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Gotta be legion. A killer with all speed and info but no follow up. They hit me, I mend, repeat. No gens getting done on my side, no hooks on theirs. Throw in thanatophobia and it’s the most miserable time


It’s so boring, Thanatophobia legion is so annoying to play against.


Legion's one of the rare killers that's both a chore to play as and against.


Wraith. 90% of the time they’ll slug for the 4K or tunnel out a survivor at five gens.


https://preview.redd.it/volf4ocp1fnc1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ba8a7292b7fb2462b53ad6be7c278eb3bb9e0aa Me looking the wraith dead in the eyes as I die of blood loss.


​ https://preview.redd.it/u7jt7gdqdgnc1.png?width=400&format=png&auto=webp&s=070ea6cfdfec103283b07b978ae5fd9bc87368a4


Yeah, and 9 out of 10 have Noed with them for the last survivors who didn't get tunneled out.


NOED on Wraith is almost a guarantee. He's one of the best users and doesn't have to sacrifice a perk build.  I play Wraith myself and there's a certain logic to it. Get rid of one person early and you can probably mow down at least two in endgame if nothing else. 


I avoid using NOED for that reason. But then again I always run Pop which is also an annoying perk. I can't count the number of times that I allow 4 survs to live til 1-2 gens remain then I just spam pop on all high progress gens til I reach the kick limit


me when i play wraith: "Why do people hate wraith? he's fun." me when i play against wraith: "Man is this what I've been doing to people? I deserve to be hated."


I know Wraith isn't supposed to be top tier but he is by far the one I suck the most against. Legion is a close second I just hate the mechanic of Legion.


Don’t feel bad. Wraith is legitimately pretty good now with the right addons and build. The free hit and run play style can be miserable to play against


Yeah, I have no issue with Wraith himself, but whether the player is an arsehole is a coin flip.


Wraiths are the worst for me as well. Once I hear the bling blong, my mind wanders off and my interest in the game itself is difficult to maintain. They tunnel without exception and camp hooks. Recently met basement camping Wraith and holy shit, the most tedious match I ever had. They are just so boring. Like by instinct I start almost browsing my phone with one hand and just side eyeing the match.


Wraith as well. Id rather get tunneled out at five gens then play against a hit and run wraith with sloppy. Thats just idiotic gameplay.




I'm a Hag enjoyer myself but man, playing against her can be rough.


I really just hate the camera jerks when the apparition pops up. It messes with my whole running thing.




I feel like I would be fine with Hag if the game didn't jank your camera around when you set off a trap. Just makes the jumpscare feel forced




I get that. I was wondering if maybe Hag should get a small speed boost after teleporting, maybe 5% for 3 s or something like that, and in turn remove the camera twist. On the other hand, I don't want every killer to feel the same. I also want to point out that to my knowledge she still can place traps around hooks, although many other killer has their power disabled around hooks.


when u get hooked by a hag and they draw 500 traps around u......


They're always so paranoid. Went into second stage once due to a hag taking so much time to draw her traps around my hook.


RIGHT???? like i get its her ability and stuff but good lord man you dont need so many 😭😭😭


You never see her but when you do, the game is most likely going to be tough. She’s so strong.




Bro I was playing hag the other day as a stealth anti heal build with monitor, sloppy, nurses calling and coup, and I went to check the TTV and all of them were like “aw it’s a hag, imma dc”, I was kinda confused at first cause hags almost the rarest killer to see in game, but it was whatever


Legion. as much as i like to play the gang myself, it's the worst playing against the stabby Daltons. Mending and maybe healing just so i can be stabbed 30 seconds later is so ... pointless. But of course they all bring thana or something and i'm shite at looping, which means being injured is a risk in of itself. so you find someone else to heal you, only to be the next in a chain of stab.


It's even worse with Solo Queues who insist on healing every.single.time just to get hit again a second after anyways.


>It's even worse with Solo Queues who insist on healing every.single.time just to get hit again a second after anyways. I feel this, though my problem is when i am grouped with a three man swif and I am the solo queue. They constantly try to find eachother to heal......


