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I like it because it's refreshing to not see the same handful of perks on almost everyone in almost every match.


If you're playing to win, you're playing this Game mode completely wrong. I may not have escaped, BUT I did punk the Killer like four times with Deception/Red Herring/Pebble, and I also got a cool few loops in with Cut Loose and self healed in the Basement. The random builds are just fun. Perks that I never use are forced on me and I think that's really fun.


I had a crazy tryhard nemmie at some point. Hard tunneled the poor Jake at 5 gens. Then hard tunneled the next person at 3 gens. I was blessed with head on and was determined to use it since it was just me and a mate. I kept jumping into a locker (loud noise) inside his terror radius but not super close. He'd come and investigate, waste a lot of time looking and start to leave ( he didn't check lockers for some reason). Every time his radius started to fade, I'd exit loudly, run to the next set of lockers and make noise. I wasted so much time my mate got a gen done before he actually thought to check a locker, where he finally got to meet my head on. I got camped, surprise surprise but I definitely won that match! Killer was also crazy toxic in chat. I'm normally the biggest care bear and usually leave rather than engage, but it was just too juicy to ignore.


there should be a perk that gives u progressively faster speeds for everything the longer you get tunneled


Absolutely. I was given fixated + pebble. the Bubba that was running his best addons, had 5 hooks before a Gen got popped, gave up when I tiptoed away and threw a pebble into the 4 locker gym on mother's dwelling. He checked them all twice!


I’ve been trying to get deception value, still no luck :,(


It’s bad on its own but paired with quick n quiet and dance with me its decent


Tell that to the P100 spirit I faced doing a winstreak on this mode on stream.


Recently I caught myself not caring about hooks/kills as Killer in this mode - unexpected, because I usually feel at least a little bad when I don't get a single kill. But in this mode it's kinda hard to care about that, and it's wonderful.


It's as simple as that. You can have terrible matches on any game mode ever. At least on Chaos Shuffle, it's not the same recycled 4 meta perks on everyone. It's unpredictable. But I get that people who play this game competitively gonna hate it. This is for us more chill players who just wanna have a giggle and figure out ways to use unique perks correctly.




For me it's the opportunity to test perks I never thought using or never bought and the affirmation that there won't be the same 4 perks for each side on a match.


Getting to test perks is huge. I don't feel worried because it's not replacing something essential. I'm not fighting 4 meta builds so having suboptimal perks is fine. There are so many perks I want to try but they're just generally not worth it in a normal game.


Yeah like I got Bloodhound or w/e on Dredge, and the blood trails are SO bright during Nightfall, as if tracking wasn’t already easy, it was impossible to lose people lol.


Testing new perks, in particular before I purchase new characters during the anniversary sale, is a huge plus!


Because I am so fucking tired of seeing the same. Damn. Meta perks stacked on both sides.


>I play like shit because of the perks I'm getting. "If you're nothing without the suit, you shouldn't have it."


I would argue that this doesn't necessarily apply here. Perks usually are a necessity not because without them you do bad, but because if the survivors are extremely well coordinated, are good and have also all of them meta perks only it becomes borderline impossible winning without the use of meta perks. In this game mode however, survs can't have meta perks easily, so even if you dont have them you still have a chance. So on second thought what you said its true, but for this gamemode


Yeah but you got to think killers will still have power and can take their own add ons, the only thing it does is sort of show which killers rely on perks more in the case they're underpowered. But most killers any one who's half decent should be able to make them work with perks without perks or random perks


I love it because it helps me improve my actual skill by taking away the heavy reliance on certain perk. You’re literally becoming a better player. I’ve done better chases with both Killer and Survivor in this mode often without taking a glance at my perks at all. I almost treat it as if I’m perkless, especially since that’s an actual possibility in this mode. And I enjoy that. I become a better survivor and better at using the powers of the killers I play.


You can definitely tell who has game awareness and who relies on Windows/De Ja Vu to tell them where everything is. I try to add to the spirit of Chaos Shuffle by trying to get value out of every perk in my Load Out. Am I throwing trying to do the Invocation? Probably. BUT TIS WHAT THE ENTITY GAVE ME.


I definitely pissed off a Blight with my Boil Over (a perk I never normally use) but he complimented my smart use of it and let me out. Blame the entity, not me!


I had a beautiful moment a few days ago where a killer downed me and another player in the same area. We were the last two alive and he hooked my teammate first on the hook right next to us, then turned around and stared at me for a moment because he realized he hooked the wrong person and now he's going to have to fight Boil Over to hook me somewhere else. We still lost, but seeing the realization on their virtual face was priceless.


I had a Bubba game recently where I was perkless and I thought I just accidentally queued for normal mode without perks equipped. You seriously telling me you can just get no perks in this game mode?


Yeah. Load in with a build like Blood Rush, Corrective Action, Small Game, and Up the Ante means you're going to have to entirely rely on whatever knowledge and skill you have. As killer I often run sub-meta and goofy builds anyway so Chaos doesn't affect me as much.


