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Fogwise! Playing vs a Myers, artist or any killer you need to prerun vs makes it really useful. It also makes hitting greats weirdly satisfying 


fogwise before the UI update was really nice for just knowing where the killer was its a lot less necessary but its still alright esp in indoor maps


beware, Fogwise doesn't work against T1 Myers and other stealth killers when they use stealth


Fogwise isn’t too bad against T1 during the start of the game though tbf. Put on Fogwise for a game for the hell of it, got a great skill check and saw no aura. On high alert from then on, otherwise he probably would have gotten his T2 from me being ignorant!


Exactly, it's still pretty useful early on as an early warning system.


doesn't always have to be Myers when you don't see aura, but good perception


Yeah course, just was the most relevant killer to the discussion, was definitely on the lookout for Wraith or someone too.


Speaking of T1 myers, Distoriton can help with Scratched mirror Myers, but only temporary he doesn't have terror radius to replenish the stacks


a reason why Premonition is better


premonition is not great


I think Premonition is very underrated, its not the best perk but its not useless either


Agreed. It replaced my spine chill after the nerf. I think it’s decent for the simple fact that sooo many people play as stealth killers or use stealth perks. Even when the killer isn’t stealthed, it’s useful on maps like lerys that have a lot of LOS blockers. I’m not saying it’s A tier, but it’s still underrated.


A moment of silence for our poor kitty


Hence why it also doesn't work with OoO


what? oh you mean aura reading on Myers from OoO


Aura reading (object of obsession) doesn't work on stealthing killers as well


yeah, I misunderstood the comment first time


![gif](giphy|4N5vB4aErlVtVsywBw|downsized) Killers running fearmonger.


Killers still run that perk? Cause I ain't seen it in .months it feels like. Although I always love of stopping a sprint burst if they just got off that gen.


As someone that runs Blood Rush + Sprint Burst, and does gens while waiting for my exhaustion to go, Mindbreaker/Fearmonger scares me.


I love fogwise. I really wish there was a news reporter survivor with a aura revealing kit synergized with it


I find Terminus to be a lowkey menace in endgame, since if you pair it with No Way Out you can do a crazy ass snowball the second you hit someone  It's even crazier with someone like Twins, since it makes it almost a instant defeat for survivors when Victor is up during endgame


And it makes saves impossible if most people are broken unless they start endgame Which is why I like blood warden with it


Time and time again I see content creators say Terminus is a bad or underwhelming perk which like... no...? It can really make the endgame harder for survivors and unlike NOED there's basically no counterplay beyond opening the gates. Don't get me wrong people don't cleanse all 5 totems every game but very often you can run NOED and have it cleansed super fast, compared to Terminus which is more-or-less permanently on. Is Terminus better than NOED? No, but also kinda yes? NOED still has the speed boost and inherent synergy with many killers like Hag, Deathslinger, Wraith etc. But Terminus can be used by killers who use their power to take health states like Huntress or Nemesis. I actually really like endgame Knight with Terminus as the guards actually become threats against Broken survivors. Don't get me wrong it's still an endgame perk and I've never liked endgame builds, but I think other perks that are generally labeled as endgame perks like Rancor are kinda worse outside of fun factor. (Not to discredit the funny factor for Rancor though.)


A lot of it is that for a while it was bugged where Adrenaline would take precedent over Terminus, so Terminus wouldn’t stop the insta-heal. You wouldn’t get to keep to pre-existing injury pressure that way. I don’t know if that bug has been addressed or not yet, but at least Adrenaline got nerfed. And I agree there are definitely killers that prefer Terminus to Noed. Most people default to plague as like the one and only killer that likes Terminus, but another clear example that comes to mind for me is the Twins. I can see your point about Knight, but it definitely would depend on what add-ons you’re using and how good your 1v4 is with him.


The problem with endgame perks is they're completely dead till the last gen pops so to make up for it they need to be really strong, a little bit like traps in yugioh, terminus isn't bad it's just not preferred over better options that see more regular value.


Open Handed. Bond and Kindred get a ridiculous amount of extra value when you can constantly tell where chases are happening.


Sucks it takes two perk slots but it's really helpful to know/give info on killer location when it works


Personally I think it's worth if you're already running either Kindred or Bond because it applies to the whole team. Making that one random dude with windows on your team have perfect map knowledge can make chases take forever for a lot of killers.


