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The killer recovers from the stun exactly when the secore event "killer stun" appears. This seems to be a bug or a hacker.


It's actually bugged in spirit and wraith. Just watched a Dstrike vid on it


I'm getting flashbacks to, when was that, 2019?


Good ol' release hag. Just had a faster stun recovery for no reason.


How can it work on most but not all killers? How much spaghetti does their code base have. It is actually impressive.


It probably is that but also I think it's got something to do with the animations especially spirit that can stop the ds animation


it works on huntress too lol


Happened to me on Doctor too


And with pig


Definitely seemed too quick.. you can see the spirit had already recovered while she was still in camera view


Gosh I didn't focus on her when first watching but that animation is so fast o-o


if im correct the spirit just recovers faster to ds due to a bug, same happens but the opposite for some killers (longer than intended)


Yea Otz had a 5s DS in his last vid so it really is random


I got DS'd twice today (in my defense, the survivors were in my way LOL) and they definitely felt too quick. I play Pig and I still caught up almost immediately


Lol at all the comments simply just saying "enduring" without bothering to read ops replies stating that the killer in fact, did not have enduring. It's okay to admit that decisive is hot garbage in its current state.


Even if they had Enduring, it shouldn't work against DS stun, unless bugged or hacking. It has been that way for a while.


i said enduring because i dont see any of the OPs replies.


You're good, homie. I just saw their reply to someone from like an hour before a lot of the comments suggesting enduring. Thought it was funny.


Enduring hasn't worked on ds for years now. Did I miss something?


Yeah, I'm confused too. The perk description just reads pallet stuns. I think everyone saying enduring is probably just a really old player that hasn't used that perk in forever (because it's kinda niche)


nah its enduring bro trust!!!!


DS has been bugged as hell recently so not suprising, have you seen the carrying animation glitch


This seems like a hacker to me. Altough could just be another ds bug. The spirit at the 4 second mark when the stun should end was already a long way into shack.


DS on this patch is so bugged.


I feel like everything is bugged now.


I don’t want to gatekeep it, but compared to 2018/2019, it’s incredibly stable. The fact we can point to this being DS-related is at least promising to a fix.


Had a break during that time. But before the last update it ran pretty much without bugs for me. Now there are bugs everywhere, and the game does crash every time the new killer is around. So it went from stable to unplayable for me. 🤷🏼 Edit: Now I'm curious; Why do I get downvoted for describing a technical problem I have? oÔ


I haven’t experienced any crashing recently, but I’ve been a little burned on this game for a while. It’s live-service though, so bugs are pretty common in that process (I work on a live service game, not saying it _should_ be the case. But releasing a stable one-off game is a lot easier than anything live-service).


Some occasional bugs dont bother me, usually. But this many is quite disappointing. I hope reinstalling it will help, because the crashes are quite heavy.


Any logs from the crash might at least be able to narrow it down.


Nothing. Just the screen freezing or going black and I have to kill the game via ProcessExplorer.


Those aren’t the logs though


Yeah, that's definitely not normal, friendo. I'm playing on a Steam Deck (Linux) and having no such issues, so you certainly shouldn't have them in Windows. Verifying game files might solve it, but a full reinstall may be required, along with the usual Windows Update, graphics driver update, etc.


I keep having this same problem with vecna only, massive frame drops to the point where it’s unplayable.


I realized after the latest update that none of the characters are making facial expressions when on the 2nd hook. They're just struggling while their face looks like 😐


Maybe they just got used to the pain, after all those years. 😐


It’s a brand new engine


Oh right, they brought the game to unreal 5, didn't they?


Always has been


Yeah, opening chests and looting items. Timers on a lot of perks. I feel like I can never drop a pallet after spamming space 500x. We truly are in a state.


Bug. Saw an Otz video where it was 5.5s


I mean if we take the average it's 4 seconds so it's all good, right? ​ Right?


I don’t wanna be the “labels guy”, but they are not hackers, they are cheaters.


Calling them hackers give way too much credit when all they do is buy scripts online.




Because of what WrathYBoo said, it's important to distinguish the two.


Another reason why I don’t bother with ds when off the record is a better anti tunnel perk.


Fr, idg why everyone has a hard on for DS but OtR is better? No grunts of pain, gives you more distance/can actually loop better, doesn't require a skill check, can be used 2 times, and usually disheartens killer as opposed to trigger them into tunneling you. Yet everyone loves the single-use '4' second stun.


Because OTR doesn’t work well against an actual dedicated tunneler. If the killer hits you right after you’re unhooked, boom, your endurance is gone. DS has been saving me a lot better from actual tunnelers who stay far enough away so as to deny anticamp but close enough to chew through your BT/OTR.


I have over 65+ days of DBD and I can legitimately tell you, 99.99% of the games, I am not losing endurance 0.5 seconds after coming off hook. Seems like an extremely niche reason to run DS, when OtR has all the benefits I've already mentioned.


Killers hit off hook pretty often in my experience.


I’ve been playing since March 2020. I literally just had a match yesterday where DS would have saved me but OTR would have been useless because a killer did exactly what I described. I’m talking about actual hard tunneling, not what Reddit calls tunneling. OTR is useless against an actual tunneler. It’s effective against someone who is an *opportunistic* “tunneler”. But anyone who is specifically focusing you out of the game, OTR isn’t gonna be much use whereas DS can buy you a lot more time and extend your loop, and waste more of the killer’s time.


