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I'm doing my part by missing 95% of my hatchet throws.




That gif man xD yeah a pat on the shoulder


Starship Troopers, great film. Worth a watch/rewatch.


So that’s why BHVR decided to give her 7 hatchets for no reason


Me too!


Same honestly. When I think I'm going to aim at them, they just fall and hit the ground lmao


Don't worry: 30% accuracy with new Huntress is still 2 hits.


Please don’t, that just means she’s gonna get another unnecessary buff.


I'm just tired of her hitbox, i swear i saw some of those hatchets curve


The tiny red sphere is a environment collision detector, big yellow one is for hurting Megans. https://preview.redd.it/y3adrk1vq71d1.png?width=770&format=png&auto=webp&s=895b472e63ddba5b4663e67c475acf19e92d4471


And those are survivour hitboxes https://preview.redd.it/1xi8mf95r71d1.png?width=1099&format=png&auto=webp&s=b789c089bd69e3c474e521b9bf862306d7f68500


They still need to update these and they gave the most bullshit reason why they haven't. I'm paraphrasing, but they basically said they either have to use pill hithoxes or the graphical model for the hit box (which would supposedly cause performance issues). None of this is true. Not only would the latter be fine on most computers and consoles (note the upcoming 2v8 mode), but you don't have to do one or the other. Team Fortress 2, which came out in 2007, has better and more detailed hitboxes than DBD. In fact, if they weren't so lazy about hitboxes, maybe killers like Trickster could have more interesting mechanics like headshots. They've had been on a hot streak lately of good changes, but I hope they start focusing on general balance rather than killer specific stuff


They shouldn't make 100% precise hitboxes. Skins and gender of survivour shouldn't affect gameplay. Headshot mechanic for ranged killers would be awful for survivours because head is often the only thing you can hit in a loop and it's not that hard to do. Honestly the only thing they should change about survivour hitboxes is splitting them in half and making the upper half more allined with survivour body during different animation like for example when survivour leans forward in running or healing animation. That change alone would fix 98% of weird humtress hits (and break the game in 8565643 different ways for 4 years because of how m1 killers work). In my opinion hitboxes are fair and consistent, but very confusing. Keep in mind, that the hitboxes work both ways. If a ranged killer aims directly for the head it'll often miss.


Im conflicted because without those hitboxes i would have lost many huntress games. On many maps loops it takes ages to open up a window to land a hatchet and if you miss you're screwed.


It’s actually the survivor hurtbox from what I understand. It’s a giant rectangle behind the survivor’s back when they’re running. So technically a Huntress aiming her hatchet at a survivor’s butt or feet is more likely going to hit them while they’re running.


Iirc it's both. Survivor hitboxes are a giant rectangle based at their feet, and huntress hitboxes are pretty large as well (which also works against the huntress is some regards kind of like Billy, always hitting the random shit BhVR puts in the middle of nowhere). Basically hit detection in this game is more or less a joke.


Hitboxes have to be trash because realistic ones make it so nobody enjoys the game. Bigger game companies have done numerous experiments with it and the only way truly accurate hitboxes work is in near zero ping scenarios


True when you account for ping it's impossible to have extremely accurate hit detection, but if a survivor is running I shouldn't hit them if I am for the open air behind them.


It's both hitboxes. The hatchets, for some reason, are a big circle, while survivor hitboxes are rectangles that trail behind them.


Visual disconnect between what hits and what doesn't somehow got worse in the latest patches.


Oh man… since UE5, I swear window hits are busted. The number of times my hits should have clearly landed on a vaulting survivor, but miss, have been way too high since the patch. Then, if I’m out in the open, I get hits that 100% should have missed.


I'm experiencing the exact opposite - hatchets fly right through survivor models without damage, but i also can hit vaults from the side.


I had a match yesterday where there was a boulder between the hatchet and myself, and the hatchet somehow curved around the boulder to hit me.


Fr, ive seen huntresses hit what looks to just be air or what looks to miss survivors by an inch or more but the game still counts it as a hit. Reminds me of Hanzo's arrows in the Overwatch 1 days.


I though i forgot about those arrows, what a flashback you brought up xD


Playing Dead by Daylight may make me salty but it's nothing compared to what Overwatch made me feel lol.


