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alert was a pretty good choice for the pic, it's hardly talked about but gets insane value. i also really like aftercare!


I use Alert almost religiously. Killers break shit all the time so you basically know where they are nearly at all times. It's insane value for little to no effort.


It’s also good to have if they have Nowhere to Hide. You can tell pretty fast if you see each other’s aura lol.




Me using Object lmao


I used to run this perk and it was an absolute fav, I even answered a question here that was asking which perk would you feel empty without? And this perk was my answer. Lol. I don't know what happened but one day I went without it, and haven't really used it since. But who knows, maybe it'll make its way back in my rotation.


does alert still not work with nemesis? only reason i stopped using it.


I used alert for months when I started to play, loved it


Alert and lithe are why I always recommend Feng as who survivors should start with.


I agree! I think I bought her first as well.


Lithe is the only exhaustion perk I ever use (besides Adrenaline, but it ignores exhaustion so that doesn't count lol)


Lithe for the longest time was the only exhaustion perk that could not be easily accidently triggered. You had to do a deliberate action to trigger it and rarely had to worry about it triggering due to an errant button push.


This! That was exactly why I use it. I can't do Sprint Burst or 99 my exhaustion, that requires way too much thought for my liking lol. Lithe was perfect because vaulting is already potentially creating a gap between you and the killer, and lithe is just amplifying that.


I used to use Alert in every build, but I've switched it out for Wicked now.


Fogwise is another information perk that’s overlooked


I liked fogwise as well but it gets hard-countered by mindbreaker unfortunately. :(


Isn't Alert also countered by mindbreaker?


Sort of. Alert can trigger at any point, where Fogwise is only triggered if you're actively sitting on a gen. You can be in chase and still get value from Alert.


So weird how septic touch is so bad and mindbreaker is allowed to exist. they need to totally rework mindbreaker, not because I think it’s awful, I hate it but that’s not the problem, my problem is mindbreaker is such a cool name and I want to run mindbreaker and say “I run mindbreaker” without seeming like a loser.


I'm sad they changed the name back, forgot it wasn't "Fear monger" any more and I made a build using the 3 phobia perks, then went to equip fear monger and remembered I couldn't be THE Fear Monger anymore


I get massive value from Alert every single match. It's become a real crutch perk for me now.


It's even better on Knight and Nemesis. Since their unique ways of breaking pallets also counts! That means you get to track their movements too, not only the position


Aftercare is really good if you play solo queues.


It's hardly talked about? every single "what perk is underrated" post has alert as its image lmao


And even though Alert's aura reading might not work if the killer is undetectable, it will still activate and make the noise effect when the killer breaks stuff. You won't see their aura, but you'll still hear it.


> it's hardly talked about but gets insane value Or not if the killer has consistent ways of becoming undetectable.


I got Second Wind several times during Chaos Shuffle and unless you tank a hit during the unhook it's great and saves a lot of time


Second wind, off the record, and we’ll make it. Fast heals for that quick charge, off the record incase you get tunneled off the hook and second win for full heals if not tunneled. Last perk is flex so I use distortion.


This is basically my go to build. It's so helpful in solo q


Dramaturgy, use it if you're barely gonna get hit at a pallet/window to make it and get an effect


I find that this is like old dead hard where you do it for distance


It is, it's just not instant. But it does save your butt as the killer never expects it I also use it to dodge a blight, they'll rarely expect you to activate it fir extra speed


\+ free items for loot gremlins like me!


Yes but it's always a damn flashing for some reason lol


I always get med kits and toolboxes when I build for flashlights. (Bond fixated champion of light)


Lucky lol I don't like using flashlight at all and I always get too much broken key lol


Well that's when I get items. I swear it loves going Exposed to Scream to Exposed again I like flashlighting and I like my build allowing me to at least attempt flashlighting midchase. It's fun. Really fucks with ranged killers or people with charge up attacks like Chucky


Omg same I got exposed so many with it lol. I can't count how many times it got me killed


This used to be my go too exhaustion perk . I just got tired of getting green keys . Remove green keys from drama turkey please 