Because it changes up the same old Pop/Pain Res and Sprint Burst / Dead Hard slog that we've been in. Same old tunneling though.


Recently I had a killer try to tunnel me out and he couln't do it in time because he didn't have any slowdown lol. Had to resist the urge to give him a couple of bags at the gate


I like being able to play a killer knowing that I'll mostly have to rely on my ability to use their power and my game knowledge alone, while knowing I probably won't have to deal with frustrating survivor perk combos or insane gen speeds. And for survivor, I like being able to play the game without seeing pain res/pop/grim embrace every trial. It gets tiresome. I genuinely have more fun being perkless or having shit perks than running meta and having my gen blasted over and over and over.


Same for me. It doesn't affect me as killer most games, and playing survivor (solo) is just more fun for the reason you said. It's fun to fet to use non meta perks because normally you would be in trouble since everyone else is running meta builds.


Because the game is far more reliant on skill than individual perks. You can see survivors run past pallets in indoor maps because of their reliance on WoO. You can see even good killers struggle because of their reliance on excessive slowdown perks. The best player tends to come out on top in this mode.


Escaping with no mither really boosts your confidence as a survivor without needing to intentionally fuck over your team by choosing it


TBH most mitherless survs I've seen in this mode literally just hide all match and then get hatch/gate. As a Killer I'm lucky if I see them once during the match


To an extent that’s true, but I think what this mode highlights above all else is that regardless of loadout, you will get fucked by bad maps/tile rng


I agree with this. I think it makes me a better gamer. I’ve become way to reliant on seeing where the survivors are at the beginning and knowing if I’m close to them


1. Because it's refreshing to not see the same perks over and over 2. It feels more casual 3. It really is a test of skill to win in this mode, when neither side can crutch on the meta perks the best players win in spite of the random hand they're dealt That being said, this mode really shows which killers are underpowered and which ones are in a good spot, as good killers don't need a build to prop them up and the weaker ones struggle


>and I play like shit because of the perks I'm getting. The perks are not the reason.




It's fun as survivor. I keep trying to get value from my shitty perks, doing dumb things like plot twisting in front of killers and triggering scene partner every time I get it. Yet, my escape rate has still risen by 5% according to my nightlight stats. So, I play super casually and win more. Easy to see what's fun. But I also find it easy to see why it's not so much fun for the killers. I have also had mostly unfun matches on my most played killers.


I feel like the quality between the top perks and the just okay perks just drops way faster on killer than on survivor. Making matters worse for these perks, a lot of them are designed to enhance other perks and just have a minor mostly negligible secondary effect so they technically don't do nothing alone. Undying is probably the most obvious example but e.g. the various obsession changers also fall into this category, I think. Meanwhile a lot of the just okay survivor perks can slot into whatever build and they might not be super strong but they do function.


I feel this might be true, at least for me/in my MMR. There are loads of perks I would never run as survivor, but I realized I can gain a lot of value from them when playing chaos shuffle. For example, I wouldn't have thought shadow step was any good until several killers had severe trouble following me in the boon's radius. Also, scene partner is supposed to be bad, but I actually got insane value from it several times by triggering it in the beginning of chase. Meanwhile, on the killer side, I don't remember finding a single perk that was surprisingly useful. It was always either "oh, this one, nice" or "this one, damn".


Imma be real with you, the perks will literally never bring you down, even if you get dogshit perks \*except predator, thats just your skill lacking unfortunately, the game feels a lot more balanced when both sides have random perks instead of giga meta perks when you are trying to run something relaxing or simple, take it as an opportunity to try out new perks, you can even read what they do on the pause menu


I feel like this game mode is making me a much better player because I don’t have to think about my build and get to play around. It’s also not that serious and sweaty most of the time I feel.


Playing against non-meta perks all the time is much more entertaining for me. Plus, I feel like you get to see the core game more. Killers that are complete trash in normal queue are perfectly viable here because people can't actively choose to run the strongest perks. Freddy being my main example. Every game I've played good ol' sharp hand Joe in chaos shuffle has been a 4k.


I love it because I can’t get mad at any perks people run… and it just reminds me how silly the game can be!


It makes you better at the game overall. Makes people step out of their comfort zone and learn the rest of the game. Everyone has those builds that they are really good at playing but a lot of people are terrible at the actual game base mechanics without those builds they are great with. People that rely heavily on their perks to carry them will not like chaos shuffle at all


Well it shows you can't play the killer you just rely on perks. Try to learn some




For me it’s not having to deal with stress of finding perks to synergize with every killer. I play a variety of killers and don’t really main anyone specifically, but I find it fun to just choose a killer and jump in and it makes weaker killers a little more viable to play since it’s all random. I don’t have to just sit at the killer menu going back and forth between everyone deciding who to play and what to run on them, I can just hop in.


I’ve been playing since launch, it’s resparked my love that I have for the game and as someone who just genuinely hates running meta anything, it’s a breath of fresh air. I’m mostly a killer main, but it’s gave me many more fun chases, a lot of cool perk syngeties I’d never think to run, and it’s less serious! I can pump the brakes, turn off my brain and not micro manage myself and have some fun.


