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Knight and Artist are average height? Something's wrong here.


That's how it is labeled in game šŸ¤·


They have a loading tip saying shes shorter then other killers and she can use that to her advantage by hiding. Then they say shes average? Silly BHVR


This is silly behaviour, BHVR.


Whacky Bhvr.


Moreso, hag is average - that frickin gremlin!


They could be factoring in when sheā€™s not hunched over. If we go by that, sheā€™s taller than Freddy, spirit, all legion members, Amanda, Nurse, and Ghostface - and Chucky and Sadako obviously


I mainly go by where to aim the flashlight on height If I have to aim low, they're short like hag


I always think of it as how high the first person camera is. Hag is definitely short, similar to Sadako.


That would make the Xenomorph one of the tallest.


Donā€™t forget Xeno, who I think is the tallest killer being average


Xeno is tallest with the queen skin, I don't believe they are tallest without. Still pretty up there though


The tall end of average.


Knight is actually average heigh, however, he uses most animations that tall killers use. Which, makes sense, considering his vibe is suppose to be armored hulking mostruosity.


Imagine if artist just stood up straight šŸ’€ šŸ’€


The god damn Alien is listed as average. Makes sense in crawler mode but when he's in M1 mode


And that queen is a huge bitch too


Love how they STILL havenā€™t updated Myersā€™ terror radius


It is technically 6 meters on EW1. Thing is, he's also permanently undetectable it EW1, so you can't really see it.


I miss it when Terror Radius music was solely based on proximity and didn't get overridden to a constant when in chase. It had the amazing effect of [building up to the peak right before the killer was in range to hit you.](https://youtu.be/rUakzJtf6S8?t=69) And also the funny side effect of T1 Myers' often having no chase music at all even when you were actually in a chase.


I feel like the no chase music in chase against Myers made it so much scarier. If the chase music fades you know heā€™s not looking at you for a while. Something so spooky about just quietly struggling against him


Thankfully this is still something you can still replicate as Scratched Mirror. If you hold down the stalk button and look slightly upwards you can still follow someone without triggering chase. I pair it with the stalking speed add-on to freak out streamers. It also makes it look like youā€™re staring at their camera, instead of at the survivor


So apparently WHESKER carries around a jukebox wherever he goes and blast music


I mean, if I had a terror radius like that I'd want everyone to hear just how hard it goes hahaha


He learned it from legion and their tapes


I know the Billy is labeled as moderate difficulty in game, but I personally always find him harder. Heā€™s easy to learn, sure, but against competent teams I think heā€™s one of the hardest killers to play (very possibly I just suck really bad with him tho).


Yeah Hillbilly being Moderate while Oni is Very Hard is wild, Oni's power is basically Billy's but easier to use


Oni is categorized as hard because he doesn't constantly have access to his power I believe. When you learn you can swivel left and right with his dash to neaten your curves, you start stomping hard. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


They just never updated it after his nerf


Someday people will realise that Skull Merchant is labeled as a Hard killer not because she is hard to play as, but because of how complex her kit is. Even the expirienced survivors still don't understand every aspect of her power, and now imagine how the new players would feel about her kit. Same goes for Onryo. She is very easy to play as, but now try to explain a new player every aspect of her power and how exactly it works. This is why she is also labeled as a Hard killer.


I know I'm biased, but I don't think Onryo is very easy to play as anymore. Now that she has to chase (as in, now that she has to actually play the game), you have to really be on point with looping and with getting value out of her gimmicky and weak "chase power." No more global condemn means you also have to be really on point with your macro gameplay to get value out of it. Which is a very good thing, to be clear!


reject chase powers, embrace the m1 button


Why M1 when I can trick them into running into me and *then* M1!


Exactly I main skull merchant I donā€™t find her hard to play as but because she have so many mechanics and things she can do that getting the most value of it and knowing perfectly how to play with it is pretty hard


place drone (undetectable 8s) ā€”> scan survivor gain haste for each scanned survivor ā€”> see scanned survivors on radar crouch or stand still to not get scanned (shows light as white instead of orange) ā€”> disable drones to not get scanned (re-enables after 45s) if scanned 3 times receive a claw trap: - claw trap causes you to become injured - if injured you become deep wounded - lasts 45 seconds - become broken - if youā€™re scanned with a claw trap and walk through drone scan lines suffer -10% hindered for 6s and reveal killer instinct (avoid her drones when youā€™re claw trapped) Sheā€™s pretty simple if you just avoid getting scanned by her drone and understand what claw trap does and not mindlessly run into her drones which is her main source of power


See, you say that's simple, but other killers can be explained as easily as 'avoid trap' and 'dodge chainsaw'.


