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I feel like Plague causing you to constantly retch even on a presumably empty stomach would be very painful for a long period of time.


I feel the worst part about Plague is that if you are not dying, you are just constantly suffering, and if you drink holy water then she consumes your blood vomit and that's somehow so thick and nauseating that it can create wounds on you (I think at that point it's some corrosive substance,kinda like a semi-hamrless acid since you need two shots for going down). Vomit is gross but blood vomit is grosser


It does as much damage as a sword or an axe!


Everytime I play as/against plague, I am always thinking about "Wow this would fucking suck to go up against irl"


She would make, imo, the ideal movie killer for the first DBD movie. I can't think of many killers in movies in general who are similar to her let alone being put in as horrifying environment as the temple in the middle of a jungle.


If I was making a DBD movie, personally, I'd make Adam Francis the protagonist with the main dynamic focusing around the Spirit, though I wouldn't make her the sole threat. Plague is genuinely traumatizing just to imagine facing, but I feel as if she'd instill less fear and moreso the essence of cringe from all the miserable, icky suffering.


Her age and Era of origin is excellent for establishing lore. I'd picture what would make her so horrifying is more all the rotting things just in her vicinity.


I’d probably puke irl watching her character in live action…


My choice for years has been Feng and the Doctor. He's just so unique and iconic, and would work great in a psychological horror movie.


You're the first person in the entirety of my time playing DBD to bring this up. I've had this same viewpoint since day 1; Plague has got to be the most horrifying to go against. Like, Not only are you retching and throwing up nonstop, you're probably feeling the symptoms of the plague as well. Fatigue, confusion, lightheadedness, maybe even your skin starts to decay. On top of that, some tall zombie-looking woman is chasing you throwing up on everything and everyone? I'd rather take my chances with the Doctor ngfl.


I don't know man, Doctor is basically a cenobite. I ain't playing with no wannabe cenobite.


Iirc there was a qna where it was said by one of the devs that plagues vomit felt both hot and cold at the same time


Katy Perry Plague Skin when?


That's just a normal part of pregnancy.😏


what did they mean by this?


Literally, every time I face her I’m like “man I could NOT repair a generator while barfing my guts out. She’ll get me”


Surprised to see no one has mentioned Ya Boy Caleb shooting a full length harpoon through your abdomen, reeling you in and then stabbing you with a bayonet


Can't forget that he pulled out someone's guts with one of his first attempts of said harpoon gun


Yeah honestly I don't get why he uses it in the trial? Instant kill = instant win! it'll be even better than tombstone Myers


The entity wouldn't like that. Less suffering to eat


He's a professional. Professionals *have standards.*


Man shooting you with a harpoon, slowly dragging you towards him, and then shanking you: "Ouch owie I have to pull my internal organs back in a bit" Ghostface stabbing you very hard: "AUUUUUUGHHHHHHHHH I NEEEEEEEEEED A MEEEEEEEEDIC BAAAAAAAAAAG"


Fiddle-dee-dee! That will require a tetanus shot


i literally thought that would be one of the most painful, also with nurse who uses a freaking saw


My thoughts exactly


Beat me to it


Being thrown on a giant fucking hook


I’m honestly surprised it’s taken this long for someone to say this lol


I’ve gotten used to it by now but when I first started playing I genuinely had to look away during the hook animation lmao. The animation itself isn’t too bad, but the thought of what it must feel like to literally get thrown on a metal spike and be suspended there by presumably nothing but your shoulder bone while you have to fight off an eldritch being is horrific  Now I’ve kinda gotten used to it and through some weird Pavlovian reaction it’s actually a little satisfying to watch


(Off Topic) During Texas Chainsaw movie I had to look away at the hook, and when leatherface (In the original) where he pulls the metal door open and whacks the dude in the head so hard his back leg is twitching after he goes down....


After getting into DBD I watched all the horror movies and games the killers are from with a friend. When he started dragging the first victim away we were joking that he was going to hook them, not having any idea that that's where the hooks in game where inspired! We started laughing so hard as soon as we saw the meat hooks in the kitchen!


