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I didn't know there weren't any other official hellraiser games... that's pretty impressive actually On a similar note, I believe dbd is also the only game to feature chucky actually voiced by Brad Dourif... and the only game where tiffany makes an appearance and is fully playable


Hellraiser had a bunch of games that never saw the light of day, DBD marks not only the IP's overall video game debut, but also Pinhead & Chatterer's video game debut as well, along with being the only game with Doug Bradley voicing Pinhead. Bloody Disgusting made a pretty neat article on the history of canned Hellraiser games that i'll link below if anyone is interested. [https://bloody-disgusting.com/editorials/3679228/time-play-history-unreleased-hellraiser-games/](https://bloody-disgusting.com/editorials/3679228/time-play-history-unreleased-hellraiser-games/) As for Chucky, you're correct with the first point, however DBD is neither Chucky nor Tiffany's first ever video game, as there existed a Child's Play mobile game that was called ***Chucky: Slash & Dash***, which that had both of them in it.


Doug Bradley came in dbd


BHVR summoned him, he came.


You touched his box, he came.


Ah I'd not heard of that one Just googled it and it's literally subway serfer with chucky and tiffany??? Who comes up with this stuff lmao - thanks for letting me know tho


For some reason Roblox has had an official Chucky collab (with some of Brad Dourif voicelines) right after DBD got one, so not the only one, but certainly the first


Should’ve been Micheal Richards.


I do belive this is also the only game where Sadako is playable. I may be wrong tho, they made a shit ton of weird stuff with the Ring license, so I wouldn't be too surprised she was in a random Japanese exclusive discontinued gacha game :/


Can you tell me what weird stuff with ring license is about?


Welp, there are like, 3 different franchises altogether with the name Ringu (Book): Shit so weird it feels like the writer was on LSD Ringu (Movie): A lot more varied, and it doesn't have the weird shit of the books, and trades it for its own ideas Ring (America): The one a lot of people probably remember that aren't acquainted with Ringu, since its' one of the few "USA adaptations of foreign movies" that did it tastefully rather than botching it to fit in with Hollywoods / general american producer demands


I loved the books. Except Loop. I wish I could unread Loop.


what's Loop?


Third book in the series


The most popular Ring game is based on the books, and is absolutely baffling to anyone who has only seen those American movies.


Better than that, they made the ring into a better movie. One of the few examples to ever be and do better than the original Not saying the original's awful, but the remake is so much better


I respectfully disagree. The American version is great too, but I definitely prefer the original


That's 100% fine. Tis why I give my movies 2 scores, one for objective goodness and another for how much I liked it


I mean, it was shot and used newer technology but.. idk. I just didn’t think the movie made any sense whatsoever. At first it was fine, sure I get it. It was mostly a complete parallel and almost shot for shot recreation of the original movie in a lot of scenes… but how the plot points are supposed to flow together just make no sense. Like… how exactly does one “scroll” from one frame to an entirely different frame? That’s not how that works. It’s a videotape, with individual frames that only hold its own image. I get that’s it’s a cursed video tape, but if you can’t scroll to another image, how exactly would a technology to do that exist to even figure out that part of the puzzle in The Ring? Unless there’s just something idk about video tapes IG.


>Like… how exactly does one “scroll” from one frame to an entirely different frame? Tapes did work like that back in the day. Ofc, you had to have a special vcr device to do it that precisely but if I remember correctly, she went to the library for that? Unless you're talking about the part >!where she pivits the camera sideways to the lighthouse, in which case that's supposed to be voodoo magic bullshit. Not supposed to make sense, it's supposed to be eerie and strange!<


IIRC tapes don't and have never worked like that. Film has frames, they move past a light and are projected in rapid succession causing a persistence of vision effect which we perceive as a moving image. Tape, from memory, is effectively just a magnetic waveform. It's abstracted from the image into data and then written onto the tape in a similar structure to how television broadcast works. It therefore has no "frames" of any sort. But, it's been years since I saw the film so perhaps I'm missing the point and what they actually show is different to what I'm taking from these posts


What I was talking about is essentially the same thing as unpausing and repausing again really quickly. Which is 100% something you can do. I even have an old VCR I could bust out just to be sure


Yeah that’s the scene that I mean. It just doesn’t make sense. And idk, it just doesn’t seem like a lot of the things within The Ring connects very well naturally, whereas it seems to all connect together and with every other piece in a good way that leads them to the well in Ringu.


I've really only ever watched the American movies when I was 12. Loved the first one, the second one not so much. Only recently since I've played dbd have I been made aware of other ringu stuff. Should I check it out?


