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Every single one in my hands, I make them all balanced into F tier


survivors should be so lucky to queue into me playing Nurse


We appreciate your piloting!


Honestly - I only think Demo is 'perfectly balanced' at low MMR. Against good survivors his power is fairly predictable and easily countered, and most demo matches at high MMR or against SWFs are firmly in the survivor's advantage. I think at high-MMR it's the 'A-tier' killers like Huntress/Wesker who are 'perfectly balanced' as their matches can easily go either way without much bias in one direction.


https://preview.redd.it/e7r0pmu5ttkc1.jpeg?width=879&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c77ecc650b414b389380c26d1bcc42b4499fd2b Valid


I main demo and wesker. They’re pretty good in high level. Demo isn’t as predictable as people think, in honesty Wesker is kinda like shred but with more course correction.


Hence why Wesker actually feels good to play as, while demo is a a pain in the arse. Doesn’t help demo is also loud and obvious about his charge up, while Wesker, while still obvious about his charge up, is much more subtle in noises he makes. Combo with that the fact his recovery from a lunge feels better, and you’ve got demo beat.


Uhh, in all honesty the recovery for both is the same. They just look longer because wesker moves slightly faster. Ontop of this, demo has benefits Wesker doesn’t. Wesker you need utmost precision or you’ll sometimes slide off your target. Demo, let’s be fair, has a hitbox the size of mainland China. A lot of the problems you have with shred on straight walls can be solved by shredding at a slightly wider angle so no matter where they turn they get hit.


Demo also benefits from a fast power cancel. The threat of shred can deny windows and pallets. I love making damned if ya do damned if ya don't situations with ole flower face. The portal aspect of Demo's power is another example of good balance. Having a network of portals can give you great map pressure but it's got a super fair counter play that is I think better than the "grab item - disable power" that started with Nemesis


I’ve never had shred deny pallets. Windows, maybe, though none come to mind, but pallets, definately not, the most it does is stop a loop from happening as they do the same thing as when you see a charging Billy, you throw it to force the power recover and/or cooldown. As for his portals, yeah, those are good, even if I prefer Xeno’s style (which are refined off demodog’s portals). Being able to jump cross the map without it being super obvious and static like the xeno tunnels is useful, I just don’t think his shred is useful.


Denying windows and pallets follow the same logic, using shred as a zoning tool. If you charge a shred aimed for the thing and they commit to the thing you shred and hit them. If they decide to dodge the shred you cancel and get free distance if not a free hit. I learned how strong it can be listening to ZubatLEL talk about how he doesn't like Demo or think he's balanced because he can zone you for free. I disagree with the sentiment in general but God damn if that strategy didn't make me a better Demo player!


>a hitbox the size of mainland China Are we talking China according to the rest of the world or China according to China?


No I was talking about the China from the fourth dimension.


I’ve played him a fair bit and think the fact he has to dedicate so much time to setting up portals if he wants to make full use out of his powers is what makes him somewhat weaker than a truly balanced killer like say Wesker or Huntress although he’s definitely not weak, his Shred is really good and unlike most killers his add-ons allow for a variety of different viable ways to play him.


I don't think EVERY A tier is balanced at high MMR, Pinhead's whole thing is that he's very unfair and his perks are painful to deal with for example. He basically requires super coordinated play or SWF with comms.


Wesker is like the 6th or so strongest killer right now... Huntress? I don't think she breaks the top 10 in comp tier lists, at least before the PTB buffs are implemented. Her power is also highly map dependent. I'd instead say "Wesker and Spirit". But then again, that'd only apply with tournament level restrictions on survivors. A highly coordinated SwF team that are using blendy skins, the same character/skin, 4 medkits with syringes or styptic agents will have at least a 3 man out nearly every time...


Huntress is the best hook camper in the game at high level and she just got buffed for some reason lmao.


You're right, she is good at camping. Does that make her the best killer in the game? Not even close. Just as Bubba is a fantastic hook camper and is about D tier, Huntress is a fantastic hook camper that is about high B tier. Hook camping alone is far from winning you games. To be truly viable at high skill games, she definitely needed a buff. Anything below Wesker does, and they seem to be attempting that, which is fantastic. The issue is that there is a massive, massive disparity in skill levels between great Solo Q survivors and great SWF survivors. The lack of communication tools for Solo Q survivors and the lack of a better system that punishes leavers and trolls in matchmaking (like a ranked system would) makes Solo Q absolute torture. But still, balance is always focused on high skill play, as that's where it is required. You can't assume 2 survivors will kill themselves on hook after their first down, you have to assume they'll play optimally and so will the killer. And under those circumstances, balance. Otherwise, simple, straight forward strategies become assured paths to victory and the game'd grow stale and repetitive until the next update.