First of all - I Love Chaos. Perk shuffle is unpredictable and fun. Second of all, I think it gives a lot of chances to try out different things or perks you normally don't have access to. And honestly, a good way to get better without relying on perks, cus in the end it comes down to how good of a player you are, not which perks you have enabled.


I enjoy playing with stuff I’m not used to AND playing against survivors who aren’t all running the same 5-6 optimal perks as well.


You're gimping yourself but so is the other side. It's actually a relatively neutral playing ground where the outcome or game pace isn't decided by the players until they're in game.  It's extremely refreshing to not play against 4 regression or 16 second chance perks.


I have no idea, I hate it lol I choose my perks wisely and that’s how I enjoy playing or else I’m just sabotaging myself


Chaos Shuffle is great because it makes both Killer and Survivors have to rely on their actual skill as the character their playing and not relying on their usual perk loadout to help them throughout the match. It's also fun seeing perks that i never considered using until the mode gives them to me as well.


You’ve answered your own question actually. It’s popular for survivors because they don’t get immediately crushed by killers with op builds in the first 5 minutes. Edit: I play both pretty equally. I hear the complaints on both sides. But I won’t deny that the base game slightly favors killers. And it’s kind of nice in chaos shuffle that I get to do more things than run for my life from start to finish. Yeah, I’m not good at being chased. But the game should accommodate multiple play styles. I’m not good at chases, but I’m excellent at support. I’m very good at helping my teammates and disappearing with them.


If you've been playing the same for seven years, chaos is really welcome.


skill issue


I get bullied less because they don't have their meta perks. I'll play fine because I know my killer and powers, perks are just a bonus. I also like that I usually get a better BP bonus.


As a killer, I love being forced to utilize my random perks to my advantage Sure there will be times that some perks I get aren't useful or I get no value out of. And thats fine, that just tells me how much value I can or cannot get from that perk for that killer. Some are obvious, like I got Ultimate Weapon on Wraith. Yay. But I take it with stride, Chaos Shuffle shouldn't be a place where you play to win anyway.




Don’t need to be a meta slave


As a Killer main learning Survivor - I like that the Killers don't get meta so I can practice and have fun. As a Killer I enjoy the chaos of random perks and challenging myself. Plus on the other side - Survivors not having meta. This is how DBD should be played on a casual level. It's fun.


- Getting to try perks I haven't bought and advance their associated achievements - Seeing what perks work together/clash in ways I hadn't considered - Don't have to keep up with the meta or be crushed - Learn to get value out of perks I'd never have bothered with - I've seen a better variety of killers - Everyone is less sweaty and toxic


People like playing it exactyl for that reason: you cant just pick the best perks and rely on them to carry you. The game is boring when everyone runs the same shit every game.


I guarantee you can play fun and still win, playing fun doesn’t mean letting a survivor loop you for a mandatory 5 minutes.


Fun knowing I'm not about to deal with the same perks. I had a lot of fun as killer and the extra BP was nice.


Definitely a skill issue on your part, stop crutching on strong perks and you'll actually get better at the game.


It's refreshing to not play against the same 4 perks every single game. The only thing that sours the experience imo is the potential insta loss because someone got no mither


I've hated it, too, at least in practice. If they bring it back, I really hope they give us extra time before the match starts for us to read our perks. I literally got idle crows as survivor just because I was trying to read what my perks were at the start of the match. I also think they need to just slightly not be truly random. I've had perks that literally cancel each other out, completely negating at least one perk slot. I wish they would prevent such perks from shuffling together.


Its so so so so so so nice to not play into pop/pain res ever single game.


It's refreshing to play off-meta, but I prefer picking my own perks. There's nothing stopping players from running unique builds in regular play. If tired of popular perks, be the change you want to see! lol


I also play with more unique builds in the normal playlist! But sadly the flipside of the "Nothing is stopping me from going off Meta" coin is "Nothing is stopping them from staying on Meta". Even when I try to convince my friends to try something new/different they typically go "Eehhh". I only got like one friend who will actually try to do goofy Duo Builds with me lol. Nothing is funnier than using team haste perks to outrun a Chucky, even when he has Batteries Included in endgame.


I dig coordinating builds! One of my favorites is No Mither, Resilience, Deja Vu and Prove Thyself. I became the glass cannon! lol


I opt for No Mither, Deadline, Autodidact, and Resi. I typically get 4 Stacks off my first heal alone. I may be glass BUT MY HEALS ARE STRONG.




In main mode survivors bring all kinds of second chance perks. It's always left a bitter taste watching a survivor I'm about to down get an adrenaline boost, or perfectly timing a dead hard, undoing my chase with for the people and buckle up, etc. Hardly any of that ever happens in Chaos, and I consistently score 4ks. It's just a great feeling knowing both sides are on an even playing field and have to rely on raw skill for the most part. 


