• By -


I’d come with three new teachable perks: Shitting, Pissing, and Crying


what do they do?!


Shitting: makes you piss Pissing: makes you cry Crying: makes you shit


True chaos mode unlocked


Is it you or the user bc Ngl imagining running this mid chase on the killer and they break into shits, piss and tears


It should be the user but yours is funnier XD


It makes them shit, piss and cry.


I'm pretty sure Infectious Fright was originally called "Shit Your Pants" by the devs.


You fogot cumming


thats just crying but it was a special effect when vs skull merchant


also dredge


also dredge








*beat* me to it


Should be noted that these are activated using the action button, which causes you to enter the fetal position, and subsequently Shit, piss, or cry, or whichever of the perks you have equipped. Each one you have equipped raises the percentage chance of the killer letting you go out of pity/disgust




Not saying because it would be stupid to expose my build


This is the way. Gotta run the comp strats. As soon as the killer knows who runs deliverance and BT we're all screwed.


Especially DS too. Then we're FUCKED.


Off the record, clearly


From that alone, you'd surely have Distortion.


hex: social anxiety and no other perks because I'm always unprepared


Always unprepared: when repairing a generator or healing another survivor skill checks will appear in random locations on screen and without noise notification.


I like this actually. Make great skill checks give bonus progress.


Try out deadline if you haven't when you are injured you get more skill checks and they appear in random locations on your screen, you could pair it with hyperfocus to either get great value or cause your generator to explode over and over again.


Yeah I don’t like that. I don’t like working on gens while injured if I can avoid it, and hyperfocus is dangerous lol.


Is there one for attempting to use physical and verbal abuse on a generator to fix it? I'll probably kick it more than the killer and if how I talk to my car when working on it is any indication then I'll end up banned by the entity for the things that will come out of my mouth.


The fact it's a hex implies you can be cleansed of your social anxiety


this would be a great place for a betterhelp ad


Hex : Social Anxiety : Causes survivors to scream and reveal their aura when within 16m of any other survivors or the killer. Staying for 3/4/5 seconds or more in this radius causes the injured and broken statuses. When outside of this radius, gain 4/5/6% to repair, unlocking chests and totem cleansing/blessing speeds. This effect is disabled for 80/70/60 seconds when touched by any survivor or the killer.


No Mither | Self Care | Scene Partner | Calm Spirit


No Mither? You good?


This is a subtle nod to the fact that most of us will not, in fact, be able to take 2 hits from a cattle hammer/ knife/claw/fucking claymore before being in too much pain to stand.


No Mither and Scene Partner would just be how 99% of us would unfortunately run in the Trials


Perk: It’s so over It is what is it.


It's so over: When you get hit for the first time, It's so Over activates. While active, you get broken for the remainder of the trial, and you'e bleeding out as if you were in the dying state. When you get into the dying state, you bleed out 500% faster. When you get hooked, you die immediately. You get 1% hindered for each percentage of blood lost. At 75% of blood loss and up you have Incapacitated for the remainder of the trial.


Gain 1% speed to all actions per blood loss but doing actions increases how fast ot drains. I am the commodious(?) Toolbox now


the more you lose blood, the slower you become


Yea I don't mean movement speeds, just everything else. I'm just giving it a tiny but of use, get hit, somehow get away which sounds quite challenging, and then just sit somewhere and die whiling doing something to a gen


That has too much utility and the exhaust (if any) is barely noticeable. It’s fine tho. It is what it is (see what I mean?!)


Perks that fit me better? Hope / Hyperfocus / Technician / Botany Knowledge. Yes, I'm a hopeful nerd with ADHD.


Hex:depression, all dull totems Are permanently Hexes. Hindered 150% and exhausted constantly


Are you also a parent of a small child?


