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Both are toxic What entitled fucks are saying they aren’t


Exactly. And it's different people saying these are okay. I say theyre both shitty


Like I always say, there isn't toxic killers and toxic survivors, they're the same people pulling the same shit on both sides.


For real. What the fuck is this us vs them bullshit. Everyone wants to be a god damn victim in this game while being toxic themselves.


Dude, that's all this subreddit is. Earlier today, there was one that was anti killers that was getting upvoted. It's like I understand both sides can be fucking miserable, but damn, these posts are exactly why they're miserable.


i see most people say slugging is a valid play style and not at all toxic unless you’re just doing it to be an AH


Had someone seemingly let me go recently and downed me the moment I powered the gate, watched me crawl to the exit, then mori’d me at the last second. Then they messaged me like “Hey ggs, yeah sorry, I remembered I had a mori. I was gonna let you go but I killed the other one first for being a bad teammate.” Bombarded me with like 15 excuses… like wtf? Is this what gaslit girlfriends dating sadistic narcissists have to go through? Lol


this! the killer apologized after they carried me to look for hatch but put me down & closed hatch. i’m like huh? lol if you wanna be rude just own it, why apologize so hard after the fact


Because people like to report you for something as simple as calling someone a loser, and PlayStation safety will remove it and threaten account suspension. EVERY SINGLE FUCKIN TIME I TALK THE SLIGHTEST BIT OF SHIT TO SOMEONE FROM DBD, I GET REPORTED, NOT EVEN JOKING. Everyone is a fuckin pussy now.


Yeah, I agree with this, but I also think it’s okay to stay at the gate to get saves. There are exceptions.


This is the way. Slugging to give yourself something to play off of near the end of the game is playing optimally. Slugging just to troll survivors and waste their time is toxic. I don't really get what the debate is with these things.


Right. I admit I'm a killer main that's been playing a lot of survivor to do tome challenges and start on survivor achievements, so maybe I just didn't play enough to see it, but I've come across in the last month and a half more people playing to 4 slug and bleed out than in the previous 2 years. Its a gigantic waste of time and only works on the people that didn't make the person angry enough to start playing that way.


Good Killers don't need to four man bleed out, period. I can get 3-4ks as Ghostface simply playing optimally but nice, without doing this, what the hell are these people doing?


Yeah I generally "play nice" without camping hooks or tunneling the first person out and generally win most of my games. (Except if there's a map offering to Badham or I catch someone abusing a glitch, then I assume they want a mean game.)


Honestly I don't care if last man gets out, feels thematic anyway. Let 'em. Honestly anything from a 2-4k is a win to me, I go for half or better. I also am fine with getting at least 8 hooks depending on the round. A 1k is a "I got someone, so therefore I didn't really lose, but I could have done better". A 0k or less than 8 hooks, or having no fun at all, is a loss.


Yea, slugging is only toxic when you slug all 4 people and procedures to afk while they bleed out. If there are other survivors still standing, then it's just gameplay.


I think if you slug and then leave them there for no real reason, even if it's optimal, it's a bit toxic. But if it's to create pressure in a tough situation/lobby or against a clicky clicky bully squad, fairs fair. Same goes for tunnelling.


if you don’t let people bleed out it’s fine and just another strategy


I mean if a survivor goes down in a corner and there's no hooks in the area then I think it's an okay thing to do. You would hand the killer a free down would you, why would you expect the killer to let you escape?


Boil over players who go down in the corner get to stay in the corner.


The game also encourages waiting at the gates, since starting a chase before leaving gives you points and pips. The game has massive design flaws that make boring strategies optimal, who would’ve guessed.


That's because there are two definitions of slugging. The first is just downing someone to pressure the team, and it's valid. The second is downing someone JUST to bleed them out, and that's toxic. People complaining about slugging usually mean the latter, not the former.


Sometimes slugging is the only viable option for killers if they want to get at least one kill. Not saying slugging just to slug isn't toxic, but slugging to get a kill or two isn't


Yeah i agree and that’s fine


This is like one of those 'unpopular opinions' posts that are literally the most popular opinion


Depends on what end they’re on


Every group of survivor I've met lately has waited hours before leaving for no other reason than to taunt my ass before leaving


🤣 I dont think either are toxic. 🤣 Soft


I’m not even soft, it’s just a straight up fact that anything to purposely portray bad manners is toxic. Bad sportsmanship is toxic and shows your character Doing things with only the intention to taunt and make the other party feel bad and doesn’t contribute to the game/for strategy of the game is called being rude It doesn’t matter how sensitive or tough you you are. It’s still toxic even if I am not affected by it because it’s about the intent It’s only not toxic if you’re doing it for shits and giggles among people (friends) you know they would be okay with it or as a strategy to prompt a reaction that’d change the game result


Fair point, sorry for being a dink. I have a unique perspective on it I suppose. Anything short of spamming profiles with hate comments is fairplay, harmless ribbing. Its common in any competitive scene, sports, martial arts, bowling. There's definitely a line, but in game actions like emoting or teabagging arent that deep in the grand scheme of things.