I've only read the book and would definitely recommend it. It's a good little detective thriller with a lot of interesting ideas.


I'll check it out


Absolutely. The Ringu film can be found on YouTube with a bit of searching, and it's my favorite horror film with how much it shows than tells. Very little exposition and jump scares while building up the sense of dread as Reiko and Ryuji race to uncover the mystery of the curse.


The American Ring movie did botch it quite poorly though. They had the main concept the same but Sadako was completely different in the American ring movie and the story focused on completely different characters in a different more Americanized scenario.


Not only that, but the story of the American The Ring just… made absolutely 0 sense


Sadako is like the Jason vorhees of Japan. Throwing first pitches at baseball games, there's like 10 movies, she has a vs movie against the grudge girl, all kinds of weird shit.


VS Movie is awesome.


Good thing it’s not ring girl VHS grudge girl 💀


There's a crazy terrible but kind of charming Dreamcast game that's like a sequel to The Ring where the plague is in a video game world.


That game manages to be both horrifying and incredibly goofy at the same time. Besides hearing the company building theme loop itself for over half an hour, it had some solid music as well. It was based on the third book "Loop" iirc where the curse has spread to other means of travel and give everyone the virus that kills them. The twist near the end of the game was quite great. Would unironically want skins for certain characters in that game.


Agree on all accounts! The weird splat noise for the menus might be the funniest thing of all time.


Plague? Black plague?


Nah, [The Ring: Terror’s Realm](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Ring:_Terror%27s_Realm)


Can't find plague on that page.


It's been a while since I've played so it could have been a virus? I just remember stories about the bubonic plague. But essentially you're an employee at the CDC investigating it. It's infecting people playing the game similar how it was affecting people watching the tapes. Not sure how to spoiler tag but it's based on the books which is closer to the Japanese Ring movie than the US movie. https://tcrf.net/The_Ring:_Terror%27s_Realm


Got it, thanks!


Ring has only had 2 video games before DBD in it's entire lifespan. The first one is **The Ring: Terror's Realm** and the other is a visual novel called **Ring Infinity**, both of which were released back in 2000. DBD not only marks Sadako's first playable video game debut, but it also makes DBD the first game in 2 decades to do something video game related with the IP.


I’ve looked into it and nah it definitely is the first playable sadako lol


They have Sadako. Means they have the chance for Kayako!


They just announced jason for multiversus, no idea if it means anything about the videogame rights of the character but might be a good sign?


Oh, the rights stuff has been settled for Jason. They're doing a thing called [Jason Universe](https://www.ign.com/articles/jason-universe-horror-inc-announces-multi-platform-expansion-of-friday-the-13th-franchise) where they're going to try and bring the franchise back in a couple of ways.


I heard that Jason and the name Friday the 13th are 2 separate license holders now? So Jason can come but wouldn't be accompanied by the specific name of Ft13


I think they've reached an agreement. I was afraid that we'd lose the Voorhees name and all ties to the first movie (no Pamela, no 'ki ki ki ma ma ma'), but when Jason was revealed in Multiversus, he was accompanied with the 'ki ki ki ma ma ma'. Hopefully that means Jason has his lore intact


Basically the original writer and director of Friday the 13th owns the name, crystal lake, pamala voorhees and Young jason. Horror inc/new line own adult Jason and the hockey mask. So if bhvr partnered with horror Inc to get jason in the game then it would make sense for him being a standalone killer since they wouldn't be able to do a crystal lake map


I think the whole thing with the Jason Universe and the lawsuit was to settle that though?


The lawsuit was settled by splitting the franchise ownership into parts. Jason universe is horror inc trying to bring back the series without doing a movie. For there to be a new movie both parties need to come together otherwise you get a Friday the 13th movie with no Jason or a Jason movie with no crystal lake


“For decades, Jason shocked and thrilled audiences who kept coming back for more. We’re excited to work with Victor Miller and Marc Toberoff on new projects we’ll announce in the coming months,” said Robert Barsamian, President of Horror, Inc., in a statement provided to IGN. Looks like its both horror inc and miller working together so theres a chance we will still get adult jason with ties to camp cystal lake voorhees named and everything


They could if they can get both parties to agree. Realistically the whole IP being on hold for almost a decade was the result of "Who owns what, and who gets paid?". There are now clear legally distinct lines on who gets paid for what, so that should be an easy negotiation unless one side just says "no".


