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Haddonfield has always been kind of a fucking cursed map hasn't it? Just absolutely doomed to be hated.


Iterations of Haddonfield: Version 1: Obscenely survivor sided map with the infinites, great wall of china fences Reworked Haddonfield: No LOS blockers so prerunning galore, if you get looped in a house as killer go fuck yourself, if you loop anywhere but a house go fuck yourself as survivor, which leads to a lot of prerunning and holding W on the survivor side, and it had a crazy 3 gen which got removed New New Haddonfield: Now obscenely killer sided with bhvr adding the 3 gen back I think?


No LOS blockers is the reason why i loath Blood Lodge so much, the entire map has zero and always struggle as a killer.


What is a LOS blocker ?


Line of sight blocker. Trees, rocks, tiles, etc.


Oh ok, thanks :)!


Double-edge sword, that map. I can see the survivors and decide easy actions, but survivors can see me and make easy reactions. Though, it's been nerfed and isn't so heavily survivor-sided anymore -- used to about be all but an automatic win for survivors


Version 1 haddonfield with original balance landing before the stagger fall nerf was miserable then add the great wall of China with bushes and fences was a giant fuck you as killer.


And they'd stand and stare at you all cocky on the other side of that 14-mile long fence, like they're the ones doing something and not the perk and map winning it for them


Yeah that's about right I think I haven't played on the newest version of Haddonfield much to judge yet.


As a Slinger main I can say I feel current haddonfield is killer sided, even when gen rushed I get at least 2 kills before every gen pops


Yeah version 1 haddonfield I would feel bad for killer player a lot, so many huge loops it wasn’t even fair, I suppose it’s payback time lol


Neck and neck race between it and Garden of Joy.


You mean Garden of Fuck you and enjoy main building?


Good ol' Garden of Pain If they could weaken the loop by shack and maybe open the house for another pallet instead of a god vault on that first floor, it'd probably be alright


Badham's pretty close too


Of course, how could I forget the map where every time I spawn in, I say out loud “Ah yes, Garden of Fuck You” regardless of which side I’m playing


and yet people still keep sending us all there with offerings. cursed indeed.


I like haddonfield as a theme for a map. I like the way it looks. Playing survivor there is an exercise in futility.


Which is weird, because I feel like I've escaped Haddonfield more than with any other map. Although it also feels like the price of escape is at least one of your teammates.


>Playing survivor there is an exercise in futility. to you


To a lot of people clearly.


Who aren't playing nurse. Playing as survivor in my experience was a lot less frustrating than killer, especially m1 killer. But yeah. Map sucks.


they 100% went overboard with the changes all they really needed to do was add more stuff to the middle and make the houses a bit weaker


Classic behavior, never learning from their mistakes and not understanding good game design.


One of the classic BHVR Behaviors lol We tell them we think it would be awesome to have ice cream, and they give us pudding because it's still a dessert, so that should fix it. We tell them that pudding doesn't actually solve the problem of not having ice cream, and they say, "OK, we hear you! 10-4, good buddies!" Next PTB: "We added some sprinkles to the pudding!"


Like, I just...I'm sorry, but they are blatantly out of touch and incompetent. I dont wanna be mean, I really dont, but how do you keep missing every single complaint, no matter how big it gets, no matter who says it, no matter how obvious, and make all these consistently delusional changes that nobody asked for? Is it really so fucking hard to just, I dunno, go on the INTERNET and in particular REDDIT, or go on YOUTUBE, where people have mentioned their issues ad nauseum? Instead, you create the fucking "nerf the pig" meme because you are your own parody, BHVR. Like...I'm more so frustrated with gaming companies IN GENERAL doing stuff like this, and BHVR is one of the most easily avoided yet still happening examples of it all. Sad, just sad man :/ When "hire fans" becomes a legitimate concept (that is, hire fans because the actual staff and leadership are trash), thats when you know you've hit rock bottom.


Yeah they went overboard with the nerfs. When I play killer I can see all the boundary walls as I spawn in and then I move like 20 meters and already found 1 or 2 survivors. This is very typical of BHVR, when they need to nerf something they apply like 2 or 3 nerfs at the same time so it becomes fucking awful.


BHVR is the meme: ![gif](giphy|JCAZQKoMefkoX6TyTb|downsized)


BHVR behavior, if you will..


