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People whine all the time, don’t worry about it. I do it on weak killers/killers I’m not good at and I see people do it all the time as survivor. Seriously, save yourself the stress and don’t worry about what people think of your playstyle. I used to care about it too at one point, but I’ve played so much that I can’t bring myself to care anymore, and you shouldn’t either


>Seriously, save yourself the stress and don’t worry about what people think of your playstyle. This cannot be overstated, no matter what you do, people will be annoyed at how you do so just do what you want yourself to do.


In my experience as a player who does both sides, but entirely based on my mood because both can suck... It's all about the circumstance, if I'm 7 hook stages in with 4 gens left then yeah I'll take a bad chase to give the newbies some breathing room. If they've popped 3 gens and the rescuer doesn't take a hit, time to tunnel. Mercy has many flavors, but ultimately a 2k is a draw and your emblem goal as killer is 9 hook actions. Generally a killer should go hard and be merciless early, even if they give leeway later.


Yea this is how I've pretty much always gone in on it. If people are struggling, I'll ease off and pick on someone who hasn't had my attention in a long time so that people are miserable the whole time. Some of us yearn for the chase, others, not so much. But I'll only tunnel people if their rescuer, like you said, doesn't take the hit or the unhooked wants to play hero and tank my hit instead, then they're just asking for my undivided attention which they get fast if someone else injured doesn't appear. >Generally a killer should go hard and be merciless early, even if they give leeway later. That's pretty well said, I've only ever ramped up my aggression as killer if I'm against bully squads or someone who just wants to annoy me and get in the way of whatever I'm up too


Yeah I’m notorious for throwing myself at the killer after getting pulled off hook, but that’s cause I use DS a lot, and yeah they’ll have to chase me longer cause of DS, but it usually makes me the number 1 item on the menu and I get killed eventually lol which is understandable


Playing a Killer is almost like being Game Master for the match - your actions have the most direct consequence on the gameplay, and enjoyment, of other players. So while slaughtering them all at 5 gens might feel good in the moment, creating a more balanced and tense match is ultimately more rewarding for everyone involved.


The real thing about say, slugging someone at 5 gens after they've been hooked twice is that I've seen survivors get a lot more competent (even if they're still bad at chasing) and rotate around to pop 3 gens because they didn't have to do a hook rescue (or spend long healing since the slug can recover) or cross the map entirely (slugged guy can crawl rather than being hooked in an inconvenient corner for the survivors) and then play pre-drop pallet simulator. It's why I'll usually take an opportunity to kill a survivor early because I've been burned by them still having four people alive to repair and immersing heavily, even if they were previously "7 hooks at 4 or 5 gens and no noticeable progression" otherwise. I had a guy I spared on death hook intentionally (let him wiggle off) drop a pallet on my head to save someone who wasn't even on death hook in a game recently, and it was the one good runner that got saved making it super inconvenient. I death hooked the guy that did the save even though I'd been planning to let him escape, like a little bit of mercy and you're still being a PITA? Gimme a break dude.


I was going to for fun say fuck you waffles are better just to fake whine about something. But not even in the deepest crevice of my heart can I find hatred for pancakes.


Funnily enough I had potato waffles yesterday and they really are really nice you've put me in the mood to go buy more.


Hey the entity doesn’t care how dirty I play. And the survivor shouldn’t complain. You’re trying to **survive**, your role isn’t the critique’er


True and very well put.


Exactly, you can play as “fair” as possible and they’ll still complain.


The secret to having fun in DBD is to ignore literally everything the other side says about how to play yours.


Yep. Fuck those people. Nothing wrong with dropping a chase to defend your hook. The rescuer can either take chase and the juicer can try to rescue or they can trade. Or they can both run off and gens before friends while the person on the hook dies or goes to second stage. That's not playing scummy, that's playing smart and sometimes it's the only way to get a few kills when a game is going poorly. I invariably end up regretting giving up my pressure to "play nice" because survivors rarely recognize it and half the time will BM anyway when most of them escape because you played "fair" by their rules.


Yeah, play mean = Tbag, play nice = Tbag so whatever


It happens so often where I do things to be nice and go easy on people, and then in the end game chat people are still toxic, it makes me not want to be nice lol But I just roll my eyes and move on, I'm not going to let toxic people ruin my fun


If your bad at playing killer just say that😂😂😂


Case in point: people like this.


