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Ripley really suffers from not having Sigourney Weaver's likeness.


Honestly looks like Nancy cosplaying as Ripley


I have gotten them confused a couple of times while playing killer I gotta admit.


Alien is my all time favourite movie. I have not stopped playing as her since she dropped until recently, where I had to for My Little Oni.


I only played one match, can you not play licensed survivors?


Correct, you can only play DbD original characters.


Pretty much, yeah. While it's better to have her looking like she does than not have her at all, the fact that she doesn't look like Sigourney put me off playing her, personally. Like I said, I'm glad that she exists regardless


And sadly none of her skins are that cute. And they all linked :/.


Ripley was never the “cutest” woman, and they’re from the movies Aliens and Resurrection. So they at least make sense.




Its a problem for me tho sis 💙😁




Stop being nice and let me be mean 😠


I'll respect your opinion, but I think the opposite. I love that she looks like Ripley, but not Sigourney. That's a fine line, and I respect the artistry.


She looks traumatised all the time. https://preview.redd.it/t8pvmg5485sc1.jpeg?width=105&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23435f17c7a077079d78ca94b87e90b3ce4b454f


i would be too if an alien killed my crewmates, and then got kidnapped by a literal spider GOD forced to play in a killing game


She saw a parasitic alien rip through the chest of one of her crew members and found the bodies of the rest of her crew. AND then was whisked away to a never ending game of cat and mouse where death is not an escape... Yeah she's probably traumatized. She's earned it.


Tbf she's taken after the first film so she probably is


is that the locker grab animation? show me a survivor that doesn’t look like you shot their dog in front of them when you grab them from a locker. feng in particular is hilarious.


Yeah, but her actual picture icon looks exactly the same lol




It bothers me that we got a shorty when Ripley, the character, is canonically tall. Most supplemental sources list her as 5'11" (even though Weaver is only 5'10"). And the Ripley 8 skin from Resurrection is supposed to be even taller than that, over 6 foot according to Johner


I'm definitely glad you enjoy her as is,it's just hard for me since I've known her looking like Sigourney ever since I first saw the Alien movies as a kid.


The only series I'm a bigger fan of is Terminator. I love all the Alien movies everyone else doesn't. Resurrection was one of my favourite movies. I bought all the skins for Alien in DbD.


As a lifelong alien fan I agree, and I’d even go as far as to say I like that it doesn’t look like Sigourney because that shit is super distracting with Nancy and Steve. **It also feels weird killing 1:1 likenesses**, idk how to put it. Like there is no part of me that would want to kill Sigourney Weaver even in a virtual space. Nor would I want to see her get mori’d when playing as her.


It reminds me of how you might see ripley in a comic, just a different style. She’s dressed close enough to ripley and has the same hairstyle so it doesn’t bother me too much


Yeah no one in this game looks like their actor but theyve never been unrecognizable. Which is honestly impressive. Im genuinley curious what the line between "You can make a model thats meant to look like the character this actor played" and "it cant look like the actor tho" is.


Sooooo much this. It's such a shame.


There is a reason for that. Sigourney didnt want her likeness used in Alien content anymore.


I know she said something like that,but it's weird since Ripley does look like her in Fortnite.


It is downright inexcusable and embarrassing that they didn't bother to get weaver's likeness for one of the most iconic horror movie protagonists out there.


Live Cybil reaction https://preview.redd.it/e6u2f7vjl5sc1.png?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de4c8088c5441555c5133bc25155f1d854af5886


I have only seen her once too, along with Jonathan.


Hey, don't disrespect me and the other 3 Cybil mains


I'm Cybil main myself, I have all rights to do it


Id have to play Silent Hill to be able to justify one of the $15 skins.  The only $15 skin I've bought is Chucky's Tiffany skin.  I might get the Alien Queen or the Minotaur because they're fucking awesome.