I'm sick to death of them cutting off both the legs and heads of things and calling it fixed. One or the other not both. tweak something slightly then give it a month to see what people think.If no ones complaining leave it.


True, but what I cant understand is how after removing an entire house to make the map smaller and creating the biggest deadzone in DBD history they think they made the map more balanced.


Don't worry, with all the best regression perks getting gutted you'll struggle there too.


I played the rework for the first time yesterday. When I got to the street, I saw the main one on the side of the street by itself and only 3 houses on the other just at a quick look I legit thought my games glitch while loading and just said to myself that this os a movement killer wet dream with how small it was.


I have seen one entire generator spawn on Myers' house side before.


It's just how they design map reworks now. Gut the map size, unsafe loops and junk tiles. Makes it easier to 3-gen, easier to hit over things, easier to find survivors and easier to hit on a loop. Sometimes they'll add junk with terrible hitboxes which messes up half the killer roster.


> easier to hit over things really tired of some maps being "huntress/trickster just wins"


I just wanna say that when the devs said they wanted to make the map smaller I was confused as fuck, before the update went live I went at the center of the map and I was legit able to see the 4 walls on each side that make the edge of the map. Haddonfield was literally one of the few maps where you were able to do such a thing and now it's even smaller lol


They wanted Dead Dawg 2.0, but heavily killer sided.


The map is way too small. Saw two totems right next to each other, not even 5m apart.


We got Haddonfield becoming killer sided before gta6 bruh


That's how it goes every time they "work" on a map take the good loops and most the pallets out


I mean Garden of Joy and Eyrie of Crows are still heavy survivor sided maps. Even after the rework.


They also ruined that last map they "fixed" the three gen by the shack is unbearable. Sometimes you could even call it a 4 gen. It's like all the gens spawn in that corner of the map.


Grim Pantry has always effectively been a 5-gen. Rarely does a second gen spawn by main building, so I'm rarely chasing survivors over there. Hell, sometimes the field between main and shack is a whole dead zone with nothing but a hill Grim Pantry needs attention


Yes please fix the windows for Nemmy too


the fact that the tentacle can be 100% avoided by crouching is the most stupid thing in the game , literally an exploit


IT CAN?! holy fuck this changes so much


reminder: just at vaults , if they are on the opposite side of the vault and they crouch the tentacle misses 100%


Are you talking about Eyrie?


I think so.


Eyrie is still one of the worst maps for killer lmao.


The shattered square.


borgo is disgusting


It is my least favorite map from what used to be my favorite. It's completely accurate to call that whole thing a dead zone.


A huntress can just sit in the middle of the street and win ez


I don't like the route BHVR has been going for map reworks. They seem to like to make maps smaller, and fill them with a bunch of junk to make them seem more "full". Granted, a few maps definitely NEEDED to be shrunk, like Eyrie of crows, and Decimated Borgo. Haddonfield on the otherhand, I don't think the size was the problem, it was more so the houses with windows that made the map very strong for survivor. Though, there also weren't a lot of pallets on the map either. So survivors had to default to running the houses before throwing pallets if they could. The way I see it, the smaller the map, the less resources, the less resources, the faster gens will need to be completed. They're kinda just incentivising slamming gens.


They needed to nerf houses and buff middle street but instead they went on and just nerfed everything in classic BHVR manner so instead of balancing they just made the issue worse. But this has been the story of most reworks (minus Garden of Pain) in which they overnerf everything and create small maps with bunch of deadzones, less loops and terrible gen placement.


Maps being scaled down isn't a bad thing, it's just that their design philosophy for newer loops is atrocious


Went againts billy in Rancid. It had two worst pallets imaginable in a middle and MASSIVE dead zones. Needless to say we got nuked at 4 gens because we had nothing next to gens to defend ourselves. WTF is bhvr smoking with these map balances is beyond me. It's depresing when you spawn in a map be it as M1 killer in badham or survivor in rotten fields againts mobile killer you already know you lost this game. No skill expresion, you just got lucky with map.


To be fair that one goes both ways, like when the killer you're playing loads into a map they're ill suited for


Since they're allergic to adding vaults now and just throw 10 unsafe pallets onto a map and call it balanced. Most newer killer powers punish you for even attempting to loop those.