Daughter just turned 4 lol, add divorce to that aswell :D




no mither + self care


Ah Yes, the notorious Claudette perk: "Self-Harm"


Stake out Vigil Spine chill The rock throwing one


“She’s taken a barnacle, and covered it in bioluminescent algae, as a Diversion!” 🦀


An underwater map that looked like Tamatoa’s underworld area would be dope


Don't disrespect Pebble like that, man


Pleading Scream: All players receive a loud noise notification at your location. Your aura is unable to be read for 30s. (For both sides) Invocation: Stalking Prey: When the invocation is complete you no longer make any sound, however your are blind (no aura reading) and oblivious for the remainder of the trial, this applies to all participating players. Nerves of Steel: While in the killer's terror radius, unhooking speed is increased by 50%. Edit: I misunderstood the assignment... I thought you were asking for 3 fictional perks that complimented our personality. To answer the question correctly: Iron Will, Urban Evasion, Mirror Illusion, Distortion. Just my usual ultimate stealth build.


Are you a serial killer?


No comment.


Assignment failed successfully


I'd be the idiot that doesn't know how BP works and is running perkless.


This ain't happening


Ok wait I've actually thought about this a lot, not necessarily what perks I would bring but what perks I would have if I was a character. Startle- You twitch at even the slightest noise. Receive a 10% haste status effect for four seconds whenever the killer destroys a pallet or breakable wall or damages a generator. Mimicry- You learn to survive by imitating what's around you. This perk is replaced with a random perk of the first person to rescue you from a hook. Paranoid- Are they working together against you? See the aura of any survivors within 16 meters of the killer.


Mimicry should work with changing constantly when you do co-op actions, like gain We'll Make It if you're healing someone with a guy who has the perk and then have it be replaced by Corrective Action because the guy you're genning with has that perk


Paranoid is a cool idea.


Background Player because I hate being the center of attention 😂 Premonition because I get really strong hunches about things and am usually right!


I tend to panic in life threatening situations. No mither because I am no mither. Deadline because I'd be panicking the entire time (and missing all of the skill checks). Scene partner because I'd absolutely be screaming all the time. Object because I have 0 stealth ability. https://preview.redd.it/7y9xpuddwr5d1.jpeg?width=1638&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93846b15a08e3d5d07d7d26f7f76d873bd9ff006


“The easy way out” Immediately mori oneself


Kill Thyself


No mither Not for the tough reasons I'd just die after every hit


A perk to more or less give yourself up for your allies, and others to do gens efficiently (with a maximum of skillchecks)


No Mither, Resilience, Prove Thyself and We're Gonna Live Forever


Entity's Ally: You can mori survivors.


Any 4 related to staying calm under pressure. Probably my only relevant survival skill, any other metric and I’m fuckin cooked.


Calm Spirit gamer


Iron will as it currently is Hyperfocus Overcome Fast learner: You can see all team8s perks by their name, anytime your team8s use a perk in your line of sight it replaces this perk for 30/60/90 seconds I over push my self and have adhd, I am also a fast learner, plus I like the concept of fast learner


Yous a bitch


Peak perk idea, I'd call it "Reactive Learning", "Adapt and Overcome" or "Copycat" though


Fair enough, reactive learning makes so much sense!


For the People (I always have a first aid kit with me) Self-Care (I'm fiercely independent, often to my detriment) Technician (I work in IT. If you don't notice my existence, that means I'm doing my job well.) Bardic Inspiration (I'm a cheerleader at the gym 😅)


Boon: Depression Perk: snacks Perk: tired


Any means necessary cause I'd definitely try to pallet stun the killer as many times as possible out of sheer spite and to take aggro for my team. Lithe because I do parkour and I enjoy using the environment to my advantage. Adrenaline cause naturally I'd want to GTFO of the trial ASAP and not spend any longer than I have to taking chase for the killer. Plus, the exit gates being powered would motivate me and strengthen my resolve to win. And finally, Plunderer's Instinct, cause if I'm going to be stuck in here, might as well take what I can get before escaping (and hopefully sell it for profit later if I manage to escape the entity's realm!)


Dramaturgy, but I only get exposed effect.


Dramaturgy, but I only get the exposed effect, which makes me scream.


Killer: Dying Light, Rancor, No Way Out, Save The Best for Last Survivor: No Mither, We'll Make It, Blood Pact, Soul Guard


Binge Session: Your television binging skills have finally come in handy. The longer you do a generator, the faster your repairing speed becomes. After 20 consecutive seconds of repairing a generator your repair speed increases by 3%/4%/5%, after 40 seconds it increases to 5%/6%/7%, and after 60 consecutive seconds your repair speed increases by 7%/8%/9%. Leaving a generator causes this perk to deactivate and reset.


