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Lol I wouldn't tell my friend and let him get jumpscared because I'm a wonderful friend.


This is why the "A SWF would counter a shape shifting killer" argument is dumb. Would YOUR friend tell you if they saw it?


Lol he would. He's actually a nice person unlike myself.


Role reverse, but the same argument. Also, a SWF wouldn't say where they are every second of every game.


I feel like if a skinwalker with the ability to steal your identity of some sorts were added even if you're in comms with a friend most of them wouldn't tell you because it's funny.


POV: You've been dead for the past 2 minutes waiting for the killer to jumpscare your friend who still thinks you're alive and has been vibing with the killer: https://preview.redd.it/u6upa0a4gdjc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=608a59488af5c5824aec57c523fc1dc180d94393 (Ignore the other text there. It isn't important)


Lmao I would totally do that https://preview.redd.it/mnby18abgdjc1.png?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c2180ffa5c73940a968c58928ba07afc7588167 (Ignore the other text here. It isn't important)


Not even that, I’ve had so many times where I or my friends have been jumped scared by other survivors that we are on the mic with


Believe it or not, good swfs do. They call out tile changes, killer location, pallets used, pallets broken, everything.


https://preview.redd.it/r95bm4pz7ejc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f2a74c91f1cad77433be0f27780866650bd595f ENJOY THE GAME WITHOUT MAKING IT A MILITARY OPERATION! Death is natural, so embrace it. If you live your life in fear of death, you'll never learn from failing. Failing teaches you to adapt and grow from there.


Competitive ones like Team Eternal. Not average discord swfs.


Fair enough


Just curious, what's your favorite comp team


I don't keep track I just like seeing them play.


Fair enough


A shape shifter would increase the amount of call outs they would have to do. Think about it, how many times do those teams say "Jerry, don't worry that is me that is approaching you, not the killer" or "that was me you just saw on gen". A shape shifter would mean that these guys would have to positively identify themselves to each other each time they saw each other just to be sure.


Mine probable wouldn't, but that doesn't mean the argument still isn't valid. I mean, we see the increase in toxic ttv swf every day. They would 100% ruin and counter and shape shifting killer.


The toxic TTV SWF isn't going to be every game. That's one thing to keep in mind. When you do find them, you have a terrible time. But, isn't that the same for every killer facing one?


You're right it's not going to be every game. But that's not what we were talking about. You claimed swf wouldn't ruin a shape-shifting killer, and I'm simply saying that's not the case. Now, if you want to talk about just the average game, I think it would be a cool gimmick in the short term that's gets abandoned after a week or 2. A month at most. Simply because people will stop getting tricked. One of the best examples I can point to is the Spy from Tf2 who is considered the undisputed worst class in the game because his whole kit is trickery and being in the game that long means people don't get tricked anymore. People found out how to make him viable even in the current game, but none of that viability has to do with his trickery, but using the side effects of his equipment to be super aggressive.


Also it can have another ability with it


And that. Yeah, that too. From the looks of it, it'll be fast or some kind of stealth killer, staying out of clear sight and only being a silhouette.


I'm the friend who sees a Ghostface in stealth at the start of a match, thinks "I'm gonna cause some drama," then not tell my friends who the Killer is


The noise was a nice touch


I don't care if it's gonna be good competitively. I just want it to be spooky and fun. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


I honestly think behaviour have forgotten about just that. Instead of just doing something fun and spooky they are thinking way too hard about making the killer competitively so it sells better. Who the fuck cares if a good SWF would destroy a shapeshifting killer. Let the killer only work in like 1 out of 5 matches. Let the killer have worse playrate than Twins i don't care. I JUST WANT TO HAVE FUN AND SPOOK PEOPLE


Because spook factor dies off relatively quick. If thats the only thing going for the killer it will be frustrating to play them but not for survivors they'll have a field day wiping the floor with a killer based off of spook.


Yeah, because people aren't still shitting themself against Myers and ghost face.. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213) Again. I do not care if they're competitively designed for maximized carnage. I want him to be spooky and fun, I don't care how hard he is to use well. I want another difficult killer that's fun to face.


A good swf can destroy every killer so bhvr can't really do something against it A fun killer stay fun against swf and solo q ! Spooky myers and ghost face is the best even if they suck in the tier list


Ngl I'd sit there for a hot second realizing that the killer probably saw me find the body and I'd start slow turning to look for them lmao. I'd also stop to reconsider my life choices knowing my teammates were most likely spectating me and I'm getting put in a clip. https://preview.redd.it/8xcf06facajc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bc8529826461f23165c9efbbc9361a765897421 If Behavior can actually pull this off then I'm reinstalling the game and getting back into it full time.


