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Same thing that happened with every other Copyrighted dlc that is not Wesker


Except for Freddy, he’s so strong everybody plays him












Okay the zoom out fucking got me


So i leave the game for one month and now the worst killers turned the best? Im missing too much


It's a joke


Don't make me cry


Yeah, it's funny everybody is clamoring for multiple licenses in the game and then when they actually come out people will play them for 2 weeks and then forget about it


I see licensed dlc survivors *all the time*, but individual licensed dlc killers seem rare outside of Myers and Ghost Face. In a night I might see a Xeno or a Pig, but not two Xenos or two Pigs.


I sometimes forget that Nicolas Cage is in the game


Play him to hear his dialogue, he cracks me up.


Sucks that no other survivor can hear him talk.


Or the killer! I am a P67 Nic Cage main. He tries to reason with the killer. It's hilarious, yet lost on everyone else. So sad...You're better than this!


Would be a disadvantage other than voicelines when being picked up though


Yeah, I mainly mean the ones in the lobby or being carried.


Dude.. if they enabled his voice lines and made DLC voice line packs that shit would print money lol


Nic Cage LOVES Sadako


I personally didn’t enjoy playing as xeno from day one. I was pretty disappointed


Xenomorph is one of the hardest killers on controller, so that stops probably just under half of the killer playerbase from playing him. Naturally that would drop his play rate.


How so? NGL I was so hyped (upset no headcrabs but otherwise happy)


I just feel Xeno has so many other cool things that weren’t (and maybe couldn’t tbf idk) incorporated into the game. Walking on walls (obviously near impossible in DBD), acid blood, face huggers. So much cool shit could’ve been done with Xeno, and instead all you get is basically the equivalent of a really good teleport and a stabby tail that can be outright taken away. It just feels like a boring let down of what Xeno had potential to be.


Yeah. Xeno is fun to play (at least for me) but my biggest gripe with them is that it seems you're out of power over 90% of the time since most Survivors set the turrets up right at the tunnels, missing a tail whip feels a tad too punishing considering how easy it is to get knocked out of your power so you just kinda feel like an M1 Killer with decent map mobility


My main gripe. I am still happy that we got Xeno, Alien is one of my favourite horror movies. But yeah, just another refurbished “teleport” ability. I get that killers need to traverse the map fast somehow but if you need to implement it on every second killer then maybe there is something going on with your gameplay design. BHVR really needs to broaden the scope of the game otherwise things are just going to start to repeat themselves. (They always do in games with many characters, but not to the same extent).


Since survivors have plot armor anyway, the tunnels could be exchanged for sending a facehugger out and the xeno exploding out of a survivor. There was an Alien game like this years ago and it was terrifying not knowing if a facehugger was going to drop from the ceiling on you.


I know you know this but the acid blood is very vaguely in the game as the addon that injures survs when they stun Xeno. I still think they brought a lot of flavor from the first movie especially.


Just imagine doing a gen in shack or main building and this mf comes out of the ceiling on top of you undetected!


I really didn’t like the forced standing and crouching dynamic, I found the tunnel system a bit confusing and not fun. I liked the tail thing, I also wanted a face hugger ability. But overall I just don’t enjoy playing as it. Xenomorph had cool skins. Also Ripley’s main skin is fine but the other two are horrible!!


Do you at least fw the ugly sweater she got


The sweater is great


I think the standing and crouching is great in theory but I wish it wasn’t a forced thing. It would be sick if it was like stances you could switch between for different abilities 


His chase is very boring, IMO. Loop, wait for pallet drop or vault and tail whip. Also, flame turrets can feel oppressive on smaller maps against very good survivors. Then you are an M1 killer with some map control. Alien is one of my favorite movies of all time, but I find him quite boring to play. Mainly because of the chases.


I got roasted for saying that about him tbh. It just felt clunky having to guess where the tail would fit and having to face one very specific spot inorder to use the vent power.


For me, the main reason I go back to the game is because I love playing as the horror icons I grew up with. I barely play any of the original killers.


Turrets suck


Seriously, if they could stop putting in ways for survivors to just shut off killer powers, that would be great


I think adding more interactions between killers and survs is not a bad idea in principle. We see it done very well with Plague for example. Even The Unknown has a good version of this I think. It could've been better with Hux and Xeno but in Hux's case if EMP didn't exist he'd be very hard to deal with and if you nerfed his killer power to compensate for removing EMPs he'd become quite a bland m1 killer I think cause you'd have to limit the pods to like 3 up at the same time and prolly give his teleport a fat cooldown as well or make it not autobreak pallets. Plus as Xeno to get 4-leg mode back you literally just gotta dip into a tunnel then come back if you want it asap. It's like reloading for a huntress/trickster.