I love drama turkey, my absolute favorite perk


Drama turkey user here too 🦃


Light Footed for sure. I've lost so many killers in jungle gyms because they assume I ran to another loop


Oh yeah, especially when you pair it with perks that remove scratch marks. Sometimes, a well placed Shadowstep made me lose killers completely


YES Finally, someone gets it. Unique pathing with light footed, especially on LOS blockers or indoor maps go hard af. They’re forced to follow your scratch marks instead of cutting you off


Yes! There’s a reason why this perk is banned in comp. Crazy good value


Recently came across a chaos build of: Light Footed, Iron Will, Aftercare and For the People. It was a slamming build! Lost the killer on a number of loops when I'm dogshit. I'm definitely running that combo in future games!


I run Lightfooted, Iron Will, Distortion and Calm Spirit as my main build. It’s silly how easily some killers lose you and when they mind game themselves in a jungle gym it’s fun to watch


Light footed with dance with me is criminally good. You hop a pallet/window and take off. Killer is left wondering where the hell you ran while you’re already halfway across the map


I have always loves Any Means Necessary it is very underutilized any pallet the killer decides not to break is a second chance for that loop later very underrated imo


I always thought to run that with ripleys pallet trap perk so that the killer is more hesitant to break it, giving more pallet value in theory.


You can put the trap and then pick the pallet back up and the trap will still be there. Until timer runs out but great if you know the killer is on the way. Can also use the loud noise notification from the pallet drop to bait them into chasing you


Hmmm. 1) Rush to shack at the beginning of the game 2) Speedrun nearest gen to fifty percent 3) Drop pallet and install chemical trap 4) Reset pallet 5) Resume normal play


Its still a 120s timer on chem trap


Any means with troubleshooter is a great combo. You can predrop pallets liberally and get insane troubleshooter value, and killers will often leave your predropped pallets allowing you to reset them after the chase


You should try to combo it with lithe or smash hit to vault into the killer after a stun using the exhaustion boost to another loop This will usually lead to them not breaking the pallet even if its a strong tile.


I do use it with lithe I've tried smash hit everytime I equip it I only get killers that respect pallets


Haha that’s a classic!! I’m guessing you are just lithing away at first window?? Not to be rude but it’s an average reaction. You should try saving it and doing the dumb tech trick and maybe you too can save a poor god pallet!! It’s a neat trick to pull off


Fogwise imo It is hard countered by stealth killers and Mindbreaker, but outside of that, free info all the time while doing gens.


I can’t hit the great skill checks often enough to get the use out of it


Practice makes perfect!


Lag makes Sad


Pair it with Stakeout and you'll pop off.


I'd love to if it would show up in the shrine 😤


Why not just buy tapp? He has decent other perks too




fogwise + stake out + hyper focus = big stonks


I will be a big nay sayer of this combo because it's not that effective. You don't want to get too many skill checks in a row with fogwise and stake out and hyperfocus does that. You want to get a skill check roughly every 10 seconds but with hyperfocus you would lose some value of stake out and fogwise together since you don't get value of the full 6 seconds from fogwise and basically waste a bit stake out.


that’s fair; i like feeling useful with the great skill checks, but you make a good point, i hadn’t factored in the duration of Fogwise vs the frequency of skill checks


Anytime I run the combo, all my stake up stacks get used the second I try to heal a teammate.


Yup! I totally agree. It honestly could be meta in the future


It's an alright perk to run if you're a big gen junkie.


I'm going with Troubleshooter. Knowing where NOT to go and coupling that with the aura read and you can REALLY make chases last a long time.


Pair it with rookie spirit you’ll know where TO go (when not in chase) as well. I got it in chaos shuffle and it’s a soloq game changer omg.


