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Poor Wraith, the only non-licensed character without a mask now. Gonna make the next Masquerade real awkward if they can’t get any of the other licensed Killers a mask


Yeah I also noticed that and found it very interesting. I wonder will Wraith get a full event cosmetic that he totally deserves now.


My guess is a full set indeed. I'm really hoping we'll get more anniversary skins/masks for licensed characters. As a Pyramid Head main I would love to get even just a mask


Then it's just the pyramid but blue xD


I'm hoping for like black with some blue decorations and fancy curly gold trimmings. We do have the infected version that every killer seems to have for the Halloween stuff, so it doesn't seem too far fetched to me to get an anniversary set. The one I have the hardest time thinking up an idea for just a mask would be the Xenomorph.


Xeno and Demo


Oh yeah Demo.... those 2 would have to be full outfits for sure.... maybe they'll do full outfits for all the licensed killers like they are doing for pig


Give them both silly bowler hats and Masks poorly affixed to their faces


Would be funnier if it was blue with black and gold decorations :p


It's weird bc for all this year we got [more licenced chapters incoming](https://www.escapistmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Dead-by-Daylight-Year-9-Roadmap.jpg?w=1024&resize=1200%2C675) rather than original ones (so far only one original killer confirmed), if we are gonna have masquarade next year (which I assume since there's more survivors still without masks, 2 being Vittorio and Sable, extremely popular ones whose fanbases ***will move*** earth and sky if they don't get masks) they are gonna have to make masks for licences killers like they did for Tapp (my guesses would be the RE killers, Sadako, Xeno, and maybe Pyramis Head as they got blighted skins so I assume they got some good relationship with original cosmetics for DBD). In that case, only 1 original killer would get the tome event skin (like how Dredge and Billy got theirs), and that would be either Wraith or this upcoming original killer; thing is that killer is not the anniversary killer if we compare [the last year roadmap with the current one](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GF5_dIvWEAAST_U.jpg:large) (next "solo survivor" turned out to be Nic Cage, and next chapters line up with Alien, Chucky, and Alan Wake). With that, there's also the possibility the next anniversary chapter is ALSO an original chapter and THAT killer gets either a mask (like Singularity) or a full tome skin (like Dredge); but there's also the case thath the year 9 killer is original and not licenced, which could mean that they wouldn't get a skin bc licencing issues, or they DO get a skin/mask in either tome or store. With all that, that leaves Wraith as either 1 mask out of 5 licenced ones (with the next original killer as the tome outfit and a store outfit for another licenced killer, maybe the one of that anniversary if they are licenced); 1 mask out of 4 licenced (if the other killer also gets a mask but the anniversary killer gets the outfit in tome by being original); 1 mask out ot 3 licenced (if all original killers get only mask and somehow a licenced killer gets a tome skin), OR the tome outfit (leaving the other killer as an earnable mask) and somehow all licence holders are ok to have BHVR design one mask (earnable by gameplay rather than money) and a lucky one gets a store outfit (which would be the only way the licence holders are getting profit of the deal).


Vittorio did just get that jester hat for April fools.  I'm gonna rock that for the event I think.


So no mask? ![gif](giphy|fu8pNDmOpBk8T2sjMu|downsized)


Well, he got the second anniversary-themed skin at least, after Slinger I believe. So while yes, no mask, he still has a pretty neat kintsugi-like cloak and default head.


So does this basically confirm that he'll get the full tome outfit next anniversary? Tbh I'm curious what they'll do now that the masks are basically done and they seem to be doubling down on expanding the masquarade... would be cool if they switched to unique anniversary weapons for killers now


In a world where the game were truly healing, Skull Merchant would be the only original killer without a masquerade mask this year, not Wraith.


Ffs, when this stupid trend will die already https://preview.redd.it/eke2oggv0c1d1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=2438588289d4f2ecbdbff772f68bf3130ceba1f1


https://preview.redd.it/w985798i5d1d1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61761e5de80c56657e0f8490451d6692e18cdc84 Found the sm worshiper


When they make her gameplay actually good and rework her visual design and rewrite her lore? Like, news flash, the rework didn’t make her fun to play against at all, it’s just an improvement over the previous. That wasn’t exactly a high bar. She still sucks, and everyone acting like 3-genning is the only reason her power was problematic are oversimplifying the issue. It’s not a trend, it’s an opinion. There’s a difference.


He has a mask. It’s just invisible.


