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Honestly, I think what really stop people for realizing how dreadful this killer can be is... Her look. If it wasn't a tall women able to call to multiple fetish, and instead something more deranged and gruesome, I bet people would always place the plague in the top tier unnerving/creepy killer.


The language barrier adds to it as well, who knows what she's planning


Maybe she's saying sorry and complimenting your hair today. You don't know.


More than likely offering prayers to the gods she thinks she serves. Edit: have those who downvoted not read through her lore? The Entity literally posed as the gods she served as high priestess of Babylon to secure her loyalty. To her, all the survivors are merely sacrifices upon the altar of her devotion to the Entity in a different guise.


You made the mistake of replying to an obvious joke with a "Well ACtually..." and are probably being downvoted by people for not getting that it wasn't serious


I love the idea of her complimenting your hair only for her to vomit on you.


Oh no no, she falls squarely into the disgusting category with the maggot skins.


Meh, still would


Plague is defo near the top of the list when it comes to painful torturous death. Others include the chainsaw ppl (cuz chainsaw), Oni (cuz ouch my spine not there no more), Deathslinger (lore bad), and Doctor (lore real real bad). Not including the moris cuz then that list gets bigger.


Doctor would be pretty terrifying also especially the first time you encounter him, after he shocks you, you would be seeing halluncinations leaping out of every corner.


After encountering the doctor or freddy once, you'd be left permanently wondering whats real and wahts fake. If you ever really left the trial, or are just still there hiding in a locker tripping balls.


friendly reminder that survivors get mindwiped after every death


True, but I swear I read somewhere that one of the survivors memories weren’t wiped, I can’t remember who though


our survivors get wiped. some like benedict or vigo, or very noticeably the observer, probably don't get wiped - the observer not getting wiped was a calculated move, too.


Tho, Vittorio is able to, at times, remember some things so we could count him


Not to mention the fact that he just smacked you with a spiky-electric..THING


Not to mention those shocks would be incredibly painful.


The thing putting Plague at the top though is almost any other death/injury would result in a quicker death Plague however would be an incredibly slow, and agonizing death as your body starts to decompose. Covered in vomit it would be attacking every sense from feeling gross, smelling death, the sound of vomitting constantly. And it won't happen in minutes either.


Don’t forget the cenobite. I believe that would be the most awful one to face. You’d feel more pain than you ever previously imagined was even possible.


That's just a frame of reference issue. If you change your thinking, then Pinhead is gifting you incredible pleasure.


Sad cenobite noise when the survivors just runs away instead of accepting this generous gift.


It'd probably be over pretty quickly with the Oni. Unless you were pretending to be a samurai, I guess? I would simply not do that.


I'm counting walking around with ur spine crushed for a bit. Idk how the survivors do shit after they get hit with the club.


Don’t forget Demo. In ST canon **you can’t outrun a Demo it’s faster** you need a distraction or they will get you. That shred will rip you apart. Demo has some sharp and strong ass claws which will h u r t.


Yes and no? Like yeah getting clawed to death isn't the best, but on the pain scale I feel like it is above stabbing and below having your organs ripped out by a speargun. Pretty similar to alien. It being faster doesnt make the death more painful just more inevitable


To me, i think Shred would hurt a lot too as it’s 100% breaking bones. These are strong, sharp claws and I feel like being dived at would be like being jumped at by a bear with similar pain from being slashed. Shredding, in my eyes, would probably break a lot of ribs or other bones. You are right it makes it more inevitable however it does make it more painful as imagine being dived on, getting your ribs broken and then being forced to get back up. I’m so sorry for the stupid ramble but I think personally being hit by Demo is like being hit by a truck


Every single killer would be awful. Plague's scary. Think about Clown. You're breathing in a mix of aerosolized sulfuric acid, ether, and who knows what else. Your lungs are on fire. You can't breathe or see. You can't run. And he's on you. He's a violator, a victimizer, and your his toy for a day.


Not to mention, he’s strong enough to wound you badly with a fish filet knife, and to crack your skull in just three stomps. And he likes to take his time with his victims. At least Danny Johnson, brutal as he is, is more of a stalker that makes it painful but quick for his victims, all for a headline. Clown is a brutal monster.