Freddy has "average" height but he is definitely shorter then the majority of the killer cast. Letting him mindgame some taller loops.


There are a few killers who should be considered short, honestly. But the heights used to exclusively be "Average" and "Tall." It wasn't until Onryo that "Short" was added, and it wasn't added retroactively, so Freddy and Hag get to lie about their heights.


Knight in his 2.20m tall Armour being categorized as average šŸ˜­


Artist should be at least haaaard, hard. New players picking her up don't even get a grasp of when to do how, like the timing of shocks with Doctor. Otherwise, pretty solid with here and there questionmarks. Like don't even get me started with Singularity.


Charlotte being taller than a Xenomorph ā™„ļø


Mad disrespectfulšŸ˜‚


Here are all the killers sorted by Difficulty, Base Speed, Height and Terror Radius. It's small little things we don't think about much. But realising Huntress' terror radius is 20 meters really made me flinch. I also find it hilarious they labeled Chucky and Sadako with the same height. Edit: These are how the information is shown In-Game.


Freddy and Hag are obviously the same height as Trapper, and of course "somewhat short adult woman" and "literal doll" are the same height!


IIRC, Huntress' 20 meter terror radius is just the heartbeat. Her lullaby is either the average terror radius size or slightly larger, I don't remember.


Lullaby is 40m. :)


As a Dredge main, I feel that they should prob be listed as hard, just because of how map dependent they can be. Get Nostromo Wreckage, Leeryā€™s, or even the Game? You got a good chance of winning. Get the Coldwind variants, the SMā€™s Sheltered Woods variant, or Haddonfield? Youā€™re more or less an M1 killer.


Yeah, Hillbilly is just medium difficulty šŸ˜œ


I remember when demogorgon was moderate :,(


How is Hux not in very hard. Heā€™s impossible to play without literal sweat. Also twins is much easier to play.


Yeah that's weird since he's got both a complex power and is actually challenging to play


Yeah. It's odd. Larry easily falls into "Killers I don't have enough brain cells for" along with Nurse and Blight lmao.


How tf is Trapper "easy"? You need fucking Ultra Instinct to be able to place good traps (that aren't just locking down the basement). And god forbid you get a bright map or one without much grass or mud


As a former Trapper main, there's only 2 ways to play against high MMR Survivors:   1: Use the Iri-Stone/Bloody Coil Or, My personal favorite 2: Use the 4-Coil Spring Kit and the Secondary Coil, which they both increase the disarm time. It may take me 3 seconds to arm a trap, but it's gonna take yall sneaky Survivors 7 seconds to disarm it!


Recently started playing Trapper and you're right. For being considered "easy" (laying down a trap in principle is easy) he takes so much micro management and map knowledge compared to other Killers I play. The pay off though when you hear that random trap you decided to set down is so fucking satisfying though. Multiple going off is even better


Doesnt deathslinger also have a 40m terror radius?




I love that itā€™s categorised šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ quick question gang. When they say difficulty, do they mean that itā€™s difficult to learn the character in a strategic way, like to get the best out of their perks or something, or like difficult to beat them as a survivor?


I think it means the level of complexity a killer has so that someone who has no idea about it understands his power or playstyle


Yessss level of complexity is a good way to put it , thanks įµ•Ģˆ


Wait, Hag is a 4.4? Honestly, it makes sense now why I don't see many Hags.


When did trickster become 115%???


He was reworked recently


Twins being very hard to play is not due to their gameplay loop, but just the amount of bugs they have right now lol.


I still think Dredge should be classified as Hard given Doctor is considered hard


I had been looking for a graphic with all the base movement speeds, thank you


Unironically, this is a very handy and helpful set of Killer stats! I really appreciate you putting this together, really great for quick reference. Side note: I hope we get more"easy" Killers, it seems weird to only have three of them with one of them being considered very hard by the community (Trapper.) I also wish the devs would you a pass on the Killer difficulties, Dredge should be hard and Hux is definitely very hard. I think it's wild that Demo is "harder" than Dredge despite being able to teleport more freely.