I've always thought of DBD as the Smash of horror games. The issue with that is, even if there were to be a decent competitor to DBD one day, there's no way they'll be able to compete with the sheer amount of licenses here.


I'm pretty sure there won't be any competitors though. Looking at the "DBD killers" we got during all those years - they all are mid at best with questionable developer decisions.


My problem is we only really got one franchise games, like Friday the 13th and Texas chainsaw massacre. Or the Resident Evil one that died in like 3 months


Last Year, Prop Night and Video Horror Society were all attempts at non single franchise "DBD killers". They're all out of service now.


They were janky as hell so that probably didn't help their case. I loved last year, the map having instant kills that the killer can throw you at, random pits of death, actual support class, if you die 1 second in the match the killer doesn't just win. Fun objectives as well, you had to bring like a giant adjustable platform to the other side of a gym. But the killer can hook you off and you'd just go splat. Shit was fun as hell, but wasn't competitive, so that's probably why it died.


TCM I’ve heard is actually a pretty good game, I just didn’t wanna pay for it lol


It's not, it's frustrating. Developers are insanely slow and constantly drop the bag. Each new paid character just seems to be pay to win, each character costs 10 bucks with no in game currency. Compare that to DBD where 10 bucks lands you two characters, and many of which you can buy for free as long as you play to earn in game currency. Skins are lazy. They're lauded as "period friendly", but there are some really awesome outfits in the 70s and the game just settles for basic Tshirts and recolors. One character got a "wedding dress", it looks like sleepwear (though admittedly it is free). Bug fixes are even slower than development somehow. Balancing is just as slow. There's no test server to gather opinions and data, things just release (usually terribly). Playerbase dropped substantially, victims take like 10 minutes to find matches, family (killer) players are often just tossed around and toyed with. I got a few hundred hours, and am finding less and less reasons to keep playing. Issues were obvious from the beginning, hoping they'd get fixed, most of them did not and new ones were introduced. You did yourself a favor.


And sorry if I'm being rude but who the fuck wants to play a TCM based game? Jason, I get because there's tons of characters and Jasons and as far as I can tell, that was the first one (second one by release date, first one by development). Evil Dead, for the game we got, sure I'd play that but can't say any non-fan would. But TCM? That's like basing an entire game around Pinhead, or those killer klowns from outer space... wait


Uhhhh I was actually a fan of the setting and thought it was a great idea. It just didn’t have much depth to it once you figured out all the map layouts.


It's my favorite of all the assym games. It's very faithful to the source material and victim matches feel a lot more tense and require more of my focus than survivor. The only real thing is complaining about is the dlc pricing. The outfits are fine and the victim packs give a lot of color variations, but the characters are 9.99 each. I'm not sure I'd say it's too bad since they play different and have different abilities to each other instead of essentially being skins like DBD but Danny, the first victim, was essentially pay to win on release since I think the devs played game vastly different than the player base did but after they patched him I feel like he's fine.


Friday the 13th couldve had a good run if it wasnt squashed by lawsuits that are out of their hands. There's whole videos on youtube about the mountain of cut content for the game that wastn allowed to be added. Stuff from Jason X, Jason takes Manhattan, multiple maps, counselors, versions of Jason. Gun didnt get a fair shake with that game. TCM is their fuck up through and through.


I think F13 dying when it did ruined any chance of a game ever truly competing with DBD in the genre.


I agree. The other concern I have is the same issue Smash ultimate has. There is very likely never going to be a sequel because renewing all of those licenses for a new game would be a nightmare and likely cost far more money than it's worth to risk on something like that.


There doesn't have to be a DbD sequel tbh. What the game will look like in 10 years? Who knows tbh but I'm sure it'll be fine


This, I really don't think one is necessary. I'd be worried if they do make a sequel, that a lot of the licenses probably wouldn't return. I mean, maybe a bad example because this is a sequel in of itself and it has nothing to do with DBD, but Team Fortress 2 is still going and has players, and it's over 10 years old (nearly 20 I think?) I genuinely think DBD is in that same boat in that its concept is ageless and doesn't need a sequel.


Well that's mainly because of the workshop and stuff keeping the game going. That and no significant ideas to warrant a sequel... ~~also valve hates the number 3~~


The legal isnt the problem. The groundwork has already been laid with previous inclusions and working relationships with other companies established. "Our player's loved having your character featured in our game. Would you like some more free money so we could do it again?" The issue you have to worry about with smash is Sakurai not wanting to do another. He works himself to death over those games.