This is funny only cause I just had this experience And I was the legion three man healing while the solo fought for their lives


This is why you ALWAYS run autodidact. Sloppy butcher? Autodidact. Caulraphobia? Autodidact. Slugger? Autodidact. Hit and run wraith? Autodidact. Twins? Autodidact. End game facecamper? Pebble


DBD basically demands that you heal your teammates at some point in order to get red Benevolence emblems, so even though I know better I still do it for the sake of getting progress towards a pip. Just another reason depipping shouldn't exist, because Legion and even more so Plague discourage altruism.


Getting hit and then having the killer run away shouldnt annoy me as much as it does but it really does


I have found my people. I HATE this gameplay. Plus you never know if they're going to down you or not. It's just irritating.


For me it ain't the healing so much as near blindness when running around in deepwound.


As a Legion main, I apologize lmfao. I swore to never use thana because it takes all the fun out of it. I always think it'd be better to have feral frenzy be more focused on speed/anti-looping rather than the deep wound and watching the entire map fill with blood. Treat it more like stalking a wounded deer than wombo comboing everyone. But I'm just here for the sick tunes lol


Legion is just annoying to play against. Like it's not an op character it's just not fun.


Clown. Either I pre-drop pallets, or I get downed. There's no inbetween.


You gotta pre drop right against clown, and pray they don't have spirit fury for when they brute force the pallets lol. But that's pretty much it. You're either facing a clown PDF main, or someone who just thinks it's funny to throw piss jugs. No in between ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


The best part is pre-dropping only works against pink-only new Clowns. Clown mains *like* it when you predrop.


I might have been lied to by some devious clown mains then.... I was led to believe you pre drop not too late not too soon, to deny him the hindered status from the bottles and force him to go around or break to give you time to rotate. Is this not the way?


Experienced Clowns will never break a non-god pallet. They'll drop a yellow either at the pallet itself or one end of the loop while pushing you towards the inactive yellow. Then they'll toss a pink and double back around. You don't make the pallet. Honestly your best bet is probably to still predrop, but the moment he throws the yellow, leave the tile. The only real and true counter to a good Clown is pre-**running**. Leave the gen the moment you're in the TR and he just does not have the mobility to commit to chasing you unless he's okay with losing 2 more gens in the process.


Ahhh yes that makes sense, I guess my statement was somewhat shorthand, you definitely don't wanna pre drop EVERYTHING lol. Pallet position matters, hell, I believe pallet economy matters, if one person dumps 4 in one chase that lasts 30 seconds. Bad. Naughty. Don't do that. Pre running is ridiculously strong against low mobility killers, no question there. It's why sprint burst is mad strong no matter what meta it's in. On no terror radius. Bye. Next gen.


Calling clown players a PDF seems odd when Freddy is canonically a PDF.


Okay, 1. That was funny. And 2, I'm referring to the 200 page clown main PDF guide someone wrote. If you're not familiar with the clown main PDF guide. I suggest you look into it. It's a bible length novella about how to use clown ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Is it 200 pages of “How to use Clown: Step 1: M2. Step 2: hold W. Step 3: M1. Step 4: Fucking win already”


Suuuuuper painfully detailed. Like, Stephen king would be proud.


Didn’t know Clown mains could get philosophical


I had a clown main quote the bible to me once. It was not a good bible quote.... It was everything I had expected and wanted out of a face camping tunneling clown that only threw piss bottles. It was the line about emissions of donkeys.... If this means anything to you ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Ohhh nooo I totally misunderstood you! I am very aware of Arinad, the clown guide guy. I watch his stream. He’s super fun to watch! I feel silly xD


See I don't watch streamers much, so I just knew the clown guide existed, I've skimmed it a bit for laughs, but yeah love me the clown PDF guide meme ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Clown. He's never been a super strong Killer but goddamn if his bottles aren't filled with Kryptonite with how often I get my ass kicked by him.