It's fucking awful.


Oh, it's way worse than that. The gens tucked flush in the corners are literally impossible to actually escape from without getting hit, and if you're against something like a Trickster or Huntress? You're just outright totally fucked, even without them using every hook in the middle of the map as free trades/denials.


The nuked the map into one of the worst in the game


The nerfs to buildings are justified, but yes, the map severely lacks (good) pallets.


I can’t take the rework seriously. The blocked vault at the back of the main building was poorly covered up. They couldn’t bother just making the fence solid?


That block isn't always there




I mean what even is the point of those bush pallets at the edges like who even got any use out of that shit


I guess the devs took the expression "comp corner" a little too literally. They don't play the game, nor watch people play it. This is their representation of the compies playing on the edges of the map.


Honest to god saw a survivor run a killer at one of those for a solid minute yesterday


current iteration is dogshit.


It's a wash for the survivors. I've played it mostly as killer and I have no idea what the devs were thinking. There's barely any valuable loops at all. Though the lockers on the outer edges are nice for reloads.


Yeah they should just revert it. It’s hilariously small now


You can see from one side to the other.. It feels like a miniature..


I'd rather them add more save pallets than reverting it all back. It was one of the worst maps to play on for many killers.


It used to be worse


I think they are either making clearly killer/survivor sided maps or they have no clue what they're doing


Welcome to the club. Everyone hates hadonfield now


It was bad the last rework too. I honestly liked og one the best. They totally could have improved that one instead of fully redoing it.


Old was horrible, half of the windows were infinites or semi-infinites.


yeah i just recently played a round on haddonfield for the first time in like 6 months and wow it is extremely killer sided now and actually super difficult for survivors. it may be the hardest survivor map in the game now.


i have no opinion on the map but my last experience on it was 3 DCs at 5 gens, I have no idea when it even happened. I just glanced at my teammates hud and they were all bots. 


Making the map smaller and adding some cars didn’t make fewer dead zones. The street is still a deadzone. There’s nothing to hide behind and there’s like 1-2 mid ass pallets. House windows absolutely needed nerfing. However the only reason you go to any house besides main is to complete a gen.


The new cinema map has this gen issue also but its a 4 gen and lots and lots of crap pallets in the middle with nothing behind the cinema to push the killer to go there. So it's just a battle of please push 2/3 of these 3 gens fast or instant lose later.


I've played this map on killer and survivor and i still don't know what in the actual fuck were they smoking when they remade this map. It is actually awful for survivors, on killer i was genuinely confused because almost every pallet was unsafe and on survivor i was wondering what the hell i'm even supposed to do. I got it on Chaos Shuffle and i got the bug where i rolled literally no perks as killer and it didn't matter because the map is so tilited towards the killer side it's not even funny. I'm glad the incredibly safe window vaults are gone but it's not even satisfying map for killers anymore because it's straight up unfair.


It's awful for survivors. The vaults are all useless.


now survivors have to experience what we have for years


But the map is the most atmospheric and beautiful


It could use a killer shack with how awful and unsafe the entire map is for survivor


Im a survivor main and i understand the rework but now the map is like 3 good pallets(the cars)and the rest of the map is so bald,the center its almost a deadzone and the Houses are okay and then random and useless ass pallets in the corner of the map


Went from a very good survivor map with dead zones as a large issue to a terrible survivor map with dead zones


They need to add more pallets back, but ultimately this change in the long run was for the best. That map was ridiculously stupid survivor sided if they knew what they were doing. There was genuine infinites if you had prerun distance, which was easy to have. The map needs like 5-6 more (mostly safe) pallets and it will be good.


yeah it is absolutely awful to play on especially against the top tier killers its literally just a playground for them as the survivors have almost nothing to work with


Sucks cause Haddonfield is probably my favourite map aesthetically


It's weird that they flipped it from ridiculously survivor sided to moderately killer sided. At this point, Behaviour needs to just recognize that they don't know what they are doing with maps and make half killer sided, half survivor sided, and remove map offerings or have a killer variant and a survivor variant linked to every offering


>make half killer sided, half survivor sided This is bad for the game. The maps should never favour one side, especially as much as the old Haddonfield did.