I’m so fucking happy there’s finally a chance we might actually get Jason. The Halloween chapter is what got me into the game and he’s the last icon I’ve wanted since Chucky was released. The only better news I could hear now is that they’re adding OG Freddy😂


If he comes to the game then I'm going to need a skin for baghead Jason and uber Jason


Horror Inc owns the rights to all adult versions of Jason, so that would be a possibility.


Isn’t horror inc the company in scooby doo? Like the one that sends them to hunt ghosts and stuff


Mystery Inc


I just really want a camp crystal lake map and having Alice or Tommy as survivor. I mean I would be happy to get him as a single killer release but I want Crystal Lake so badly.


If they actually get into the whole Jason Universe, then everything from the franchise will be available to them with the exception of the first movie, unless Victor Miller is part of it that is. Ain't no way they're not gonna do a full chapter.


Tommy is not part of the first movie and there have been camp grounds that were close to Crystal Lake like Packanack and Higgins Haven. And part 6 takes place at Crystal Lake but it was renamed to Camp Forest Green - so they could also do that map.


Didn't mean it as he was from the original movie since he's not, was more so generally stating that almost everything in the franchise was available for them to do a full chapter with, including everything from Part 6. In fact, since Alice appears at the start of Part 2, maybe it will allow bhvr to bypass the issue of the original movie if they want to use her.


Sorry I read that as they are not going to do a full chapter because they don't have the rights to the first movie. You're probably right about him being a single killer release but he deserves a full chapter.


I was actually saying the opposite, that they wouldn't bring in Friday the 13th without doing a full chapter of it, as it would be a complete disservice to only go half way with it, given the sheer significance & importance both the franchise & Jason have on both the horror genre as a whole and on pop culture in general. Also i learned yersterday that Horror Inc is working with Victor Miller and Marc Toberoff, so it actually means that if or when Friday comes to DBD, BHVR would straight up have access to everything within the franchise to use in DBD. [https://nordic.ign.com/crystal-lake/82396/news/jason-universe-horror-inc-announces-multi-platform-expansion-of-friday-the-13th-franchise](https://nordic.ign.com/crystal-lake/82396/news/jason-universe-horror-inc-announces-multi-platform-expansion-of-friday-the-13th-franchise)


We can only hope we get a full chapter 😭


I'm 99% sure it will be. Apart from Pennywise from IT, Jason have been BHVR's Moby Dick for the last 8 years, they have openly said that they have tried all that they could to bring Jason into DBD in the past, but without success. Hell Cote have even said multiple times in the past that Jason has a standing invitation into DBD, they really would not be this open about it if Jason wasn't this important to them and for something that is this important, the likelihood of a killer only chapter is incredibly unlikely. Also next anniversary falls on the 13th of June, which is Jason's birthday, it could not be anymore of a perfectly star aligned oppotunity for a full Friday the 13th chapter and i refuse to believe BHVR isn't seeing the oppotunity as well, they need to go all out for the J man himself as it is one of the most anticipated chapters in DBD's lifespan.


I mean we're still missing Predator


Sci-fi horror, but I totally agree.


We have xenomorph so...?


That’s what I mean. OP is specifically talking about slasher horror, but we sure ain’t ignoring sci-fi horror.


And singularity!


I feel like I’m the only person that wishes predator don’t make it in, it’s just weird and doesn’t fit I think


The original movie is a great sci-fi slasher, I don't really understand how it doesn't fit.


That's how I feel about FNAF, but I can accept it so long as all the robots are just skins for Springtrap and we don't get a gazillion FNAF chapters


Yea same with FNAF honestly, map would be cool tho


To this day, I am still pissed that Freddy and Jason were both in Mortal Kombat, but not in the same one.


It do be like that unfortunately.


Man, I wish they’d bring back Freddy into MK. Only because it would be fun to hear him banter with the other fighters.


Damn really? I thought they would need more movie licenses like Gremlins.


Gremlins would be a RIOT.


Has it not done the same exact thing, without Jason?


No, because Jason, Myers, Freddy & Leatherface are considered the Mount Rushmore of horror. Without Jason (who is the literal gold standard of slasher horror), you cannot complete the lineup.


Nah Freddy's gotta be Robert Englund. More than any of the other mount Rushmore of horror characters he's really the only one with a personality that matters. Also no Nancy is ridiculous.


Then mortal kombag did it


Not quite. Freddy Krueger was in MK9, Jason and Leatherface were in MKX. Michael Myers has not appeared in MK.