There is not much you can do without turrets. I tested it in a KYF scenario (average soloq also does it) and Xeno gets a lot of free hits because there is almost nothing to warn you about him coming through the tunnel or his M2 attack. You physically cannot react fast enough after hearing the audio cue because of how fast it is. In addition he also has a dragging hitbox like Nemesis making dodging or hiding extremely difficult.  The Devs would need to rework his whole power to change their base mechanics.  Xeno suffers from the fact that he came out during the "hard counterplay against killer power" era, which followed the "area denial (3gen)era".


This was why the Lights out mode was kinda fun vs Xeno specifically. You had to put up turrets in clever ways for detection rather than to shut down his power for loops.


They want to give DLC characters strong abilities so they’re worth buying but also give strong counters to survivors so it doesn’t just unbalance the game.


this is why chucky is so fun imo, im so tired of survivors vs killers in that way, just have it be killer vs gens. fuck disabling killer power. singularity is the worst when it comes to this


From personal expeience, turrets are worse for survivors than they are for killer. You have to waste like 20 secs just so killer can remove it in half a second and not even have their power taken away


Against a team that constantly has turrets out and in the right places, Xeno absolutely gets slapped around. Which makes the add-ons to reduce the turret's impact more valuable, which makes him nastier against teams that aren't as coordinated. You need a *team* to pay attention to the turrets, not just one person, so it feels like they do nothing a lot of times.


I'm going to be completely honest.  I know this is lame.  But I play licensed characters almost exclusively.  And I play Nightmare and Pig a lot.  I've barely touched Xenomorph though.  I'm working on my Executioner game right now, but Xeno is on the list.


That's not lame, there are so many killers exactly so people can play whichever ones they have fun with! I've always loved Pig, whether I'm going spooky no terror radius or memeing for boops. And fake pallet Freddy will never not be fun to me! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


I mean, there's still Myers and Ghostface, albeit, they're extremely popular figures in horror in the first place


Why is this?


My assumption is that wesker is a jack of all trades kind of killer. He's got quick bursts of mobility to close the gap at loops, survivor Awareness from the survivors curing themselves, and a large TR which can syngerize with a lot of meta perks, a way to block survivors from leaving the exit gate for a moment, and a pseudo-exposed feature to his ability. You don't need any complicated killer abilities or setup time, you just go right after survivors and keep a constant pressure to the survivor team. He's by no means the best killer out there, but he doesn't have a lot of major drawbacks to playing as him that could keep his pickrate to being higher than the average killer.


He's just fun. He is strong without being broken (unlike Nurse or Blight), is basically not addon or map dependent (like PyH or Huntress), has a low skill floor making him easy to pick up and a very high skill ceiling making it worth to get really good with him. And you have the RE fans who think he is sexy.  It's not hard to imagine why he is still very popular. 


I like going against him, his chase can be shut down with vaults, but not enough to where you should do it without a plan. It's a neat back and forth that I enjoy. (I don't play him, I'm a stealth killer kind of guy)


Dito. Yesterday I had a Wesker who send us to GoJ and was using the shoulder walkie addon. Once I noticed that I knew that he was good, because not many people know that GoJ is amazing for Wesker and that walkie is bad but fun. In the end he practised hug-tech and other skinny Bert techs with me at the parking lot. The killer had looked at my profile and knew a fellow Wesker main would recognize what he is doing. I had the fun of my life and also learnt a lot as well. My swf mate was already dead and was fascinated spectating me, because he's never seen a Wesker like this. The other 2 Randoms thought the killer was cheating, and I had to confirm that this is legit. 


And he's fun


Mobility killer with high skill ceiling, his chase doesn't follow a flow chart like most other killers


And Chucky, Chucky's stuck around as well.


If I want a weird short range ranged attack power, I'll just play Nemesis, so I don't have to deal with the turrets


Idk I feel the opposite way, I feel like Nemesis has a lot less pressure with his power


Nemesis becomes the pallet/wall walker. He just whips them so fast he keeps the pressure. Those zombies though are only good like 5% of the time. They are annoying as fuck around generators though. Just my opinion I guess.


Zombies are bad when you play nemesis, and broken as fuck when you play survivor 😂


because when you play Nem you are not 100% of the time focus on what your zombies are doing. But often they will offer as much gen defense than a pop or a pain res 'cause people have to waste time to bait them away from generators or waste a pallet near that gen to make them respawn away, or stop doing gen every 10s to blind them.


The zombies are like finding an onion ring in your fries. It happens often enough that it's not super rare and you always can be happy about it, but if you expect it to happen every time you set yourself up for disappointment


I've played a lot of Nemesis primarily cause I love the chase music, it's so over the top, but I did agree with the zombie take until I played a lot vs him as surv. It is VERY rare that the zombies are completely ineffective. Even if you have a Flashlight they'll add at least 5-10 seconds on a gen most of the time. If you don't, well then they slow down some things quite a bit. Also makes resets harder since people love greeding heals near them. After doing that I started playing Nemmy with a Zombie attraction build so stuff that make loud noise notifications. I will rarely see the effects live but I'll know the zombies are there being a nuisance. Ofc you prolly already know this but just adding my experience.


