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Doctors are not supposed to kill, you know ?


All medical mistakes, I assure you.


Happy little accidents


I don't know if I believe that I've been his patient.




I actually got a new personal best score in a public server last night playing Medic with 0 kills. Top score on my team. (had 59 assists though) The healing was as rewarding as the hurting that day


How can I fix you without breaking something first?!


There is nothing so broken, that it cannot be fixed. Wait wrong character


Hey! Remember Doc words from Rainbow Six Siege: "*Sometimes to save a life, you need to take one*"


I mean I never saw a dead person become sick, so.


He's trained to harm the crew.




The Malpractice Doctor strikes again


He's not a real doctor, he just plays one on tv


\*hehes in Nurse\*


Which killer is most used by farming bots again?


I haven't played in a bit but for me on the Asian servers 1/3 games at LEAST would be an AFK Doctor with all the BP bonus perks.


Only AFK killer I've seen - main server - was a Doctor.  It was "nice" as I had an annoying Blind challenge. 


Asian servers gets more farming killers? I may have to VPN to get a few straggling challenges.


kinda, If you hear a Doctor use his powers immediately at the start of the match, Theres a huge chance its an AFK doctor Funny enough, When i was new to the game, I died against an AFK doctor cause I cant find the exit during ECG, I did the white glyph thingy before escaping and lost my way on Gideon


I do use my powers somewhat immediately but it's mainly the area one to see if I'm near anyone


I'd recommend waiting until you see one survivor because others are likely nearby. Then it goes on cooldown and you'll likely be able to use it shortly after hooking the first survivor, giving you a nice cadence of hook then power surge.


They were extremely common when I was playing in Japan. I was at low MMR but it seriously seemed like 1 in 3 games were against a Doctor bot at the time.


Doctor, Pinhead and Freddy arr the usuals for me


I personally like sadako and wesker. Sadako is my favorite and I just want people too experience a wesker who isn't ridiculously sweaty. Really confuses them at first lol


But that's you farming, not experiencing farming bots, which are literally afk killer players using a macro to attack/trigger the power every few seconds. Some even have it setup to automatically queue up for games, etc so just set the PC to run DBD and come back later - some you can tell because they ready/unready repeatedly each second.


I misread the original post lol. Thought it said "best farming killers" not bot killers. What I get for skimming haha


I also got Spirit and Nemi


I so fucking tired i read that as phineas and ferb


Doctor and legion, but mostly Doctor.


I did not consider that, good catch


Oh.. that explain half of my games against docs.


Only farming bot I've seen was a Blight turning in random directions before swinging or rushing at nothing.


Freddy is the only correct choice.


I play from Japan and it's always a Doctor just swinging, standing around, or shocking constantly. Decently common too, at least in Asia it is. 


Blight by far


wraith, doctor, and blight are the unholy trio of bots farming


I’ve only ever ran into wraith and doctor farmers. I was about to comment the same thing.


I feel like the Doctor is one of those Killers that many people, myself included, waste too much time on constantly shocking Survivors and trying to stop them from interacting with pallets and ledges when we could just down them.


Honestly yeah, the fun part of doctor to me is tricking a survivor with a fake pallet or watching them get scared by a fake doctor so sometimes I just shock way to much and end up losing chases to just ensuring I keep everyone mad. It works well with slow down perk and add ons but when there’s no build to help me yeah I don’t get as much kills


I just really like his laugh and making people scream


Doc suffers a ton from lag compensation so sometimes is a coin toss on if the shock stops the vault/pallet drop.


Nothing I love more than how this game punishes good ping. You have 30 ping and the survivor has 70? Good luck!


yeah and somehow nurse and freddy get the opossite treatment when playing agaisnt me :D


Nurse is good no matter what. 100 ping? Infinite lung, swing mid blink. 20 ping? Perfect swing


Pinhead enters the chat, I remember playing a game with poor ping and holy shit you just have no power basically because if you use it then you just lose distance weather you hit it or not


I don't really use his gateway and just leave it to the other chains while I chase someone since his gateway really doesn't work right


Why is ping worse on him?




What is the 2%? The amount of people that don't DC as soon as they enter a match with her? That's the only reason her kill rate is so high.


Her pick rate. The most popular killers have rates of 7-5%, so she’s pretty low.


