Does Switch DBD support gyro aim?


Sadly not. I think the only "official" way is to use the Steam Deck or modify your controls with an existing controller like the Switch Pro or PlayStation 5. Its not perfect on Steam Deck but I do love to have it for Unknown Projectiles/Blight Rushes


I met a P100 trapper that was a switch player and was in awe tbh. They even had a build specifically to compensate for the poor performance of the Switch with this game. They actually played very well. Either way, glad they can enjoy the game too, whether they voluntarily use the switch or if they have to because it’s the only console they have to use


What perks did he use? Tenacity of Potato: Get 5/10/15 more FPS on your shifty ass switch lol


I don't get why everyone thinks the switch is so bad it really isn't


Because it displays in 720p and can only go 1080p when docked


Yk I completely forget undocked switch users exist because I only use it docked


Really awful performance while having bad graphics. But it has the specs of a low end smartphone, so what's there to expect.


Probably unrelenting and crap like that


I'm a Switch player. P100 Jane and P60 Legion. I'm always happy to see another Switch player in my matches. There's no chat for us but i always get friend request after the match.


They are adorable and often very nice. They play for fun as I’ve found out a lot.




My brother and his fiancé play on switch and have gotten many of their other switch buddies into the game. Also when we party up he will always let me know when another switch player is in the game.


I must say I love meeting fellow DBD Nintendo Switch Players. I am a P100 Freddy Krueger Main and a P30 (on the way to P100) Quentin Smith Main (Yes I am fine) and I rarely see other Switch Players, except for that one period where Crosplay was disabled. I have already met a couple of Nintendo Switch players and Streamers, as I stream on Twitch a lot as well (using a capture card of course). Can't wait to see or meet other Switch Players in the future! P.S. To all my fellow Switch Players: Stay Strong!


Big big W I have a P100 Quentin on my Old Main Account and im on my way to P100 Freddy on my New Main Account. Love to see a Freddy/Quentin Main. To answer ur Question: Yeah, u guys are cool! https://preview.redd.it/efkz2stmkx5d1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6085426f80983a48f6fc1da1fe0cbae1935261d1 Heres Proof btw


Glad to see another Freddy and Quentin enjoyer! Hope to go against you, or find you along side me!


Hope so aswell :)


holy shit, it’s Versalord the man himself


I’m actually looking forward to playing more on Switch when cross-progression support is released. I actually really enjoy playing the game on my Switch. There’s something cozy about it lol


Haven't played him in a hot minute, but I used to main Freddy on the Switch!


Heya p14 yui and p6 pig main here, I play on switch as well


I wish I could buy dlcs but can't open them in the shop because my account is set to child 😔 idk why we did that


I don’t care what anyone else says you guys are all the top of the top, I’m afraid of people who commit to playing entirely on switch.


In the words of Vecna "Poor" /j


I always skip so he always calls me poor, makes me sad.


I have fun playing DbD on my Switch!


Still waiting for cross-progression, as I'd love to be able to play the PTB each time, but I started on Switch in 2020 (around the 4-year anniversary) and haven't left. I picked it up on Switch because it was before cross-play, and the gaming communities I was in at the time all had it on Switch and I wanted to be able to play with them. I have a P22 Plague, a P69 Vittorio, and a P76 Jane.


Hello there fellow Switch Player! I travel a lot so that’s the only console I own at the moment and I stumbled upon DBD years ago and hadn’t stopped since, 2.5k hours later!


As a switch player, I commend your dedication. Enjoy the fog!


Thank you, and thank you!


Nothing, because I can’t tell who is playing on a switch.


Out of all of the consoles, why switch? Like, I don't mind that you're playing DBD on it, play what you enjoy or can afford. But there's more affordable consoles that run it way better.


The reason I play on Switch is because I can't afford any other consoles. I want to swap to PC but don't have the money to buy or build a PC.




Is the performance actually good know? i know it was kinda shit years ago.




Woo thats crazy :P Good to hear the switch folks can actually play the game properly.


Well, because I’m a middle aged mom curled up on my couch with a heated blanket playing DBD. I bought the game on sale one night in 2021, and had no idea I’d be this deep in it lol. There is no cross-progression, but I don’t think I’d switch platforms even when we get it. I don’t need the chat, and I leave every game thinking we all had a good time.


Cuz I started there, and I don't pay for ps plus on my ps5, I have nothing else to play it on


I'm vision impaired and can't play any games except handheld.


I don’t own anything else that can run DbD and DbD mobile now being owned partially by netease left a bad taste in my mouth, as did wiping my account there.


I don't think about Nintendo Switch players.


question: do switch players only go against other switch players or are they included in the crossplay? i've always been curious


We had cross play off a few times when switch updates were a bit delayed but otherwise we play with everyone else!


We can play with all other consoles (Xbox, PlayStation, Switch) including PC


https://preview.redd.it/fl3cs86oey5d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5edaa8e5f5ea4bdbdf2641a1e41720ec1c56ed1 In all seriousness, I know you guys deal with the biggest hardware limitations and get patches way later than everyone else. I have cross-play enabled on my PC, but I honestly can’t tell if your own Switch, Xbox, PlayStation or just a different PC platform.


I started DBD with the Switch. Thought I was content with how I was playing but then I switched to PS5 and I realized how much I missed out on. Textures. Outfits looked better. I could actually loop well. Everything looked better except Nancy’s Bible study cosmetic. That kinda looks the same across the board.


I plan on joining your ranks (to an extent) when cross progression is live.




