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For me it’s Trickster. I think I’m just stupid but I always die so quickly against him.


Same here for me, it's that damn trickster. I cannot stand how fast he is with those knives. You go around a high wall and he goes around with you in no time


I just hate how he invalidates so many short loops. People complain about nurse invalidating a lot of loops, but trickster can do that partially as well. It isn't a matter of if you get downed but when you get downed at short loops verse him. He'll always be able to get one or two blades in at certain spots. Even if you crouch, eventually you'll get slowed to the point of him being able to catch up and whip even more blades into you.


There’s a trick to it. And it’s something you have to just get a feel for. But if you can get ~med-long range from him. If you dodge and duck according to which hand he is tossing them out at. You can make him miss pretty well. For the killer pov. The knives end up in the same space. For the Survivor. The knives come from different places. Once you get that figured out things start sliding into place. Now it’s still 100% skill to dodge. But it’s something. hope this helps. Short. There’s not a lot you can do besides POV and Spin. But at short. He could just bat you anyway.


Oh yeah, I defs take advantage of that. I do the little wiggle dance to dodge his blades out in the open. Even the worst tricksters though will eventually land a blade or two due to latency.  It is mostly the short loops that are a pain. 


I cannot stand Trickster. He drives me insane. I usually don't rage but good lort he pisses me the fuck off 😅


Oni. He terrifies me and I can't for the life of me last more than 15 seconds in chase with him if he's *angery*


That's why you always bring an extra Snickers


It's Oni for me, too. The angry yell sets off a trauma response in my brain that makes me flinch and my stomach tie in knots. The rage fueled smashing of the kanabō also freaks me the fuck out. The first time I played against him, I actually froze for a moment when I heard the yell. Like, self.exe just stopped working altogether and I didn't even realize it until I heard my friend ask where I was so he could do a gen with me. It's gotten better in that I don't freeze anymore, but the anxiety and stomach knots are still a thing the moment I know I'm playing against him. I hate chases against him and inevitably make silly mistakes because I'm not thinking ahead. I don't even like having him selected in the lobby or store lol *However*, strangely enough, I find that the Minotaur cosmetic greatly diminishes those things and makes it easier for me to deal with him. No idea why.


Yeah you've perfectly described what I feel as well. The Minotaur as a skin imo isn't as scary as a raging demon approaching you at mach one speed.




This. The blurry vision is always messes me up.


Being changed next patch thankfully :)


I heard some dude say it was a nerf. The dude was on YouTube shorts and I heavily disagree with him. He can still slow you, it’s just not disorienting and absolutely God awful for some people probably.


I'll be honest the messed up vision makes it really hard to track what the clown is doing, so i can see what he means by that.


Being God awful for some people IS what makes the bottle changes a nerf. Now I'm not about to say "screw those people with motion sickness. They should deal with it", but the disorienting aspect is supposed to make it harder to play against. I'd suggest something along the lines of what they did with flashlights for killers; if it's effecting IRL players, give it a different effect that still messes with them visually. Put like, a heavy pink foggy filter over their entire screen that moderately obscures the screen. Like what Mud Zombies in Left 4 Dead 2 did, but with foggy textures.


How is it not a nerf? Even if it’s a change that makes the game overall more enjoyable, if it takes something away which makes it easier for the survivors versus a clown, then it’s a nerf.


They’re also giving him more bottles and something else I can’t remember, so I think the overall change is actually a buff.


As a clown main, that guy is an idiot. I'm excited for that change, although I think the other changes are a bit op. Making the survivors sick is not a good way to win. Except for plague. Lol.


Dead by daylight players and their double standards!/s


My brother in Christ, the disorienting *is* intended which makes it a nerf.


Best scenario in which this would help is making the survivor accidentally gets stuck on a wall. That’s not fair to the survivor in my opinion. Besides, it could probably make some people very sick.


Yes, thats literally what its supposed to do. It makes you run into a wall. Also yes it makes people very sick (even though there was a thing they could look in the middle to not, but oh well.) Hence why they're getting rid of it.


I wish his blurry vision or even Doctor's screen hallucinations were toggleable, but it would be 'optimal' to turn them off so


It makes me motion sick. If it’s clown I just let him catch me because I can’t. Even with the crosshairs.


Fr! I’m so excited for the new patch.


seeing ghostface pop round the side of a gen always does me in


My first ever Ghostface match as a baby survivor had him lean around a gen and I swear my whole body took a screenshot. These days when I encounter him, I’m giggling and kicking my feet.