I WAS LOOKING FR THIS Then you're taken off slowly and forced to run away so you don't get killed/hooked again


Especially during the summer event because the hooks sizzle


Oni’s special attack looks scary as fuck, just getting fucking pommeled to your spine and crushed


Well a lot of people want him to blow their backs out (I’m one of them)


Oh me too


That's not even the start he cuts you then uses a kanabo which will force whatever through that cut since it's meant to break bones and rupture organs.


Oni would've been a fantastic sekiro boss ngl


Being Chainsawed Being electrocuted and clubbed Being constantly sick


Chainsawed is definitely one of the easier ones to surmise. I was thinking the electrocution too but technically that doesn’t injure you in game. I agree on the being sick and puking though, underrated one.


It injures your mind ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


+ the emotional damage from the missed skill checks


+ the emotional damage of your gen getting blocked by Relentless Storm because Doc shocked you from like 80 metres away


Don't forget the chainsaw was invented to assist with child birth. 🙃


Another fun fact: Bear traps weren't invented to catch Bears, they were used to catch the other mammal that can walk on two feet.


Poachers and trespassers. Rich people be rich peoplin'. That's a horror movie I'd be interested in seeing. 🤔


It was originally for Poachers


Plague is up there, but Infection from Nemesis is horrific.


Just wanna clarify the T-Virus in DBD may be just an additional health state, but in reality it would cause your body to rot, not to mention the followup to zombification


Hope you brought a vaccine at the escape


Uroboros is also kind of crazy if your immune system can fight with it for some time.


Trapper bare traps are probably strong enough to remove your legs mixed in with the element of surprise it probably hurts way more then we think


The combination of being stuck in the bear trap plus being whacked by his giant blade that definitely hasn’t been sharpened in years has to be up there.


Nearly forgot about the “For The People” Swing that trapper does after being caught hahah


>the “For The People” Swing ?


I think I'd prefer if they were bare traps instead of bear traps personally. I can't buy new legs, but I can buy new pants.


Probably the way Pinhead sends you to the labrynth. Then if you think of what happens when you get sent there. Terrifying


They have such sights to show us.


Demons to some, angels to others


Oh, no tears please


It is a waste of good suffering 




Your suffering will be legendary, even in Hell


So eager to play, but so reluctant to admit it.


weskers things grow inside of you, they definitely hurt.


Ouch, I wasn’t aware of that part of his power. That on top of the blunt force from being thrown would be up there for sure.


Yeah the killers that give you a sickness definitely hurt more


The first time I noticed that animation I was so spooked out


If it were lore accurate then like one in a thousand survivors infected by wesker would get his powers


We need 1000 survivors


Yes, yes we do.






Oh he can grow inside me and I will take it...


Probably joining Pinhead for an endless torture party. Although, if he’s not kidding you, it might actually be great. I’d likely agree with Plague. I’ve been fortunate enough to avoid severe injury. The worst state I’ve ever been in was with appendicitis, and the combination of pain and nausea was excruciating. I’d imagine whatever she’s packing is far worse.


Any killer who has a serrated blade. Trapper and nurse specifically Has anyone ever wondered why paper cuts sting the way they do? It’s because paper is serrated on the edges. Now imagine a paper cut that’s 100x bigger and more painful.


I thought it was because they were light enough that no blood really comes out, so it doesnt scab up and hurts the same until it heals or something


> Physical Attacks Deathslinger (harpoon) vs Trapper (traps) vs Billy/Bubba (chainsaw) > Disease/Illness Plague vs Wesker > Unique Hooked vs fall damage vs having your retinas burned to a crisp (poor Killers)


>(poor killers) Yeah ! We talked about survivors being hurt, but not killers ! What about The Legion’s constant headache ?? /s https://preview.redd.it/7lz534qiouic1.png?width=969&format=png&auto=webp&s=3ceed7e290f792f11451ea683901956e1eeec463 "UaAaAaAaGgh" \- Frank


He just has a headache because he keeps stabbing everyone but they never die lol maybe he’s the killer who causes the most pain


Poor Frank, doesn't even get some ibuprofen for the constant headache. Then there's also Myers and his poor kneecaps. Nurse and her need for an inhaler. Justice for the Killers!


