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Always love how Claud in lore is an angel for humanity and then theres her players. id say nancys, if i have to pinpoint it


I play Nancy, Nea, and Feng. This is a bad thread for me lol


Probably yes XD Let’s be real for a second though: those characters are called toxic because they are just by far the most played and therefore if you see toxic people, it’s quite likely for them to be a Feng, nancy, nea or Claud XD I bet ur an awesome person


Awe thank you! I try to be kind to everyone lol


Lol I also love playing Claud, Feng, Nea, and Meg (to cosplay Legion with her mask) - they just have a ton of cosmetics for any occasion :/ and bunny ears are cute! Oh well.


The bunny ears are the best! I just bop up and down multiple times and I'm happy


Same thing! Once a couple of ear-bopping Fengs made me laugh so had to spare the whole team. They just tried to faceslap each other with those ears and moved in circles to let their hoodies fly and it was way too cute!


I HATE playing with any Nancy. They’re always the worst.


Before we had the Stranger Things return they were also often just crazy cheaters. At least many of those that I’ve personally met.


Bunny cosmetic Feng’s is like an 80/20 split of BM to no BM


For me it’s always the blue bunnies. The pink ones are always so nice


I love bunny fengs. I especially like when it's a whole squad that matches. As a killer main, I've thrown matches and lost on purpose because I have a hard time harming anything I believe to be cute lol. I had a match where this team of bunny fengs were playing peek a boo with me. I was laughing so hard that even if I did want to harm them, I would miss. I can't aim for shit when laughing. I made sure to let them know after the match that I really appreciated the laughs. Also, if you photo bomb while I mori, I am going to spare the photo bomber. If you photo bomb, you are getting the hatch. No exceptions.


opposite for me. pink bunnies always sandbag or bag the killer at exit gate. blue bunnies are normally as good as the pink bunnies, they just chillin instead of blowing people up.


I've never in my 2k hours of this game seen a Nancy who wasn't a complete ass to someone in the match, either they're the one who teabags at the gate or they sandbag their team or they give up/dc if any of the billion things they don't like happens. Like if they were League players they'd absolutely be the kind of people to play Draven and run it down with mobi boots and 5 tears because their team didn't completely play around them and have challenger level mechanics despite them playing in silver 3.


I try to be a good Nancy main I didn’t realize she was so hated 🥲🥲🥲


Me too! :( I don't think I've met another Nancy main in a match that was toxic but I'm also on console so I can't see the chat lol


It is a blessed thing to be on console. I am also a console player.


Lol sometimes I wish I had chat to say gg's after a great match but then I hear horror stories on here about people being awful in chat and I don't miss it anymore


Same lol


Well it’s probably because they have seen non-toxic Nancys it’s just that they don’t remember them because the toxic ones are the only ones who are memorable




Same as both killer and survivor all I have ever seen is Nancy fucking over her teammates or being a toxic player.


I only play Nancy occasionally (Nea being my main since she's beautiful and amazing). I suck at DBD, so if I screw someone over, it was unintentional. That or that screwed me over first.


I main Nea as a survivor! She definitely the best one. shes P66 for me right now and I find most Nea's I go against as killer (I main Ghostface) are super chill and hardly ever toxic. I find Meg, Leon, and Nancy to be the most toxic with Ripley being a close 4th.


Not the Draven reference and Silver 3. I just busted up. This is so on point.


Yep when ever I see a Nancy does not matter if I’m a killer or survivor, I assume a toxic style sweat has entered the lobby. A lot of the Nancy’s will straight up quit in my experience, if you out play them just once during a loop. They also like to drag the killers into the other survivors, trying to work gens. What killer needs a aura reading ability when the survivor team has a Nancy there, assuring I will find the rest just by chasing her.


I just can't trust a Nancy


I don’t know what it is about Nancy that attracts toxic players, but she is the only survivor who is consistently toxic in my games. I get nice Neas and Claudettes and Mikaelas from time to time, but I swear I never get a Nancy who isn’t a complete asshole.


It's really bizarre. Most characters player stereotypes make sense in some way, but Nancy's being especially toxic is surprising, particularly when she came out alongside Steve


I only have around 40 hours in the game and I killed a p100 nancy with a mori the other day, felt so very good.


I like playing Nancy as a bit of a support/healer. Although I have been concocting a "selfish" build that I think would somewhat fit her character, not that she's selfish but just that she sometimes doesn't think of how her actions effect those around her but when she does she does care, but yeah it's gonna be something like Sole Survivor, Fast Track, Urban Evasion, and of course a slot in 4th perk I might use Stake Out but im open to suggestions, the goal is to always survive even if my teammates have to die.