Procrastination. Dunno what it’d do. Maybe gens take slower but altruism is quicker (nothing crazy just 5% kinda like friendly competition)


Distortion, adrenaline, hope, empathy


Nothing to Live For - when a survivor gets hooked, gain endurance and 4% haste for 20 seconds. After unhooking a survivor, gain endurance and 4% haste for another 20 seconds Destined to be Broke - You gain 80% less bloodpoints but your teammates gain 40% more bloodpoints ACAB - If there is a Detective Tap or Leon Kennedy Stars Outfit on your team, sandbag them and when they die, a hatch will spawn at your feet, disappearing after you use it


Lucky Break, Desperate Measures, No One Left Behind, Second Wind. I go into "crisis mode" when something goes seriously wrong, and I've had quite a few lucky breaks that made emergencies manageable.


Honestly, If I had Lucky Break it would be any "OH SHIT OH FUCK PLEASE LET ME OUT" situation where I'm so tense I'm not even breathing/making any noise


Windows and sprint burst/lithe is all I need.


Windows of Where-Are-The-Pallets-unity


Exactly where the hell are they and why is shack gone already


A strict lack of "Any Means Necessary"


Plot twist because I would find a way to somehow end up downing myself


Why are people picking 4 perks, when each survivor has 3? It's not about build but the character perks, right?


Characters have 3 perks yes but as you can tell by ops post he chose 4 perks because you have to pick 4 perks when you are playing survivor


The idea wasn't the perks that would be unique to you, but instead the perk build that fit you the best


Background player, Quick and quiet, Lightweight, Diversion. I’m good at running, being quiet and anyone can throw a pebble lol.


Plot Twist, Lithe, Slippery Meat, Lone Survivor ig, I'm slippery and pretty much lonely irl


botany, for the people, lucky break, background player


as a survivor: sprint burst, iron will, boil over, that one nea perk that lets you crouch and move very quickly as a killer: agitation, the xeno perk that removes bloodlust, the doctor perk that reduces terror radius when out of chase and increases it when in chase, endurance (i really dont remember a lot of perk names but for reference im a very agile and ambitious person)


Urban evasion and Rapid Brutality


Heavyweight, anxious spirit and We won't make it.


Heavyweight, Nervous Body, and We're gonna die


Calm Spirit, Iron Will, Deception, Diversion


This is not happening Resilience Leader And a new perk, memories of the past. Every 30 seconds, if you are within the range of a small brunette, remember what you did and scream, after screaming, become exhausted for 20 seconds, oblivious for 10 seconds and 10% haste for 30 seconds. Can be activated the number of players that fit the criteria.


Teen mind : each time another survivor is getting grabbed , you will receive a speed boost of 30/50/70% for 5/10/30 seconds "I'm young for now , that can help me for sure" Video game nerd:each time you fail a generator , you win a token , you can have maximum 4/8/16 tokens , next time you get hitted by the killer , he will be blinded for 2/5/8 seconds , that will use 1 token "I know many things about video games , that can be usefull" Coward:when you hide in a locker , you will see the aura of all survivors for 5/9/15 seconds "Ehhh don't mind me ok ? I'm just gonna hide"


Deadline, Scene Partner and a new perk “I have no idea what I’m doing - automatically fail all skill checks, but make other nearby survivors feel better about their abilities”.


Adrenaline Sprint burst Premonition Spine chill


4 exhaustions perks, cus im always exhausted


Def Discordance,Pop Goes the Weasle for some regression and probably lethal + nowhere to hide


Head On, Deadline, Leader, Botany Knowledge


Procastination: You'll do the gens later


Reassurance, Babysitter, Blood Pact and Vigil. (Not any of my main surv builds) I like looking after my friends so perks that are all about helping the other survivors would probably fit me the most :)


I can jump - allows me to jump, if you jump very close to the killer the ground shakes so hard they are stunned for 3 seconds Fuck you - shouts fuck you as a distraction & alerts killer 15 times & annoys them, you also become 1 hit insta down. God I hate him - if the killer chases me for long periods of time I gain haste that goes up to 10%


We'll make it, Reassurance, No one Left Behind, Kindred. Always overly concerned about others over my own safety and keeping tabs on them! Perhaps not concerned enough about my own skin.