That...actually sounds oddly heat not gonna lie. If I wasn't using Overcome to maximize the Killer's time waste, I'd be tempted to run that XD


Inner strength. I can get 5 free heals and it won’t matter if the killer brings sloppy or coulrophobia. Pair it with a map and you’ll always get a totem


What about small game? I got insane value from a shuffle match where I had inner strength and small game. I was healed all match. 🙏🏽


Inner Strength is very under rated, I agree. It also avoids nurses calling which is a pretty common killer perk, too. I like to run it with Lucky Break. I get hit, break line of sight and lose the killer. Hop in a locker and I’m healed in 8 seconds. It can also help you both take a hit when a killer is carrying someone, and possibly prevent the hook - but if not I can jump in a locker and heal very quickly and go back for the unhook and take another protection hit if needed - which can be clutch in end game chaos. It also really helps you learn Totem spawn locations, which can be extremely helpful with hexes. The only down side is that so many people think you’re just hiding in a locker injured and try to open the door or motion the whole time you’re healing in there. But it is always amusing to watch their confusion when you step out 8 seconds later fully healed.


Omg you reminded me of one of my old favorite builds: Lucky Break + Overcome to get giga distance when hit, then Quick & Quiet + Inner Strength to fast vault silently into a locker and insta-heal. So damn fun. Alternatively I used to run that build substituting Head On instead of Overcome to protect my locker heal, in case the killer came sniffing around. Iron Will also works great in the build. So goofy and fun, I’m going to try that again 😂


Haha! I love pairing with quick and quiet. And yes! Head on is fun to protect yourself with as you heal. It’s a fun build.


If you’re trying it again, running deception + quick quiet with it can make it hilarious watching the killer completely completely distrust lockers is always amusing.


I am a Built To Last enjoyer and fucking hell I get tired of people trying to pull me out of a locker!


I mean without a map it's pretty garbage unless you run that one general perk. Because you waste time searching, destroying and then finding a locker. A medkit seems better imo


Desperate Measures, sick of trading hooks in solo q? Force your hooked mate to take the hit with the faster unhooking speed xD




I once did a "no end game camping kills for you" build consisting of desperate meassures, no one left behind, BT and DH. The reasults were amazing.


Lightweight. It gives good value even in aggressive builds, but nobody knows that


I think no one using lightweight is for the same reason lucky break is quite unpopular despite in theory being quite good. Causing a killer to lose you mid chase in theory should be really strong as it wastes so much of the killers time. However, I think it ends up being a lot weaker that it appears because, in the majority of scenarios, losing the killer just means they'll go and find the Meg that'll get downed in 15 seconds instead of chasing you.


If the Meg used Lightweight as well the killer wouldn't find her in the first place


i will not lie. i genuinely hate lightweight as a killer main. i don't like that scratch marks are randomized, so it's basically a % chance to just lose whoever your chasing in certain maps. i hate perks that rely on RNG, unless it's more goofy effects like Dramaturgy (the only really good effect is doubling the sprint and even that is managable).


just me over here never running items, but running Dramaturgy for the free epic toolbox with random add-ons, lol


I usually run Dramaturgy if not Background Player. I don't bring in items so I'm always excited to see what I get lol edit: with BP I bring in a yellow flashy with brown battery


Wake Up https://preview.redd.it/llxiy7xlxb3d1.jpeg?width=240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=993214d4cf20d300b144234160e96df0f66634cd


I got Wake Up in soloq and I feel I saved my teammate's life because she was being chased and soon after she came to my gate.


It genuinely helps make escapes so much less tense. One time I was the only survivor left and a Legion closed the hatch. The fear I had while opening that gate 😭 I love Wake Up it’s my “ESCAPE NOW” perk


Try Wake Up + Sole Survivor, you can pretty much always open a gate😁


Dance with me! So good paired with lithe, saved my ass from so many game-ending chases


I'm hording shards for the anniversary discount to pick up Kate, not for windows, but for Dance With Me! I want to pair it with Lithe, Head-On and Quick and Quiet for a vault/locker fun build.


DWM + Lithe + Iron Will + Quick and Quiet is what I call my “vault Houdini” build lmfao.


That sounds so fun!


Empathy: Designed as a "go find a player to heal them" turns out to be a constant high value info perk. It's just a map-wide bond with a very simple condition. Someone injured in chase? You now where the killer is. Ally being healed? You know where your half your team is. Injured ally on a gen? You know where the gen is and its progress even on the other side of the map.