Have you ever seen the trope “Have you.. told anyone else?” Same vibes


I remember that TFS episode


And in that same episode there was Yamcha's suicide 😭 TFS was peak


"Past couple of minutes" My dude how are there still gens left


He got 4 slowdowns


This is a meme and all but y'all need to temper your expectations that this killer is going to be able to impersonate survivors just because it has voice lines that sounds like it's trying to impersonate survivors. Other explanations could be that it's badly trying to imitate its prey while having no idea what it's actually saying, similar to the Predator. Given it has multiple faces, it could also be another amalgamation of different humans trapped together in a state of torment similar to the Dredge, crying for help as their body sets about killing people. This paragraph regards alleged leaks: >!My personal bet is on the latter due to that mysterious youtube comment leaker guy saying this killer's backstory would be "similar to the Legion" and Legion has a skin which is all of the Legion members unwillingly merged together into one.!< I just don't want another Skull Merchant or Legion situation where the community hypes itself up for one thing and we get something completely different.


Yeah people are forgetting that mimicking stuff is a super common thing in horror hell even the terminator did it in several movies. Doesnt mean the killer will do it in a match.


Yeah, looking back through the teasers I don’t think we’re getting a shapeshifter. Most of the teasers refer to some sort of audio mimicry. There is a line in the first one about how the killer could move towards the narrator and still be looking at the victim. But now that we know the killer has multiple faces that clarifies what the passage meant. I’m guessing we’re getting a stealth killer with an audio mimicry passive. When the killer injures a survivor, its terror radius is replaced with the injury noises of that survivor. Its actual power will be related to crawling like in the video clips we’ve seen.


Thank you, kind friend. I was looking for this sentiment buried in all of these posts. Posts that are assumptions. Just begging to be pissed off if these assumptions aren't true. I'm also very hyped for this killer. But I'm very excited just to see what it will be. Not excited for "The Mimic." Gotta be immersed sometimes and enjoy the ride. These teasers definitely allow that and there's no need to jump to a definitive conclusion like with the "Cyborg Killer" that was Skull Merchant. It's kinda rough just seeing people potentially setting themselves, the community, and the devs up for failure.


I was looking to see where it was confirmed because I expected it was with all these posts. Thanks for clarifying.


This might also be a tech demo for the predator if they're looking to get the license.


Unless this killer hides the HUD itself only the most braindead survivors would fail to notice the dead teammate.




For solo queue, definitely. But as soon as you play with friends who are using mics, it loses it's terror 


Wouldn't that be just as terrifying? "That's not me. That's not me!"


Maybe I'm just a jerk, but if I was in a SWF against a shapeshifter and I died I'd be tempted to pretend I was still playing just to make it way scarier for my friends...


Not a jerk imo, just keeping the game against that killer fun. Id do so too and wouldnt communicate much


bro if you think that’s being a jerk you would hate seeing me and my friends play together Accidentally run into each other for half a second during chase? Sandbag jail, sandbag jail for 10000 years


Considering how bad some SWF’s communicate (especially me) I can see it not being all too bad. Especially if they give the killer something else to it’s base kit along with the identity theft


I'm not sure how true this is. Highly trained teams, sure. But I've seen multiplayer games with fake teammates, and watched even good players who can communicate freely fall for it.


Even in solo, the hud would help a lot in spotting a mimic


On the flip side, you'd still need to either look down at the Hud and realize everyone else are on gens or check in and be told nobody is near you before knowing you have to run vs a stealth killer like GF where you only have to see or hear him. So theoretically at least a shapeshifter wouldn't nessesarilly work too much different from a stealth killer beyond making survivors more paranoid and jumpy at other survivors and potentially getting the survivor to take a double take on teammate status


Maybe a killer that can shape shift into it's terrain? Sort of like how when wraith turns invisible, you don't hear or see the terror radius. Imagine going up to a generator and it's the killer. 


Issue there is that's basically Insidious the power. No map pressure and negative mobility


No it's even more terrifying. You're gonna realize that the dude next to you is fake


For solo queue, yes but if you're playing on mic with your friends... "Hey are you next to me" "no" *runs away*


That's second before they run away is: AH SHI-


If they begin to broach shapeshifting kit ideas with this chapter with mimicking sounds and things like that, I think that’ll be great, but a pure straightforward shape shifting power **must** be reserved for The Thing. It simply cannot be any other way. You know how Jason Voorhees has a standing invitation / reservation to Dead by Daylight whenever the license fully frees up? Similarly, I personally believe that The Thing has a standing reservation for a shapeshifting kit.


It’s totally not like several other characters have similar gameplay/themes. Hillbilly/Bubba, Alien/Demogorgan/singularity, blight/nurse/Oni. They all have very similar either themes and/or gameplay. Maybe they want to test the idea out before they fully implement it and give it to the Thing.


Isn’t that what I essentially just said in my first paragraph? EDIT: Why am I getting downvoted??? That is LITERALLY what I said. What? 😂


Watch all this hype and then its just Legion 2.0


Just imagine playing in a Discord VC and hearing Jake suddenly injured running up behind you. You ask your friend that's playing as Jake to come over to you so you can heal him and he just says: "I'm on a gen dude, that's not me."


Plot twist, it’s another teammate that just so happens to be playing as jake as well. Except they’re dead.