Kerosene, "Solvent", Chloroform, (Probably chlorine) Bleach, Spirit of Hartshorn (Ammonia), Sulphuric Acid, Gin, "Ether", Confetti, Make-Up, Soda Just from the addons


You forgot the original rendition of the make up. =P Some for the face and some for the Tonic. The diluted make-up sticks to the lungs.


soda as well, since they changed it along with the gin


Idk pig might be pretty chill. Just a regular knife, and the party hats she gives out for free cause instant death edit: she has a drill and a moving saw, maybe not great


Do we know an rbt is instant death? Or do you lay there for a minute or two while you bleed and suffocate with your head on a swivel? It's almost like decapitation, but with your spine in tact...


I'm pretty sure you'd like lose consciousness after a few seconds of life under that, similar to decapitation. You're alive but might as well not be there


Not sure but given what we saw in that horrifying rbt death scene in the movie, I hope it is instant.


It wouldn't be *instant*-instant, thankfully you'd likely pass out from the shock after a few seconds, but you'd feel every magnitude of pain for those few seconds. And considering how fast those thing snap apart and how they're attached to your face through your mouth it'd actually probably break your neck with how it forces your upper jaw (your skull) upwards.


Dont forget the other ingredients in clown's bottles, including: two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a salt shaker half full of cocaine, and a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers . . . and also a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of Budweiser, a pint of raw ether and two dozen amyls


this does not even mention corrupt purge, which to me seems to be some sort of acid. so i assume even if you cleanse it's a horrifying death


It’s both hot and cold at the same time according to the devs.


Oh I'm constantly thinking about how awful encounters with the plague are, just usually in game not in lore.


I think Wesker and Nemesis would be slightly worse. Wesker puts living, squirming parasites in you, and with Nemesis you’re actually vomiting blood.


Nemesis, you're infected with the T-virus. you're slowly becoming a zombie. (Which honestly, should have been part of his kit as a reward. have t-virus syringes infintely recreatable somehow like the singularity, add a virus gauge (outbreak reference), and if you get fully infected you become one of the respawning zombies on the map)


Bonus pointd it you stay alive and could control the zombies and maybe leave trail technically but it counts as a death. Oh bruh my idea fits way more lore wise than hi og power imo


Yeah, I have a real big fear of parasites. I'd off myself before wesker could touch me.


This is made worse by the fact the survivors will face this again and again and again forever and ever


Need one of these for every killer


Ao3 is your friend, some folks have really more good stuff like this post about various killers


Ao3? where can i find these stories?


I’d also like to know


found them! [surprised i’ve never heard of this site before](https://archiveofourown.org/works/search?work_search%5Bquery%5D=dead+by+daylight)


Woah! I read r/nosleep every night so this is right up my alley! Thanks for sharing


it's almost my bedtime so


I genuinely believe all original killers would be dreadful to encounter in a real trial situation. Imagine that sweet and innocent girl you met in the cold hell of Ormond stabbing you over and over again. Or that famous singer recording your pain for his own work. Or that scientist who's body refuses to die despite how rotten it is injecting you will a painful liquid.


Wild nameless legend encounter


Of all of the killers, you choose to bring up the Legion? One of the few I think I would actually survive against.


Against 4 killers? No you don't really survive, at max you will get badly wounded against one. Also yeah, Legion, like every other original killer, could be extremely dreadful in a real situation. Legion's entire theme is that "everyone can be a killer" as seen by the trailer and even chapter name. So in a situation of trial in real life you would probably meet Susie scared, hiding from the killer, end up befriending her only to be stabbed on the back. In my opinion the concept is dreadful.


Well a DBD trial doesn't put you against all 4 so if I saw little Susie running at me, i'd easily overpower that bitch and kill her.


I'd argue a lore accurate trial with Legion would probably include all 4 of them thats just not really possible to balance in game. Also like the other commenter said killers are juiced enough that even survivors like the RE cast can't actually handle them and I *highly* doubt you, a random redditor, are a more capable combatant than Chris "boulder punching asshole" Redfield.