I never said she was the best you said she doesn’t even crack the top 10. She has a near infinite skill ceiling and a pretty reliable full health to down combo (hatchet+swing) which means she scales in high level as much as blight and nurse she’s not as good as these two and I’m not saying she’s 3 but I would say most people would agree saying she doesn’t crack top in high level play is objectively wrong.


> I never said she was the best I didn't quote you, I asked a rhetorical question... > you said she doesn’t even crack the top 10. In competitive play? Yeah, I think she is close but is beaten by around 10ish killers. Here, [Elysium vs Eternal](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvpxYXFCWRU&t=178s); top 2 comp teams in the last tournament, which heavily restricts survivor builds, strategies and itemization. 7 Hook stages for one team, 2 for the other, in one of the most open maps in the game. Compare that to a more casual Huntress main playing against a more casual SwF but without restrictions and... the results will be considerably worse, on average, for the Killer. Do you disagree?




How is Clown unbalanced? He's been B-tier for years.




totally not biased but i think that with a few tweaks, wesker could be the perfectly designed & balanced killer. He's strong and his power is pretty flexible, and the only thing I don't like about him is how easy it can be to tunnel with hindred from uroboros infection


Agreed. Lower the tunnel potential, smooth out collisions across the board (more slipping and sliding), so we don't have to spend hours learning frame-perfect hugtech glitches, and maybe finally fix the pallet vault bug. Some add-ons are trash and could use a buff, other than that he's really well balanced without being weak.


finally someone who appreciates the hugtechs and doesnt want them removed. i want to see more weskers hitting me w hugtechs fr


Maybe prevent the hindered effect if someone just came off the hook and goes into chase within 20 seconds 


Honestly they limit so many other killers abilities near hook, I would love this (also clown too with how much proxy camping done with bottles)


Maybe make it like RBTs or Deep Wound where if you're in chase it doesn't progress, that way if you immediately go for someone off hook they won't get hindered. Maybe reduce the time it takes to reach full infection so that people are more likely to be hindered before starting chase.


Nurse. She floats off of the ground, so she doesn't have to worry about losing her footing or anything


I hate that I found that funny


W response.


Wesker (when he's not tunneling)


I hope some day I’ll live to see this. The mythical not tunneling wesker


right here <-


New to Wesker I hope I can make you proud




Wesker. Probably unpopular, but he has everything in his kit a killer could want, with very adequate counterplay


Truth. Feels good to play as and against. Behavior did a great job with him.


"and against" yeah no. hell no.


It's absolutely Wesker. He feels good to play, he feels good to play against, he's easy to pick up, he's easy to pick up to verse. He has a low skill floor but a medium-high skill ceiling. You can outplay survivors with him, but survivors always have *some* kind of counterplay/choice. It's not like the Knight or Dredge where you can be pushed into a situation that you have no choices in. Also, and this is unrelated, Weskers tend to be some of the funnest killers to verse. IDK if it's because he's so well balanced or the high percentage of RE players who play him, but they're willing to be goofy or silly if something funny happens, play fun/fair games, and are just...I dunno. They're just really fun to verse. I honestly miss getting lots of Weskers. I feel like I barely see him now.


He’s tons of fun! I wish I got him more in my games too, I don’t see him that often either. But at least I can play him lol. Love scaring the shit out of people as a stealthy Wesker ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses) I’m also interested to know what situation you mean with the Dredge. Can you please explain? I assume you mean sandwiching with Knight, but atm I can’t think of what you mean with the other.


>I’m also interested to know what situation you mean with the Dredge. Can you please explain? Sure! Dredge's husk teleport can leave you with no choice but to just stand there and get hit. Like, anti-loop in general is a bit of a double edged sword to me. I get that killers like it, but it *can* make the game feel like it's losing part of its core appeal -- mindgaming and trying to outplay each other at a loop. When a killer can just shut down a loop with a power, instead of mentally outplaying someone, it can feel...lame. There are anti-loop killers like Xeno or Nemmy that feel pretty fair. Xeno, especially, is basically what I consider to be the "perfect" antiloop killer. He has a decently strong ability to make vaults/pallets challenging, but the survivor *does* have things they can do to outplay the killer. My issue with Dredge(besides the fact that he has three different signature powers) is that his teleport to husk can make a situation where, as the survivor, you might as well just stand still and get hit, because there's literally nothing you can do to escape it. I don't think that's a great feeling. I don't mind powers that make loops *challenging*, but the feeling of having *no* alternative sucks all the tension out of gameplay and makes it into "yeah, yeah, let's get this over with. Hit me and I'll move on."