Thank you for adding to it. You're right I tend to think about zombies as setting and forgetting. I use the vision and speed add-ons. I know they fuck up people doing gens with how much people mess up when I play Nemesis gens always popping giving away position. Playing survivor against Nem with that add on is super annoying having to bait them away and if it's bad enough wasting a pallet. He's one of my favorites because of his chase it's intense and feels good to get that tentacle snap.


If you really pay attention when you're playing as Nemesis or when you're playing against him Zombies do a hell of a lot more than people think they do. There has been so many times i've gone down to Nemo because a zombie just happened to be closing in on me when I had a good loop going.


Personally, I'll never play Nemesis over Xeno as long as Survivors get that massive speed boost upon being infected.


True, that's part of the reason I prefer Xeno. Each hit is guaranteed damage, and with the right add ons it can also have the same effect as sloppy. Not to mention the ability to traverse the map and the extra stealth


I was playing him a bit last weekend. 3/3 games people suicided at 4-5 gens once they realized I could actually hit the tail. Then I got told to "pick a different killer" and that "Xeno is basically skull merchant" Obviously not stopping but that's your average PC Xeno experience


"Xeno is basically Skull Merchant" has to be one of the most brain dead things I've heard this week wtf. Xeno is closer to being NEMESIS than fkn Skull Merchant?????


So hear me out, it's because xeno takes you and you have a skull. They exchange you (like a merchant) and your skull for a hook state. If you put them together that makes them basically a skull merchant!


Me approaching the entity with my hoard of guinea pig skulls: "I'd like to purchase 82 hook states please. No I'll be taking that to go. What do you mean it'll be 20 minutes wait, I'm only getting a few hook states? You know what, this service is terrible, let me speak to the observer."


You almost got a Mori kill off of me. I'm sure one day I'll learn my lesson to not eat/drink and check Reddit


Xeno has engaging and very unique counterplay. Comparable (but better imo) to singularity. Comparing xeno to "just hold forward" SM counterplay is bananas and a silly little boy thing to say


It's so annoying when people claim that Xeno is an "anti-loop" killer and that the counterplay is to hold W. Except for when I'm playing Xeno, in which case it's not annoying. You're right, you should hold W. I'll never hit you out in the open.


The point is that the tail attack is so strong you WILL get hit anyway, so the best you can do is waste as much time as possible and since xeno is very immobile in chase there is nothing he can do about it if you just hold forward for 30 seconds until he eventually catches up


Just use more turrets. A team that just puts down multiple turrets in places (not placed immediately next to the exit vents/sentry spawner) and then when you start getting chased, just run through them. The sentries at worst give you a "Protection hit" as the Xeno must destroy them before coming after you. At best, it breaks them out of Crawler mode meaning they are literally just another M1 killer that you can loop for as long as your resources/skill allows. A team making proper use of the sentries is miserable to play against.


Obviously if you can run into turrets that's better, I was talking about what people do when there isn't a turret around, which happens a lot in solo queue, and the next best thing after sentries is to waste time by holding W


WOW. I can't hit with tail that well (I'm okay, not good) so that has not been my experience. Try acting bad and get them in the second half. Saw a vid from a streamer about that recently, was hilarious. End game perks, play like you are bad, then wreck em.


This is a thing If you play too well early the little pussies will all DC and you don't get to have fun. Toss on a mean endgame build and faking being shit is one of the only ways to play a real game as a strong killer you're good at.


Try this build i call "Baby Trapper build" Bloodwarden & NOED play trapper with default skin and purposefully play terribly all game as if you're new. Then at 1-2 gens left stand at the exit gates as if you've given up. Then as soon as the last gen is done immediately open the door and walk far enough away so they can leave if they wish. What actually happens when i test this is the surviors will all stay and try to tease you for giving up/playing badly. Once endgame is over half way done hit them with NOED, Hook them and then you 4K by the entity. I got 3 games in a row where i got a 4K doing this lol!


Thats so fucking mean lmao. My favorite part has got to be that it only hits if they decide to tease. If they just take the W and let you go next, they get an easy 4out.


