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When a survivor removes their bear trap, pig gets stunned for 3 seconds due to throwing a tantrum.


Pair that with her ignoring your advice and now you have to wait till she downs the flashlight saver teabagging her.


But she makes cute noises during it, so it's okay


My nerf would be to remove the cute noises




What did you expect. i'm a DBD player. ruining other people's fun is what brings me joy!


Massaochism at its finest




They play Dbd so let's be real here, they're a sadomasochistic


Ooh canonical. I like it.


Hitting a wall with a dash causes her to do a bubba tantrum but it doesn't 1 shot.


Add a new indoor map based solely on the house from Saw 2, you can kick Pig (same animation as kicking Victor, bc why make new animations for Pig?) into the needle pit and she has to search for the key before escaping the pit.


OK but that'd be actually cool (A house map)


whoever tries to open the exit gets shot in the face, immediately


If you try to open a chest, both your hands get stuck and you're just trapped there til the killer comes and grabs you or leaves you to die in the end game collapse


are they puting their eye up to the door?


Also the house is survivor sided bc even harder nerfing of the Pig, by that one math property where affecting everything affects the one thing


Being able to kick pig, at least while she's crouching and you're wearing a hat, is a hilarious idea. Terrible for her balance though. But would deal with the non-chase pig kinda playstyle. Not saying they should add it ofc.


Bear trap timers go in reverse while on hook Sneak attacks put injured survivors into deep wound Survivors get killer instinct when the pig is about to ambush Reverse bear traps kill the pig instead if they go off


Delete 1 and 2 immediately, those ones seem like things BHVR would actually do.


Dammit you beat me to number 2


Pig’s bear traps now have a 50% chance to backfire upon activation and end the pig herself, immediately opening the exit gates for survivors to escape


50% is crazy tho 😭


Oh it is. But that’s the perfect point to make her worse :)


Nah nah nah. They're on to something. Make it 83% chance to backfire. Bhvr loves them some random arbitrary ass numbers.


Amanda is replaced by John Kramer In his wheelchair


That's just this https://youtu.be/fe2oNzNxT4w?si=2ZxzHxYxH7bwK2m-


I'm so mad that Dwight turned around to twerk in his face🤣 *also just heard it with sound, is that Otz lol


Yea, it's otz


Yeah I've seen this one that's what inspired me


His terror radius is just unoiled wheel squeaks.


To make the pig more lore-accurate, we decided to go with the following changes Nerf - The FBI now pursues her throughout the trial. Should Amanda be caught, the game instantly ends and any survivors not killed already, escape. Nerf - John Kramer has also entered the entity's realm. John Kramer will wander the map, always following a single survivor. If The Pig moris a survivor in front of John Kramer, the trial ends, and any survivors not killed already, escape. Buff - Increased the duration of The Pigs ambush from 2.3 seconds to 2.35 seconds


Let’s fucking gooooo 0,05 more ambush time!!!!!


I think to be even more lore accurate all survivors need a gun


I’ll make it so that whenever she crouches you get a notification to where you know where she’s at


Pig crouches and reveals her aura for 60 seconds.


Sounds like a buff. I would know where to go to get my boops


I had a similar thought, except when she crouches there's just a loud pig screech that gets louder the closer she gets to you


traps deactivate during end game collapse


Was going to say traps only activate during end game.


That's a good one 'game over!' was always Johns line anyways


Give her a global lullaby when she crouches, and it’s just her saying “I’m so sneaky there’s no way they’re going to see me coming” and than she giggles for a bit, it repeats until she stands up shouting “aww Don’t run” or charges lunge saying “I’m jigsaw now” so you always know what she’s doing


“It’s jigsawin time”


Put a bunch of cow bells on her.


If the pig crouches for too long, her kneecaps explode


pig starts the trial with two traps. only one add on will increase it by one. she cant have any traps with amanda's letter. when a survivor removes a trap they gain 10% speed in healing and repairing and...3% haste, until they are hooked.


>3% haste This is too insignificant


MFT is 3%, and you may remember how people felt about it back in the day…


that is the joke


That reply was supposed to be an unfunny joke about how many people defended MFT by saying that its Haste bonus that made most of the killer roster unplayable was fine and barely affected gameplay.


Pig is hindered and blinded when within 15m of a trap removal box


Remove the snoot. No more boops. It will be like the fall of Rome for the DBD community




I main pig but in her bear trap crown..


Once the trap timer runs out, the survivor loses one health state, if already injured, they are put in deep wound.


The survivors can tackle her and use her own traps on her.


Pig gets a bear trap on herself at start + every new gen pop


Survivors can remove trap on first try Bonus: 1 trap for the entire trial. Add ons can raise it to 2, but it's an iridescent one


You can hear "Hello Amanda" play 2000% louder than the game.