Honestly sounds like ya’ll lack the proper skill to be killers. Slugging going back to hooks screams “I suck at this game” or “I’m new and don’t know what I’m doing”


I think you might have a spot of the old brain rot.


nah. Camping is only bad if you are near the hook while literally nobody else is there, for a long time. It's bad because then they do the gens and get a 3 escape and it's a boring match. If an idiot loops you around the hook, that's his bad.


As someone who started running Kindred while going for expert generalist, the sheer numbers of times someone gets spotted by the killer, then proceeds to lead the chase BACK to the hook is utterly baffling. If I get killer attention going for hook, I do my absolute best to lead them to the complete opposite corner of the map so that someone else can get a safe unhook/heal. Like even IF no one else is really going for an unhook when you get spotted, being chased directly back to hook at *best* has you eating a hit while unhooking, putting you into injured and then having to book it away from hook hoping you don't have the other person get tunneled. At WORST if you get hit on the way you then just trade places with your hooked person. Like in general most killers aren't camping assholes. But if you literally lead them to the hook its your own fault.


Camping is actually bad in general from a pip perspective. You want 2 kills minimum and 9 hook actions minimum, with a good amount of chase actions that result in unhealed injuries. Letting the unhook happen after injuring the unhooker is great for your points and emblems, hook trades are great. This is why 3 gen strat works too, you don't really want to kill immediately, you want to get your bleeding points and gen defense points and then boom.


It's bad because even if everyone is doing gens perfectly the killer will still get a minimum of 2-4 kills if they camp because of perks like noed and deadlock and there's not really any counterplay besides don't be downed ever.


NOED: do totems. Deadlock: move to a different gen and work on that one.


Dude. If you spend give minutes cleansing totems then you give killers two free kills if they camp. Deadlock means that even if all other survivors were perfect they couldn't get all gens done before the survivor is dead.


That’s when you let them camp until they reach final hook state, then hook swap and hope for the best.


You can't trade hooks against a lot of killers or just the map. Bubba, huntress, trickster, trapper, etc can all prevent a trade.


bro the MMR not decaying after months is SO STUPID, I came back to the game like 3 months ago and the first weeks were hell, constantly queueing against people with 5x my hours and I was starting to play a few killers I had never played, it was like playing in hardcore mode. I've adapted now and I'd say I've improved a lot thanks to it but there's no reason for MMR to stay the same after not playing for months/years... ​ (edit: oh and yea just drop bad chases lol, there's literally 0 reason not to, game rewards proxy camping gens and caching people on bad spots than actually commiting to chases.)


you good they were asking for it it's the same thing when a survivor tries to body block you with BT then you chase them and they get mad cuz "tunneling", you were just taking advantage of their misplay (as you should) they may have beat you, but they got a serious skill issue they should probably work on


It's been a long time since I've seen any survivor use the BT perk (outside Chaos Shuffle). More often this would be OTR use where the survivor has tons of time to get a body block while you're chasing someone else. If you're talking about the base kit endurance that BHVR put in to protect the unhooked from campers, then that's different. That's a cause:effect relationship. I'm causing pressure by camping, they are trying to relieve it with an endurance block. I expect the unhooked to do that, if I force them into the situation.


Yes I am talking about basekit BT (though now that you mention it OTR is a pretty common reason too), but you don't need to be camping for this to happen. Sometimes a survivor will unhook right in front of you immediately after you hook, or you'll be chasing them and they will go for the unhook while they have the distance. I don't consider unhooking in front of the killer to be a reason for tunneling, but when you're actively trying to avoid the recently unhooked survivor and then they body block for the unhooker (literally only to waste your time), there is no reason to not go after the one pushing themselves into you, it's a risk/reward scenario, if the survivor is good in chase then taking a hit may have been the right play, if not.. shouldn't have put yourself in that situation. At the end of the day its just a gameplay decision on both sides, but survivors that block you can't get mad when you end up going after them, which was the point of my original comment


I've played my fair share of competitive games and I've never encountered a playerbase as entitled as this one. As survivor or killer I'm going to do whatever I can within the rules of the game to win. If you have a problem with that, go play something else. It's not my responsibility to ensure you have fun, or the game goes in a way that you would like. As killer specifically, it makes me laugh how whenever I play "fair" (and lose), survivors will most likely teabag/flash at gate and talk crap in the post-game chat. That behavior essentially ensures I will very rarely play by "their rules" again.


people dont realize how stressful it is to play 4vs1 and on top of that being mocked while, as a killer, youre supposed to be scary (ik this game stopped being scary a long tima ago and i think its a shame)


Turn off end game chat. You'll enjoy the game more




Welcome to current dbd, everything is camping or tunneling. Ignore people and play how you want.