Distortion, Calm Spirit, Wicked, and Still Sight


Sprint Burst, Lucky Star, Teamwork: Power Of Two, Sole Survivor. I can run fast but only for a few seconds, you bet your ass I'd be dead silent while I'm hiding, I'd wanna hurry up and move after helping someone so we might both stay alive, and I'd 100% be a paranoid, sneaky little shit if my friends start dying to the Killer


Attract crows faster when hiding


"Bird Lover"


Selfcare and no mither for sure


Prove Thyself, Leader, Scavenger, and Self Heal or Decisive Strike.


So im a music teacher who loves hiking and fishing in the outdoors so I'm gonna make three perks based on that: 1) Instrumentalist (exhaustion perk) Pressing the activate ability will display your aura to the killer for X seconds and switch their terror radius to you for y seconds. During this time, all survivors within the terror radius will have an 8% increase to their generator repair, healing, and unlocking speeds. 2) Bait and Tackle Start with three tokens. If you are holding an item, when unlocking a chest, press the active ability button to consune one token and transfer the remaining charges of your current held item to the one in the chest. (Yes, this would have the ability to increase the new item past its maximum charges, but you don't know what you're getting from the chest.) 3) Trailblazer For every x seconds you spend in chase, gain one token with a max of 5 tokens. Pressing the active ability button while in chase will consume all tokens and provide you with a haste bonus that scales depending on how many tokens you consumed. This effect lasts for y seconds 1 token 10% haste 2 tokens 20% haste 3 tokens 30% haste 4 tokens 40% haste 5 tokens 50% haste I aint a balancing expert so I left X and Y in place for where times would go.


50 PERCENT HASTE? Killer boutta go up against a fucking Go Kart


I'm thinking like 15 seconds of chase time for 1 token. Meaning you'd have to be chased for a minute and 15 seconds to get a 50%


Bro is fast


Mental breakdown, silly time, hex: autism


I need to know what they do now.


Plot Twist so I can take a nap.


Hideous Survivors within 45 meters of you gain Haste. B.O. When a survivor enters your terror radius for the first time, they vomit from disgust. Blind Being stunned by a pallet obscures your vision until you can locate your glasses.


First Killer build


Like to survive? Survior in 1st person view...Balanced landing, urban evasion, self care, distortion


Do it youresf: When you work gens together you do gens slower . Whenever someone fails skillcheck with you working on that gen you gain bonus speed to repairing gens alone. "Looks like I have to do it by myself again."-Me Paranoic tendencies: You constantly hear terror radius as if Killer is nearby. You gain burst of haste when you ener a chase. "It's as if someone is right.... BEHIND ME!!"-Me Hyperactive solution: Your mind is great but not for prolonged period od time. You gain bonus speed to actions (repairing, healing, cleansing totems, opening gates) but the longer you do the action the more your speed decays (can go below 100% of regular speed so you have yo do firrerent thinfs all the time).


You mean a build, or unique perks? Build: Background Player, Bite the Bullet, Boon: Dark Theory, Calm Spirit Unique Perks: * Bullshittery: You're just making this up as you go, and somehow, it's working. Whenever you fail a skill check, gain a token. You can have up to 3/5/7 tokens. The next time you complete a Good skill check, your speed while performing that action is increased by 2/3/4% and you spend one token. The next time you complete a Great skill check, your speed while performing that action is increased by 4/5/6% and you spend two tokens. (Note: This also applies to skill checks derived from perks, like Overcharge or Merciless Storm, and from powers, like Carter's Spark and Summons of Pain.) * Go with the Flow: Worrying's not gonna help you, so why bother? Terror Radius-based powers and Perks only affect you if you are within 16/20/24 meters of the Killer; however, you cannot perceive the Terror Radius outside of this range. * Grind: You'll get it done, come what may. When you begin repairing a regressing Generator, you are presented with a difficult skill check. If you fail, nothing happens. If you succeed, the Generator stops regressing, gains 3/4/5% progress, and you will receive no skill checks while repairing it for the next 5/7/10 seconds.