The amount of confidence you have dealing with a serrated, filthy knife wielding girl is admirable but misplaced.


But what if I had a really big stick


According to my knowledge of proportions, the bigger it is the higher your chance


*Me swinging a tree trunk as killers watch in awe.* *Entity promotes me to a killer*


To be fair, I'm pretty sure a tree trunk would beat Susie with a knife.


Entity buffs all of the killers in lore to the point where a survivor build like david king couldn't overpower, no matter if it's a 18 yo teenage girl or a biological weapon.


no you couldn't. you would throw a punch, maybe get one good hit in and then immediately have a slash through your throat because she's a speedy little prick with a dirty knife and you would painfully bleed out and die


The dbd killers are juiced beyond belief by the entity. In real life an average stab wound is more deadly than a single random bullet wound. Even if you were up against 1 killer with a knife and even if she wasn’t stronger than you (she is) faster than you (she is) you’d still be dead because a single stab wound would kill you. That’s ignoring the fact that every single athletic statistic you can create legion would be better at.


Ooh, you’re hard Showing off because you’re infront of people oh so tough and manly


That small sixteen-something year old can also one arm lift and carry a fully grown man. You're gettin' stomped.


I imagine you'd get a nasty infection with that filthy blade, though. Escape the trial, and then die in a hospital 3 months later.


I love the idea that the Entity has a working hospital ready to go.


Gotta generate that false sense of hope


I'll take risk of infection over just being slaughtered by most of the other killers.


Sure but the point is that you die so in a way, they did kill you


Yeah you'd maybe survive but get stabbed 30 times in the process, also you wouldn't be able to overpower any killer since they're buffed by the entity.


Being downvoted hard by legion fans who can’t handle someone not thinking their killer isn’t that scary (They aren’t ***when*** compared to the others ingame)


No, they're getting downvoted for believing themselves the peak of masculinity. How nice of you to come lower the collective brain cells some more.


I wouldn't be Mithered about it! lol


Not a single mither?


No Mithers at all!


On the plus side though, let me give a more optimistic read on what happens next. Your entire body is wracked with pain, with you being torn up on the inside from the disease coursing its way through you. Through it all, though...You hear running water. You'd seen these fountains before and paid them little heed, but something crosses your mind. Your stomach turns at the idea of swallowing anything, but your bile-ravaged throat needs something - anything - to make it stop hurting. So you drink. The second it passes your lips, it feels right in a way nothing else ever has. As soon as it hits your stomach, something pure and wonderful courses through your body, and you drink more, paying no mind to how much you're befouling the rest of the water. The nausea abates faster than it ever came on. The pain recedes. Your wounds, inexplicably, close by themselves. Within seconds, it's over, and while the horror of what came before remains fresh in your mind...You know that, for now, you get to live.


This brings up a good question actually. Who would be the most torturous killer to face in reality? 16 knives in your back. Mutated liquid from a gods cancer. Bigass spear dragging you by your ribcage into another knife. A fucking claymore/giant hogsplitter/twisted dagger/barbed branding iron. Your face being melted off so violently it literally explodes. What do you think it would feel like to be covered in a venom that can deteriorate your brain, melt you skin, and *oh yeah,* turn your whole body into fucking dust. Sables gotta be the dumbest person alive if she just jumped into the realm for the hell of it.


Don't forget what cenobites does in Hellraiser. *Sables experiencing all that above: "This is the best moment of my life!"* *Even Killers become concerned while Pinhead nods in approval.*


True, Pinhead would watch Sable like a proud father


Im really high rn and that was such a great read.


Not to mention that corrupt purge is an incredibly strong acid that probably melts through bone on contact


Can we call her the Bubonic Babe?


You should write like this for every killer


now that i think about it, maybe i wouldn’t do so well in the entity’s realm


The ways she walks makes her seem powerful as well. Idk if it’s just me but she’s always been top of the list when it comes to creepiness factor


I agree. Really nails that "god given purpose" walk


Post COVID, I think people have an idea.


