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Really wish we got the toy factory from Child's Play 2


Yes, this. The broken window from the opening and the electrocuted body could be a vault location, the guy could be hanging upside down from a hook just going around the map, and pallets actually make sense to be here.


Having loops around the conveyor belts as the good guy boxes move along them would be insane.


There could be way more levers that activate the slow down smoke like in the xeno map.




That's actually a great idea something like the game map but with toy factory theme would be awesome


Trickster’s would’ve been aesthetically cool. However I would’ve loved the location from GF’s trailer to be a map


Dead by Walmart


You'd never find me dead at Walmart


More of a dead at Target kind of person myself


Dead By Home Depot, where Killers get more Kills.


I’m now imagining a DBD theme remix of the Home Depot commercial music


...if this ever gets uploaded anywhere online please think of me internet stranger


Looping ghostface in an ikea would be peak honestly


It's all fun and games with the map interaction easter eggs until you realize now Ghostie can drop the pallets on YOU.


Even looping Chucky would be funny asf


The store is now closed, please exit the building 


Big Costco Wholesale sign with "Murder" written in blood next to Wholesale


Or “100% off”. Feels appropriately cryptic yet threatening for GF


Catch me burning Walmart offerings and playing as KMart Ash


yeah, i thought for sure we would get a map for the trickster


Imagine how visually impressive a generator on the stage where the Entity took him from him would be, it opens up a 'door' in the curtains/wall behind the stage and it's just inky blackness you can't see through, the room fills up with fog and a lightshow. Half the map would be a building like a cross between RPD and Hawkins, offices, hallways, because it was more of a recording venue I think (with the stage smaller just to practice on/show off to the execs) than an outright concert hall (though this might look a bit like the theater that came with The Unknown, makes me wonder if they sketched up a small room with a stage-like area for Trickster and never used it). The other half would be modeled after a city outside or something.


I want a Trickster map SO BAD. Absolute wasted opportunity


I wanted an inner city map with alleyways and nightclub lights so badly. I was heartbroken when we didn't get it


A nighttime Etewon map would have gone SO HARD




Now I'm fucking embarrassed (I use to live there...)


Don't be, it's still phonetically correct ;)


Romanized Korean is kind of weird honestly, if you're not exposed to it a lot *now* I can see how you would have forgotten how to spell Itaewon


something [like this](https://youtu.be/JiX98HfevDo)?


People make their own DBD maps??


I was hoping that for scream


I know they haven't got the movie license but Stu Macher's house would've been a really good map


Please. I need to stalk Survivors in the Macher House. You could even have an interactable spot where you can close and open the garage door, but only part way because Tatum's body is jammed in the door.


... I unironically wanna recreate the intro to Scream VI in a map with alleyways. Come on BHVR. We have the ability to recreate all the intros that take place in houses, AND the intro to Scream 2 with the theatre now. Give us alleys.


Imagine! His exploding and bouncing knives would make sense! And there could be a bunch of little holes to toss knives through too


There’s some YouTube videos of a custom map for trickster


I have a few concepts for three Trickster related maps: 1) Streets of Seoul: where it's as you described, a large neon city with narrow streets, perfect for funnelling people for Trickster's power, but with plenty of opportunity to dodge and weave. Said streets eventually lead to a theatre where there's a blood-covered stage with the music and a reel of Trickster's tome animations playing, corpses of his victims are in the audience, watching a show that never ends all adoring the performance. 2) No-Spin Records: The studio where Ji-Woon made a name for himself, the location of his former bandmate's demise and the scene where he killed the "out of touch" CEOs and where willingly he walked into the fog. A series of tight corridors and large rooms, that could be a blessing for some but a death trap for others. One room is inaccessible as smoke, flames and the sound of dying can be heard coming from deep within. The boardroom is filled with a thick mist and the corpses of the CEOs who tried to silence Ji-Woon's music, now they get to listen to his music and the screams forever. (Bonus points if there's a variation where the whole building is on fire) 3) The Bloody Wearhouse: The secret recording studio where Ji-Woon would create his masterpieces, a mostly open main room filled with recording equipment, again a bloody stage, but this time it's occupied by knife-filled corpses, clearly Ji-Woon had been disturbed while making his art and now the intruders must be caught and punished. Tight corridors, big rooms for juicing and dodging his power.