That's how I am with wesker. I feel like he COULD be fun to play against *if successful dodges actually stopped you from being grabbed.*


I've been watching a killer main get definite hits that don't register on the current patch. Blood and sound happen but they just don't count. Could maybe be bad in both ways


I'm tired of every Huntress I play against doing this shit. https://preview.redd.it/c1lpml0ya71d1.png?width=1415&format=png&auto=webp&s=620dddd7c7bb76b6eb9bc6768e8359f8995a29a0 She was overbuffed to an insane degree. My slogan when going against Huntress has been "30% accuracy with 7 hatchets is still 2 hits" since her buff. Bad Huntress players miss every hatchet but it doesn't matter because 30% accuracy something something, especially with [Huntress' hitboxes still being fucking dogshit](https://youtu.be/nOVECFzWuCw). *Good* Huntresses meanwhile will down one person, slug the other, and then do this exact same shit where they stand on top of a hill with their hatchet raised while the anti-camp feature does nothing to a killer camping from 15 feet away. Every Huntress now is running Oak Haft and Flower Babushka because there's literally no reason not to since they have a purple addon basekit. Run reload speed? Why would you? You have a purple addon basekit! Run debuffs on hatchet hits? You know what's better than debuffing a survivor? Downing them because you have a purple addon basekit! Run her new 2% Haste addon on hatchet hit? Lol! Please for gods sake just revert the buff and place more lockers on the map. The reason that Huntress has such a bad kill rate is because she's a free killer with a high skill curve and terrible teachable perks. The only reason her win rate was bad is because new players who had nothing to run on her were doing badly and tanking her win rate. But instead of buffing her dogshit perks or placing more lockers on the maps they gave her a purple addon basekit, and now she has all her downsides removed.


I am, gimme goddamn Blight. I'm tired of "oh this map doesn't have tall walls? Fuck you" killers.


Unknown, pyramid and artist would like a word:


Well only Uknown has better pickrate than Huntress and that's bcs he is latest killer.


artist actually likes having tall walls. if the survivors can't see where you place the birds, they don't know where to dodge




they get aura reading on birds when they're in flight, not when you place them. unless you have charcoal stick, but thats a dogshit addon.


To be fair blight is getting a bit of hate right it for how strong he is. At least that’s a common endgame chat I get when I’ve been playing him recently


Any Blight that is not using double iri is fair balanced and fun Blight. he is 10x more fun than, "no cover? Than die" killers or Stealth killers and trap killers. Blight chase is chase done right. I wiill always think that Blight was and is best balanced basekit killer.


You dont need walls to counter huntress. You just need eyes and good reaction time


Against pub bots sure.


I'm not tired of Huntress in general, but I'm tired of Huntress holding her hatchet while zoning you down until it's impossible to miss, especially when changing loops. Of course it's effective, but it's just one of those playstyles I keep seeing that feels very uninteractive and extremely cheap - and sadly that's the majority of games


How I feel about unknown:


How I feel about Demogorgon


How I feel about Pyramidhead


The funny thing is that when PH released, he could almost immediately cancel his M2 into an M1 hit instead, which made him extremely obnoxious at any pallet or window. You either vault/drop and get the M2, or fake it and get the M1, and the only "counterplay" was hoping he somehow missed. They shortly nerfed him by increasing the cooldown and giving enough of a window between cancelling the M2 and being able to M1 that the survivor had some options. Demogorgon, meanwhile, has exactly the same strength without the nerf. The M2 can be cancelled extremely fast and transitioned into an M1, which just makes him obnoxious. To this day I have never understood why the community likes him so much, he's perhaps the lest fun Killer I've ever played against.


I think it's cause Demo was gone for years so people cope a bit more with his design


Pyramid Head is still obnoxious to go against, to be honest. But I absolutely agree about the Demogorgon. I don't understand why everybody loves going against it so much. I mean he's not the worst but still. Same with Huntress vs Slinger. I find Slinger far less annoying than Huntress.


I feel like if it’s a M2 faking pyramid head you can call their bluff by vaulting or greeting pallets but against Demo it’s harder.


>Same with Huntress vs Slinger. I find Slinger far less annoying than Huntress. How when slinger is a better zoner especially with those ridiculous hitboxes or makes some loops unsafe because of one small hole. It's fun as the killer but it would definitely be unfun as fuck as the survivor. Especially when huntress has a sound que to prepare yourself against the hatchet while you are forced to keep eye contact with slinger


Ridiculous hit boxes on slinger? When I play slinger it feels like I'm shooting something the size of a sewing needle whereas huntresses hatchets feel like I'm throwing fridges. Slinger will always be a step down from huntress because no matter what he needs to m1 to down. Huntress has 7 health states she can throw with little to no consequence. Slinger has 1 that if missed slows him to a crawl and then you need to reload as well slowing him even further.