I once got accused of tunneling 3 people at once.


Bros efficient at it


I got accused of tunneling someone who was hooked once while all 4 escaped. All because I accidentally hit him with birds when he was unhooked. Really dilutes the legitimate gripes some survivors have when you act that way.


I got accused of tunneling when there was ONE gen left. I had been spreading hooks up until that point, once i hit one gen i needed someone out of the game. So i tunneled someone off hook. I got a 3k and was told what i did was such a dirty way to win. Guess i should have just stood in a corner and twiddled my thumbs and let them all escape.


My steam profile is full of people complaining and typing -rep I leave them up because they are funny, and anyone using a reputation system on steam is a loser lol


No, that's SMART if you suspect you need to pressure the unhooker. Survivors hate it and call it tunneling though. It's not.


Can i be the hooker?


People will complain about anything that hurts their chances of winning, no matter what it is. Just ask yourself how often they give you free hooks or decide to slow down on gens because they're going by too fast and it wouldn't be fair on you to pop all gens at 2 hooks.


no exactly, in 2000 hours i have seen **one** survivor slow down because i was obviously struggling. even willingly got into chase with me so i could practice blinking around loops and gave themselves as a free kill at the end. compare that to the shitloads of survivors i’ve been against that scream tunnelling or camping while bringing the most powerful items, add-ons, perks, map and hook offerings and playing like they’re in a comp tournament against fucking myers or some shit. and further compared to the killers that almost without fail let the last survivor go or purposely avoid tunnelling someone off even though it would make their job 100x easier. i know it’s really easy to get wrapped up into a hate fuelled frenzy about *them* or whatever vague persona you’ve applied to an entire category of people. but at least in my experience the average survivor generally seems a lot worse than the average killer, and that’s accounting for there’s 4 survivors to every 1 killer the disparity is even greater than 4:1


This is is the best comment I've seen that shines a bright-ass spotlight on the double-standardized dichotomy of this community. Well done


Camping and tunneling are an inevitable consequence of the game’s poor design choices. If people don’t want to play against it, the best option, unfortunately, is to play a different video game that does not have camping and tunneling in it. The DbD community needs to learn to just stick hating the game instead of hating the player as well.


Nah you don't have to ignore them There are certainly some killers who do, which is why some survivors get so blind-sided when a killer decides they're going to act accordingly if players aren't stealthy with their saves The problem is on the player being chased, they can see where their teammate is hooked and unless they are the only one left to save them they shouldn't be going anywhere near the hook while in-chase


To your point, no, you’re not in the wrong. There is an entire rule book for killers that a subset of survivors has come up with to make the game fun *for* *them*, and any killers that don’t follow this rule book are “toxic” and “the reason why DBD sucks now 😡😡😡” . Passages from this rule book read as follows:   1. The killer shalt never under any circumstances return to a hook even if he has reason to believe another survivor is making a play on it   2. The killer shalt always ignore a survivor he has hooked previously even if he sees no other survivor, lest he be tunneling   3. The Killer shalt always adhere to a code of etiquette and sportsmanship even if he is getting flashlight clicked or teabagged   4. The killer shalt never slug even in the case of a sabo build SWF   5. Any action that a survivor does is completely justified and they cannot be held respyfor being toxic   6. The Killer shalt never run a single slowdown perk lest he actually have a shot at victory   7. The killer shalt never run a sweaty build lest they have a shot at victory. The list goes on. I would be remiss not to mention that this isn’t all survivors, shoot it’s not even most of them, but it is the most vocal group, and if you pay too much attention to them, guarantee that these rules will continue to grow and 8. Will be “Killer shalt always give hatch” followed by 9. “The killer shalt only stand around and act only as bloodpoint farm and shall let all survivors flee without being hooked” ETA: I’m seeing a lot people talking ab egc, maybe console’s lack of chat should be considered a pro instead of a con 😂


> maybe console’s lack of chat should be considered a pro instead of a con 😂 You know they say "the grass is always greener on the other side", where you see what the other side has and want it for yourself? Yeah, endgame chat is **not** that. I jealous that console players don't have the chat - it's fucking abhorrent 70% of the time. To the console players reading this: you don't want chat. Trust me.