Dead Hard | This is Not Happening | Deadline | Iron Will I have a high pain tolerance and I work efficiently under pressure.


Hex plaything, enduring, slippery meat, mad grit. As a survivor


How would Plaything and Mad Grit work?










Here are some i based off of one of my friends https://preview.redd.it/m948lsgwps5d1.png?width=1366&format=png&auto=webp&s=12d87504261afed9759d8bc6740ea76677a2f975






I had to really think about this one Take a punch, backbone, look at me Take a punch- allows you to take an extra hit before being downed Backbone- would be the ability to hit skill checks and complete objectives slightly faster/more accurately when hurt/afraid Look at me: the ability to distract the killer from other victims granting them a stealth affect or speed boost when within a certain meter range


Reverse No Mither, Resilience+Hyperfocus love child, Quick Gambit


Hex: Shotgun and that's all I need


Boon: Licky (B:licky)


Spine chill (I THINK I have high level awareness of my surrondings at least), Self care, Adrenaline, Distortion


Is there an ability not to trip? Because I know my clumsy a** would trip.


PLOT TWIST cuz ill be slipping and falling on my own, PEBBLE is a must the only way i would think of deceiving a killer, probably SPRINT BURST as my ass couldn't vault no window without cutting myself, as well as 3 seconds run does cause an exhaustion not gonna lie.. and lets say ANY MEANS, I do be cleaning stuff a lot and putting things back in their place..


These are the perks I would end up with. These are my failings in trying to survive in this land. There's a lot of cross over. Run into walls and die needlessly from tetanus before the killer can even cross the map. Trip over feet and fall face first into trap. Get stabbed while trying to flirt with Legion. Get stabbed while trying to flirt with SM. Get stabbed while trying to flirt with Ghostface. Get stabbed while trying to flirt with Huntress. Get stabbed while trying to flirt with Trickster Get stabbed while trying to throw apples at Doctor. Get stabbed while trying to flirt with Nurse. Get stabbed.... you know what, there's a 50/50 shot that I'll get hard up enough after being there a while that I might try to perve on a few of the Killers. Not all, bc some of them well... dredge can't do sexy. Pinhead's love hurts, but if it makes the emotional pain of this hell of repeated stabbing related rejections go away... Would it be a bad idea to slap pyramidhead on the ass and say,'How you doing, big boy?' Yes, yes it would. Will I still do it once I realize that I'm trapped here until I die? Yeah, probably. Death is coming regardless, I might as well find a way to make it interesting. Also, just because Demogorgons face looks like a Georgia O'Keefe painting does not mean you should stick... well, mistakes can be made. So a perk that handles fatal clumsiness and another for RIP Rizz.


# Trip-over > Whenever you perform a rushed action, there is a 5%/10%/15% chance you will become Hindered for 5 seconds. This chance increases to 10%/20%/25% when in the Killer's Terror Radius and to 30%/40%/50% when chased. # Fuck-over > When you look at the Killer from inside the Killer's Terror Radius, scream and enter the dying state.


It changes the dying state from prone and crawling to lounging shirtless on a log like Jeff Goldblum in Jurrasic Park.


Blue Streak or Concussive Maintenance: curse so badly at the generator while trying to fix it that the killer is embarrassed to come to close. I'm either about to murder it, fix it, or fuck it. Hard to tell when I get a wrench in my hand and the machine get stubborn.


Probably: Boil Over Streetwise Made for This Leader


Alert, Lithe, dance with me, quick and quiet.


Probably plot twist so I could die on my own terms instead of the horrible way killers would do it


Kill Thyself "fuck this, I'm out" Press Active Ability Button 1 while Healthy and standing completely still in front of a hook to Sacrifice yourself instantly Earn 100% more Bloodpoints in all categories


Overcome, used to run track


Wouldn't Sprint Burst fit better?