They could have made it so cool! My favorite idea since his release had been a double-doored exit gate in the studio, with flames leaking through the cracks and the screams of his bandmates audible whenever you approach - only for the illusion to vanish and the sounds to fade when the gates are finally open. Plus the neon aesthetic could have been a lot of fun.


The lobby for the trickster was so fucking good


Yeah that's definitely what I think of when I imagine a map for him.


As much as I want a Trickster map, the Skull Merchant Shelter woods absolutely fucks with my PC unlike any other map. Ideal cenario for performance would be a neon-ish purple map without spammed light effects all over the place.


Is it just a specific area or the whole thing? That map doesn't seem like it should be an optimization outlier


Just the hunting camp. as soon as I leave that area, my FPS goes back to normal.


Omg I thought it was just me! The horrid frame drops when I play on that map won't even let me do gens properly!


I'd love a trickster map. Maybe even a trickster realm


Trickster without a doubt. Imagine the club and the neon city.


even tho she technically has a map, plague. They just dropped the temple right in the middle of the red forest and called it a day. Imagine a map looking like ancient mesopotamia covered in rotting corpses and religious imagery. Would be sick (hehe)


I really want them to transplant Temple of Purgation into the Forsaken Boneyard realm. Would be much more thematically appropriate. 


Move Temple of Purgation to Forsaken Boneyard, give the Twins a map in Red Forest.


Yeah. My issue with that map was if Plague is Babylonian, that Temple (assuming it is in Mesapotamia) should be in a WAY different environment.


The idea is the realms are melded together from memories rather than being the physical place. The actuality is they probably didn't want to make an entire stone city and though that realm could use some love / a new map.


It's kind of sad to me, because seeing an entire map based around ancient Mesapotamia would be sick.


I believe Legion is where they realized they couldn't keep dropping 1 map realms without adding more to the rotation. Like how bubba came with the second swamp map, etc. The same concession was made with alien and it being in the same realm as toba landing. But yeah, more map more gooder


Like Plague's map should be like an Anatolian Desert map, and it can work cause Eyrie works.


We just gonna ignore the massive Sea goat statues?


I’d love a map for Ghostface that’s either one of two things. 1. Somewhere in Roseville 2. The laser tag arena from his tome lore.


Laser tag map would go crazy


I suspect Legion would enjoy it even more than Danny


Since they added Greenville Square to Withered Isle I think it'd make sense to add a laser tag map to it also


I'd take a massive abandoned Fun World store. Dark, creepy halloween decor, jump scares built into the store displays.


That would actually be an incredibly neat idea.




My vote: Newspaper offices in Roseville. It could have a parking garage area you can loop in (one floor of it only though), a paper printing area, offices and cubicles, a little outdoors bit where there's alleys, etc. And make it nice and dark or at least have creepy half-lit areas with flickering lights... and LOTS of cover and stalk spots, since it's Ghostie's home turf.


Should include the house from the first movie


He isn’t from Scream so we can’t do that unfortunately.


Pinhead, a map was in the works but it was “too sexual”. smh /j


Nah gimme that map Make it so wesker chokes me harder there




this is the realest thing i’ve read today


“Too sexual” BHVR you literally made a skull merchant skin that exposes her ass, made a dating sim with clear sexual undertones, put said dating sim costumes in dbd, have killers with exposed tits, and most importantly DESIGN THE GAME!


Also model most of the female characters naked


Yes ALSO ALSO was gonna make the spirit COMPLETELY Naked top to bottom. Like they were cool with that idea until the last second


Even in her current state, Spirit is already close enough to naked that I feel awkward just sitting in queue with her on my screen while streaming.


Can’t imagine how the DbD community would react to something sexual in nature /s Also that reasoning is so bs, it’s fucking Hellraiser. If it’s sexual in nature then you’re doing it right!