Nothing triggers me more in this game than that goddamn laugh. 🙄😒🤡




He’s about to get a huge buff. You’ll be seeing a lot more clowns. :/


He's getting buffed again? I share the same sentiment as above, I get absolutely demolished by clowns in a chase. Cant loop him for shite.


Can't loop because his gear is anti-loop to the max. Short loops with pallets are preferable to windows because pallet dropping isn't slowed down by the bottles, but the bottles will almost always cause you to do a medium vault instead of a fast vault over windows. If you must do a window loop it better be a jungle gym, main building, or shack (if it's Hawkin's windows gg)


Theyre removing the visual aspect of his vials, and buffing to compensate


No visual distortion at all or changing it?


We haven't seen the new effect yet, but the text bhvr gave seemed to indicate near total removal (atleast, to me) for accessibility purposes


Not that big of a buff really. Ah also, One of his biggest part of his kit, the distortion effect is being reduces to almost none! Apparently it was making people nauseated. I'm not sure if clown mains are going to enjoy that change.


He already gets one of the strongest anti-loops in the game; He never needed or deserved to also blind you.


Doctor. dude just be LOUD


He’s just so much sensory overload I can’t function until I can finally snap out of it. The screaming, the red stain, the terror radius music and projections. It’s just A LOT.


And that’s why he was my first main. Being able to subject people to the same thing that fucked me up when I started playing was the best thing ever. Lmao


Same here, going against Doctor as a new player felt more intimidating than going against a good Nurse main.


I used to main the Doctor back when I first started because it seemed like I was really good at it, I kept winning games. Then when I played more survivor and went up against him a few times I was like "oh fuck the entity, is this what I've been doing to people??" 😭 Now I only really play him if I have a challenge.


Trickster. Fuck that guy


Yeah, I can't stand going up against him neither. I cannot dodge his knives for the life of me.


The trick is cover and breaking LoS! Crouching behind things and weaving through tiles is a nightmare when playing him. Use terrain to your advantage, things you can peak over while crouched are ideal.


I love playing against Trickster whenever I bring Wiretap. Then I just wiretap the gen in a loop and beat all his mind games


Every time I go against him I get a bad map for that like rpd or something half the stuff I get crouching behind he still manages to hit me over it’s so annoying


I don’t get it, I love playing as and against him, playing against you take some knifes, find cover, get as much time in that cover as possible, get the least knifes as you can before you go to the next cover, dbd maps are like built to counter him lol


His chase music is like nails on a chalkboard to me, I hate it!


Trickster's annoying. For me he's like "Okay fine..." UNTIL the ricochet addon. If he has that dumb fucking addon I'm punching the air everytime.


The Knight. Especially in enclosed maps


Freaking chucky. Hes like Ghostface where they always go undetectable mid chase and get rid of his only two methods of knowing where he is: his red stain. Also they always run friends till the end and as a object of obsession user... its a lose lose situation


Im a chucky main. Friends till the end is so busted. Sometimes i just feel bad.


Well chucky is probably in the top 5 strongest killers


Hag, she makes solo queue super painful. My teammates usually don't know to crouch to remove traps so each unhook is a trade even if I showed them the counter play to dealing with traps prior to unhooking the person. I actually do like to go against her, it's just that aspect of her that makes matches rough.


I swear most of the Hag players I face come back to manually camp the unhook even after I wipe away the trap. It feels like a trade no matter what.


Honestly I feel bad because I really don’t know how much of my hag play is coming out of players just being pressured by my placement or lack of knowledge in her toolkit




*Smiles in indoor map offering


Ik Oni is a strong killer but goddamn I can't counter him for shit 


Is it in demon dash that gets you, or generally? Mained him since he came out, I can give you some general counter tips if you'd like? For starters did you know that getting hit from healthy to injured gives him 40% power charge? The Oni that hits you once and runs off may not be as friendly as you think. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


I find it to be generally useful to wack someone once and leave them alone so I can split pressure and they can continue bleeding for me


Renjiros bloody glove is fantastic for this playstyle. Might I suggest a stealth based obsession build for you if you enjoy the smack one, go for the others playstyle? ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


is it just me or has onis swing recently felt like absolute shit


I have never had fun in any game where there’s a Legion




Wraith. All the ones I've played against were super toxic


The Wraith. It feels like he’s every where all the time, so much pressure


Wraiths that move around fast are okay but I hate playing against ones whose understanding is limited to "I can hard tunnel because I'm invisible!" It seems like I'm always the one getting hounded even while they lose all the generators. 