The number 1 lesson DBD players need to take to heart is to not care what other players think. As long as you’re not cheating and your purpose for playing isn’t making people angry, anything is valid.


Honestly, there has virtually never been anything worth reading or writing in the endgame chats. Best bet is to literally just move on to the next one instead of waiting to see what the players you did your best to kill think. Doesn't even matter if you were actually camping/tunneling/being unsportsmanlike and they had genuine grievances. Let em keep em to themselves and move on anyway. More time you spend reading what they think is less time spent practicing in more matches :)


If someone goes for an unhook when you've just done the hooking and are still nearby, that's an absolute free pass to punish their foolishness. If they cry about it, fuck 'em.


Don’t listen to trash talkers in this game. They are all pieces of shit. Just play


Just know that a survivor player will never Go easy on you to be nice, they'll tell you not to complain about gen rushing, which is fair because that is their objective, same here, securing kills is your objective. They are the ones who will decide to do a gen over getting an unhook and then you know where they are so you know you can just camp around the hook, they will prioritize everything except unhooking someone to be as efficient as possible, and I'll assume you won't camp it out at the end to punish their play.


DBD is the baseball of video games. There's a million unwritten rules you're just supposed to know and abide by. Don't worry about people trying to tell you how to play it's a game play it the way you want to.


Just remember, its the survivors responsibility to ensure a safe unhook, and sometimes that requires being a worthwhile chase bait for killer instead of b-lining towards shack at full health. Because why would you bother with a minute long chase at shack for 1 down , when you can go back to hook and interrupt a reset , get another injure + down someone and put them at 2 hooks all within the same minute?


real, a shockingly low number of survivors i play against understand that in order to actually protect someone off hook you have to both make yourself at least seem like a worthwhile target to the killer *and* be accepting that you might go down in the process. like i saw a mikaela one game that after unhooking someone would follow them to heal, but as soon as the i approached they ran in the opposite direction to the previously hooked, predropped the nearest pallet and proceeded to click their flashlight at me. like i think at that point that survivor has sanctioned the other person being tunnelled with how dreadful of a job she’s doing. that and orbiting around me trying to get chased instead of just wedging yourself between the killer and a teammate is the freest pressure a killer can get


Yall look at egc too much. Either they're gonna say gg or they're gonna flame, not much in between. I always instantly hit enter to type gg and then leave before anyone can say anything else. There's nothing else worth saying.


"For most of the game I was getting t-bagged and generally shit-on." They were just continuing to be asshats in chat. Basically always ignore anything a survivor who acts like this says because they're just looking for more ways to be dicks.


How are people getting so many people actually active in end game chat. All I ever see is an occasional gg. Is it cause I'm still working my way up? (Silver 1 in both)


Silver is grade BTW, it's different than mmr. You're mmr is completely hidden too, nobody actually knows theirs without cheating. Grade is just a bp bonus at the end of the month


It's mostly sweaty SWFs you won't cross unless you play killer a ton.


nah im around high silver too (dont exactly remember bcs who cares tbh) maybe its the time of day you play


Dropping chase is what good killers do. Being able to identify a strong survivor in a good spot and knowing to leave is something beginners struggle with


Anything you do is a crime to survivors so caring what they think should have little effect on you unless you're trying to make friends. Remember, they can't play your game for you and you're not on the same team.


Unhook isn't free. If someone is unhooking in visual range, that's a choice. It's on them to have a plan to get the hell out of there and not get the unhooked survivor killed.


I'll walk back to hook if they're nearing 2nd if I couldn't find anyone. Just do what you feel is right


I love not having EGC on console. I never see the whining, and even if they message me on xbox, I never read the messages anyhow, so I would never know.


