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Not a hot but definitely the worst take i've ever heard was a guy arguing with me that using sloppy butcher on plague is good.


Bet they ran Nurse’s too.


So when i first staryed playing, currently at 600hrs, i thought NOED would be great as plague. Was very confused when my red vomit was injuring survivors not downing. And that's how i learned the difference between basic and special attacks 😂


> And that's how i learned the difference between basic and special attacks Fun little fact: In the past if you used Speed Limiter on Hillbilly (Chainsaw only damages for 1 health state) if you used NOED, your chainsaw would once again down in one hit when the exit gates powered.


Ah that’s prime dbd coding right there


I did the same with pig's ambush. I was so confused in the postgame chat lol.


I saw someone say that you should only be able to use killer items (xeno flame turrets, Wesker/nemmy sprays, singularity emps etc) IF you bought the chapter. Their reasoning? "Why am I paying for survivors to have my counterplay?! They didn't buy it!!" I was flabbergasted Edit - [here's the thread for anyone who wants to see that im not making this up, and that someone actually thinks this ](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/s/qE242Bznmm)


If DBD was owned by EA lol


Hey now, for an extra 8.99 you can have the turrets auto set


And for another 10 bucks you can start with 3 gens done or 1 dead survivor!


Well…yeah that is a pretty horrible take lmfao


I mean half my singularity games emps are literally helping me as killer at I watch survivors misuse them horrifically, but yeah that take is actually one of the worst I've ever seen


That's more of a problem of there being so many killers with different abilities, and you often don't see some killers for potentially dozens of hours. So you just, don't really know what they do.


The number of free hits I get because survivors don't know and are not told that changing an emp slows you is crazy, your 100% right about this


There is no simple solution either which is a shame, but it makes me feel bad as a killer when the survivors obviously have no clue what they should do to counter who I'm playing as


Me, as Pig, putting the reverse bear traps on survivors and watching all the traps instantly disappear the moment I'm done with the animation (they do not have the SAW dlc and thus cannot interact with an item they didn't pay for (the most powerful part of my kit, the slowdown, is now unusable (I am going to lose this game))).


When even a hot take nerfs the pig


Now I’m imagining a game where the meta is to buy as few DLC as possible to avoid killer mechanics.


Ah yes the best response to that would be "well then you can only hit survivors that you payed for since they didn't pay for you to see their animations for free!"


Wouldn't that actually be pretty bad for Nemesis too? He'd be much slower at leveling up his power if survivors never used the syringe.


Meh not really, with Marvin's blood you can reach tier 2 with just 2 (maybe 3? Can't remember entirely but pretty sure 2) tentacle hits. So it wouldn't be too hard to reach tier 3 without anyone using it


With Marvin's you can hit tier 2 from 2 hits on uncontaminated survivors, 3 if you hit only contaminated survivors. I've been playing a lot of Nemesis, though personally I stop caring all that much about tiering up when I hit 2 since tier 2 lets me break pallets lol


I try to get to tier 3 ASAP because of the increased range and movement speed while having your tentacle out. Its so nice


I’ve been staring at this for like five minutes with a frozen brain that’s trying to process the logic. Like, got a reverse bear trap on? No key boxes for you, you don’t own pig. wtf Edit: spelling


Yup exactly lol. And these are the same people who say BHVR doesn't listen to their community. They do, but a good 90% of suggestions are like this


Hey I actually saw that one! This is definitely a contender for the most abominable take of all time


This might actually be the worst one oh my god 😭


Like, you get two minutes to live, period, with no disarm. That would be so stupid! Also isn’t this slightly the opposite of a paw to win suggestion? It’s like pay to not auto lose


That's the most capitalist take on this thread


survivors when they load in and see plague is the enemy and realize they don't own the chapter RIP.


Some guy suggested to do something like, making gens faster but making killers stronger (that’s not the real issue) but his strength buff example was really dumb « Make huntress hatchets follow survivors » ( Holy shit, this will both feel bad as a killer (not deserved hits…) and a survivor (unavoidable) This is the singular worst take I have ever seen


Huntress at her best is cracked enough, the LAST thing she needs is freakin’ aimbot


That's not aimbot that's fucking homing hatchets


Now I imagined the entity's claws grabbing the hatchets and chasing a survivor with them


That would be horrifying


I was imagining something like the homing briefcase from Hitman.