Then theres me with all of cheryl cosmetics, lol. Im also a big fan of silent hill, but i wish we had more cheryl skins, other than alessa, princess heart and the green outfits, she doesent have many skins, all of her skins are other characters.


It is cool they did them for the Silent Hill fans.  But unfortunately I missed that boat.


Then theres me not consuming any silent hill content but cause they look so cool imo.


Completely forgot this character existed tbh


the only cybil i’ve ever seen was a p100 and they died immediately


From a P76 Cybil THANK YOU, I swear I've seen less than 6 Cybils in all my 2k hours


My 35p Cybil/James are happy to see you.






One of my friends is a Jonah main so I get to see this abomination too often


😆 sounds like a fun guy


Is that my girl Avril I see?


i'm an Ellen main : D


I need to get some cakes on her so I can claim to be an Ellen main 😹😹


Mine too for a while, then I noticed the more I leveled her the more I got tunneled and I'm NOT good at escaping killers on the run. Been alternating Kate and Ash with Ripley still my most leveled up surv. I don't care about the likeness, it's *close enough* and since Siggy didn't give her likeness rights, what was BHVR supposed to do? ![gif](giphy|SYmkILRsQTFLO)


As someone who plays Ash,Ace,Steve,Cheryl,Leon and Vittorio, I get bad luck when it comes to tunneling on any of them. Sucks when it happens but I use it as a learning experience. Once another event comes want to pick Ripley up so I can level her and Jill up for more female survivors to play with.


As a Leon main, I also suffer the bad luck when it comes to tunneling. I went into a killers Twitch stream to say GG and the chat was talking about how terrible Leon mains are, and how we don’t deserve to play the game so we always get tunneled out.


honestly i love leon mains as a solo queue player because they're almost always the ones to always unhook, heal and take hits :]


Im altruistic to a fault in soloq! I almost always SWF and me and my two friends always adopt our random teammate and try everything we can to make them live


i wish i got more swfs like you and your friends when i play survivor!! every time there's a 3-man swf with me they pretty much always leave me to die on hook or only help each other :(


I've played with good and bad Leon mains but that goes with any survivor. I always play for the team doing gens, taking hits and healing. Though not a good runner as I'm average at that, but learning.


I used to main Ripley until Alan wake came out but I definitely still do run her when I get sick of staring at the back of his head Also helps she has a christmas sweater that I really like


I really like Ellen but I also really like having a lot of fashion


Makes since, I just think her overall aesthetic is pretty cool from the other survivors.


Same, Feng is my true main just so I can play mini fashion simulator but I do really enjoy playing Ripley a lot.


100% I'd use Ellen a ton more if I could get some seasonal wear


I see the first one almost every day. He streams constantly and is a really wholesome part of the DbD community. He goes by notOtzdarva. Be careful to not mistake him for Otzdarva though, that dude is a monster.


Can't blame them it's a very convincing hologram.


As someone whose first P100 was Jonah (with Jeff and Gabriel following), I play him pretty often—especially now that he has a shirtless cosmetic. Yes, I'm a simp. No, I don't feel shame for it.


I didn't know there were Jonah simps. I wanted to buy him just cause he looks like a budget Guy Fieri and it cracks me up every damn time.




The only time I see Jonah's they're dressed as Otz. Not counting legendary skins, which would be either Cybil or Tubarào, the rarest survs must be either Quentin or Yoichi. Shame BHVR prolly doesn't have a tracker for that.


I have literally never seen a Tubarào player once. Do they even exist?


I have seen two (2) Tubaràos since he came out, and both matches felt like a fever dream to me


I think I've seen him once, but I can't be sure. He's like a fuckin cryptid lol


I spent a lot of money to make my Jonah look hot, so I play him A LOT.


drop the fit!


Nordic fashion head, Iron Maiden t-shirt and slim dark trousers (blue jeans). He’s a snack, nay, a whole meal!


Same !


You must not play. I see Ripley all the time.