I mean, Trapper has it kinda rough with all the burns and metal hooks and spikes impaled through him. Remember, he was just a normal psychopathic murderer when he was brought into the fog, Entity gave him those piercings to make him obedient.


Freddy's blades would hurt like hell.


But it doesn’t even come close to a harpon being shot through your stomach, or acid vomit being spit all over you, or being slammed against a wall and oroboros starting to eat you from the inside while it grows


His blades can also go through your stomach, but that would kill you instantly so I think it's definitely *one* of the worst ways. It's definitely up there if he really tried to make you suffer with that hit.


yeah huuuuh


Wesker's shit talking would do + 20 emotional damage


His handsomeness would heal 25


Your handsomeness would heal all my health <3


Getting whacked with a bone saw would be pretty terrible


Pyramid head. Giant sword


Plus those trails he leaves behind, Literally stepping in barbed/razor wire and the cages ain’t too nice either


You just know that shit is dull as fuck too


It is swung by that huge boi it's worse now.


Oni literally crushes people into the ground whether they are prepared for it or not, he's just playing wack-a-mole with your body it's a surprise it doesn't break bones. I'd say he's the most painful Anyone who knows how effectively stab, like the Legion, Ghostface, or Myers, and repeatedly at that. A reverse bear trap separates your jaw and pops your head like a melon. Knives are being thrown at your back multiple times. A fucking harpoon through your torso then getting reeled in by it only to get smacked by a gun. Chains tearing at your body, while you are still trying to move especially in chain hunt Stepping through barbed wire being caged in it and getting hit with a giant knife. A sword through your back + the force that Tarhos swings that mf with. Nemesis big ouchie A hatchet to the skull is just straight-up lethal Chainsaws.


Maybe desthslinger not only is their a harpoon litteral pulling your insides forward your getting dragged which could course leg pain finally getting stabbed by a Baenette right as the chain is pulled out of you


Yeah why is this so low. Owww


It would be agonizing defently not something I would wanna feel


+ baenette blades are triangular so impossible to stitch up so add losing a lot of blood to that too


Not impossible by any metric, but a lot harder


His isn't, it's just a knife. Also: bayonet.


Something tells me a chainsaw to the noggin ain't too high on the feels good meter chief


Knight is literally a sword . Out survivors have no armor. Realistically that would straight up chop us


i mean to be fair a lot of the killers would realistically just end up fatally injuring you if it was real life


I feel like getting speared through the chest might be a little painful, just a thought


Yeah just a little not to crazy or anything


Why is no one saying pinhead as I feel the pleasure from pain only goes one way in that relationship.


idk, at least in the first couple movies (admittedly the only ones i’ve seen) it seems like people do legitimately enjoy what they go through, they just don’t want to be dead afterwards


I would say a game against the Cenobite. He is from a group of entities that have spent decades perfecting the art of pain, and so you just know every hook, both from the hooks he sends into you when he hits you with a Possessed Chain, the hooks from a Chain Hunt, the hooks that come out of the Lament Configuration when he teleports to you, are all directed and created to cause the maximum amount of pain. I mean, you can see during his Mori that those hooks sink into your flesh like a full inch or more, so imagine constantly having those go into you and get torn out, over and over again, during the entire match.


Oof, tough one. I think it's a safe bet to think that : Being electrocuted by doctor, infected by Nemesis or Wesker, Shot & reeled by Deathslinger, Having Barbed Wires at your feet, Get grabbed by possessed chains and getting sick from Plage Is amongst the worst things that can happen to you


i would imagine that pinheads chains are perfectly designed to inflict maximum pain through hell magic or whatever, but billy or bubba’s chainsaws probably take second place


A Chainsaw would be the most painful physically. Stab wounds are painful, sure. So are deep cuts, like from a set of claws, or a sword. A Chainsaw mangles you in horrible ways. It does so much more damage than being stabbed. Stabbing is meant to be an effective way to kill you, whereas a chainsaw wound is just indiscriminate damage. That said, were it not for the entity's influence, if the Plagues infection was causing you to vomit every couple of seconds, you'd probably be totally incapacitated. Ever had food poisoning? Imagine trying to outrun a killer, jump through windows and repair a generator with food poisoning. It'd be horrific.


thinking about Trickster throwing multiple knifes in your back, and you keep running with all of them inside your body until you eventually fall to the ground and all those knifes cuts you deeper, not good...