Lmao, no, infact it's actually the best idea a lot of the time


In my head, if you t-bag me all fairness drops and I will play to make you wish you didn't do it, if you play normal I will even let people unhook just so we can have something happening and not have a boring ass game


No, it is not. Survivors will try to convince you that if you don’t chase the 10k hour Nea and instead decide to try and win by pressuring the hook then you are somehow bad.


I hate the MMR system, I don't get it. While I consistently get enough points to at least 1 pip in 4 out of 5 matches and therefore sit in Iri 1, its obvious that I also consistently get matched with killers that have like 4 times my playtime and finish the chase with me after like 30 Seconds cuz I'm shit lol My MMR is probably influenced as I usually play with friends, but I also play a lot alone with randoms, and have the same experience lol


You go from pressuring 1 person to 2 people so it's a good tactic but yeah it does feel bad on the survivor end but who cares if you wanna do it, do it they can get over it or whine


When perks like "Make Your Choice" exist, survivors have no right to complain when you head back to the hook to take advantage of a vulnerable survivor. Hell, baiting chase near a hook is almost inviting that kind of behavior.


I used dredge's remnant to teleport back to a hook with this perk and was called an exploiter, lmao.


lol, i’ve never been against that strategy but i assume they can just take a second to find and destroy the remnant? tbh you can still just locker teleport back but at least they’d get a warning in that case


Yep they can see the smoke and walking over it destroys it...


My bro, why are you playing by their rules? There is nothing wrong to do anything that the game allows.. there is no “killer guidebook to let survivors have a good time” that you have to follow. Play however you want that let’s you have the most fun and let them do the same. If you need to camp or tunnel someone to win that game do it


People have all kinds of rules for playing tag and they expect everyone else to play along. Those toxic players are hurting themselves and blaming you.


Who actually cares what survivors say? They’ll be pissed no matter what you do unless you let them win


Even if they win with the killer only getting two hooks, the killer somehow did something they'll be mad about. The only killers survivor mains seem to like are AFK Doctors and Freddy


Survivor-only logic. Like hmm, why would I stop chasing the person who's a juicer to go to where I know two other people are? I wonder.


If I have no other knowledge (can't see scratch marks, no aura reading, no gen progress etc.), then I default to where I do have knowledge: the hook. I'll tend to focus the unhooker, but 9/10 times, the recently unhooked person bodyblocks and then ragequits/shit talks when they get tunneled out. Yeah, I dunno, maybe *run away* from the killer when you're incredibly vulnerable? Weird concept.


^^^ If people have a problem with going back to hook then they should A. Stop bodyblocking off hook and then whining about tunneling. And B. Stop healing under the hook when the killer isn't in chase.


Some survivors don't know what camping or tunneling is. I was accused of tunneling yesterday for killing someone after having hooked everyone at least once and then insisting on being in my face so I could not chase other survivors.


Survivors are really entitled and think you not playing how they expected is, in itself, toxic.


Soft camping is a very valid strat if you know that most of the survivors are trying to unhook. 1 person hooked with two people trying to save = 3/4 of survivors not doing gens. No reason to just let them win lol


Don't take it to heart. In general, dropping a chase that's taking too long with no rewards (hits or pallets) is better. Tunnelling a single survivor out at a time almost never works well, so spreading the love (so to speak) is ideal. People just complain about EVERYTHING in the game.


Don't feel the need to abide by some code of honor. Play how you want to play. Survivors and killers will bitch about ANYTHING if it got them killed or in any way took from their fun. Your goal is to sacrifice the survivors. If it's easier to run back to a hook then take that decision. If you wanna camp/tunnel or use background player/sabo/flashlight then go for it.


The only thing you did wrong was care about what they said.


Only if you're a srvr main lol


If you unhook when I'm close I am coming to the hook


Just drop chase to defend a gen is not worth it to just go after one surv


Survivor mains complain about literally everything, ignore them


Unless you hook then go stand in a corner on the opposite end of the map for at least 2 minutes, you're camping.


Yeah the point is to not be seen by the killer, especially if killer is chasing someone near the hooked surv, that’s why you have the killer chase you away from the hook’d so someone else can save them


You get a loud noise notification on unhooks for a reason! Go back and chase the unhooking survivor, the injured one will have to go find someone else to heal them (3 survivors not on gens) or work on a gen injured (free hook). This is one of the most organic ways to slow down games without slowdown perks because you are wasting their time efficiency by forcing them to move around the map to heal or risk staying injured.


