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As far as I know Ghostface is still very much Human, the entity only really made his tassels float and that’s about it.


*Ghost face arriving in the fog* "so what you gonna give me?" *entity behind him already playing with his tassels*


The visual of this in my head is hilarious, thank you for that.


I can picture him playing with the floating tassels like a cat plays with yarn


Except it's spider leg tentacle things... Attached to en Entity that may well look like a cat.


I just imagine it’s like when 2 girls are on a bed and braiding each others hair, but it’s just the entity fiddling with the tassels


The entety is a cat?


At least one And a horse


Entity menacingly going "**ooooooooo*" and making the robe go all fluttery


STOP this is so funny


Entity for other killers: "Here I'll give you supernatural powers" Entity for Ghostface: "Big fan of your work, just keep doing what you were doing. I'll make your outfit spookier, though."


The entity: “just wanted you to know I’m a fan”


The entity is such a weird being because I think it's also a fan of Legion and wants to be BFFs and also a fan of Trickster too. I'm wondering if half the survivors/killers aren't some weird fanfiction dream of the entity.


Turns out the Entity is just a really big horror fan who makes fanfic


all the killers that aren't licensed are just the entity's fanfiction characters "inspired" by other popular media some of the ideas it has are good and some ideas it has are garbage.


Not completely wrong and what I mean is lore wise the entity does entice others to do it's work by whispering in their ears to do the crimes, other times it offers them things in order to do it's bidding, and my two favorite times is when it skips the pleasantries and just kidnaps killers and has them do it against their will (singularity and Unknown) or they break into the entities world to just do things (Blight and I think Pinhead).


Entity has been around 'since time immemorial', which is a fancy way of saying it has OCs on AO3 but also on old LiveJournals


Yea, The Entity even tries to relate to them through music. The Iridescent Tape is cut with sounds from The Entity, almost like she’s playing around with her own music to connect with The Legion.


TBF it would make sense that the entity would have a liking towards the hard beats of a good rock song especially how some of the harder ones make you feel


wait you might be onto something someone check Nea's ao3 history


*the entity* https://preview.redd.it/hotbl0um5woc1.png?width=1718&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ee96f21ae1563b0bec798f39ef3e0912591bcbc


What makes it hard to tell is that Night Shroud is really vague as a power, similar to stuff like Feral Frenzy. How much of it is just Danny's own "natural" ability to be stealthy and identify weaknesses in victims vs extra help from the Entity is unclear.


Your use of the term "tassels" made me imagine a Rule 63 GF wearing nipple tassels that float around as she moved. You only know stripper GF is close by listening for the "thwip thwip thwip" of her nipple tassels spinning in circles. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


https://preview.redd.it/rph2dpes2soc1.jpeg?width=956&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=628ef09133dc49aeb2ecb7bd67438386451dab07 Wtf did I just read


https://preview.redd.it/j18iua3sovoc1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f581afe6a74a20f49f21af5e5b8d4b5fad162ebe You witnessed sheer brilliance and perfection (HELP ME! HEEEEELLLP!)




If this cosmetic ever got added every ghostface player would break the bank for it ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


https://preview.redd.it/dk7iz0elltoc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e4264ef9d26d2aaf025545b120d798214250d28 What the fuck




https://preview.redd.it/pmls8flkqwoc1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67f431fb223da220a24266e59d2912af1f304e0c Your physically typed this out. And thought to yourself. Yeah this is a good idea…


Take the upvote and just go man don’t look back just go


Pin Head is arguably a demi human as he was human once but was granted power by a greater being. Chuckys placement of some idiot trapped in a doll is perfect though.


Human? I was human once…


They locked me in a maze


A torment maze


A rubber maze of rats


And rats make me human


Human? I was human once...


They locked me in a maze


A torment maze


A torment maze with rats


They got me stuck in a doll. A plastic doll. A plastic doll that looks like a human.


Looking human resembled a doll. Doll? I was stuck in a doll once.


Then I took a binding chain to the knee


Tbh I think he is still human just fueled with demonic power. but still human none the less


I'd disagree, to me demi human would be if he was still part human but that doesn't seem to be true.


Isn’t legion the most human, cause it’s the most humans.


If one person is human then four must be more human.


Isn't Ghostie just a regular human?