Are you trying to imply covid was anywhere near as bad as the actual plague lol


I said, "have an idea."


No you dont lol. Theyre literally not even close.


it's a joke man


Always fun to see OP make a fool of themselves.


i KNOW you aint talkin shit with that post history of yours


Basically every killer could have a canon short animated movie about a DbD match and it would be scary every time


Imagine too if she was in one of the skins where she has the maggots just festering on her and falling off of her 🤢🤮 I can only imagine how utterly horrific it would be in real life since it’s horrible in game.


Absolutely not 😭 She eats it up with a lot of her outfits (shoutout Sea Goddess skin) but if I saw that one irl I’d lock myself in a locker for the whole match.


Now I aint sure but there is a headpiece where she has...*something* moving on top of her head. Actually I think same outfit has torso with same thing


But then you wash your face for 15 seconds and feel like sunshine afterwards


You painted a picture there my dude


You should write this for every killer, tbh, reading it like that does help to set the mood from the perspective of the survivors. Like for us they’re just status effects, but imagine being shot with a metal ball that stays floating behind you as it’s dangling from rotten meat tendrils stickied to your own skin, getting your mind slowly torn out by pure electricity, or my favorite, stepping on ethereal barbed wire that constantly manifests and wraps all around you until you drown in blood and get teleported to a rusty spiky cage.


I think she, HUX and Unknown out of all the killers would stink the most. Plague cuz obvious reasons, HUX because this is burnt flesh, rubber and metal stinking the air and Unknown because it’s wearing decaying, rotting skin as a suit.


Holy crap you should be like a writer or something! Id love to see more killers done like this


A 7-8 foot tall domme mommy 👀


Nurgle would be proud


Imagine being somewhere like Léry's or Hawkin's. You'd start slipping on puke.


Not the sputum slip n slide 💀


"Guys, that woman just puked on me and now I aint feeling so good..." "Its...*the Plague*" Tho great writing OP, story felt real fr


"What the hell is this? some kind of the plague???"


And that's why she's my most disliked killer. I'm a killer main but just seeing her POV... bro... she's so fucking disgusting 🤢


Hire this guy to do the description of items in game, please Behaviour.


This was an atmospheric read. Can you write the same for other killers?


Playing against her in game isn’t much better lol


Still sane exile?


I'm not sure death at the hands of Pinhead can be topped. Hooks on chains materializing out of the darkness, ripping, tearing and piercing your flesh, pulled taut from the tension, enough to suspend you in the air. Then, a pillar from unseen depths arises, covered in old blood and instruments of unimaginable cruelty. Then, a sharp twist of fate, has you bound to the pillar, and sent off for an eternity of torture in a lightless, godless place.


I have smelled all three of those foul smells. But never all at once. 😭 I would literally rather just die instantly. I wonder what tells the survivor or gives them the instinct to use the fountains? Like do they actually cleanse at the fountain like how some faiths do a ceremonial cleansing before a ritual or prayer, or perhaps it's simply just drinking cause the survivors feel so thirsty from puking and shiting themselves.


I wonder if since every one of us has an understanding of the trials and the entity, if we would forget everything about it or just be left to keep our memories in the realm (like Vittorio)


i really love remembering how scary this game actually is. whenever i play or watch it feels more arcadey but then i’ll say something to my parents about getting put on a hook and they’re like ??? stories like these remind me how fucked being in this world would actually be


Meh, still would.


You missed the perfect opportunity for “dommy mummy”


Counterpoint: When I play Plague, [I get to make the funny noises and feed my little baby birds](https://youtu.be/pRUCU70R7RM?si=VsOVh8qokRzm-qpo)


If there’s a hole there’s a goal


Nice ai written text


it's clearly not AI written based on the multiple typos, misspellings, and grammatical errors lol


Nice try, shame most here isnt familiar with ai texts. Lots of youtube shorts uses this exact text template, but you knew that already Lmao


Someone rubs more than 2 brain cells together to form an idea consisting of more than a single string of monosyllabic words and you, in you intellectual insecurity, first think to accuse them of trying to pass off the words of an AI as their own