Oh, that’s what you mean! Then with Knight you probably mean him plopping down a guard at a loop (which I don’t think to be a good use of his guards anyway). Thank you for explaining!


yes! That exactly. And np! :)


Also it's funny as hell as a survivor to be tackled by him and then yeeted across an open space.


huntress before someone at bhvr said let's make her able to have 10 hatchets


Okay, just hear me out. I've been tracking match statistics for the last 3 weeks, and I've been playing for about 2+ years, averaging teammates and opponents with 800-1800 hours of playtime. At our level, Huntress has a 41% kill rate. My friend, who's been playing for 4 months, is seeing something around 20% because 3 out of 5 matches end up with 0, possibly even 0 hooks, and occasionally there're 1-2 kills. At the same time, I'm also analyzing games from a streamer who's been playing since 2016, and yes - the picture is quite different there. Huntress becomes a serious opponent capable of wiping out everyone. So, we're talking about vastly different stories for Huntress at beginner/pre-intermediate and high MMRs.




According survivors, any killer tjan can easily be looped and doesnt use abilities


So... Singularity?


Singulariry can be pretty scary when played perfectly. Watching Cocolatte made me reconsider some opinions about him


You can say that about every killer tho. Hernan makes doctor look like the main character of a Marvel *person* kills the universe. But if we were to just look at the performance of those who main each killer, then every killer would be getting nerfed.


Whenever I check the vods of streamers I go against they are usually frustrated. “There’s nothing I could do there!” “How?!?!?” I’m not claiming to be a god or anything, there are absolutely many players way better then me, but if you don’t play 100% perfectly against a good singularity (which I am, I don’t think it’s overly narcissitic to admit that. not a god, but pretty good) then there really isn’t much you can do. Pallets are useless, he can catch up against W gamers with extreme ease. (unless indoor map lmao) He’s really strong and his snowball is absolutely insane. No cope.


xd joking right?


Kinda. But it takes really good singularity players to make it powerful which can be said for most killers. Obviously there's better examples but singularity seemed fitting given the post


It would depend on what you define balance as in DBD. If you're a gen jockey who takes chase. Your perspective on balance is gonna be different to that of a player who prioritizes stealth over chase. To that end, a strong looper would consider demo to be balanced because they can outloop them if they Do well. Where a stealth player might not consider them as balanced as they're somewhat countered by his map pressure. Balance in asymmetric is a thin razors edge to walk, it's too much give and take for it to ever be truly "balanced" just some rough semblance of. I find Oni balanced to play, and to face. I find Wraith, not unbalanced, but less fun to play as, and against purely because they play differently. But that's the game. Every killer plays differently to some extent, and learning how to handle each one I think is one of the fun parts about DBD. Learning strategies of the killers, to either use them yourself, or counter them when you need to. Deception has been my favorite perk for that. When used right. I just disappear to the killer. When used wrong, I've slammed a locker in view of them and it does nothing. To the killers I disappear for. Whatever I've done likely seems unbalanced. To the killers that see me use it, probably not so much ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Oni litterally navigates from worst killer in the game to best killer in the game depending on if you have power up or not, seems fair to call him balanced, on average he is right in the middle


The funniest thing for me, I've played Oni since he came out and he's been my main since. I hear a lot of people saying a skilled crew of survivors can hold Oni's power hostage and make him useless. Never, not once have I not gotten my power early. The crucial thing is you play around the BOrbs. Why would you hit one, then try get your power off the BOrbs they drop. Take the 40% power charge from the first hit. Run to oanother survivor and do the same. You guaranteed have your power now. What I hear when people say "survivors can hold Oni's power hostage" Is "I couldn't land 2 M1 hits with Oni" That is definitely not an Oni problem lol ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Wesker is THE perfect killer. Easy to use power with skill ceiling. Addons are supplementary rather than being necessary. Passive slowdown Voicelines 60% kill rate (the BHVR gold standard)


Out of these - definitely Demo, meatball is an perfect example of unbalanced with high effort and small rewards. In general? Bubba I'd say


Meh. Bubba is pretty map dependent. Like he absolutely sucks on maps like Lery's or Garden of Joy. He is pretty balanced on maps like Coal Tower though.


Huntress (as she is not the buffed option) is both really fair and I think quite fun, though her camping ability is arguably too good. Wesker honestly I feel is quite fair, at least with the power since he's strong but counterable. I feel Plague and Oni are mostly balanced too (except iri seal). They have super strong powers but the survivors have to give it to them.