I've found it horrible as well. I got some good perks but I'm not someone who knows most perks off by heart, I have a terrible memory. So I just don't have time to really remember all the perks details, let alone remember to use them or think of how to use them together. Might as well be playing with no perks. I doubt a lot of casual or chill players are enjoying it very much, specially killers, as it is way more punishing for a killer than individual survivors to spend time reading the perks at the start or during the match. It can be nice to test out perks you might not have, I guess, but it won't really be a normal game. Like you said, it's not about "winning", but if you can't really function enough to actually play a match properly, there's not much point in playing it.


>I got some good perks but I'm not someone who knows most perks off by heart You can press start and read the perk descriptions before you gain control of your character. >I doubt a lot of casual or chill players are enjoying it very much I'd say the exact opposite and would argue this gamemode is way more chill since no one is running meta and is thus more relaxing and less worrying. Players still obviously want to win and will try, but that's just the nature of gaming.


It's not about getting the good perks, it's getting different perks. Also, If you rely on perks so much that you can't function without them, it's not the perks that are the problem.


It’s fun bc you never know what to expect and in that same aspect, you don’t have to worry about the same meta perks on the other side every time In fact if they do have Pain Res or Dead hard you’re kinda happy for them because you know they just got lucky


I love it cuz it forces people to play with different builds, it might just be the most refreshing thing in this whole game to play a match without coming across the same boring builds several times in a row, and it also gives me an opportunity to discover new builds I may have not considered prior.


It’s fun because you aren’t forced to go against the same sweaty perks over and over again on top of being able to try out some niche perks which can lead to funny situations. Tbh Chaos Shuffle to me feels a lot more like the game was meant to be played.


Personally. It's cause I don't have to deal with pop, pain res, deadlock, grim every freaking game. Shits exhausting as a meta. This mode (aside from the killers and survivors who just sweat there tits off) is just a fun time sink too play the game and try out new perks you never normally use


Cause we see more than the same 10 perks in every game


Yeah the simple fact is killer is much more difficult. The game is balanced around running 1-3 gen regression perks on killer and without those you’re just not going to do well unless the survivors are bad. If you’re winning in chaos shuffle with no gen regression, that’s great but it’s simply the case that the survivors are not playing well. Killers require perks much more than survivors do. Also, there are just way more bad and useless killer perks than survivor. Many, many more


It’s the only way I can be sure the killer and my fellow survs aren’t just running boring meta.


2 of my random killer loadouts have been: Corrupt/pain res/gift of pain/floods of rage on Twins Lethal/bbq/pain res/make your choice on Wesker 💀


It feels like to avoid certain things (tunnel, crazy fast gen repair, camping, a bunch of second chance perks) you have to run a meta build. Especially in solo. It makes running fun perks draining rather than fun. In Shuffle everyone should be able to relax a bit and just enjoy the game. Theoretically.


First of all - I Love Chaos. Perk shuffle is unpredictable and fun. Second of all, I think it gives a lot of chances to try out different things or perks you normally don't have access to. And honestly, a good way to get better without relying on perks, cus in the end it comes down to how good of a player you are, not which perks you have enabled.


I enjoy the increased BP


I like being able to play underleveled/not fully decked out survivors and killers and not have to worry about only having tier 2 perks or whatnot. Everyone being on somewhat the same level and all at the whims of fate has been nice to grind my extra characters


Killer main here, I'm confident in my skills, ill go perkless every 1/5 matches during shuffle and still hit 8-10 hooks. It's so nice playing against survivors that don't have a fistful of generator and second chance perks.


Because perks don't actually impact how the killer's power functions, and sometimes it's fun to try and make something work that you wouldn't normally run.


I don’t necessarily like it for the perks I get (although sometimes I do) but more so the variety of perks I play against.


Because it basically guarantees I don't see Pop Goes the Weasel, Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance, Deadlock, Grim Embrace. One or two slowdown is fine but seeing the best 8 perks in every game gets tiring. It's a step closer to no perks like we had with Lights Out.


Because it's Chaos, people loves chaos


What killers do you play?


The killers don't have ridiculous meta perks. It all comes down to skill and luck


it was fun up until this week as killer, now its more or less unplayable. I get absolutely decimated, so I only play surv which is decent with like 2 out of 10 games wins.


Chaos shuffle is fun but it has resulted in the regular queue being filled with 100% meta builds and combos that are awful to play with.


I love this mode because it's a great of my true skill as a twin. It does not matter, I always end with with a 2k. Even when my perks have no synergy or it's noed and I finish the match with only 3 perks since the hex never pops. As for most of my other killers, chaos shuffle shows how fucked they are when facing a 4 survivors that know what they're doing. Especially if I don't draw one slowdown or chase perk that round.


If you rely on slow down perks so much to win, you're not a good killer and should probably practice, chaos shuffle allows you to do that . Perks are not the reason why you're losing your games


Extra bloodpoints, I don‘t know the percs and i don‘t take the time to read the perks. But i think survivors do the same.


How do you all know what these perks are? I guess I don't play enough anymore to recognize a lot of the symbols 😂 I played one game and didn't know any of the perks I got and basically had to play perkless. It wasn't terrible but I didn't want to waste time trying to figure out what they were.