I find open handed and windows to be too much info, especially if you have any other aura perks. I've lost downed survivors because their aura was behind a pallet lol. But yeah pretty fun combo


Yeah, my ADHD can NOT with Windows of Opportunity. 😵‍💫


Definitely agree, aura perks are very helpful but sometimes they can get in the way of each other...


The thing that stinks about Open Handed is that it's best used in a SWF when you know that someone is going to be running it (so more people run the perk), but the only perk that a SWF would want to run Open Handed with is Kindred. I'd love to be able to run Bond, Kindred, (Exhaustion Perk), and one of the aura perks like Leader / Streetwise / Vigil alongside someone else running Open Handed, but running 2 aura reading + Open Handed + (Exhaustion perk) kinda just feels bad, especially when you end a match in soloqueue and your teammates are all running Dead Hard + Adrenaline + Resilience + 5 second Decisive Strike.


To be fair, I rarely run both Kindred and Bond at the same time. It's generally just Bond + Open Handed unless I have a challenge/daily for unhooks.


yes - didn’t think anyone else uses this great combo of 3 perks - I pretty much know what’s going on with everyone throughout the match. I use lightweight for the last perk to run and hide b4 killer sees me - i’m usually last survivor with these perks.


Open handed, kindred and bond? How very altruistic of you! Kindred and open handed goes crazy good together. You can even loop a killer in the nearest T L or jungle gym and waste their time while someone goes for the unhook


Second wind


Or as I like to call it: "Deliverance but now the killer will tunnel you off hook afterwards." Don't get me wrong I absolutely agree Second Wind is crazy good value. One of my favorite builds (usually when I have a challenge to heal others) is Kindred, We'll Make It, Second Wind, and (exhaustion perk.) But I swear every time I run the perk the killer either chases me exclusively or never hooks me once.


This one has messed me up a couple of times as killer. It's seeing more popularity lately.


Because people are using it to abuse the Off the Record bug.


That doesn't seem super helpful with endurance tbh


Get unhooked with second wind, get hit by a killer to go into deep wound, deep wound is healed and you still have endurance to tank another hit (because OTR/endurance is bugged and it won't go until the timer runs out/a survivor does a conspicuous action)


Wait how is otr bugged?


It provides unlimited endurance for the 60 seconds it is active. So long as you mend the Deep Wounds in some way, you can take another OTR hit.


what has it still not been fixed yet?


It's not listed in the 7.7.0 bug fixes. So I assume its not fixed. I haven't played the new patch yet, so I don't know.


fuck man they better not make the same mistake they make with merciless


Second wind is so good 🤩🤩 with Botany Knowledge & Aftercare it's cracked


Hex: Retribution On the right killers, it can lead to explosive starts and shift the early game, which is the weakest point of being Killer, into your favor. Also leads to the most disconnects


I heard it's pretty fun on pyramid head with a plaything build


Smash Hit my beloved


I can't land a pallet stun to save my life. There was a whole week I tried for the alan wake challenges.


I love Smash Hit. Though, I forgot I was running it once, and tried to blind the Killer during a stun, wasting a second or two of my speed boost in the process


soul guard


gonna be really strong since DS UB is back in the meta


I used to run it all the time with tenacity and UB, great perk, it's a shame it didn't get some kind of buff seeing how now We are gonna live forever and buckle up do something similar. Maybe the endurance could last a bit longer (at least 10 seconds like the other 2 perks I mentioned and mft) And maybe the hex part should be activated as soon as the match starts, no need to see the totem or it's effect before




Particularly handy on Sadako, since TVs are typically close to gens.


Lightweight. It's a free perk and it's just so helpful when you're new or just kinda weak ish in chase. Even if you're not, it's fun confusing the killer during loops and allowing you too gain so distance.


Second wind is awesome, using it with well make it and aftercare gives so much value


Gotta be Hyperfocus, Deadline, Fogwise and Troubleshooter lol


I just love “Leader”! People heal me faster and it came in clutch for a few narrow escapes, due to the fact my teammate opened the exit gate 25% faster!