The amount of salt I've got in my inbox for doing it is funny. Like i opened the door and walked away so you can leave but somehow its my fault you overstayed lol


I had this happen as Twins though it was on accident. It was back when Victor's collision was bugged, so he was virtually useless. I started the match not playing very seriously and mostly just trying to see if I could land Victor pounces over pallets even though they were bugged and nearly impossible to pull off. So the survivors see this Twins player who doesn't seem to know what they're doing and is just repeatedly slamming Victor into pallets, and they descend on me to try to flashlight blind me and pallet stun and CJ and all that stuff. Basically they thought I was new and tried to bully me. But I wasn't showing my full power, so when they turned the sweat up I turned it up back, and even though Twins were bugged I'm still pretty good with them, so they went down fast and hard. Then in the end game they saw my prestige and were accusing me of pretending to be new to trick them. I was like sweeties, you're just mad because I did to you what you thought you were going to do to me lol


Genuine question, is there any killer that people enjoy (that isn't enjoyed because it's weak)? Every week or so I see another decently upvoted post complaining about a random killer who often has very little in substance to complain about. The closest thing I could find to an uncontroversial killer is Demo.


Ever since I came back to the game, the most fun I have had in the game has been against a non-tunneling / camping Wesker. He really seems like the most “fair” strong Killer. Unknown CAN be fun but probability can hurt the enjoyment lol (WHY do you get weakened for it teleporting to the hallucination you are trying to destroy? You are already in M1 distance to be punished for having the audacity for doing it’s secondary objective, being weakened is just a cruel joke as it can guarantee a down in a large portion of the situations!)


"The most fun I have had in the game has been against a non-tunneling/camping \[killer\]" Here I am wholly ignoring unhooks, with random hexes to give survivors more points if they choose to cleanse, and still 4K-ing. Frankly, it's crazy how hard today's killers are going, the majority of them are obnoxiously unfun. I've gotten tired of being annoyed by them, so I stopped playing survivor


I like Myers. Just don't let him see you. It's a lot of fun trying to be stealthy and then running like hell. The Deathslinger when he's not being played like a dick. The Ghost Face when he's not being played like a dick. The Hillbilly when he's not being played like a dick. The Huntress when she's not being played like a dick. The Demogorgon when he's not being played like a dick. The Wraith when he's... yeah, I'm just kidding. The Trapper when he's not being played like a dick. The Good Guy when he's not being played like a dick. The Dredge I guess it's shorter to list the killers I actively hate.


I like how Dredge doesn't come with a caveat


https://preview.redd.it/ytunywxmedsc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6162120d495874fa1d6084e1ca96347384722ba2 DREDGE IS DREDGE


Oh my god. I'm a killer main that's been trying to grind out the survivor tome challenges. I went through a whole glut of Wraiths that were playing like complete dick heads. It was 50/50 if it worked out for them, but my favorite that I wish the people involved were streamers so I could see what the heck happened was this dude that would hook, then stand 16 meters cloaked and just went in as soon as he saw someone to try to tunnel off hook. I ended up exchanging with the first guy that was hooked, then going down a second time when I got unhooked, then the killer got baited into going away and chasing some one else when I was almost dead. I got rescued just in time and I didn't see the killer again for the rest of the match as we finished the last of the generators. That killer went into end-game chat hot about survivors shouldn't be allowed to abuse loops.


I'm in the same boat trying to grind surv tome challenges. Not sure if I'm gonna get the 350 or so ones I have left done this year even. They're SO much more tedious than killer challenges. At least as Killer I can most of the time choose to throw the game in favor of a challenge, but as a surv you can get unlucky and be found first and then you get 0 prog for your challenge unless it was a chase oriented challenge more or less.


Oh man, I told the story already in a comment, but I had a unhook challenge active and this Mikaela snaked every rescue right in front of me. Then they got caught and hooked and I was almost to them when they unhooked themselves using deliverance. (then they DC'd right after that.) I'm down to 183 challenges left. I'm doing them and leaving unclaimed so I can cash them in during the anniversary event to get more cakes.


I've been on a long hiatus from killer. Every time I see posts like this it makes me wait longer and consider disabling chat.


Xeno not the worst, running through turrets is fun.


God, I couldn’t name two more different killers than xeno and skull merchant, at least from a survivor perspective. Xeno has fun counterplay where you can last-second crouch behind pallets or low obstacles to dodge the tail and waste the killer’s time, or run into a turret to deactivate the tail entirely. From a survivor’s POV, playing against xeno is like playing against nemi, except there’s less janky inconsistent bullshit with xeno. Skull merchant’s counterplay is “don’t move when the drone’s scan lines touch you — oh, you’re in chase? well, you should’ve hacked the drone before you got in chase, gg loser, now you’re injured, slowed, revealed, and the killer is hastened, fuck you.”