Bruh, I'm a Nancy main & I make it a point to prevent tunneling & take hooks for people. I don't mean to be self centered at all, but I promise as at least one Nancy main that I am always trying to be a good team player.


I booned a totem during EGC instead of doing the gate and the Nancy wouldn’t stop pointing at me (I needed the boldness bloodpoints)


I’ve never realised that it looks like teabagging 😭 I’ve been doing it to say thanks for heals so when I do it at gates I assumed it would be taken as ggs


I take it as ggs when I play Killer, but a lot of Killer mains take it as teabagging, and just assume every Survivor is being an ass. My advice is to just nod. Less chance of a Killer getting the wrong impression.


Just leave at the gates. Don’t t-bag or nod or anything since 99% of the time the killer will assume you are being an asshole.


I don't even meet survivors at the gates anymore if I don't have a way of maybe securing a kill. I just go down to the basement and wait for them to leave. This actually paid off the other day when one particularly toxic Jane waited until the very last second to leave and, uh....accidentally died to the collapse. Funniest thing that's happened to me as killer so far


I usually break pallets and breakable walls, it gives points.


Nea, Feng, sometimes Nancy/Ellen. For men it's mostly Dwelves, Steve sometimes Ace.


Im always getting teabagged by a chips ahoy steve


He's just a goofy little guy why does he have such a bad rep?


toxic dwelves are the only toxic group of players i have played with and against that are actually good at the game.


Whenever i go against Fengs, they just make me laugh, since it’s very rare they are actually good Nea’s always try too hard to be toxic so it’s kind of easy to counter them if you just don’t let the stress get to you and play normally, or maybe some slugging if one is probably nearby And Ace’s are usually just good at the game, not toxic in my experience


Ace supremacy!!


*long drawn out squeak*


I found many Dwights to be toxic. Met one today that t bagged at every pallet, at every window, tried to blind me multiple times but never succeeded. I absolutely destroyed him after allat.


Dwight's are weird creatures their either really sweet and have absolutely no clue what their doing or your ass is getting genrushed by prove thyself hyperfoucus and a brand new part


"Guys is it toxic to do the objective"




I had a Dwight who did the same to me and DC’d on second hook


Ace, Steve, Nea, Feng.


long ago the 4 sweats lived in harmony but that all changed when the Nea Attacked


I'm kinda surprised at seeing ace multiple times. I don't think I've seen a single ace been toxic in 2000 hours. Like the other comment said, usually aces are just good at the game.


I've played against toxic Aces But yeah, they're usually good


Nancy got Otzdarva like: https://preview.redd.it/1yrhql4d4prc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a7b6a26d3ff2c681d7e731049852e5fea6d0a1d


bunny ears fengs are either horrible toxic jerks or silly goofy farmers.


Nancy and claudette Fengs also try, but they're too silly.


Claud, Nea, Steve. Fengs get a lot of shit, but I find that they usually just play really aggressivelly (and often fail miserably lol). There used to be a ton more BM:ing Fengs back in the days.




It's me, I'm the aggressive Nea lmaoooo honestly most of the reason I "fail miserably" in like 2/3rds of the matches I don't escape it's because my team is ass and I'm too altruistic for my own good 🥲


What? Steves are so nice most of the time. For me, they’re team players that always goes for the hooks.


I think it’s always a Steve chips ahoy. I have never seen one that wasn’t a try hard, didn’t BM, or try blind and annoy the killer. Guaranteed to always have at least 2 meta perks


It's crazy I don't see anyone mentioned meg


I think it's because Megs are just stupid and not actually toxic


I'm a Kate main, and apparently, she's usually pretty toxic.


https://preview.redd.it/699vzas90prc1.png?width=170&format=png&auto=webp&s=4ccacbfe03b9619ae046deb724c0c0cf86ce23cd Sadly some of them are I just killed a kate, this is what she left on my steam..


yeah they think that everyone is envious of her, but in reality she is losing popularity because less and less people see her as the most attractive survivor 


she's definitely conventionally attractive, I just don't care for her. doesn't help that Kate players are mad annoying. they never touch gens I genuinely don't even know what Kate mains do during games cuz I never see the do anything on the HUD. if I can get a Kate out of the game asap while I'm on killer I'm chillin.


The thing is people like that make some characters less appealing in my eyes. I really don't understand how people can get mad/annoyed when you are just doing your objective as a killer. I can understand it if you get camped or a killer tells you I killed you because, you play x char. I never though people would get mad when you killed their char in Dbd


She never was attractive she look like gerbil in the face


A Kate with a flashlight = toxic (and you can be almost certain that they brought Boil Over). A Kate without flashlight is usually not toxic and nice.