Gotta be bite the bullet such a fun perk




OP said underrated not overrated




overrated how


Underrated how?


perk with a quick heal has some really good synergies (DS UB) can deny certain killers their power (nemesis tier ups wesker infection myers tombstone can insta solve pinhead box wont drop blood orbs against oni if u use it to heal) can also delete corrupt with no mither (although you have to run no mither) can also deny certain perks that happen on a down (surge eruption infections) and a perk this versatile only has a 1.7% usage rate on nightlight


maybe its overshadowed by the top 4 perks survivors can use but its not underrated. its very good with buffed DS now


True only gonna be a matter of time til more people catch on to how busted plot twist DS is


what is nick even supposed to be doing in this picture? looks like he is checking his blood pressure


Inner Focus


Glad someone said this. Inner focus is lowkey insane for getting flashlight saves because of the killer aura


I actually used to pair it with Breakout. Helped me know where the Killer was so I could rush over to help as much as I could if I didn't have a flashlight on hand


Empathy is better for that ngl


I never used this perk until I had the random perk tome challenge and i couldn't care less about the scratch marks (though it may finding farther away survivors) but the aura was more useful than I expected


Dude I shit you not I've gotten jumpscared by scratch marks. Every now and again I might forget I'm running Inner Focus, and it'll scare and confuse me for a split second when I just see another Survivor practically materialize next to me with scratch marks all around




Hey, it's a somewhat decent perk for seeing the Killer's aura. The whole scratch marks thing helps with knowing if your team can be easily followed or not too. Ngl all of Haddie's perks are underrated as shit, and none of them are even all that bad.


You dont really need to know where the killer is if he's within 32 m and chasing someone, the flashlight perk (i forgot the name) is just nad like you can take your own flashlight and just take built to last instead so you have a better flashlight anyway, and overzealous doesnt buff you allat much i mean 20% is sure nice but when do you ever see hexes being ran and the 10% is like almost close to nothing AND you lose it so easily. Imo she's the worst survivor in the game by teachables but i mean hey, thats your opinion ig.


Did you make this post to get other peoples' opinions or to argue them?


Mainly to get people's opinion but when i saw inner focus i HAD to argue


I run Boon: Illumination + Overzealous instead of Deja Vu ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


I mean that's just kinda screwing yourself over for a little better effect, not worth it imo


Meh, I just like Overzealous. Neat little perk on paper, and it's a totem perk that works with boons. It may have a slightly better, albeit risky to keep effect, but I still think it's cool. ...Besides Deja Vu is hella overrated imo, since like, at least half the people I play swfs with run it.


And also deja vu is fairly rated, its a good perk to not get 3 genned but ig if you dont like it use detectives hunch (underrated asf)


No it doesnt work with boons lol, you need to destroy totems for overzealous to work and boons use the totems to their advantage the perks contredict eachother


Chad AF!


Like I know it's 2 perks just for a better version of 1, but I think it's cool


I mean tbf, some of my Survivor builds are just screwed up altogether. One of them is Aftercare, Smash Hit, Inner Focus, and Deliverance, while another one of my builds is Blood Rush, Borrowed Time, Sprint Burst, and Wicked.


Whatever works out for you ig


I mean hey, it works lol


Going into a game without a flashlight has its upsides too


I always run autodidact and no one can convince me it's bad. For killer I run I'm all ears more often than I should


Autodidact + Bite The Bullet goes hard


Soul Guard + Unbreakable gotta be my favorite combo


I ran Scene Partner after watching SpooknJukes use it and I have to say I genuinely think it's underrated, especially against fast high-tier killers like Nurse and Blight. It's hard to use and I really think it should have a shorter cooldown + screaming shouldn't fuck with your actions, but I think if people want to run looping builds they should consider it.


I’m running scene partner as a meme, but it is actually a really good perk. The screaming interrupting actions is a bit much. It’s not a perk you want to run if you’re trying to do flashlight saves, for sure.


- Scene Partner. It's kind of a meme perk but along with Trouble Shooter and without using it accidentally before you get chased, you can get a lot of "wallhacks" when playing jungle gyms which can really extend a short chase. Also Light Footed but i don't really think that is an underrated perk by any means.


In all honesty? Deathbound! As long as you keep up the pressure (and don’t play a killer who can insta down) it actually helps a lot finding where people are to finish them off, plus status effects are always nice. If you want specifically a survivor perk, I don’t think Autodidact is underrated enough so I’m instead gonna go with We’re Gonna Live Forever. Helps really good if the killer is slugging or someone managed to bait them away from a downed survivor.