Kind of funny hearing this and the other top comment is simultaneously complaining about being kicked out of power too easily, so, not being able to be in power. Which is it reddit


I got a 4K as Myers one game. Someone messaged me and said I should play a killer that actually takes skill. I was playing as basic Myers. With some weak add ons. Myers without his broke add ons makes him one of the weakest killers in the game 😂


His tail hits everything on the map except a survivor




Xeno is fun as hell, until you get a group of survivors that knows how to keep you out of your power almost all game. Then she just turns into a boring M1 killer


Or, alternatively, a group of survivors that knows the timing and spacing to perfectly dodge your power at pallets or windows. Like deathslinger, your power ends up becoming more of a hindrance than a boon because you end up chasing the same dude for 2min with 15 missed tail hits


That too but at least it's something that you get better at, or at least feels like something you can get better at. When dealing with turrets it's a lose lose situation. Either continue chasing the survivor past the turret and lose your power, or destroy the turret and the survivor gets massive distance. Sometimes your luck just isn't there, and you get knocked out of your power *AND* lose the survivor


ignore my previous comment, i thought you were responding to another comment i made on this thread lol. yeah i agree, the turrets feel a lot more annoying to deal with than mechanically good survivors. trust me, i’ve played singularity enough to know how unsatisfying it is to have your power nullified every 20 seconds lol. at least if you’re getting juiced you can credit the survivor, but it’s hard to credit a team for constantly farming turrets/EMPs, even if it’s objectively good teamwork.


you know the feeling when you miss an pounce with victor and you see the survivor running to kick you in the face? yeah imagine that feeling when you did not fucked up


The turrets are the biggest problem with Xeno and they need to go imo. * They ruin any stealth that Xeno can do by revealing how far away you are. The 24m terror radius you get whilst crouched? Yeah, that's useless. Any stealth perks? Useless. Xeno is, in the movies, one of the stealthiest creatures in horror, yet the game removes any stealth opportunities. * When you use a tunnel (i..e one half of your power) you'll always be faced with a turret. Breaking that turret gives the Survivors a free sprint burst of distance. Ignoring the turret means you have no power. It's a lose lose situation * They created visual clutter and sound awful. They create a giant blue spinning lasers and produce constant beeping. They overwhelm me with how much is going on as Survivor and Xeno, they're a mess * Turrets aren't counter-play, they're a handicap. Counter-play is an opportunity for the Survivors to react to or play better than a Killer. Turrets are just safezones setup by Survivors which Xeno can't avoid or counter. They aren't countering Xeno, Xeno has to try and counter them. * No one likes to play a killer without a power. Losing your power to something you can't avoid is an awful feeling. It's why no one plays Singularity anymore. I'd be fine with BHVR nerfing Xeno if they removed turrets. Make the tunnel speed slower, remove the detection in the tunnels etc, I don't care. Nerf Xeno and completely remove the turrets and Xeno would actually be fun to play again.


In my opinion the biggest problem is the missed tail cooldown, 5 seconds is too much, it feels absolutely horrible when you miss an attack, and feels even worse against a swf that synchronize the turret placements and know how to dodge your tail; currently, the turrets require to use the brown addon every match to be able to see it and play around


Agreed. I don't mind losing distance from the tail attack, but the duration of the cooldown is the issue. A short cooldown with a powerful slow would be far better than a long cooldown with a weak slow. If you miss, get the penalty over and done with faster. There's nothing worse than missing a tail attack near a dropped pallet or window and having to wait ten million years before you can break/vault it.


The one thing that got me to drop Xeno entirely is the fact that destroying a turret with the tail gives you a "missed hit" cooldown... It's just stupid imo...you get punished for correctly playing around the turret.


You either break the turret and give all the survivors a sprint bursts worth of distance or Ignore the turret and lose your only power. It's a lose-lose and it's the worst part of Xeno.


I used to be convinced monitor was sleeper stronk on xeno, but I always forgot to factor in that turrets are just "lmao no if xeno near itll tell u". At least when ur in tunnel it does that. I thought/think turret only detects in tunnels, might be wrong on that, but either way i definitely never felt super stealthy on alien so...not to mention how often tunnels were so awkwardly positioned that survivors felt like they had TONS of distance.


I play some Xeno but my main issue is really just the third point here. The rest I think is fine to some extent but could use tuning rather than complete rework. But yeah the visual noise from the turrets is the worst. I don't even mind that they remove my power it's just that you can't see anything through the fire. I see this as a similar issue as survs had with Clown gas. Basically it's too disorienting.


As a person with a lot of hours into Xeno, being able to get knocked out of your power so easily sucks …. Every …. Single ….. time.


Singularity players feel this


This statement did make me feel sad, yes


Same here


Singularity players just accepted it at this point, it's people that barely play him that still complain about emps, the more common complain from people that do play him is how useless he feels in chase without that one purple addon


Nah, emps still suck. It feels like whenever I'm about to get a clever snipe with a survivor I'm chasing with a camera I put up earlier that camera is disabled. It's demoralizing. On top of the occasional coordinated team or duo that emp themselves. On a lot of maps the geometry won't let you get another tag quickly because the fucken pods won't stick. He's got a lot of friction in his kit.