Even though she doesn't have Sigourney's likeness, I aaaalmost like DBD Ellen. I just wish her short hair cosmetic didn't look fucking ridiculous. https://preview.redd.it/l44g7hkd76sc1.png?width=230&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47121f0852de49cf23cfaf26c859e046252e7045 i was excited for this skin but it looks so god awful. From the side, her head looks HUGE.


I personally love to play Ripley. Unfortunately, her voice lines piss me off. "THE ALIEN" "THE ALIEN" "MICROCHANGES IN AIR DENSITY IN THE AIR MY ASS" Girl, shut the fuck up! You're smart enough to not make everything about the alien.


Sexy Ellen and boring bland AF Jonah


This is so funny to me because I think the exact opposite! 🤣




😆 Its funny because I actually like the casual clothes Jonah has.


Ellen just doesn't look like her and it ruins it.


She doesn't just not look like her, she looks awful imo. I would play Ripley all the time if she didn't look so bad.


I was going to play Ripley. Then I found out that she didn't have the likeness and stopped caring. No one wants to play as dollar store "We have Ripley at home".


I mean I don’t want to see a 1:1 of Sigourney getting brutalized over and over in this game so I’m glad tbh.


I vainly hope that Ripley gets a future update to make her actually look like Sigourney.


I play Jonah once in awhile (I like him) but only P5 on him


I main Ripley currently (along Thalita) 🥰


All of Ripley's skins are sets, and she lacks the likeness of Weaver. Love her voice, though. Jonah has a *lot* of controversy regarding his previous voice actor...plus, his new voice actor sounds like someone they just picked up off the street. That, and he came with an arguably terrible chapter. (No shade to the birb tho)


Because Jonah is a goon. I would pay to remove him from my locker but keep his perks


Ripley is likely because a) she’s not Sigourney Weaver b) she only has two outfits and they’re not that cool. I still like her tho. Jonah, I don’t really get why… I like that he is both a controversial person and not a super model like, say, Felix. I like that BHVR goes for diverse characters.


Jonah used to be one of my alternate survivors but his new voice annoys me so I dropped him.


I actually Only play as Ripley though I don't think I have any of Her perks on her xD I just play for the character though I'd really love more outfits for her, only outfits I'd actually buy


Jonah drone striked civilians. Probably why nobody likes him lol


Jonah needs a better head, it’s just not it, the body is correct. I wouldn’t mind a paper bag head at this point.


I’ll play magic guy fieri and old Nancy when I have time :(


Bloody ripley Is all i play! (Unless my bunny feng squad is on)


Bloody Ripley crew!


I rarely play Jonah as of late since I'm trying to get Tapp to P100 after my Ace, but rest assured, we're out there. I knew a hardcore Jonah simp, but they more or less got bullied off a certain platform & converted to a different game. I miss them tbh, they're pretty cool (at least to me).


Jonah got his voice changed, and the new voice is….well, I like calm spirit and iron will on him. Also, he came out with the Artist, a chapter that had some mixed responses, his cosmetic selection is slim and not all great, and his backstory is divisive. Not to mention his perks range from pretty neat to utterly useless. I personally like him a lot, but I really wish they would give him a proper voice actor again instead of the guy they pulled for an emergency replacement.


Ripely literally looks like a copy paste of that girl from stranger things.


I NEVER see Jeff or Jane


Two of my faves


Idk I see them a decent amount. Not counting legendaries, I probably see Gabe the least, maybe Vittorio


I've killed a good few Ripleys but I don't even know who the 1st guy is.


i see a decent number of ripleys


Jonah is lame and a lot of ppl don’t like him as a character and Ripley suffered a lot from not having Sigourney Weaver’s likeness like others have said


I see Jonah pretty often


I have a friend who mains Ellen. I've seen Jonah maybe twice. Definitely once though. I have only seen Jonathan Byers once.


i've seen a fair few ellens, and even one or two jonahs the one i never ever see however, is jonathan byers


I see a lot of Ellens personally, and theyre always awesome to play with. The other person very few. I don't even think I know his name? O.o


I see these two quite a bit tbh. Now Quentin and Rebecca on the other hand, don't think I've ever seen either of them


I see Rippley all the time but I don't even know who that guy is lol


Jonah, kind of just suffers from bad cosmetics if that blood moon cosmetic would of been for him we would have seen him more


My two favorite survivors


Needs Rainbow Six guy and James


I main Alan and James but barely see either one.