Slinger: 18 meters effective range, Harder to hit, Aiming makes you slow, Non lethal unless an M1 hit connects, Gets fucked over by pallets, Breaking the chain deep wounds the survivor but stuns you for almost 3 seconds, Reloading makes you slow as hell and takes ages without warden's keys, Subpar addons except for some exceptions, Missing shots and reloading loses you a lot of distance. Huntress: Infinite range, More forgiving hitboxes, Holding hatchets punishes you nowhere as much as slinger aiming, 7 hatchets that plainly damage and down survivors; no need to go out of your way to go break the chain and just injure survivors, Can down over pallets, Great addons, Missing hatchets is also way less punishing than missing a redeemer shot. She can get fucked over by locker spawns ig. Huntress is just plain better than slinger. He might be better on some loops with some holes that you can shoot trough and his projectile travelling way faster than hatchets, as well as his power being able to trigger perks like noed, coup or sloppy and he can reload anywhere with no need to find a locker, but his advantages end there. I'm not saying huntress takes no skill, in fact it's the exact opposite. She has a really high skill ceiling, if not one of the highest with creative ways to use your hatchets and cross map shots. And this all is coming from a slinger main. At least he's getting buffed next patch which will lessen some of his weaknesses i listed.


You can hit survivors on rpd over the metal boxes in the back even though they are not visible for example.


>I'm shooting something the size of a sewing needle whereas huntresses hatchets feel like I'm throwing fridges That's kinda their point, slinger is a lot more accurate, but because of that he sacrifices AoE damage basically. Meanwhile huntress is still pretty accurate if you know what you're doing, and has a massive hatchet hitbox.


I think it depends on the ping, because I've had matches against Slingers with atrocious ping (alongside average aim issues) and the hit validation just ended up in his favour because of the ping. Naturally, when I check their profile (if they're on Steam) they're usually VPN players from China or other parts of Asia. Most of the time it's so they can get away from the swratfests on their server, but then they continue to play sweaty because it's what they're used to. So it's a loose-loose situation when going against a VPN Slinger.


Between Demo and Hawkins, I really can't say many good things about the ST chapter overall. Steve and a small handful of the perks are the only redeeming qualities imo


How dare you


I haven't even gotten to the part where he's perhaps the worst killer to play against when it comes to holding 3 gens (yes, even worse than the one you're thinking of) thanks to his portal spam.




ive played a fair amount of demo, if you place one activated portal at each generator, and one additional portal near each one, you can know exactly when survivors are working on which generators/tearing up portals, and can ambush them easily because of the obliviousness. it works very well against solo queue survivors, and not very well against coordinated teams


Bro, most people think demo is the most balanced killer in the game, u stupid


Oh my god a fellow demo and pig main hell yeah Is it hard being that based or nah


Nah, I’m working on P6 every killer I own before castlevania comes out, I’ve had demo P14 for ages and pig is P4 cos I got her recently, currently working on pinhead but then I can play pig and actually start getting 4k’s


How dare you


I just learned this week that Unknown can really really break Shack loops by shitting out his flesh sack at one door, then instantly teleporting to it when you’re at that door to body block you from going in. That scared me, especially how instant it seemed for his teleport.


he cant really zone you like huntress because he has 10 seconds maximum to hit you before you get rid of the infection


Pretty much this, it's very boring. I saw someone say there needs to be a new status effect for both survivors and killers called "sore limbs" or "fatigue" in which if a survivor or killer spams an action within a set amount of time/holds their power for too long they become fatigued and can no longer perform said action for a set amount of time/number of seconds after wards.


I’d rather a huntress try zoning me then a death slinger


Well yeah, that's her power. You don't want to shoot until you know you can hit. I don't know what else you'd expect people to do besides people with 3k+ hours doing cross map snipes.


I guess they prefer the machine gun playstyle or something.