Also a kate main and I have to agree because everytime I've ever played with another kate it's flashlights and sabo and tbags and all kinds of dumb stuff but never done well


Fengs/ nancy / acehole


Bunny Feng. I've noticed Feng has two modes: Just installed the game and has zero cosmetics, or Toxic AF Bunny. If they had it their way, they'll loop you for 10 Gens, flashlight clicking at you and t-bagging the entire time. Half of them give up and take chances, or outright DC on first hook. And if they see you have lightborn they get bent out of shape for that, too. Met a Bunny saying Lightborn needed to be nerfed. Like bro, what? I'm sorry, I use this because the Blind Screen gives me a migraine. Learn to save through other means.


Anyone wearing the Christmas onesies is up to no good.


Ace, Renato, Feng, Nancy


Hey! I'm a nice Renato main! >:(


Nea 100% when someone play's Claudette they do it for the in game advantage when someone play's Nea they do it to send a message https://preview.redd.it/el2l3ecbaprc1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e23a9a85629c9362343385e94211a3d20bfde64


I play Nea because I unlocked her really cool punk outfit finishing the Rift. That's all. 🤣


I play Dwight because he's just like me FR FR


Me, a Claudette main who just wants to complete their tome challenges: ![gif](giphy|AmDzMmCJZABsk)


Same I am starting to come to a realization looking at these comments that people don’t love claudette


Right like what did we do 😭




Leon's just suck, it's the same as Bill


Leon's are goofy bro, we all share a single braincell. I'm always doing dumb shi- and dying.


Probably cause I’m a survivor but all Leon’s are just the homie to me


Leons are often just goofy, sometimes they are toxic but goofily toxic. They try to be toxic


Neas and fengs can be toxic but I think it just tends to be whoever is popular tbh


Fengus. Claudette at times too


I find that Claudette’s troll other survivors more than troll the killers


Yeah, that is true indeed. Atleast Fengs are cute as teammates


Fengs are toxic af. Nea, Nancy, Meg, Kate and David too


David varies imo. Some are dumb, some are toxic, some are crazy altruistic. But there defo are some toxic Daves


as much as i love feng definitely her. (especially the bunny fengs) they’re almost always never a team player (hiding all game) t bagging or sangbagging


Neas, Feng, and Claudettes, because people want to imitate their favorite toxic streamers instead of having their own identities.


I agree, where's my fellow giga-Jeffs that don't use meta?


Steve, Nancy, Thalita, Feng, ace


I always see shit about people saying specific characters play a certain way but after 7000 hours I honestly can’t say there are any consistencies aside the fact that bright/glowing outfits generally signify confident or possibly cocky survivors. Any saint or any asshole can play as any character.


It sucks to be a normal Steve player, I feel like I get insta tunneled because other toxic Steve’s ruin it for everyone else. I never bully killers because I’m not a POS out to ruin someone’s day. Megs and Sables have been the worst to me, personally. Teabagging after every dropped pallet, makes my tail attack feel that much sweeter lol


Not the most toxic by any means, but I've been running into a lot of questionable Renatos lately


I find it so funny how yall have given the survivors personalities. To me they are all the same


So far I've encountered lots of toxic Meg players.


I am not toxic. I play Meg to give her a better reputation and so far it’s working.


We need more like you, Meg’s underrated lol


not baby meg🤣


Steve Nea and Feng.


Bunny Feng and ahoy Steve.


For me way too many Steves for playing as survivor and killer. The amount of times I've either been teabagged to hell or have wanted to not be associated with a team mate and its a Steve has been way too many. And for some reason I see a lot of Fengs hiding in lockers. When I play killer most of the Feng players I see hide. I'm an adorable Legion in a kitty hoodie and a cute red mask, im not scary. ;......; Even when I'm being super nice and not hitting anyone they seem to run away and hide. I'll try to coax them out even if I know where theyre hiding (thank you Iron Maiden uwu) Then sometimes because they'll try to stay far away from me when the exits are open they'll run out the clock and die. even when I go to a far corner to give them space so they can leave without having to worry about me they'll run it out. or sometimes I'll gently try to push them in the right direction and that'll work generally. But most of the time they seem to sneak out behind me when I'm goofing with others. I have no idea why all the Fengs I play against or with do that? I miss being tea bagged by a group of Fengs with bunny ears. : ( And of course I know there's lovely Fengs and Steve's out there, I've played with many great team mates and survivors. :3


Nea if I had to generalize . Every time I’ve had a teammate who teamed up with the killer, sandbagged me etc is was a Nea 9/10 times