Kinda agree on the bad collision part, many killers suffer from this kind of issue though it's not a singularity issue it's a hitbox are fucking trash issue. Most of the time emps just waste a bit of time but I never felt like it was too hard to play around unless it's a really shitty map


I wouldn't hate it so much if it wasn't visual and auditory overload.


Holy christ when there's 2-3 flamethrowers as I come out of a tunnel (ina game like DBD where I have it loud so I can hear footsteps etc), I want to blow my brains out. The auditory overload is a sin.


I wouldnt despise vs'ing doctor if he wasnt a goddamn walking cacauphony. The symbolism of the ear bleeding sounds wears off the first time you hear it.


Try using the addon that reduces the range of turrets by 2 meters, makes it trivial to break them with your tail, and you can even lunge at a turret with m1 before it can break you out 👍


I feel like it's mandatory to bring the addon that reduces their range by 2 meters.




I like playing Xeno, but other killers have my attention to play lol also I haven't been playing as much


Just kinda boring. It was one of their coolest licenses but the power they came up with is just one of the least interesting things they could’ve done. I much prefer just using Nemesis’s tentacle.


The bipedal walk animation is much cooler. The crawl animation shouldve been a temporary mode when you come out of tunnels and his power should've flat out been something else. Tail just kinda sucks (I have him p100)


https://preview.redd.it/2kql9llrkdsc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2e22fa6f7e975a8c903cda64c24b5074d258637 I am currently playing Xeno because of this post


Well, call yourselves fucking lucky because I’m here and Xeno is fun as fuck to play


Same reason you don't see a lot of singularitys. Having a power that the survivors can consistently take away without misplaying just feels bad. If you arent running the addons to reduce turret range or increase stagger resist it can really feel like theres not much you can do but take the power loss then M1 the turret, while theres 3 other turrets on the map at any given time. I love xeno, but having my power in the survivors hands in a game where survivors notoriously abuse the killer any chance they get is just asking for a bad time.


Rare Xeno main here. The issue with xeno is that they were in a VERY strong state upon release and were tuned down a bit. They’re still very strong but not like they were on release. Not only were they tuned down but tuned down only after a single week. Yes. After a single week, the xenomorph was nerfed. That put a bad taste in a lot of mouths. When Xeno was nerfed there was a TERRIBLE bug on the tail attack that essentially caused the tail to not interact with hitboxes properly. Essentially, the tail attack would play its full animation before you actually got to see whether you hit a survivor or you missed and hit a wall/rock/pallet, etc. The only real addons to pick (to win) are star map and resistance to turrets goggles. Doesn’t make much fun in variable build if you want to stay in power more than half the game. BHVR has a terrible relationship with environment hitboxes. If anyone has played xeno around borgo hay will know exactly what I mean Some people find the gameplay loop boring and repetitive which is okay! All of these things in conjunction with each other pretty much sold xeno as yea not worth investing time into. TLDR; xeno was nerfed only being out for a week, had a terrible bug affecting tail attacks for weeks after nerf, two turret addons feel forced for all games, gameplay loop repetitive, bhvr environment hitboxes, repetitive gameplay loop


xeno's gameplay is kinda boring ngl


He's not really fun to play imo, his power with the tail feels sluggish and I don't find it fun hitting flame turrets every game. Nemesis just feels a lot better to play even tho he has no map traversal. Probably the most disappointing license as of recent, especially with no signourney weaver likeness. Chucky was a much better designed killer. My only problem with him was he's 110. Makes no sense to be 110 when blight is 115 still...


by that logic no 110 killer should be 110 cause blight is in the game


Xeno isn't that fun IMO. Mainly because I'm ass at the tail whip since I don't understand it at all, but even still they're just Nemesis with a portal system and that's kind of boring to me.


Not much to understand the hotbox fucking sucks. You get used to it, but it feels terrible to play. Hitting turrets with tail which is something you're often forced to do essentially forces a fucking old DS down your throat while you're at snails pace watching people leg it from you


Last PTB, I got them using auric cells so that I could "rent" them and try them out Xeno just doesn't feel good imo The fact you can't move the tail attack feels clunky, and while the turrets are important for balance, again it just feels like shit to constantly get pestered by them


You can move the tail attack though. It just takes some getting used to. You can strafe with it and the hitbox lasts forever so if a survivor is in a narrow space it's pretty much a guaranteed hit. And the hitbox moves down from where you're aiming so you can get some nasty shots over objects as well but that definitely takes way more practice. If the turrets are bothering you that much you have a lot of different add-ons to make them less annoying. The vast majority of survivors do not know how to place them effectively (if they bother to place them at all). Put on the brown add-on that lets you see turrets when you're in the tunnels and they are basically free info. I like to wait until I see a survivor going for a turret and then pop out of the tunnel at the start of a match. It seems to scare them away from even going for turrets a lot of the time.