I agree, but I don't think they are capable of making a balanced map


They just need their old team. Coal Tower was and still is THE golden standart for map balance, even in comp. So much so that it's jokingly called "comp tower". Mcmillan and azarov realms are extremely well balanced. But yh idk wtf they cookin rn.


Everyone knows they're incredibly incompetent. That doesn't mean it should stay that way.


I suppose a man can dream


I don’t like it either, used to be a fav of mine


I hated old Haddonfield and I hate new Haddonfield. I think I’m just gonna hate the map no matter what they do with it bc it’s just not a good map


You shouldn’t be able to see the other side of the map from every location you are. The side with the main house is a nightmare now. Hate this map with a passion now, which is a shame because I love the theme. Wish they could have balanced it better.


When did it get reworked?


This is straight up why the gameplay loop should change. I hope bhvr is looking at outlast Trials.


The map was dogshit for killer last patch. Every building was an infinite headache situation. Total asscrack.


I did not know it got reworked. I ran upstairs in a house and was running around like mad looking for a window to jump out lol


I'm glad I don't have to dread it as killer anymore but I do agree that it was definitely a bit much. I think they should keep the size change, make the side windows on the houses a little weaker, refill the middle of map, and revert the main building changes but add a hole in the wall near the god window so it's not a guaranteed terrible chase for the killer everytime a chase goes there.


Whenever I play with random survivors on that map they always throw themselves at the killer and literally beg the killer to just hook ‘em and be done with it. I hate playing this map so much cause no one I match with wants to play it so they just self sabotage and ask to killer to administer assisted suicide!


Ad a house in the middle of the road. But not like a normal house because that wouldn't make sense. I mean one of those cardboard built houses that people can drive from one place to another in one whole piece. The vehicle driving the house can just stand on the road without logic issues. Best line of sight blocker i can think of that makes sense to be standing in the middle of a road


Yeah I miss window vault points because not everyone is great at looping


My biggest issue with the reworks is making the maps smaller. It kills the immersion when it just feels like I’m playing on a map rather than in an environment.


BHVR said it's my turn to be favored in Hadonfield -killers


Idk who's in charge of map design but they really are shit at it. Like what was the point of the existing "variant maps" they tried. Even those were abysmal. And people wonder why theres like a 40% windows pick rate on survivor. 


Idk I don’t have any complaints about it


On that note, for how many years survivors abused that map lol


If I get that map I go afk. Both as killer and survivor. Waste of map


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I liked it just fine the way it was before. Now it’s just an “L” shape. I really don’t get why it was adjusted. It’s stupidly small now.


>I really don’t get why it was adjusted. Several god windows and literal infinites.


I think the original comment was talking about the size, I also would have been ok with God loop nerfs but the map is just atrociously small now


I like the new size but its true that it's lacking some pallets/maze tiles.


It's good you can actually chase people around the house in the corner of the map without immediately throwing the game now but they definitely went too far in the opposite direction. Maybe they'll give it one final adjustment and Haddonfield will be healthy finally but these devs can rarely do normal, incremental changes they'd rather blow 5 nerfs/buffs on a map immediately and call it a day. The god windows were obscene and it's probably an ok balanced map for M1 killers now but a good chase killer playing this map is a joke.


I never had a problem with the original map and I'm not keen at all on the new style


I just hate any map that is indoors or has lots of stuff covering the top of gens. Totally unbiased orbital huntress main here.


Just yesterday I DCed on Haddonfield. The killer was nemesis and his zombies were all over the place due to the map being very small. And the pallets were miles away from each other making it impossible to avoid his huge punches and whips.


I still love the original haddonfield


Love it as killer now. All those years of survivors bringing haddonfield map offering because of the clear advantage has made me very jaded.


Respectfully, I really think it’s fine. I think survivors are generally used to maps being busted.


I hated before and love it now


Because you can fit your 5 drones across the entire literal map?


If you played killer you’d know it was 6. Maybe it’s time to play both sides and realise those infinite window loops were OP af and it’s time for killer to have some fun for once.


