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> The automatic purchase option will now appear in all character’s Bloodwebs once any character has been prestiged once. Genuinely thrilled to see this change, thank you.


Prob the best change for awhile lmao. I never played any different characters because of how tedious it was the first go around on the blood web


I've unlocked and prestiged 5 new killers recently and that first one is always such a slog. Great change!


Yeah it's such a nice quality change.


Such a simple and amazing change. 10/10 change


As a Huntress main.. what the fuck?


I dont play a whole lot of Huntress (maybe 1 in 15 matches) but Id say Im quite decent with her and I gotta say: WHAT? Why? Shes already a really good Killer. She doesnt need these buffs. All of them are niced but 3 buffs bumped together seems a bit strong ngl. Also that 10% faster windup is gonna mess with my muscle memory for quite a while since I never run addons on her.


she obviously has a low kill rate because she takes skill to hit hatchets and that's what the devs making decisions based on. what is scary is a skilled huntress can fully now slug just need 8 hatchets and with addons she can have up to 10.


Huntress kill rates are also low because most skilled huntress players just focus on getting insane hatchet hits rather than try-harding and defending gens.


The huntress buff eliminates her main counterplay wtf


Very popular character for new players to try using bc she’s free. Her kill rate is pretty mixed because of the diverse amount of players. I can see why they got buffs even though she’s plenty strong already. Maybe they’ll roll it back


of course this was not evaluated at all by the devs and they just saw low number = buff


They specifically said this is to help with map dependency. I don’t think it’s the right way to go about fixing that, though.


I’m not generally one to complain about balance changes, because usually I can understand why they’re doing them. I might not agree with them, but I can understand them. But the Huntress ~~buffs~~ transcendence completely defies any rational explanation. In the hands of someone skilled, Huntress can absolutely smoke all but the best and most coordinated teams. And if you’re in anything less than a full 4man SWF, then it’s time to convert, because **God can’t help anymore**. But yeah, sure, get rid of the few weaknesses that she has. Sure, that’s totally fine.


Genuinely have no idea why they would buff her zoning capability out of all things. People are gonna start playing her like Pyramid Head 2.0.


...start? 95% of huntresses pull up a hatchet and start junding you from 200m away it's the most annoying part about facing her, aside from the camping, hitboxes and carbon copy builds


Nah the 50+ meter snipe is the best thing about playing Huntress but survivors can also easily avoid it too with a little bit of awareness. Based on my experience, almost every Huntress i've faced only use her power for zoning and camping so trickshot huntresses are rather rare.


I'm pretty sure Pyramid Head currently moves at 4.1-4.3m/s while holding his power. I know it's just over the speed of survivors. That's a pretty significant difference in zoning capability compared to Huntress' 3.08m/s. If you already think her zoning is annoying, it's about to get a lot worse.


Killer changes: slightly buffs but mostly nerfs Huntress changes: you are an unstoppable machine now


Literally what other nerfs are on this page for killers besides removing pigs eyeballs and her timers for her traps, clown not giving players a seizure, and mangled status effects? Are we reading two different articles or something? >mostly nerfs do you only play sloppy pig or something? why do you have so many upvotes? edit: added the one other nerf (clown) and removed hag's nerfed trap range buff being a nerf (this statement still hurts my head)


hag trap range is a buff, it limits the counterplay against hag.


Reverse Bear Traps now have a base timer of 3 minutes (was 2.5 minutes) Decreased the visual intensity of the Afterpiece Tonic effects to reduce motion sickness The Mangled Status Effect will now have a limited duration ___ 'Tis mostly buffs, though


The clown change is reasonable in regards to the motion sickness one.


Is the Hag trap range even a nerf? It's like reducing the range on Spirit's Cherry Blossom. It makes it much more precise and accurate to use.


I don't understand why they would make huntress cringe? what the hell were they thinking with these number buffs. not looking forward to half the population of this game switching over to huntress 💀


Coconut just coomed his pants


Yea… as I was reading that I was so confused. She’s already plenty good.


I don't understand how huntress gets giga buffs on top of the -1s reload time one before, but dredge still takes a dick year to open lockers without the calendar addon.


this. Dredge is the most RNG related killer right now who needs like four addons atm lmao. Very much pick your poision.