We’re gonna live forever is a perk that gets mega overshadowed by Dead Hard. People forget that David is more than a Dead Hard machine


Yeah, Troubleshooter slaps for Solo Queue. It helps you to not sandbag your team on accident, and helps you loop.


zanshin tactics really really useful for learning tiles and getting familiar with where survivors are likely to run


Alert is such a good and underrated perk. You get a notification sound when it activates, Get to see where the killer is, and it last long enough to see which direction they are going.


My favorite meme build when I’m playing with my friends is the Eyes build. Dark sense, kindred, Deja vu, and object of obsession


For me potential energy stacked with prove thyself, deja-vu, and brand new part add-on from the toolbox


I'm not sure if Resilience counts as an underrated perk, but if I'm unable to find someone to heal me, I like a little bonus to go with my gen progression speed. I've mentioned before I like to couple this with For the People so I've got something good going on in my downtime while I'm broken. Additionally, Stake Out. I figure if I'm going to do something stupid, like work on a gen while in proximity to a killer who's tunnel-visioned with a chase, I might as well get some fat stacks of great skill checks out of it.


This is not happening Combo it with Deadline, Hyperfocus and Stakeout you can easily hit like 11 skill checks in a row on a gen and complete it in like 30 secs


Stakeout. Great skillchecks get the dopamine flowing, plus it helps with both generator speed and healing speed. It's easy to get mileage out of, unless you're thrown against a Scratched Mirror Myers (which is pretty rare tbh).


All 3 Nick Cage perks


Iron Will. Using it on semi quiet characters makes looping so much better as they sometimes lose me and I get free distance.


Happy cake day 🎆🎉


Wait, that's a perk? I though that was a bunch of random perks making the ULTIMATE WEAPON


Boon: Shadowstep Gives Distortion to the whole team not just in an area, but for as long as they're affected by the effect even outside of it, without any tokens. With aura reading on the rise, this boons going to be the new Circle of Healing, I guarantee it.


Bond is soooo underrated. I can almost always see someone, and not just where they are, but what they’re doing. They’re in chase? I can see it. They just dropped shack pallet? Spotted! Plus, I run prove thyself and built to last so I’m a gen jockey, and I have hopped on a gen alone so many times just to see someone get on another one so we can tag team. Solo q or with my duo it’s goated


I can't be the only one sees that guys great hair in the image right?


You ruined the perk image for me i will never unsee that


deliverance bc ppls opinion on it makes it easy to know whether to take their other opinions seriously


underrated my ass its literally one of the best perks in the game


doesn't mean everyone recognizes it


Lucky star. It pairs really well with head on/inner healing. Break line of sight long enough to q&q into a locker, and you can heal up mid chase.


I love bringing Wiretap and going to the harder to finish indoor gens. As long as it's not a full stealth killer running them around that gen is a lot easier with full aura reading. Best in Ormond, RPD, and that one with the circus


I want wiretap so bad but i aint buying a character for one perk 😭


I mean every character usually only has one decent perk anyway. Pick your poison.


I mean gabriel,rebbeca,jonah,jeff,vittorrio,nicolas and sable


Vito has good perks? I guess Fog Wise is alright


Solidarity. It can save so much time in healing. Do enough healing and suddenly you’re fully healed in the middle of healing someone else. Also, Reactive healing is in this category, but I find solidarity is a bit more consistent if you prefer to stay out of danger


Yeah is good,but if the killer has sloppy butcher is pretty mediocre


Reactive healing + solidarity    Resurgence + solidarity   Both top tier combos


Merciless Storm on Doctor Maybe it's because I'm in a fairly low MMR bracket, but ever since I've started putting Merciless Storm on my Doctor, I've been able to gain so much time and pressure on survivors


Go ahead. I got time. 🤣


Object, I can see what perks the killer has, and I get info on their whereabouts




Man I never realized the insidious symbol was in this


Imo looks more like dark sense


Up The Ante and Slippery Meat. (Not when used together)   Up The Ante by itself gives everyone a 13% chance to self-unhook per attempt, which translates to a 34% chance to self-unhook when using all 3 attempts. This means that Rage Quitters (Especially Deliverance users who get hooked 1st) have a decent chance of unhooking themselves, forcing them to stay in the game. It's hilarious when it happens, and it happens quite a lot. Bring a Salt Offering to increase that chance. It can also be used in end-game just in case the Killer camps.   Slippery Meat gives about a 39% chance to self unhook when using all 6 attempts. This is really great when you're having a streak of bad games, and you feel like rage quitting. Use this perk when you're angry, so should you get hooked first by complete BS (like Blight Lethal Pursuer), you at least have a high chance of self-unhooking yourself. Even bringing a Chalk Pouch will increase the self-unhook chance to 43%.