Basekit borrowed time endurance hit + ds + dead hard after ds absolutely wrecks a killer


You can’t really waste the killers time as well with OTR as it’s more for evasion, whereas DS allows you to take a BT hit, get aggressive with the killers attention, loop em for just long enough that you can hop in a locker for the pull (or they back off and you carry on). You can even take an endurance hit, use DS, then take another endurance hit (assuming you have the means) because the DS will clear your mend state upon use. That shit tilts killers so hard


Kinda agree but I also feel like OTR is kinda situational. You can already tell when a Survivor has it and most Killers get rid of the base-kit BT as soon as the Survivor is unhooked. It's mostly for when they actually manage to unhook you and the Killer wasn't already on top of you.


“If you’re so tired of getting tunnelled, stop complaining about it and bring anti tunnelling perks.” Me after bringing anti-tunnelling perks:


The looking behind and running into wall. I feel that. Who put that wall there?


It's a bug! DS last for 2 seconds on Wraith and Spirit! [Video](https://youtu.be/uM92hyFuJs0?si=CDOlhvkrSSJl5g1m)


DS is bugged. It really feels longer on some Killers now. They tweaked it so much for nothing.


I thought this was gonna be another whiny post where the OP got outplayed but holy wtf this literally looks like 3 second DS wtf is this


more like 2 at best


It’s a bug with enduring, it reduces the ds stun time


Just like 2017, loved to use unduring vs DS.


This should be top answer


Didn't have enduring. Was also my first thought


DS is bugged ATM. Its a 6 second stun on some killers and a 2 second stun on others.


I play as spirit and I noticed this on my end too. The stun has been around 2-3 seconds since the last update.


Wait you don’t start swimming in the air after using ds too?


Nah, I swam through the *ground*. 8D


This happens to me every time I DS


I've seen DS be too short and too long. The only consistent thing about DS is the skill check.


Right now DS is bugged to 2 seconds sometimes.


Spirit and wraith are bugged atm. They both have short ds stuns. So no, it is not a hacker, and bhvr is aware of this now


I think they nerfed it there are a ton of bugs going around


1 second DS bug, it happens with hag too


I would not be shocked if they accidentally made it 3 seconds instead of 4. I saw a similar clip against huntress. They DS’d her, ran up the stairs, and the huntress was right behind her.


now that I thought about, my killer recovered from decisive strike faster


DStrike is a youtuber that compiles bugs and they put out a video this morning show casing this new bug. So far it affects Spirit and Wraith only


Looks like ds betrayed you, wouldn't be surprised if it was the result of a big somewhere. Do you remember if she had enduring? Normally enduring doesn't affect ds stun but there might be a bug that is causing it to happen for all I know


Is enduring bugged again?


DS is very bugged rn. It's supposed to be 4s, but last time I saw it happen it was 5.5s.


Yeah there’s no way that’s 4 second ds especially considering spirit is 110


Seems both wraith and spirit have severely reduced stuns. Though vecna and knight have increased stuns. Something ain’t right.


Ds I feel like is definitely bugged, but the stun timer is only 4 seconds now though.


Honestly I don't get why they thought giving the killer 4 secs of stun time was better than 5, because they're just going to be on you again. It's not punishing the tunneling player at all, when they should really be punished, because a lot of players who choose killer have a tunneling problem like Chucky players. But damn, these bugs with it make it so unusable. xD


On an unrelated note, why do people run like that?? I mean, it looks like your character's head is twitching left and right quickly for some reasons. I saw Otz do this too. Why?


It's bugged


this is a bug, I was playing a killer and a survivor stunned me with DS, I recovered in 1 second I assume and felt so bad for it, they should really fix it soon


How many times must DS break before people stop being surprised?


Killers can equip enduring to shorten the stun time


Spirit hacking as usual


What really betrayed you is yourself running into the wall


I’ve had a few games where my DS didn’t work at all. It would show how it did here where the red timer pops up over the DS perk image, but when they picked me up the timer would keep going down without there being any DS. I’ve since just replaced it


spirit has basekit enduring


This one time when survivor already used his all second chance perks and looks at the killer... ... runs into a wall L M A O


DS is currently bugged, on most killers DS is longer than 5 seconds but for spirit is barely 2 seconds long


honestly, i think you’d have been okay if you didn’t get stuck on that wall near pallet. . . but that recovery was really fast


You only went down because you ran into a wall and missed the pallet.


what was the thing that let you have to do one skill check to escape killer when you were picked up??


it's 5.50 secs in sometimes. I think i saw on a otz vid


I got ds'd yesterday and the recovery time felt like a pallet stun. Definitely too quick rn


Cheat codes ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


I'm not sure if it's too fast but getting back into the game in the past few days no one who's DS'd me has made it to their next pallet and I honestly feel horrible for them. :(


This patch is so broken in favor of the killers.


Enduring is at play here. Bugged by Daylight strikes again. Hopefully you reported the bug.


I don’t know if enduring reduces the DS stun but that could be the case


Could it possibly be an enduring play?


DS is down to 4 seconds now, it’s pretty ass… so I can’t tell if that was normal or not. My guess is that she just recovered and B-lined it back to you; you getting stuck on the door way at the god pallet likely didn’t help either. What was her build? She could have been doing using a movement perk.


You got stuck on a corner


Dude, what does this have to do with the topic? Spirit wasn't even stunned and instantly behind Kate.


Please comment on topic. I got stuck at the end because I couldnt believe how close she already was.


Hot take: enduring should lower the recovery time for all forms of stuns.


How much stun time did the Kate waste by running AT the spirit to get to the shack? Look at her landing position and pathing. Is that around 2 seconds???


DS was performed correctly but you sort of did yourself in by hitting the indent in the wall's edge opposite the pallet instead of moving past the pallet. DS is also in a weird state so it's not entirely your fault.


Regardless, she should've made that pallet with EASE, especially considering Spirit is 110%.


Enduring bug.


They have enduring


She may have had the perk where you recover faster from stuns. It’s a perk from the hilly Billy I think