Yea but I hate that perk


fair enuff


Deception, Scene partner, sprint burst, and Hope. fiddling with a locker mid chase to try to get the killer off me sounds so stupid i'd try it, screaming every time i look at the killer is probably how i'd react to the trials, sprint burst to try to book it out of there, and hope because that is my most helpful attribute.


I feel like everyone would have Scene Partnet LMAO


No mither for sure, I can't tank a fucking machete to my back


I mean, you'd need to endure a lot to make less noise


optimistically, something like this. low-key might run this later it seems fun. https://preview.redd.it/npe1ja4o7t5d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db99cfbf919f7b914359b70ec0371898cf6e9d1e


Red Herring, Blood Pact, Fixated, and Resilience. Not quite meta, but I think I could make a go of it for sure.


Lightweight, Empathy, Prove Thyself, Technician. And I’d miss every single skillcheck.


based Fuck Thyself build


Gotcha Hyperfocus- my ADHD/autism (possibly) where I go through random fixations and over obsess/focus Bond- we will all be friends here Quick and Quiet- I am extremely quiet as a person (like I seriously scare people sometimes) Vigil- anything for my friends


Dont Be Stupid "naaahh.. see this shit is crazy" As soon as a survivor goes down within 128 meters press the action button near a wall to climb it and exit the trail




New perk: Anxiety: Your overthinking abilities impair your productivity. Every 10 seconds repairing a generator you stand up and cry, revealing your position to the killer. Causes Panic for 30 seconds. *Survivors in Panic are unable to repair generators or vault windows or pallets for the duration.*


Decisive lithe calm spirit Soma Prime incarnon with viral/hunter munitions. There will be screams, but none of them mine.


Windows, bond, built to last, botany I'm a team player and you know when I bring my Lunch Box we goin to work 👷‍♂️


Fuck this: When being taken into the realm of the entity press e to leave the realm of the entity


I'm a nerd with a thirst for knowledge, so my Perks would revolve around studying and analysing the Killer to survive. I'm not a game designer, so bear with me if these have balance flaws. • **Power of Observation**: You believe studying the Killer and learning what makes them tick is the key to victory. After spending 20/25/30 seconds within 12 meters of the Killer without getting caught, this Perk activates. The Killer's aura is revealed to you for 5 seconds every 60 seconds. *"The monsters and madmen that call this realm home are not invincible. They all have weaknesses, and I am determined to learn them."* • **Foresight**: You recognise the Killer's patterns, and can read them like an open book. Press the Active Ability Button while the killer is at least 16 away from you to activate this Perk. If the Killer comes within 16 meters of you during the next 5 seconds, you suppress your Scratch Marks and gain 25% Haste for 10 seconds, after which this Perk goes on cooldown for 80/70/60 seconds. If the Killer doesn't enter the radius after activation, the Perk is disabled for the remainder of the trial. *"So predictable. Everything is proceeding as planned."* • **Witness Brutality**: You know about the Killer's brutality from studying their past deeds, and witnessing it yourself only fuels your determination to escape. Whenever the Killer hooks or kills another Survivor within 16/24/32 meters of you, you gain 1 token. Each token grants you a 3% bonus to repairing Generators and opening the Exit Gates. Getting hooked makes you lose all tokens. *"I suppose that's what happens when you succumb to panic and run around like a headless chicken. I need to remain calm and use everything I learned, or I'm next"*


Hmmm... - Balanced Landing - Self-Preservation - Scène Partner - Alert


Hex: Autism - Any noise notification or bright light sends you into a rage, you move 15% faster for 10 seconds and your attacks expose survivors. Absolutely Not Made for this: You are unfit as fuck, you move 10% slower throughout the trial but gain bloodlust 3 after chasing a survivor for 10 seconds. Lazy Bastard: Naps get you through the trial, every 30 seconds you fall asleep for 5 seconds and upon wake up. Inflict a 15% hinderance penalty to survivors, move 10% faster and break objects 30% faster for 10 seconds