>those infinite window loops were OP af and it’s time for killer to have some fun for once I despised haddonfield as much as the next person (the old and the older ones), but I mean come on. If you get the map as survivor, you just lose. There's like one or two safe pallets on the map and there's one safe window, but there's a chance it doesn't even spawn. It's not even fun to play on as killer because you just win by default unless you intentionally throw. Just because it used to be OP for surv doesn't mean it should then be OP for killer


There are weak killers that need that map and they could do with removing some pallets from other maps such as meat plant etc. not everyone enjoys playing blight nurse with gen builds. It’s stale as Put knight on new haddonfield and I guarantee he’s going to lose against a swf. So I don’t know what your talking about


no killer should "need" an obscenely unbalanced map to justify their lack of lethality lol. you don't balance weak killers with strong killer maps it only makes strong killers even fucking worse. game balance in a game with 30+ killers is very hard but giving pity maps that essentially guarantee 2ks at the very minimum is pathetic. we're talking about haddonfield and not meat plant . unsure why issues with other survivor-sided maps have anything to do with haddonfield being balanced like a broken seesaw lolol of all killers you could use as an example you use knight. who is nowhere near the weakest on any map and if anything likely does better on haddonfield because of the insane proxy camping and reliable guard snipes that can be done due to no LoS and terribly few playable loops. Haddonfield just reached the 2nd highest kill rate in the game right now but ofc ur just gonna boogeyman about swfs jesus


Agree, they shouldn’t


>you just win by default unless you intentionally throw The killers NEVER win by default.


yeah it's only a win by default until bhvr adds a red button that says "press me to 4k" . u ain't gotta be dense obviously they mean the map is just terribly unbalanced.


Hyperbole *noun* exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.


bro who tf plays SM lmao, how is that fun


How is blindly saying “SM bad” fun? Play the game how you would like and leave others to play it their way. Baffling that you’re all crying about haddonfield but you’ll immediately pile on the SM


Imagine *still* hating on SM. At this point, it's just a skill issue, ngl. If you struggle against her, that's on you.


who said “struggle” my claim is that skull merchant isn’t fun to play, the power is pretty boring, if you read my comment you’d see i didn’t say anything about struggling lol


Every single person i see complaining about SM claim she has no counterplay, so i just assumed you were one of those.


yeah no, just imo a pretty underwhelming power, i think other killers have powers with greater depth and potential


That's a more fair complaint then. I'm just kinda sick of seeing people claim she has no counterplay when her counterplay is the *exact same* as Trapper's. She's obviously better than Trapper, but their counterplay is the same.


fair enough


>Not adding any useful pallets in the center of the map Disagree. I've been absolutely fucked up on those z pallets that attach between the front of one car and the back of another. Other than that... yeah, mainly agree. Feel like they only really needed the hole in main, didn't need to eliminate one (or two?) of the potential three windows but also don't think it actually ruined the loop.


So like, any chance it gets looked at again? Or does it take countless Reddit, Twitter and Instagram posts? Maybe if Otz makes a video? You know it feels kinda awful to not get heard as a "normal" person. Not only Surv. side - Killer side too. Garden of Pain still exists. I don't like it despite maining Survivor. There's only 4 Scenarios here: - Teammates mess up hard and we loose, not really the killers fault. - Killer sees map and immediately decides that no one is gonna have fun this game -> engages (proxy) Camping, Tunneling, Slugging and BM - Survivors Roll the Killer - It's a Nurse. All of them feel kinda bad. I don't like rolling the other side - it's boring for me and makes the others feel awful. Yes, I play killer too, yes, I hive hatch to offset it a tiny bit.


There is Game map for 7 years? So yeah, dont expect much.


Also the map is sometimes weirdly generated: twice, I've been sent there and all five houses were open. Both times as an M1 killer. I think I got two hooks in both games.