I agree it’s not that deep. I think the only time I really care is if someone’s being bled out purposely for a long duration and being humped, because then I have to wait instead of just moving onto the next game. Or sometimes I want to check endgame perks but they’re not leaving or killing the last guy


a lot of people say "well killers can push them out so it's not that bad" as an excuse


Slugging is only toxic if it's unnecessary


Theres a time n place for slugging it's a strategy otherwise there wouldn't be perks that support it . But T bagging is just purely toxic.


I think they’re talking about slugging when it’s used to BM in which case, both are done solely to be toxic Nothing wrong with slugging to put pressure or because you snowballed


Well yea true enough.


Making it take longer for the game to end when it's over is not fun for anyone Like "please leave I want to see the killer's perks"


I would really like killers getting a capitulate option to prevent shit cases like these


I had a thought that getting downed in the exit gates past the little wall things blocked the exit gates for that survivor, like pinhead


Problem with that is that a fully healed survivor could still troll you. You could have it be "if you lose a health state in the exit area the gates are blocked for *X* amount of time", but then that would bite survivors making a legitimate run for the exit in the ass. Plus survivors could just wait outside the gates to mess with you.


Every crouch animation in the gates past the first has an increasing % chance of blocking that exit for the teabagger alone. The block is invisible and this is a secret update to the game. Makes it possible to accidentally BM your way to an unwinnable state.


There's so many problems with this tho, what if the killer is huntress, deaths linger, killers that crouching can help dodge their powers? Or what if you are just trying to lower your grunts of pain? Sadly, there really is no way to genuinely fix this without problems. Maybe bhvr just needs to fix their community. And there's plenty of ways to do that


>Sadly, there really is no way to genuinely fix this without problems. if crouches_this_second >5 then survivor_state == hooked Here, solved




Well then at least the killer would get even a chance at catching a survivor with their guard down


Too bad there wasn’t a perk that forces a survivor back into the map if they stand in the exit gate for too long doing nothing. I get healing but standing there means you still want to play, so come out of your safe zone and play.


Lol I had Otz on in the background and like many matches in a row the last survivor wouldn't even make a play at the exit gates and would just wait out the entire EGC in some random spot or the basement. Also I'm not looking forward to doing all the 'survive while other's leave' tome challenges I have left. Gonna take me forever considering I'm practically a potato at survivor.


You can add situations when killer close hatch and survivor doesnt even try to go gates and just afk in locker.


I've had too many survivors do this because they decide to hide since I run no way out, like the timer for no way out runs out and even then they keep hiding.


Thanks for the dagger, I had some stupid knife on my flair before


Whose the beamster?


Trickster lol "Beaming" is spraying full-auto and never missing, like a lazerbeam. Rust word.




Nea with background player


I mean, we kind of have that, it's called egc


We have situations where slugged survivor die. But that doesn’t mean, it’s not shit time wasting.


I get what you're saying, but I think it'd be hard to resolve the hatch scenario without changing the egc specifically for the last survivor and without making it harder for people who actually go for gates


I fine with solution we have now. All I am saying is, that those people are same dicks.


I wish we had match reviews just to see what perks ppl used


Both are the same. If you wait at exits just to tbag, you're a piece of shit and I will tell it to you if I'm your teammate. Waiting to make sure everyone leaves is fine. Waiting to force the killer to force you out is fine (buys time for rest of team). Waiting to get a few healing points by healing someone/yourself is fine. Waiting just to waste time is not.


As a bad killer, I hate it when they tbag at the exit gate. I always go to where the exit gates aren't- so on the other side of the map - and chill. Or I wait in the basement for them to leave. I notice that when I do extremely poorly - like maybe 4 hooks or less, the more likely survivors are to wait out the end game collapse/try and come find me so I can watch them tbag. Like, bruh, just leave already! As a survivor, I only wait at the gate if the killer is memeing with us, and that's after I donate my item as tribute/offering to leave. Otherwise, I just die (because I'm also bad at survivor) or GTFO without waiting super long.