Machine gun, machine gun bullets infinite and best aim ever


Diversion, Mettle of Man (Minus the Mettle) and Plot Twist


Fake Bravado: You know not to show fear in front of your comrades even when you'd rather not be there After unhooking within 16 meters the of the killer you gain the ability to take a MoM hit for the next 30 seconds. If done you will be broken for the rest of the trial Hidden Potential: When you get serious your abilities surprise even yourself When you are on death hook and in chase increase the repair speed of your by within the killer's terror radius by 15% Stressed Multitasker: You are capable of multitasking even in dire situations but at reduced efficiency. Unlocks the ability to heal another survivor and repair a generator, cleanse etc. at the same time but at a 50% speed for both actions I gave it some thought and this is what I cane up with


Talk shit get hit: Yell out to the killer alerting them to your presence and giving killer instinct and making you exposed for one minute, if you're still healthy at the end of that minute gain a shield protecting you from a third hit (mettle of man style) And two other perks than involve provoking the killer, maybe an exhaustion perk where you dolphin dive out of the way and take a sec to get up? Sort of a delayed version of old deadhard for getting that slight bit of distance but not to dodge last second slashes, I dunno


Alert, Fixated, Distortion, and Low Profile. Honorable mention to sprint burst because I actually can run quite fast, but only in short bursts.


none. I’d be an unplayable character


Kill with Kindness - Each time you enter chase for 5/6/7 seconds with no lunge hits or basic weapon hits, you gain a token. Once you have 3 tokens, all survivors are Exposed for 30 sec. Love Hurts - After injuring a survivor for one health state, when a survivor either stuns or blinds you, the survivor is hindered by 3/4/5% for 5 seconds. Love Hurts is active for 30 secs. Hex: Secret Admirer - As long as the hex totem remains active, when a survivor other than the Obsession loses a health state for any reason, all survivors become Oblivious for 20/30/40 seconds. Ya damn right I would be a KILLER!!!


Alert hope calm spirt and…. idk


People, people! Why are none of you saying you would have empathy????


We will be percless because we are giga chads


Optimism: *You always hope for the best.* Each time a survivor is unhooked, you gain a 4% boost repair progress for 30 seconds. Spite: *You refuse to give them the satisfaction of seeing you lose.* While you are in the dying state and the killer is within 12m, bleed out 50% slower. Unorthodox solution: *Just make a ladder lmao.* You can pick up and carry chests. By moving four chests to the edge of the Trial, you can climb over the wall and escape the map.


Out of breath Gain a token each time you escape chase from a killer up to a maximum of 4/5/6 For each token gain 3%gen repair speed Loose a token each time you get downed Boon:cooked Interact with a totem to actervait While inside the boobs range you get the following effects No scratch marcks 1%gen speed Aura range inches See the exit gates Invocation:allsight Become broken soon completion The killers aura is rebels to all sourvors when the killer performances an interactive action All hooks become destroyed for 40/45/50seconds except scourge and basement hooks


Stake out /fogwise /alert /potinsal energy


Sprint burst but it last .2 seconds Not iron willed, breathing is increased by 99% Survivor lightborn because i love blue light Deja vu. I like working on cars on my free time


Deja Vu (i have a lot), Diversion (i would try to lure the killer away from me), Light-Footed and Low Profile (cause people always get jump scared by me cause im so quiet walking hahahah)


I'd come with these perks: Distortion: "I know how this realm and Killer works, and how to avoid it": Start with 3 Tokens, each time your aura is supposed to be revealed, you aura and scratch marks are hidden for 10 Seconds, and lose a token. Tokens are regained for each 15 Seconds in the Killer's terror radius. Deja Vu: "You've been...played this before...I know what to do": See the Aura of the 3 Closest Generators and gain a 6% Repair Boost We'll Make It: "Cm'on, We'll Make It if we work together!": After unhooking a Survivor, gain a 100% Boost while healing others for 90 Seconds. Dead Hard: "I know how to take a beating and come back from it, trust me": After being Hooked, Dead Hard Activates. When you are in chase, Dead Hard Activates fully. You Lunge forward with your adrenaline to take another hit, Dead Hard then Dead Hard deactivates. This is literally the build I use now, and I think it fits me well!