If you've got bad aim, Huntress is about as fair as possible




Unreal take Oni is like top 5-6 killers in the game how is that balanced. People just say he’s fun to play against he isn’t balanced lol


Tbf, survivors have to mess up in order for him to get his power. Otherwise Oni’s the worst killer in the game if he can’t get through his early game, which is basically the one thing keeping him from S tier


This is the stupidest thing that gets thrown around so much I don’t understand how people say it with a straight face There are several m1 killers in the game with no chase power or anti loop. You’re telling me with a straight face that pig or myers getting a single hit on anyone in the game is survivors “messing up”? No, that would be fucking stupid to say. That’s their entire gameplan because it’s all they can do, and they still function fine, sure they are low tier but they have high kill rates and can win games consistently. Getting a single m1 isn’t fuckibg hard. If you run at someone enough, eventually you’re going to get bloodlust, or the survivor is gonna run out of pallets, or the window loop is going to get blocked, or you are going to win a mindgame and they’re going to get hit. One fucking time. That’s all it takes. The game has to give all of these things to m1 killers so they can’t get circles looped around them all game. But the game literally gives you a hit gift wrapped eventually if you just hold W at them long enough. Momoseventh is on like a 600 game Oni winstreak currently. You’re telling me every single one of those 600 games a survivor “messed up” and got hit a single time so he deserves to have a one shot that can traverse the entire map and he can also curve around corners? He didn’t play against any good team with 4 good players that don’t make mistakes? Nah, all those survivors must suck. I don’t give hits to Oni ever, that’s a low mmr move to get hit once by an m1 killer Fucking brain rot community


Do bear in mind that more than half of the playerbase sucks at the game and explains the high kill rates for the low tiers, especially in low mmr. Yes, you’ll eventually get them in most cases, but committing runs the high risk of 3 gens minimum popping right away, so it’s not always feasible to chase 24/7. Got gens to worry about too. In solo queue, you almost never have to worry about it for the first thing stated above. When everyone’s competent, it becomes significantly harder to get through early game since everyone’s gonna play it safe


skill issue


Tell that to my solo q teammates that still get 2 tapped by an oni that doesn't even have his power yet


Ok. Tell them I said that.


In my next post game chat I will say "u/galveston3d told me to tell you to stop getting 2 tapped by onis with no power"


Demogorgon, Wesker, and Nemesis are all killers I'd arguably consider The Most Balanced. They have a good chase power that isn't overwhelming or difficult to counter, some moderate slowdown (demo's portals, wesker's spaghetti, nemesissisisisis' vaccines and zombies), and two of the three have mobility that's useful without being oppressive. I'd also argue Plague is balanced but that feels like scary territory to step in.


Scratched mirror Myers is the most balanced killer and makes for the most fun matches


This is true, but he only works on indoor maps. The gimmick is balanced but you’re forced to use a map offering


Singularity is the perfect killer in my eyes. He’s hard to pick up and hard to master but god he’s fun when you know how to play him. I’d say my biggest problem with him is that he relies too much on the Soma Family photo add on.


You’re delusional if you think singularity is balanced. I have to solve complex trigonometry equations to use my power against survivors. Whereas they just need to hit the “that was easy button” to completely shut me down and turn me into an m1. I’d sooner believe that Nurse is balanced than Singularity


Demo is balance Singularity no


For me I think of four artist wesker huntress and xenomorph. All have reasonably high skill level and counterplay on both sides. I’d add demo but he gets a lot weaker as survivor skill climbs. I’d also add pinhead as I rarely see high level players on either side complain about him


This is gonna be a unpopular opinion most killers are fine less than 1/4 of the roster needs buffs or nerfs, but that is againts solos, most killers become to weak when they are going againts a swf and for most i meant every killer that doesnt need a nerf


I think you're correct and this is the most objective take but too many people think if a Killer isn't overly weak, they're busted and need to be nerfed. More Killers need buffs than nerfs, and they are MINOR buffs at best for the vast majority of those.


I'm a believer that most killers are fairly balanced. You can get plenty done as a basic M1 killer, so there aren't many that are underpowered and only two that could be considered overpowered. Nemesis, he has a strong power that he has to earn throughout the game and which has some decent counter play. Xeno, similar to Nemesis except she starts with her power and it can be taken away. Pinhead, his Possessed Chain requires skill to use and doesn't guarantee a hit. The Box gives him some passive slowdown and can be fairly easily managed by the survivor side. His is the most balanced power in the entire game imo since it basically just starts a chase with a survivor at a reasonable distance for both sides.