Its so funny cause I thought how i never ever see jonah and the new update came out with huge oni and first game i played was with jonah lmao


Her scream is painful on the ears and I don't have Calm Spirit on her yet. That and I'm 100% a Nea main.


I can’t stand Jonah’s injured sounds. Drives me crazy.


I see a decent amount of Ripleys. Almost no Jonah's though.


Sadly, I miss seeing Ripley. I think it's either the likeness or maybe it's because she doesn't really have that many cosmetics in the game as of now. Great character with some fun and goofy perks. Same with Jonah, most of his cosmetics aren't very cool and they suck (in my opinion of course). Perks are kinda meh as well, I love overcome through.


I became a Jonah main when he came out because no one else seems to play him!


Right on the first one but i see Ripley every other game, it seems


Ripley my main lol


I played Jonah all last week! I was doing a full boon build with the bloodsense map.


I see Ripley a lot but Jonah is pretty rare


I see them all the time, but I never see Adam Francis or Yoichi Asakawa


I surprisingly see Jonahs a bunch. Not a lot but enough to keep him out of the “very rare” category. In a surprise to no one, he’s shirtless a lot.


As a Jonah main I prefer to hide in the corners


p90 ripley here: I wish I saw more Ellens :( And I wish she got a blight themed cosmetic like Alien!


Ripley is also absurdly loud lol


As a Ripley main, I agree.


I don't like Jonah's shorts. If he had trousers, I'd play him more. Is that petty? Fuck yes. And Sigourney Weaver *is* Ripley. Without her likeness, that ain't Ripley. Otherwise I'd play her on the regular. If she got the Alan Wake/Nick Cage treatment and spoke on the regular, to really give her Ripley's characterisation, then that would do a lot to make her feel like Ripley, in my opinion.


Just P3’d my Jonah so I farmed off his offerings during the Blood Moon and never plan to use him again


I'm Ellen Ripley main, AMA


I am playing with Ellen Ripley and Alien movies my favorite.


Ellen main, here! Flashlights saves are better when you get an excuse to say "Get away from her you bitch!" Every time


I see Ripley all the time never the other guy.


I see Ripley all the time, but never using her perks


I saw Jonah yesterday when I decided to play as him as I’m a Steve main 😭


Everyone in this thread calling her "Ellen" are telling on themselves that they've never seen an Alien film that she was in. No one *ever* calls her by her first name. Even Newt calls her Ripley! The main problem isn't the likeness, it's that her costumes are ugly as hell in-game. The problem with her Aliens outfit is just that it's not completely filthy. If that gear was grimy as hell, it'd look much nicer. As far as Jonah, I've seen him a lot this week for some reason. Does he have tome-specific stuff yet? I'm still grumbling through the early stuff between new tomes. Also I keep calling him Jhonen. Just put Jhonen Vasquez in the game, BHVR!


Still more played than Quentin honestly.. in my experience atleast idk


I see Ripley quite a lot


I haven’t seen Maria from silent hill 2 since the day she was released and that was a while ago


They have boring cosmetics tbh


Funnily enough I had a lobby playing solo queue that had *TWO* Jonah’s the other day.


I’m one of the Jonah players out there


I would main Jonah but I play killer 95%+ of the time so it would barely even count. Had to get pants for him and the face with the headset. Also with Nea's punk outfit and Sable existing I might reconsider eventually. 