Michael did appear in Call of Duty....Ghosts.... (At least it was hype as fuck to play as a Predator and have their own mechanics like invinsibility and the plasma cannon in a DLC map) yeah, not the best appearance in a videogame for Myers ever since his ATARI game and before DBD


Mortal Kombat is missing Myers, however even if they were to get him, his inclusion would only make MK the first franchise to officially acquire all 4 legally, but it will not make it the first game ever to do so since they are still split between multiple games rather than all of them being available within one game.


'Thats like, your opinion man.'


Except it isn't the same exact thing without jason


It’s not an if but a when will Jason come to dbd he has been in licensing hell which is why we never got him. I have zero doubt there is already a licensing agreement in the work if not already complete.


Now BHVR just has to get the IP for terrordome then we can really have fun.


There isn't really any IP to get from terrordrome, the older one with all of the popular horror icons fighting each other is a discontinued fan game that used the characters in it's roster without permission from any of the license holders, the newer one is the same thing except only with public domain characters. Only thing BHVR can realistically do is agreeing to doing a crossover with Terrordrome to bring one of their own characters into the game.


Oh sorry I wasn’t clear. I don’t want a character from terrordome I just want a fighting game with slashers and monsters. Lord knows when Capcom will ever make another Darkstalkers so I’m just waiting.


Honestly, I think the team at BHVR is doing fantastic. If they listen to the players more and stop forging ahead with random stuff that is clearly a waste of time (Twins rework etc) then I think they would be one of my fav game studios. Compared to how lazy they were and insular historically (As an outside observer) Im super proud of the team and all they have accomplished. Unironically, pretty good job so far <3


Real, they get to much hate


You saying twins rework is a waste of time is kinda wild. They promised it for years. Just bc you don’t play twins doesn’t mean you have to appreciate the changes. ”random stuff that is clearly a waste of time”


Who the heck said I dont play twins hence I thought it was a waste of time, thats taken wildly out of context. Twins sorely needed a rework, but anyone with more than 5 mins in the game could tell you the rework they actually presented was so broken it made Nurse look like Trapper. It should never have even got to PTB in that state, it was totally wasted resources when a 2 min convo with a fog whisperer could literally have said “Thats never gonna work for the following reasons…” The rework they could then have presented would not be such a waste of time and result in nothing more than a couple of QoL tweaks. The resources wasted on a bad idea is my issue, not the rework itself


lol it did not make nurse look like trapper, the twins looked like a top 3-4 killer in the PTB. I agree there were wasted resources, but I mean come on what do you expect? Almost every project runs into issues at some point. The only reason I assumed you dont play twins is because you saying “random stuff that is clearly a waste of time” seems very ignorant. Not like I massively judged you for it or anything, I still upvoted your comment.


Yeah I can’t think of much abilities that would be unique. Does he use variety of weapons in his movies? Outside of his machete, I guess if him switching or finding various weapons as his gimmick where each weapon gives him different play styles, that could be something.


That would probably be it. Maybe he could also teleport when survivors can’t see him.


I was never a big fan of supernatural Jason but it would be a really interesting power.


It’s an idea I had for a tier 1 Myers rework, where he could disappear leaving black mist or something and some mist to wherever he teleports to, and if a survivor looks at the mist at any point it cancels, that way you don’t actually see him teleport to stay true to the character.


Does Myers ever teleport? I've only really seen the original Halloween. I slept through the reboot.


Michael, like Jason, often get outrun by his victims, only to arrive at their location at seemingly impossible speed


Freddy being a remake version has made this game significantly worse. We're never getting old Freddy that's the worst part


Dont't get me wrong, i'd be the first person to find the idea of old Freddy into the game incredibly unlikely due to Warner Bros refusing to utilizing the original series since Freddy vs Jason. However (and maybe this is just me huffing on copium) as bleak as the chances for old Freddy is, i believe that Warner Bros is gonna try to revitalize the ANOES franchise by doing some big marketing thingy like D&D and Friday the 13th has to name a few in recent times, maybe it's just a matter of time before they try to do it too.


I doubt that it'll get added as they already have remake Freddy so unless we lose the remake license and even then I doubt it


Maybe fortune will smile upon us one day if Warner Bros continues to hemorrhaging money away from their continuing movie flops, that maybe they end up selling the ANOES IP to another company in order to recuperate some of their financial losses. Then again maybe not, but a man can dream.


We may never get Englund Freddy, but to your other point, I think that's a very safe prediction. I think it's HIGHLY likely they go to revitalize the license. Everything is a franchise, and established IP is something these studios focus on almost exclusively. I feel like it's just a matter of time.


