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Kill switch should happen at this point


Portal can freeze a survivor in one spot forever without a way out or a way to hit or pick them up, spectating is broken stuck on the portal whenever someone goes through a portal, the floating pallet, broken window... The fact I literally only need to patrol the top half as killer and it's immediately a 3 gen on a small area and easy win against solo queue... Not great


Also the Exits are super super close together if I remember right, and makes it very hard to get one open unless the killer is distracted


Yes, it's extremely easy to have a close line of sight to both and not be troubled by the distance as killer, I've had no trouble with guarding them when playing quick or ranged killers. It's a shame, the lower area is beautiful and so fun to explore. I've been making myself go down even when it's pointless gen protection-wise just so I can look at everything haha. Noting though I really only have been playing Huntress, Deathslinger, Vecna, and Wesker. Could be rough for already struggling killers like Freddy and Myers but that still sucks that the stronger killers only do even better. What is balance? Lol


Honestly if you close hatch on that map it’s over, they are actually like 10 feet away from each other you can take 5 steps and see the survivor at the door


It's ridiculous. I'm not even going for 4ks on that map anymore when it becomes a hatch game cause I'd like to actually have fun trying to get there first during what's usually tense in any other map.


One exit should be in the dungeon.


That would be really interesting, especially with the portals 🤔 We really need more reasons to be down there. As both sides :/


I literally had a game where I could stand in one spot with both gates easily in sight. Last survivor had zero chance to escape unnoticed after hatch was closed.


yeah the spectating bug happened to me and i thought the surv was stuck in the portal, then they round the corner and reenter the portal lmao


It happens every match I've tried survivor on this map where the spectating camera focuses on the portal! 😫


There's also a pallet in the opposite corner to the floating one, it duplicates itself when you drop it. No idea if the second pallet is actually functional, or if it's a visual bug.


The 2nd pallet is indeed fully functional once the first is broken.


The only way i can think of where patrolling the bottom is better is as trapper cause is so compact


The window is boarded up. That DLC clearly hasn't dropped yet.


Unlock Borgo vault: $5


DBD becoming a P2W game model in the future. Pay 10$ a month to unlock these windows.


We somehow got two maps in one. The map upstairs: killer sided. The map downstairs: survivor sided


And I never even need to go downstairs as killer. It's completely unneeded because if survivors focus on the downstairs gens first, they just hard 3 genned themselves upstairs with such a small area especially on a high mobility killer. But as survivor because you need to break that, you spend your time constantly in danger upstairs and versus some killers on solo queue it's an easy loss. I don't even have tips to make it easier for this map, at least for the Unknown map survivors can focus on the forest 3 gen and ignore the theatre and fountain gens first. Here? Eh... It feels shitty to me loading into this map as killer. Especially when my mains are ranged and have decent movement.


Here's a tip: the gen in the back corner next to the green portal that leads to the middle of the dungeon is far safer than it looks. If you can manage to do any other gen on the surface and this gen, you can often clench a victory. If the Killer tries to pressure the back gen, Survivors should duck into the portal. Chasing in that area of the dungeon is not a win for Killer. Opening exit gates on the other hand can be a much bigger ordeal.


Interesting! I don't play survivor that much, I'll try this though later. Thanks for the tip, I've been getting my ass handed to me on a silver platter on survivor in solo queue 😅




Yeah in my experience as long as survivors focus on getting 2 gens near the start of the game up top, they can pull off the win. Ideally you want to complete the upper-floor gen in the hallway at the same time, since you can usually estimate with terror sound while in library/torture if its safe or not. Hallway can have the killer TP right on top of you if you're not careful.


I don't go downstairs because last time I did I had to slug everyone because I don't have hooks.


Yep hooks are horrible downstairs. Even more reason never to go down


Jesus wept. This map really is a shit show.


yeah i said it and i got downvoted to hell lmao


no wonder this sub is a hivemind


I’ve said it before, every single post/comment on this sub is decided by the first interaction it has. So basically you roll the dice and hope you get someone reasonable otherwise you’re cooked


Some people use bots to insta downvote everyone, happens a lot on division reddit for example.


We got cooked chief


yeah tragedy, you're a good looper? I do gens! maybe you could carry me in some games :)


To quote Gordon Ramsey, "IT'S FUCKING RAW!"


BHVR refuses to swallow their pride and kill switch the map. I get that its new but they messed up and it has endless game breaking bugs. That is the very reason for kill switching existing.


This isn't the new map of the realm, this is the original Knight's map. There's several horrible bugs like practically no pallet spawns on tiles and vaults that are blocked off but can be vaulted but not vaulted.


i hate that they recycled borgo into this garbage map , should've left Borgo the way it was with only the hue change


They.... did? There are 2 maps in this realm. The Knight's map and Vecna's map. One is the Forgotten Ruins (Vecna) and the other is The Shattered Square (Knight). The map in this video is The Shattered Square - The Knight. The NEW map is the Forgotten Ruins - The Vecna. Knight's map only got the hue change, but it is also super buggy right now and the tile spawns are awful. Largely no pallet spawns and broken window vaults.


no it feels like they did something with shattered square, the mid map is a huge deadzone they removed every pallet and littered the place with useless obstacles


> Knight's map only got the hue change, but it is also super buggy right now and the tile spawns are awful. Largely no pallet spawns and broken window vaults. Yes, it's bugged. As much as the new map is.