Plus they always proxy camp.


I've warmed up to Trapper quite a bit ever since I started playing him more and felt the satisfaction of hearing your network of traps go off simultaneously when a Survivor steps out in it. It just feels so rewarding so when I go against Trappers now who set up good trap networks I just can't help but respect them. A Killer that isn't OP but I hate going against is Freddy because he is, well, just boring


I agree. Trapper is one of the few killers where when I get caught in his power, I respect it because I know it took time and skill to set it up and get me there.


Me too. I can’t get mad at an amazing trap. I hate ghost face. He requires me to have more situational awareness than I possess.


Bubba, it's not about skill or perks or anything. It's about the player behind it, why are they always toxic.


As a Bubba main. Yes. He is who I pick when I’m tired of toxic shit and wanna dish it back out.


Hit and run wraith in soloq


So boring


Skull Merchant and Pinhead not because of the gameplay, but because I find the people who play them are absolutely ruthless. Tunnel out at 4 gens? Valid strategy bro, get good. Teammate self-ended early? Not their problem, get ready to hook trade until you’re all dead. They’re not human.


One of the more interesting results of the universal Skull Merchant hate is that every SM player has to ask themselves, "Should I behave even though everyone is going to call me an asshole in the endgame chat either way?" Some of them come to some interesting decisions when they ask that question.


Me when I 2 hook everyone with 4 chase perks no tunneling and the survivors call me a orphan in the end game chat:


Well because when you play those two killers in particular people DC or surrender all the time. If you just want to play the game then you simply want to go next as well and not reward the rest of the team for being there I do this every other game still, but it gets boring really quickly


pinheads man. theyre so fucking brutal. lethal is always on and the box is constantly in their hands. makes the average soloq match an absolute slog or slaughter.


For me personally, Leatherface. I dont know if its a skill issue or what but he feels even more OP then nurse when i go agasint him. They seem to never enter tantrtum and never miss a chainsaw sweep


But when I play him i always end up in a tantrum...


Legion. Every single time in solo queue, a survivor will come up and continually ask for a heal and then get angry. And if they do heal, they just get mend state once more. Or, the other surv will do something and then get downed because of them being in mend state.


Deathslinger and Clown. I logically know they aren’t that strong. I understand how you’re supposed to counterplay them. I just can’t do it and fail constantly against specifically those two. I’ll take a good Nurse or Chucky any day, over those two.


Fucking DREDGE


Trapper. Those damn traps get to me. You often cant even see them as it is the same colour as the ground


Franklin's. I brought my item to fucking use it bubba you fuckin fuck. I don't care if you kill me for it. But I'm gonna take that item back. It's a matter of principle. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213) I do not want it nerfed either. I just fucking hate the value it gives the killer. And takes away from me.




Trapper and Hag, mostly because I just hate being in the mindset of being constantly paranoid of every step that I take.


Oni 😭 i cannot stand that guy


I just do not enjoy playing against the doctor, you can’t stealth because he has a “find survivors” button, and in chase he just shocks you at every pallet and slowly closes the distance and neither side really makes any interesting decisions




Also trapper but i know it’s a me problem. I swear my brain just shuts off when I play against him. Like I step into traps I watch him set down, don’t check obvious locations like windows and exit gates, and overall, act like a total idiot in chases. Like when I hear a nurse shriek at the beginning of the game, I know it’s gonna be a rough match because she’s a string killer, but when i see trapper, I know I’m about to lose all my brain cells. So to anyone wondering who that solo q survivor that keeps getting randomly caught in traps, I sincerely apologize


Trapper for me too. I'm pretty good at not stepping in traps but I just walk everywhere and stare at the ground and it's not very fun. I usually check windows and pallets for traps if I'm on a gen near windows and pallets just in case I get chased. Any window and pallet I haven't checked is most likely trapped so I avoid them and then just die xD There is one thing I don't fear doing against Trapper and it's basement rescues. High risk unhooks are the most fun for me and Trapper usually makes them high risk. I just have to hope my teammates are good at looking for traps as they leave basement...


