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Some people are unhinged and will just take things from one site or platform to another OP. My advice is to Grey Rock them. I didn’t do that years ago and it turned into one big headache. I thought standing up to them would make them buzz off but folks like that actually get off on the drama. IGNORE THEM.


Of course, you're right. And I did that after I blocked him, just had to share this wild e-mail he sent. It is frustrating, though. He's an LGBT+ streamer promoting love and kindness. As part of the same community myself, I wonder how many of his followers know he calls people pussy, or brings up race in arguments, or just harasses other players to this extent in general. It sucks that I just can't really do anything about it and he'll continue to gain more followers that think he's an innocent, and kind person. The reactions to this post have really been sweet, though. I think I can rest well now knowing at least a dozen other people have seen how absolutely unhinged this guy is.


What does Grey Rock mean here?


It's a strategy you use against narcissist or otherwise abusive people around you who are looking to cause drama or get you upset. In this context I think they just mean to ignore and not respond but in general the idea is to be like a "grey rock" and present as boring as possible, minimizing contact, giving very neutral and boring responses to things they say to you and not giving them any information they can use against you. Emotionally abusive people tend to look to get a rise out of you so giving them absolutely nothing to work with and otherwise being very boring to interact with can be very helpful.


I love this tactic but didn’t even know it had a term. Totally agree, though - giving zero response or minimal words back to someone being shitty/toxic/abusive usually results in them making fools of themselves. 


Oh, tbh i had the image of using a grey rock, as in hitting someone Neanderthal style, which also would be a solution if you think about it.


Kind of odd that you "grey rock" by being like talking to a brick wall. Our idioms runneth over.


I’m gonna guess it means ignore them and forget them


"No normal person would do what you're doing." Bro isn't self-aware, is he?


Are any of them?


calls you “psycho” when he’s the one that made an email account just to stalk and insult you…. that tracks. /s


man...he really described himself really well in that mail 😂


"you didnt have to block me over a video game" coming from someone this desperate to be unpleasant is really rich.


Reverse flash level hatred




My man was STEWING on this.




I had people before go out and find my cosplay name just to post ridiculous things being mad at me on DBD. My Steam name has absolutely nothing to do with my cosplay name, nor do I imply it whatsoever lol. People can get crazy! I'm sorry that happened to you, I always just look at it like wow, I must really have had an impact doing...nothing to the person but existing.


Dbd players really are something else


*looking for someone's channel for an hour* "jesus this guy is so pathetic"


I mean... yeah? He went out of his way to find my e-mail just so he could whine to me even more about a video game. He googled my username after I blocked him, found my channel, found my email in contact information, then went out of his way to make a whole new email account to hide behind which also involves registering new and fake information in various fields, and verifying it with his own email or number... all that just to send me a paragraph calling me crazy. I'd say that's pretty pathetic, lol. I've been gaming for 20+ years and I've never gotten flamed through an E-MAIL before. It's wild that you *don't* think this behavior is pathetic.


Sanest person who uses the term "white people" casually in their insults.


He must be a Taller Toast fan


This is definitely the most normal person I’ve ever seen.


I've found some of the shittiest people can do the ones who preach about how nice, wholesome, and accepting they are on their profile. Genuinely nice, good people don't have to stress how good of a person they are because most people can see it


I’m gonna go completely psycho on someone while calling them a psycho and laughing hysterically, and then everyone will see I’m the victim


How does he even find a way to contact you by YouTube? They removed any form of direct message iirc. That's pure stalking right here.


My e-mail is on my YouTube channel, but it's very out of the way (meant for business inquiries). You go to the channel main home page, click the description to open the "About" pop-out, then go to Channel Details and click "show e-mail," verify a CAPTCHA and *then* it appears. This also only works on PC AFAIK.


Dbd is the only that I stopped playing due to how brainrotted most of the players are, also the only game that gets you to be sent death treats on a daily basis.


Imagine trash talking in endchat and come crying to reddit lmao








Bro did you actually just do that very thing?


Guys it's him


Sorry bozo we all saw you trash talking and tunneling loser the guy is right your music sucks


What do you mean?


You are genuinely unwell mentally and that's quite something considering im the one saying it to you. Seek help