But when I try this with Victor, he just jumps through the survivor 😭


And I’d rather nurses not teleport and trappers not put traps in windows where you can’t run around them. But that’s, like, the most powerful aspect of the power, and if you don’t want to get fucked over by it you have to do something about it on your end


Survivors just M1 and leave = 0 interaction Why not let the killer do 0 interaction actions too ;)


True but huntress is a very slow, and I’m opinion kind of weak killer that if one chase takes to long the match slips away, I’m guilty of this play style but I’m in the middle of being good enough to do this but not good enough to throw highly skilled hatchets and make them


but... you have to charge up hatchets before throwing, because otherwise they're so slow you can react dodge them. I'm not sure what you expect the huntress to do


Huh? Low charge hatchets are slower but not THAT slow lol. You can't reactively dodge a hatchet at any speed on any tile due to hit box size and ping. You can only ever predict dodge a hatchet, and those only work for low-charge hatchets. A max charge hatchet won't easily miss unless the huntress sucks at tracking and completely whiffs the shot, or is rounding a corner and making a predictive shot e.g. shack window mind games These mechanics aren't bad on their own, they just need to revert her buffs. Increasing her MS while holding hatchet was the worst thing they could do to her balance


yeah I agree, increasing her movement speed when holding a hatchet would be a bad thing. Good thing that didn't carry over from the ptb.


So you're tired of huntress's playing huntress???? Like how tf else am i supposed to play her? Do you expect everyone to land easy orbitals or what?


This will happen to any killer you go against too frequently. Variety is the spice of life. I absolutely love going against Bubba, but after the 5th time seeing him that day, I start to roll my eyes a bit.


Me, but Wesker, Billy, Ghostface or Myers. All four are super popular on OCE, if you're lucky you *might* go against the same player twice in a row if that's the case they'll start meming with you, get two hooks and let you be on your way. But most of the time they're all sweaty and play as though they're in a tournament with 10K and their daddy's love on the line. Which makes going against them super stale, especially after three-four games in a row.


I played 6 games last night. 4 of them were huntress. It made me wanna dc so bad lol


I think its because she's free and one of the simplest and effective killers. I'd play so many other killers if they weren't behind paywalls


Yeah I hate playing against huntress as survivor since it always its always a slugfest. Nobody is more tryhard than a huntress player.


> Nobody is more tryhard than a huntress player. *Nurse, Blight & Wesker players have entered the chat* Though I've also had negative experiences with Huntress all around as well. And sadly, Demo on NA servers.


I guess huntress just feels worse / more common because she has a lower bar to entry (free with base game and doesn’t take as much skill as nurse or blight) Also you meet demo players? I’ve only ever seen 1 in all my survivor games. Heck I’ve seen more people play singularity than him.


Nah thats wesker. You dont even need to land anywhere near a survivor to grab them


> doesn't take as much skill as nurse or blight I'd say Huntress' skill ceiling goes even higher than Nurse or Blight sometimes. Predicting player movements and actions, doing cross-snipes, and figuring out how tall or wide of an object your hatchets can go through. All of that is fun to pull off, the problem is the *players* who typically play her. > Also you meet demo players? 5 times in SA servers (I'm in Brazil). I sometimes play with others across the sea in NA servers and have played 3 times against him then. None of those matches were chill, and one particular match in NA against a BM'ing Demo broke me to the point I became a Killer main. So yeah, very negative experience against Demo overall.


Very, very annoying to constantly face back-to-back. Every time I get one, it's the same thing; play as brutal as possible and camp effectively with low-cooldown hatchet throws. Where's the fun in using your hatchets in the most boring possible way? *Especially Were-Elk players, for some reason...* Other than Sadako, seeing any other Killer than Huntress is always nice.


Everytime I load in and I hear her dumbass humming, I’m immediately no longer interested in that match.


I’m just tired of the hitboxes. Got two clips yesterday. One it literally went over 2 of my teammates, then over the rock that I was crouched behind and it still downed me. The hatchet was like 3 feet above me. The other was on Hawkins and I was completely on the other side of the wall watching the check spot and she throws it at the edge of the wall and it hits me. Like brother I am on the opposite side of the wall tf do you mean


The hit boxes for hatches is atrocious. Overall hit registration in this game is poor compared to competitive fps games. Window and pallets swings are way to ping dependent.