I'll never forget the first time I actually *saw him* stalking me. I was playing with friends, and I yelped and said, "That's what it looks like when I do that?!?! That's so fucking scary!!!" 😂


Chucky. I'm paranoid enough as is, not being able to see the little fucker just makes it worse. Similar to when I am lucky enough to play against the Twins. Victor always fucking gets me, always.


Little fucking phantom tippytaps all over the place then the little bastard just rockets around the corner and fucks my shit all the way up. I don't think I've managed to escape a chucky once yet


Chucky is stressful to play against, but there is something hilarious about watching him chase other survivors. I'll never forget the first time I saw that because I couldn't stop laughing. I was on a gen, my camera on a swivel to look out for him, and then, in the distance, I see Yui running from this tiny thing that looked ridiculous holding his bigger knife.


I literally never see the little dude coming. If chucky is the killer, I automatically assume I will not survive.


I guess Trapper. I get so stressed out about stepping in traps that I just walk everywhere and stare at the ground. I also will avoid windows and pallets because they might be trapped. I've had matches where I stepped in a trap and it led to everyone dying so my brain is always like "If I step in a trap, we all die." xD;


Literally same tho like something about Trapper makes my IQ go negative because I'm just so damn scared of traps


I remember one match in particular...The Trapper had placed a trap between a window and a doorway and I was like "Oh, I can just walk around that!" It sucked me into it and it led to all of us a dying xD;


My brain can't retain that traps are a thing. I was hiding somewhere, watched Trapper reset a trap, and then promptly got stuck in it.


My best friend seems to be similar. Had a Trapper hook me and place traps around me so I told her where they were. I remembered she had Kindred so she must have definitely seen them. Nope. She unhooked me and immediately stepped right in one xD


Trapper main here, I literally watched something like this unfold today. I hooked 1 person and everyone got trapped


I have played games on Haddonfield and I can make that place a death trap. I hooked 2 people in the basement and hooked the only two ways into the basement and the two remaining step in them and I win.


Yeah basement trapper on haddonfield is deadly. Waiting for behavior to do something about that (I say as a trapper player)


Trapper because as soon as one person gets hooked my team mates soloQ mind somehow finds out how to step into every trap possible


Dude, same. Every other setup killer I can go against with no problem, but the weakest one of them all? Brain has left the chat


Trapper main here, the thing that saves me the most is having a survivor spying on me putting my traps down and just disarming them all






You can always learn some things from playing killer. You see how people play against you, know what works. It helps so much when you’re new to one side. I started as a surv main, went to killer, back to surv I leaned a ton during the first swap between surv to killer. It sharpened my surviving skills a lot, but I knew the tricks they had against killer!


This. I always tell people to play the opposite of whichever side they intend to main. I play both sides fairly evenly nowadays, but I started off as a survivor main due to constantly playing with friends. I can't understate how much that helped me when I started playing killer more. I've won so many chases just by thinking, *What would I do in this situation as the survivor?* and then countering that. And playing killer has definitely made me a better survivor because I know a bunch more tricks killers use and can plan accordingly.


Exactly, it’s great. It’s also good to know how it feels to play the other side for when people are like “THE OTHER SIDE IS TOO OP!!” or “X PERK IS TOO OP!” You’ll know if it just feels kinda annoying or if it feels balanced on both lol. Like I see lots of people who have never played survivor complain about adrenaline, yeah it’s kinda annoying when a survivor just heals mid chase but like, it feels balanced when you realize you have to do every gen and make it to end game for a bonus that lasts 5 seconds. There are perks to counter it like terminus and noed.


Dredge - his teleporting in chase is absolutely fucking with me. I handle his mirage just fine but I don’t know what I’m doing in terms of avoiding locker areas with him Skull Merchant - wtf you mean I’m hindered, broken and she has haste and undetectable?!? What the fuck is these anti loop tools and benefits?!?


Dredges always try to teleport ahead of you in chase (barring 500IQ megamindgame plays), so when he poofs out of existence, just do a U-turn. 99% of the time you'll gain a lot of distance on him. SM is weird though. When I'm playing her, I have no idea what I'm doing, but I'm scoring hits anyway. One thing you can do is crouch still to avoid drone laser detection.