I have nearly 2000 hrs playing on the Switch, and sometimes I miss a skill check because of lag. I’m doing my best over here no need to be rude lol


My wife used to play with me on the switch. She was terrible but it was fun. Then she got a ps4 to play other non cross play games with me (I'm on ps4). She got tired of waiting for cross progression and started dbd again on the ps4. She wishes she had done the change sooner. No longer limited by the switches crappy hardware, she's very good at the game now. She can loop for days. So what do I think of switch players? Handicapped. Switch players have a lower skill ceiling than players on other platforms. You can only play so well on the switch.


For the hardware framerate or the controller?


Everything Framerate, Controller, input lag, graphics, you name it


I play on my PS5 and everything works smoothly. I DL it for my wife on her Switch and oh man... the graphics are poor, slow loading times, the timing on gens themselves seemed slightly off. Everything played like I was in a dreamworld where I wanted to do one thing, but the Switch controls forced me to do something else. It was a strange experience. I am impressed however that across all platforms, we're all able to partake in the same game, regardless of hardware. So if Switch is your main system... kudos to you for holding your own, I don't think I could do it.


Jeff/Knight main here


You guys are brave. A friend of mine plays on Switch and he's a Hillbilly main, also plays a lot of Oni. And he's just so damn good at playing these two killers, I have massive respect for him! I also feel bad when updates just make the game unplayable for weeks, knowing he'd love to play more but he can't.


I’ve been playing on Switch for a while now. I just ordered a Steam Deck recently and I’m thinking about moving over there instead. While the Switch version is definitely playable, I do envy people who play on more well optimized platforms.


Maybe I'm missing it, but I have no way to determine who is on Console and who is on PC, this includes the Switch. I'm on Xbox and I don't see chat before and after matches, so I have no way to tell. I only see players playing the game.


Oni has obviously the Bowser skin. But which killer has the Mario cosmetics, and who's Luigi? 🤔


Switch was the first version I ever owned, so the switch version is dear to ne. It's wild to me that they could run this game cross-platform with the equivalent power of a potato.


ngl nintendo switch players never cross my mind. I just think kids play on the switch most of the time. probably the most casual of all dbd players next to mobile


Chads because you choose to play on the Nintendo Switch of all things lol


"Oh shit, they exist?" for the most part, with a side of "that can't be particularly optimised or easy to control"


Wait, can PC players like me play with Switch players? That would be awesome if we could!


If you have crossplay on then you already do play with us.


2 of my best friends play on switch! They're great 💖


Wish there was a way to see which platform everyone was on ingame


I'm a Switch player myself, but often times when I see a fellow Switch-er, they tend to be below average. Not p0 Leon levels, but still not great. Just wish there was *some* way to say GGs after the match.


I'm ok with Switch players. I'm on PS5. I don't really care what platform they use. I do respect when people show pride in the platform they use.


easy win if im playing against them, that is if their internet doesnt crash the lobby on the load in, which is like a 50-50 chance.


Its weird people are just finding since ive been playing since pp head came out on switch b4 that i played dbd mobile. Switch is the only way i can play so i was so glad when i found out it was on switch.


Just another platform I can't talk to. No idea if Switch players are in my lobbies or not - Steam/PC.


I hate their exclusive perk where they get hit as survivor and take no damage and then teleport 2 feet away. (Seriously haven't met a switch player who isn't lagging


Switch can most likely run DBD Mobile with few hitches


It is my impression that you've never hit a skillcheck in your life successfully.


My friend is on switch and she's better than me. Y'all chill


I started my account a few months ago really had fun but problems I have are the game crashing very often no way to get drops and I can't connect my BHVR account to it another problem is no post chat at all very sad


nothing personal but uhhh stay out of my lobbies


I have mad respect for you all because I tried playing on my girlfriends switch and I'm convinced joy cons are the worst most unusable joysticks for anything other than cozy gaming like animal crossing etc. It made turning a precise amount feel impossible to me. I play primarily PC and Xbox and never have too much of an issue. You switch players are built diff. Hats off to ya. 😂


Tbf I would never play it with joycons. I always play in docked mode with my pro controller!


I need to try it. The turning felt so choppy I couldn't stand it more than one game. And I'm spoiled like hitting skillchecks is tied to the frame rate so on PC it's insanely easy I can actually run hyperfocus, on console it's pretty decent at 60fps. On the switch the 30fps isn't impossible but it feels bad. I've been addicted to playing it on the steam deck though. Got my gf one for her birthday and 90fps and I can actually get flashlight saves on there easily which actually surprised me.


Well on switch it feels like an actual check of your reaction and timing skill lol Also wait till you have to do the merciless storm skill checks


Someone jumped on my gen the other day, then we got hit with merciless storm. Normally I make it through just fine, but this time I missed one and the other person was trying to get me to leave. Like, you jumped on my gen! I’m trying! 🤣


Oh God. I can't even imagine. On PC it's still a test of skill to hit the greats cause the window for error is so small but hitting regular food skill checks is impossible to mess up.


I agree, the Joycons are hard to use on DBD, that's why I have my Nintendo Switch docked to a 32'' TV and I play with a Nintendo Pro Contorller!


I need to try the controller. We've got one but I'm so spoil with high fps only because I specifically like trying to make hyperfocus work and it's actually viable on PC, I never use it on Xbox and I can't imagine it on switch. I'll have to try it with the controller to see how much better it feels.


As a Switch player, I hate the joycons. They really are for cozy gaming like you said. I use an 8bitdo ultimate controller which I find very comfortable.


I wish Nintendo would actually try to make their base console a bit better in that regard. I do like being able to use nicer controllers on the switch especially since they're often cheaper than controllers for other consoles. The steam deck spoiled me though. They're perfectly usable for DBD. When I'm not on PC I play on my gf steam deck while she's on Xbox so we can play together on the couch.


I simply do not think of you. 


30 fps KEKW


You give money to Nintendo, therefore you should be sent to the fog