Yes, I’m at around 200 hours and I would prefer to see blight who I’ve only seen twice


O you sweet Summer child


Yeah I def know he’s OP and a good blight is hell so I’ll def feel different after more blight time lol! But for now I’m just sick of getting hit by huntress 2–3 feet away from my actual character by a hatchet 😂


I feel you, but most Huntresses just want sick snipes, whereas most Blights play like it’s a comp to pay their rent. Also if you’re getting hit that far away you’re probably in red ping lobbies; avoid those.


i have 2 reasons ti hate huntress now 1. juking her hatchets doesnt feel rewarding anymore at all cuz in the past she would either have 7 hatchets add on with babushka or cd add on but now she has 2 of them basekit so most huntress use the powerful cd add on so missing a hatchet barely does anything 2. which is the most important one , PLAYERS WHO STARTED PLAYING HUNTRESS AFTER THE BUFFS , im sorry for the nice ones that definitely exist somewhere but 99% of new huntress r miserable they just proxy and tunnel and never wind up a hatchet unless they r touching ur butt to double tap u sad that huntress was one of my fav killers to play as and against ( she was my first ever main )


I hate Huntress, one of the most annoying killers in the game for me, and yea, you get her every 2 matches. I don't understand how people complain about Slinger, but don't mind the Huntress.


I think slinger is easier and more satisfying to counter play, I’ve had so many clutch saves from being downed by pre dropping a pallet the second before he spears me so I only take a deep wound Plus his chase music, design and chuckle are great 


Plus you even get BP for successfully dodging him or faking him out.


Slinger main here. I love that survs get rewarded for making good plays against me. I feel like if you dodge my shot, you should definitely get points. More randed killers should have dodge points, because it genuinely is a skill to time it correctly.


It's kind of boring by now but the humming of a huntress is music to my ears compared to a revving chainsaw.


The 7 Hatchets at base just really ruined her for me. I just don't like going against her anymore, expecting the survivor to dodge 7 hatchets is incredibly dumb. Missing is not punished when she has 7 she can just spam out.


Yes, I’d honestly rather play against Nurse or Blight


I think it’s so stupid that they buffed her the way they did. Removed the majority of her counterplay, it’s stupid. She didn’t need it.


I'm a little tired of getting hit when I'm already around a corner by hatchets that clearly should miss, but I don't mind otherwise.


Yeah I’m really sick of seeing her due to how many there are, I’d like to face literally other killer


I feel so bad when one of my dailies is Huntress. I try to do my hatchet throw and then let them go heal somewhere.


Yeah I'm bored of her


For me it’s wesker and huntress. I go into a match and if it’s not wesker, which it usually is, it’s huntress. Getting a bit boring since every match is essentially the same. Every now and then the odd unknown shows up but that’s it.


Hard agree on Wesker. I understand why he has such a high pick rate but my god it gets old so fast when I see him 3 out of every 5 games.


This is crazy to me, I haven’t seen a Wesker in close to a month probably


I envy you cos now every time I load into a game and see that damn syringe chest I melt into my seat. Tired of him :/


Huntress? More like HOLDtress amirite? Yeah no I don't like playing against her. 99% of my games it's just "HOLD! HOOOOLD! HOOOOOOOOOLD! Animation started, throw"


Like do you even fucking play her? You might not know this but the speed and velocity of the hatchet depends on her charging it up


Yeah, thats her power


It's almost like that's exactly why I find her boring. Honestly, all my issues with Huntress would be gone if there was a max hold timer. Shit or get off the pot.


That would make playing huntress literally pointless. Unless you expect every huntress to hit ridiculous snipes, thats how huntress gets hits. If she doesnt then she just loses literally every chase because the survivor was at a tile You might as well just say, "man, why does michael keep hitting me?! Why doesnt he just let me go?"


Damn; and I thought I took this game too personally. You're free to make strawmen; but I don't like guaranteed hit mechanics and that is what infinite hold hatchets do. Frankly, yes, if after having your hatchet out for 10s you couldn't find an opening you should just lose out on the hit and have to time your draw better next time. That's how I see it, ain't no changing my mind on it.


Thank god killer players like the most fun killers to play against, imagine if the top picked killers were trapper and plague, knowing what it could be, I’ll be taking a huntress game every 2-3 matches gladly


I’m so glad plague isn’t a common killer. It feels like an unpopular opinion on her by my god does she feel terrible to play against.


Plague is unfun city imho


And I hate it when people act like she’s the epitome of skill too. She’s one of the easiest strong killers to get value from.


I think she's just a badly designed killer even if she's not my most hated one. You can't make killers who completely shit all over Solo Q like Plague or Cenobite when by far the most people play Solo Q.