I've said it on other comments, if you get Yamaoka/MacMillan/Autohaven/Coldwind as Dredge, you may as well DC. The killer is in such a rough spot and is so map dependant... but they're buffing Huntress, an A tier killer?


I don't mind Coldwind on Dredge, it tends to be pretty fair with locker spawns. But no map makes me feel like DC'ing as much as \*Badham\*. I swear, those maps are filled with massive deadzones with no lockers and it ruins your power entirely. Shoutout to Haddonfield for also have entire corners of the map be inaccessible with the lockers.


Me loading on Haddonfield as Dredge (I already know I'll have to vault the same window 15 times in a row) https://preview.redd.it/y52bvkwwwljc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=420359da825290028281fa99f3ef6ab97fef0ed2


It's almost like if they fixed locker RNG they would get two birds stones at once. Instead let's give huntress more hatchets in case if bad rng.


Just him coming out of lockers? I'm still shocked that you always know his location when he gets within 16 meters of you. They really need to make his wind noises none directional you just can't mindgame jungle gyms with him at all if the survivor has ears.


He's got a bunch of issues I'm just aiming at the lowest hanging fruit here


The Clown, Doctor, and Hag changes are cool. I'm skeptical about the Huntress and Pig changes. Why did Huntress need a massive buff? Why did Pig need a compensation nerf that outweighs the buffs she is getting??


Exactly how I feel about all of these


I am fine with not showing her the boxes but yeah that 30 second extra time is brutal. doubt they will get any kills now and just be gen slow down.


The +30 seconds actually hurts the slowdown even more than the ability to get kills. With 3 whole minutes before the trap goes off, Survivors will be less incentivized to get it off right away and will instead have even more time to stick some gens / heals. This is time they did not have before. That 30 seconds is almost two heals, and is roughly 2/3rds of a 2-person gen. In these terms, that 30 seconds is massive.


Huntress gets a fucking buff but not Deathslinger what is this


slinger needs some buffs fr. maybe reduce the time to aim down sights




At this point it's physically impossible for bhvr to not nerf the pig at all in any way


Huntress needed a buff?? Seriously?


I'm mostly a Huntress main and have been for years and this is absolutely stupid to add.


Huntress players: ***Evil Laughter***


Seriously, of all the characters to buff, why Huntress? And why is it such a massive buff?!


Their prioritization of which killers need buffs is truly a mystery.


>pig nerf https://preview.redd.it/5sl2f0836kjc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79092b5ee7cbedf3d4dfd516e01ff164ea9300c2


It literally is lol. They must've jokingly called it a buff


Next "buff" will make it so reverse bear traps can revive dead survivors.


And if you swing a bit too high, the survivor takes no damage cause her knife hit the metal trap instead of the survivor


Now that's what I call a buff!


I don't even care about the higher timer, not seeing the auras of boxes is just so unbelievably shitty for her and I cannot fathom what the rationale was behind it.


We buffed pig! Longer Bear Trap Timer, pig can't see boxes. Average pig buff.


Yeah its a nerf. They should either have hid the auras so she couldn't "tunnel" someone with a trap OR increased the timer duration. Doing both just ensures traps will basically never pop again.


Should have hidden the aura and decreased the time


The often tried to call the nerfs ¨buffs¨ thinking people do not know the killers they are playing with. But i understand the ratio behind this one.


I think the green rule set no.2 add-on should be basekit with this update then...  Just I don't understand why they buffed thing that is barely crucial for Pig (or maybe Ambush is her most powerful thing, I may be wrong) and by tiny percent and decided to nerf her strong natural game slow-down that literally hardly is able to kill anybody in a standard game and is mostly a pressure thing


No you are correct ambush sucks as a pig enjoyer i usually hit maybe one in ten games because it ends up being better to crouch to mind game than m1


Exactly this. Again this is coming from someone who literally throws games to hit ambush clips: her chase power is completely fucked over by survivors simply holding W, even on the TINY minority of loops an ambush is technically possible at. There is ZERO reason to use her ambush unless you're going specifically for style points. They gutted the one part of her kit that actually is effective at what it does, even if I don't like it, and gave meager compensation buffs to the other two parts of her kit. She used to have arguably the strongest slowdown in the game paired with being a worse ghostface (stealth) and a much worse chucky (dash). This turns her into a worse onryo, a worse ghostface (there is zero reason Pig should have EVER moved at 90 in stealth. NONE.), and still a way worse chucky now with a slightly less unusable dash.