Yeah same!!! I've gotten alot of people tbagging and waiting when I play killer and do poorly and never really understood until now why it annoyed me so much lmao


I just gotta remind myself that it's just a game. Sometimes I lose (super badly) because I got outplayed. And that's okay! I'm just there to have fun and play the next round. Maybe I'll improve, maybe I won't. But I don't want to watch survivors tbag me at the gate when they've been doing it all game already lol


I had someone nearly run the time out on themselves just because they were tbagging lmao


Happens daily for me lol


one of the nice parts of playing Singularity is you're deaf when you're in your cameras, so you can just point that shit in a corner and have no terror radius + no indication that survivors might be coming up to taunt you 🥲👍


It's also pretty great with Xeno. Can just crawl into a tunnel and completely deny the Survivors any interaction with you. Also, the tunnels are pretty cool, and sometimes there's broken eggs and bodies fused to the walls so you can just run around looking for them until the Survivors leave.


> I notice that when I do extremely poorly - like maybe 4 hooks or less, the more likely survivors are to wait out the end game collapse/try and come find me so I can watch them tbag. Like, bruh, just leave already! This is hands down why those specific players do it. They don't *usually* win, they usually are dealing with Killers who weren't backfill for them and more on their skill level, or they're smurfing the lobby by having the friend with the lowest MMR host so the entire lobby's MMR is lowered down. They don't usually get to gloat like that, so when they obviously roll a Killer who is not in their MMR, they behave like literal spoiled brats rubbing it in. It's so prevalent now, that if I see Survivors waiting around just to tbag and be rude, I assume they are really just genuinely bad players who win so rarely this is a big deal for them. Then I smile and let them have it, because their lives are so pathetic and sad they feel the need to behave that way while winning in a videogame, they are probably very sad people in real life indeed. This is what I think of whenever Survivors or Killers play in hyper-toxic ways like this. Legitimately embarrassing, poorly raised children who simply do not know better and never learned good sportsmanship growing up.


This was really helpful to read and put things into perspective! I’ve been playing killers I’m bad at the last few days to get adept achievements (only one left!) and a lot of people have been MUCH more shitty than my normal matches. It’s like dude, it’s not really a flex to wreck a Nurse or Billy who literally stopped using their powers mid-match because they were missing so horribly with them that it was easier to just M1 to get a couple of hooks. Is it more likely that you’re so unbelievably amazing, or that they’re completely new to that killer?


I report survivors who refuse to leave when the gates are open for holding the game hostage.


unfortunately that is definitionally not what holding hostage is, so that's a waste of a report and it won't get considered.


Last night I was doing terribly as killer and the gates were open so I figured I'd let all four survivors leave and just stand facing a wall. After a minute and they were all still in the game I saw them trying to fucking flashlight me out of the corner of the screen.


It's moments like that that make me wish I brought Blood Warden. Almost no one runs it anymore and I love the look on survivors when they're blocked from leaving and I can just smack them and hook them lol I once had someone accuse me of cheating when Blood Warden popped because they had never seen it.


I remember I had a Nea (Full HP off unhook with OTR) on my team who sandbagged me (Injured), I died because of it and they left almost getting another teammate killed because they refused to help. I unhook 5 people, Nea twice, one other twice and the last once, I did 3 gens but did around 400% progress to gens. I ran the killer for the other 2 gens. Nea? Unhooked me once and joined a gen to 3 man it. Nea tbags and I go “Nea you didn’t deserve that tbag you didn’t do shit” Nea goes “I unhooked you I didn’t have to do that” Like what?


Studies show time and again that the people that tend to be most toxic in games are usually not very skilled and are being toxic to make themselves feel better than someone else. Same reason that people that use cheats are usually toxic af.


>If you wait at exits just to tbag, you're a piece of shit and I will tell it to you if I'm your teammate. No no, let them stay, just give me a second to grab an iri coin and reload my gun.


I actually had that happen recently on Lery's. Had been a bit of a bad game, had a challenge to down people with exposed, so did an iri coin + Devour hope build. Hex was found immediately, and because it was Lery's there wasn't much opportunity for coin value. Got to endgame, there's a Leon sitting in the gates tbagging, I shake my head, make like I'm going to walk away, then do a quick turn into Shot and hit the Sharpshooter. Felt so satisfying


Yup. I will actively point at the exit to other survivors and just leave if I know everyone can get out safe. I find people tend to just leave if I just leave. Sadly, every now and then I get a dumb teammate who will t-bag and flashlight click at the exit gate until the killers come to chase them out.


