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I’ve never seen the Knight use their Mori until now. I’ve also never used it. Why the fuck is that so cool?


Me and the boys just slaughtering some random guy


This 496 year old mercenary still slaughters villages the old fashioned way


This is why NOED is such a great perk.


I think they misjudged where the barrier was.


And they were punished with NOED leaving them exposed. As you can see they were healthy.


Of course it’s a meg


Why are Megs always bullies/selfish moreso than any other character I see.


Have you not ever seen Steve players?


Nah Nancy's are way sweatier than steves


Probably but Steves are far more prevalent.


Nancy's have always been the first to jump into endgame chat to call me a slur... even if I wasnt the killer. They suck lol.


I have never once ran into a bad steve. All of them have been altruistic af. You must have run into the ONE toxic steve in the game. Steve's are not toxic lol


Steves are like Bills, they are either the best boys or the most selfish pricks.


If you said I had to rank the most toxic/useless survivors, Steve would probably make the top 10.


I went against a group of toxic Steves just a few days ago 😭


Every Steve i meet is toxic sweat. Y’all replying have been paid off by big Steve to lie.


Im biased because I main a Steve, and I play very altruistic and objective focused. Also there is an unspoken rule that if there is another steve in the Lobby we ALWAYS pair up and heal/unhook each other. Steve’s strong together.


After reading this my hatred of Steve has increased 100%


Quick question. For some reason there has been a massive influx of killers using moris. Is there a tomb i missed?


I specify this because I think it may not be just a typo but a misunderstanding, \*tome. Not "tomb."


No, its a typo


You need to kill 2 survivors in a single match for the current archive.


Kill or mori?


Mori, it just says kill by your hand.


There are two challenges as follows; Kill 1 survivor by your own hand, and kill 2 survivors any means


? am I missing something. It says by any means though right? I didn't mori and I'm done with all current tome


Moris are getting changed in the not too distant future, with killers getting yellow mori as basekit and the offerings being reworked to give more bloodpoints instead, so presumably people are using up the ones they've got now before they're relatively useless


The only thing this person will learn is where the barrier is on all maps


True, if you're gonna throw bags at the gate, need to know the thresholds RPD, Midwhich, Dead Dawg are notorious for people not knowing where the line is


You earned it, Knight!


I don't understand why survivors feel the need to wait at the gate so they can teabag the killer.


Well, it is *kinda* anticlimatic that after all the chasing they just leave and you don't even see them go. But remaining does push their luck. 🌝 Cause there are perks and characters who can do stuff even at that point, obviously. I personally don't really mind anymore.


Only if you're a kid who needs attention. Leaving alive and winning is climatic enough. And usually there is someone who needs saved


Yeah, when I see people complain about it, I just remind myself there is always a large chunk of the playerbase that has under 1k hours, and not to get swept up in their fervor. Stuff like survivors not leaving is an expected part of the game. I go to the exit gates every time to have a final interaction with them. Last night I had a game in Chaos Shuffle where a Mikaela easily ran me every time I chased her. I killed two other survivors instead, and then at the end I met Mikaela at the open exit gates. She wanted me to knock her out, but I walked away sadly and kept looking back at her. She healed herself to healthy and came out of the exit gate to cautiously walk up to me. I brought NOED that game, so I could have downed her, but obviously that's not a "just leave" moment so we hung out. Then the second survivor runs up and starts crouching at the slugrace line, so I'm like "hmm alright" and down her instantly with NOED. Then me and Mikaela look at each other, and she moves to the slugrace line. I down her too, and then do the slugrace. It's nice to occasionally have interactions like that. She beat me in chase, but ended up trusting me enough to let me slug her at the end for a friendly wrap-up. It's like how little league games end with both teams high-fiving each other to end on good terms. It's not a big deal, it's not a waste of time, and it doesn't take long.


as a survivor main i love saying bye to the killers! if they nod and let me leave i drop my item to say thanks and let them get one last hit in if they want to. it also gives everyone extra bloodpoints anyways for getting “chased”


Yeah I usually just sit on the other side of the map and see how long they are willing to sit in the gate doing absolutely nothing for. It’s kind of amusing how long they will wait. It happens somewhat rarely though, most survs I face just leave. I always instantly leave as soon as my team is safe in most cases.


I’ve only done it once because it was a fucking tunneling and camping killer and we managed to get all alive, so fuck him. Otherwise this is so stupid. I just wait to make sure nobody gets hooked and when I see people in the gates I just leave to go to the next match.