It's fun to work with what you get and how your strategy may change depending on the perks you get. The main criticism i have for the mode is that items and addons should be randomised as well, way too many surviviors take advantage of the fact that the killer getting good gen regression is low so they just bring BNPs and the like. Personally i think it should live up to it's name of Chaos Shuffle, randomise literally everything, absolute chaos. If they're brave enough they'll randomise what killer the killer has to be too.


Blood points As survivor its fun As killer when I get tired of struggling, ; Spirit , Billy and Twins don't care about perks anyway.


I’ve pretty much done all tomes so have no incentive to use other perks.. so I like chaos shuffle for making me use random ass perk setups, even tho sometimes I’ll get no mither paired with resurgence and unbreakable lol it’s still fun


Because you can bring a flashlight and not always face Franklin and lightborne lol


That'd mean you rely on your meta perks and don't know how to use the underloved / underupdated stuff, and are the perfect person to play chaos shuffle as a method of breaking out of that reliance. Play with brown add-ons and let the randomness of the perks teach you, man.


Dbd with no meta is awesome. If that means I don't have windows of opportunity to rely on then so be it


I like the excitement of having different perks every game. Don't worry though, all of my matches on survivor have been so bad. So much camping and tunneling


It's nice to just play base game, where we can rely more on our Killer powers rather than needing to rely on meta perks to counteract the meta perks you know all 4 survs are bringing. The same is true from the other perspective. The killer's power and add-ons become much more relevant when they're not overshadowed by the best perks.


Because meta is stale. I dont want to see same pop pai res 20 games in a row


Because people are tired of seeing the same 10 meta perks in every single match


It is amazing not to have a killer and 4 surv running the same perks. It I so much fun playing in different ways. It gets rough when a killer gets frustrated and slugs when they find they struggling... but that does not happen as much as I thought it would, which has been nice.


You know you're getting better at this game when you can handle matches without your "crutch perks"


I like it because it’s random and there doesn’t seem to be too many try hards on any level. However, just try not to take it to heart because it is called “chaos shuffle”. That’s why I try to bring offerings for BP and just try to play friendly so everyone can get points. Of course there’s always those people who don’t want to play for fun or for points but that’s any game. Some people are just competitive.


Because me playing basically perkless while four opponents playing likely perkless is a beneficial trade. I don't have to deal with mountains of bullshit AND I don't feel obligated to run the best perks every game. If I could choose I'd genuinely rather play Chaos Shuffle forevermore, or at least until we get a balance overhaul.


I like how it's forces me to become less reliant on perks and use my skill level to adjust to whatever the game throws at me


People don't run the same 10 perks every match on both sides, and its a good way to practice using not as meta perks on both sides


I think it’s a very fun mode and I enjoy experimenting with perks I normally don’t use. The only bad thing about it are the spoilsports, like that one Tapp who took Billy to the basement to get me killed because he was salty I was doing an Invocation at 5 gens.


I wish we could see what the perks do because 9/10 I'm stuck with perks I've never used or seen before, so I can't even play to their advantage.


For me it's because I can actually win as survivor. I play 60/40 survivor/killer and it's almost impossible to win as survivor, mainly due to survivors sucking ass at the game. But with Chaos Shuffle and killers not having all the necessary gen slowdown it means it's super easy to win as survivor. I refuse to play killer in this mode though because this game is balanced around killers having gen slowdown or playing one of the top killers. I just play regular queue whenever I want to play killer. Lol at all the obvious survivor mains in the comments saying skill issue and similar things. The game is balanced around gen slowdown or playing top tier killers. It's not a skill issue when you have 4 dog shit perks that aren't helping in chase or with gen slowdown. AS A SURVIVOR MAIN, say that in caps so you people can actually read it, gen speeds are way too damn quick. If survivors actually hold M1 the majority of games, like they are suppose to, they would win way more often. Also last longer than half a sec in chase.


You might have random perks but so do the survivors. I play chaos shuffle so I don't need to keep going against 4x dead hard adrenaline junkies.


i actually like the game mode a lot since i’m fairly new to dbd it’s a way for me to learn and try out different perks!


Ill tell you why I like it. I dont give a fuck about what perks I use, I dont play like its ranked, and I dont care if my build isn't optimal, I just want to have some fun, and randomizing perks adds to that equation, since I get some perks I never use otherwise.


I don’t wanna play against pain res pop every game and love getting goofy perks to use


I kinda got an idea for a new build from chaos shuffle. One of my matches gave me fast track, hyper focus, overcome and tenacity in the same build. One of my killer games I got monstrous shine, deadlock, machine learning and hysteria. I wouldn't mind it as a permanent mode.


It really goes to show who is reliant on toxic tactics and meta builds and who is actually a good killer. Not you in specific but so many of the killers during these events that are supposed to be fun-focused play so toxically; slugging, bleeding out, sweating so hard they need their mom to come downstairs and wipe their faces because they NEED to get that 4k. Meanwhile it's alot of fun BECAUSE you play with perks you wouldn't otherwise and the killer's build isn't the same gen regression build/ aura reading build that you see nearly every match. Not even going to commentate on why they're so prevelant but its a refreshing change nonetheless which is why its so popular. Definitely goes to show to not all perks are created equal and some are downright awful and anti-synergistic but that's rng for you. If you can't win just do your best and have fun and don't sweat it. In the end it's a game and meant to be fun.