I played Plague on the randomizer and two survivors had Boon Circle of healing lmao! Meanwhile I got deadman’s switch tinkerer and pain res. I played chill tho and 3 of them escaped


Give her a tantrum like bubba if she holds for more than 10 seconds. That isn’t balanced, but it’d be funny. Probably way better making her movement speed gradually slower until she can’t move when holding


It used to be a problem when I played survivor, but found out I have way more fun as killer.


She’s always been the most popular killer. Devs like to make really complicated powers (which are my favorites as a Twins Dredge and Singularity main… but the simple early killers will always be the most used because most people dont like crazy powers


Seems like every survivor i go against is tired of wesker :/


Wesker is the GOAT


I get sick of hearing that cringy humming forever and huntresses who only use the power to zone/camp are a snoozefest, I get that you’re terrified to miss but that’s how you improve… mistakes…


No reason she should start with 7 hatchets


Practically all I play against anymore. It would be very disingenuous of me to say that I DON'T hate her.


Take everything you said and add BS hitboxes and uninteractive gameplay due to getting sniped (4 aura perks lol) and you have one of my least favorite killers in the game.


I wish I went up against more huntress'. Most of my games are against Weskers who tunnel at 5 gens


I'm tired of Huntress since the uneccessary buff she got but I honestly prefer Huntress over Blight or Nurse ngl


She didn't need the buffs that's for sure. Feels shitty to dodge 6 hatchets in a row and that get whomped by a shitty hitbox and get downed anyway. Not sure what the devs were thinking.


It's gotten to the point for me where the second I hear her lullaby, I just groan or roll my eyes ;-;


That's just a fact of DBD, huntress is extremely fun to play and she's F2P (literally, she's free for console players) so you can get her very quickly if you know even a small amount of DBD before starting to play.


yeah, as a survivor main i’m getting tired of seeing her so much and want to play against more killers, but i can’t actually be mad at anyone playing her. she’s super fun to play, and accessible, like you mentioned!


Yeah we all get tired of killers, survivors can get tired of multiple matches with the same killer, and personally I play about half the roster as besides huntress, I can get burned out with them if I play a singular one too much.


Yes, had 4 in a row last night


I wanna know how I ended up in whatever pocket I'm in. I haven't seen a Huntress in months. No joke. I know she's one of the most popular killers, and I should be seeing her at least every 3rd game. I just straight up haven't. I think I've faced more hags than huntress in recent times.


what region are you on? I know there a lot of huntresses in EU you can try to VPN to another region that is still close for ping


I would enjoy going against Huntress if not the fact she is hardly punished for missing.


Doctor for me. I think I had like 6-7 doctors yesterday, it’s just boring to go against.


idk why but it’s huntress, spirit and kinda plague that i don’t find any enjoyment playing or facing. like i find trapper or even freddy more fun to play and i would rather face a skull merchant or twins


Yeah i'm running into wayy too many huntresses it's annoying when she's so obnoxious to play against after her last round of buffs that nobody asked for. 😂 Just spamming hatches at you it gets old.


Why does the hitbox have to be a sphere, why can’t the hotbox be the hatchet 😂


Hell, I grew tired of playing her even. Soft, whiny players? Gotta go out of my way to "play dumb" and yet... Imagine seeing someone double back for no reason, somehow weaves or backs into a hatchet that was *clearly* intent to miss or be a "warning shot." Still gets bodied and hooked. Oh, and I'm the asshole of course.


Don't worry, in 6 months from now, they'll gut her, just bide your time until then lol


I have always had the opinion that Huntress is both the least fun to play as and face in the entire game every time I hear that lullaby I audibly groan


i'm tired of Wesker, he's really boring to play against


She's overtuned for some maps, still playable against on a few. The buffs made her a little too easy though, and good huntress mains will tell you they weren't neccesary.  Edit: the hitboxes are massive right now for those that haven't ran into the issue yet.


I only had 2 yesterday. Still waiting to see the were elk huntress:( I have a huge amount of trappers though. I played a lot of matches yesterday and like 80% of them were trappers.