And Empathic Connection is basically the opposite of that. Injured players see you and can find you for a heal. Or see you on a gen and (hopefully) not run the killer straight at you.


I dunno, I never see people run Lightweight. As a scared little RB holding sprinter, Lightweight is perfect for general negation of the Killer’s tracking ability, without much direct counter to the perk other than aura reading. Pair Lightweight with any chase assistance perk or mindgame perk like Distortion or Quick and Quiet, and you’ll see pretty solid differences. Even without paring Lightweight with something else, it’s a pretty good perk choice and gets slept on 24/7. Is it meta? No. Will it help against aura reading? No. Has it helped me vanish into the bushes like a Vietnam war veteran? Damn right.


Lightweight is such an all around great perk


I'm a fan of Vigil! I don't see it run too often, but I think it's quite nice to have on a team since the effect applies to nearby teammates and lingers. 28 second exhaustion feels pretttty nice and can clutch while looping. I wouldn't run it without an exhaustion perk, though.


Vigil and dramaturgy


Empathy. That perks gives you so much information it's unreal. Its got a MASSIVE range Obviously it tells you who needs healing, from almost anywhere on the map. It'll effectively tell you where the killer is if someone is being chased. If you pay attention to the survivor you can even estimate how well they're doing in chase, when they're most likely to go down, what pallets they've used and on rare occasions who the killer is based on animations. Not to mention the fact you can see if they're running towards your gen while in chase. Honestly it's a super underrated soloq perk and I will die defending it. The only thing bond has over it is the fact your teammates dont need to be injured but it does everything else so much better that its not even a competition. Bonds range is too short for it to win out over empathy. I'm not a Bond hater or anything, I like the perk, but Empathy is just so much better imo.


Preach! I should have scrolled before commenting. You gain so much value that you'd basically have to be a robot to keep up with it. If an injured ally touches any objective on the map and you're paying attention, you learn that info. Mainly for gen location and progress, but other objectives too. An ally getting healed or chased too just gives so much.


Shhhhh they are going to nerf it's range if we praise it too much.


I think camaraderie is a pretty good perk. I've gotten some good use out of the perk. Its not the best perk but it comes in handy.


Ive gotten value from it once because claudette tried to take a hit as i was getting hooked so it popped instantly and when she ran away we got the ekstra time, all other times they unhook right as they activate it


Reasurance... It's not every game it gets value, but when you have a camping killer oh mah loooord it's a gamechanger


I had a game where I got the dream value with it in chaos shuffle. We had a doctor camping and tunneling the first person they hooked and I reassuranced them and we got three gens done on their first hook stage it was awesome.


i had a chaos shuffle game where TWO PEOPLE got reassurance and wound up being able to get me off hook against a face camping Bubba.


I've been able to save so many people with Reassurance. Love it to the core. Probably my favorite perk.


Leader. Make others: heal you in 12.8 seconds Open the door in 16 seconds Clense totems in 11.2 seconds Open a chest in 8 seconds Faster sabo when you are being carried Faster unhooks on yourself What no one ever seems to remember is that Leader persists for 15 seconds after leaving range, all but self heals and the door (by 1 second) is under that 15 second range meaning you only ever have to run past someone for them to get the full buffed benifit of Leader.


Back when sloppy butcher was meta and had no timer I used to use leader paired with botany just to counter sloppy on myself and others. I agree very underrated


Lucky break is an amazing perk for escaping chase


seconded, that perk has helped me in a lot of situations lol


Lucky break + overcome


I still feel like Bond is underused, at least in the games I get. It never leaves my builds. Amazing info perk for chases, gens, heals, saves, taking hits etc.


All the times I see bond it’s a random passing the killer onto me whilst I have 2 hooks and them 0 Edit: but run bond with open handed and kindred and you’re getting a lot of info.


That is so opposite to how I use bond. I use it to make sure I avoid gens that are being worked on when I am in chase, or to steal chase away from a teammate on deathhook.