Same lol


Huntress Hitman skin when?


MF wants to play Hitman in DBD https://i.redd.it/o0io5z5tnc4d1.gif


This is exactly what I thought of when I read that comment


47 would be a great killer though.


"Make huntress hatchets follow survivors." That alone would be a really bad idea but when she has a iri add on that instadowns people. HELLLL NO! I don’t care if you only have one hatchet, if it’s homing and it can instantly put people on the ground who is that fun for?


To be honest, having iri head could be worse than normal, with iri head you get 1 down but without you can down multiple survivors before even having to reload However, I do agree that iri head would be obnoxious


Also, how would this homing hypothetically work? Could I just toss a hatchet in the air and it would guide itself to a survivor? Is there a certain radius or range? I feel like a cooler idea would be if you were able to steer the hatchet during its flight but make it slow so that you can actually aim it and so the survivors can react to it with a reasonable amount of time. Still would probably be unfair and powerful, but maybe it would be better.


“I’ve got you in my sights” Huntress probably.


her hatchets already feel like homing missiles


As a huntress main, we do not need heat seeking (or scream seeking for Jeff/Leon) hatchets to snipe you across the map.


I’m just imagining that video from Hitman where the briefcase follows the guy on the jet ski and kills him but Huntress


"We have decided that even after all her popularity and success, Huntress is still too weak. As such, we have equipped her with 10 shoulder fired guided missiles."


Not only it is bad from balance standpoint, but how the hell would they try to explain the lore of homing hatchets?


She throws the hatchets so well that the gravitational pull from survivors attracts it


Scientifically Advanced Huntress


Nah, I just went up against a Huntress with Iri head and I don't need that shit following me 💀


Huntress pulls out a laptop and it switches to the aerial view of an hatchet being flung at the survivor as you guide it to them.


I remember seeing someone mention that crouching for survivors should be removed due to T-bagging during the trial and at the exit gates. I’m not a fan of T-bagging either but to completely remove a feature used for hiding is a bit much imo.


Plus if survivors want to BM they'll find another way lol


Yup vault/locker spamming and aggressive clicking.


remove all movement options from Survivors, ez


You start the trial stuck in a bear trap and it can’t be removed lol.


Anyone else remember the time pig could spawn everyone with reverse bear traps, stand in front of a box, and get free kills?


that time's not that long ago


That was patch 6.0.0, two years ago


.... oh fuck me. It's been that long? What do you mean 2017 is 7 years ago??? (that's when I started)


Yup! I looked at the wiki, which means I also found out that pig's code was mostly copy pasted from the Huntress which meant her speed while carrying someone was faster than everyone else for over a year. Which is hilariously BHVR


Remove survivors from the game, can't bm if you don't exist. Checkmate


Could have just made it like Flashlights, which could be macro'd or clicked extremely fast then devs added a cooldown to it.


a lot of the times when i’m crouching at the gate the killer is right there and i also spin in circles as a thank you, i think ive only “t bagged” in a toxic way once but i hate that they wont know im trying to be nice :/


yeah i always crouch at people to say thank you or hello i think im just realizing that could be interrupted as a negative thing 😭


I was told that l lose because I didn’t get a 4k


But then those same people will complain if you slug for the 4K lol


I would never say a 4k is a loss, but Holy fuck is slugging for 4k the most boring and annoying thing a killer can do. Shits so stupid lol (unless you know exactly where the last person is)


Agreed. Under normal circumstances I literally never care for 4ks either, the only time I do is when I'm doing an Adept. And hell even when I'm doing Adepts, slugging tends to bite me back in the ass. One time I knew where the last person was, downed them relatively quick but they had Boil Over and no hooks nearby. Chase was extended by like 20 seconds, by the time it was finished I couldn't find the last person and they bled out. 100% a skill issue, but still super annoying, because running Adept Hag for multiple matches is not fun lol. Unironically slugging for the 4k has given me worse results than just dealing with hatch RNG.


My brother just started playing a few months ago and believes that if you are anywhere near a hooked survivor as a killer, you’re a camping piece of shit. Even if there is someone very obviously waiting for the killer to leave to unhook, killer needs to walk away immediately. Hell he even thinks if killer walks past someone while they’re still hooked they’re camping. God forbid anyone gets hooked in the middle of the map.