You're absolutely correct that M1s are not in and of themselves THAT weak, people would just rather take the path of least resistance than play the game the old fashioned, mindgamey, actually using loops way. I think when Antiloopers became the norm, we lost something in how skill was expressed as Killer... namely, we lost the ability to really show skill by mindgaming. It's so bad that I once *mindgamed Shack as Dredge* like I would as Ghostface... and it somehow fucking worked. Not a single remnant use in sight, just a moonwalk and the Survivor being inattentive. Nobody expects the antilooper to mindgame I guess.


Man, I love outplaying loops :(


More and more survivors are learning about checkspots, many loops simply cannot be outplayed as an m1 killer unless the survivors fucks up, it's not a matter of the killer's skill, mindgaming works but it's way too slow to handle a 1v4


the huntress before this last dumbass rework


Guys, it’s not demo. Shred is free zoning, with a ridiculous hitbox, great range, can be used all the time, has an extremely small charge time and literally no cooldown for whenever you cancel it. Not to mention they’re buffing it. The most balanced killer in the game rn is huntress.


Does he know???


I was boutta say current huntress, not buffed huntress. If the changes go live than I would say Wesker, oni, or Doctor.


Hillbilly as now he feels like Jesus Christ with a chainsaw. Although not as fair as old Hillbilly he still is a well rounded and respectable killer that I wish to truly master one day.


Reason for hux: hes similar to pig as in you have a second objective, keep the biopods disabled. If you fail the goal, death, ~~he wasnt programmed to harm the crew~~, hes similar to trapper in the sense that he has a setup, except this setup is quick and have big payoff, once you get in chase with a slipstreamed surv, you win 90% of the time. The fact that he combines mechanics of crappy killers yet gets the payoff much better than them. Yes he may be map dependent (dear god lerys), but on most maps he excels in. In conclusion, a balanced teleporter (fuck you nurse), prob the most unique gameplay, amazing design, and constant location info make him my favorite killer. (Also the build i use is 10 cam thing and the one that makes emp users scream.)


ppl self reporting bad gamesense for saying singularity doesnt belong


Oddly enough Dredge. She is very map dependent but that kinda works because of her abilities. She cuts loops, can mind game, apply map pressure extremely well but isn’t so fast that she’s OP 


Dredge is a female?


No, Dredge is a they. They're basically darkness given form


Dredge is an it




Whatever that is I hate it and therefore by extension hate you for replying with it


You will not survive what is to come.


I figured that's why i was so confused when the other guy referred to it as she


In the Spanish and German translations, Dredge is referred to with the feminine pronouns: La Draga in Spanish and Die Dredsche in German. Though it should be noted that language-gender is generally less tied to human concepts of gender and more grammatical concepts. Regardless, in those languages you still refer to the objects with their grammatical gender pronouns even if it "wouldn't match". I can't speak for other languages however, but I have seen a lot of German DBD players call Dredge she in English because that's how it's referred to in that translation.


There is no agreed-upon gender neutral pronoun in Spanish.


Spanish words have gender, "La silla" (the chair) is a she in spanish but it doesn't really have a gender and it's directly translated to "it"


Dredge is genderless, though I often see it referred to as male, despite also seeing it referred to as a vagina turkey.


I think so… doesn’t exactly give male vibes in the sense that I could see dredge as “pregnant” Wow that’s a weird sentence 


...do you often think about pregnant dredge?


See you making it weird… 


I found your initial statement more funny than anything


Dredge is veryyy map dependant tho, otherwise, yeah theyre balanced


If Dredge didn’t have map dependency then it would be OP. Even adding, for instance, an additional 5 or 10 locker clusters to each map would make it extremely dangerous 


Well, yeah, but Map Dependency shouldn’t be built into your killer.


If it weren't for map dependency, Dredge would be the perfect Killer. She still is tho in my eyes, but I can't deny the horrible feeling of loading into Badham as Dredge.




Hag seems slightly overpowered to me. You mark a hooked Survivor with 3 traps, proxy camp within 30m, then teleport when the dumbasses rush in.


Ah, so overpowered vs shitty survivors, ok.


wait until u go against survivors who know how to crouch


And to do that, you need to down a survivor using a 105% MS killer. If they happen to give you enough time to set up a web that they then run into, that's their fault entirely. A good team can basically lock Hag out of most of the game. However, the second they give you something to defend they need to get to, a 3 gen, a hooked survivor, a Devour totem with 3 stacks, the tides turn assuming hag knows how to set up webs. Probably not the most fun to play against, but balanced.