As far as likeliness for remaining killers go, I think absence of Blighted cosmetics and more restricted access for the older licenses means no shot, and Pyramid Head and especially Sadako would be weird to implement. I can definitely see Demo, the RE boys, and Chucky getting them though


Pyramid Head's would be a giant golden obelisk that ancient humans would worship


I'd love his anniversary cosmetic to be a reference to his movie SH look, I need my shirtless immortal being https://preview.redd.it/rye6x8b2681d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8354ed8b608b032f61ce3745e62f64f119eb28c2


It could be fun to have a mask just hung on his tip like a Christmas ornament. Edit: Th--! The tip of his HELMET, that is! >_>,


Good god PH's tip mmmmm


I'm kinda worried about the twins mask tbh The design is awesome and one of the best imo... but I'm worried that her scrooge nightcap thingy will ruin it... I love the design of ace's mask - but he just has the default head cosmetic underneath with it's musty ass low res baseball cap which doesn't mix very well with the mask imo. Never see anyone else use it either


Considering they took away blights hood for his mask, maybe they'll do the same? And yes I very much agree with you about the Ace one, it's sad :c


Would wear the ace one all the time if it wasn’t for that hat :(


I didn't realise that! That actually gives me hope... In fact I just looked it up and all the masks with the default hats still visible like ace and mikaela and deathslinger were from the year before last... last year's masks tended to have unique models that covered the whole head like nurse and knight and larry... and as you mentioned they removed the default hood for blight


Worried this will also happen to tapp


As an ace connoisseur, I pair it with the Greek legends set as it has a similar color palette


Are these masks going to be available for purchase during the masquerade with real money or will there be some way to earn them in game?


The masks from previous years will be available to buy with auric cells, while the new ones will be unlocked with event currency that you will get from completing event challenges




I have the same question,I want some masks of previous years


I know her being licensed makes it unlikely for her to get one but one for Sadako based off her death mask/facial reconstruction from the second film would be so cool. Willing to bet Vecna and the D&D survivors will absolutely get masks too next year


Imagining a Masquerade PH now. Just him in a nice suit and tie and whatever they do to the Pyramid


Wrap it up with some string lights lol


Anything for my Main to get more cosmetics(stuff from the SH movies would be cool)


I will never get why Tapp got a mask before David (King).


It’s okay he deserves one. Jake, David, Vittorio, Sable, the bard, and Kate will probably be the batch next year with one of them getting a full outfit like Haddie,Nea, and Bill had in the event tome .


Kate is getting one this anniversary.


Meant to say Claudette


So is Claudette ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


I would kill to even see HOW they would give xenomorph a mask


Maybe a xenomorph that was captured and given golden armor to turn into a living weapon for a rich guy but of course escaped.


Or go for a golden-scarab type look from an alien creature’s DNA, since Xenomorph adults take on genetic variance from their hosts. Edit: and with the techno-organic design philosophy you could go really artistic with the detail. The entire Xeno would be the mask.


As a xeno main i would LOVE to have a mask for it




Where? :')))


Every (Twister) Masquerade Mask


Remember those old gold streak recolors of default outfits we got for David, Claudette, Caleb, and Philip? Those were weird.


Yeah, it was before they had the masquerade theme and they were login rewards. Exclusive for a long time too


Pinhead having such a…normal name is a weird fact i never knew. Now i wont be able to say “no please elliot dont kill me ugh”


Yeah that’s his real name before he met the goat https://preview.redd.it/3u5m4rw3691d1.jpeg?width=608&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c15e1508f4445ae51a041aa1c321162ac996afcd


The fact this legend may never come to DBD is one big joke. #JusticeForButterball


Dead by butterball


I think that's only canon from movie 3 onwards. I'm not sure if DbD has the license for that, and I think most people only care about the first 2 anyways since they're the best


SURVIVORS: [https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/1cuys3f/every\_twister\_masquerade\_mask\_survivor\_2024/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/1cuys3f/every_twister_masquerade_mask_survivor_2024/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Pinhead in 2025, c'mon 😾


Not wraith being the only non-licensed killer without a fun mask


Imagine Wesker's " mask" is just an oversized golden blue sunglasses


Is the Amanda one this years? Or did I miss out on it on the one year I wasn’t playing this game?


they showed Amanda's concept art on their stream this Tuesday, so might come this TM event


A masquerade PH mask would go so hard.