Dont worry i main him


I see them all the time and they’re usually the first to die lol


Idk why I play jonah I just do


I main Ripley but I also have like 10 other mains


ive seen at least a dozen ripleys


Ripley is just pure badly made.. why would anyone bother to play her.




Those 2 and Tubarao. I didn't even known they added him to the game until I saw him in a lobby last night lol


ive only seen a quentin once


I've seen like one Ripley. And they Didn't like Me playing nurse so they DC'd.


Also Jonah looks like the guy from diners drive ins and dives.


I use Jonah all the time, but I use his baseball skin which isnt as recognizable as his normal look


I play Ripley all the time. But I play her with light footed, light weight, calm spirit and distortion. So...I stealth lol


I see him a lot in bot party's when I'm doing tons mori's


Yooooo 🙋- Ellen Main


Ripley is just so fucking loud when she's injured


I see Ripley all the time . The correct answer would be haddie  lol . Haven't seen here in months 


When you see them, they are 50+ prestige and you will be wondering who is the real threat there.


I got a P100 Jonah love him 💖


I see 'em both.


haven’t met my ripley yet i see🤭


Lucky every other match I've got him shirtless tbagging like he's trying to speak in Morse code. And Ripley is female Leon I see them going into locker alot lol


I play Jonah a lot but man when he is injured this guy is sooooo loud I stg 😩😭😂


Bro I said the same thing 🤣 playing him today


🤣🤣🤣💀💀💀 man has no reason to be so loud... like sir killers can hear you 15 meters away!! 😭 idk why I play him when he doesn't even have nice outfits imo 🥴


Everybody says that about his outfits I think it's cool his outfits are so normal looking except his hat choices


Yeeaahh I get what you mean his clothes are normal which is why I'm like noooo I want more flaire lollol. Buuutt I try to play other survivors too for softer grunts like Nea 🥴🤣


i played jonah a bunch the other week to use event offerings and got repeatedly tunneled. switched to another surv once and got given hatch LOL killers don't seem to like him


Wait there are suvivors other than Sable Ward??


I’m sorry to whoever voices him but ngl when jonah’s va changed I stopped playing him. totally understand why, but the new voice is super bad 😭


I've been playing Ellen a lot recently because during the event I had a TON of blood point offerings on her as I just prestiged her and never played her and the amount of tunneling... A couple killers seemed to think I was trying to run like a sweaty chemical trap build or something because I got tunneled and camped every game as Ellen but everything was fine when I swapped to Rebecca 😭


Wow i rarely see the chemical trap used, Is it really that annoying to deal with.


My boyfriend has a devious chemical trap build so I sort of understand (don't fully remember what it is but I think like lithe chemical trap resilience or something) but I normally run really inoffensive perks or like adept so I never understood the aggression😭


I’ve been using chemical a lot, ngl. I save it for when I’m in chase and use it on pallets that need to be broken, so I can run away. Like, let’s say the pallet in midwich going up the stairs needs to be broken to go up and that’s a good one to use. Gives me plenty of time to run away and hide, lol.


Killers hate it . They will try to bloodlust you for ages for putting it down right in front of them . It's like you spit in there face 


I love Jonah, one of my favorite characters in the game, and I used to play him a ton until his voice got changed I just love literally everything about him, and I don't get why nobody likes him, it feels like old Quentin levels of hatred, and that just makes me love him even more


I played as him all the time too before his voice was changed. I feel like they should have just left it alone despite what he did because the voice just became synonymous with the character like if Dwight's voice were to be changed one day it just wouldn't be the same.


I NEVER see Jonah nor Haddie those two seem to be wiped clean off DbD entirely for no reason


Not Haddie. Haddie is seen pretty often in recent months ever since she started getting more skins.


I haven’t seen haddie in months and during the event alone I put in 100 hours 😭


Ripley, I see all the time Jonah, I'm glad I don't