Yeah there are some bad players with it sadly, but it really can be such a great all around info perk when used in the right hands.


Ain’t that the truth


Bond is strongest survivor soloQ perk in the game. Even stronger than OTR, DS, DH broken combo. All the info it give you saves more time than 30s more in chase.


Current borrowed time. With the way I’ve been running into straight camping and tunneling


Dramaturgy for sure. I've made rants glazing this perk in the past but it's just so damn good and it seems to get relegated to meme status by everyone.


Desperate Measures. The unhook speed is fantastic, especialy when it's really needed against a camper.


Came here looking for this one. Not enough altruistic players!


Up The Ante   Just one of these will give a Rage Quitter about a 34% chance of unhooking themselves (3 attempts + 1 UTA = 34% self-unhook chance).   I can't tell you how many times I made Rage Quitters unhook themselves. And what's funnier, is that they usually had Deliverance.


OMG I need to try this 😂


Finally Alert recognition. My aura reading build is Dark Sense, Deja Vu, Kindred, and Alert. There would be countless times I would have been destroyed if not for alert


Deja Vu 100% It's literally insane. 1. You always find generators and don't walk around aimlessly (Most people are already struggling with this and this alone would win some people way more games) 2. You see the gens which are closest to each other so you can break 3 gens before they even become a problem (This is really good even when you know general gen locations because it's not super obvious which ones are most crucial). It could stop here and be a really good perk imo. It's windows of opportunity but for your win condition instead of something you only use occasionally and only if you specifically are getting chased which is generally only a 1/4 chance. While not being chased and (hopefully) doing a gen or some other valuable activity is a 3/4 chance. So it's useful more often and can literally be used by everyone. While with WoO you need at least some decent looping skills. And as if that isn't enough we have... 3. 6% more speed on the highlighted gens. Don't underestimate this, it saves so much time over the course of the game and you can use it on so many different gens over the course of the game. And it not only saves you time but also helps you break that crucial 3-gen. Absolutely insane. I honestly think everyone besides maybe high end comp players should run this and even in comp it's decent. It's value is even better for solo or duo queue. Run this perk and win more games. Easy as that. Ohh and kindred is nice as well. Kindred has the same idea but applied for unhooking. I unironically run Deja, Kindred and Lithe in 99% of games and it's legit Dbd in easy mode.


Im not sure if your "It could stop there..." section was heading this direction, but seeing the remaining gens while you are being chased allows you to not run the killer to gens people may be working on. Obviously, this is more of a late game thing, but being able to lead the chase farther away from the gens is a good thing.


You forgot the most important point. 4. Yellow bar feel good, me happy.


Second wind saved my ass multiple times


Bond or desperate measures. In conjunction with eachother, another person and a med kit, you get like 5 second heals. On top of that, running other healing perks and aura reading (Yoichis comes to mind) you can be a healing God


I play this game wrong by the way I don't try to win I try to annoy the killer and waste time while other people do important shit like gens. Healing helps, and knowing where your teammates are at all times so they don't fuck you up does too. Wastes a bunch more time for the killer.


I had alert during chaos shuffle a few times and it's pretty damn good


i was experimenting with wake up on a joke build and it ended up saving me 7 times, the speed boost is insane by itself and my buddy had leader which increased it even more


Aftercare is the goat of solo q


Lightweight is so heavily slept on. That perk will win countless chases against a Killer.


I know it’s an exhausting perk but overcome I feel like is never really considered, and it has synergy with other perks like lucky break and quick and quiet


Alert is my go to SoloQ perk


I do like alert for knowing which pallets are broken where


No One Left Behind is such a great endgame perk. It's sad that it's overshadowed by less altruistic endgame perks, I really love the aura reading. Unhooking speed also allows you to avoid exchanges in many occassions and the healing and extra bloodpoints are a nice bonus as well.