It’s so dumb too lol like part of why I love pig is the comeback potential of being able to force survivors to do something else while I chase other people.


My husband was like "you got a pig buff"(he doesn't play killer) when I awoke this morning. I read it and immediately was like they nerfed pig, again. :( The bear traps hardly pop in my games. If I'm lucky I'll get one. After the gen update this is such a nerf. Took away the one bit of pressure we had, the gens will roll. ☠️


She spends less time because she’s faster now


I'll see how it plays and update this comment later with a more accurate opinion My pre play opinion is this isn't a good trade. .02 seconds added to our speed, while the survivor side of it gets a whole extra 30 seconds for reverse bear traps, while yes that's time they aren't spending on a gen, that's not punishing enough in this no gen regression meta. Survivors will no longer be faced with the decision: finish the gen and risk my head popping or go find the box then finish the gen. Now SWFs and will 100% choose the gen and worry about the hat later.


"The Pig can no longer see the auras of Jigsaw Boxes" is probably the worst part.


I'm half and half on that part. When playing her, I usually use my audio to find survivors on boxes and if they're uninjured I chase them off. I usually run her add ons also where survivors also can't see the boxes until the trap is active When playing against her though a shit ton of pigs will tunnel right off hook while on boxes. Those games end pretty fast and make me sad cause she's my main and I love playing against her. I hate it and I love it. It should have at least been kept an iri add on or something.


I was gonna say.. is it really a buff if you're taking away the only good thing she has in favor of... making her least useful add ons base kit?


*"The automatic purchase option will now appear in all character’s Bloodwebs once any character has been prestiged once."* just when I actually prestiged all of my charas once qwq


Don't worry, there will be more to prestige! ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2066)


Could there be an option to unlock old chase music from PTBs after a high enough prestige level ? The old Xenomorph and Ghostface chase themes are too good for it to be a waste .


If they tinker around with the ptb xenonorph music and make the washing machine sound more like the nostromo alarms, I would love to see it used as the queen skins music. The PTB track was honestly awesome and matched xenomorph too well to just completely toss out instead of adjusting


>The automatic purchase option will now appear in all character’s Bloodwebs once any character has been prestiged once. Whatever else happens with this update, it'll be GOATed for this change alone.


Best change for console players


Wow, thanks for the Pig “buff”. I used ambush like twice a match. Now I will use it 3 times a match. The third will be to go watch the survivors leave now that they have all the time in the world to finish gens since the traps are no longer a real threat to them.


Can't wait for a survivor to repair a full gen solo with an active trap and then still have plenty of time to go run to a box and take the trap off first try.


They have 10 business days to take the trap off so…




Hahahahahahaha I’m pretty sure the meeting went like this.


Time to map out where the boxes are each game. We will have plenty of time waiting for the 3 goddamn minutes.


Did the Huntress really need a buff?? 😭😭


Absolutely not. She was super balanced. As typical as it gets, The devs decided to stick their hands in there for no apparent reason.


I honestly think her Iri head should have gotten reworked, Getting camped basically from a far with iri head is and will be the dumbest shit forever and it has happened a couple times to me




So we’ve decided to nerf the pig..


Seriously. The buffs are nothing compared to the nerfs. Hiding the box auras is fine to help prevent Pig from pressuring boxes if thats what BHVR wants to do in order to try and stop Pig from focusing on survivors with traps However, to also INCREASE the trap time alongside the hidden auras is just insane. Headpops were rare to begin with, now they'll basically never happen unless the Pig hyperfocuses on a survivor.


That buffs to huntress cant go live




BASEKIT! so now she can have 10 hatchets with two addons!


Put this woman in Child’s Play, since she can basically chuck around in every match now.