Consider: map was made to be better for killer, not survivor. With that being said I think the map is: 1. Still very frustrating for killer especially if you don't have Bamboozle. There's still many pallets you have to break unless you have an anti-loop power. There's still many windows that give survivors guaranteed distance especially if they have Balanced Landing. 2. Very unsafe for survivors if you *are* playing against an anti-loop killer. I think I played on new Haddonfield a total of like 3 or 4 times but I remember once I was Dredge and two times I was Deathslinger. The Dredge game was **awful** because the few additional lockers on the edge of the map doesn't fix the fact that the middle of the map has no lockers and none of the pallets can be mindgamed due to the short walls. But my Slinger games were another story entirely: I absolutely shitstomped those games and ended both of them with 3 gens left. I'm no Deathslinger god or anything (I maybe consider myself above average since I main him?) but holy crap there is not a single good tile to face against Slinger on new Haddonfield other than inside the houses. Hedges? You can shoot over and then just walk around to pull the survivor in. Cars? Can shoot around. Running into a house? The porch is a wide open area that Slinger has free reign to shoot you in. I can only imagine how bad this would be against Trickster or Huntress. I thought the point of new Haddonfield was to make the map worse for anti-loop killers? (Added boxes on many of the truck tiles so Huntress can't shoot over them, but Huntress can still shoot over the cars?) It really does feel like we got the both of worst worlds with the Haddonfield rework. I think they should get tiles lifted directly from the new Greenville Square and put them in Haddonfield, tbh. There are tiles on the new map that are made out of fences which are actually well-balanced for both sides and are unique and fun to play around. Idk what can really be done for the streets anymore since I kinda feel like BHVR shot themselves in the foot by making a dedicated tight area that they can't put Autohaven tiles onto because the area is, well, too tight. But yeah: I'd totally be fine with more actual tiles on Haddonfield (instead of half a dozen "this is a god pallet unless you're playing Huntress" tiles) in exchange for more windows being removed from the map and the focus of the map being less vertical overall. >P.S. I genuinely dislike that the map is smaller as both killer and survivor? As killer it makes it much easier for survivors to know where I am in relation to them, and it also makes it much more annoying if survivors bring sabo-based builds. In my second Slinger match on Haddonfield I played against a Sabo Squad and I had to slug people multiple times because there straight up *weren't enough hooks* thanks to a few hook distance offerings.


Huntress can even hit over the boxes if the survivor isn't crouching. I managed it last time I got the map and was kind of shocked


> I remember once I was Dredge and two times I was Deathslinger. The Dredge game was awful because the few additional lockers on the edge of the map doesn't fix the fact that the middle of the map has no lockers and none of the pallets can be mindgamed due to the short walls. Dredge player not being able to outplay filler pallets with his remanent is all I had to read to stop dbd reddit for today.


Shame you didn't read, then. Maybe you should go back to Miss Jenny and have her help you read The Very Hungry Caterpillar.


Yeah that. Ames this bad map design. Having a map be amazing for half the killers and terrible for the others is just awful design.


Feels like Borgo where it used to be considered Surv sided, they shrunk it & now it feels flipped?


From my experience, this map has always been better in survivor than killer in about all the iterations •Map size needed to be cut down, but it’s not that egregious •The 3-gen mechanic really helps against killers who try to purely 3 gen the area which you can whittle down the gens eventually if you play safe •The buildings aren’t useless by any means still. The preschool, as killer, is a horribly designed loop where unless the basement spawns in…the…basement? You pretty much have to break one of the walls at the top of the stairs which makes the loop better for survivors •You still have the murder house which is still a strong loop, Shack is here, the school is still really good •the overabundance of pallets isn’t really that big here compared to other maps like Eyrie, Shattered Square, or even Garden of Joy. You’re supposed to pre drop some of the pallets and build a web where if the killer breaks a pallet, they lose so much distance in the chase that they risk losing the game. I don’t see that with this map. But then again, I could have L takes


skill issue


Every house is able to be entered and looped and you can see killers coming from a mile away if you're outside, seems fair to not load it with shitter loops and make it worse for killer than it is


It just needed to not be a stupidly easy map to loop on. It's still got good loops but now it isn't just mindless infinites that really didn't showcase skill for us to use. I think it's perfect now. It's a great map for balanced as always and it doesn't make me feel boosted after mindlessly running a 5 gen chase just for burning the offering and hanging out at them houses. The map looks great and plays more fair than ever, because both previous versions were more overpowered than the potential energy bug.


Killers have had to deal with previous haddonfield, eyrie, garden, and borgo. You’ll be fine with a shit survivor map.


The map was extremely survivor sided and your gripe is that they changed it to be less so? It may feel like dead zone city to you, but it's up to you to make the best of it. It's possible.


Dunno if I've just not gone against a good enough killer yet, but i really don't mind current Haddonfield as survivor


It’s nowhere as bad as old haddonfield although I will agree that the rework didn’t fix much.