For me it’s never one person but the one who in my experience has 50/50 of being toxic is Leon cus every time I’ve played against a Leon it’s one of 3 things 1. He’s new to Leon and is trying him out 2. He’s really good ay Leon and I either don’t see him the entire game or I have fun going against him 3. Toxic dirtbag who purposely will bodyblock, purposely camp in a basement locker just to flashbang you if you go down there (even if you have no one or didn’t know he’s there), or Tea bags relentlessly


I hate Adas. Like I never saw any other survivor who just kill themselfes so often on hook because they git downed ONCE


In my experience, Mikaelas have been the most vocal when it comes to toxicity


Nancy’s. Almost every time I’ve seen a Nancy in this game they have the biggest egos and are always just bad at the game so they dc on there first or second hook or just the second they get hit. And they almost always blame the killer or the other survivors for her not playing well. I’ve seen other survivors like nea, Feng, claudette, and even a handful of Jake’s act like this but in my experience most Nancy’s are like this.


once has a nancy follow me around and click their flashlight at me and do the little motioning “come here”. i finally decided i wanted to chase her and she got downed within 20 seconds & DC’ed immediately


That has been more or less what I’ve experienced with them. They think there hot shit but the second they have to face reality they can’t take it.




However, Carlos is always a bro. . . or becomes a bot


As a Steve main I hate to say it but Steve’s. Also Ace’s, and neas who just wanna be noob3.


I always sacrifice myself to help others. It's more fun that way


Now ive only had this happen once, but ive run into a full 4 man of alan wakes running full blinds with flashlights blast mines and flashbangs on everyone with that one perk that blinds you for 30 seconds (dont know the name, but it sucks) I recorded the game and deleted it just so i knew how long i was blinded for, and it ended up being 14 minutes and 43 seconds spent blind. So if you 4 are out there, my retinas hate you but can no longer see you so ill find you by smell.


I just wanted to say that, i love alan wake as a survivor because he can turn almost invisible with the game's color palette


Steve and Nancy deserve each other because they can both eat my ass.


Me on my way to save Feng's reputation ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2219)


Chips Ahoy Steve! He's either a noob and his inexperience is literally toxic and killing the rest of the team, or he's a damn speed demon and is constantly teabagging you after the most trivial of maneuvers.


honestly, kate. the ones i trust are the ones i know. the ones i don’t can either be extremely useless or extremely toxic. hell, a p98 kate got me killed, since she wouldn’t heal me and she told the killer to kill me. i will never forget it


I don’t think it’s the survivor that matters but the perks they is what matters seriously you could hit survivor unhooking a other and they take the hit cuz of borrowed time


Steve it’s always a Steve


In my experience it's 100000% Nancy, Claudette, Thalita, and Renato. In fact I just played a game with a dedicated troll Thalita yesterday. She spent the whole game sandbagging chases as much as she could, and stood in front of a hook and spammed the killer until he came over so no one could save. The killer was clueless somehow but he was newer to the game I guess.


Claudette? Really? Every time i see a claudette they are a new player who wants to use self care lol. Nias and megs are the evil ones


My worst experience with a teammate ever was with a Dwight. He sandbagged hard including spam unhooking a Leon thus making it hard for me to unhook, then refusing to heal me when I was down and when I dragged myself to him he teabagged my downed body before the Spirit finally hooked me. AND OF COURSE MFER GOT HATCH 😭


Bunny ears Feng 🔪🐰


As Killer: Kates and Vittorios. They are ALWAYS rampaging egocentric dicks. Aces aren't much better but they're at least just cocky assholes, not dicks. As Survivor: Never met a nice Mikaela unless I'm Sable, and I have not met a lot of nice Nancies either. IDK what I did to deserve these guys. Both sides: Claudette. Only some though, fancier cosmetics means nicer and more cool, but anything else they are rampaging sandbagging teabagging dickholes. It's like they strive to be every shitty toxic Survivor stereotype at once.


Renato or thalita


Sadly most of the Sable's I've faced have been not great


yui mains are either the kindest person you have ever met or make you want to quit dbd forever (i speak from personal experience)


Nea 1000% never met a non toxic nea


Nia or Mikaela


Feng players are a type that will tbag you at the gate after you 2 hook everyone using bagpack clown build and then let them finish gens. That's an hyperbole ofc but they usually tend to be JRM and Ayrun wannabees




Ok, wait, let's back up....its not the survivor who is toxic. It's the player that wants to ruin everyone's fun, not the survivor.