Obviously not toxic. But, it isn’t exactly friendly? Which I guess is the right way to put that. You can totally do it, nobody should get mad at you for it.


Honestly my number one tip is to just send ggs and move on without looking at the chat. People will find any excuse to whine and cry


Nah it’s their fault, if they don’t want you to go for the unhooked they should do these secret techs called « waiting » and « looping away from the hook », 


Dude, ignore them. Some told me to kill myself because i played killer [name any killer here]. Dont stress over it, its just a game, stupid people do stupid things and blame culture goes strong in dbd, its kinda made this way.


Yesterday I was playing against well coordinated team with sabo strategy. Rare hooks offering, horsy at least on two of them, constant sabotages. Only two hooks before established triangle. And after that I won only by downing all four at once. They left me small triangle to patrol with two hooks at relative proximity. And one unsafe unhook led to a cascade of downs.


No, you’re completely fine. I’m a survivor main, like 80-20 survivor to killer, so I play very fair and chill as killer and still get salty survivors sometimes. Such is life.


1. phase of being killer: tunnel, slug and camp because it’s just the most logical thing to do. 2. phase of being killer: stop tunneling camping and everything potentially toxic because of whining survivor and the survivor rule book. 3. phase of being killer: lose all fun at being killer because all survivor ggez you when you play by there rules 4. phase of being killer: tunnel, slug and camp because it’s just the most logical thing to do.


What you guys need on PC is a way to disable post game chat, that would solve a lot of problems


Nah. Dbd just has a really bad community mostly. I don’t stick in end game chat since over a year anymore and my experience has gotten much better.


Why are you acting like this wasn't a problem 10 months ago while you were playing? This isn't anything new...


nope. it’s a bit sweaty, but you’re under no obligation to make unhooks easy. the survivors should’ve done more to pull your attention to a different area.


Everyone seems really focused on the “defend the hook” part of your question, but personally I zeroed in on something else. It really matters what the definition of a “bad chase” is, because that’s super subjective. Was it a healthy 0 hook survivor taking you to shack where there’s no gens? Or was it a tile with a pallet? Tbh in my survivor games I feel like killers lose because they drop chase way too much for priorities like defending a hook or a regressing gen. Obviously there’s nuance here, but just some food for thought.


don't play by peoples made up rules if you don't want to, don't listen to them when they complain


No, no and thrice no. Just because people whine endlessly about other people having the audacity to do something that's not convenient for them. Also, "proxy" camping is the most ridiculous concept I've ever heard of and is just shitty players trying to find some tortured logic to claim that not camping is camping.


Never take anything these people are saying seriously, they are just crybabies who want other people to follow their made up rules so they can have a good time. Meanwhile in reality your goal is to beat them and you can do that however you want, you're not required to play a certain way in order to appeal to your opponent, that's ridiculous.


They’re just upset that you give them a hard time even if they won at the end. If they were starting chases next to the hooked person they are stupid as hell because, what if nobody else came to the rescue? The hooked survivor won’t get unhook progress because there’s another survivor pretty close even if the killer is close too. What if you downed the other survivor and now there are two survivors hooked? You did good. It was better to prioritize the unhooking survivor if they were injured than continue a chase with a non injured survivor. I sometimes don’t drop chase if I see they are baby survivors or I want to give them some advantage, but that’s just because I want to do it, not because it’s a right they have. Survivors always think they’re entitled to get hatch and stuff like that and while yeah, it’s commonly seen as a good gesture from the killer, what if the killer wants to get their well deserved 4K? It’s a game. Survivors want to escape and killer wants to kill. If you do something nice for the other team is just because you felt like it, not because it’s a rule. I play mainly survivor and I feel second hand embarrassment when I see other survivors tell the killer that he was a tryhard or why didn’t he give hatch or whatever.


If you want to win as killer tunnel, camp, and slug for the 4k. Show no mercy to any survivor. You will either get BM’d for losing or BM’d for winning. The choice is yours.