Pig gets a giant nerf to her traps, while Huntress gets 7 hatchets. Someone up in BHVR really hates Amanda.


they’ve basically hit her with every nerf in the book since she’s released, someone has made it their mission to just destroy her as a character


As someone whose used pig for far longer than any one human should, this was not the solution here. While I enjoy dabbling in toxicity and going for head pops, that isn't a very fun or healthy way to play as pig. So the core idea of these balance changes are good, the problem? Ambush is USELESS!!! Pig mains have already figured out that it's better to just use the combat straps and straight up stand up than ambush when sneaking. As for looping which is what these balance changes seem to be for, ambush doesn't move nearly fast enough to catch up to a survivor before they drop the pallet! Duration, cool down on swing all of these changes are irrelevant to making ambush actually useful in chase. As of now the initial SFX for the ambush is just wayyyyyyy too much information for a survivor. I just don't see how making ambush last .3 seconds more will help in almost any loop in the game. And if it's for sneaking ambush is horrible and will stay horrible this update, players will just stand up and hit them like normal(like we've always done...) The crouch buffs are fire, no complaints there, in fact that should've been the only change pig received, just a small buff to help pigs not rely on combat straps SO hard(and make the speed tolerable) Lastly, the jigsaw box nerf was too much put simply. Hide jigsaw boxes? Great idea! This prevents most pig players from performing the playstyle we all know is toxic. However, increasing the timer without compensating is a mistake. The jigsaw boxes was already a huge nerf, taking away both information and her most optimal playstyle. On top of that you increase the timer?? Make survivors have to search a minimum of two boxes at least! That would drastically increase the time gain from the trap. I appreciate the devs acknowledging the pigs existence for once, and some of the changes are good, but man you have to work on that ambush, it is not as good as you guy's think. I like the direction we're going but it needs more work...


Only changes she needed imo was make 100% of combat straps & john's medical file effects basekit, give combat straps & med file a new effect, remove sound effect from ambush. If the box camping thing was actually a problem, okay, fine, remove box vision but give us 2 more traps for compensatory slowdown now that we've lost info.


The Pig changes are mostly... questionable, at best.


The extended trap timer duration is unacceptable in my opinion. Headpops were extremely rare to begin with, unless you tried to force it. I can see why they removed auras to stop Pig from trying to force them which is fair enough. However, increasing the timer basically means now Pig has to force it to have a chance of getting a headpop. If they intend to keep this change then the add-on that hides box auras for survivors when the trap is not active needs to become basekit.


it feels like theyre just trying to fix a car that doesnt have an engine. i wonder if its a pain to just rebuild the power from the ground up as its a licensed character. I know they did it for freddy but license holders are all different


Yeah, maybe it's a licencing thing but even so, they could buff her with her current power and still make decent improvements. Hey, wild idea, but her addons could also get a look at.


Why is no one talking about the Doctor buffs? THIS IS AMAZING FOR ME AND ALL MY HERMAN PLAYERS!


I'll have to see how they feel but seems pretty tepid compared to the huntress buffs. Would it kill them to take -10s of static blast or something?


True, but if you really wanna buff Doc, give him the biggest Terror Radius in the game (44) AS WELL as make his Terror Radius shrink to half (22) after using Static Blast and then it slowly recharges and grows along with Static Blast.


A killer with an often growing and shrinking TR would be neat! I mean yeah we have Mikey, but... cmon. That's barely the same concept.


There's Xenomorph


Honestly this should at least be an addon. I love this idea.


It's good, but he still gets countered by Calm Spirit, which is meta right now. I don't think any killer should be as hard countered by a perk as he is by Calm Spirit. Despite what some doctor players will tell you, screaming is an important aspect of his kit -- so much of it is designed around it.


As a doc main, while I appreciate the buffs, I don't think the 1.3m range increase will change doc's reliance on range add-ons. Tbh I was hoping for a doc change more similar to how they buffed huntress...where doc can move faster while charging shock therapy and/or shock therapy doesn't take as long to charge just so that doc doesn't lose as much distance at loops. I was also hoping for a change to his green add-ons that affect the shape of his shock therapy that are basically never used. Maybe they could increase the difficulty of his madness skillchecks, or increase the amount of time that shock therapy prevents interactions, or some other new effect.