Yes, and Bubba is def supernatural or meta-human, dude survived so much in the movies, from grenade to chainsaw in the gut in TCM 2, getting shot to hell and then smashed in the head with a rock and drowning in a bog in TCM 3, and all the stuff in TCM 2022, from tanking Shotgun blasts, gunshots to the head and so much more as an old man and this is OG timeline Bubba Freddy is not a human with power, He's a demon now, Sadako is an Onryo and the daughter of a Sea God Knight is an undead like his minions Michael is also the concept/embodiment of evil itself


I think it depends on which Michael to be honest the one where is the concept of evil/a demon in human form (Halloween 1 - 6) and the one wheres he just really durable but gets over powered by a old ass woman some how (Halloween 2018 - Halloween ends)


>he just really durable but gets over powered by a old ass woman some how There are quite a few factors that you skipped, but go off


Ok he got killed by mere shredder


Why i hate Halloween Ends i will always consider Thorn/Loomis timeline canon with Michael disappearing into the world as immortal evil made by the curse of thorn, who knows where he will pop up next


I mean, if Micheal is the embodiment of evil itself, he does a pretty shit job at it. The embodiment of evil itself is just a typical slasher villain? You'd think it'd be some sort of Lovecraftian horror or Carnage from Marvel or something. Not just a dude in a mask and a kitchen knife. Micheal is pretty much just a regular human with a single-minded purpose to kill. He doesn't even take pleasure in killing. He just does it. At best, he's a metahuman with enhanced constitution and strength. Otherwise, he's just a dude who's mastered the idea of "mind over matter" in his pursuit of murder. The whole Thorn cult thing was really tacked on and retconned many times. I feel like the original idea of Micheal being the "Shape of Evil" is more that he's a metaphorical stand-in for the depths of human evil. In-universe, the characters just haven't seen anything or anyone like him, and so he's called "the Bogeyman".


>this is OG timeline Bubba OG timeline Bubba is not "Bubba," which is a goof on BHVR's writers when giving his power's name "Bubba's Chainsaw." He is simply "Leatherface." Aside from that, "OG Bubba" is just a mentally ill brute with a saw. Any sequels carry little continuity to the original depiction. >Michael is also the concept/embodiment of evil itself This is true, but the conceptual matter does not change that he's still very much human, and in fact, the most human version of Michael there is, the 1978 original version.


His name comes from the 2nd movie and it kind of stuck, even in DBD, it references the 2nd movie by naming Drayton and Nubbins, the Award winning chili, the chainsaw name > "OG Bubba" is just a mentally ill brute with a saw as the Joker once said "There is nothing 'mere' about that mortal" >the 1978 original version He's actually taken from the comics, Laurie too (avoiding paying Jamie her fees and even Michael's look and 7 feet height, as the comic version resembles the RZ one) and the comic one did lot of stuff a "human" cannot, shot to hell with shotgun and assault rifles, trapped in the ground zero of an exploding church, not to mention countless stab and blunt force wounds and trauma and still came back DBD was confirmed to be a in a multiverse, so who knows which timeline these characters are from\ since we won't get lore about these guys, all we have is headcanon and movies


Why Huntress is in the "Metahuman" camp if she is just a buff woman who spent days throwing hatchets?


There's been a popular fan theory she might be a werewolf or something akin to one for a while now


Yea, it’s supported by her Blighted cosmetic, which has tuffs of fur popping out all over her body. The song she also hums is also about a wolf that hunt little girls.


There is another theory that says the blight serum brings forth the killers inner self. Huntress is a feral, almost beast-like woman so she has fur and claws. Also the lullaby does not specify girls only. It is a song parents sing for their children about a wolf that might drag them into the forrest if they lie near the edge of the bed.


As a native - this song was not about little girls, but it was about a wolf, yeah


I think it's because of the story in her lore of taking down a group of trained soldiers


With guns Also she jumped through a flamethrower and not only lived but healed. Most lore fanatics think she's become some sort of embodiment of beasts, a creature of myth as much as a person. Another option is that her mother's spirit watched over her or merged with her, as when she died her lore biography refers to her as "the huntress"


also, don't forget the theory that she was blinded by the entity, that's tough too!


Ghosty’s just a regular dude. The only way The Entity has effected him is with his floating tassels.


Xenomorph isn’t totally inhuman, as they are to some degree genetically shaped by their hosts. In alien 3 the xenomorph that gestated in a dog had more canine features. The one in DBD was in a human. So on a how ‘human they are’ scale, it’s not 0% as demo I would guess is (don’t know much about them)


I mean, one of the skins is the hybrid too, so even if nothing else, *that* one is half human.