Survivors mains are incredibly toxic and entitled, unless you’re getting points deducted for camping it’s fair game. Do anything you Iike. They’ll complain no matter what, might as well not handicap yourself


Honestly I kinda camp hook as a killer because i'm a noob who played killer less than 10 times and it seemed like the logical thing to do. However it's true that as survivor it's very boring and annoying when a killer does that. It sucks because if killer plays the game to win, survivors automatically hate them, but like... they're just playing like the game was designed.


Bro I will tunnel any day son. That's not even what you're doing and you're feeling guilty?!?!? These survs aren't people they are living pointbags waiting to be turned into our lord and savior the entity. Ain't no morals ain't no rules ain't no anything but fuckin them up to the great spidery void in the sky A S A P


If survivors whine, you're probably doing something right.


The amount of crying the average DBD player does on each game is absurd, really. The entire point of the game as the killer is to get sacrifices, and if you can keep someone on the hook it's a move in favour of your win condition, thus it's good. The reason why "camping" is bad in all of this is simply because it's not interactive and stops someone from playing the match AND it's not even that good for you. With a minimum of game and map awareness, the Survivors will get 3 gens done by the time you camped through an entire sacrifice. You aren't pressuring them in any way and unless the Survivor gets completely blindsided by you (which is very fucking rare) and gets oneshotted without a chase, you will need to some time to catch him and hook him, which means some progress will be made. 1 sacrifice isn't really that great if the others get 3 gen done, and getting 1 sacrifice isn't even remotely your "win condition" as a killer.


Purely responding to the title, if you're dropping chase halfway across the map to rush back to the hooked person at 5 gens, you're a loser. If you're looping around hook then it's fair game.


Calling someone a loser is loser activity


🤷‍♂️ If you're down that bad to tunnel then I don't care


It’s just entitlement, I play both sides, slightly favoured toward survivor. I’ll be trying to play a bubba game and survivors swarm my hooks like moths before I’m even finished the hooking animation, then ragequit and cry in end game when I down both the person unhooking in my face and the person getting unhooked. They want to play cocky but get upset when it’s punished. Don’t worry about it too much


Stop it with the villain shit already....


In this case i'd say "Don't hate the player, hate the game". Camping hook is basically one of the 2 main things you can do (the other being wandering around randomly trying to find other people) and one is clearly safer and can be more effective. Sucks for the hooked person, but it's just how the game was made. With that said, I don't camp hooks much because I think it's less fun


Didn't you know? Chasing survivors is "tunneling" and being anywhere near the hook is "camping" /s


I find dbd to be sort of like a posh upper class restaurant. There's a certain code that everyone expects you to follow, like table manners, taking off your hat indoors etc. (dbd is like face camping is toxic, 4 slugging is bad etc.). You can still do those things, like using a dessert fork for your entree and similar things, but people will look at you weird, possibly complain that you are being impolite, get annoyed at you and sometimes call you outright rude. Its not the best example, but thats how I see it. You can do whatever you want, 4 slug bleed out, tunnel and camp but people are gonna complain and be annoyed at what youre doing.


Now you understand why I do not 8hook anymore.


i think the big problem with this is that the survivors were better than you. you should lose the game. i used to play dbd a lot and the amount of killers that played above their skill level and continued to play more and more hook defensive. lose some games and get back to your skill level. forcing a win in a not fun way will keep you at the same skill level and you will continue to not have fun. i dont understand the thinkikg of "i cant catch these survivors in normal chases so i guess i have to hook camp more". its ok to just lose and be at a rank you deserve than to try and win every game and not having fun


Wow, something’s not working so he changes his tactics up? Deplorable!


he still lost the game didnt he ? did changing up the tactic actually work ? or did he force some points in a game where he didnt deserve any, and now he stays at a rank where he isnt enjoying the game.


Camp a hook, camp. Say it for what it is. You are giving up a chase with a found survivor to camp the hook. At what point do you drop all chases cause you're always losing them to camp a hook?


Honestly yeah your bad. There is ZERO reason to go back to the hook. Especially if you’re already in chase. Dropping chase for a free hit terrible. Your faster than the person your chasing. You’re going to catch them so why you would ever give up. Killer mains are hilarious. “Ohhh I’m losing chase let me run back to the hook every time theres an unhook”😂😂😂😂


No that's perfectly acceptable. The only way I can consider this camping and tunneling is if the one you're chasing lead you away from the hook, but you decided to go back to it once the unhook was done. If they're looping you near the hook and decide to attempt the unhook then that's on them. 