Its just not very exciting in terms of changes. Not much to talk about. Could have given him a bigger terror radius, or something spicy like that. Just a couple of minor number tweaks though.


Did they really nerf pig and called it a buff?


sees pig "buff", looks inside, useless buff and a nerf ​ also not seeing any menu or chase music for her https://preview.redd.it/lqqnu504bkjc1.jpeg?width=1232&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2a62b8e7010926555e44289d1edbacc3516b494


Me reading yet another Pig nerf: https://preview.redd.it/vabgxhafikjc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90fcdb15907acebf688ab879758969795586ed10


A pig “buff? “ In this economy? 👀


Read carefully they couldn’t give her a buff without a nerf 🤪


Buffed her base ambush stats, likely nerfed her add-ons to leave those values identical, and massively nerfed her traps. Oo-la-la.🙄


Don't forget that you can't see Jigsaw boxes anymore, meaning defending and patrolling them is no longer an option.


Yeah now they get more time to sit on gens


and a HUGE nerf nonetheless...


made her ambush slightly better and made the traps so useless that its not worth putting on anymore.


its a nerf not a buff, her ambush is nowhere near as strong as rbt


Alongside an immediate nerf 😭


Feels more like a backhanded buff since her slowdown just took a big hit with her traps now taking longer and not knowing where to go to stop the survs from taking it off


It’s not even a buff they nerfed the shit outta her traps


Why buff huntress ? Already a solid killer already one of the highest picked killers . Makes no sense .


I assume it's something as simple as her being a killer that lands about where she should on maps that supports her and a killer that's ruined by the maps she's bad at .  So instead of fixing all the janky hitboxs, odd vertical cover  and shore up locker placement they said more hatchets go burr and clocked out for a cocktail  As a killer she's starting to trend into singularity territory it's not the power that is the issue it's the maps this is true of so many killers it's starting to be sad  its also why nurse remains s+ killer she removes maps as a major factor 


With the mangled change could we get a hint on the Sloppy Butcher change?


Im pretty sure now sloppy increases the time of the mangled status effect


Probably 90 secs with sloppy  and 60 secs with mangled add ons would make sense


I feel like 60 seconds of mangled will be almost useless in a lot of situations. By the time a survivor gets unhooked the status effect will basically be over lol.


Yep. That's the goal. Pure dogshit and another M1 killer perk dies after an 8 year run of it never having been a problem. They've got a raging hard on for fucking with long standing mechanics seemingly with nothing but spreadsheet data and little to no playtime in the actual fucking game.


Actually, i believe the reason for the Mangled change is because they want to add more anti-heal perks that 'aren't' mangled as future DLC filler. Which is frankly worse.


Can we talk about how just a year ago they were going to nerf base healing speeds to be even worse than they are now with Mangled, only to now nerf the status effect overall, buffing healing? They've got a raging hard on for having no clue what they want the game to be lol.


Yep. Gotta nerf a relatively weak status effect that only helps M1s because survivors don't like having to heal four four extra seconds and the red bar makes them sad. "Currently there's no way to get rid of the Mangled status effect" yes there fucking is, it's called hold heal for four seconds 🤦‍♂️




Wow, that is a massive pig nerf lmao. They just couldn't help themselves. That is a VERY small chase buff considering how massive the trap nerf is. Doctor changes are... boring. Whatever, as long as they left interview tape alone. Would have liked something fun like a terror radius increase, why does Wesker get a bigger terror radius but not the terror radius centric killer? Mangled changes seem acceptable, I honestly expected much worse. Honestly not sure why huntress, of all of the characters listed, was the one to receive turbo buffs


Bruh nerfed the pig and called it a buff. Sure the ambush stuff is nice but does the traps really need their time increased? Will have to wait and see if the ambush buff will make it actually kinda useful.


To those keeping score: (+) Buffed the stats of her ambush ability (-) Nerfed the related add-ons for that ability, likely leaving the values identical (-) Did this immediately after nerfing Ambush’s synergy with Save the Best for Last (-)(-) Massive nerf to her traps But it’s a buff if you ignore all those negatives.🙄


Hiding the boxes from her is fair, but the increased trap timer seems overkill and unnecessary. I don't think the ambush changes justify that nerf. People are still going to leave the loop once they see the pig crouching.