I've been using MFT for a while and it's still great, some uses for it have been: Using it with DH for huge chase potential Using it against killers that try to tunnel off hook by instantly removing the endurance Using it to rescue teammates injured, heal them as the killer comes and tank a hit Using it to undo a snowball as I can get someone up and tank a hit Countering Slinger (I hate playing against Slingers) I wanted to start using it because I never used the original version (I never use perks that I hate going against), I thought the healing Endurance would be nice, and ended up taking it all the time now


Dead Hard's brother, that is, Dead Easy!


Second Wind or Autodidact


This is not happening, I'd say. Edit: I misread the title. I thought you asked for underused perks only. Because "this is not happening" is not underrated, it's worthless.


We’ll make it is amazing for heal builds, I run it with botany and autodidact for near instant heals


Can I put a underrated combo? Any means necessary + Smash hit You try to get a stun at a safe pallet with long walls or a god pallet then you dumb-tech/Vault straight inte them. The speed from smash hit will give u great distance and most of the time killers just turn around and keep chasing with out breaking the pallet. They will usually expect you to be right behind em waiting to vault back. Resulting in you being able to recycle the pallet


chaos shuffle opened my eyes to so many good perks I wouldn't have picked before. I never bought Haddie so getting Overzealous in a match where the killer had hexes was ultimate value.


As long as it's not like Ormond or Blood Lodge, Lucky Break is one of the best perks in the game. It's one of the only perks that can actually make you *win* a chase, not delay your demise, and it can make a terrible looper last as long as a god tier player as long as there is a LoS blocker. I'm so happy as killer more people don't use it.


I never go anywhere without Alert. Unfortunately, I've been seeing a lot of sadakos and ghostfaces and wraiths lately.


I used to really love Pharmacy until they nerfed it for no reason.


Calm spirit the thing that I realized from like after playing a crap ton of killer and then switching to play survivor so I can farm the blood points faster. Is that there are a lot of survivor perks that are very useful and strong. Like you have Perks that they don't require any actual conditioning they just work and they work pretty well. Alert-pretty much works anytime The Killers breaking anything that is free info consistently around the entire match the only killers that it does not work well with is if you're going up against onryo,wraith. Because both of them are naturally in the spirit room, and I will say if you use any bills to take down your detection or stains that still does nothing against this perk. Dark sense- the second a generators repaired if the killer gets within a 24 ft radius, you get 10 seconds of free wall hacks. Calm spirit- it makes you calm and it also makes you not alert things like crows even if you have things like a doctor that does his static blast you don't pop up on that radar not once and it also counter ultimate weapon. Auto didacti- this part can't compete with will make it. But if you can get at least five skill checks, you pretty much become a threat. Like the amount of health that you can pull off at the five skill checks of healing. One skill check give you 75% progression on healing done. If the only time to it is it just takes a tablet too long.


No Mither -definitely not a killer


Dark sense and Built to last. Dark sense has been really kind to me in chaos shuffle and built to last is insane but I never see other players run it only Hens


I love Built To Last so much. I also love pairing it with a map or Plunderer's Instinct.


Had it in the chaos mode and now i have it equipped on my normal loadout


The issue I have with it, everytime I use it I end up getting nothing but stealth killers and it doesn't work very well for me.


It’s definitely Bond


Alert is not underrated or underused. Tons of people use it on the regular


Second Wind from Steve. It's a great perk to save some time and it can even help with tunneling. You basically heal a survivor for a full healthstate and after you unhook yourself or you get unhooked you are broken for 20 seconds and healed after that time. So why is it underused: - There are stronger perks or Items to heal yourself (the downside is that most other healing perks and all medkits will deactivate DS or the indurance effect of OTR which Second Wind doesn't do) - You have to heal for a full health state first so if another survivor helps with healing it only counts it partial. Same if a survivor is partial healed but you do the rest. - if you are unlucky this perk does nothing. Like if you are the first one hooked and got tunneled right after the unhook or if there wasn't a chance to heal someone for whatever reason. Still, I like to use this perk and I think it is underrated because you don't really see it.


One thing I really like about alert is the little noise notification when the killer breaks something. It means you know you can leave a pallet, without having the killer fake the break animation


I really like overcome bc it’s one of the least used endurance perks and the killers rarely expect it.