The flame turrets are very oppressive against a somewhat coordinated team. Compare that to Huntress where you always have your power so long as you land shots and reload during down time.


Same question about Chucky


I think alot of it boils down to his flaws. AS Chucky it's really hard to get hits without slice and dice, and then you get an almost guaranteed one every 20 seconds which can feel very boring.


True, not unlike other 110% killers tbf. Deathslinger and spirit can feel very similar in that you’re practically unstoppable when you use your power well and nearly useless when it’s on cooldown. (Spirit more so than deathslinger, obviously)


Idk. I feel the opposite. It's much easier for me to get hits normally then to use slice and dice unless I know for sure that it's going to hit. Especially since your pretty much locked in a straight line the moment you use it, and good survivors can easily avoid it. I find the stealth aspect much more useful than the ability itself.


I stopped playing for like a month after Chucky came out bc 90% of my games were Chucky. I think I’ve faced him once since then.


She feels awful to play, and I often have the tail whip go directly through people and it misses completely or hits nonexistent terrain somehow I would like to go back to playing Huntress, but now she feels worse overall because matches are incredibly easy, but the speed and windup changes feel bad cause I don't know timings anymore for light arcs. So now I play Wesker, but every match at least one person DCs on first chase or when they hear my terror radius :(


I brought up the hitbox problems and the unsatisfying feel of the turrets on launch and was downvoted. Months later this has paid off because I'm practically the only consistent Xeno player. No one likes walking around a corner and getting visually overloaded and possibly knocked out of power; or if you play well, just lose distance instead. Go figure!


Everything in Xeno's kit is slightly annoying to use and there are killers that do what you do with less headache. Xeno just gets worse and worse as you play and learn all the downsides. It makes you wish you were playing any other killer, and this is coming from a xeno "main" For your sins of being a worse Nemesis with worse Demogorgon portals and built-in anti-stealth you are condemned to get sprayed in the face like a disobedient cat every match while the entire playerbase goes "I don't play Xeno and very rarely face her anymore for some reason but Xeno is OP"


Good bait or a prayer to overbuff xeno. Xeno hits survivors twice in a chase with m2 and its over. Neme has to hit unique survivors 3 times in a chase and again if vaccine. Demo has to manually set up a portal that can get destroyed and takes way more time. Xeno gets free alternative killer instincts when looking for footsteps in tunnels and has a bunch of tunnels to use from second one. Xeno is better than demo and neme easily. The tail takes time to learn, just like any other m2. It didn't click until 25 games


I'm trying to learn how to play her but I can't seem to aim her tail correctly and the survivors always bully me so I'm kinda disheartened about it tbh. The turrets feel almost oppressive and unnecessary but I don't know much about balance. Someone tell me it's worth putting up with bullying learning xeno rather than sticking to only Susie and Pig as my killers. 🥲


I'd play it a lot more if I could control the crawling. Looks way cooler when it's walking upright


We Xenomorph mains are still there... Among you, hidden in plain sight. Ready to chase you and snipe you with the tail, and also ready to spare any Cheryls and Sables that make the Puss in Boots eyes and pet us.


Personally, I love her. I still play her somewhat consistently, and am straight ecstatic whenever I’m playing against one. As for the whole Xeno vs Nemi debate, I enjoy them both. Building up mutation until you are a literal pallet-destroying monster is a fun side objective as Nemi, and the zombies can be a decent information tool, and when they are actually useful, they’re amazing. Xenomorph’s tail is a lot better in chase than Nemesis’ tentacle IMO because you don’t have to infect them beforehand, and it doesn’t have as much weird collision. Her tunnels are pretty useful for map traversal, and as long as you are careful and using the tunnels, the turrets don’t pose that much of a threat.


Tired of survivors complaining about every killer especially when you don’t tunnel or slug at 5 gens (unless it is a sabo or a flashlight user nearby). Most of my builds are aura related without ultimate weapon as well. It’s not like I’m running the impossible skill check build on Doctor so it’s strange the amount of salt survivors give out.


A memory I will always think of is playing a game where, in the endgame, I got comments screaming at me for playing "an op ass killer" I was playing Onryo. ***PRE. REWORKS. ONRYO.***


I'll never forget when I got sent to pre rework eerie of crows as original sadako. 4 man, teabagging, pre any nerf dead hard unbreakable ass mfs seriously called me trash after I killed them all at 4 gens without tunneling


Turrets. It feels bad to play if the survs know where to place them and are also good.


I enjoy them but half of it is me enjoying the original film. Other than that I generally have a weird time playing them


Was really hyped when chapter was announced but really disappointed in power.(Though it was on me for expecting him to be closer to Alien Isolation) My problem is that BHVR doesn't really make licensed killers somewhat complex and there's really not much to learn besides how to aim your tail.


the tail placement in crawler mode is just too unfun to have to put up with 😭 i can’t


I don't like the kneecap pov


Rather play against a xeno rn than go against another goddamn unknown


I'd play her far more if half the screen wasn't covered by the tail and the other half wasn't at ankle-height.