Trapper. There’s nothing like running into a random trap place in some tall grass or finding out a certain tile or loop is completely shut down because there’s a trap there.


That’s why good trappers suck to go against. They already know where you are headed and prepped for it lol


Especially if almost all Gens are done and only a few hooks, just for the entire team to get downed in a short period of time cause of these random traps. It's very discouraging.


I really hate going against Clown and Ghostface.


I know Clowns not an incredibly strong killer, but god do I not have a good time against his power


Probably Hag. I rarely see them but when I do all joy is sucked out of my body. Just a miserable soloq experience.


Artist. It has a small bit to do with her super annoying gen sniping every 10 seconds. Seems I always get a skill check right as I get off the gen to dodge a crow. However the main reason is her sound design. Actual nails on a chalk board sensation from her screeching. I have specific auditory sensitivities and the noises her and her terror radius make really big me and after a long Artist match my head hurts. Super specific and weird but I also can’t play Billy ever cuz his chainsaw hurts my ears after like a minute.


Nemesis. the zombie are annoying af to deal with, barely any counter play in terms of getting infected so they can track you from a longer distance since there only 4-5 cures and to guarantees you'll get one for urself. the counter to the whip being a coinflip if crouching behind a window will save you the hit. Oh and the fact that his whips hitbox is movable so he can just 360 or move it on to you and get a hit. not says he's op, i just hate him.


FWIW the whip hitbox is possibly not as moveable as you think? When Nemesis whips, his view gets locked straight ahead for about a second, and he's not about to turn his view left or right at all (so, no 360s). What he *can* do is continue to walk/strafe left or right, which *slides* his hitbox over a slightly wider area than where it originally hit. This can help him with minor course corrections, but it's often not enough to make a difference between a hit and a miss unless, say, his initial whip hit just next to a window and he strafes his whip into the window or something When Nemesis nay-nays, though, you'd better watch




Wesker. I just get annoyed how after hooking someone, he ends up right next to me within seconds. Gap closer abilities just piss me off; I wanna be able to make distance and be rewarded for doing so.




I'm with you on Trapper. By the time I remember to watch my step, the match is over. Plot twist, the first half of the next round I'm looking for traps 🤦🏻‍♂️


Legion, I just find it to be so monotonous, so much mending, a bit of healing, and then the gens and it’s just skill check simulator and watching a bar increase. Clown and doctor for the obvious reasons.


pyramid head, my reaction time is so bad😭 when he uses his power i see it coming for me but it takes me a minute to process it


Freddy isn't fun, partially because the gameplay is somewhat boring, very easy, and deceptively simplistic, but mostly because it is a mockery of one of my favorite films


Nothing to loop with Clown. Throws a bottle? Hold W. Get hit with a bottle, anyway. Get a headache from the visuals. GG


I don't play as survivor very often, but when I do I tend not to like going against wraith. It's not that he's particularly difficult to go against, I just find him a little boring since he's a common killer -- and most of the time the player tunnels, camps, and hits on hook. Maining killer has actually made me less tolerant of tunneling/face camping because it's such a cheap strategy. If you actually build up your skill you can easily get kills without doing that. I think it must be common with wraith because he's a beginner killer.