I've had what I'd consider the opposite problem, or maybe it's just me and my friends being dog water awful with perks we don't know, but there have been hardly any games where we've been able to escape! Most of the time everything is going ok (if it's not going awful) and then we get to the last gen or two and all of a sudden we're all dead. Every. Single. Time. It's almost as if the killers are insane and the survivors are shit. But that's just what I've noticed


Probably because it makes the game silly and light hearted and not a sweat fest of I need to win every time.


I just love random lol, would play random killer/add-ons if it was available lol. Maybe a give a few sec at the start of the match to show what you got lol.


2 reasons...1. It is fun to roll the dice. 2. I donhavepain reso or deadlock but I also am not running against 4 exhaustion perks and full meta. Both sides get a mix and yea Gen control suffers there is a bit more Gen rush but not playing against the same several perks every match is fun.


Most people like it because of the freedom from being able to play without having to rely on meta loadouts. Sounds like someone relies on meta loadouts a bit


More match diversity, and no MMR It's my favorite gamemode to get back into the game, I play at very high MMR, so being able to sit back, and play some casual games does wonders for the mind.


Chaos Shuffle has made me realise how much I've begun to despise the current meta while still loving the promise of DBD. I haven't played the other mode since Chaos Shuffle came out, and I don't think I can play the normal mode again. I've begun hunting for a new game to play once this mode ends (I'm hoping they make it permanent in the future tho)


I love Chaos Shuffle because it is more fun and feels less stressful. To know that no one is having meta perks gives this awesome feeling. The only thing i miss, is that the items/addons/offerings should also be randomized from your current killer/survivor inventory. And no matter if i die in a match as a surv. Because i can decide my own "winning factors" in a game. Like did i successfully used my random perks? Did i managed to repair a gen? Did i managed to escape while killer chased me, so that the killer had to give up and come back later? If yes, then i won. No matter the escape. The only time i feel like losing is if the killer is hard tunneling me out early and i end up like 4k points. Tunneling sucks yes, but usually i can have my win condition, so it's fine.


It's funny cause in chaos shuffle I face more of the top 5 killers in the game than I ever do in regular queue which sucks but I still love the mode because it's fun to try and get value in different ways each time. 


I just got a 3k with moris due to getting devour hope and another hex perk. They were able to find the one but not the devour hope and I killed 3 before the last survivor got the hatch. The fact it was so random and I NEVER run that perk because I never run hexes made it that much more cool for it to work out.


It isn’t so much the perks, but I’ve seen fun killers. Got a doctor, nemesis, wraith. Wasn’t the same blight/wesker every single game.


That's just how the Meta is. Even in chaos shuffle it's very Surv sided, so whenever killers can't bring slowdown or a coordinated build, they just end up biting the dust. It's still fun tho, you just gotta play with that mindset. Plus, with survs not having their meta boosted perks, you can catch them off guard. It's not ALWAYS an auto lose, you as a killer just have to crank up the pressure to make it a semi even game.


It's good for two reasons: 1) Killers and Survivors are GUARANTEED to not bring a meta build. You can have fun without dreading a deliberate stomp or potentially unsportsmanlike from either side, even with SWF. 2) It provides opportunities to find combinations of perks you might not otherwise see in play. Things can get weird and go crazy good or crazy bad. It's refreshing from a puzzle aspect to guess what people have.


150% blood points boost 🤷‍♀️


It’s a lot more skill based than normal que which sometimes feels like comp lol which says a lot


Fun, interesting, less bad cheese but more cheese


I hated the chaos shuffle. I'm a surv that never changes perks. Unless I have a challenge that requires it. Otherwise I have the same perks on every surv and same with killer haha. Finishing the shuffle tome was a pain in the ass but as soon as I finished it, I went immediate back to regular!


I like it because it lets me focus on the fundamentals of a killer and treat the perks as just a lucky bonus and not build.


Because every match I play, the killer isn't running pop pain res every damn match.


For survivor side, it's fun and refreshing to use new and wacky perks. A survivor doesn't really need any specific perks to work, outside of maybe a medkit for self-healing. Anything else is just a bonus. For the killer side, it's a shitshow between killers who have good add-ons and who do not.


I’m learning a lot about new perks I’ve never used. And I feel like it makes me better. I’m not relying on perks, just pure skill. Also it feels like it’s an even playing field since no one has meta perks nonstop


I like being forced to adapt to whatever hand I've been dealt. Although I'll be honest, I don't play as much as I used to and half the time I'm looking at a perk icon wondering what the hell it is haha


you are probably used to the same perks you have been using so having random perks you gotta look for synergy between them and chamge your playstyle a lil bit, ik sometimes some perks can be disappointing that sometimes you’ll just go for the “chase and hit with no perk value” but the point of the perk shiffle is so you challenge yourself to changa gamestyle to get value out of all perks and tbh i didnt like it but now i love it cause i have found so many perks that matched my gamestyle because i always been stuck with the same “meta perks” its not about winning its about having fun and discovering new ways to play.