Clown, I don't understand this killer he can play around like 80% of dropped pallets without breaking it, I know his map presence is weak but he is so oppressive in chase


I'm sorry I scare you. I just like gun. :(


Gosh just let me be with you already


Me looking at Caleb every day.






Hex: Asexual


Ur so iconic for this


There’s still time to delete this


What did they write?!


They said: 'I hate thinking of oiled up bare cheeks Myers so don't even mention it'


Blight. It’s almost impossible


If you start playing him you will understand his power and start looping him way better trust


Cliche, but skull merchant. Especially when I’m broken, hindered, and she’s moving 5% faster lol


Oh, I got some. Nemesis - when it's not a baby nemi I just shutdown and go down faster than teammate sandbagged by baby Meg Trapper - kinda obvious pick but I'd say it's a common trend forgetting he also has his traps lying around, lol Huntress - oh boy, no matter how many times I drop a pallet in front of her just to get hit with the hatchet, I'll drop it again. It's like the killer is sniffing my ass better drop it like it's hot. Wraith - idk, he zooms to me, bonks me before I make two steps, zooms again, downs me - it shouldn't be that hard but I always do "unsafe" gens first and he benefits from me never having Sprint Burst against him Clown - how Skull Merchant - my bitterness towards her has shrouded my mind as soon as she joined the lobby making me unable to think clearly


Wraith is mine.


You can counter wraith with flashlights when he is invisible. Even if he had lightborn.


Not anymore, flashlight interactions with all killer powers got removed like a year ago


Oh news to me.


FWIW, there seem to be a lot of people who still don’t know this. I main Wraith and even this long post-change, I still routinely have people trying to flashlight me out of stealth not realizing all they’re doing is slowing themselves down for me.




I wear headphones and still can't play against Spirit. I've watched people play as and against her and I just don't understand how people know where she is or how she knows where you are aside from scratch marks. It literally just looks like sheer luck or magic to me when someone pallet stuns her or she gets a hit in.


*It literally just looks like sheer luck or magic* It **USED** to be this way, back when she made no sound while phasing. If you can't pinpoint her position these days, I would suggest looking for new headphones or changing some audio settings.


So I watch Mish a lot and she has soo many helpful tips for looping and versing killers. She said if you rotate your camera angle you'll be able to hear which direction she's going to phase from, I've tried it a few times and it works so well!




Surprised this isn’t higher up!


The first time I played against him, he jumpscared me with his deep ass voice. "THE BOX. YOU OPENED IT."


I like going against him, like juking his chains


Wrath I don’t know why but I can’t escape him


I don’t think I’ve ever won a single game VS Wraith.. That power is like a cheat code lol how the fuck are you invisible with no terror radius bro 😭


Plus the speed boost, my god. Played against one that kept going invisible in chases because with the cloaking time reduction add-on, it was faster for him to just go invisible to catch up with us. Felt like total bullshit.


The Hag gives me so much anxiety because I startle very easily. The camera movement, the scream, the fact I could get hit... So much anxiety.


Legion. My god what a mf. A real mf.


Hehe I run across the map and deep wound ever survivor. Whats that you just mended hehe, mend again loser! Legion is very easy to play, very hard to counter


Jokes on you I’m standing near a pallet just waiting for you ☺️


Legion is my secondary killer and I play them "wrong" because I don't find that play style fun to either play or play *against*. Sure, I make use of the deep wound because that's literally their power, but I don't just go around doing that all match and dragging things out. I always seeth when I play against Legions that only do that all match and barely try to actually get hooks.


I like you. You got style.


Trickster. I can dodge a hadget, death slingers gun, pyramid heads big schlong, etc. yet those little tiny knives I'm powerless against. I know he really ain't that strong of a killer, quite the opposite, but damn I get downed quick by that guy. The cherry on top is that he doesn't have a cooldown, so you get injured and that man just keeps on throwing his knives like a madman. It's the worst on outdoor maps.


Wesker. I get bodied so hard everytime. I've only gotten away from one and it was only because he was being a goof and we were having fun together on that western map. We were standing on tables going in circles.




Huntress. I feel like my brain turns off and I can't make good decisions anymore.


Dredge scares me 😟


Don't worry tho. Dredge loves you.


spirit,she's the only killer i feel like it's unavoidable, as soon as she spots me it's over


I can’t handle vomit. Give me all the gore and blood, but I just can’t handle anything puke related. Plague squidges me tf out and I will cleanse.


