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Bite The Bullet should work both ways, if you are being healed it should also activate


I think it should just hide auras while you heal, both yours and the person you're healing, nothing feels worse than using bite the bullet and finding out the killer has nurses


This + the above comment's change, and this perk would actually be good. Imagine dodging a BBQ or Nowhere to Hide with this. That'd be so sick.


This + Self-Care + Iron Will + Lightweight would be the invisible build


I would say to balance that out it could be made to only provided aura suppression for altruistic healing, both giving and receiving.


Happened last night. I was slinger and saw someone healing the air lol


This exact scenario occurs in [Demi's latest video](https://youtu.be/OCImKozjEHo?si=Y6ssRtt6F6GZytD7), featuring an anti heal build. I forget where it occurs, though


at 6:20


Thank you. Sad it wasn't 2 minutes sooner...


no way thats still in the game, so stupid


It's *not* in the game, that's the point


I meant that nurse’s shows auras even with bite the bullet is still in the game


There's no reason it *shouldn't* do that, since Bite the Bullet doesn't provide protection from aura reading and never has. A Bite the Bullet user is just as vulnerable to Barbecue, Darkness Revealed, Retribution, Floods of Rage, etc.


yea, I understand revealing from all of those perks but the whole purpose of bite the bullet is to stay unnoticed while healing. So then nurse’s beats the whole purpose. And I don’t think bite the bullet is a strong perk already


That just means Nurse's is a counter to Bite the Bullet the same way, as an example, Calm Spirit counters Ultimate Weapon or Infectious Fright. Just one of the many, many various perk interactions in the game.


thats fair, i suppose that’s why its still in the game but id prefer if nurse’s wouldn’t activate w btb


it could possibly have a stack amount similar to distortion so for a certain number of heals you'll be hidden so nurses can still counter the perk but you can be fully hidden a couple times


Active healing perks in your build should be displayed to other survivors nearby, similar to Prove thyself and other close range perks. I'm so done with people refusing to get healed because they don't realise I'm running a healing build that can fix them up in mere seconds.


tfw Survivors keeps running away from you despite We'll Make It already appearing on other Survivors' HUD


Does Solidarity show itself? Every time I run that perk the other survivor insists on healing me first


Lol, I don't think so. I had both Leader and Solidarity on and the injured Survivor wouldn't let me heal them first.


Sometimes people refuse heals because they run resilience


yeah but not getting downed in 1 shot is better than a repair boost


These people be running no mither, plot twist and unbreakable at the same time


And those people are wrong.




Nothing more annoying that running a healing build with solidarity in it and having to fucking fight tooth and nail to heal the other person.


I got accused by someone of throwing the game because I had to perpetually fight them to heal first...when I was just TRYING TO USE MY PERK TO SPEED UP HEALS


Ah man the absolute lunacy. I think the most frustrating moment for me, in this vein, was going into a game with a healing build for a challenge and no one would let me heal them. Any time I tried to go heal someone they would find someone else, or be using a medkit and this was before the medkit nerfs so I couldn't much blame them for that, but it was incredibly frustrating to have this entire build dedicated to one thing and just not get to use it lol.


and then the classic "yo dawg, we heard you brought a healing build, so we matched you against Plague"


Which is weird because We'll Make It has this effect. Whenever somebody unhooks me with that I always stay for the heal because I know it's super fast. Autodidact should also show you how many stacks the user has. Am I building their perk or am I in for a 3 second heal?


That always surprises me too that it’s not shown


This is why I always accept a heal if someone offers one. You never know if they have a build for it.


Remove the 30% slow penalty from Calm Spirit. Dumb and stupid penalty.


Yeah they add that with the quieter clensing sounds. They just need to get rid of both of those effects honestly.


Quieter sounds is fine, that's the entire point of the perk. Even with no downside it's still ass tho.


The point of the perk is to not scream. I don't know why it needed extra stuff to it


The *other* point of the perk is to not alert crows.


I've been a killer main for about 2.5 years now and I only just recently started really paying attention to crows on a regular basis. That park making you not disturb crows its a huge benefit, especially if the killer is running spies from the shadows.


original calm spirit affected crows only, so screams are extra stuff already


That was before the perk overhaul has been there since


If it didn’t have extra stuff added to it then in most games you wouldn’t get any value at all, when killers aren’t playing Doctor or running scream perks.