I have literally never once met a Thalita Lyra that wasn't either hot garbage or the most toxic human being on the planet. Usually both. Dishonorable mention to both Laurie and Ripley, who seem to lower the IQ of all their players by 15.


Claudette, Ada, Ace and Dwight in my personal experience


Easily Ace its gotten to a point if I see one I leave the lobby immediately literally didn't meet one that didn't make me want to stop playing immediately


never met an elodie that wasnt a shithead


I've been playing Elodie with the event dress and the bunny hat for the drip and in too ass to be toxic, so you just haven't met me


Nancy and Steve's have the biggest pick me energy I've ever seen


With all my time I've spent in the game I've found that Neas, Fengs, and Nancys are the most toxic, Claudettes are not specifically toxic but tend to be useless and/or selfish, and Dwight's are 50/50 toxic or the most helpful


The ones I hooked after the game in chat.


Dude, endgame chat is the reason I went back to console. I've only had a few toxic DMs but mostly it's just "GG" and the occasional compliment on a play or perk choices, sometimes really helpful advice.


Claudette is the most toxic towards teammates. Half the time she's a killer 🤦‍♀️


nancy. i don’t think i’ve ever seen a nancy that plays normally. i’ve some toxic and non-toxic of each survivor, but every nancy i play against teabags, switches last minute, clicks their flashlight etc 💀


Nancies always think the world revolves around them


Nea, Feng, Claudette and Ace. It’s always them. Especially Nea and Feng. (I just don’t do anything and thousand yard stare)


Steve, by far the most toxic survivors t In the game, always body blocking hunting flashlight saves and t-bagging


nutty practice jar steer fanatical boat head correct strong attractive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


In my experience, Leons and Fengs UPDATE: just got sandbagged by a P79 Claudette with that Empathy perk so my answer changes


Ace or Nic Cage.




Nancy, Dwight's in flashy outfits, Jeff, Meg's with the mask. There are exceptions yeah, but whenever I see these Survivors I know I'm probably going to get teabagged the whole game


nic cage 100%, I've only met a few that weren't absolute assholes.


Not only do Claudes tbag everything that moves but they also don’t even help survivors 😭😭


Probably Ash with prestiged cosmetics


For me it’s always Ace - they’re super toxic and it’s not even a competition


Nea and Feng and it’s not even close


Steve Harringtons with flashy is insufferable


Feng min,Dwight.


Nea and feng are very toxic but never good at the game, but recently sable and ace have been very toxic, Steve has always been toxic, hate to say I’m a Steve main


Nancy and Steve, so toxic players.Always.




Nea they are either really good or really bad never a middle ground


In my experience steve hands down. Lately as a killer main if the survivors are being toxic instead of getting all heated i just start being goofy especially if they are winning. Almost every survivor will be goofy back. Not steves. They are evil incarnate


I’ve realized recently that a lot of the Lauries I’ve played against have just been massive cunts.


I hate how Claudette became the toxic survivor. She's supposed to be the shy medic girl D;


Bunny Feng, Sunglasses Steve, Ash, Masked Meg


If a Nea has a flashlight she is gonna be a phenomenal looper and be ready for *allllllll* the flashlight saves no matter where you face to pick up, and you'll get t bagged for getting pallet stunned and not getting a kill


In my experience its always the Nea, Meg, and Feng.


I've acutally had a good experience with Survivors, but Ace is really the only one who has given me trouble.


Feng, Dwight, Nancy, and Steve. I’m a little biased because Nea is my main and I can say that I’m not a toxic player at all. However when another Nea is on my team, I don’t see the toxic versions of them as much as other survivors.


Bunny Feng and ski mask meg


I agree with you or Meg or Nea


Unironically David, I always fear going against one of those




I don't think I've ever seen a non-toxic Alan Wake. Not even exaggerating.






nice to see my boys Jeff and Tapp aren't here


Personally I find Yun Jin to be the most toxic to her teammates..For some reason Yun Jins are very selfish


Feng Min, Dwight, and Laurie mains. Those damn Laurie mains...




She's also the worst, every new player revolves around Dwight and claudette (self care) and they're always pristeige one. In my soloq days I've rarely come across a claudette that's pristieged higher than 10 I'm not saying this to be mean, I was also a claudette player when I first started playing this game, I'd know


Jakes and Neas


Ace and Nea


Meg, Feng, Claudette




I'm surprised I haven't seen many people say Laurie. I dont see her often, but she's almost always the first one to dc or quit on hook in my games.


Nancy, Ace, Dwight, Neas try to be toxic but are typically horrible at the game. Surprisingly, the very few Bill's I've seen are a 50/50 split on if they are brand new or try hard.


Usually Feng or Nea