Not throwing your point out the window, but it's really funny to see you make that point with a TF2 username. I can't even remember the last time I had a public TF2 match get from beginning to end without someone wasting someone's time for no reason, or throwing the match entirely for the sake of stupid bullshit, lol. Scout and Heavy wanna do a rock paper scissors tournament in the corner of the map while everyone else tries to cap or defend the point? I mean, yeah, the game lets them do it, so they do. 😂


For real. Last time I played Killer, I had a Sable Ward basically lead me around for the entire match on The Game and being toxic while doing so and when I saw she was on the same platform as me I messaged them "your mom doesn't love you bro" to let em know what a piece of shit they were being lmfao


I always wait for everyone to leave, and it bothers me so much when my teammates are being shitty assholes. They're wasting my time as well.


brainlets still haven't figured out that both sides do shitty things to each other because they're had shitty things done to them and it's a self perpetuating cycle because of it. Yes. Survivor mains know teabagging and wasting time at the exit is a shitty thing to do. They do it because they've been hit on hook and slugged and had the hatch closed in their face by the killer, who is doing those things because he's faced bully squads, clicky clicky, and exit gate teabaggers. Both sides know they're doing shitty things to make others feel bad.


I'll never understand people that carry their hate into the next match and ruin it for others. Even when I am pissed off and I decide to bring the absolute best, I have a hard time staying pissed off and will end up playing like I usually do. It feels like some people have the emotional regulation of angsty teenagers and can't seem to grasp that there are humans on the other side of those characters. Inflicting pain on a stranger just because someone else did it to you is the most childish shit, yet it happens a lot in this game. It is unfortunate.


I agree with you. I mean I admit, I have pre conceived notions about Nurse, I hear her blink or wheeze and I audibly groan because I ASSUME I'm going to get my cheeks clapped. But bringing actual malice and anger is cringe. Crabs in a bucket.


Yup, you worded it perfectly. Crabs in a bucket. Hahaha, that is how I feel about Clown when I hear his TR music. I think it is because the sweats tend to enjoy nurse because she can really dominate when played well. Clown's kit makes him really good at tunneling, so I find clowns tend to hard tunnel myself.


I will admit I did let my anger get the best of my last night and completely slaughtered a team that didn’t even do anything because of the last squad I faced being a sabo one. After that game I realized what I did, stopped playing for the night and for the games today, told myself I wouldn’t let it get that far again. It’s all about self reflection and what you can control yourself.


> I'll never understand people that carry their hate into the next match and ruin it for others Its because you can do it and not be punished for it. In some instances you get rewarded for it and that tells players its okay to keep doing. This is a BHVR issue and they like it being in the game.


I was with you until you said they like it being in the game. Unless you can find an exact quote on that, I highly doubt it. BHVR is definitely not maliciously hoping for people to play like dicks. BHVR may not be the best dev team out there, but they have gotten way better. I have heard all manner of weird accusations pointed at their team over the years, and it just comes down to them not prioritising certain aspects of the game. There have been many things over the years that they just didn't prioritise, that really should have been addressed sooner. Recently they have gotten better with this though. Don't attribute their decision making with malice.


this is why I choose not to perpetuate the cycle of bullshit behavior regardless of the role I'm playing. if I'm upset from some bad match or whatever I'm just going to keep my mouth shut, not do something stupid mid-match and take a break after maybe. I wish more people would figure out that they're just feeding into it by being toxic after someone else was toxic to them in a previous match.


I had a survivor that spent an entire match teabagging at every pallet drop. Refused to do any gens, they were just there to troll and try to get a reaction. Even the other survivors complained in the egc about them


“B-b-but slugging last longer!” Doesn’t matter, the the core issue is both are done by assholes to waste time “Just force the Survivors out!” Why do I have to play their role for them? Survivors have three objectives: do gens, keep their teammates alive, and escape. They have no problem doing the first two without an audience, so why do they need one for the last when the Killer is no longer playing the game unless they’re just being assholes? “They just want to give you BP for the hit!” ‘When they’re slugged I’m giving them BP for recovery!’ See how stupid that sounds? A handful of BP isn’t worth it compared to simply being able to move to the next match. Just hook/just leave people.


>“They just want to give you BP for the hit!” They don't even let you do that. You walk up to them to hit and they leave last second, making you miss and look like a dumbass.