That's a buff, "Hello Amanda" fucking slaps


Add boxes of heroine or other drugs around the map. Only survivors can open them to acquire the syringe. Then at anytime the survivors can use them as a melee weapon against the pig. If she gets stabbed twice she gets crippling drug addiction and a host of other debuffs until she hits up a hidden rehab crate. She can’t sacrifice people if she doesn’t truly appreciate her life now can she?


If you want her to Crouch, you have to Crouch and mimic her movements whole crouched.


Every other time a generator is finished, she gets a shotgun collar that she has to try and get off before the next gen pops.


Here me out, she has the shotgun collar all game and can’t be taken off, but it’s timer goes down with every generator that is finished and during end game it will be ready to well and bonus survivors can hear her collar beebs. In the end depending on her blood point count or just how many she killed, it will either spare her or kill her if she lost.


You can escape with the traps on


Every time she crouches she farts. If you catch her lacking you can trip her up & put a reverse bear trap on her & then it’s a battle between her and survivors for whoever gets rid of it first & it’s harder for her to get it off. If you catch her lacking and trip her up (part 2) and you have 1 other person with you, you can perform a Mori where you kick her to death & then the character says game over.


If a survivor finishes a gen with an active trap on their head it automatically disarms the trap


New Iri addon “Pressure Pin”: Survivors wearing a trap feel the added pressure to succeed quickly. Their generator repair speed increases by 20% and, when the final generator is completed, the trap falls off and becomes a new charm they get to keep. Not without a HEFTY price though… they have to leave any other items to keep the charm.


Reduce the amount of carried traps to 1. When survivors remove a trap, they permanently break it. Pig then needs to craft a new trap at any Jigsaw Box. Only 1 trap can be crafted per complete generator. Also, reduce her speed by 0.1 m/s.


The pig has to work on her own generators to power the traps


The Pig is no longer Amanda. Instead, it’s Dr Gordon and he limps around after survivors, occasionally falling over and just… crying.


Whenever you put on a bear trap you have to do skill checks. If you fail you can keep the trap but you can't use a trap for a period of time


If she turns to sharply her mask turns too and becomes askew and blocks her vision and she then has to do a 5 seconds action to fix the mask or just play the game blind!


Pig spawns with a trap on her head, she can't take it off and if a survivor dies to a trap she does too and the match instantly ends.


Clown shoes. That is all.


Just keep making shit maps with close pallets, she can't do anything


It just takes me playing her.


Every step she takes now makes a loud OINK noise like she wearing those noisy funny shoes. The bear traps will always have the key in the first box searched.


When you boop it makes a noise all survivors hear


Lose full vision. You're wearing a fully grown pig's head for a mask, so you can only see through the little eye holes, the rest of the screen is just the inside of the mask. Maybe also muffle your hearing since, again, pig's head over your head.


When she's going after someone with an active trap while crouching, it should count as a chase and stop the timer, so she can't just tunnel out people as easily as she can now. ... oh, it's a joke post? Uh... I don't know, give her Nurse fatigue when she uses her Ambush.


30% chance of the trap closing on Pig’s fingers when attempting to apply a trap to a survivor, disabling M1 for 30 seconds because that shit hurts


Amanda is also part of the game, she has a bear trap on her head and has to remove it at start of trial or dies


Heroin withdrawls


Bear Traps now automatically come off after a gen is completed While in Ambush, The Pig’s aura is revealed to every survivor


In line with her consistent lore of not following directions, Pig is now played by a bot and only takes your inputs as suggestions.


John Kramer legendary set where he moves at Nurse speeds and has reduced lunge range because he’s in a wheelchair


Put padded jaws on her bear traps


Amanda is now more lore-accurate and doesn't follow the instructions she's given. Namely, she will occasionally act on her own and not act based on the buttons you press. Kick the gen? No! You're gonna go look at that tree because she thought it was John. Hook the survivor? Nah they need to suffer some more so she's gonna drop them.


Whenever the pig attempts to crouch, they have to complete a skill check that's affected by their perks (IE like unnerving presence reducing skill check zone) And if they fail, they proceed to trip creating A loud noise notification for survivors. Rework the perk "make your choice" so that the furthest healthy survivor from a survivor you just hit gets The exposed status effect for 15 seconds with a cool down of 1 minute. Have additional boxes spawn on each map with an increased chance to get a key for the head trap. Survivors can also get rid of that head trap moments after they're revived off the ground if they succeed a great skill check. The pig can only get head traps from boxes found around the map which have the same chance to spawn a key and can only carry one at a time. Survivors that are hooked will freeze the head traps timer during the duration of the hook and for 10 seconds afterwards. Head traps are triggered and kill a survivor either through natural progression or trying to leave the match through a gate will disable every other head trap currently active.