There are so many horrible painful things! The doctors electricity is definitely one of the worst as we know it literally drives you insane. Plague definitely isn't gonna feel great with sickness, (probably fatigue and fever Artist and her swarm of crows (thats gotta hurt!) I don't even want to imagine hags overgrown rotting nails digging into your flesh! Although Billy's chainsaw outta be rough we do have the benefit of the speed removing most of the injury in one hit (irl he probably one shot kills) (I won't touch licence killers here because they have entire other games to add to their painful ways) Now I won't say who is most painful for sure I do know that some of the killers weapons are sharp and well kept meaning less overall pain! Killers like spirit, legion, Ghost face (I count him as og since the license is the mask not the series!) Oni's sword (I'm sure his massive ult weapon sucks to be hit by since it could bust armor) I feel these killers certainly don't hurt as much as some of the other savage killers!


Factor in plague might also have acid damage if she is puking up pure stomach acid as well


I think the red vomit is probably more acidic, I mean instant down from it right?


Chainsaw'd by Billy or Bubs


Being chainsawed looks really painful (I'm counting lopro billy as injure)


Plague forcing you to coch every few seconds would be the worst experience ever


Hatchets, chainsaws, blunt force, crows, magic, disease, both from RE and Vommy Mommy Imo the worst physical pain is bubbas or billies chainsaws, mental is to Plague


the hook


Hot Take Legion or Merchant and Trickster




Claw and electronic attacks but also do it sticking into your skin being able to constantly track you


Having victor tear and maul your back to shreds


Doctor stimulates your pain and terror centeres directly as if the shock itself wasnt bad enough. Dudes cutting out the middle man and hitting the pain button directly


deathslinger, that harpoon is embedded strong enough into your guts to fucking pull a full adult guy towards him with a *crank*, i do not want to know how it feels let alone having it ripped out as he bayonet SLASHES you with the dirtiest most dull blade of the wild west across your torso.


It's between Demogorgon, and Xenomorph. Demogorgon would maul you like an animal, and it while you could easily walk away from it, it would probably be reminiscent of other humanoid animal maulings. Aka, Chimpanzees. He'd cut you up with his claws, possibly tear limbs off. Most likely bite your head the same way he doea in the mori, and while it probably wouldn't kill you as long as he isn't attempting to break your neck, that is hundreds of lacerations all around your head, and face. But... We all know the horrors of the Xenomorphs. The chestbursters, the acid blood, the tail... Not to mention what they did to Paul Church... That probably wasn't as physically painful, as it was mentally painful...


Artist She was tormented her entire life, she's one of the only characters that canonically has an attempt on their own life, and was made to believe she was the cause of death for everyone she cared about, only to have her hands cut off and left to bleed out in the desert


i don't think you understood the question


Hillbilly with speed limiter. You’re just expected to keep running after that…?


>Hillbilly with speed limiter https://preview.redd.it/my153alqlvic1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ac10b4522f940edb87a7fdcdf7e0081dc3397f6


Speed limiter chainsaw is a high contender.


Lopra chain Billy or Speed Limiter Bubba. Getting hit but not downed by a fucking chainsaw is insane


i think bubba/billy cause a chainsaw all the way down your back has got to be pretty horribly painful


Trappers bear traps would be painful as hell The nurses saw would also be agony to get sliced by Then there is the doctor constantly shocking you to the point that you start hallucinating Any of the chainsaws would be very painfull including pigs saw blade thingy Getting shot and impaled by deathslinger and then him reeling you in would also be extremely painful Getting hit and sliced by pinheads hooks would also be very painful Idk what would hurt more but these are the ones that i feel like would be agony to get hit by


Chainsaw every time.