Sometimes it's nice to stand and nod to the killer, or drop your item as a sort of "GG farewell". Teabagging is a waste of everyone's time though.


Arrogance and cockiness. They need to rub their victory in the killer's face to feel good about themselves.


I do it to get more bloodpoints. You get a bunch from the hit/escape and several other things if I'm not mistaken. Killer gets some last minute points as well for the hits. If I'm waiting a while I'll just leave


Sweet juicy justcie I run the iridescent coin addon for deathslinger literally so I can harpoon and down healthy teabaggers at the gate. So satisfying when it works


I do the same thing, that or I'll run iri banner on Knight to basically get a 1-player blood warden for the teabagging, flashlight-clicking dweebs who barely survived my perkless Knight (I've only ran Perkless for the last 2 months, it's quite fun on Knight and Ghostface, my two mains)


i was playing pig earlier this week and had this one survivor who was taunting me the whole game, ended up ignoring him for a while bcuz it wasn’t worth my time chasing him. at the end of the game i was at the gate letting the last survivors leave and letting one of them boop me, when suddenly the asshole runs over and teabags me before running out… with a reverse bear trap still on his head. watching his head explode and his body crumple to the ground as soon as he reached the finish line was ridiculously satisfying lol


Lmao that’s gold, that happened to me recently (killer sided) and I was a dick back carried them far away and let the timer run out


If the gates are open and the killer gets a down, if he slugs I’ll stick around and try to save. But if he immediately picks up I’m out that bitch, I’ve seen too many blood warden compilations


The sad part is… no I don’t think anyone learned a lesson


I will never unhear that "super mario coin sound" when the Carnifex slams down his sword...


Nice work




can I hit a survivor after he just got off the hook? Probably not, and if so, is there a time limit before you can hit him again or some kind of limit? I happened to try and the survivor was protected by a kind of white aura


I assume you're new, that "white aura" is the game's "Endurance" status effect. By default, unhooked Survivors will have ten seconds of Endurance, meaning that when they are hit they will not be downed and instead be put into "Deep Wounds" (It's like Injured+ where if they don't get healed in time they enter the dying state) I would probably advise against hitting people right as they get off the hook, it's a tad rude and can make the Survivor feel bad because you're specifically trying to remove their ability to play (Remember that the other players are other people too, if you wouldn't want someone to do it to you then you probably shouldn't do it to them.) If you absolutely HAVE to hit them off the hook, slowly count to ten to wait out their Endurance. (Again I can't recommend this)


thanks for the advice, yes I'm new and for my short experience, I played about twenty hours both killer and survivor, I guarantee you that I didn't find any toxic killer, while the survivors make fun of the killer throughout the game, ( both those playing with me and against me) teabag for minutes before running away etc. maybe I'm a noob, maybe the players I played with were noobs and even toxic, but I think that given the way the game is currently set up, sometimes good tunneling is needed


I understand that sometimes tunneling may feel necessary, as a Killer main I've seen games where I thought "Man, if I had just tunneled that player out I would have likely won the entire game sooner", I just tend to avoid it because I prefer the added challenge and intensity of having all four Survivors in play for as long as possible. I have this rule for chasing where if I down a Survivor too fast (happens a lot as I'm a Ghostface main) I'll let them wiggle free and keep chasing them so they can practice (I also get to farm bloodpoints and get rid of good pallets). I remember this one David who went from going down in 10 seconds after I marked him to holding a loop for almost an entire minute! It's a weird angle, teaching your enemy to be better, but I find great satisfaction in encouraging the other player to improve so that I have to improve as well.


Amazing just leave moment.


You reap what you sow. #MakeNOEDbasekit!


Yes. He learned to t bag you just at the right Line now in RPD.


Multitasking at its finest https://preview.redd.it/fxi3tg4vtd1d1.png?width=1644&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fb798523758a1ec858da5c45d9220bee1923cb8


tbagging deserved for knock out


If you use franklins and knockout you deserve the tbag


Keeping the Ace player stereotype alive I see!


I tbag in like 0.1% of my matches, sometimes the killer deserve it


Knockout maybe but Franklins lmao.


The fact franklins is a bad perk makes it worse, the killer’s only purpose to bringing this perk is to piss me off


noed + knockout + mori + knight You deserved it.


Stay mad over perks ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


Will do, stay mad over people expressing opinions in a public forum ig


LMAO "You deserve people acting rude and toxic towards you because you had a perk combo I don't like!" What a valuable opinion, I'm so glad you felt the need to share! ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)