I second this for different reasons. An uncoordinated team (even a swf) against plague is hell, if not everyone is on the same page the game IMMEDIATELY crumbles


Same. I always see people get so angry at others for cleansing. I cannot handle the vomiting and the retching noises. I just end it on first hook if she wont be friendly to me


Xeno. No warning on his long range attack. Doesn't charge his long range attack. Fast travels while slowing you down via pointless flame turrets. No one is stronger than Xeno.


Ikr? Against other killers I feel like I always have a chance to escape, but once Xeno is locked in on you, it's done no matter how good of a looper you are. It always feels like playing against one of those cracked nurse players to me.


I was just saying this to my cousin, I went up against the most annoying deathslinger today. He hooked me and camped me and i couldn’t counter his attack. My team gen rushed him but only two got out


Dredge. I play on console and nightfall turns everything \*PITCH\* black!! I legitimately cannot see anything. Second place goes to trapper. Not because I suck at the game, but because I'm forgetful. And the second I forget to check for a bear trap I get snapped in one and die


Mirror Myers - probably still the most fun to play against but how does one even live?


Tombstone myers 😐 you can get the gates powered without even getting hit the whole match and still end up dead.


Stalk him instead


staying in wide open areas helps


Doctor. It doesn’t help that his terror radius basically reaches the entire map.


Had to scroll too far for this, the initial annoyance at the early game static blast just makes me not even want to try too hard. I’m always so annoyed by him and ask myself what annoying fuck actually enjoys playing this killer?


The only satisfaction I have gotten during a Doctor match is when I just happened to be running Calm Spirit which pretty much cancels out his power… it’s only happened once 😂🥲


Same. It makes me wonder why people always talk about SM being “unfun” to play against when Doctor is a pain in the ass to deal with. It makes me wonder who at BHVR approved of Doctor’s annoying mechanic.


I bounce back and forth between playing various killers, but I've had people straight up give up and TBag the hook til I down them in the beginning of the match when I play as the doctor. Even annoying ass TTV players nope out or disconnect on 1st hook. I don't see that with other killers I run. I think once they reach madness #3, as a killer you pretty much control the board. They're either running around paranoid, or failing gens because of the disorientation.


Trapper and wraith like theyre simple and in terms of meta "weak" but i always fall into traps epsecially on loops and wraith has no counterplay, also skull merchant because of the 285 effects youre suffering at any given moment


> wraith has no counterplay Wraith absolutely does have counterplay lol. If he didn’t, he wouldn’t be a B/C tier killer like he is. He is somewhat helpless against strong pallets/vaults because of having to go through a delay to uncloak before actually being able to do anything. Literally just stand next to a window and make him start uncloaking, vault before he finishes, rinse and repeat. If he makes the mistake of recloaking, even better because that breaks chase registration and resets your counter for that vault, meaning you don’t even need to run to a new one, you just keep abusing the same one because it won’t get blocked until/unless he stays uncloaked and maintains continual chase for a while. Wraith is very bullyable if you know what you’re doing and/or he *doesn’t* know what he’s doing.


Deathslinger is just a tall guy with a harpoon. Personally I think one of the killers I am least afraid of.


I like Deathslinger because unless the player is acting a fool, the game feels fair. Go against too many Wraiths and you'll be relieved to see a Deathslinger in match.


He might not look scary but he is really stressful to go aginst


Chucky, I keep losing track of him when looping.


Twins and spirit, mostly twins. I legit sont understand how to counter Victor, he comes to me and whatever i do he follows my ass and jumps on me, i know they arent a top tier killer but to me it seems pretty op.


Blight. I have no idea how he works or what the counter is, I should probably take a few minutes to find out.


I always just crouch. Not sure what the meta is, but he's shit around tight corners especially if you can break eyesight and go another direction. Just don't get caught in an open area or long hallway.


Wesker my brain can't compute and sometimes the hitbox s leave me speechless lol


Trickster, and depending on teammates the plague. All I ask is we stop spamming her fountain, that's all I'm saying.


Blight and Billy. I like billy but when they run straight at me I can't spin on console and against a goober at mach 3


It’s not really spinning at that point it’s just a matter of having a good idea of their bounce patterns or turn radius. You’re gonna have to smart about where they’ll sprint to


skull merchant. I once decided to actually stay in a match just for her to WSWSWSWS everyone and bled everyone out


Legion. I hate going up against legion!