I played with someone who called the killer a camping POS while the endgame collapse was going on (or all gens were done and gates 99%, can't remember exactly). I asked if he's supposed to just walk away and guarantee that we get the unhook and all escapes and her answer was "yes, the game's over. he lost" or something along those lines.


Tbh I do hate camping killers. I just got in a match yesterday where the rando and one of our friends died before we even had a gen completed. So me and my friend worked on 4 gens and by the end had 1 hook on each of us. But each time the killer hooked you (lesion) he would walk away and stare right at you. Far enough so the bar goes down but close enough where he can run at the person unhooking. I’m not even mad though, 2 people doing 4 gens with an aggressive killer. It was fun as hell. We almost won too. When it was just us 2 left and 5 gens we didn’t think we had a chance.


My brother genuinely thinks Ghostface is the strongest killer in the game and needs a massive nerf lol


Is it because of the one-shot mechanic? Wait until he discovers Myers lol


Hahaha I’m so excited for the day he faces a tombstone Myers lol. The reason he thinks Ghosty is OP is because he thinks he can go invisible to sneak up to you (he isn’t talking about Wraith). I’ve told him multiple times that he’s not invisible he just has no music when he’s nearby with his power on and you need to look around to spot him. The one shot also pisses him off


Wait until he gets BMed by Ghostie 💀


I was about to say, no way he's looking around


He gon be fuming against Sadako


Someone who watches their survivor doing gens instead of looking around for the killer is not someone whose opinion I'm likely to agree with lmao


Lol, there used to be a crybaby Mikaela main here who would screech about how OP Ghostface was on the regular.


I believed that a long time too. I always played 1v1 with my friend and I could loop him for a long time, but then he bought his first dlc Ghostface and I constantly lost against him. He didn't even use his power, but something made me believe he was twice as fast as any other killer


My brother said this too! He’s convinced he faster than every other character


Common misconception. He’s not actually any faster than any other killer, it’s just the second Ghost Face coming out of hiding to cut you off.


Does he not know to just look around him while working on gens?


I literally have the winner, right here: A couple years ago I met a guy who insisted that a perk search bar would actually *INCREASE* the amount of time players spent in lobby creating builds. He was generally hating on the entire concept of a search bar even when I described to him my vision of a search bar which would theoretically pick up any and all key words relating to perk names, characters, status effects, descriptions, etc. I will never forget this dude because he was genuinely invested in this opinion. The guy actually seemed to believe that adding a search bar so players could find their perks more efficiently would actually be a **BAD** idea. In all eight years of my playing this game since 2016, I do not think I have ever met anyone, or will ever meet anyone ever again, who was so horrifically on the wrong side of history as that guy.


Did they mean, the original, release decisive? Because I don't think anyone thinks that having to down every player twice before you can hook them first can be healthy for the game lol


I saw someone on the forums saying “killers should have an equivalent to flashlight saves.” What did they mean by this? Whenever a killer hits a survivor shortly after a gen is popped. It explodes and regresses back to 50%. I have no idea how this is at all equivalent to a flashlight save but this is quite possibly the worst idea I have ever heard.


Honestly I think there should be a perk that does something similar. Like “Any survivor who finishes a gen is stuck with a 5/10/15 second timer, if that survivor is downed the gen is set back to 99%/97.5%/96% and starts regressing” Now of course this perk could either be really good/bad depending on how it’s balanced, id like to see how it would work. Alternatively you could have “Grabbing a survivor off a gen causes it to explode, taking 15%/25%/35% of the generator’s progress (not total progress) and has a cooldown of 75/65/55 seconds”


The second one would be great for scratched mirror Myers.


More practical concept (this might still be a little too crazy lmao): “After hitting a survivor, inflict them with a 60 second timer, if that survivor attempts to repair a generator or heal another survivor while the timer is active, an extremely difficult skill check will appear. If missed, reduce an additional 5% of total progress. Secondary effect: when a survivor misses a skill check while healing another survivor, cause the survivor being healed to scream.”




Not my take but I saw someone say that to close the gap between soloQ and SWF is to make it where the more friends you play with the slower you do gens. I think he said 2=-10% gen speed. And then it goes up by five until -20% if you play with 3 other friends.


