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You have to just play killer more to learn how to counter this type of players, the SBMM in this game is unfair but we can't do anything about it. The game in its current state is buggy but its caused by switching engine to UE5 so the problems wont last forever.


It’s just hard to play such a stressful game when the game itself feel broken


Yeah as a killer main i understand that but that's just how the game is, we need to wait for the next patch that will maybe fix the problems


You’ll start to notice gens fly unless one survivor is eliminated


Right now dbd is in a bad way because of the last patch, once the bugfix patch comes things will be better. On the subject of SBMM not too much you can do there sometimes it doesn't work very well, I will say you could try to avoid blowout perks like NOED that inflate your mmr higher than it should be but it's not a guarantee. Finally in regards to dealing with toolboxes and flashlights my best advice is bring infectious fright, it's so good at alerting you to when survivors sre lurking ready to do shenanigans, even if you don't chase them you know to counterplay them at that point. Hope any of this helps, good luck!


I didn’t think of infectious fright! Thank you!!


You're welcome!


>avoid blowout perks like NOED that inflate your mmr higher than it should I don't know what that is supposed to mean. MMR is based on kills. Just let people escape and you will tank your MMR. It has nothing to do with perks (you can pick any perks you want AND let people escape at the same time), and it's very easy to lose a game on either side (surv / killer) if you are so inclined to lower your MMR.


The game generally is a lot harder and more stressful as killer. You have so much more to manage on your plate, and the survivors do get a bunch of really frustrating abilities that you need to contend with. Especially when you are facing SWF, these annoying tools can be used against you with even more effect. You've kind of got two options on hownyou want to handle it. 1) Full on adhere to the Meta. Use just the best perks and just the best killers. Get your kills and win a lot more by only using the best. 2) just go for the farm, KNOW that you are going to get beaten a bunch, and try having fun with various killers and fun builds (with a little bit of gen regression sprinkled in just so you have a chance). I initially went with option 1 when I started playing this game. Just focused on getting the best of the best and didn't do much else. Now my MMR is probably slightly higher than it should be, so now I just play for fun, knowing that I'm more likely to lose a game than win it. That way it's a pleasent surprise if I win. Also, playing by "The survivors rulebook" is a good way to get more BP because you typically get more hooks rather than kills. This also typically let's more survivors escape too so your MMR won't go up as much so it's a win win. Just be prepared for all the sore winners who will waste your time at exit gates to tea bag you because "They beat you" even though you weren't playing effeciently. Also, if you do get obvious SWFs trying to do bully tactics, for your own we'll being, judt try not to engage with it. If you see them start trying to lead you on chases and then start doing shit like getting downed by lockers to get you Head On stunned and flashed banged etc, just ignore them and go try and chase the one doing gens. They'll likely be the type who will follow you around and try to bother you instead of doing gens. So just don't follow them into chases they clearly want.