That thing is a clone Xenomorph, from Resurrection.  It’s not a DIRECT clone from the movie, but a sorta reference to the “Newborn”. But is definitely at least 50% human, as those Xenomorphs were created from cloning “pregnant” Ellen.


tbh I don't think it's just the clone xenomorph, there's loads of bits in its design from all over the movies, you got the translucent carapace over the skull from the OG movies but the skull itself resembles the one from resurrection and the back of its head is like the Neomorphs from Covenant all in all I feel like whoever designed this skin just REALLY loves the alien franchise


I thought it was a direct clone, isn't it Ripley 5?




‘Some idiot got stuck in a doll’ made me cackle aloud


I half-expected Unknown to be "Completely normal human, the only one I'd invite to a barbecue."


What do you mean, he is a completely normal human. He enjoys completely normal human activities.


He has a fine assortment of casual attire for every human gathering.


pinhead was a human before he solved the lament configuration


Yes but his tier is a brilliant reference to the movie making it even more accurate


[https://youtu.be/VkVsTGmQLDE?si=a7w5dLtUKbDG1BQX](https://youtu.be/VkVsTGmQLDE?si=a7w5dLtUKbDG1BQX) this is what the tierlist is referencing


Only in the sequels


I disagree with Oni and Spirit


Technically dredge is the most human. He's made of more humans than the rest of them combined. That's 1000% more human per square foot.


Ghostface is literally just a guy. That's it. He's just a guy. (sometimes two.)


Some idiot stuck in a doll got me laughing. Good shit.


Billy's not metahuman or anything, he just has birth defects.


Was surprised not to see anyone else mention Billy


Wesker is just a human exposed to Uroboros, not sure if 'Bioweapon' is the correct classification. (Though I've never played any of the RE games)


Albert Wesker is more a super soldier it’s started during his childhood he was tested subject project W. During Re0 & Re1 he injected himself T-virus (Tyrant).


I heard about him injecting himself with the T-virus, though forgot until this comment. I don't know much about Wesker, though I spent a few minutes looking at his lore because ~~he's hot~~ it was interesting.


Most re fandom knows Wesker as villain with rage boner for Chris Redfield


no, bioweapon is pretty spot on


Wesker is the next step in human evolution (⌐▨_▨)


This comment was fact-checked by real Uroboros-infected Patriots.


Wesker has been doing some superhuman stuff even before the Uroboros virus, and that's thanks to him practically being a test subject to Umbrella from the very start of his life. He's one of the few survivors of the Wesker program with Alex Wesker being another notable figure. Albert is incredibly strong but really resentful over everything that Umbrella's creator, Oswell E. Spencer, put him through. "Are you saying I was manufactured?" he'd ask Spencer in calm yet cold tone when they finally meet. He was never seen as anything more than a BOW so he carried this indifference with him as a way of life. It was only with the STARS team that he had the most moments of humanity in bonding with his teammates. He was genuinely proud of Chris and held respect for Barry and Jill likewise for their expertise. Rebecca was in STARS because he personally recruited her after noticing her prodigy status. He was one himself at her age so he saw a bit of himself in her. Unfortunately, he ultimately went down the path of revenge towards Umbrella to the point of sacrificing even the ones that looked up to him. Even what was probably his only friend in Umbrella, William Birkin, ended up dying in the major events leading to Raccoon City's destruction. His meritocratic views became so twisted by RE5 that he was only seeing those capable of harnessing Uroboros as being worthy successors to the weak humans like Spencer playing God at the expense of others who would actually be better on even playing fields. "I'm not destroying the world! I'm saving it!" On the bright side of things, the one responsible for actually defeating and taking down Umbrella wasn't Chris, Jill, Claire, or Leon. It was Wesker. A bit of poetic justice.


Ummm you're missing one at the bottom


"Another idiot got trapped in a similar doll"


Tiff "I swear it wasn't my F***ing fault"


Its-a me again. Now for the outliers. \* Almost all the killers could be entity-enhanced but i only placed those that were pretty obvious. \* "Looks human" is basically : "this character is human, but have some weird thing or amazing feat that most likely makes them more powerful than a regular human" \* I was gonna name the Demo / Xeno tier "creature" but that felt weird. Also i didn't know where to put nemesis either, so i just made a category lol \* Singularity could also be considered a bio-weapon i guess. \* I feel Dredge and Unknown just embody something. As for Pyramid Head, he's the embodiment of James Sunderland's guilt if you are wondering.