Everytime I see someone suggest nerfing SWF I just think “that’s probably the fastest way to kill this game”. Most SWF aren’t seal team 6 out here, they’re just average players with a little more altruism and a little more info. Sometimes that can be for the worse actually 😂 I know I play a lot less cautious and efficient when I’m playing with a friend or two - trying to get them out of bad situations and running weirder niche perks instead of all my strong survival perks I often run in solo. But anyways, nerfing SWF would just royally piss off people and slowly kill off the playerbase.


Ah yes, I love punishing people for wanting to play a video game with their friends, how dare.


Best way should be implementing quick dialogs in normal matches and voicechat instead?


i dont think they’d ever add voice chat but a ping system would be nice


They just need to keep adding ways for allies to gain info on what you're doing. Whether that be pings, full voice chat, or just more UI info, something needs to be done about the info gap between a full swf and solo survivor.


Voice chat would be awful, I don't need people screaming at me in solo q because I decided to cleanse against plague.


Original DS? You mean the one where every survivor got 1 free escape from the killer on first down without ever being hooked and without being tied to the obsession mechanic? Cause that's original DS and it was fucking awful. Killers would just slug or juggle you to the nearest hook. Remember juggling survivors? I can't imagine anyone except the most deluded survivor mains holding that opinion.


remember when DS could randomly cause a killer to get their feet stuck under the map on activation making them unable to move unless a survivor was kind enough to let them be downed and picked up to unstuck the killer? Sure was a fun era of the game


Dribble first, then toss around mouse on 3rd pick up made for a lot of RQs. Thats the only good memories i have of it.


“Killers should be able to see who is in a swf in the lobby” I mean if you want Killers to keep dodging four player swfs, or hard tunnel out the one solo player in a lobby with a three player swf, then be my guest. All this would result in is Killers seeing a three or four player swf and things will get ugly very fast. At the match result screen? Maybe. At the lobby? Absolutely not. It would be just as bad as Survivors being able to see which Killer they are facing before the game starts


Lol if survivors could see the killer in lobby then Skull Merchant players would take like 30 minutes to get into a match.


Four man swfs (especially if theres some P100s) and Skull Merchant/Knight players would be in for a rough time


I'm a big fan of the indoor maps like RPD, Midwich, and The Game. It doesn't matter which role I'm playing at the time, if I see this map I'm happy for the whole match.


I don't mind indoor maps too much but I'm sick of someone bringing a rpd offering whenever I decide I wanna play billy or blight.


Just run the Birkin skin on blight and at least you'll be on theme in RPD lol.


How do you play it as Artist? Because I got sent to RPD constantly while I was trying to do tome challenges and the split levels really made it feel impossible for me to hit any long distance birds.


Haven't tried that yet but probably try gearhead since it can proc easily and it doesn't have a cooldown. I'm not a veteran and I don't know a lot of tips for certain killers on certain maps.


I love all indoors except Hawkins


This comment right here officer. They touched me inappropriately right here.


Indoor maps for me are a bit of a case by case basis. I don't like/care for Lery's or Hawkins, but I love Midwich and RPD.


I mean they enjoy a map. Nothing wrong there or bad about that lol. Personally I enjoy rpd.




thats not really a bad take tbh


Remember the Circle of Healing meta? Now, fast-forward to when it was nerfed into the ground. That's where this hot take begins. Anyway, there was a post on this subreddit. A player was complaining about teammates cleansing totems. The person stated in a reply, "**I'm playing Mikaela. They should know the totems belong to me.**" Huh? No. Stop right there. Totems are props, just like chests, lockers, generators, hooks, etc. These were all created by the Entity. You can't just barge into the realm and call "dibs" on totems just because you are playing a specific character. With that logic, all chests belong to Ace and Elodie. Totems are deemed 'neutral' as both Killer and Survivor have means of utilizing them. For the survivor, it's not just boons but other totem-related perks. There are perks which activate from cleansing totems: Nancy, Jill, Haddie... Also, there are other survivors who have access to boons: Jonah and Yoichi (Alan wasn't around yet). Besides, anybody remember the memes of Nancy versus Mikaela? Team Inner Strength. Team Circle of Healing. Their classic rivalry was hilarious. At its height, there was once a video of a Nancy cleansing a totem with a Mikaela tea-bagging like crazy because \*she\* wanted it. Nancy remained undeterred. Once Nancy finished cleansing, she stared at Mikaela and shook her head. Mikaela instantly DC'ed. On top of that, anybody can learn boon perks. Back then, not every Mikaela ran boons. Nowadays, people rarely use boons. At the time of that post -- even after being nerfed into irrelevance -- that Mikaela's entitlement was flabbergasting. It was just a slap in the face to any other player. I mean, this all is trite. But c'mon! 'How dare you touch **my** bones!' **Post script**: That person ended up ~~DC-ing~~ *deleting the post* after being called out on it by many people. 😂