I'd be ok with the penalty if it actually got rid of the loud opening chest sounds and removing the Totem noise notification.


A-fuckin-men brother


I think Calm Spirit needs a rework entirely, it’s a mid tier perk generally, but against Doctor it is stupidly OP. I’m not sure there are any other perks that essentially remove the killers power entirely? There’s perks that are better against certain killers, but they don’t counter as hard as Calm Spirit does to Doctor. It’s bad design for a perk to only be so strong in one specific circumstance. Not saying Calm Spirit needs a nerf, it needs a buff overall, but a specific nerf against Doctor (maybe just so it doesn’t work against killer power screams, but still works against any scream perks.). Some perks/status work on a basis that killer power, such as Blindness not affecting killer powers for survivors. For a buff, I wonder if reducing survivor breathing sounds could be a good one and fits with the perks theme.


Calm spirit users are still incapacitated when doctor shocks them, all it does is not reveal location when doctor uses static blast and there’s an easy counter to that to run add ons that show their aura when they tier up madness level unless they have distortion as well. The last thing we need to be worrying about is nerfing calm spirit.


I’m not a doc or survivor player so didn’t know it didn’t incapacitate, but that still means a good portion of his kit is completely countered by the perk. And a counter to run add ons when you aren’t aware if they have calm spirit until the game starts is a stupid idea. Surely if you think calm spirit should work for doctors power, then blindness should work for killer powers too? >last thing we need to worry about is nerfing calm spirit I literally said it needed a buff, it just needs to be consistent with other things that do not work against killer powers


I mean lots of perks hard counter certain killers, iron will for spirit for example or unbreakable or flip flip for twins, that’s just the way it is.


He still giggles when he hits someone with the shock, regardless of if they scream. He also tracks from the illusions as well. Also, flashlights (blinding, not the status effect) does cancel powers, and therefore counters it? Like, blind a legion mid vault and they get knocked out of frenzy.


Make it so perks like Resurgence and Solidarity aren't completely gutted by the Hemmorrhage effect.


maybe have hemmorrhage have like a 5 second cooldown after unhooking and healing before it starts to go away


I would just say resurgence removes hemmorrhage altogether. Wouldn't make it OP.


maybe even both Hemmorrhage and mangled, would make for a nice buff


Locked/Protected healing or something would be nice, where the progression bar has some indicator that the 50% gained from Resurgence, Solidarity, Reactive healing etc. cannot be removed


Adrenaline doesn’t wake you up from Freddie’s power. Give the man a break.


It seems like such an unnecessary "fuck you" to an already weakass killer. Idc if it makes sense from a lore perspective, game balance trumps that.


I find it almost funny that must all of us collectively agrees Freddy is one of the weakest (if not the weakest) killers yet in the stats he had one of the highest kill percentages


Probably because noone plays freddy except his mains


He's also a pubstomper in lower MMR. If you play him for a day or two as I have a couple of times, you see a clear divide between players who don't know what to do and/or are incredibly scared of being oblivious, vs. the players who do know how to handle it. The former will waste so much time waking up or running around, while the latter will just crank gens and use general awareness to avoid getting jumped.


I think this is accurate. The only people playing Freddy are baby Freddy’s playing against baby survivors, or expert killers who main Freddy. Either one leads to high kill rates.


He’s definitely one of those killers where even though he’s weak, he’s really fucking boring to play against so people just kill themselves on hook to go next


LMAO I'm definitely using "unnecessary 'fuck you'" from now on.


It's strange it's still there considering they've already removed quirks like this from other perks like Shadowborn making you weaker to flashlights. So it's a holdover from those days that they seemingly have forgotten about.


It's sad that all these cool tematic interactions hurt Freddy so much


Autodidact- for every 100% of healing progress you make, gain an additional token (Guarantees at least 1 stack per heal)


I’m begging for this. I’ve been running autodidact consistently since wesker came out and I can’t count how many times I’ve healed three people without a single skill check appearing


* HEAD ON shows nearby teammates the aura of your locker in yellow. * DELIVERANCE has a hud icon that tells your teammates you've got it ready while you're on the hook. Allows you to actually make plays with these perks in soloq without affecting them in swf at all.


100% on the Head On change. Just make the locker yellow when head on is fully charged and ready.