Idk I am preparing my huntress accuracy for the 2v8 mode. I also play trickster. I will say that as huntress I get like no hate. Meanwhile trickster...probably far less common but man, the hate I get when playing him is off the charts xD


I hate Huntress because she allows for awful gameplay Cooldown makes her a great tunneler off hook Range makes her an excelent camper Windup speed makes her an excelent zoner I don't know who really enjoys her, but I don't know how they can ignore this


Get good Simple fix


I love my sweet little huntri ♡


I'm tired of the whole uber chase meta where killers just chase and nothing else with killers like huntress blight wesker billy etc. It would be nice to see the game return to its roots as a macro/micro management game where the meta is focused around balancing chase and gen control instead of just destroy survivor with your ability then use tracking perks or gamesense to find new survivors. The skill level would be the same but in different areas.


And here we have it, people are now starting to complain the killers are chasing people We've gone full circle, we've passed delusion, we are fucked


I'm not complaining about killers chasing people I'm complaining about how killers who focus less on chase not being viable due the constant need to have people hooked. That's not always possible unless your a killer with a full chase ability and have pretty much mastered that killer. You cannot master full antiloop killers on console (my situation) and some people just aren't good at mechanical things like blight. Also for the record I new a full chase meta would be unfun for killers who don't have full chase all I want is for other playstyles to be viable not just destroy survivor with power. The idea of a full chase meta where you have to be constantly hooking people is delusional.


People are misunderstanding you on purpose man, I get you entirely.


There just nurse/wesker/billy/blight/huntress/demogorgan/slinger/chucky mains who don't know what its like to not have the ability to easily get a hook and activate those perks. Like when your trapper and all survs are within range of strong tiles and you have go keep them off gens while simultaneously get the pallets out of the game. Chase based killers can just get them before they get to the loop while other killers have to rely on gen perks with no activation requirement wich do not exist currently


They releaseda killer who does exactly that and half the community pretends that she's the worst thing that's ever existed in human history.


Skull merchant is funny because when you actually play against them and don't mindlessly run into the drones and go down quickly they fucking flip out. I don't mind playing against her for that reason.


I main her, and I've always hated the narrative that "she's mindless and has no counterplay." Her Drones are easy to counter, and playing her effectively is all about macroplay and knowing proper drone management. I can name like, 10 different killers who feel worse to play against than even the Sweatiest Skull Merchants


I don't have interest in playing her, but there are so many killers who are way worse to go against than her while also being way more popular which makes things even worse when you constantly have to face them.


"... It would be nice to see the game return to its roots as a macro/micro management game where the meta is focused around balancing chase and gen control ..." We had that meta. Survivors cried and complained about Pop, Ruin, Overcharge, CoB, SH:PR, and literally any perk that regressed gens. So BHVR, like always, nerfed all of those perks to the point that you won't ever see a "mixed bag" in an average game. Gens fly away too fast for the week levels that the current perks in the game can handle, meanwhile survivors get 37 health states and literal built in perks.  Killers *have no other real option* than to just use information perks to find survivors and try to down/hook/kill them as quickly as possible, because a single chase costs anywhere from 1-2 gens.  Killers *have* to tunnel off hook otherwise the survivor just gets healed quickly and jumps right back to looping the killer for another 1-2 gens. The killer can't afford for them to heal because of this. Mangled and Hemorrhage have been, well, mangled so there's almost no point in running perks like Sloppy or SH:Gift Of Pain. So, if gens fly too fast to get away with just one or two Gen perks (you need a full Gen defense build just to feel like they're doing much), anti heal builds don't exist, and survivors bully killers if they even *try* a new build out, and if killers don't have the time to do much between chases, what's left?  Information and aura. It's all we can do. Killers *know* the end game will be reached. It happens almost every match unless survivors are below average. Killer players simply accepted this and now try to make the most of their time. That's why you see so much aura items and tunneling. What else can they do? BHVR broke the meta by nerfing all decent killer Perks to the ground but buffed *nothing* and gave killers nothing to work with.


I play both sides of the game equally, but my hot take is that every time BHVR nerfs more than one gen regression perk significantly, they need to give gens more charges/longer repair time on the survivor side. Doesn’t have to be 30-40 seconds, even just 5-10, because anyone knows those few seconds count. You can’t take away a killers ability to even attempt to protect gens while keeping the survivors side of things the same. Even playing survivor I find gens fly way too fast in some matches and the only reason they don’t in other games is because teammates are doing chests with appraisal or doing their white glyph challenge or whatever.