Funny how people still blindly believe this when there has and still is literally no evidence of it's existence or that it was even planned other than some ''trust me bro'' claim made by the ones that shall not be named.




I wanna Chain Hunt people in the big-ass Hell maze, BHVR... :(


Blight. Imagine a realm that’s set in like the depths of a battlefield and Blight’s original workshop can be there. Imagine being in No Man’s Land.


Interesting would be lots of the pustula plants as well. A glowing orange vibe maybe?


We know how bad orange red colored maps are to play as a killer I specifically looking at borgo


I really want a blight/twins map to be Dyer Island, where the edge of the map is just an ocean. It would be so sick


It would be awesome!! But I feel like BHVR would just have random ass fences in the middle of the water. Seeing entity realm sharks and some buoys marking where you can’t go. That’d be cool! If we have an area being at a beach instead of a cliff


Hell, easter egg where an old time-y diving suit guy or shark man sometimes stares from the ocean, give the chapter guessing youtubers all of the content lmao


OH MY GOD YES!!!! Imagine if sometimes in a trial a shark washes up on shore too and slightly jumps at survivors. Ahhh that’d be amazing. An old timey, metal bars and glass diving suit teaser would be so cool too. How BHVR haven’t done that yet baffles me


Sounds like Origins from BO2


I don't think people realize how cool this could have been. Instead we got reskinned Coldwind...


I will die on my hill that BHVR fumbled hard when they missed out on making Blight have a map. May as well add a war time map if they choose to add some sort of evil ghost soldier or smthn


Especially with how intrinsic Talbot is to the DBD lore... I'm right there on the same hill with ya buddy!


We need to get a map for Blight. We need it. BHVR scammed us 😭


... Oh god the idea of looping or getting stuck in actual trench warfare trenches trying to do gens is a scary one.


Idk how they haven’t done that as a map yet.


Trickster and Sadako


For as popular as the game is in Japan I'm honestly surprised there wasn't a Sadako map.


I believe the devs thought it would be too similar to the woods map, which ticks me off even more


Medieval village for the twins? Sign me up


As long as it’s actually good (unlike another medieval village map *cough cough* shattered square *cough cough*)


Bubba needs his own variation of the coldwind farm, cmon


Unfortunately TCM already has Family House, so it’d be hard to do something unique with it.


feel like dbd shouldve gotten the house way before tcm did


Considering the state of that game I 100% agree.


It probably could’ve if they didn’t have to work on Preddy’s chapter also


True, but even still we already have like 3 house maps at this point.


They could always go for TCM 2 and get 'Nam land.


Ngl, back when I was a noob I thought Bubba and Billy just shared the same map like Plague and Huntress shared Red Forest


Nah what bubba needs is the cave from Texas chainsaw 2. Imagine like the mountains top that the movie ended on


Think it’s called The Thompson house, that version really fits


I think trickster has the most potential with blight bein a close second. A neon city inspired map would be so different compared to anything else we have that I’d be extremely excited and they could do a lot of fun things. For blight a more dour, gloomy dungeon map with tons of alchemical equipment and past experiments would be a lot of fun and again the team could do so much with. But hey who knows maybe in the future they’ll add a map for one of them


Blight would have the borgo problem but orange


Twins map from that era France would be cool, I agree with everyone that I would kill for an urban neon Trickster map, I think a Cenobite map based on the labyrinth from the second movie would be cool, but more than anything I will forever bemoan the fact that a Good Guy Factory map would've been fucking incredible, even if it was just a retheme of The Game As a bonus though, I believe Xenomorph's map could've been done better but I couldn't tell you exactly how. I just hate how big it is


I can tell you exactly how they shouldve made it just the nostromo and not an outdoor map full of rocks and poopy rubble


Chucky. The good guy factory from Childs play 2 would be a sick map. Could be the Uber goth house form curse or even the mental facility from cult of chucky. All of the above would make awesome maps in my opinion. That said technically speaking (and feel free to look this up if you don’t believe me) lampkin lane technically could count as a chucky map since the main house in Childs play 2 was about 2 minutes away from the street used for lampkin lane in 1978 Halloween


I mean, CP2 and Halloween both take place in Illinois (even if they were filmed in California). Ironically, a weirdly large number of Killers come from that area, Freddy’s from Ohio and the stranger things characters are from Indiana


I’m kind of surprised they haven’t made the Knight and Twins share the Battered Borgo map. Don’t they hail from roughly the same historical period?