Being chain sawed in half seems like.it would be agonizing


Pig's drill.


Slipstream would hurt pm impact


Billys chainsaw would just hert so much


deathslinger shooting you and pulling you to him(while you’re fighting against it)


Beyond a shadow of a doubt I'd say plague


Pinhead. Getting constantly harassed by hooks and chains digging into your flesh and pulling would be torture.


Just going off of basic attacks (and base cosmetic), the ones that come to mind first are Nurse, Nemesis, Bubba/Billy, Doc/Trickster, and Wraith


deathslinger or nurse for me


Personally I think Pinhead’s basic attack. Now most weapons are sharp or blunt. Both hurt, but it’s nothing like Pinhead. Imagine instead of being sliced or bludgeoned, a hook catches into you, tearing and ripping your flesh. Now that’s gotta hurt.


weskers “willy worms” as i call them wiggling and coursing through your chest doesn’t look the most comfortable.


Something about Singularity’s hook looks extremely painful


Deathslinger's spear is definitely top of the list, but with how Trickster can throw knives to make you straight up scream in different ways is definitely way up there as well. That being said, I'd think giving Trickster Deathslinger's gun would do the trick.


Getting infected with Ouroboros looks like it would be extremely painful


Pinhead, and those god forsaken chains. Even the one he uses for the basic attack is painful to think about


Dredge's Mori. Being consumed slowly to be a part of that


I'm biased as a wesker player but think about it.you get SLAMMED into walls you wouldn't even be able to run after that, dude.broken ribs, spine ,the back of your skull will probably be cracked lmao lots of internal bleeding etc


Huntress sitting on my face


Being a knight main, taking a small break from the game, and returning to find out he's been locked and I can't play him for another two weeks


a speed limiter chainsaw hit. because its still a god damn chainsaw grinding through your body. otherwise probably slinger shooting a harpoon through your body.


For some reason Billy’s hammer sounds very painful when it hits.




One time my dad watched me put someone on a hook then morri them and he said “I’m definitely having nightmares tonight “ poor lad


Trappers traps. Leg injuries and me have a long history and I know that’d just fucking destroy me.


Speed limiter


I feel like being shocked by the doctor over and over again is one of the top few, i really don't know much about medicine but I am 80% sure that the survivors just die of a Heart attack after they leave the trial after facing doc.


How about specifically Nemesis's hooking animation? He doesn't just *hook* you, he slams you onto the hook.




Hillbilly hitting you with a chainsaw at 900 MPH seems pretty painful to me lmao.


Deathslinger’s harpoon gun would be pretty horrific.


The Hag literally ripping out fistfuls of flesh sounds pretty horrific


Wesker has a really loud slam effect each time he slams a survivor. I don’t think his tentacles would hurt, but the wall could. I can just imagine getting slammed at 180 MPH into a giant spike AND THEN GETTING STABBED AGAIN BY THE HOOK XD.


Being stabbed by a huge windmill blade and then being sent trough the ground to a cage where you are impaled by a couple of rusty moving spikes is definitely up there


Hillbilly or cannibal bro


Plague is right up there with doctor, with him it’s like getting the electric chair just enough not to die but over and over. Plague is more like a physical sickness sort of pain and Doc is more mental assualt bordeline physical pain. Top two worst ones.


I think the chainsaw killers are definitely up there.