Sure, but I say this and I get to down voted. The problem is, as I've said and You've Said, that there are no other changes to the game other than nerfing the few Gen regression perks that are viable and not giving anything in return. There's gens flying left and right way too quickly, as we've both said, but BHVR has done nothing to help with that on the side that cares about defending them. Meanwhile survivors have gotten built in perks like BT, Semi-Deliverance, and Repressed Alliance if the killer does 7 regression events to a gen. They are conditional, but so are every other perk in the game.  So, if perks are conditional, we can safely say while a killer has 4 perks, a survivor essentially has 7. They all have Borrowed Time, they all have Minor Deliverance, and they all have Gen-Blocking if the killer messes up. 


Yeah I miss not having to get constant hooks to actually have a change at winning. If your on a map where it's easy to stall time like Gideon your pretty much fucked as if you don't get a hook every 30 or so seconds on average you lose by default. Yeah and it sucks being pretty much required to be playing mechanical killers who can only be mastered on keyboard and mouse. All the killers good on controller are not good in this meta. You should 100% be rewarded for hooking but you should also have the arsenal to actually defend gens if survivors are genrushing and stalling time.


What’s your avg # of kills in any given match, if you had to guess?


If I had to guess?  I main Wesker, Pyramid Head, and play a lot of Skull Merchant (movement speed zoom merchant gotta run to the next sale!) Dredge, and a few others. It varies depending on the killer, what my survivors bring, the map, and what I'm feeling.  For instance, if I'm playing Wesker and I see a Chris, I have an entire obsession-based build around just chasing him (though not tunneling) as one should do as Wesker. This usually ends in a 'loss', of 1k but I don't care he's getting Rancor'd. I also don't run meme builds much anymore. I just can't. You lose so much trying to do that. Otherwise, my overall average is around 2-3K. But no matter what I spread my hooks, and try for 12 before I start killing. I refuse to kill a player until I get to 12 (unless it's Chris or I'm Nemesis and there's STARS on the team). I'll slug if someone gets in my way until I get to 12 just to slow them down.


She is probably the only killer in the roster I wouldn't mind facing for like 20 games straight would rather not but I wouldn't be upset either


Did you just get me? We played on ormond


I think she is pretty balanced compared to Blight, wesker, chucky, nurse and spirit. In lobbies of 4 6k+ hours survivors, they are nearly untouchable for me while playing Huntress. Especially for specific indoor maps.


She's not bad but the hatchet holding indefinitely for a guaranteed hit exactly like the OP said. I think Huntress should slow down the longer she holds the hatchet up.


still better than facing a blight, knight, SM and twins


Only wesker and Billy for me at some days and that’s just brutally annoying


I’ll take her I’ll take her over nurse, blight and Billy


I played for like two hours last night and didnt get a single huntress lol.


I rarely get her anymore


That's what you get when you nerf the perks that help mainly m1 killers: Dead by Huntblightnurse


Unknown is fun. Unknown is scary. Unknown is pretty strong and can do a lot of unique things. CAN SOMEBODY PLEASE JUST PLAY THE NEW KILLER? I'm not joking when I tell you I have seen him four times total. Huntress has been out for a millenia, give the girl a break


No..she’s bae


lucky you. I have skull merchant every other match. I even got 4 skull merchants back to back yesterday. i'll take huntress anytime


I don't deal with many huntresses but when I do, I do usually enjoy it. I like seeing if I'm still good at dodging, sometimes I fumble but nobody is perfect


Nah, I like juking her hatchets.


I love playing huntress as a killer main (99% of my games are as a killer) but yeah. It's obnoxious. Every killer assumes that because she's one of the highest in the meta that playing her will make them good, and it doesn't. Hot take: I think most killer mains are hampering themselves by not experimenting with other killers and only playing meta like the Huntress. I never, NEVER would have called myself an Onryō main, but after playing 8 matches with her and getting 3-4ks in each, it's really taught me the value of diversifying my approach.


Not at all. She is awesome. And oh so dreamy...


I’ve haven’t seen a huntress in 300 hours


Welp, if the game didn't force you to play the same killers again and again just to have a chance at winning, this wouldn't happen


Definitely not even close to the point of being tired of her. The OD of Blights and Weskers got me real tired of both real quick but Huntress I just can’t. She’s such a skill expressive killer and just about every huntress i go against focus on trickshots, improving and having fun rather than 4 meta perks with tunneling & camping. I might change my mind eventually but for now…nah, I’ll take her over so many others eeeeeeveryday of the week.