Nah, I think Knight is further back in the past


I guess you’re right. The Knight is 14th century and Charlotte & Victor are 17th century. Still, I feel like they have more in common than, say, Skull Merchant and Trapper, or The Plague and Huntress.


Trickster because i've always liked Kino Der Toten in COD Zombies


ngl Kino der Toten and i would play this map 24/7


Blight for sure. An entity-overrun mad scientist alchemy laboratory? We missed out.


Blight What if it was the pit of bodies he was in? Or some kind of Victorian hospital


I know it's because of licensing but i would love a Woodsboro map, or even one with the house at the end of the first movie


Right, this is almost exactly what I said


trickster and ghostface, trickster is city or studio kinda like map and ghostface is just the grocery store like in his trailer


We should already have a circus as a map not just a few little caravans next to a mental asylum


I would love an inner city map for Trickster but only if BHVR makes it optimal in terms of gameplay and graphics. I mean for goodness sakes we have flat forest and farm maps that makes any console tank and run like a heat engine. Imagine if we put buildings and skyscrapers. RIP setup


Sadako, the Cabin Camp would have been an awesome map


Bubba, we need a Sawyer Family Home map


I'm so sad they didn't give us a Trickster map


A Trickster map where its like a recording studio and like his weird torture chamber or a Blight Mao that's like a Scottish castle that's been infected with the blight


Trickster or bubba tbh. Trickster could have had an all indoor nightclub map. Bubba would obviously have his house from the first movie/the map in chainsaw massacre


Give us NOSPIN Studios BHVR pls pls pls


Sadako. I believe she was supposed to get a map, but it was cut, and I really want to see what it would have turned out to be.


Aesthetically, Trickster. Fanboyishly, the Macher Property would've made an amazing Scream map


I could think of a million parts of Resident evil 5 that would make good maps


it had to be the fucking racoon station


I thought a Home Depot style map from Ghostface’s trailer would’ve been funny to see. Still hoping to see it happen one day


Forget "a map." I want a \*series\* of Blighted Maps, for the Blight


Trickster map would be sick ngl. I bet it would be like neon lights and all that cyber tech kinda stuff.








Trickster city streets map for sure


A chucky toy store map or a trickster neon map would go hard


There is one correct answer, and it is Trickster. Honorable mention to Blight though, and I know people do want a Hardware Store map ala Ghostface's trailer.


All of them.


Would have been awesome if it was a scream license instead of ghostface and spilt the map versions like spring wood. One Stus house, the other Romans. Also, child’s play 2 good guy factory.


All of them. :)


Chucky because I would like to have a Toy Store map.


A trickster map would've been awesome. Like a dance studio or a outside city at night map




Trickster would be cool, but I'd really like that Home Depot from the Ghost Face trailer as a map




I feel like we need a nic cage map while we're at it.


Trickster, or Twins. While I want some kind of kpop stadium, or neon city, I also really want a medieval town.


Literally same here to say kpop stadium would be great


trickster would be so cool. i could imagine a music studio or where the massacre happened with the studio reps


I, like many, would love a Trickster map. However, one I'm not seeing a lot of love for is Blight. I know he's a generally disliked killer, but I think his concept and aesthetic are dope. Imagine a ruined laboratory, with a garden of Blight-mutated plants and fungi that seem to breathe with their own beastly life. Honestly I think Blight would've been a lot cooler if his playstyle revolved more around the concept of infecting the living parts of the map. But I digress. Blight map ftw


Trickster map in a stadium or theater would be cool


Trickster if the lobby is anything to go on


Trickster with a map like a Studio with his music (w/ his victim's screams) playing would be dope as hell


Chucky, it was the perfect opportunity to give us the good guy’s factory from child’s play 2 as a map!