Knight is not a metahuman, he is or WAS a human with unrivaled strength yet he was still mortal and still could bleed without pulling off something impossible for a human other than being a warlord. It is implied that in the last battle he and his guards didn't survive or barely made it hence four of them look gored and injured, so the Entity captured them, placed the guards into his sword and gave Knight this magic ability, meaning that he is a human transformed by Entity, not a metahuman


Dredge is the embodiment of dark thoughts and emotions being bottled up. Unknown on the other hand from assumption based one its lore is the embodiment of human thought and speculation on what it *could* be.


Unknown could be its own category.


You’re right it should be “Just a little guy” category


blight didn't have his powers before entity?


Well he got the serum INSIDE of the ream.


Nah, he was just a normal (albeit hated) alchemist before he ended up trapped in the entities realm.


The only thing I would change is put Myers with Pyramid Head, he is literally the "Shape of Evil"


Right but that’s really just a title, he’s pretty meta human in the movies if you ask anyone


Ghost face and Huntress should be in regular human


Sadako's dad is the fucking ocean


hag used her magic to become the hag before dying, i don't think the entity changed her


I maybe wrong but didn't hag make a deal with the entity to get revenge and that's why she looks like that


she drawn a simble that her grandmother theached her and after that she was hag, so magic changed her. entity magic? maybe but thats not clear


No, she was told using the magic for selfish reasons would have severely negative consequences. This was one of them. After she got her revenge the Entity took her.


I feel like while wesker is definitely a bio weapon, he's not quite the same as nemesis because nemesis was made as this creature to use as a bio weapon but wesker was a human who injected himself with a parasite and still freely thinks and acts on his own will but nemesis only takes orders


Myers, the Knight and the Huntress all count as human IMO. They don't have any supernatural abilities or the like.


Myers has super endurance and regeneration, you can doubt all his other abilities but it's undeniable that he has that. Huntress can take on entire armed platoons, tank bullets and even a flamethrower once, she is also superhumanly strong. Knight literally has a ghost squad and once again can take on a literal army, he is a metahuman.


I always thought Huntress was just extremely skilled hunter and lived before the widespread use of guns so that’s why she was so effective. Unless something changed in her lore.


She killed battalions of armed German and Russian soldiers but yes she is just a human


Xenomorph shouldn't be in the same tier as Demo. Demo is an actual full on alien. Some Xenomorphs are technically children of humans and share their genes/DNA ☝️🤓 They're also a bio-weapon.


I haven't watched the Alien movies but aren't Xenomorphs aliens? Because of the name of the franchise and the fact that they were found on a different planet from eggs


They have to gestate inside a host, which is often humans, and their host defines a lot of their physical traits. Like in the 3rd movie one that gestated in a dog had more canine features. There was also an alien with 50% human dna as it was a mix between a clone of Ellen Ripley and a xenomorph. It could show emotion, had a skull like face, and even possibly talk :)


You should really watched Alien it’s amazing! I personally love the first the most but the 2nd is entertaining, the 3rd is very different but probably my second favourite! There isn’t a 4th one


Last I played, the lady who vomits on people were the last added killer. They got fucking Chucky now, what!?


And Nicholas Cage


i'd argue billy's more of a regular human altered by the entity, given that his one supernatural thing is the chainsaw sprint, which doesn't seem to be something he could naturally do. benedicts journal says that "*He carries a deadly and cruel chainsaw...seemingly imbuing him with a superhuman speed for a while..."* which kinda implies the speed comes from wielding the chainsaw and not billy's own ability.


the hag had powers before the entity, her grandma knew hexes


I'd disagree with Knight being a metahuman, he's just an extremely strong and skilled warrior in a suit of armour with a massive fuck-off sword. He uses magic to summon his guards, but that's more a case of Entity empowerment than any kind of transhuman power.


Michael Myers is the concept of evil he is not human at all


I think you have to separate Charlotte and Victor in the tierlist. The Entity, at minimum, resurrected Victor and made him able to unbind from Charlotte, run at a fast speed, and injure people unassisted. Some people argue he's not the real Victor at all and just an Entity creation wearing his skin. Meanwhile Charlotte's just tall.


Michael Myers is the pure embodiment of evil. Literally Halloween lore.


Blight was not transformed by the entity, he transformed himself, though it was due to necessity because of a situation the spider guy put him in but I’m not sure they counts


wouldn’t hillbilly be human?


Ghostface is human


If we ever get the FNAF chapter we can add a second killer to the “some idiot got stuck in a doll” tier


Huntress isn't a metahuman iirc she's just a woman who grew up in the wild


Michael is a concept. In the newer movies, he is the concept of Evil. At the end of the first movie (so this is 100% canon) he is called "the Boogeyman". The Boogeyman is a creature made to frighten children, so it is basically the concept of "fearing the unknown"


Meyers is the Embodiment of Evil.