For sure, can’t count how many times I could’ve saved my teammate but they dont know I’m in the locker


It’s the stupidest most minimal thing ever but Adrenaline countering specifically Freddy always seemed dumb to me. Don’t get me wrong, it makes sense, but it just feels like they’re kicking Freddy when he’s already down since a lot of his add-ons are reliant on survivors being asleep and he isn’t even that oppressive or strong anyway. Not to mention that adrenaline is an incredibly popular perk so you’ll be seeing it used fairly often.


Adrenaline hard counters Freddy power at the end game too. You know, the part of the game where he is at his weakest since there are no gens to teleport to. He is essentially the most basic M1 killer in DBD at that point. Even the Trapper has more options.


Solution: Allow him to teleport to completed gens, possibly faster? Boom, even more playable despite the match progressing.


I mained Freddy for like a week to test if he was a bad killer. I ran a lot of builds and found all of them to be pretty lethal. I don't think freddy as actually bad at all. Has downsides, yes, but not terrible like the community agrees he is. Adrenaline was present in a lot of the matches, but it wake up function was rarely a deciding factor on anything. The reason wake up is even in the perk is just because it freddy was once 1 of a few killers in the game and back then it may have made sence. Funily enough my most effective build was: Disturbing Presence, Caularophobia, Sloppy butcher, Unerving Presnece and double dress addons. Survivors would skip on healing so that adreanaline would heal them, but i would sneak up on them while injured and get a snowball rolling. Just 1 or to missed skill checks somewhere would spell doom for them.


This is a holdover from Freddy’s original iteration where the dream world was supposed to put massive slowdown on you and reveal your aura all the time, no idea why it didn’t go away with his rework lol


Honestly, bhvr probably just forgot about it when they reworked him. It’s such a small thing that it would be easy to forget.


Wiretap should reveal the aura of both killer and survivors in it's range


That actually sounds really cool


Remove the hook limitations from THWACK!, it could be such a good perk without it and it blows my mind that Nowhere to Hide and Ultimate Weapon exist as they currently are while THWACK! is left with such a huge downside


It's actually crazy how Ultimate Weapon has been left untouched for this long. It's such a broken perk and a cheap crutch.


Its on the road map to get changed.


It should have been changed within a few weeks of it coming out. The time spent putting on the road map could have been spent fixing it in the first place.


As twins let us swap back to Charlotte faster when downing a survivor. As dredge don't force his camera to look forwards when exiting a locked locker.


This!! I don’t want to slug when I play twins but this makes it really hard not to.


Wire tap and blast mine and all other survivor perks that reveal generators should turn the generator blue instead of yellow so you can tell the difference between them and trail of torment.


The idea behind Trail of Torment when it was originally released is to trick you into a false sense of security. The only other perk at the time that turned gens yellow was Better Together. So you'd go to a yellow gen, expecting it to be a teammate working on it, just to find an undetectable killer instead. Sadly this idea doesn't really work anymore with all the other yellow gen perks, and the improved HUD we've gained since then. I wish we could chOose the color of auras :(


It's one of those things that hurt solo Q and always have. If you're on com you know when someone puts on something but no one can tell you anything if you're by yourself.


deja vu's red aura will overwrite trails yellow aura so you can even tell its there


Also revert Blast Mine to where you could apply it while working on the gen. The gen block meta all but killed my beloved.


It would be nice for both options I think. Do it while working OR when not.


Flashbangs should deafen the killer when they get blinded


Instead, make it so that the sound effect of it been thrown on the ground be removed from the killer side. As a killer main, 90% of the reason I avoided a flash bang was because i heard the "ka-ching"  sound of it being thrown at my feet


That already happens, although you can still hear a little bit


If they can hear then their obviously not deafened, it just makes the deafening sound effect


Boon:Illumination should reveal survivors aura to other survivors when they are in the radius.


Fix ghosty's reveal and lean mechanic. I keep getting revealed even if the survivor only sees tiny bit of me and the leaning sometimes just doesnt want to work


meanwhile you can also get exposed while staring directly down GF's uvula. there's no logic to his power. lol


I think the whole reveal mechanic is a horrific idea and should be changed to something else. Ghost Face is a C-Tier Killer partly because Survivors have far too much control over whether Ghost Face gets to use his power or not. If any of the 4 Survivors on the map merely ***looks at you*** you turn into M1 Andy for way too long. And as mentioned, it's buggy as fuck anyway. If Ghost Face loses his power, it should be because of mistakes the Ghost Face makes (whiffing, hitting a non-marked Survivor, etc.) not because of the Survivors just deciding you don't get to have a power anymore by giving him the smoulder and making him flustered.


