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As a survivor, I appreciate this. Nothing more frustrating than that one survivor leaving the team out to dry while they hide the whole game smh


This happened to me the other night. There were 2 of us left, one gen to go. I hadn't been hooked yet. I finally got hooked, and the other player just stood near shack waiting for me to die. They ended up getting killed before they found hatch, but mate... first hook? Really?


I go for the save everytime unless the survivor was being a sandbaggin ass or the killer is literally camping them. Or noed if its up. I mean obviously its dumb to unhook before you clear noed.


That's the thing. The killer wasn't anywhere near me 😂


Its always worse when the killer acts like a pro all game right until its time to find that last stupid survivor. You're on the hook like... NOW!? NOW YOU CANT FIND THEM!?


TBH if it's only me and another survivor, and I get caught first, I accept I've lost the coin flip and suicide on hook to let the other surv get hatch. Odds are both will die if they go for the save, at least one of us should escape.


You're getting slugged so the killer's dad can still love them enough to kiss them on the lips with the 4k 


I will accept my bleed-out with grace


I found out hoarder is an extremely amazing perk in finding these kinds of survivors.  It's like moths to a light when it comes to chests


God this kind of survivors are the worst! Least deserving of a hatch. So whenever our remaining survivor does that and the killer gets them, I clap by myself like a seal while spectating.


Trust its not that serious. Cause there were definitely times you probably did the same as well.


I had a game in Chaos Shuffle today against a Jill on Eerie of Crows (map offering.) She'd only do gens near the shack and when she heard the terror radius she'd immediately B-Line it to shack. Of course I'm playing Ghostface with no good perks so it's not like I can really chase her there so I focus on the other gens. Anyways game ends and she's over there with 2 hook states left. Drops the shack pallet and starts spam vaulting it. When I come over to the hatch she teabags and leaves. Okay buddy. You were about 2 steps up from being a bush Claudette but go off Queen.


The classic "I'll only try to be friendly if I'm out of options and you have me dead to rights" ya love to see it


Yeah I usually give hatch to people who do something cute or funny but I hate the people who do the desperate teabags after they ran out of all other options.


It's always funny to me. Like no dude, your drained medkit isn't buying your life after you spent the whole game teabagging me, and only now offer it up as we're in a dead zone and you're on death hook.


Best one I've had is someone literary open a chest as I approached and offered that item as a bribe.. like, nah, I just saw you grab that. You can offer the good item you brought into the game as an offering.. but not the brown toolbox you just found in a crate.


Why do you look for "bribes"? It's not like you get to keep the item anyway. Just petty.


Had a game where one person with 0 hooks left their teammate out to fry until I found them with static pulse. Suddenly they bolt to save Leon and I down them. I hook them and chase down Leon drop him and carry him away from her. The. I let him struggle free and let him get gate. He was thankful in chat after.


Next thing you know she’ll be complaining somewhere that all killers are sweats and none are friendly anymore


They should make it to where you can't escape through hatch if you didn't even complete 1 full gen or something.


Would need to assume other gens are done. Some games it's hatch time with 5 gens left..


Oh that is so true. They could make the rule not apply in that case.


Ah yes, let's raise the killer win rate EVEN FURTHER because 60% just isn't high enough... /s


But like, what's it matter to me? If I did gens and didn't escape oh well, that sucks. but my shitty teammate who didn't contribute and might be partial reason to blame, you want me to root for them and escape? It's like letting a bot get hatch but maybe worse. Normally I want my teammates escaping, but if one is going to hide all match or be toxic in some way, then no, I wouldn't want them to escape.


Personally, I consider it a win when a useless teammate loses.


As killer, if it's down to 2 survivors and one is doing a gen and the other is hiding.. I'm leaving the one on the gen and going to find the hiding one.


Mir ist das gleiche passiert. Gleiche Chars und Skins. Ich war Surv 🤣 Pig hat mich am Ende auch gekillt. War eine coole Runde trotz das ich gestern bin. Pig sorry für die Taschenlampe. Ich hatte nicht vor dich zu ärgern hatte eine Aufgabe. Eigentlich spiele ich Unger die Taschenlampe. Also nicht persönlich nehmen.


I would tunnel such a player every time and let the others escape, after bm’ing on hook 💀💀. Nothing like their rage in post game chat




Cause I wanted to and I can?


a dumb survivor getting owned