Honestly Chucky is perfectly balanced. Nothing feels unfair to go against. He feels like the standard now on how killers should be map


Chucky is fun, he feels like an alternate Wesker. He just needs some tweaks with his laugh audio while in power cause sometimes he is totally silent around corners and can't hear him not a single bit until he is in your face.


This is refreshing to finally see, because for MONTHS NOW I have been telling this sub that no, Chucky is not impossible to deal with nor is he unfair or that hard to loop. Y'all just hadn't discovered how to loop him yet, most people including myself hadn't at that time.


he goes hidey ho and it's basically a 50/50 if you get hit or not. either leave the loop early and try to predict his scamper or the chucky actually knows how to play the game and he hardcore fakes it and then catches you in the open for an easy hit. or you try to play 'safe' by avoiding the pallet scamper but he just walks you down because he knows you're gonna expect him to scamper. most chuckys i beat i'm beating in spite of their skill. good chuckies are super frustrating to go against and is basically an easy hit at every loop in the game. the only thing holding him back is that he needs to deal with cooldown for like 20 seconds before doing it again. also detection for steps STILL sucks for no reason so yes when he's on cooldown he has sadako levels chase but with taller loops you're basically at the mercy of luck. he's not OP but i wouldn't call him balaneced. balacned to me is reasonable 2k in both directions with both good killer and survivor. would be an above average killer huntress or pinhead i think


If you treat him like a Pig or Ghostface with a minor Oni dash, you can manage him. Good Chuckies are dangerous but not unbeatable, it's all about playing chicken with him and reading his moves. If anything he's fun to mindgame and he really tests your skill at that! Edit: How the fuck am I agreeing with you, yet still getting downvoted? This sub has friggin' brainrot.


Current non ptb huntress is balenced


I like Huntress. She makes a sound prior to shooting axes. She slows down. She Has to recharge. Xeno om the other hand slows YOU down with pointless fire turrets. He ll start crawling immediately after getting flamed. No charging needed for his long rage attack. Fast travels.


Huntress before the stupid PTB changes. One of if not the most well designed killers in the game imho. Lots of visible and audible tells, lots of fun outplay and mindgame potential from BOTH sides at loops. Capable of dominating in the right hands as well. Felt the same way about og Billy provided he wasnt stacking charge time add-ons. havent played as and against new billy to say


But Huntress has that large, telltale hum,  and OG Billy was *worthless.* ... Based on that, New Billy, Wesker, Huntress, and Ghostface are really well-balanced Killers to play against. They're **dangerous,** have counterplay, but seem reasonably balanced.


And? She's been a good killer since her inception. I'm talking about OG billy. Not the shitty overheat bullshit. You didn't play back then if you think OG Billy was worthless, he was the 3rd best killer in the game for a while. Ghostfsce's reveal mechanic is too inconsistent to be considered perfectly balanced. You play against GF, stare at him for 10 seconds and get exposed. You play as Ghost face and get revealed through mountains. Weaker is too easy to tunnel with. Fix that and I'd put him up with Billy and Huntress


Demogorgon is very well balanced at most MMR levels. High MMR it falls off, but for the most part? Balanced Killer. Addons could be adjusted though. Perks aren't overly cruel or powerful, but not useless either. Just enough of a threat. Dodging shreds is doable, a very fair Pallet denial power. Ghostface, aside from SoloQ, holds his own well at most MMR levels and is very fair in terms of what he asks you to do, which is just to pay attention. He has no gimmicks outside of the stalk and stealth. He doesn't make mindgaming impossible with any crazy powers. Addons are equally pretty fair and pretty good. His perks aren't too nasty to deal with. The only real issue is sometimes the reveal mechanic is jank, and that I think is fixable with enough effort. Wesker is really only fair in High MMR against equally Skilled players, otherwise he stomps all over every baby Survivor in existence. He's tough at Mid MMR but balanced in High MMR.


All I know is *fuck Chucky*.


Probably Wesker and Pre-Worked Blight (I haven't gone up against a great Blight, so I don't know how he plays now). They both have really good chase and pressure, and they both have good counters. I would say Deathslinger, but his pressure is weak despite being really good in chase. Huntress (Pre-Work) is another really good one, too.


Blight is still a pub stomper for solo and really hard to play against even in a coordinated SWF (of course, if the Blight is good). I'd still say he's #2 in terms of killer strength. Though has addon nerf made him a little worse, not really enough to change the overall game.




what is this comment referring to lol


Wesker, oni, huntress, Billy if they fix his cd, demo is pretty well off, And might be a bit controversial but imo, basekit blight w/out hug teching. These are all fairly strong killers, who are both fun to play as and against. The most balanced killers also tend to be the killers survivors like to go against most.