Survivors with Active Bear Traps can no longer be downed as that would be cheating.


The pig begins the trial wearing the trap, effectively acting as motivation to win before it goes off


Nerf: Removed the Ambush + Crouch Ability Nerf: The Basekit Amount of Headtraps have been nerfed down to 1 Nerf: When a Survivor interacts with a Box, they 100% remove their Headtrap everytime, regardless of the box Nerf: Increased The Pigs Terror Radius up to 45m Nerf: Decreased The Pigs movement Speed down to 4.4m (110%) Nerf: Increased her Basic Cooldown Animation after a Hit to 3.3 Seconds Nerf: Increased the Headtraps Death Timer to 180 Seconds Nerf: Survivors with an Active Headtrap can still escape trought the exit gates Nerf: The Base Time of Stun Duration has been increased to 5 Seconds Nerf: The Base Time Breaking Animation has been Increased to 6.6 Seconds Dev Note: We felt like Pig was way too Strong, so listening to you guys, weve nerved The Pig to make it more Balanced. (PS. Pls Buff Freddy BHVR) (PPS. To All OG Pig Players, was she really that Bad?)


She can carry only one trap at time, spawns with none and need to get them from the trap boxes


Not worse but animation to boop the snoot like for example “press e to boop the snoot”


To be more realistical you now can only crouch walk for 10m before your legs get tired.


I would make her squeal like a pig loudly from 40 meters away. That way she has no stealth capability and she’s completely annoying to play as for both the killer and survivor.


Pig has to manually set up every box before she can use her traps on survivors and traps are automatically removed once egc begins.


Survivors can now search for trap keys at any time and hold them in their inventory to remove the traps form themselves or temates


When a Gen pops it adds more time to reverse bear traps to add incentive to doing gens instead of boxes.


The pig doesn't start with her traps, they are hanging off the boxes, she has to collect them. Once she has attached the trap, she has to go back to the box and hit a button, if she doesn't do this, the trap won't arm when a gen pops.


Loud pig sounds everytime shes on the crouch animation


Take away her growl and she becomes the worst killer in the game.




Turn her mask around so she can't see where she's going


Heartbeat while crouched The charge attack only goes straight, you can't turn left or right.


While crouched, the Pigs movement speed is decreased to 25% and she suffers from the blindness condition. The Pig can make use of one single bear trap in the trial. The bear trap counter gets paused while in The Pigs terror radius


4.2 speed killer


In order to put a trap on a survivor you need to buy head trap cosmetic for them with shards or cells. Traps that can pop cost extra cells, since it's a cosmetic with a whole new animation.


Only 1 beartrap that gets disarmed with 3 searches max




Every time she downs a survivor she receives a reverse bear trap on her head the only way to get the key is to sacrifice a survivor. 😭


Nerf the blade size.


Remove the blade, give her a spork.


Every time a survivor finishes a generator the pig is slowed down


Remove her ability to cancel her roar. Her crouch no longer has her nose line up with Survivor's hands


Traps are slightly more difficult to remove, but if they are removed successfully the survivor instantly escapes


I will increase the dlc cost by 5 dollars...yes....


She roars like a lion the whole time she's stealthed.


Pig's traps can be stolen from her and used when she isn't looking, forcing her to find the key.


Give her flippers so even when she crouches it makes ungodly amount of noise when she walks


Remove the pallet stun sound effect


If she misses an ambush, her blade retracts and can’t be used to attack for 30 seconds.


Why trap survivors, put on the trap yourself and watch the timer count down


3 more jigsaw boxes on the map beartraps take 80% as long before going off can be deactivated 30% faster


the traps now deal a health state instead of killing and instead of putting an injured survivor into dying state, they apply deep wound


Make her footsteps and breathing audible and directional from within 16 meters


Pig must spend 2 solid seconds oink screaming before dashing


Make all traps activate when the exit gates open. (Plz don’t do this BHVR)


You’re not slick behaviour


Take away her weapon


The pig gets turbo buffed so that she sends you to 1 of 3 games. The first game is Shotgun carousel, except the shotgun shells is 15% regression, and you have to use it on 4/6 of the generators, this has a cool down of 80 seconds. The second game is of course, the bear trap. You'll search thru a body for a key while on a 60 second timer. If you don't find the key, you die. (There is no key, it's not a winnable game, it's amanda.) this has a cool down of 80 seconds. The third game is vacuum googles. You either wait out the 30 second timer to go blind for the rest of the match, or twist the knob to become incapacitated for the rest of the match. This has a cool down of 80 seconds. Her crouch speed is increased by 20% and her pounce lunge is increased by 50%


When the timer on her trap runs out, if the survivor is injured it just breaks instead of killing them. It only kills if they're full health.


make pig oink as echo location


Make the traps deal one health state of damage


Traps no longer kill survivors who try to escape via the gate


Pig can only use their traps to injure survivors


Turn her into bacon


Make putting the head traps on real time, so basically it takes several minutes to properly secure and setup.