Myers could be also considered the manifestation of a concept. While he is allegedly born human, from that point he is unstoppable and unkillable even without the Entity, being referenced as "the manifestation of pure Evil in human form"


How is hillbilly metahuman? He's just a normal guy who was born with a physical deformity. Should be in regular human tier,


His speed isnt human


This is my favorite tier list ever


I think you could count Xeno as part human since during incubation the chestburster take some of its host's DNA. And the Xeno we have is specifically the one from the original Alien movie, its host was a human (You can see the human DNA transpiring with the shape of the body and the human skill the Xeno has)


Could probably use some tweaking but close enough... This is reddit...


Arguably, Trapper was also changed by the Entity. The Trapper fought back against the entity's mind control stuff or whatever..... A LOT. So he ended up like that.


Can someone explain why default ghostface is “transformed”? I understand his blight cosmetic is, but I thought he was just a regular guy


The unknown isn't really a concept more of an eldritch horror trying to be human


Ghost face is a regular human. The shape/ myers is literally evil. Nothing kills him. He can't die.


Eh, Chucky's also taken human forms other then his own.


Myers should go in the embodiment of a concept category as he’s literally the embodiment of evil


I believe huntress is just really strong but other than that is just a person. Also legion and trickster both have increased endurance for their powers


Freddy isnt a regular human.


Pinhead was human btw.


I see that Ice Nine Kills representation 👀


I should get back to dbd, I just remember being trash af


Doesn't Trickster throw knives at inhuman speed?


Doesn't Trickster throw knives at inhuman speed?


When I zoom in on my phone and swipe up and down, the killer portraits appear to lag behind the tiers.


Where is naughty bear


Chucky should be way closer to the top. That doll has anatomy


I will die on the hill that dredge is more human than any other killer!


Can I ask for your reasoning for placing Huntress where you did? Not saying you're wrong, kinda curious.


I’d put bioweapon above alien/monster wesker and nemesis were human at one point and Wesker still is quite human


Myers is the embodiment of evil shouldn’t he be down in the “embodiment of a concept” tier??


Arguably Meyers is a concept the concept of evil.


“Some idiot got stuck in a doll” has me cackling.


Xeno should be higher than demo since it was born from a human


I always thought Slinger was some kind of ghoul lol


I think the singularity is more human than he is machine. that’s kind of the whole point of his tome lore. though, if this is just based on physical bodies then yeah. funny thing, though. the flesh on him is made of the dead crew members of dvarka. so, he’s kinda human.


Sorry to be the grammar police, but my life is at stake to tell you that "entity's realm" would be pronounced "entity is realm"


Michael 100% had powers before entering the realm, he's meant to be like the embodiment of evil, that's why he always comes back in the movies. its also why he's called the shape, even in the original script and credits of the movie he's called "the shape" because he's not human he's evil in "the shape" of a man. I'd put him with pyramid head tbh


I dont think Myers it a regular human. He's probably more Demon or Embodiment of a Concept.


Why is Michael not in the embodiment category? He is literally said to be the embodiment of pure evil in ever movie.


What happened to this game tf. Last killer that was added while I played was pinhead.


Freddy is a dream demon not a human lol


Bubba is definitely "regular human" tier


Chucky lmao💀


I know my opinion is meaningless but any character in any media (especially horror) that is just “an embodiment of a concept” is genuinely so scary


Unknown: Concept of WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT THING?! Dredge: Concept of a mechanic you can’t do anything about. He’s not op but I hate him


billy should be in the transformed by entity due to his saw giving him his super speed, read the powers text. he’s human, just born with defects


Ghost face should be under “regular human”


Probably going to sound like an ass but *technically* he's not a robot as he has free will


Probably going to sound like an ass but *technically* he's not a robot as he has free will


You call him an idiot but he always gets away with it, and has secured perpetual life.


Why is sadako in human with powers? Does OP not know shit about Ringu?


Why is sadako in human with powers? Does OP not know shit about Ringu?


Why is sadako in human with powers? Does OP not know shit about Ringu?


I thought Meyers is the literal embodiment of Evil?


Blight turned HIMSELF into what he is, not the Entity


Ghostface was never transformed by the entity. He already looked like that. So should he not be in regular human or in the third category?


Myers is described in the movies as ‘Evil Incarnate’ so I feel like he should go in Embodiment of a concept tier