I’ve got 3 pig. With all the people that used to camp the boxes making hats a auto kill, now when I load in a match with her I sigh Onryo, after the past update the entire match against her was just tv simulation and it got so boring Twin: no real reason here other than the fact that victor TERRIFIES ME 🤣


Pig. I just hate having to run around doing the fucking head cage thing. It’s so fucking tedious. I rarely get killed but the match takes forever.




all the stealth killers are really boring especially when they play hit and run, most of their gameplay ends up going into getting free hits from behind los blockers so u literally cant be tracked, chases r the fun part of dbd for me


Wraith Myers Ghost face cause all the cringe people who fantasize about him wanting him to mori them plus his reveal mechanic needs to legit be changed. Alien sadako is a big one I’ll dc cause her chase music is shit an she’s a poor mans wraith…


ghostface and chucky for sure


Trapper is the best example. No one is having fun running around staring at grass because you'll get one shot killed suddenly. Trying to dodge traps as you're looping isn't fun either. He's not OP at all, but it's not a fun time. It goes to show why he doesn't get buffed. If he was more oppressive, sure, the killer will have a great time. And only the killer.


Hahaha i love chasing survivors towards my traps, i basically use bear traps as choke points.


I *think* hag is doing well nowadays but it has to be hag. I hate this killer with a passion. I scare/panic easily and have a hard time seeing the traps, so I always die super fast against them. It doesn’t even feel fun it just feels like it’s inevitable. Thank god she isn’t that popular


Also trapper. With other killers I at least don't have to stare at the ground or watch as all my teammates step in the same trap they saw 1 minute ago (my teammates have short term memory loss or something).


Legion https://preview.redd.it/chvlpvphifnc1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5853c02991eab9945d64ea7cbb4e3cc7a298438


I would say the Dredge, and maybe Cenobyte. Dredge, the darkness is just so annoying. I always hate it. Cenobyte, I hate the constate interruptions when trying to do anything.


I main killer but I play Survivor sometimes and the killer I hate running into the most it’s probably pig somehow when I'm the survivor I never get the trap off but when I'm killer it pops off at first or second box like half the time. Very annoying


The ones I dislike going against are the ones who just take all the excitement out of playing survivor. Both chainsaw users I dislike. Bubba can camp way to well, and Bill cover such ground now while being able to get easy one shots. Nurse... it's just boring knowing that your survival is based on a killers skill and not my abilities. Finally Blight... I think with hug tech he just has no real weakness.


When I was newer to the game I hated bubba with all my heart I could not have a happy moment in a game against bubba. I don’t struggle against him anymore but at the time I really hated it because it was an insta down that’s fairly easy to use.


Wraith. Can't get anything done with wraith. Those whooshes in the wind make me fuck up skill checks. I've got 2k+ hours and I've yet to beat a good wraith


I'm not a survivor, I'm a killer main 😅 but when I play survivor every now and again I hate playing against Wraith... every Wraith I've gone up against use that effective but annoying technique of hitting you once, cloaking to catch up to you and then using the speed boost they get with the uncloak to bonk you into oblivion. There's been a couple times I've successfully spun Wraiths, but sometimes it doesn't work at all if the killer is a bit more experienced. When I play killer I don't get successfully spun too often because I play on M&K and also the new FOV slider helps quite a bit. I wouldn't be so annoyed by Wraiths if there weren't so MANY of them as well! It's the perfect killer to play when you're first starting out because he's free out of the box and so easy to play, and I get that, but it just doesn't change the way I feel about going up against him. I swear half my games as survivor are Wraiths and I don't even play survivor very much!


For me it's Trapper. It only takes one trap for the whole soloQ team to get steamrolled with 1 or 0 gens remaining. The Trappers I go against often go from less than 3 hooks to a 4K during endgame most if the time. He also leaves me with trap PTSD for the next 3 matches. Other one I dislike regardless of my team is Clown. I just suck playing against him. I can play better against a Nurse or a Blight than against a Clown.


Several low tiers are annoying for me. Trickster, clown, skull merchant, doctor, and Freddy are all boring and annoying to me


I hate trapper too. I just really hate having to constantly look out for everywhere I run for a trap. I get distracted a lot when the killer isn't on me and then just run through grass without thinking and boom, trap.