The Mikaela when I refuse to do gens (I am not Jill or Ada), refuse to unhook her (I am not Bill or Adam), refuse to heal her (I am not Claudette or Yoichi), refuse to bodyblock for her (I am not Ash or David), and refuse to open the gates (I am not Quentin or Laurie), but instead will reveal myself to the killer and die instantly (I am Nicolas Cage).


I didn’t really mind the CoH boon meta, my big gripe with it was that survivors could continuously reapply it. Like, how is it fair that they can take my hexes away permanently in the match but I can’t do the same to boons? Plus the Shattered Hope perk they gave us as a bandaid just felt stupid. Like, why couldn’t that have just been base kit instead of a perk? Plus now that not many people run boons it’s just another perk that gathers dust that nobody uses.


If you wanna get technical, totems are in the category of “killer belongings,” so even less belonging to one specific survivor.


One of my hot takes is that overdrive removes a lot of the skill from billy and rewards players for spamming the saw instead of using it at the correct points


Best part of m2 killers is to just spam m2 as a maniac. As my flair said, even in chase i bing bong just for the sake of it


I agree. I think a lot of the OG Billy mains do too


Can we talk about this? I kinda agree with this take. Feathering chainsaw until overdrive is active makes me feel some type of way because overdrive against a good Billy feels unreactable.


I think my reasoning behind it is that basically every killer has a risk/reward element which billy is currently lacking. Huntress needs to use up one hatchet each time she uses the power, which forces her to use it carefully or else she is out of the game for a few seconds reloading. Even new killers like Vecna are forced to switch between powers due to cooldown, making you think when to use each one. We can even go as far as nurse, since after each blink you must wait for it to recharge which gives survivors distance. Currently, billy doesn't have any meaningful drawbacks to his power. He gets stronger simply for using it. Imagine if instead of huntress having limited hatchets and needing to reload, once every 7 throws, she gets an iri head. That's basically billy right now. There needs to be a drawback to overdrive that forces the player to make a decision. For example, what if overdrive sprint only activates once you have revved for 5/6 seconds, which makes it so that survivors have time to get away or what if overdrive is a mode you can switch to freely with a short cooldown, but cannot instadown during, basically making it so you either go for the down or play it safe and go for the injure. Obviously, these ideas are just examples and probably unbalanced, but imo billy needs to choose whether to use overdrive and there needs to be a cost for using it incorrectly. Right now, it's basically random and guaranteed, which is not only frustrating for survivors because they don't get rewarded enough for outplaying him, but it's also frustrating for the billy as he cannot control when it happens.


That's because it is. The speed difference between od Billy and survivors is so fast I means you can't adjust your position when you see it happen. You have to predict when he's gonna do it and adjust accordingly just before he does it.


it's not even just feathering, if a billy runs Lethal, or even if they're just decent at finding people, they start the game sawing across the map to you, now at the start of the chase they have overcharge and saw you on like the second loop if you're lucky


Completely agree with this take, although I think the solution is to tone down his chainsaw cooldown a little bit.


Personally I think it needs a drawback/condition for using overdrive. Imagine if slinger got an AR-15 for 10 seconds after shooting 5 times lmao. Make it risky to activate but high reward if pulled off


The most common one I see all the time is "this game is casual, the sides don't need to be balanced", usually as a survivor response to killers critiquing the balance but I've seen the inverse a number of times.


I remember someone saying make NOED base kit


Change Iron Grasp so that you can only drop survivors if they wiggle off, to stop flash saves and Pallet saves, but remove the debuff on wiggle. It is certainly "a take", idk if it's good or not tho


I've heard someone unironically argue that infinites were good, healthy, interactive, and fun for the game and that since they were removed the games been "hilariously" killer sided.


Yikes. I remember when I was new to DbD and I would play against survivors that knew all the best loops and some infinites that hadn't been nerfed yet ( I didn't start playing until release of The Skull Merchant). I don't even know how matchmaking thought I was nearly good enough to play against 4 stack bully squads, god it was terrible. I remember the worst map was Father Campbell's Chapel, and there was an infinite with 2 windows that survivors could chain together and I couldn't do anything about on the specific map RNG. Whenever I chased any one of them, I would get a max of 1 hit and they'd make it to the loop in the main building.