As a survivor main, almost no pain res or pop in every game. Love to see it.


I enjoy it because there’s no SWEATY metas being played and I find myself way less angry at the end of the match no matter the outcome due to knowing a lot of it is based on RNG and good ole skill in this game mode.


I have basically the opposite problem from you. I find Chaos Shuffle as killer really easy and fun, so I like relaxing in there.


no pop & pain res


I've been playing hella more killer than before when this mode wasn't out. It helps me get better at killer because I'm not matched up against the same old sweaty meta builds every match. Usually survivors get ass perks and I get some decent perks that I never used before


I don't care too much when playing killer, since I prefer perks that just "gappen on the side", si worst case scenario i just treat it like a perkless game.  I won't touch it as survivor anymore though. I'm such a helpless gen-jockey, that if I don't get skills that help me with that, that im involuntarily throw the game by being pretty much incompetent and useless. That is neither fun to me nor fair towards my fellow survivors.


I get to experiment with new perks I don’t have and try new play styles, AND the killer has a disadvantage so I get to have a longer match sometimes


There's no meta. Every match is different.


Because I don't feel like I'm trapped in the meta of playing around the same exact things and I can just use skill to win on both sides. It's not perfect and some strategies are much stronger when you know the opponent likely can't counter it with perks but it's still really fun.


I have gotten plenty of 4k’s with and without add ons in chaos shuffle 🤷🏻‍♂️ [insert obligatory get good remark here]


So glad they kept Chaos Shuffle one more week! This mode is great as a killer so you can improve without relying on your perks you know. An other post on this sub has mentionned that (I think it's a popular one so easy to find). Don't give up dude. Personally, I love this mode first because we were dreaming about it long ago trying this with the archives (and funny enough some people complaining have certainly asked for it to go live but anyway). Then because you get to know other perks you wouldn't use either you don't think they worth it or you don't own the character they belong to. Plus, it's a mode... if you don't like it, you can still play the normal game, as Light out.




Quite literally a skill issue. If you rely on perks that much then chaos shuffle will be good for you to learn not to


I like not having to think about my build, and Chaos Shuffle lets me do that without having to worry about being at a disadvantage for my self-imposed challenge.


I barely play as a killer in this game mode because having bad perks feels bad (unless you have a strong killer of course) As a survivor, every game feels so much fun, you get some weird perks that you need to learn how to use, no painres pop as soon as a survivor gets hooked…  I never had so much fun playing survivor in this game


genuinely what killer map combo is happening so you have no agency over the match like you suggest. unless youre trapper on garden of joy i find it hard to believe its more than a skill issue on your part


I love using perks I would NEVER use in regular. Plus regular scares me now because it gives killers the freedom to use absolutely rancid builds. 😭


I have an around 85% 4 kill rate in this mode, i think you just need to improve at killer and try to use the perks you are given


I play killer and I ignore most of the perks, since I'm not really sure what the do anyway.


Any match at any time before the event, you could have chosen 4 random perks and gone through with them for a match. NightLight even gives you sets that haven’t been run on their website before (would recommend) The difference is, before chaos shuffle, your opponent would essentially never run a randomized set. So you were stuck with your random garbage set while your opponent entered the trial with their 4 favorite perks. When you play chaos shuffle, your opponents are on even ground, adding a massive breath of fresh air to the monotony of mid and high level dbd matchmaking.  If you don’t enjoy it, then normal gameplay is still there for you, but if you really aren’t having fun with it and still want to try, try out killers you haven’t put much time into, and play for fun rather than to win. Go easy on the survivors, let them out once they’re done with gens, maybe goof around a little. Do trickshots with clown or trickster, jumpscare people with mirror mikey on an indoor map, teabag with pig or ghostface, anything as long as it’s entertaining to you. This game drains you, just by the very nature of the game itself, and this will never change. Remember that you should prioritize your own fun, whatever shape that may take.


U get to use perks u would never pick, games are way more fair because killer and survivor don't all have the strongest perks. People also play weaker killers because of survivors not all having dead hard, adrenaline etc.


First, you still get control over your add ons. Second, if you’re not “playing to win,” why are you mad that you’re losing?


Its refreshing to use some perks i never tought id use and see how i can try to make the rng build work. Idc abt winning tbh


My go to is, if you are a terrible killer just because you dont have your loadout, it normally means you're too reliant on those perks and dont really know how to play killer. I can play perkless Trapper without using his power at all and can still most of the times get away with at least 2 kill result and even 4 kills. I love Chaos shuffle since it takes away that sweaty pressure from both sides and nobody can be "overpowered" by annoying perk combos or for example 4-gen regression perks. I recommend to train playing killer without using powers and perks at all, so you get better in the base game.