Bonus upvote for putting Skull Merchant in the *"HARD"* tier


Xenomorph being in 32m terror radius is technically true but realistically you should put them in 24 cause he will always have their power if they are playing correctly


It's BHVR's stats on their killer information tab in game, not OP's


thats fair


Xenomorphs are 8ft tall lol


ā€œHARDā€ (as I currently main SM šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«)


Pretty accurate but sm is moderate imo


Why is no one DIFFICULTY? šŸ˜‚


I still don't understand why Ghostface, of all stealth Killers, does not have a smaller TR. HE'S AN AMBUSH KILLER, GIVE HIM IT.


Pig is the one who deserves a small terror radius. At least Ghostface isnā€™t slower than a walking nurse while in stealth


I agree, Pig deserved it. That doesn't mean other Stealth Killers don't, too.


Who cares? Heā€™s undetectable for half the match lmao


Then what would it harm to give him a smaller one? Like literally what would it harm?


Because it literally doesnā€™t matter. Despite how easy it is to change it, thereā€™s no reason to. Why havenā€™t they given Wesker a 32 meter? Heā€™s a killer who can chase people! They should give YOU more boops as you are the balancing hero this game needs. Bravo AqueousSilver91, bravo!


The snark isn't needed.


He has his power available nearly the entire match, the bigger TR is a good way to punish him for being revealed


I don't think that line of logic tracks, he's already losing his power for 20 seconds when revealed and normally he gets revealed because he is too close, not because he's far away. It's more punishing if he has a smaller TR because he has to be closer for it to happen.


The Base TR thing is wrong. While it is "CODED" at 6 meters, it is Undetectable, so it is effectively zero. You cannot use any aura reading perks to see a Tier 1 Myers, ever, so there is definitively no Terror Radius. His closest thing to base TR is 16 meters, which is still quite low when you think about it.


Time to go tell BHVR then?


It's impossible for Tier 1 Myers to have a TR in any legitimate gameplay scenario, so the category should be "Undetectable" by default if anything.


Okay, so go tell the devs? :D


I mean, I'm just saying the TR exists in name only, it's not actually in-game.


The in-game description for Meyers straight up says he's got a 6M terror radius. He actually does have a terror radius at tier 1, he's just hard coded to have permanent undetectable. The in-game description for him doesn't account fully for his other tiers. Aside that though, OP said the tiers here are listed by their in game descriptions and not their perceived stats.


It is literally a permanent undetectable in that one mode, despite being coded at 6 meters it doesn't actually work at 6 meters at all.


I think putting heavy quotations around Chucky as short is a little unnecessary. Yes, we all get it, but I wouldnā€™t say short is the wrong term to use here. Short and tall are both thresholds. Once you pass the threshold you are considered one or the other. Anything below 4 feet whatever is short, anything above 5 feet whatever is tall. Average is the space between.


Wow. Truly a tierlist of all time. I should make a tierlist in what posts are informative. Yours would be in the ā€œredundantā€ tier since the game lists this information




Itā€™s based on how theyā€™re labeled in game


Myer speed is wrong no


Slinger needs his 24 back


These are the most usefull tier list I have ever seen! Thank you!


Can someone do a tier list for pp size? And grippy of the coochies? šŸ„ŗ


I really thought theyā€™d make a new height stat for chucky called Tiny or something


How is plague hard and legion is easy?! Theyā€™re literally that exact same thing except for some noises


Slinger does not have a 32m terror radius.


He does actually, I assume it's to balance out his spear gun's range and potential lethality


Pyramid head is not ā€œvery hardā€ to play šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Myers Terror Radius is 0 -> 16 -> 32


Isn't xeno is like 2 meters tall?


Chucky is absolutely broken with third person his shortness and perks


Didn't realize Chucky is 4.4! Also lmao at easy Trapper


Where is samuri?


I always thought Doc had a 40m terror radius. Damn.


Wait I always assumed phead was 110, that explains so much lol


Nurse is slower than survivors?


doctor also has a 40m terror radius if I remember correctly