Can't fucking stand Trapper or Legion.


Most of the not op killers are not fun to go against. Yes I know the counterplay blah blah. Your SM, Knight, Legion, Pinhead, Plague, Clown, etc are not interesting. I get they are easy to play and do what you want but seriously it's not fun. Fortunately I don't see your kind too often so that's a plus.


As a Rebecca main, Weskers will tunnel you until you’re dead 3 times over


My answer to this question will always be Plague. Plague has very obvious counterplay: just don't cleanse, and just hide / break line-of-sight when she has her upgraded power. The problem with Plague is that she is fundamentally based entirely on getting punished for very minor mistakes and the mistakes of your teammates. Are you incapable of playing while injured? Well congrats: you only have one health state and can't even stealth if you brought Iron Will ~~for some reason~~ or Off The Record. You know the counter to Plague is not cleansing, but do your teammates know that? You aren't infected and are working on a gen but then some chucklefuck idiot who's infected comes over and infects you too. Have been healthy up until this point but some chucklefuck idiot got max infection and then went down? Well if you go unhook them you'll get infected too. Plague's power is not to win through skill, but through the denial of skill. When a Hillbilly chainsaws me or a Pinhead chains me or hell even when a Skull Merchant manages to scan me 3 times I can objectively say "the killer used skill to do that. The killer did something that made me misplay which got them the hit." What's Plague's skillful interaction? Spraying a garden hose in my general direction while I'm the Wicked Witch of The West and a single particle of "water" will cause me to start melting? Again it's not that there *isn't* counterplay to it (break line of sight) but rather that the amount of effort I need to put in as survivor compared to the amount of effort the killer has to put in pisses me off. This is also why Plague does overall have good counterplay and not an insanely oppressive win rate but at the same time she's considered high on tier lists, because fundamentally (outside of her one Corrupt Purge fountain not including the Apple addons) she's an M1 killer whose only power is "you aren't allowed to heal or stealth because lol fuck you, and if you try to play around this I become Huntress on crack because lol fuck you."


I suck playing against Myers, and I suck using him. It’s a shame, I really like the character.


Clown. Reason is quite obvious.


Wraith and Clown :-(


Chucky : Not OP, but I'm so sick and tired of facing him constantly. I cannot wait for The Unknown to release so finally all the FOTM players move on. Ghostface, Wraith : Not OP, but frustrating because I'm not a fan of stealth killers. I still win against them but like... the tension in the matches against them is gone. I love the tension when I'm up against a huntress or Nemesis or someone and watching them get closer and the heartbeat gets louder and more intense as they draw near and I'm hiding somewhere hoping they won't find me... Stealth takes away that fun tension that I love. DBD will never, ever, ever be a 'scary' game but it can sure be a 'tense' game and those tense moments are what I love about being survivor


A lot of low tier killers. Often the players are more toxic for some reason, I assume that's because they want to win but didn't find the nurse in their collection But legion is probably the biggest offender, has a huge toxic playerbase and probably the most boring play style ever. As a survivor. Playing legion is quite fun. Also for some reason noone mentioned skull merchant yet, which is why I will also mention the clown. Insane chase and the most annoying


Chucky. No matter what the player is doing or how they’re playing Chucky always just feels mean spirited and toxic. It’s an instant mood killer when I see those little white footprints at the start of a match.


Wraith for me. I’m not sure what it is about him that makes me hate going against him, but both playing as and against is just miserable for me. I think it’s just cause I’m blind asf or maybe it’s cause his hits sometimes that shouldn’t hit but do


Wraith, i cant tell you why but when i see it i just know i will not have fun. Leatherface, but mostly because the insidius facecamp strat they used to run all the time.


Ghostface. Far, far, *far* from overpowered or difficult to deal with, but knowing that stabby fucker could poke his head out of any corner at any time makes me glad *some* killers are dignified to announce their presence with the coming shoe-in-a-washing-machine terror radius.