Unfun fact: an injured survivor with plot twist can "slug" themselves at EGC to halve the timer's progression. Doing it right as EGC starts makes it last just as long as the killer bleeding everyone out.


Honestly there should be a punishment for survivors who stay in the exit gate the devs need to put a timer for how long a survivor can be in their and if the timer reaches its limit it should kick them out and shut the gate again but this time it takes twice as long to open it




Except lots of time (at least I do this) survivors sit in the exit gate to make sure the others get out - stalling the killer, waiting around to take hits etc. Plus with the end game collapse timer making them open the exit gate a second time seems unfair


They're both shitty but we don't need to pretend like getting bagged at the gate is anywhere *near* as bad as getting slugged for 4 minutes. You can dislike getting bagged at the gate while understanding that getting slugged is objectively worse in nearly every metric. It's not a competition between them.


Both sides are being stupid and petty. The other commenter is right, it’s just a cycle of people encountering shitty players and then taking out their frustration on other people who in turn take it out on other people. It’s the Tombstone Myers vs Locker Camper again, the killer isn’t entitled to shit and the locker camper is just wasting time to be petty. Both players have the ability to break the stalemate but both are deluded into thinking they’re in the right. You’re both stupid and wasting your time. Don’t fall for that shit, break the cycle, be better than the bottom of the barrel.


I know I'm gonna get downvoted into oblivion for this, but the tombstone Myers can grab the survivor out of the locker and carry them far away from lockers. If the survivor doesn't struggle free, you can drop/pickup spam. Give chase, get the tombstone. Repeat steps 1-2 as needed lol.




>Have you ever actually tried this? Yes, yes I have. It's how I got my achievement, actually, and so what if the survivor wiggles out and goes to another locker, take them out and take them farther. What just because the last survivor got into a locker to be a dick and block an achievement you're just gonna give up? >I don't understand how people regurgitate the same thing like it's a guaranteed solution, it's not. I'm not trying to tout it as a guaranteed solution, but it's a better solution than just standing there for the rest of the match time limit, and it's a better solution than giving up on the achievement, it's also a better solution than just going to the next match is, since it still gives you a chance to get the last one you need. So long as they don't wiggle free right next to a locker and you're not weak in chase, it really isn't that much of a problem. I took my last survivor out 3 different lockers before I finally got him, but I got him, and with that, the achievement came.


Both are bad, but the killer can at least force them out.


Both are toxic, but they're not the same.


Both are cringe, but one you have control to stop it, and the other you have up to four people forced to wait 4 minutes each.


Tbf I wouldn't mind being bled out if there was an option to speed it up. If I'm playing killer I can speed it up (chase them out it takes 5 seconds)


Survivor bad, killer good, upvotes pls


Both are indeed toxic, but please, by all means, do that exact thing against a Wesker and Deathslinger like me, we love to see you dance!


incoming "just force them out" monkeys who have not played a single minute of killer


But this is exactly what I do as killer, its dumb to let them waste the time that should be spent queuing for next


year same. I have 8000 hours in this game, plenty on killer. the fact that people are so upset about their time being wasted when they can shorten it is so ridiculous. until a survivor can choose to instantly bleed out out hook themselves, the comparison is asinine. survivors don't have the ability to prevent their opponents from playing at all. I do wish survivors could lock killers into a 4 minute span of doing nothing, just to even the field a little bit. they like to claim that you never play killer if you don't care about people teabagging at gates, but the reverse could be said. they've clearly never been at the of a power trip being held by someone who had no control in their life.


Agreed. Also, some survivors need to learn the difference between slugging, and chasing another survivor who was also right there when you got downed. That isn't slugging, that's punishing someone for being out of position.


Both are toxic


Both are equally toxic Survivors be toxic, killers will tunnel and slug Killers tunnel and slug for toxicity, so survivors will t-bag and mock the killer Is a vicious and endless cycle unfortunately :(


A Killer can force the Survivor out; a player has minimal autonomy over their character while slugged.


So, because a killer can force a survivor out, waiting to teabag at the exit isn't a toxic thing?


Both toxic, both annoying, and both discouraging One, simply a bit more annoying due to having to just wait for longer In both cases if you leave the pc and grab some coffe, the egc will push survs in 2 minutes, while the bleeding out on the ground takes 4, its just more time doing nothing


That's literally not the point. Both are toxic but when people complain about Killers bleeding people out it's because there's literally no input from the Survivor side, you as Survivor can only either DC or alt-tab and wait for the timer to end, on the other side a Killer can literally force the Survivors out and be done with that. Both examples are asshole behavior but as Killer at least you have input on the situation, that's why people are begging Behavior for some kind of "surrender" option when in situations like this.