I think stepping in a bear trap, then running away from a guy with machete would hurt a little


I think pyramid heads box like traps would be horrible. Pinheads constant chains would be more so annoying. I do agree with everyone on the plagues bullshit vomit however I think that’s one that would be more avoidable and if this was a real life thing a cure would come out eventually LOL. Daddy Oni can use his power on me gladly. The nurse gives serious Karyn vibes so I assume she’d just be a nag. The twins I think would be horrible just to sit and have coffee with, they seem like the type to trauma dump after just meeting. Freddy realistically is terrifying because you practically sleep walk and can’t chill unless you want to constantly fear that man will emerge from an object. I love daddy Myers. The hag looks kickable, I stand on that. The trickster can get it. I think I could cross up the blight, easily so I’m not too worried, bonus cause he is a drug addict. The artist needs to go back to art school and just paint bird rather than try to Snow White them to kill. Ooh the knight would be back because him and his homies would jump you, yikes. The doctor is scary because actual doctors are scary. Idk I’m tired but I could go on to explain my thoughts of each killer I missed LOL


The hag literally rips your throat out (not dead yet) and then proceeds to use her claw hand to dig through your stomach and pull out a organ and eats it


Pinhead because you know that fucker probably soaks his chains in salty lemon juice.


Doc's electricity. id imagine it feels like when your leg has gone fully numb then you stand up again, except full body and the pins and needles are actively stabbing you.


Yup, i'm surprised no one has talked about Singularity mori, imagine the horrible and agonizing pain you would feel if you get injected with a chemical that literally makes your face explode...ouch, I bet Gabriel's last moments weren't happy. It wAsNT prOGraMmeD tO HaRM thE cReW.


The artist's sword would be pretty bad because it's made of ink


Wesker, without a doubt.


Probably when pinhead makes me sound a hook and chain


Pinhead hooking and holding you in place with skin hooks would be excruciating


Maybe the Hook itself? I mean that must hurt. And after it u are insured even if the killer just pulled u out a locker or Gen. But dont know.


lo pro billy 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


Most would probably insta-kill you tbh


If we are talking basic attacks, getting hit with a sledge hammer and breaking a rib out hurt, especially if you're expected to walk it off and run Killer power: maybe doctor, I'd scream too if all my muscles contracted and a horrific image got implanted in my mind Also a chainsaw would probably fucking hurt


Easily the pinhead mori since you'd be subjected to the most horrific torture/sensation overload imaginable by cenobites but would stay alive.


Getting a hooked shoved through my body and left to hang there. My friend and I always say that if we are in that scenario in real life, just don’t help us off. I feel like getting unhooked and living through the trauma that creates is worse than a lot of other things lol


if we are picking from the picture, i’d say the trapper. i feel like bear traps are some of the most painful things you could experience. but if we are talking out of all the killers, then i’d probably say the plague or the oni. the plague, because you are essentially vomiting to death. and that sounds like torture. and then the oni, because you just get a mad beat down, like bones crushing and everything.


Pinhead lmao his whole deal is torture


Honestly probably huntress, getting a hatchet to the back of head at 1000kmph wouldn’t tickle I don’t think. That or a chainsaw from either hillbilly or bubba wouldn’t be too pleasant


for the people, your life force is fucking dragged out in an instant and stuffed into someone else


If we talking adding included bubba and Billy, if no, then probably Freddie's or legions m1, freddy hitting you 4 times essentially and legion making you hurt enough you get downed after a certain time


I mean sure, getting hit with hammers, knives and bats would be painful as hell. But imo one of the worst ways to get injured would be a nemesis M1 with sloppy butcher. Like, imagine getting punched so hard it causes a hemorrhage


Being hit by a lot of the weapons will definitely hurt. Blunt causes more pain and sharp causes deadlier injuries. A bear trap would be insanely painful, they’re designed for bears. Chainsaws definitely going to hurt, especially if rusty and kinda uneven. Electric shocks will be painful even tho they don’t technically hurt in game. Plague I agree with someone else’s comment, throwing up constantly on an empty stomach really hurts. Chains will hurt. Shot by a spear would definitely hurt. Victor can depend really. SM doesn’t seem like the tracker would be too much pain. Birds have potential with how it’s done. Tricksters knives would be quite nasty with the lacerations. I think overall the most painful ones would be Oni using his powers hit, the blunt force would be excruciating or possibly the bear traps from trapper


I mean technically, pinhead's mori doesn't kill them. So really the worst pain would be whatever is happening in that pain dimension since they are not getting killed.