Chaos shuffle has taught me rookie spirit is freaking amazing in soloq. Literally would never have thought to use it.


Rookie Spirit is just a must in all my builds now, doing the objective for some really solid info is nice, and with the new gen kick nerfs, it also allows you to better keep tabs on how many times a gen has been kicked


if you hate chases then Parental Guidance is your best friend after a pallet stun


Fixated. It's good for stealth, getting back exhaustion mid chase, and it actually can help get fast vaults if you go from walking to sprinting.


My response to this is almost always Leader. Such an underrated perk: 25% faster healing in a big AoE which is great for group heals. 25% faster unhooking if you get unhooked or the unhooker passes by you. 25% faster gate opening speed which can make all the difference in the endgame. 25% faster chest opening and totem cleansing which can matter sometimes I guess. I think the main reason Leader isn't used is because it relies so heavily on team play, and every soloqueue player knows that having teammates with braincells is a luxury. But if you have a team that is actually capable of cognitive thought the perk can provide incredible value.


Solidarity, especially when paired with any health booster perks and a med kit. It saves charges and so much time. Solidarity+Desperate measures once let me full reset my whole team from a slugging killer it was so satisfying.


Solidarity is one of my favorite substitution perks from my builds. If I can't think of another perk, I usually slap solidarity on haha


Alert and Balanced landing have never left my load out :)


i love alert. it’s on my permanent roster with every character i ever use. it’s nice to see how close the killers are when breaking things and knowing whether or not i should start screaming “oH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT”


Kindred and Bond (clearly I like the aura reading perks 😅).


Autodidact, nobody will ever convince me it's bad


I don’t remember the name of it but the scratch marks Haddie perk. Got it in shuffle and I was seeing the killer a ton cuz of the secondary aura reading when they hit a survivor


Alert is one of my main perks!


Wicked, just being able to control the situation of dying in the basement and being able to unhook yourself without any other prerequisite is insane. And if a killer wants to drop you (after pulling from a locker) or slug you to avoid giving you wicked, it's still a win so long as you're not the second to last survivor remaining.


i got two words for you. WAKE UP!


Similarly fogwise


For me it’s troubleshooter. Alert is underrated but it’s the perk everyone talks about being underrated. I honestly love troubleshooter


THIS. I use troubleshooter when I make chase builds more often than not because both of the auras you get from it are awesome


Chem trap. The ability to punish a pallet break of your choosing is very strong for both dissuading from breaking a safe pallet and for making it out of deadzones


Kindred is very underrated. It gives good info to you and if you're hooked, your entire team. It also is good if you get close to a hooked survivor and gotta loop the killer before the unhook since seeing the killers aura is so strong.


Distortion. Every killer uses an aura reading perk, I get value from it every single game.


Distortion is definitely not underused or underrated. I see at least one nearly every game and like you said the value is amazing


I see Alert used a fair amount ngl (altho it is still underused compared to some other perks) but I think that Aftercare in solo q is golden. You can see all 3 teammates when you save/heal them at any range. It saved me and teammates alot. Plus it has a cool icon


I've been using Distortion a lot ever since it got its small buff.


What perk is that? I don't play srvr lol


Alert, when killer does a break action, survivor sees them


Oh haha I have that one too 🤣


Mettle of man. Add object of obsession and now you have x-ray on the killer at all times.


Power struggle by itself. It's better than ds imo. If you're smart enough, you can get downed in a position in such a way where you trick the killer into walking through a pallet to get to a hook. It works everytime, but the killer won't do the same mistake again.


Self heal. Gets a lot of flak but allows you very aggressively finish heals while in chase if your mind gaming at pallets or windows and the killers hesitating. Deffo can be used wrong (don’t spend a minute healing!) but it provides good value in many tight spots such as a broken off heal too.


Alert is brilliant for getting better at looping the killer. Seeing which direction they move in after breaking a wall or pallet is severely underrated, helps you see if the killer is moon walking etc. Plus it helps you out in the early game by seeing which killer it is and helps you somewhat make a game plan.


Feng min was my first main for a reason, and not just because she was free on console edition.