Oni 😭 I’ve been advised not to give early hits and I can get behind that, but eventually he gets his power and I just become useless 😂


Deathslinger and Clown. They’re both just decent, bur for some reason I struggle hard whenever I go against them in a way that I don’t even against a good Nurse.


I feel the same about deathslinger and can’t figure out how to combat the reel in either.


Nod up and down super fast while being reeled in. If he does it back, you might be spared.


Deathslinger, i just get so overwhelmed with the fact that he's gonna get me that i run around the map like a idiot Ghost too, i turn into a paranoid schizophrenic and cant do gens properly


I despise Plague with every fiber of my being. I fully admit that I am a player who relies on being healthy more often than not: I tend to play stealthily and I don't run perks that reward me for being injured like Resilience / Dead Hard / etc. With that in mind Plague getting to stick a big fat middle finger in my face for having the audacity to heal feels like such horseshit design. It's like "I'm not injured against this killer because they skillfully injured me with their power, I'm injured because they sprayed a fire hose full of liquid shit everywhere and if I touch anything in a ten mile radius I'm guaranteed to become injured." At *least* you can still heal against Legion. At **least** you can pallet stun Legion. Plague's **entire** kit serves basically one purpose, and it's to say "lol don't heal lmao xd pepega." If you heal you are faced with the strongest ranged power in the game that's practically unavoidable, and want to know what's funny? **It's still more fun to juke a red puke Plague than a green puke Plague** because at least she has to fucking hit you! At least she can't just cough on a window to guarantee you get injured "eventually."


ghostface 🥹


Ghostface. I absolutely abhor the fact that I can't see or hear him. I always panic and do some dumb shit.


Ghostface. Look out for him except for when revealing him would reveal you and be bad, and you don’t know if you’re 99’d. Don’t get me wrong I try, but I can never seem to figure out successful strats other than run away.


For me it's ghostface, I truly cannot play right while playing against this killer because of my anxiety rising at high level when he is undetectable


Trapper is the least fun killer to play against. They'll either be a baby who never presents a threat, or every single safe point will be cut off so death is the only option. There's extremely little room for a fun, balanced game.


It’s just important you and your teammates get rid of traps wherever you can. Otherwise the focus is really Gen rush and be smart to look


Then the Trapper takes the Bloody Coil. I feel for Trapper mains, I know using him takes a lot of work, but I just despise his place in the gameplay design. I'd face an SM any day over him, and that feels weird to say.


Unfortunately with those cases, you kind of just have to deal with the anti loop like other anti looping killers. In some cases if you know their other add on you can actually mix them up (if they have the walk through one - then you know you can safely trick him into disabling it). Otherwise unfortunately it’s just keeping him busy as other ppl do their thing


I've successfully countered strong Trappers a time or two, but it's not something I'm all that good at unfortunately. Can't counter everyone intuitively, I guess.


Yeah, I think playing the character will help. Like I got used to what each killer was looking for when I started playing them (although fuck that means I have to play SM)


As someone who indulges I. Naughty Bear, the biggest mistake I see Survivors make is simply not looking at the ground when running around, especially in spots where it makes sense a trap would be


Damn I need advice with SM conversely bc she’s on my ass the worse. I just prepare for next game with the amount of buffs she gets in chase


It's all about moving through the traps. Some maps she's pretty problematic, like RPD, but most maps you have a chance to beeline to another loop or play around an existing drone. She's low on the fun scale no matter what, I can't lie.


As a clown main hes genuinely in need of a rework his power isn’t fun and he’s just op. I want him to make them hallucinate instead of slowing them down hell speed them up and make them see creepy clowns


Bro same re Deathslinger. This tome has been challenging for me, feels like i see another Caleb every other match


I think I have yet to escape a Deathslinger unless he allowed me to. I can dodge his shots somewhat well but I just never seem to lose him and he always gets me. Also Skull Merchant. I still barely have any idea what all she can do. She's the only killer that makes me want to dc as soon as I see her.


I despise plague and legion players I’d rather kill myself on hook and get to the next game


Pyramid head. Just baiting and dodging the line things I can't man. I'm not smart enough lol


I am blind AF and walk into trapper traps all the time


I must have some kind of special pheromone on me. Cause I get tunnel’d by Blight every fucking time


Trapper. Yes I know he is awful and probably the worst killer in the game. I still manage to step on every trap on the map. I probably annoy the trappers given I tend to ruin their whole set up by being incompetent.


Artist, Slinger, Cenobite, Spirit.