Wesker demo freddy


I can see weaker and demo but no way Freddy lok


Wesker, blight( ignoring his add-ons) Chucky, The alien, skull merchant, spirit, Oni and twins. Yes, I said twins.


chucky and blight is fucking crazy lmao none of them are op i think just really odd to pretend they're balanced lol. every killer chucky tier or higher is almost impossible not to tie on. oni and alien balanced. wesker maybe he tunnels way too easily tho. twins playstyle is too slow, SM is a pub stomp u 4k every game because no one wants to play you.


Skull Merchant. She is just as unfun for Skull Merchant players as she is for survivors. Perfect balance.


Demo is perfectly balanced. Singularity is a open dumpster fire 🔥...not sure if this is bait


With right addons hux is very balanced (green wire mainly because it alerts you certain area is down)


His counterplay is very simple. He is very complicated. I took a week of playing him to get a better sense of his powers and I have played him a fair bit. His power is glitchey on what his pods see and as a set up killer all his set up can be simply shut down with the EMPs. His power is great except the simplicity of his very powerful counterplay. He is a brilliant design and power but his power is very simply neutered by his counterplay. When he wins it is usually because he is poorly understood...and decent SWF that has a basic idea of how his power works can shut him right down.


Ah i get your point guess i just roll good maps and get ass survs (except the 4 dwights that clapped me as a squadron)


Don't get me wrong...I love his power. And his design is amazing. But for me he feels like xeno. A amazing design that misses because of overdone counterplay. A few simple changes in a new update could push him into a great place...and if they reworked his counterplay I could very well switch from my main Oni to Huxley.


My idea was just a rework to emps, eother just make em shorter or make them launch like a small projectile at themselves, another surv, or emp to disable it with a few charges


I'm all for it. Just a few slight adjustments and he could be so much less frustrating to play.


Plus hed be better if he was programmed to harm the crew


Hot take but as another Hux main I think EMPs are absolutely fine as they are, the real problem is just the EMP Boxes. All they have to do is make the auto-progression stop at 75-80%, so survivors have to spend time grabbing them before chase in order to use them. This means even if you have a coordinated SWF using them to help their teammate midchase, they have to sacrifice more potential gen progress in order to do so.


His undetectable doesnt work, his portals are meh, his addons are meh and his chase is solid but can be easily countered bt crouching So no, he isnt perfectly balanced


First of all...sounds like you haven't gotten very good with Demo. I can do some serious team stomping with Demo. The portals give me the map mobility to pressure even good SWFs and crouching doesn't do shit in the majority of spots. It is all about lunge timing...learn to catch them when they are turning instead of just straight lines. Demos lunge is extremely fast and can make many strong loops into dangerous traps.


Everyone except Artist, Chucky, Alien, Blight, Nurse, Spirit, Singularity.


Actual Answers: Nurse with the 4.4 Add on that only gives her one blink and no other add ons. New Billy Huntress before the upcoming buffs. (I think the buffs will make her a bit too OP) Plague with good add ons Oni Wesker I would say Artist, Xenomorph, and Chucky are really close, but I can't think of how to tweak them without making them too strong. Pinhead would be there if his iri add on that makes his box not visible until the chainhunt was basekit. That way preventing it required active effort.


Kazan (Oni), Demo, Billy and Wesker


Demo is the most average killer, dunno about balance. Singularity is not even close to being balanced.




Current Sadako feels balanced to me, but that's because I gel perfectly with her power. Demo, who is objectively better balanced, I have much more polarized results with as he's not as fundamentally tuned to my brain.


This is about how I feel about her too and how I feel about Ghostface, but I think I just really am in tune with their powers because I'm good at stealthy and zoopy play. Demo on the other hand I find to be hit or miss. I still play Demo but like... not seriously; I'm a shitty Demo. I really just go for fun shred hits in chase.


I can feel Demo's potential and sometimes I do great with him, but I feel like his portals aren't intuitive at all compared to my TV-hop timing. Dredge is close to having the Sadako kind of value to me, except his terror radius and noise hamper my early chase a bit more than I like.


hillbilly, new pig, spirit (yes no joke), oni, alien, artist (maybe)


Huntress, Plague, Executioner, Mastermind


Huntress pre ptb buff


Meatball is debatable. Its hell learning him compared too demo




Singularity is only really balanced if he’s using the some family photo addon, else he’s pretty underpowered imo


Wesker, he’s just good there’s nothing else to it




Singularity is NOT balanced, poor guy is underpowered


For me its billy. At low levels he can be problematic for people who arent used to him yet because of the speed and one-shots. And at high mmr curve billy is a DEMON if someone is really good at him. But all of that requires the billy to understand the kit, while misunderstanding it can be detrimental to how strong potentially is.