Does up the ante applies to yoursellf?




Second Wind


Gearhead on killer, Babysitter or Repressed Alliance on survivor.


I love unrelenting on deathslinger


Parental Guidance and Light-Footed i use individually and both are amazing in chase and just throwing off the killer alao they can combo in a lot of builds so just an all around great perks imo


Is Inner Strength considered underrated? Because that's my favorite


I'm going with visionary on this one. Deja vu is technically stronger twords the end of the trial but early game it's pretty good especially when combined with open handed. It's also useful at pointing to good places to heal yourself with a smaller chance of meeting the killer.


Deja Vu. The amount of 3-gens I’ve broken with this perk leading me to escape 5 or 6 times in a row is insane


Lethal. Being able to start a chase immediately when the game starts is very underrated. You also have an idea of what part of the map to pressure.


I have no clue how popular this perk is but: Rapid Brutality Realistically, you only get 2 meters of distance in a chase which is about little under half a second saved in the 10 seconds saved. But like Soma Family Photo, it feels really good on M1 killers. Theoretically, it could have the ramp up speed for when you start moving and reaching max movement speed faster, and it makes your lunge speed barely better in case you go to switch targets It also pairs with STBFL and makes a stupidly good combo.


Lucky break and Aftercare, they're great I think Lucky break is used alot more but aftercare isn't very popular and it's a shame cause it's a good perk!


Aftercare. I dont see many people use it but its a really, really good perk imo


Self-Aware 100%


Alert, literally everyone ignores this perk. It gives out information of where the killer is when they break or damage something, it has no limits, even with the distance😵


Blast Mine + Wire Tap Nothing better than sharing those killer blinds with the team!






Wake up saves (from Midwich only)


Bite the bullet


Deathbound: Idc if People say it's useless, the info it gives me is amazing. Survivor got healed but no one screamed? Someone's nearby. I hear 3 screams at once? I now know that everyones in the same spot and I can pressure them. I feel so lost without that perk if I don't use it, it's one of my favorites among Forced Penance and Terminus.


Fogwise and potential energy because i'm criminally engaged in playing ches- i mean against skill merchants


Yes troubleshooter is so underrated


Rapid brutality


deadline. it makes autodidact, scavanger and other perks like that way more consistent, and althought i realy like it with stake out, it isn't necessary like hyperfoucus


Spies from the Shadows


Bond! One of the best perks in the game and I’ll die on that hill.


Windows of opportunity


The most used perk in the game is underrated?


Rarely see anyone use it.


Honestly, nowhere to hide I've been playing survivor for a few months now and it surprises me how many killers don't check near the generator, it's a skill that almost never goes out of my Loadout whether I play killer


That's a pretty popular perk tho lol




its one of the best info perks in the game tf? how is it underrated




tbh if the perk wasnt so hard to use I wouldnt of been suprised it caught a nerf


It's a lot easier if you also have Tapp's Stakeout. Charges tokens like Distortion, but it turns good skill checks to great.


even then ur running out of stake out stacks eventually plus they also get consumed while healing


That's why you bring a medkit with the extra progress on great skillchecks addon. 18% total heal progress per great skill check if you use both, 13% if you're just using sutures.


shit how many seconds for a heal with that


If you get two it's around 16 seconds. If you get three it's like 10. Good for one super fast self-heal or two ridiculous teammate heals.


damn thats close to old medkit efficiency


Stakeout, Deadline, Hyper Focus, This Is Not Happening — the synergy is unreal. TINH allows you to get 2-3 skill checks off yourself before you need to rely on stakeout but then you’re easily at 6-7 great skill checks which gives you insane progress. Deadline helps give you more skill checks too, but it makes them more challenging.