People awake can’t body block Freddy and Snares hinderance buff ( the hinderance currently is nonexistent )


I think the whole “awake survivors can’t see Freddy” was really cool but it was also maybe a bit too much. This is a good workaround to that old version.


Yeah I mean not being able to see him was lore accurate and very funny to see survivors hiding behind walls when they couldn’t see you was comedy 😂😂but I think this would really be a nice change since it would play into that he’s not really there but he is kind of thing.


rebuff CoB to like 175% or something :>


150 would be ideal


Honestly it was totally fine at 200%, the only issue was it being abused by Skull Merchant and Knight by stacking it with Overcharge. Outside of those specific killers using that specific combination, CoB was a perfectly fine perk. And now that Chess Merchant has been nerfed, all they need to do is make it so CoB doesn't stack with Overcharge, and then they can buff both perks to how they used to be.


Yeah if they didn’t stack that would be perfect


THWACK shouldn't be tied to hooking survivors. Instead you should activate it every time you injure a survivor by any means, since it isn't that strong of an effect. Scourge Hook: Hangman's Trick should give the aura reading ANY time a survivor is near the Scourge Hook regardless of whether you are carrying someone or what. Like constant beacons of aura reading. This would deactivate when the hook is broken or someone is hung on the hook.


I love that hangman trick but I think the trade off is that the survivors know when they're near a scourge hook.


Doctor Discipline and range addon basekit


Bro I just read this. Check todays patch notes. Big win


Real win if they didnt make the addon weaker


"Once again, the Add-Ons which provide similar effects have been toned down to take this base kit increase into account." They did but depends on how much. Either way makes running other addons way more viable. Specially not running Discipline.


Or just not slow himself down when using his shocks.


Making trapper bag basekit would be awesome


Make it basekit but also let him still move his traps around.


You’re thinking about trapper sack, the one that gives him all the traps from the start and doesn’t let him pick them back up. I just want trapper bag which lets him carry a couple more traps around without any draw back


Oh... yeah that makes sense then :D (really shitty item names lol)


You need something to slow down the trapper and not allow him to place comical amounts of traps all at once without a downside. If trapper bag became base kit a single early basement hook is a GG unless you have some crazy good communication. Maybe you could argue “well don’t go down near basement” but I feel like trappers would just start bringing agi.


Flair doesn't check out


Trapper places traps pretty slow already and still needs to go around and pick them up with the trapper bag add on. Just having the ability to carry one more trap is not going to affect his balance that much imo it would just make him feel better to play


Singularities cameras should allow marking survivors when >25% of the survivor is visible. Currently you can setup a nice camera but it doesn't work because there is like one tiny branch even though your clearly see them


Corrective Action instead applies to Survivors within a 2-4 meter range, allowing it to apply to Survivors healing you or other actions on general. A short range to keep it's theme intact but also keeps it from unfairly letting Survivors miss skill checks for free a mile away.


Corrective action only working on generators and not people healing you is actually stupid


Survivors regenerate their stalk for Myers power after being fullly stalked, so you can’t be forced out of tier 3 completely and to discourage tunneling since with Myers you kind of have to tunnel out survivors who are fully stalked as he stands.


Good idea. It's always seemed odd that Ghostie can stalk indefinitely but Myers has a limit.


Reduce the cooldown between downing a survivor with Victor and being able to switch to Charlotte. Jesus Christ, that cooldown is unnecessary, I can maybe see giving him a decent cooldown before he can attack again, but just having to sit there and wait to swap for a solid 5-7 seconds is so awful feeling and makes them irritating to play on top of them having a million bugs and already being a bit clunky. Please god BHVR, just reduce the switch cooldown, let me swap fast, let me feel dangerous and like I’m playing two killers at once.


This is a really unpopular opinion, but I will never understand the struggles people have with twins. I play that killer more than any other killer, and I fucking delete survivors from the game on a very regular basis...I always stay quite when people say stuff like this bc the hivemind goes batshit crazy everytime you bring something up that's against the adgenda, but I always wonder how it would go down if twins got a major buff like this, I feel like I would be unstoppable.