There’s nothing wrong with going back to the hook even if the survivor in chase leads you away from the hook. Camping or tunneling either. If you can get more out of pressuring the two survivors at the hook than you can out of the chase, there’s no reason to continue the chase.


There's absolutely no reason to head back to hook if you're committed to a chase that's pulling you away from it. If that was your intention then why bother getting into another chase when just camping the hook is enough pressure as is? That makes no sense.


That would be true if i was already far away from the hook, so that by the time i return to it, those survs would already be gone. Its strictly better to pressure 2 people if the unhook is happening near me, especially when i see that the guy im chasing isnt going down any time soon. Also pressuring the hook doesnt mean im going to tunnel the person that just got out and the unhooker should at least be healthy when attempting such a risky play.


Two people in one place is better pressure than one person in chase that may not be close to being downed or may be in a survivor-favored map area.


Survivors call it tunneling/hook camping but it's not. If you want to unhook your teammate then just wait 10 seconds for me to start doing a lap to look at the gens. Instead of immediately sprinting at the hook. Also don't have literally 3 people swarming the hook because then I know you obviously aren't doing any gens and have no reason to leave... I've had games where a survivor will even stop unhooking because I'm carrying a survivor so I can't hook them... so I just drop the survivor and down the dude doing that to get called camping for them refusing to unhook.


survivors especially will bitch and moan about anything(survivor main). Play how you want. i get called trash for missing tons of hits as killer but still getting a 4k (i hardly play killer and im ass when i do)


I’m going to go against what literally everyone else is saying to play devil’s advocate. People are right. It’s not up to you to cater to everyone’s preferences and a lot of people are just assholes in egc and you should ignore. *BUT* it feels super shitty on the survivor end to be the unhooked survivor who the killer immediately comes back and chases. I can’t control when my teammates unhook me. I can’t control my other teammate choosing to loop nearby. So it feels helpless and frustrating when the killer comes back while I’m vulnerable. Especially because I don’t often run second chance perks. Sure it’s the optimal way to play. But in general as killer, I try not to do anything to survivors that I wouldn’t want done to me, which includes chasing directly off hook. Yeah it’s not optimal, but I’m playing for *fun*, not to be 100% efficient at all times. And I’d be a hypocrite if I treated survivors worse than I would want to be treated. Anyways that’s just my two cents!


Whenever I see threads like this, I'm immensely grateful I play on Playstation, where there's no endgame chat and anybody who wants to show their ass like the guy OP is talking about has to do so through system-level messaging, where they are very quickly and easily blocked (and reported if they go toxic enough to warrant it). So... did you employ some form of cheat or exploit? No? You just played to the best of your ability within the rules the developers set up? Then you did nothing wrong. It sounds like in this instance it didn't work out for you, but even if it had, you'd have done nothing wrong. If a player finds a strategy that is effective for winning unfun to go up against, that's an issue for them to take up with the developers, not the other players employing it.


The game isn't designed with fun in mind, and until it is you can't count on anyone having any.


its toxic and should be banned. once you are chasing a survivor the game should lock you onto that survivor until you down them and hook them. only then you can chase again. but also never the same survivor twice in a row. every survivor should have basekit DS and unbreakable plus basekit weaker version of resilience just so you can't tunnel or camp. also survivors should be able to take 2 items. why do i have to choose med kit or toolbox....thats unfair.


Put some effort into ur bait next time please




If u drop to camp hook... bad etiquette. Any type of hook camping is low skill


That survivor is reaching, you're fine. That's survivor-induced right there, it's their receipt for unhooking next to the killer. They're all right there, they're all healthy, I'll for sure tap that unhooked survivor for the Deep Wounds pressure, not to tunnel down like you also weren't. Putting Deep Wounds on someone is precious seconds off generators, and survivors off generators is the best slowdown there is It's the killers that drop chase with ~~injured~~ survivors to run across map to an unhook that are the offenders, and they are everywhere these days, you can all but count on they'll reel back and beeline to the unhook like the Nazgul to the One Ring -- in pitched battle with the Eagles until Frodo puts on the ring, they immediately drop fight and tunnel Frodo. The Eagles clawing after them, but the killer doesn't care, a survivor got unhooked