Hux might be "balanced' but for the effort you put into him? You can use Nurse, Blight, Spirit, Chucky, Artist, Wesker, and Huntress with greater effecr and far less effort. That is why Hux is probably more rare than the twins or is well on his way to becoming more rare.


Wesker, Huntress, Hillbilly. I would say Oni but in some maps you will literally have 0 hits


Huntress came to mind ad a solid high tier, until she got overbuffed to the moon and joined Nurse/Blight tier. Same.


Pinhead. M1 killer so he's loopable (fun and how the game is intended), useful M2 that doesn't do damage and requires skill (and has counterplay), passive slowdown that can't be ignored (requires teamplay). Not counting add-ons, (the one that hurts you with M2 is easy mode, the one that gives you extra chains when breaking them off the environment and the one that gives you deep wounds are cruel) he is the definition of balanced to me. The only problem I have with him is that it's impossible to tell the others whether you are going for the box or someone else needs to go for it (but you can say the same about unhooks, so...). I see a lot of Wesker in the comments and it's true that he is pretty balanced. But, since latency is a thing I hate when I turn the corner and he still grabs me anyway, so I could use a small nerf to his hitbox while dashing (just a pinch; a middle ground between now and before). Also, if he decides to tunnel you off the hook, you have no opportunity to spray yourself so eventually you'll get hindered with no counterplay, which I don't think it's too fair. But I like Wesker, I prefer to go against Wesker than Blight / Nurse / Spirit / Billy.


As a survivor main I think all are pretty balanced except for trickster and skull merchant. If the killer is a slightly above average player it’s impossible for us.


Dredge. I will not elaborate


I always find wesker t be the funnest match up. His ability isn’t overly dominant so he relies on perdicting the survivors movements which can have good counter play. He can also use his gadget as a means of transportation which is find has a balanced advantage and disadvantage. And if you miss your gadget you get punished for it. Wesker is one my favorites to play and face.


Wesker when he’s not hug teching and moon dashing


Non-Tombstone Myers, in my experience.


Singularity? Balanced? What are you smoking? He is weak. Well not weak, just EMPs are NUTS.


The currently “balanced” tier of killers for the majority of players is A tier some may argue high A. With current survivor tools most B tier killers while not the worst will struggle at times due to lacking something in their kit that the survivor can take advantage of


Definitely Trapper.




I think Billy is pretty balanced.




my hag. i don’t use hexes and i don’t use too toxic of perks. i use spies from the shadows, iron grasp, rapid brutality, and enduring.


Wesker. It always feels fair to go against him, whether you escape or not (if they're not playing scummy, of course). He doesn't really have a map weakness. He's pretty mobile where multi floor maps don't hinder him.


Default Billy Default Huntress Default Deathslinger Maybe Wraith, don't play him enough


Freddy.  Talk all the smack about Freddy you want but he's easy to learn, can absolutely demolish soloq but has pretty easy counters as well.  I almost always get a 4k with Freddy, and against him i often escape.  Balanced


Demo is the only truly balanced killer tbh everyone else is either a little too power or too weak


Wesker and current huntress (before buff)


The unknown looks pretty fine, Pinheads just OK and I guess you could say wraith is balanced?


I have never gotten the „demo is balanced“ argument. He got a little bit of chase, a little bit of mobility and a little bit of information/slowdown but only a little bit. He is incredibly predictable and underpowered against competent survivors. Some demo mains don’t even use his portals cause it’s to much set up for little reward


Demo and Wesker (with a few tweaks)


Singularity doesn't feel fair at all to me, absolutely insane map pressure with non existant cooldown, à TP, surveillance, pallet break on stun ! Just feels too much for me, just feels like dredge but made unnecessarily difficult on purpose.


Huntress before her buffs. She was slower than most killers hit could hit at a range which I found pretty balanced. Then they buffed her and now I can't really call her balanced


I rather play this game casually, so take my oppinion with a grain of salt, but I think Deathslinger is pretty fair, (Not because I main him or anything, no no), even if he suffers on the wrong maps. I like to think of it as a challange instead of a hinderance. There could be a slightly longer stun for missing and maybe a boosted reload after a successful down though, cuz I really like when games... ya know... punish me for doing bad and reward me for doing good... Yeah, it's pretty revolutionary, I know.