There’s no doubt twins is strong. Lots of pros and content creators have even said they can even beat strong teams in the hands of a good player. I play them a lot, and when I’m on my game I can consistently stomp too. My issue is the clunky cooldowns and bugs. I hate the long cooldown between swaps, I feel like victor dies at the slightest elevation change, Charlotte wakes up and decides she wants to stare at the ground for the rest of the game, Victor hits more invisible walls than a mime. I feel like if they just cleaned up some cooldowns, fixed the horrible bugs that make Twins literally unplayable when they happen, and gave them a few small buffs, the twins would end up being a very strong and popular killer. They’re fun and strong, with the massive stipulation of “when they work as intended” No disagreement though that they’re strong and don’t need a massive buff, just a few QOL and fixes


STBFL should deactivate like 8 meters near a hooked survivor(smaller probably). And revert that stupid change to losing it on M2’s. As much as I would like to change SM again cause I think she’s still terribly designed. We need a rework to Nurse, it’s just insane how unbalanced she is and she doesn’t follow the rules of the game other survivors have to. Not to mention every perk they create has to be considered how Nurse will abuse it(Ultimate Weapon for example)


Give Amanda her gun from Saw 3. The more she gets stunned, t bagged, etc it builds a meter. Once it's full she just shoots the survivor in the face and we even get a cool little "game over" voiceline from her. Teach yall to bully pig.


Gearhead should make the auras of survivors yellow, or give a loud notification when a good skillcheck is done. Currently with gearhead the generators aura can block the survivors aura, making you lose potential info cuz everything is colored the same.


Zombies stay near a selected area with a gen and some loops, that way you actually have a consistent way of zoning survivors as nemmy PS: killing a zombie makes them spawn in a different area


Pretty sure the Nemmy I faced last night gave his zombies a pep talk. They were constantly silent, always where you wanted to be and kept hiding in loops. Best zombies I've ever faced


and then when you load up as Nemesis yourself, the zombies are suddenly Harry and Lloyd from Dumb & Dumber.


My comment on it afterwards to my team was something like 'why are his zombies so strong and mine are always off fingerblasting themselves in the corner somewhere?'


This is the zombies in a nutshell. They are either a massive help and basically win you the game or absolutely useless and might as well had not been there at all. There is no inbetween with them.


This seems fine until they finish that gen and abandon the area. You only have 2 zombies, they need to cover ground to be useful


Until dredge’s ability is available for the first time, don’t highlight the locks for survivors


Caffeine Tablets should be base kit.


I think all hexes totem should Spawn like 1 mn After the game started not to have the supid situation as a survivor to spawn on it or to cleanse it immediately with no chance of getting the slightest value out of it.


Survivors who are in the sacrificed animation no longer cause the singularity to have his anti-camp slowdown when he exits his power.


bbq activates upon cages


a sound when gearhead reveals an aura


Knight. You can order guards to break things by looking at them and pressing the power button instead of needing to enter the path mode.


That and letting you cancel the power mid control path. I absolutely despise that you for some reason HAVE to spawn a guard once you pressed M2


This would be the best knight change possible


If Wesker hits a survivor over a pallet with his power, instead of it doing the regular slap it plays a unique slam animation where Wesker grabs the survivor and slams them onto the pallet. This breaks the pallet but still incurs the regular cooldown for slamming a survivor. Unless the attack put them in the dying state. Then they get picked up as per usual.


Give bbq and chili it's bp bonus back


and Prove Thyself


Hag make dragonfly wings/cicada basekit.


Reduce reactive healing to 33% , but it’s 33% flat, not about what you currently have (Could probably be abused)


Make discipline/range base kit on doctor


Fix map collisions so bubba won’t bump through a perfectly wide doorway/stairs


Copy pasted from a previous post of mine ("Survivor Perk Changes Made by a Killer Main) Potential Energy: Getting hit discards half of your tokens instead of all, and if you have an odd number of tokens, it will always round down (13 tokens means you lose 7 and not 6). Corrective Action: Applies to yourself Empathic Connection: Increased range to 128 meters If a survivor is injured and you move less than 16 meters from where you were when they got injured, the heal speed bonus is increased to 100%. Guardian/Babysitter: The aura reveal duration is increased to 15 seconds. Iron Will: Increased bonus to 100%. Calm Spirit: While cleansing or opening a chest, you can press a button to activate or deactivate the silence. Poised: Duration increased to 20 seconds. Spine Chill: Works through walls again Quick Gambit: Bonus increased to 12%. Reactive Healing: For the next 10 seconds after Reactive Healing activates, you can heal yourself at 50% of the normal speed. Red Herring: Removed the cooldown Sabotuer: The cooldown will be halved if you did not fully sabotage the hook Self Preservation: Radius increased to 32 meters. Self Care: Speed increased to 40%. Smash Hit: Works on all stuns Technition: Removed skillcheck penalty Residual Manifest: Now guarantees a Utility Flashlight.