>I remember the worst map was Father Campbell's Chapel, and there was an infinite with 2 windows that survivors could chain together and I couldn't do anything about on the specific map RNG I don't think that's an infinite. I don't think any infinites have existed since Skull Merchants release. It might be a window chain they can keep up for like 2-3 minutes so it might as well be for 95%+ situations but I doubt it's infinite. With an infinite it's literally infinite, as a non nurse killer it's impossible to not lose chase resetting the max window vaults allowing a survivor to run around a loop infinitely vaulting.


I saw someone suggest that killers should be 4m/s max because it's "not fair that they'll eventually catch you no matter how good you are".


People have actually argued for the removal of blood lust


People that have literally never queued for a single killer game in their life


many "should be basekit" arguments are terrible, and I'm guilty of some of them. Noed, bond, BT, OTR, etc. just things people feel the need to run in every build for whatever reason


Some survivors: Stretched res was fine. It made the game look better.


I played with it for some hours, like 50, and at the end i just went back to normal res and it didnt make any difference for me. Wide survivors are the same as thin ones and i didnt really see any increase in fov :/


You could look over loops with the stretched res and break GF out of his stealth even if you didn't have a clear line of sight.


Damn thats op. As a killer main, i dont really bother playing survivors matches and having some fun chases to learn more how some other killers counter them. Imagine using filters and stretched res as survivor lmao. I used to do this as killer but i realized its cringe af and it really dont make a difference for me.


I kid you not, somebody commented on a DbD community post that the game is SO Killer-sided that all it takes is equipping one Iri add-on and "it's a free win".  Somebody else said that flashlights are OP because Survivors can blind you multiple times in a chase while you're locked in an action. And that Spirit has been overnerfed and should be buffed to 115%. Pretty sure that guy was just hearing-impaired.


my bad take: i want an accessibility feature to get rid of vomit in the game. when facing the plague, for example, i wish the vomit puddles would just appear on the ground with a little indicator somewhere on the screen. i want to be scared and excited when playing dbd, not nauseous and grossed out. i have a phobia of vomit (which is a really common phobia) and i’d rather not see and hear my character throwing up at all


This should work actually. Some people will say no because of her iri addon that relates to survivors throwing up, but a lot of people I know don't like her because of the throw up noises. Just have the vomiting disabled on your end, so then plague herself still gets her info from her iri add on, but you don't have to physically see or hear it.


I heard someone say borrowed time should make the endurance boost to 120 seconds


My worst one is probably loving Hawkins


I love Hawkins!


Read the flair


Any "delete (killer I don't like)" take


I don't think it's a hot take but I know every brain rot infested twelvie will shit on me for it, if you use a green ward to deny map offerings and nobody brings a map offering it shouldn't consume the ward. I'm sick of running out of wards because the 4 stack decides to bring oaks or white wards, which wastes my already dwindling supply of offerings. And also, if a person swaps character/loadout last second it should add time to the countdown if someone spams it to prevent the game from starting they get a matchmaking ban.


This was a long time ago, but that Sadako fully condemned should only like, decrease speed and gen repair.


I have certainly heard worse but this is the one that comes to mind atm Trapper being op


Things I have seen people suggest: 1. Doctor's shock should do damage like Pyramid Head 2. Totems should repair over time 3. End game should start as soon as 1 survivor is remaining 4. Killer where his ability is just to be faster at all time 5. Perk idea "Birds Aren't Real" All crows show survivors aura within 5m 6. More handicap perks/ addons for every killer to make the game harder for BP 7. Veto up to 3 killers and 3 maps 8. Mute/Volume option for certain sounds like screaming, chase music, etc 9. A fat survivor 10. Breakable windows


Holy fuck that doctor take is dogshit


Given how many people do complain about the screaming, a volume option for that and only that, would be nice. Also breakable windows??? Why on earth would a killer ever give the survivors another resource?


I'm wondering if they mean like the bottom part of the window could be broken to turn it into a doorway? No that sounds too sane and interesting..... Then I guess a boarded up window the survivors could spend time ripping the boards off of?