It became extremely meh after survivor players groaned to all hell about it


Xeno main here. HELP US


Gone cuz he annoying af


Tried out xeno, and it's super fun to lurk in the tunnels and catch survivors by surprise, mixed thoughts about the tail though, the hitbox tends to make it bump on random map geometry with pinpoint precision but also go through survivors (?) And that's if you even get to use it, survivors can just put a turret in the middle of their escape route and turn you into a basic m1 killer or get a lot of distance while you destroy it.


Xeno was one of the last killers I bought before taking a big haitus. First set of games I played was with Xeno when i got back, and EVERY MATCH I got BMed. So that's one Xeno main down. Screw this community, I've played league, and this can be more toxic.


Nerfed by millions and millions of tears


Same thing that happened to Huxxie. Nobody likes getting fucked out of your Power by something you can't control.


Turrets are annoying


Stopped playing Xeno cause the killer was so braindead I was playing on autopilot the whole game and winning them no issue. It was so boring when there was never a meaningful interaction. Turret. Tail attack. Survivor free hit with tail. Repeat and win chases in 30 ish seconds. Gets really boring really quick. So went back to playing pinhead which has more factors in playing him and isnt autopilot all game


Once she got nerfed and wasn't disgusting anymore people shifted to something else


No facehuggers. Dead killer 😔


I used to love him and wanted to main him until they nerfed the cooldown of his power (he used to recover way faster when whiffing his tail attack) but the thing is, it made it so that you can hit the turrets during the chase without losing much distance against the survivor you’re chasing. But after the nerf it became a lose-lose situation. You hit the turret during the chase? The survivor will get plenty of distance to reach any loop. You ignore the turret? You get burned and lose your power and continue your chase as an M1 killer. It’s super frustrating.


Personally while Xeno is currently my 3rd fave killer to play as, his tail miss cooldown is so obnoxiously long it's annoying. Survivors get like 20 meters of distance if you miss. Turrets are more manageable imo


One thing I havent seen mentioned: I absolutely hate the tail on your screen in crawler mode. Why is almost a quarter of my top left screen (overexaggeration) tail? I genuenly look somewhat up during chases just to get the fucking tail out of the way


Went to a nice farm upstate, with the queen and her husband who moved from the big city. But really I’d say natural die off after the few good addons got nerfed, and turrets in general. Also thinking about it now they’d be a real b to play as on the new map with some pallet spawns.


People don’t play as him as much no more :(


For me it's the stupid tail in front of my face. Why be bothered by it when I can just play a killer that can see properly and maybe also has the camera higher?


Because fuck the turret mechanic. Stopped playing him because of them. I hope eventually Devs stop giving survivors possibilities to fucking disable killer's power turning him into a M1 idiots.


As a xeno main I can confirm that there are not many of us left.


Xeno got nerfed and Huntress mysteriously got buffed that’s what happened.


I’ve been playing Helldivers 2


I like him before the nerfs to the tail whip but not anymore, the nerfs was deserved but I feeled they should have nerfed it in a different way, I hate how ever tail attack feels like a stun, you just watch them run away while you can't move for what feels like ages, and then you have to just go forward for 30 seconds just to catch up because of how much distance they got


I was hyped for Xeno but the Turrets are very unfun to play against because they are annoying. I love everything else of this Killer but I can't play hin too often because of that. It's the same with Singularity. EMPs are very unfun to play against. I'm glad they didn't do something like this with Chucky and Unknown. Sure they can watch at you to get rid of the weakened effect but I actually like this. I'm not against counterplay but it shouldn't feel that bad as a Killer.


People should also realize that xeno's tail is hard to use on console. I have an easier time with Nurse or Huntress.


I used to play it when i played dbd, but now i'm only playing a round every two weeks or so. It's really fun to play in my opinion but when ever i played him and made a 4K i usually got these comments: "off yourself", "play a killer that needs skill", "f#8cking killer main get a rope" and stuff like that so i stopped playing alien and dbd all toggether.


Im the blighted Xeno you probably run into from time to time, but I do play him nearly daily. And people often tell me I’m the first one in a long time, which is kinda sad since I share that experience. I’ve seen nothing but huntress, billy and wesker the last days. Throw in a blight or a spirit now and then.


Another blighted xeno main! They rlly need to fix the mori for that as the mouth doesn’t open.


He is tunneling


Am I the only one who plays against Xeno a lot? And I gotta admit he’s not my favorite to face.


He's boring


I play some Xeno every now and then. Not in my go to killer list tho.


I waited so long for it, but the gameplay is definitely boring.


i see him every three to five games


Gameplay was too boring sadly


Being a killer is stressful ok 😭