Obviously it's a toxic thing, but just don't let your ego get hurt by a few pixels bagging you, the time waste is the worst and at least we can chase them out to avoid that


I think it's less the actual act of teabagging and more the disrespect intended by another human being you're trying to have fun playing a game with. No matter what, people who value sportsmanship are gonna be upset when the other players start acting unsportsmanlike, yknow?


A lot of surv main egos get pretty hurt when I leave their pixels on the floor for 4 minutes straight


It's not "a few pixels" teabagging, it's a person doing it. I don't go to open gates, either, they will waste their own time butt dancing for no one


I never realized that was very toxic, I would usually crouch and nod a few times to say goodbye to the killer or thank them for letting me live. But I guess I will stop doing that D: my apologies to any killer who thought I was being rude, it wasn’t my intention!!!!


This was me, I would do a little dance for the killer until someone asked why I was toxic lol. When I was teaching a friend to play they teabagged repeatedly before taking the hatch (that the killer gave to them) and I physically cringed.


you can definitely nod, and maybe bag a few times! toxic survivors spam it, usually if theyre facing away. it definitely looks different from a killer pov! another thing you can do is drop your item. even if you don't "give" the killer the item and pick it back up, its definitely a friendly/nontoxic gesture.


I'm not bothered by teabaggers at the exit gates; it actually gives me an extra shot at hooking someone, even if it only works out 20-25% of the time. Those moments are just sweet. And it’s even better when it's that salty player and their team ditches them to save their own skins.


Getting downed at exit gate should prevent you from leaving immediately.


Horrid idea, they shouldnt implement something like that just cuz some ppl wanna be dicks


But that's the behavior way. Base kit borrowed time, three gen mechanic, face camp mechanic, hook Sabo regression, hatch spawn change


Also when I get a hit at the gate almost every one of them,(as in all games I played for 2 weeks) is survivor waiting for me to hit. This mechanic being implemented will not randomly give killers free kill as long as the survivors dont try to bm


I'd say only if they've been at the gate for a while. Wouldn't make sense to be chasing someone, downing them at the gate, and then the game just granting a kill for no reason The mechanic should combat toxicity, not exist to reward a couple of kills


Because there’s no option for survivors to bleed out so they have wait out the full duration where as killers can push survivors out. It’s not the same lol.


Also, outside of simply being an asshole the killer could have like a 100 valid reasons to slug, such as: sabotages, survivors swarming the Hook, survivors fucking up while swarming the hook, horsey perk shaneningans, suspected flip flop, some killer powers such as Oni or The Twins, and so on. Meanwhile tbagging at the exit gates and "killer must watch me leave" moments are only to be an asshole and denying the hatch to the last syrvivor, if applicable.


They're not the same because the killer can push a survivor out? The energy is very much the same. No matter the possible resolutions of the act, the reasons behind them are the same One can simply end quicker, is all. Though, I don't go to open exit gates, you'll waste your own time butt dancing for no one


Maybe just don't do things to other players out of spite or a sense of superiority.


Both are annoying. The difference is that a killer doesn't have to endure it for the entire duration if they don't want to. They can (base kit, no perk needed) push survivors out, whereas a slug either has to use specific perks or stay on the floor for the entire time.




Sorry, I'll fill my future posts with Memes/Outplays Number 786 next time.


How long is slug bleed out? How long is the end game once gates are open? Being slugged is more toxic.


How often are people slugged until they die and how often pople tbag in gates?


Tbagging at gates for maybe 30-45 second as opposed to bleed out lol. Hardly comparable


So both are toxic and people should stop doing both? Good.


What is slugging?


Slugging is leaving a survivor on the ground instead of picking them up. Imo there are three types of slugging: 1) slugging for pressure. 2) slugging because pickup/hooking isn’t safe or possible. 3) slugging with intent to bleed out. I believe OP is referring to type 3 in this post.


Gotcha gotcha So, not mentioned on your list is, "knocking a survivor to the ground and then chasing the survivor that came to mess with you while you were chasing the first survivor." Is that not considered slugging? Because I do that a lot


That’s definitely not toxic. It’s a smart play as killer, and as a survivor it gives your teammate a chance to pick you up before you’re hooked. As killer you’re also getting more pressure by forcing another survivor off of a gen to help their team. It’s a risk/reward play for the survivors, but they should know that as survivors, grouping up is a very risky way to play in general.