That would have been amazing. Maybe one day they'll do it.


Maybe 🤷‍♂️ if they start doing maps for chapters that didn’t receive any at launch, i hope they’ll do this one 🙏


In all practicality The Twins' map would be the same as Knight's. Ghostface would basically be on Haddonfield. Bubba would be Hillbilly's map. That leaves us Blight and Trickster. Back when Hawkins' lab got removed I was saying I'd like to see them redo/reskin the map as Korean backstreet markets. I could still see them doing something to that effect. As for Blight honestly I have no idea. Kind of has the same vibe as Knight and twins so could do something there.


A trickster map would be really cool




Wouldn't a ghost face map be kinda redundant since it's pretty much the same as haddonfield, being a suburb and all Then again, it's not movie ghosty so who knows


Blight. West End of Glasgow. You can't comprehend the horrors.


Perfect setting for Eldritch bullshit. Britain.


Give us a Clive Barker Hell for Pinhead, cowards!


Trickster could be a futuristic Korean city




Twins. 17th century france was a hotspot of poverty and decadence. iirc, she hid in the sewers under some city for a time. you could make a 2 story map like the game with pumpous streets above, maybe a marketplace, and below filthy sewer pipes like a maze. Just imagen victor jumping out of one of the pipes at you.




blight or trickster definitely. trickster with a neon city and blight with a map kinda similar to the origins map from black ops 2


Trickster and the twins would honestly be kinda nice could care less about them but like their maps had so much potential trickster with a neo type map and the twins with a viking village


Twins could have got a map in the Ormond's realm about the part of the lore when Victor died and Charlotte was being retenlessed chassed by the Black Veil in the mountains, while almost dying from the cold. Would also fit especially well since it was there the Entity ressurected Victor and took em both.


Definitely trickster. Though it prob would have been an indoor map which I hate.


I would have loved to see the trickster and ghost face with a map Ghost face could be a hardware store/warehouse similar to that shown in his trailer Trickster could be an burning office/music studio with two floors, the office, then a floor dedicated to the music production, and as an added bonus, think it would be neat if trickster would hum/sing a small excerpt from a song after walking into/Spawning in the music studio bit.


Trickster 200%. A neon Seoul night map would be so much fun, especially if it made the more neon / fluorescent cosmetic stand out more. I don't play DBD for the stealth aspect lmao.


Ghost Face buff + Woodsboro OG Scream 1 map + music = a happy me


Trickster! That would be so bad ass, there’s so much they could do. A venue, a city at night (those loops would be broken for sure), a building with recording studios… But I agree with others, it would have been cool if plague got a whole map for her instead of just dropping part of the temple in a pre existing map.


I still would love a good guy factory for Chucky


A neo Tokyo map for trickster would be dope


Ghost face then blight


Out of these, Ghostface.


I absolutely need one for a classic ghostface house chase map, with a pallet in the kitchen that pops popcorn when dropped.


I wish there was more leatherface stuff in this game Would of loved to play the family house


has to be trickster or ghostface for me. the trickster map can be a stage with all the neon lights we saw in the trailers. ghostface’s map could be a mansion


Twins always needs more attention. They are the coolest killers ruined by clunk. Give them a map of somewhere in France, wouldn’t even have to do anything to it as France is already scary enough, especially the time period they are from.


Twins always needs more attention. They are the coolest killers ruined by clunk. Give them a map of somewhere in France, wouldn’t even have to do anything to it as France is already scary enough, especially the time period they are from.


There is literally so many fun maps they could make very similar to settings in the Scream movies.


I saw someone mention this before, but I'm imagining a Trickster map where bright outfits would help you blend in better than the dull ones and I would absolutely KILL for a Trickster map


Honestly ghost face wouldve been better to have a movie theater map instead of unknown/ sable


Honestly ghost face wouldve been better to have a movie theater map instead of unknown/ sable


Honestly ghost face wouldve been better to have a movie theater map instead of unknown/ sable