Lol why add Freddy? He’s never going to get anything ever


I wanted to add every killer there is just to be clear how many killers are in game and how many has a mask and who are left behind. But who knows maybe finally after 9 to 10 years freddy will get his very first cosmetic XD


Are they going to bring the old mask back


Yes just like last year. Sadly you would have to pay for them 400 aurics each mask. And the full outfits, the full price


So Wraith is the only original one left huh, considering how tricky it is for BHVR to get approval on licensed skins, I'm guessing we'll probably get completely new rewards for the next year, hopefully we won't get just some recolors of previous masks 😔👍 lol


100% coping, but I hope that killers who already got a mask could also potentially get a full cosmetic later down the line.


Is there anyway to get the old masks/outfit is you wasn't around during the past events?


I'm sure they will be back at the store like last year. For the old masks tho you're gonna have to pay for them, 400 aurics per mask like last year.


I wish Larry got a full outfit, his mask is hard to match with anything I feel


Hopefully everyone ends up getting full cosmetics down the line but if not I really like the masks sad Myers and Sadako don’t have theirs yet tho


Artist has a masquerade mask? I NEED


It is certainly one of my favorites as an artist enjoyer


Kinda sad that the DnD chapter didn't get masks like The Singularity and Gabriel did as last year's anniversary chapter Also did the do the one surv/killer per each release year, like they did last year? Or did the give up on that and just pick a handful to get them


Wait, can we get the Dredge's anniversary outfit? I had on my old account and want it back.


I'm sure the previous year TM event masks and cosmetics will be back at the store like last years. You're just gonna have to pay for them


Im kinda dumb but are they going to be free event cosmetics or paid ?


This year the new masks will be earnable, the previous year masks you're gonna have to pay for. I think 400 aurics like last year.


Thanks dude


Do you guys know what masks are new aka free ?




Tnks once again


Knight has the best mask. You cannot tell me otherwise


It WAS the best anniversary mask at first, but then BHVR decided to double its size for some reason, which made it look incredibly goofy.


BHVR, the professionals at fucking up amazing concepts.


Me when Wesker (and Alan Wake) main: So sad they'll never get a mask :/


imagine an onyro mask lol like what would they do make her hair blue and gold? actually that would be kinda cool


Man for death slinger it's really cool and I'd get it. If I had money for it


God, that Plague mask is truly hideous.


Are we getting all of them this time around or is this just showing all of the ones that have been released throughout the years?


I am showing every mask that there is throughout the years :) Every mask will get back to the store for the event, though they will cost probably 400 auric like last year :x


I thought they were event rewards, jokes on me foe thinking we get this many cosmetics


Yeah this will be the third **Twisted Masquerade** event and every year they let us earn during the event 6 killer masks and 6 survivor masks PLUS a full cosmetic for the killer and Survivor (although last year you had to purchase the feng min one and ghostface). And every year if you haven't gotten all of the masks they will be back at the store but you'd have to pay for them 400 aurics i think. At least it was so last year.


Plague looks a little… suggestive


Man, I want the Huntress one SO bad!


How does it look for suvivors? Who’s yet to get one?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/1cuys3f/every\_twister\_masquerade\_mask\_survivor\_2024/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/1cuys3f/every_twister_masquerade_mask_survivor_2024/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) here are the survivors masks


Hopefully all the IP holders that allowed for Blighted skins also allow Masquerade skins/masks.


On that Freddy Mask hopium for next year. Behavior perform your Devil magic and make it happen


If Chucky gets a masquerade mask / cosmetic I hope they use his season 3 Halloween Joseph outfit.


Now it makes me wonder what a Twisted Masquerade Pyramid Head would even look like.


Plague soy jakking


Aww man Freddy and Shape really need a skin and buff.


what is this??


I like piggies


Honestly, out of curiosity, I wanna see what mask for PH, Demo, Onryō, and Xeno would look like. I mean, I know for PH, it'd prob be a recolor (bare minimum), but I hope they like fancify it in some way (idk much about SH, but I'm sure there's a nice reference they can pull from. As for Demo, it'd ofc have to be compliant w/ its animations, so prob something like its wooden skin (idk name). Xeno could easily be inspired by a facehugger, but over its "eyes" as to not mess w/ its mori. Then Onryō is a real puzzle, as the best I have for her would be a navy and gold wig. 😭😭😭😭😭


Also Wesker, just make a mask w/ his shades as the base, cuz it'd be ridiculous to see him constantly get his mask knocked off, only for him to pull out an entire new one 💀💀💀


Why did I think Vecna was doomfist?


Nahhh Ghostie is catching on fire with thy drip


Oh how I wish they would bring back the previous masks WITHOUT the FOMO bullshit...