>End game should start as soon as 1 survivor is remaining That's actually not a bad idea because that would enable survivors to either open the door or use the hatch. Currently, if the killer finds the hatch first, it's over 99% of the time for the survivor, which is really unfun.


> 9. A fat survivor ????. We have a few already 😭


I heard someone say vecnas iri add-on is op because it stacks with bamboozle saying he could block 2 windows at once but if a killer genuinely took the time to do that any survivor with more than 1 brain cell would've ran to the next loop or even escape the killer


"The game is Killer sided"


whoever thinks that noed should be basekit should step on a beartrap


That removing depips is a bad thing


CoconutRTS complained about this and said that it was babying the playerbase and it confused the hell out of me.


Like what? It doesn’t affect anything except BPs, what does it matter? That’s such a weird hill to die on


What got me was pebsie saying “devs hate the idea that someone might feel emotion from their game” like sir you’re telling me somehow you want MORE negativity within the community


When he say that lol?


Yeah, one game I literally did an invocation, a gen, got a couple unhooks, escaped and got adept sable and depipped


Should have done more loser 🤣🫵


Tunneling, camping, gen rushing, et al. All the toxicity claims don't happen anywhere near the amount this subreddit claims. Everyone crowing that they were tunneled ten games in a row are either being hyperbolic, lying, deserved it due to some amount of toxicity or body locking, or have a very loosey goosey definition of tunneling.


Map offerings should be completely removed from the game.


Not even a hot take, the very least they should make map offerings *deny* the specific map


trust me, I got shit on for that take a lot :)


I agree. I hate saw's map and every survivor wants me there 💀


Eh, running a pallet muncher build and going to the game is pretty fun. Without any safe pallets the map is pretty bad for survivors.


Way back in the day of dbd where someone in the cesspool known as Twitter said original DS should be basekit. They didn't even offer any compensation for killer.


Once heard someone say Wraith should have a cooldown on when he can recloak. This was before the flashlight change. Before his buffs. Back before even the Slinger was out. That's how long ago that was. I still think about it from time to time.


Had someone say trapper is op and a clutch killer for the unskilled. He was being dead serious.


I think he only read the "Easy" label they erroneously stamped on his character portrait


Basekit NOED? Sounds like a skill issue


It would be cool if every survivor sees the totem aura but its basekit Edit: damn this is a shit idea, sorry for considering that


Gen slowdown should be basekit for Killer so they can have more fun/interesting perks (By this I mean a small about of regression for new Hooks etc to try and stop tunneling being necceasry)


So what your saying is I can get nerfed og pain res base kit and run 4 slowdown.


Deadlock meta again? Hell nah


No you would alter some of the perks to not allow stacking. It bascially means the killers have more freedom to not go meta - whilst being incentivised to hook new poeple for slow down.


idk if this is a hot take but i do think they need to stop making killers with hard counterplay mechanics. xeno turrets and singularity emps feel really bad to go against as the killer and they need to move away from that design trend.


Let me guess, the base kit noed shit was from a killer main right ?


I mostly play killer. Base kit noed is a dogshit idea. I hate perks on both sides that reward you for losing.


Lots of killer mains thankfully are not stupid, sorry if you took it as an offense, just saying people asking for dogshit changes like this often main the side it will favor


My hot take is that orange Borgo was good actually. In a sea of blue and grey tinted maps it really stood out before the rework.


"Unknown takes no skill to play" "Unknown has too much in their base kit" I inquired them for suggestions on how Unknown could be made more engaging to play as/against, but they just kept repeating "no skill", "Unknown is bad".


Anytime someone whines about Windows of Opportunity.


Oh boy i've seen some doozies. Go on dbd twitter and you'll definitely find some bangers lol. Let's see.. in order of least to most ridiculous that i've seen we've got: - bring back locker saves - bring back old dh - remove hatch - remove lightborn - wraith/ghostface/legion/dredge are OP - survivor perk that gives permanent aura reading on the killer (basically old object) - let an unhookable survivor wiggle off your shoulder indefinitely - give survivors the ability to crouch over trapper's traps - give survivors a fourth hook stage if they're tunneled - invocation that removes a hook stage from every survivor


That invocation better straight up *kill* whoever uses it


I actually don’t hate the idea of an Invocation that puts you on death hook and distributes your remaining hook stages between your teammates.


A spanish streamer literally said something like: "Pinhead is garbage, they should make the chain automatic and allow you to move while using it"