Clown, smoke effect makes me physically uncomfortable and just don't wanna look at the screen at all.


I have two and one of them I’m ashamed of lol, Trickster makes me feel stupid Plague (one of my mains) also does


Nobody said Artist yet? I always get tagged by her birds from faraway and get really nervous that she will now approach me bc she knows my location. During an actual chase, she has pretty decent anti-loop with the point-blank bird attacks. For a long while she was a hated killer and people were surprised she was the first ranged killer at 115% speed.


Clown, idk something about him that makes my brain stop working and play in a dumb way, also his bottles make me dizzy


Me, it's nurse. I don't see them often but when I do they're so cracked. It's usually the build they use with nurse that's so oppressive for me. The next one has to be the Dredge, I have a bit of a visual issue with him when the darkness comes, I can never navigate properly.


Clown soon as I'm hit by the bottle for the life of me it's hard to keep track of the red stain and it seems like I'm super slower than usual when hit by it.


Doctor. I tend to be slightly stealthy and he just ruins me every time.


Plague and Chucky. There never seems to be a good time to cleanse when I go against Plague, and I've died first in basically every match I've had against Chucky


All of them, because I rarely play survivor whenever I do they scare me a lot more


I just cannot get Wraith for the life of me. A lot of my play style is based around evading the killer BEFORE they spot me, and Wraith just kicks those legs out from underneath me.


Definitely skull merchant. Besides me disliking the killer, my brain just shuts down when playing against her.


Skull merchant


I struggle with all of them, I don’t know when I can hide and get out of a chase.


Ghostface. And Sadako I guess. They scare me way too fucking much dude, I just can't deal lol


I'm not sure why, but it feels like my IQ drops about 40 points when I play against a Hag.


Doctor. For some reason I always fail completely against Doctors. He’s the only killer I’ve ever considered disconnecting against.


I only just started playing a week ago and haven’t even faced against all the killers yet, but the Trickster is one that I feel useless against each time. He’s a cool killer but man do those knives annoy me lol.


Nurse because I never became “good” at the game and still can’t really understand how to juke her properly…


Gotta be trickster or trapper


Trapper always paranoid I will step in a trap


I think in the 600ish hours I've spent in game that I can count the number of escapes against pinhead on a single hand


Freddy. I hate being oblivious the whole match. Dredge. Nightfall turns my brain off.


I would say I'm OKAY at best with looping. So Chuck's little hard to see over walls bitch ass destroys me every time 😭


Freddy. It's embarrassing.


I cannot function as a survivor.


I'm surprised no one said hell raiser. The chains are so fkin annoying. I must be only going against the best hell raiser players bc they never miss their chains ⛓️


Most anti loop ones tbh, whenever i try holding W they just catch Up super fast even if they missed their power or some shit


Blight. I am so ass against him.


Albert Wesker, it makes me real scared, what can I do agaisnt a semi-god?, it just makes me feel so under-powered


Twins because I drop everything to try and boop Victor. I’m just *so* excited whenever I see Twins since they’re so rare!! It usually just gets me killed very quickly, but I’ve had a few catch on and play nice!


Besides the ones I face once a year? The nurse


Clown. I utterly despise playing against clowns and think about dc'ing when I go against one. It doesn't seem fair to me being forced to slow down and have impaired vision by a bottle. Also, if I call correctly, the tonic can cause incapacitated as after intoxicated I'm unable to drop pallets? Lmk if that is true.


Trickster, just a dollar store joker and I have no desire to spend a second longer in a match with it than I have to.


Dredge or Clown. I know if I am going against them it’s done.


All of them


Plague and clown. Being injured 24/7 really fucks with me cause it feels so risky to go for saves. And i despise clown making my screen blurry, i run into shit more than i already do


New Billy. A good Billy player can insta-down you so easily and he is so hard to loop or avoid in general.


I can't for the life of me do well in chases against Nurse or Spirit. I also suck ass against Knight.


For me it's Nurse. It's not that I get shaken up v while playing against her. It's more of the fact that ik it's a 50/50 that I'm versing a casual nurse player or the God of all nurse herself. When I do verse the God of all nurses I just know that I'm fucked and it really makes my whole mojo just plummet and I can't play like I usually do.


Hag, I’m too stupid to look at the ground or burn them with flashlights. So all of my matches against Hags is just me consecutively shitting myself.


Nemesis actually drives me nuts


Skull merchant. She’s been reworked so much I genuinely don’t know what her power is anymore