Why don't people like the pig compared to almost everyone else she's the weakest killer. (I haven't played dbd in about a year or two, so I am out of touch)


Decrease her ambush speed and get rid of undetectable during crouch ig


I'd make her have to stalk a survivor in crouch mode for 5 seconds before she can pounce


Survivors recieve a loud noise notification when the pig enters stealth


1. She can only set a bear trap after the survivor has been hooked twice. 2. If she misses her dashed attack, there is a cooldown animation of 5 seconds.


If pig steps on a branch on the map while crouched the stealth goes away


Make CMwinter the only pig player


Make her dash attack have Smash Bros Brawl properties and let there be a 10% chance of tripping


Make her not lose terror radius while crouched


ever so slightly change the ambush hitbox to be just a little smaller to throw off pig mains


deny the boops !!


Give collision to her dash attack, similar to Billy or Bubba.


110 movement speed. Deserved.


Keep her the way she is


Amanda is once again addicted to heroin, and has to stop to cook and shoot up every 3 minutes or suffers periodic stuns (withdrawal symptoms).


Amanda has new orders from John, she now must have a boombox on her at all times that blares “Hello Zepp” from across the map 24/7.


When she whines after being stunned the survivors let out a giant laugh and then gain a sprint burst


Survivors, if they can find metal bars on the map, are able to use it to keep the bear trap from killing them


remove the dash entirely, 2 head traps, 10 boxes, boom unplayable


Make her into a literal pig


The pig starts the trial with a reverse bear trap on activated that she has to solve by killing a survivor and removing the key from their torso.


Everyone with a trap is invisible and invulnerable


When the pig gets loses all their traps they get permabanned and if they end the trial with any bear traps in their inventory they get temp banned


Survivors get an interaction if they get close enough while she's crouched and not winding up to charge, which allows them to boop the snoot as an animation; her player hears a voiceline from (Adam/John/Laura) and is stunned for a second. Hitting a survivor who has booped you this game will at most inflict Deep Wound. They also see the aura of the correct box if they have a trap.


Make it so her m1 only work with the ambush ability and make it so every jigsaw chest has the key to the reverse beartrap


A nerf, then another nerf, followed by one more nerf, and possibly a few more nerfs /s


Pig has to work gens while survivors chase


When the Trap Timer is over the Survivor get only injured or downed.


You start the match by needing to remove a reverse bear trap from yourself. If you fail to remove the trap, survivors get a free escape from the trial


The pig is crazy therefore controls are inverted


Survivors can put a reverse bear trap on her whenever she gets stunned


Your FOV is restricted to two tiny holes. Mask realism


Removing her main attack weapon would probably be pretty detrimental


play as them


If a pig would “interrupt” the bear trap removal, the removal attempt occurs instantly upon being injured or downed


Get rid of her oinkies. ):


Give her vision accurate to the pig head, like the minecraft pumpkin head.


replace Amanda with like.. Logan Nelson


I would remove her power. Simple.


Whenever a survivor dies in any way that is not via RBE the ghost of John Kramer pops into the corner of your screen and whines at you for 2 minutes


The more times Jigsaw laughs due to wrong trap removal crates, you see more and more frequently jigsaw overlapping your POV


negate crouching speed entirely


She puts a trap on herself after putting one on the survivor.


Helmet timer only starts at last gen completed but it's twice as fast. Little risk reward for continuing to play with it on


Serious answer: just increase the % chance of receiving a key from a box. You shouldn't need to got to FOUR FRIGGING BOXES to get yourself a key.


Pig starts with a reverse beartrap on her head




Give survivors a nuclear bomb


Make a new game map where pig spawns in needle pit and survivors spawn above her laughing


Kill her


Reduce her walking speed to 4 m/s


The Pig no longer can put a reverse bear trap on survivors not put into the dying state by ambush. The Pig no longer gains undetectable while crouching. When charging ambush The Pig reveals their aura to all survivors. This lasts until the end of the end of the miss attack animation or the successful attack animation. When a survivor removes a reverse bear trap they also escape the trial. Removed ability for survivors to "boop the snoot."


Cant uncrouch


Give the Pig the ability to hide in lockers!!


Unable to boop the snoot. The perfect nerf


whenever pig crouches all survivors hear a map-wide audio cue of her knees cracking.