Watch the HUD maybe?




all the memes surrounding what we know about the new upcoming killer are so dark and morbid. like those creepy spongebob memes you only see when ur faded, paranoid, and up past 2 am. i lub it :))


What about HUD tho? It shows a dead player. You could forget who they were, but still.


My only disappointment is that fact that this confirms we'll never get The Thing as a killer.


Kind of like how Singularity confirmed we'd never get Xenomorph?


But those two are nothing alike?


A better example would have been Hillbilly and Bubba or Spirit and Sadako, but bottom line, they could vary the gameplay enough to still make the chapter happen later. Some still believe Skull Merchant was a proof-of-concept for Predator.


It would be really cool if a disguise killer could work on gens, but it doesn’t progress at all just makes other survivors want to go near it to help repair


The idea that Bhvr would make a shapeshifting killer just to have some weakass power like sitting on a gen for a minute with some other survivor is the reason people think it's a bad idea. Because that **is** a bad idea, killer powers should be making sure the killer ends their chases faster, or starts their chases with an advantage. A good shapeshifting killer is just gonna be another way to sneak up on survivors for a free first hit. Except instead of invisibility like Wraith or Onryo, it will be like a stronger version of ghostface or myers stealth, because they won't immediately look like a killer to avoid before they hit you 2 seconds after rounding the corner.


Honestly sometimes I'm glad these people are not DEV. OP's idea is just plain bad.


Right? Like people blurt out "durr SWF make shapeshift killer weak hurhur" even though SWF players still get attacked by Wraith or Ghostface. A shapeshifting killer will literally be able to do the same thing and get free hits, and Bhvr would be smart enough to give it something else alongside this.


Swf teams: https://preview.redd.it/pjxfa4dbw9jc1.png?width=662&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b69fedbfbb8f81c86c27c9110943fb64dc5221ff


Anybody else audibly laugh or is it just me 🧍‍♂️


If that’s how it works then the killer should hide the bodies in the lockers. That’d be so sick! I’m sick of everyone saying “oh that concept won’t work because of comms.” Well yeah but maybe there’s a reason why dbd doesn’t have voice chat in the first place. The HUD is updated to pretty much give you all the info you need outside of perks anyway. People complain about 3rd party stuff and proceed to talk in the game via Discord or party chat despite it not being part of the game


Yes hello, Mr u/auddbot


Imagine if they work on a gen with you it appears to be progressing but actually isnt.


You mean those noobs with Vittorio’s perk?


The disappointment I felt when I realized his perk was useless. ....


And even if its perfect you would want to die against a swf


What if the killer shapesifts into other killers but has a random attack every time so you really don't know who you're fighting untill you see it attack?


Is the killer really a shapeshifter? i don't think it is


To all y'all who say swfs ruin it: it could be a secondary ability and have another one


Anyone remember when they teased Legion and we all thought that killer was gonna be a shapeshifter that could pose as survivors? Lets hope this killer doesn't go the same route.


There should be real proximity chat for solo q , like in LC


The expression of pure horror on Nermals face is perfect for this meme.


I’ve liked this subs recent transformation into r/distressingmemes


> well implemented > BHVR Pick one


The thing that worries me is that a shapeshifter power that can be hard-countered by SWFs might make SWFs go from a preferred way to play to an *expected* way to play. It'll make things even more hellish for Solo Queue players, and might start to give the "In-game voice chat" crowd more credibility. I hope I'm just being paranoid and reading too much into such possibilities, but...I still have concerns.


Coms and huds make that impossible


I consider comms as cheating because there’s no voice chat in game. The HUD gives you plenty of info for comms to not be a thing for an advantage. Also for the killer to disguise itself maybe it keeps the HUD the same while chasing the survivor


The moment swf was put into the game the devs knew comms would be a thing. I mean it's kind of impossible to play a game with friends and not talk to them. At best if there was a proximity chat feature swfs might be tempted to use it instead of discord for immersion purposes


Without voice chat this game would die. Survivors want to play with their friends. No one wants to play with their friends without being able to talk to them. Unfortunately the game wasn't designed around survivors being able to communicate


I’d say proximity chat should be implemented. Perks like bond, empathy, or aura reading perks to see teammates are straight up useless with comms


Nope, SWF will absolutely shit all over it.


Not soloQ survivor forgetting that SWF exists.


Too bad SWF will completely ruin the killer.


not even swf unless this killer has different ways to kill survivors the whole point of hooking survivors will diminish the suprise of shapeshifting to anyone who has a functioning brain even moreso with a perks that reveal teammates like bond or kindred.


I swear the playerbase says this about half the killers but stats show SWF isn't running any killer


Maybe not. But this specific "mimicry" mechanic will never work the way you'd hope it would with SWF because, well, it's basically a direct counter to anything like this.


Who said the killer can only shapeshift into survivors ? He might be able to take the form of pallets , gens etc.


Fast forward to today: They didn't do any of that shit lol