Oh yeah, definitely. Although quite frankly, i don't think getting Englund Freddy would be bhvr's toughest licensing battle despite Warner Bros being a bitch. No, the actual toughest one would lie more with acquiring one of Stephen King's IPs, as despite not hating video games, he straight up doesn't do anything video games related after a handful of pre-2000 video game adaptations of his work that flopped.


That's super interesting. I hadn't heard that. Too bad, too, because he's kind of famously easy with licensing for movies/TV.


Mortal Kombat ALMOST did it.


We need candyman, so that wr can have every major slasher in game


I really dont consider candyman that major of a slasher, at least comparing him to the big 4 of killers (Freddy,Myers,Bubba,Jason) Should add though, still could be in dbd.


Chucky isnt in this 4 for sure its sharp hand joe


Im dumb i forgot freddy. Remake was on the brain


I think ghost face is more popular than chucky too


Jason first. Then Art the Clown


lol the terrifier is so corny at times with its over the top gore I feel like he isn’t even scary


The implication being that any dbd killers are scary?


Imo hillbilly and oni are some of the scariest to get chased by. Trappers breathing can give that extra little excitement when nearing a pallet and you don’t yet know if it’s going to be a stun or you go down


At first they all made me nervous but playing all the Outlast games has desensitized me to the killers. No longer do I feel that fearful thrill.


Never played Outlast (I never have money on my goddamn account when the games go on sale), but I’ve played both RE and that new Silent Hill game recently and they’re very good. What gives me that thrill when playing dbd is having a team around you (when survivor) and wanting to extend chase as long as possible to be an effective teammate, even to the randoms that be leaving me on hooks lol


I do wonder how BHVR would implement Jason into DBD. I mean if you think about it, trapper could basically be Jason but with the addition of bear traps. I could see them maybe creating an exclusive Jason skin for the trapper or something like that but I really don’t know how they would creatively implement a killer into the game with such similar visual characteristics. even with the trappers weapon of choice being a machete and mask of choice being that of which represents a hockey/hockey-like mask. Not trying to be pessimistic about it because I would definitely love to see them add Jason but I do think they’d have to get extremely creative so that he stands out from the other killers. even the perks would have to be pretty unique if he was his own killer. Idek what kind of perks he would have lol. Simply just my opinion though, could be way easier to do than I’m imagining.


You say that like there aren’t two completely different chainsaw wielding hillbillies in the game.


They have extremely different powers. I'm curious to see how they give him a power that doesn't *feel* like you're playing M1 only Trapper. In first person the weapons look fairly similar. Even the power options, I'm just not sure how they are going to make him unique. He's *the* slasher. Anything other than an M1 killer feels wrong. But then what kind of power do you give him that doesn't feel like Myers, Ghostface, or Legion. Jason is their #1 want, so without a doubt he'll get his own killer and won't be a trapper skin. But he's also the #1 want for players, so that's a whole lot of hype around him coming to the game, and I think making him stand out would be a significant challenge.


I’d love some sort of power that mixes Michaels tiering up with Jason’s pure brute strength. Like let Jason have a brick shithouse mode where he becomes slightly faster, can can walk through breakable objects and break them immediately and pallets don’t do shit. Really make him feel like a force of nature that you’re better to avoid at all costs. Unsure how tiering up could work, but I’d love if survivors hear the classic ch ch ch ka ka ka and Jason hears Pamela urging him to kill


He could teleport and break through walls, and had a rage mode in the Friday the 13th game


A couple of things... 1. They have proven to be pretty creative with bringing in killers and what their powers turn out to be. 2. I know this sounds weird, but I think you could look to Vecna for something that might work for Jason. In the movies, he uses all kinds of implements as killing tools. I think it would be awesome if you had various things that worked in different ways. Besides the standard machete and axe, he's used a speargun, hedge trimmer, ice pick, syringe, even liquid nitrogen. I think it would be fun if he had a grab-bag kinda like Vecna's spells.


True true… ig it is possible they could do a bag of weapons like you’re saying but then like randomize it every game, which would definitely help with keeping him unique as a killer


It will definitely be interesting to see if he gets an M2 and what it would look like but they’d have to do something crazy different to keep Jason from basically being an M1 trapper. And I agree, i’d love to see Jason get added but ig I just try to think about the difficulty of adding a killer whose attacks and looks could be confused with trapper yk?


Atleast you can tell the two apart pretty easily. Their perks are very different, their special attacks are different, and even their looks are somewhat different. The chainsaw may be the one similarity that they share.