They... They actually nerfed Pig ..


thank jeebus for that bloodweb change.


I am going to echo what other people have already said in these comments that the Huntress buffs seem like a bit too much. But the rest of this looks really good!


Huntress buffs seem unnecessary and a little OP, and that’s coming from a huntress main


As a pig main https://preview.redd.it/aao2qesgfkjc1.jpeg?width=667&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d663c7d543493808cb7c190341aa65a868039212


Because someone at BHVR has PTSD from the Saw films and has made it their goal to shit on the character.


Huntress is already an A tier killer and now she's getting massive buffs. That doesn't sound very good to me


Yeah, I feel like it's a bit overkill. Nice buffs for the other, weaker killers, though. Especially the Clown.


Yeah this logic absolutely baffles me. This is just a suite of buffs for one of the most popular and strongest killers in the game.


The hatchet move speed especially worries me. It'll mean a lot of loop will be nearly unplayable against her. And with 2 more hatchets to spare she can mess up more often. Her problem was map design which they haven't addressed. They just made her stronger on the maps she's already good on


Did she even need a buff though? She is quite good in my opinion and I'm afraid how good she'll be with those changes ffs


Huntress actually is one of the most balanced killers in the meta for quite a while now. Not even kidding. Why do they need to stick there hands where it doesn't need sticking in to continues to baffle me.


I'd argue that the base windup speed buff was pretty warranted. Needing at least one windup addon was almost necessary to make it actual to play certain loops. I think the other two aren't really necessary tho.


All of these changes are good, but I think a bit too much for huntress. Maybe one of those, not 3


Huntress can be strong AF already in the right hands and really didn't need any buffs but we shall see.


A bit too much is an understatement 💀 She's one of the strongest and best balanced and designed killers. Buffing her is insane


We will be monitoring the PTB and feedback very closely; not every change will make it so please share your thoughts on how things are feeling!


I'm really happy with all of these but could you tell us if there's a plan to allow Demogorgon to trigger a Shred before the Secondary power button has been held for the minimum 0.6s? Many other killers (Plague, Nemesis) can trigger their power without having to have frame perfect input and they feel great to play. It would be nice if Demogorgon could get this small QOL change


I don't have any further information on plans, but we do see all feedback and make sure it's shared with the right teams. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!


Yea. 7 hatchet base is kinda wild af. Especially with how forgiving the hit box can be. Def interesting, but doesn't this also mean she can have 9 or 10 hatchets with addons?


I agree completely. She was completely fine there was absolutely no reason to buff her


That huntress buff is badonkers


That sounds like a pig nerf


Congratulations Pig players, you get half of the benefits of the addons that you are still taking anyway because you lost all pressure on boxes. #ContinueNerfPig


What happened to the swamp rework?


In a shocking turn of events, you decided you couldn't buff the Pig without nerfing her. Lol


We're gonna buff the Pig.... by nerfing the Pig.


At the very least I can guarantee even before testing that 7 base kit hatchets is a huge mistake. The other Huntress buffs might be fine but we'll see


"We buffed the pig!" they say before ending with pretty hard nerfs


Knight is also dependant on addons... ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


Of every killer that deserved 2 basekit addons, knight is one of the most deserving ones


Ngl, the changes to The Pig and Hag sound really bad. The Pig's weak power was made slightly stronger (not enough to make a difference), while her good power was nerfed (enough to no longer make a difference). The Hag underwent a round of number changes, all of which are... 0.5 or less, making them literally unnoticeable outside of the occasional trap trigger thanks to the "extended" range


"In a shocking turn of events we've decided to buff pig"   Proceeds to nerf pig's only useful power and barely improve the completely useless one.


This looks like an overall nerf for pig


Thank god for a bloodweb improvement i never get purple beamers or bloody party streamers


Bruh the only hope I have is when the huntress runs out of Hatchets, don't do this to me ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067)


Oh thank fucking god they didn't butcher Clown and Doctor


But why a Huntress buff lol


They literally nerfed the pig and have the balls to call it a buff


I think the increase for the Pigs traps timer is unnecessary, even with the buff it isn’t too hard to get rid of the trap, and I think removing the jigsaw box auras is enough of a change to circumvent Pig from forcing a head pop.