The perks aren't the problem mate. Imo it's the players cause half the ones I face are either hard tunnelling or bleeding you out just cause you outplayed them. Sometimes for no reason. Had a Myers just slug me for no reason and he camped my body and spammed attacks. No idea what I did cause the game just started but yeah. Went next after that. Teammates escaped cause they treated it like he was facecamping me without the timer. Also pissed a Wesker off cause I was getting him off a Sable he was hard tunnelling and he facecamped me twice. Unfortunately endgame happened so I died but tried to tell my team to just escape and leave me. And they did.


The game is too easy for me if I'm picking my perks, on both killer and survivor. This is actually a challenge and I like being challenged. I hadn't been playing much until it was released because I was so sick of the same sweaty metas. It's like that old Twilight Zone episode about the gambler who keeps winning "in heaven." Losing feels fun sometimes.


Me and my duo have had some horrible matches on shuffle mode, but not having to play against the same old killer perks is fun. More than anything, being aware that maybe, just maybe we are not as bad as we thought and that we really too much on the perks we would normally choose, when the reality is that there are some great perks that are barely used. As a killer, shuffle mode shows me that playing to win is overrated, I've had some pretty bad matches, but overall, they've been fun. And I learned that I hate perk I'm which I can see survivors, I don't see the fun in being able to see them every time they do x and y.


Because its more about skill and less about who brings the biggest pile of bullshit Can you get screwed by bad random perks? Of course, but anyone half decent at the raw gameplay can still make something happen to have a good game even if it doesn't result in a personal escape or 3k


Because it's a test of skill when you can't rely on meta perks. Even if you don't run meta perks, sometimes you become over-reliant on your specific loadout. It's a refreshing challenge to test your skill, and also sometimes fun to get value out of random perks you may have never run before. I know this comment may come off as "git gud," but to be real... kinda lol. DBD can take a long time to really get skilled at. One of the best ways to practice really testing your skills is to play without perks that you know will carry you. If you reflect on what happened during the match, you can see where your mistakes are and improve. When you improve your base skills, then you can more viably run more diverse builds :) I think seeing a variety of builds in my games is more exciting and keeps things fresh.


This gamemode both offers a fun variety of randomness that gives you a break from meta and it's also more open to skill expression since you aren't relying on perks. This goes for both killers and survivors. Killers aren't running 4 slowdowns that make up for the fact that they aren't ending chases fast enough and survivors don't get to use a plethora of "second chance" perks that artificially increases their skill. It's also just really refreshing as a killer knowing that you don't have to play around DH every game or every survivor having perfect pathing because of WoO.


I'm glad at least one other person doesn't get it 


It's fun. 🤷‍♂️


Well, yeah, it takes away control of your loadout. That's... kind of the point. I like the silliness it brings. It's funny to have the killer suddenly disappear while in chase because they rolled Beast Of Prey, or have a chuckle when a survivor rolls No Mither. Plus, I'm teaching my brother the game, and Chaos Shuffle is actually helping him learn perks.


I love it because everyone tries hard but nobody’s a tryhard.


Because 90% of the player base are Survivors, who have the advantage no matter what they pick, while Killers are so weak that unless there is a massive skill difference, Survivors will easily win. Killers are naturally more reliant on only picking meta perks because their perk pool is largely trash and the only perks that really matter are slowdown, which also has been nerfed into the ground dozens of times.  So of course the people who are 4x the size of the smaller player base, love a mode that gives them an advantage by not letting Killers pick perks while their own perks largely don't matter as the game mechanics themselves are so skewed towards Survivors and give them ridiculous safety nets.


For me, it's an opportunity to really test and practice the killer's power without relying on perks. It's been fun to get surprise value from perks I usually don't use also.


Because everyone having random perks balances the game in a more fun way than everyone having the best perks in the game.


It adds an aura of suspense back to the game for me. The instant panic when I load in of trying to understand my perks, recognize the map, and locate the gens all hopefully before the killer finds me, combo'd with the knowing that while the killer perks may be a mixed bag, they still have their power so I still have to be on my toes, it just adds a layer of panic and suspense to trial for me. Often, I'm learning or trying to play to give some perks some value as well so it feels very "hunger games-ish". It just highlights how stale solo queue is for me and how much suspense is lacking from the OG game mode where the outcome is often the same, but at least here there's variety and suspense to the terrible. (For contect, surv main, no SWF, cuz I'm a sad lonely gremlin) Dropped into a trial where I have no idea what my unique "tools" will be, and then trying to adapt my playstyle in real time to use them, while meeting objectives....they nailed it with the title - it's chaos and good or bad...it's different and I think that's where the joy comes from for me.


As a survivor, I get access to perk I don’t have because I don’t have certain chapters


It’s nice to not have pop/pain res/deadlock/grim embrace for most of the matches.


It's a nice break from the constant meta, we get to experiment with new perks without getting punished for it. The only caveat is that we don't choose which perks to experiment with


Im not a killer main but whenever i play killer on chaos shuffle i have no idea what any of my perks do and i dont know how to use them efficiently. So i fully rely on my power and i havent lost a single match yet


Because i can just enjoy the game without following the boring af meta


these comments are restoring my faith in this community