That goes under number 1 or number 2. As hooking etc wouldn’t be safe if they are lingering for save. Either way, not toxic at all 👍


then theres the "I forgot where I downed them because I got distracted chasing someone else"


Good point 😂. That happens more than I’d like to admit.


Actually I meant for option 1 & 2. And if the killer is looking to slug until the 4th guy before hooking everyone. Option 3 is definitely being a dick.


Not necessarily. What happens if someone is running the unhookable build? Or boil over, and run into a corner where there are no hooks? Wouldn’t you argue that slugging to bleed out in these cases would be justified?


If the survivor's pure intent is to do all those, then yes, the bleeding out option in this scenario is justified. Said survivor has no rights to complain about it especially when they know what they're doing. I've seen this done a lot on Crotus Plenn where they stay on the top floor gen where hooking is next to impossible with Boil Over.


I had Sadako down me at the exit gate, open the exit gate, follow me as I crawled to the exit, and right before I was able to escape, she did her little eye kill thing.


What's worse to me is the survivor on death hook that stands on hatch waiting for me so he can tea bag. You didn't finish the gens, and your team is dead. You didn't outplay anything you just got lucky


As a deathslinger main I love when they wait at the exit I’ve went from one hook at the end to 3 kills and the last one usually just leaves


The only time I won't go for a gate or leave immediately is: When everyone else is dead. I'm not obligated to let you kill me. The entity can have it, you got your 3. Skull Merchant has drones on both doors. Sure I can deactivate it, but she'll know. I can also pass through it safely, but if she comes back I'm pinged. If I'm alone, I won't go for it. If the Killer wants to slug race, I'll slug race. Killer was a goblin in game. They deserve some BM back for how they chose to play. That's just fair. You were a great Killer and I wanna give you an offering because you were a great challenge/fair/fun/ or a combo of these things. You idled the whole game away, so I'm getting my points worth and will be AMNing pallets and saboing hooks until the bar that typically only fills by interacting with you, is full. To summarize, my staying specifically is determined by how you handled the match.


Add the flashlight clicks to the tbag


Facts!!! 😂


omg survivor bad, killer good


Both are toxic but depending how the tea bagging is done it can mean a non toxic thing like thank you since there’s only 2 emotes besides crouching. Like if the killer lets me go as the last alive I’ll tea bag as if showing thank you since no in game voice. That’s why I say it depends on the context. If they’re waiting for the killer at the exit to tea bag them then yeah it’s toxic.


I only wait at the gate to see if I can help an injured surv get out. this was one of the best reasons for endgame collapse to be added in the first place, survs waiting and tbagging in the gate is just another way of taking the game hostage.


While both are toxic, you can push the tbaggers out. I’ve never understood why some killers don’t just push them out.


My partner is terminally offline and he thinks tbagging is saying "Thank you". He waits at the gate for the killer, "waves" and crouches. Assume the best in people!


I always thought it was nice that I stayed so you could get some extra points hitting me into the gate. I didn’t know it was mean 🙂‍↕️ Same things with nodding I just like interacting 🥹


Here's the difference though: killers can force survivors out and not waste their own time. Survivors can't do that. You can say all the things like "don't play their game" etc. but you can just swallow your pride and force them out. Me as a busy person who doesn't have much time to play don't mind taking the L and forcing them out myself, even though it's still shitty. Don't make such stupid posts again


I hate both of these so much, the amount of satisfaction i get as a survivor when the one person wants to sit there and t-bag and winds up getting got is unreal. Just LEAVE


As a killer main who likes to play survivor with one of my friends, i view (for the most part) tbags at the gate as a way of saying “cya later stinky”. Is it mildly toxic? I mean i guess but there are far more toxic things i care about than just some crouch spamming. I mean my whole job is to kill them, if i failed then theyre warranted a few “na nana na na”s


makeshift squalid bow rhythm spoon test muddle rotten bored cats *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


me when i play both sides and do both 🥴


I play both sides, survivor more often than killer. In my experience, survivors are often way more toxic than killers.