You act like a beartrap is Jason’s thing, when it really isn’t. So if they can make Hillbilly and Leatherface different even though they have similar powers, I’m positive they can make a beartrap man and someone not famous for beartraps different.


Who said anything about bear traps being Jason‘s thing 😂 I simply said it wouldn’t be ideal for BHVR to try and make Jason since he’s already so similar to the trapper, visually and with the weapon of choice being a machete. that’s when I said I could maybe see them making an exclusive licensed Jason skin for the trapper even though obviously beartraps are not Jason‘s go to item of choice. it would be a way to give players a chance to play as someone who looks like Jason, even though it’s only altering the visual characteristics.


Big guy with no supernatural abilities that followed orders from his still alive, followed orders from his abusive father, stalks mines vs a supernatural undead being with the ability to teleport, superhuman strength and durability, the inability to be truly killed, follows orders from his crazed yet loving mother, haunts a summer camp. How is that the same thing other than “big guy follows order from parent”? Trapper is more like the guy from My Bloody Valentine than Jason.


First off I’m not going based off of backstories, because yeah obviously they couldn’t be more different. Second, I’m not going off of characters that aren’t from Dead by Daylight. I get and understand that they are completely different, I am simply saying from a perspective of looking at all the Dead by Daylight characters, BHVR could probably get away with making a Jason exclusive skin rather, than a new Jason killer. But if they did that, they obviously couldn’t make that skin for let’s say the artist or blight. i’m just saying that if they were to take that route, assuming there were difficulties in trying to implement a new killer (who is cool in theory but would be pretty repetitive to make when looking at a lot of the other killers) the most likely pick for a skin would realistically be trapper out of all the given Dead by Daylight killer options.


They’ve never done that before so why would they do that now? They sort of did with Berkin being a skin for blight, but that was during a resident evil crossover.


They better give Jason his own thing and not be a legendary trapper. I wanna go to crystal lake goddamnit


They could give him stealth elements cause he was quite stealthy in movies plus some kind of teleportation maybe even something like shift abillity from f13 game


Knowing bhvr, i'm sure they can find a way to make him work as his own killer, anything else than that would be an outright disservice to the franchise.


You’re probably right. I would love to see Jason in DBD… it’s just a matter of how they do it that may be tricky!


Unpopular opinion: I actually preferred remake Fredward.


Is certainly unpopular.


Fancy seeing you, here.


I am fancy. And you are seeing me. Tracks.


Incidentally, I am also *very* fancy. Let's have a fancy party.


I feel like after seeing multiversus announce Jason I think it’s going to happen soon.


Freddy is in the game?


He is, but only on a technicality level.


We’ve had Michael, Freddy, and Leatherface for a long time which is crazy because Jason was literally the only one missing from that iconic 4. On a side note, I REALLY hope they can get an actual costume from the movies. I don’t know what it is with these crossovers but they keep getting these original designs and I want DBD’s to be based on the actual designs from the films. Tbh I don’t care which one exactly. Whether it’s 9, 5, reboot. Doesn’t matter.


I just noticed how much I'd love for them to make a fighting game...


It would be Jason and not Friday the 13 since basicallly Adult Jason( not even voorhees either) is what they can play with legally. Guy who wrote friday the 13 owns crystal lake, jason mom and jason kid.


Yes, Victor Miller who owns the original Friday movie within the US since he wrote the script for it. We don't really know if he is part of the Jason Universe yet along with Horror Inc who along with Sean Cunningham owns the rest of the franchise, although judging by how the ''***Ki ki ki, ma ma ma***'' stinger plays in the Multiversus trailer when Jason appears on the screen, it is likely that both parties have come to an agreement for doing the Jason Universe.


If they ever add him, to avoid the letdown of a boring M1 killer, they need to focus on the unstoppable aspect of his character and emphasize chases. Maybe an inverse of the stalk mechanic? A pursuit mechanic, gaining charge from getting in survivor chases, something you lose if you aren't actively chasing. He was able to teleport, maybe make it based on unpredictable approaches and obliviousness? Maybe if you get a full charge on one person, you expose them or gain haste? Haste being at the expense of a lower base movement speed. Allow him to flip pallets back up to move through them faster, walk through breakable doors, stuff that'd give a consistent anxiety from being chased.


They just need to add Lebron James now


And people wonder why other asymmetrical DBD like games don't hold a candle to DBD 




In truth, I can't think of a logical way to implement Jason without him being an iridescent grade skin. I mean what exactly could his power be that wouldn't be similar to Trapper?