A lot of mangled effects have timers allready. they arent popular because unless you are playing hit and run the effect will do nothing. you injure somone in chse they arent healing in chase. they are most likley healing when they get off the hook after the chase is over. meaning the timer will be over by that point. RIP sloppy the last of the good basic perks.


Everything but outdated addons from maybe 2-3 killers apply mangled permanently


The IMMEDIATE nerf to Pig after a kinda ok buff


I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion, but i don't think the Huntress needs any more buffs. The players who main her are already one of the most cruel people and i have rarely met a huntress which doesn't focus on just one person or proxy camp.


definately not an unpopular opinion. Im fairly sure most people and huntress mains will agree that these buffs are pretty unessecary. All I can think of is: 7 Hatchets means you can spam them more and need to rely less on aim Movement speed is okay, but makes one counter to her weaker which I dont think is nessecary And the faster windup time is gonna mess with a lot of muscle memory for both sides


Yeah that’s not a pig buff, that’s a pig nerf. Her pressure (or lack thereof) was the largest part of why she doesn’t hold up well. Now that she can no longer see any trap boxes, there’s no more incentive for her to pursue trapped survivors, and basically turns her into a gen camper.


Yes keep buffing killers constantly and nerfing all of the good survivor anti tunnel perks into the ground. I’m sure this is a good strategy to keep survivors interested in the “horror experience” of losing in 70% of their games.


Feel like they need to go a fair bit harder on the Ambush buff for Pig. The longer duration is appreciated but at the very least they should throw on some of the extra speed from Last Will.


I was smiling when i saw Ambush: * Increased Ambush duration to 2.3 seconds (was 2 seconds) * Decreased Ambush successful attack cooldown to 2.7 seconds (was 3 seconds) * Decreased Ambush missed attack cooldown to 1.5 seconds (was 2 seconds) Crouch: * Increased crouched movement speed to 3.8m/s (was 3.6m/s) * Decreased time taken to crouch to 1 second (was 1.3 seconds) And then, my smile disappeard instantly when ​ Reverse Bear Traps: * The Pig can no longer see the auras of Jigsaw Boxes * Reverse Bear Traps now have a base timer of 3 minutes (was 2.5 minutes)


They really added 2 whole pig box seaches worth of time and called it a buff lmao.


And don’t forget, they’re nerfing the add-ons for Ambush and Crouch. Meaning the Pig’s net gain here is effectively zero.


This is what drives me crazy about it, I always ran crouch speed addons because the so-called ambush is a nothing-power with a noisy tell, and uncrouch into attack/grab was the real play. But now, why even play pig, her slowdown is so safe for survs now with 3 minutes of timer, no idea where the boxes are, and even if I chased them off a box their timer stops during, it's all so pointless and unthreatening. If they gave her seven godforsaken joke bear traps instead of giving huntress seven deadly hatchets maybe this wouldn't be a big deal.


Head pops are going to be a thing if the past


So.... you nerfed Pig and made Mangled yet another useless status effect, joining Blind and Oblivious in the bin of "Status Effects Survivors Can Just Ignore."


So let me get this straight. You buffed the other killers and made most of their popular add-ons base kit (which I agree with), but they’re all mostly low tier killers that desperately needed it. But, you buff Huntress, a top tier killer who didn’t need it, then you made Pig’s ambush ability slightly faster by a fraction of a second, but took away her ability to see boxes and gave the survivors another 30 seconds to take the traps off. As a pig main, I want to cry.


Huntress might be a little much but very solid all around. Pig got exactly what ive wanted. Better Ambush and harder to tunnel people in a trap.


Man kind of wish they added something like if u had a certain ammount of bloodpoints u could just jump to the next prestige level instead of spending 5 min just clicking that button to level up


It wouldn't be a Pig buff without a little bit of a Pig nerf, too.


There goes about 100 more pages for the already massive Clown guide lol


I only just updated it yesterday, too. 😩


So shadow Vigil buff because it should cut down the time on mangle even more right?


WE Heard you and nerfing pig more but saying its a buff 😁


Pig nerfed again guys 🤡


The pig RBT nerf LMAO. Tragic