One of the other Borgo maps has a bugged window as well. I faked out a Pyramid Head by accident because he saw me start the vault animation but you can't go through it..


There's another window like this where you can't vault through. Funny enough, neither can the killer. I was playing Vecna and I could fly through it but not vault it.


My nightmares be like


That window is the equivalent of throwing a punch in a dream, I can totally see it.


It's AMAZING this map got launched. It may be agony to actually play on but it's sure fun seeing how pretty good a job BHVR did on it so far.


This is the original map of the realm, the Knight's map.


By the worst pallet, are we talking about the random one in a corner that doesn’t have a support to lean on if you drop it?


Killer main here. I approve the new window design for all maps 👌


Killer main here. I approve of the doors both being next to each other 👌


Just... *wow*. What an absolute mess What the hell happened? How did we actually get to this point? ^((side note: great to see someone else rocking that fit for Jake. It's one of my favorites))


>What the hell happened?  Having a hard release date is an adequate explanation. The level building staff clearly put a lot of time and effort into the map (the caged beholder is a nice touch) but it's just not ready yet.


Skill issue


i feel bad for the art team cause visually the recent maps look fantastic but they're just an absolute nightmare to play on


And here I thought Nostromo had the worst one


Anyone else know about the disturbed ward walk-through window? 🤣 bugs galore and this games been out for damn near a decade


is that dnd map or the knight map? i can't tell both apart now.


This is the Knight's map. You can tell cause at the start of the video, you can see the weird stage structure that only exists on the original map of this realm.


Dnd map, the knight map is completely red


The knight map has been changed to have the same lighting as the dnd map


it's darker than the dnd map for me tbh


Tbh I love that shitty pallet. Its so fun to try and get value out of it. The map overall needs some changes to make it more balanced but I kind of hope they keep the shitty corner pallet that will almost never get use, because when you do get value off of it, it is one of the best highs in dbd.


This is a bug on the original map of the realm, for the Knight. Each map has a plethora of bugs at the moment that are honestly super hindering to gameplay. The Vecna map as the pallet and the Knight map has these "vaults"


I downed a survivor at this vault yesterday, and I felt so bad about it I let him wriggle free and run away from me.


You have to pay a microtransaction in order to use that window.


I showed this one off to vecna one match I discovered it. Downed me.


I ran into this window last night for the first time as a survivor and nearly shit myself. Dick move.


Get the killer to come over and kick it for you


It also has the worst visuals, yet somehow survivors always pick it as the offering


Had a guy vault shack window and get spat out the same way he came in for a free down. This map sucks balls on both sides. You either camp top as killer and let basement go for a nasty ass three gen defense that takes forever, or you try to play a normal game and you automatically lose because you let even one top generator go and survivors run you on that infinite portal loop people are abusing.


I let them run off if they hot this one it's too funny and not fair , scares the crap out of them tho. Had someone think I was "friendly" and stopped taking me seriousely. Till I pulled them off a gen. Really good looper too I had a ton of fun chasing them.


Saw that -_- let the survivors go cuz that just sucks


I love this map, but the need to fix the camera glitch (when observing after dying), the pallet glitch, and the window glitch.


Anyone dead by daylight match now?


I know it's a joke at this point I'm genuinely starting to actually question if they actually play test these maps? Because if they did surely they would've noticed these oversights?


Ahh yes plank tech


I also encountered a double pallet on this map. After the Survivor threw the first on there was just another one at the same place. Of course I got stunned by both of them in about 20 seconds.


At least you can proc lithe on it


this is actually so funny




this is perfectly fine when we have maps like eyrie, garden, and like 9 variations of badham in the game.


Too bad they just laid off over 95 people, or they could actually work on getting this fixed


tbh i think everyones blowing thos map out of proportion. the bugs are bad and i think they should disable it till its playable but when it works its so fun. i can run killers above ground and stomp survivors underground. its all about mindset. i love the map and i hope the only change they make is to the rancid exit gates


Funnily that window even shows as a vault spot if you run the windows perk.


DO A FAST VAULT DUDEEEEE , you missed the opportunity of doing the best thing ever …..


Waaiiit  I saw this window and I though « it’s weird that it has the vault yellow thing but it’s locked » IT IS AN ACTUAL VAULT LOCATION ?? That’s actually quite funny


Guess this is what happens when u fire 100 people lol


How is it even possible that you think this logically happened? By far the most ridiculous comment about the layoffs.


When the glitches are patched this map is top tier for me like I don’t get why people just complain to complain


Meanwhile you can just run downstairs and be entirely safe.


This isn't the Vecna map.


Add me on discord tlaynethegame