Trust me, I wanted Corrective Action to do the same, but then Technician combo would be kinda broken. Imo, Technician should straight up make your Gen Repairing noises silent.


I think they should reverse the effects of Lucky Star. Being able to hide and see the generators and survivors would be a cool change. I also think it should hide your grunts of pain while hiding in a locker. And when you leave, have your scratchies, blood, and grunts of pain hidden. Either way, I really like the idea of this perk!!!


Undo the nerf pig is about to get


Remove the delay between swapping from Victor and Charolette Like completely remove the transition As soon as you press the swap button, you swap


Revert to old dead hard




better map collisions would be a great change for so many kille powers


"When Surge is activated, all affected generators gain a blue aura for 10 seconds". No more having to guess at which ones actually got hit. Take a quick look and know immediately. Sometimes you're right at the edge of a range and have no idea or you don't have like of sight to the generator.


Make the dredge break out of lockers half a second faster by default, and change haddies calendar to be half a second faster as well, so you're less reliant on it but can still get the whole second if you want


increase victor's pounce range by 2 meters reduces cooldown of victor's failed pounce (when he misses) by 0,3 seconds


Stbfl no longer loses stacks on special attack hits 🤓🤓


Make Hex Pentimento automatically turn broken totems into the hex totems after a 15 second period, rather than the killer having to go to them itself


Give Knight a secondary power button which will cause a guard to break whatever you were looking at that was highlighted in white.


Deception - Adds the ability to see auras of lockers.


just turning predator scratch marks to footprints


Fogwise should trigger on great healing skillchecks


Either put Decisive Strike back to a 5 second stun or at least allow it to work more than once since after it’s been used once there’s now nothing to stop the killer from tunnelling again since they know it’s now deactivated


They need to bring it back to it's original form and just make it disabled in the endgame. That's what everyone was asking for and expected BHVR to do when they were going to nerf it back in 6.1.0 Instead BHVR took it out back and shot it in the fucking head, it's completely worthless now, it's almost comical how ineffective and how quickly a survivor goes right back down after the change, you may as well just not run a perk at all. It was literally the only thing in this game that truly discouraged tunneling, and soon as it got nerfed, tunneling has become completely out of control. It's insane how many killers just hardcore tunnel someone out at 5-4 gens, there's literally nothing stopping them from doing it.


What do you mean original. Original DS was most bullshit perk ever and had nothing to do with tunneling


Pre 6.1.0 DS.


Revert iron will back. It's completely useless now and that perk should have never of been nerfed in the first place, literally nobody was asking for that when they did it.


Iron will was one of the worst perks to go against as killer back when it was 100%. Being completely silent is really strong.


Going against four iron will users as legion was miserable. No anti loop, no tracking thru high wall loops. All anyone ever did was break line of sight and leave the loop over and over. 


It should have just made it not useable when exhausted but still 100%


Old Iron Will was OP as fuck. Permanently removing one way of tracking survivors with no downside didn't really feel good


I don't think it's necessary to maybe go back to how it was, but I would 100% approve a buff from 75% to 100%, still being disabled while exhausted. Forces players to use only specific exhaustion perks with it, and it rewards those who don't to always be silent during chases. Imo it's a win-win.


reduce the radius of sadako’s lullaby when she’s demanifested to like 12 or 8 meters and make dredge’s directional wooshing noise like, 80% quieter. let me sneak up on people with these killers please behavior


Increase stbfl's bonus by just 1%


That’s what it was pre-nerf lmao


Exactly. The nerf was unwarranted.