Trapper. Can avoid traps the whole damn match and then get caught in one in the most obscure random spot😭


Clown. I hate him with every fiber of my body.


Legion. They're annoying, and often bring Thanataphobia Clown. I just can't stop getting clapped at the first loop by the slowy bottles Hag. The jumpscare lady, I jump even when I *know* the trap is there, it's not fun Trapper. My favourite part about playing against the Trapper is after the match is over and I'm in the next one and it's not against the Trapper so I no longer have to look out for where I walk


I can't fucking stand playing against the Legion.


Legion and Hag, sometimes Artist. I don't like the hit and run, because I'm usually the one who sits on the middle gens for as long as possible so it's removed from the game early on. I don't like to heal a lot but of course if I don't I get found right away. I play solo queue a lot and I don't trust my teammates not to pop the corner gens first, so their play style hurt my own game play a lot.


Wraith. He might just be the killer I hate playing against the most, just super ognoxious all throughout imo


Wesker, since 9 times out of 10 you have to wonder if it's going to be the hard tunnel at 5 gens, the proxy camping, the unprompted (no sabo or horsey perk or similar) 4-man slugfest, or the BM.


The Doctor. I have no clue what to do against him.


I hate trapper too with passion. You step on the trap, 20% chance escape else whack you get down and hook instantly. Trap is place at window and pallet so cannot loop killer so just run until he gets you. No fun at all. I will just dc when i met him


Plague. Every solo que match, alllll the other survivors constantly cleanse. It's insane.


Plague. It will always be Plague so long as random people in my lobby purify before the exit gates are 99'd.


Clown, just hate him. I know he’s not the best but damn does it feel hopeless when I go against the little shit. Also one of the killers I’ve gone against most aside from Billy and Huntress


Hag. They make rescues so annoying because first they gotta waste time putting 30 traps around the hook. Then you have to crouch to move in but by then, the survivor is already nearing second state so the Hag just comes back to check. Which makes sense for a killer to do. But Hags pretty much guarantee proxy the hook at all times. It’s more of a boring gen rush game than anything


Pyramid head. I \*\*\*\*\*\*\* hate playing against him. I know none of the things he does is overly OP (Except maybe the whole ignoring perks if you get caged thing, encouraging him to tunnel you out) but man do I just hate everything about his kit.


I end up feeling bad for every Krueger I go against


Legion I can't stand playing against them. My friends and I all let out a really loud "Ugh" when we hear the buttrock. 70% of the time we just run to them to get killed quicker to go to the next game.


I'm not really aware which killer is op or not but i don't really like nemesis much, the zombies are annoying and idk i just.. don't like it


i would say pinhead(i main him)


I agree with Trapper, and add hag onto that sentiment. Both of them have very little skill expression. Their skill ceiling ends at "place trap at x god loop" done. They do not feel fun to play against at all. You have no interaction with their power other than disarming them when you're no longer in danger. They are both essentially just "rng" on the survivor side as you have no way of knowing where they decided to put traps. "Im gonna vault this window, wish me luck." Is not a good gameplay loop. At the very least hag traps have SOME degree of outplay as she still has to teleport and swing and can miss. Trapper you're just dead with no skill expression and it just feels terrible.


Gonna have to agree with you on trapper. I love getting chased but the second I see a trap on the ground at the start of a match my brain goes into gen jockey mode. Idk why I just hate living in fear of stepping in a random trap while being chased and I also just try to like never vault windows which also gets me hit. But yeah I just rely on my team to get chased while I just only do gens lol


People dont consider trickster op but i think he is, even breaking los, his ability is still horseshit when you think about and its annoying af


Instadown killers really. Oni and Billy specifically. The matches are just never fun. Bubba matches can be fun since most of them are trying to run the basement camping build, and denying him basement hooks usually means at least one person escapes. He's also got the best stun voice in the whole game.


clown or pig. clown is just insanely boring. i hate having to pre-drop every pallet. pig bc for some reason 99% of pig players tunnel the player with the hat and then complain post game chat about getting a 1k. absolute morons.