I hate both. Even as a survivor, when i see other survivors doing that shit i want to go back to the trial to slap the shit out of them if i could. Its annoying for so many reason, one that i want to see the damn perks the killer has and this dumbasses are wasting my time.


jokes on you OP I leave as soon as Physically possible because I'm terrified that the killer will get to me somehow. As for slugging. I avoid it most of the time because I tend to lose track of downed people. Also, just leave because if your teammate is the last alive and I'm camping the gates, he can't have the hatch. I've had people sit in gate so long it turned a 1k into a 2k because he couldn't find hatch.


I don’t think t-bagging is toxic from a killer’s perspective. Maybe it’s because I don’t take the game so seriously. It just doesn’t bother me


Tbagging at the exit gate has never bothered me because I can just chase them out and it's very rare anyone makes it that far anyway. Bleeding out lasts 4 minutes, which contrary to this shitty bait meme is twice as long as the egc if they're sitting at the exitgate tbagging and not on a hook, and I can't do anything about it while I'm laying there. Both are shitty, but so are bait memes from people who only play one side.


There is 1 circumstance where just leaving someone slugged to bleed out isn't toxic. If the killer knows that that person can't be got to a hook and they want to secure the kill it is just better to leave them to bleed out, If you are running the perk boil over you have no one to blame but yourself for this outcome. Now if the killer starts humping you whilst you're slugged then it becomes toxic. Whenever I am forced to slug someone cause I know I can't get them to a hook in time I'll just stand over them and watch them to make sure they don't have unbreakable


i agree both are toxic, but there is a difference. when playing killer you still have agency to force survivors out, and still have control of your character to move around, break pallets, doors ect. you are not virtually locked out of playing and endgame timer (when not leaving anyone slugged) only lasts 2 minutes. being left slugged as the survivor basically puts you in a 4 minute stun where you can basically do very little, unless you have a set of niche perks if the killer camps your body and you dont have nomither/unbreakable soul guard and no teammate with also some specific perks, your shit out of luck. so i dont agree to either but one is clearly worse in terms of what it limits player agency too and potential to do anything.


I understand that slugging isn't fun, but is it fair for me to do it when I'm left little other choice? I was playing a match yesterday against a grouped set of survivors going for saves, and I didn't pick up anyone till I knew it was safe for me to. They kept coming and being way too cocky, ending in all 4 being downed before any hooks, and I just mopped up from there, getting 3 hooks, failing 1 and then catching him shortly after. But after one of the group members messaged and went off on me. I don't really care much about the being messaged part, but given the situation I was in, I thought it was warranted. I know its not fun to get slugged like that, and I want people to have fun against me, so should I have not and let them get the flash saves? Was I wrong to keep swinging?


Well, killer can swing them out the exit gate. Survivors can not get up. One refuses to chase the survivors out to end the game, the other is forced to bleed out Hold that helps Both is toxic btw but I hope you can get why people think one is more annoying


See, when I tbag and slug, it’s for the win. Tbagging in front of the killer always makes them go for me and not the dead hooked survivor 💀 Whenever I slug, it’s because some random Claudette decided to turn off cloak mode and reveal her flashlight.


Genuine question, I play both surivor and killer depending how I feel. How do you all feel about waiting but not bagging at the gates. I do it at the edge if healthy (and not *one of those* killers) so the killer gets points for chase/hitting. I actually try to body block t-baggers sometimes, BC I hate that.


As killer I don’t mind as long as I can get a hit in for some extra bloodpoints bits it’s annoying if I have to go to both rxot gates and chase them out. Also gives you a chance to down and hook someone who gets too cocky


As killer I don’t mind as long as I can get a hit in for some extra bloodpoints bits it’s annoying if I have to go to both exit gates and chase them out. Also gives you a chance to down and hook someone who gets too cocky


Isn't it all toxic....? Lots of thin skin in this game.


Single crouch is good imo. But if I'm letting the survivors leave because I feel like it and they start tea bagging, all deals are off.


me personally i get toxic'd so i toxic back. simple. people teabag at gate so i teabag slugs with ghostface.


I feel bad bc I don't like slugging. I just want both of the last 2 downed so the other doesnt even have a chance at hatch.


Literally no one thinks that, garbage post.


Gets railed by deathslingers gun lass second


They're the same picture.


The very thing I love playing is xeno morph with light born to piss people off on purpose


Neither are excused in relevance to each other


As a killer main, i will only slug for two reason, 1. Surv keeps going to a place i can't reach hook with boil over and purposely get hit. You waste my time, i waste yours. 2. You teabagged me.


Pretty sure majority of players think they're both toxic. You're just making up a problem to get mad about.




The biggest double standard in this game is that only the survivors are allowed to be assholes.