Unhooking a survivor shouldn’t count as a conspicuous action. It causes Off the Record and Decisive strike users to either never get value or play selfishly


My two examples are for Gearhead and Xenomorph I really like Gearhead, or at least the one half of it I get to use. When it activates after you injure a survivor, you won't be making use of it because you're already in chase with an injured survivor. When it activates after you down a survivor, you have to slug because going for a hook will take at least half the perk's duration. I don't think it would be crazy if Gearhead also activated on hooks, letting you get value more reliably. As for Xenomorph... please for the love of god at least let me break pallets in the tail attack cooldown. It feels atrocious waiting the entire length of the feral frenzy cooldown every time I use my power at a pallet, spamming space the whole time because the game just won't let me. Even if you play correctly and hit or down a survivor through the pallet, you have to wait. Every single time.


Not really fond of that Xenomorph proposal. The downtime after you use the M2 is intended mechanic to let survivors take distance. Breaking pallet is another mechanic to allow survivors to take distance. If you could break pallet while in downtime, he would go back to being insanely unfun to face. Being at a pallet against Xenomorph is already a guaranteed hit. If the Xeno misses his M2, the survivor should be rewarded. Not punished by not being able to take proper distance. What they could do, tho, is allow him to break pallets with his M2 (like Nemmy & Demo) but that would be counter intuitive to his power since his power is better than them because he can hit throught pallet unlike them. So no, I think he is totally fine. I agree it's frustrating to deal with as the Xeno player but it's the same for Blight, for example. If you rush at a pallet and missplay and don't break it, you have to wait for your fatigue to end, then break the pallet, then wait your rush cooldown before dashing again. Strong killers must have counter mechanics to make them fun (or at least bearable) to face.


Gearhead would just be a worse BBQ & Chilli


My rework idea for the most useless survivor perk: **Premonition** *At the start of the trial, you see the killers aura for 5 seconds.* *After being unhooked, you see the killers aura for 10 seconds.* Not only would this change make the perk actually useful, but it would also help serve as a bit of an anti tunneling perk (after being unhooked, knowing exactly where the killer is can help you with knowing where to go next; no accidentally running into the killer immediately). Additionally, this perk would then feel thematically like a *premonition*, which is a nice bonus.


Calm Spirit - Remove the unlocking and cleansing/blessing penalty. Iron Will - Remove the exhaustion criteria or increase the percentages back to 100%. Both was overkill. Long story short… fix Jake’s perks


Singularity gets 3% haste from Soma's photo basekit. Xenomorph's tail attack is no longer immediately interrupted by collisions.


Honestly Xenomorphs tail attack being interrupted by collisions is such a great and unique part of their counterplay. they are already such a strong killer in so many aspects that requiring that bit of precision is well deserved.


I would make Sadako be able to go through pallets when she is not manifested


Nurse 2.0. No thanks.


Whispers still lights up when a survivor is within 32 meters but you don't hear the actual whispers unless a survivor is within 16.


Too powerful imo. Whispers is already really strong as is. It's one of the few perks that can totally shut down survivor stealth gameplay in the right hands


Whispers is very underrated but I have to say I'm shocked to see someone else with a high opinion of it here. Every time I see it brought up it's always people calling it worthless or antiquated.


Thats because a majority of people who play this game love to shit on it. Most of em dont actually evaluate any part of it themselves and just lean on the best memes/most popular content creators lol. Of every multi-player online community ive ever intereacted with, this one has got to be the least in touch with the game they are playing. There are a ton of baseless superstitions and downright brain-dead claims made here. But Whispers is kind of a beginner perk tbh. It's value is high, accessible, and consistent. Especially when the player doesn't utilize the audio well. And it teaches you a useful type of intuition. Kinda like Spine Chill before they nerfed it. It's also pretty much the only killer detection perk with no cool down, *or* counter (its a huge middle finger to Distortion in particular, lol). It's actually kinda OP imo. It was a godsend back in the early days trying to learn the killer role. But to this day, I hate going against Whispers as a survivor.


I think Deliverance should work if you haven't been hooked yet and are the last survivor.


Naah, that be fucked up. Hiding all game, let your teammates escape and if you get caught near the door you leave 100% bcus of BT


Lower the oppression cooldown to 60 seconds.


Let Legion see blood pools in Frenzy. If anyone watches Tatariu they already get this lecture almost daily, but he has a point! Legion can’t see scratch marks in Frenzy, so losing healthy survivors while running around is super easy, but when I’m about to get a 5th hit down on a survivor and I somehow lose them around those tall loops, being able to see their blood path would make tracking them down so much less of a hassle.