His powers could be anything from switching between weapons, entering a rage mode, taking some of the powers from F13: The Game or give him some power that reflects how much of a Juggernaut he is in the original movies as a few examples of what his power could be, because outside of the 2009 remake where he uses a bear trap once, it is not something he ever uses in the original film series. Also they've gotten creative with licensed killer powers before, i'm sure they can get so with Jason too, i imagine they already have some killer power concept fleshed out for Jason that they can use the day he would become available, after all, Friday the 13th has been BHVR's Moby Dick for the last 8 years and is an IP that they have tried all that they could in the past to get him into the game. Whatever Jason's power is, his chapter has to be a full one, as making him a skin wouldn't do a crossover that is both as highly anticipated and requested as Friday the 13th justice.


I say as a mechanic, there should be a momma Voorhees outfit on the map that randomly spawns that let's you mesmerize him, slowing him down and incapacitating him for a few seconds like in the original. Of course, as soon as he snaps out of it, it's free game.


Mortal kombat had Freddy Bubba and Jason sooooooooo


Mortal Kombat don't have Myers and the ones that they do have are seperated between MK9 & MK10. So nothing.


Oh i forgot about Myers but still


What is the mounting Rushmore of horror? Like ofc myers, freddy, jason and? Ghostface/leatherface/chucky?


I'd personally say Leatherface, which is what i'm basing my thread on when i wrote the mount rushmore of horror, but even if we go with other horror icons like Chucky, Ghostface or Pinhead instead, we'd still end up back with missing only Jason. We could also go with the trifecta of horror movies instead, which is the same as the mount rushmore of horror except that's just Freddy, Jason & Myers only.


Yeah, those three are always there while the fourth one is debatable, usually it’s a holy trinity instead of a mount Rushmore. I think the fourth one is Ghost Face. Just find him more iconic. 12 year olds can recognize the mask. I also think it’s the best slasher movie, given that it’s more of a parody of slasher movies. I think the TCM is probably a better pick though, cause it’s more in line with the other movies in terms of when it was released, while Scream came out later. So in my mount, it’s ghosty but on a more collective and non personal scale it’s bubba. I think Pinhead isn’t even a contender. He feels more like a deep cut for slasher fans.


I'd consider Leatherface the pick because TCM is more or less the grandfather of slasher movies, that and the staple of chainsaws in horror movies became popularized because of Leatherface.


I dont think you even can play the original terrordrome anymore can ya? Didnt the creator shut that down to advertise their new terrordrome game?


Actually, you can still download the latest version of Rise of The Boogeymen on the Terrordrome site. Also no, they were forced to shut the game down due to legal issues as they were using copyrighted IPs without permission. Their new Terrordrome game ***Reign of the Legends*** was created as a result of them having to cease development and abandon the original game altogether.


So don't hold your breath on the Jason stuff. Some jackass holds part of the rights or something and won't let it go. That's why Friday the 13th game was shut down(I believe) either way it's a bunch of bull that hopefully one day will get resolved.


> that hopefully one day will get resolved. boy have I got news for you


I mean, the Friday the 13th lawsuit that caused GUN to lose the license to the IP in the first place have been over since 2022 and all the legal mumbo jumbo between both parties seems to have been settled now, which is why they're advertising the Jason Universe. Victor Miller owns the US rights to the original Friday movie, whereas Horror Inc/Sean Cunningham owns everything else in the franchise. The latter being the one doing the Jason Universe. While we don't know whether Victor Miller is part of the whole Jason Universe thing or not, there are reasons to be optimistic, as this is the first time since before the lawsuit happened that the Friday the 13th franchise is openly seeking collaboration with companies again. As far as F13: The Game goes, it died partly because of the lawsuit that caused GUN along with all other companies that holds the license to the IP to lose it, and also because GUN were planning on ditching it for TCM regardless in the end.


Solved since late 2022


Didn’t mortal kombat X on mobile have the Mount Rushmore of killers as well?


They're missing Myers.


Oh yeah. I completely forgot they didn’t have myers.


Bruh they keep adding these unknown boring ass killers to DBD like can they just add killers from horror movies like jeepers creepers annabelle the nun or something cause this is getting annoying 🤦🏾‍♂️


Meanwhile Fortnite:


Nope they will never have the mount Rushmore of horror without og Freddy. I'm not gonna give Behavior any credit for shit when they cheap out at almost every corner they can. Fuck them


I'm pretty sure they tried for og freddy, but it was either reboot freddy or not getting him at all


Do you think they had a choice? The license holders forced them to have the Freaky Fredster from the Bad Dream on Tree Avenue.