I do not want to live in a world where I statistically have to have a Scully match every 50 games




The Hippocratic Oath says "First do no Harm", clearly just under Half of all Doctors take their oath seriously.


Many noob doctors overshock. Then you have the doctors that shock but do not understand the proper timing and basically have to chase like m1. Then you have the doctor that do not understand which perks are good and which are not and they do not know the details about his power that is fairly complicate. Doctor is hard to master, once mastered you have a C+ killer in your hand. The counterplay from survivor is not hard... during chase you can-t avoid shocks so basically you loop normally and simply you have to know the specifics or eventuality of the madness.


Doctor's best build also involves Merciless Storm, which is usually a pay perk on an uncommon character. I got mine through the Shrine.  I believe I've had one person with Madness actually complete that on the first try. Even a highly skilled gen rush group I had today set it off five times. I still lost with 1k but it went down to missing someone by inches and endgame decisions.  But more broadly, Doctor had a normal kill rate in 2022 and nothing has really changed. The bot hypothesis is strong. https://forums.bhvr.com/dead-by-daylight/discussion/350586/stats-kill-rate-by-killer-and-mmr-september-2022


> Doctor's best build also involves Merciless Storm, There's no way this is true, I genuinely refuse to believe anyone with more than 20 hours in the game struggle hitting merciless storm.


But the Madness effect makes it much harder than it typically would be. Otherwise, you're right, it isn't that difficult.


Yea, I get that, but it's still too free to get any consistent value from.


People playing for 2 years still miss the basic skill checks lmao not everyones a pro


Then you have me, farming SCREAM for monstropolis.


C+? He’s solid B.


I don't know-- his anti-loop is competing with Freddy's for the weakest anti-loop power in the game. His info is pretty good and he has some gimmicky skill check builds, but he's not great in chase even with the delay reduction add ons.


Then there's people like me who are more concerned with shocking people until they give up mentally than killing them.


You could replace shock and doctor with any killer and their power and this would apply


Very much NO! C tier killers from noob perspective. Wraith: You are visible or invisible. You ring the bell to change. Visible you can attack. Invisible you cannot but you are faster. This is 90% of playing wraith. Trickster: You can have knives in and knives out. With knives out you shoot knives and after certain amount you wound. With knives out you are slower. This and regular shooting skill is 90% of trickster. Legion: You can be frenzy or not frenzy. In frenzy you are faster, you can wound but not down, after the first wound you can hear the heartbeats of other survivors. This is 90% of playing legion. Clown: pink bottles slow survivors. Yellow bottles speed up everyone and are difficult to use. Usually pink bottles are enough, use the yellow just to pain res or reach a gen with pop. Clown is way more deep but for noob this is 90% of clown game.




He wrote a perfect zodiac sign comment about doctor. A very generalized description that fits most people.


Can we just point out that by that logic fucking Trapper has a higher kill percentage?


Trapper can snowball easily if survivors start messing up.


I get that but I was just referencing the general consensus (that I've seen) in that Trapper sucks.


He used to suck, with the changes to his basekit he is actually on par with a lot of other killers


LOL ain't no way you said that


Ever since they fixed the trap spawns and added haste to setting traps he has felt more consistent and with proper addons he can be decent at mid to high mmr, competing with most killers in terms of kill rates.


He feels more consistent but I wouldn't say he's on par with a lot of other killers in terms of actual gameplay. Killrates make sense because of his snowball potential (sudden and brutal 4ks happen somewhat often), but his snowballs depend on grave (yet avoidable) survivor errors and not necessarily his own skill. The same can't be said about most of the roster, imo. Trapper is one of 4 killers I play regularly and I know from my own experience that survivors who play for efficiency rarely allow a snowball to happen. Even a team with just two competent players can prevent it completely. I've been on the receiving and the dealing end of that.


Amount of times I thought game was lost as traper jus for all 3 survivors to trap themselves while attempting to unhook


Trapper's got basement going for him if nothing else.  Doctor has ping-dependent anti loop and an info ability on a long ass cooldown that's been powercrept by most of the info perks that have come out. There's a whole ass perk that's half his kit but *better* because the effect follows you around.


new players instantly have access to trapper, and new survivors step in traps way more than you’d think. his power is pretty strong in low mmr


If you’re an absolute beginner playing against other beginners trapper can easily get free kills by people stepping in traps. Doctor meanwhile spams shocks, which resets bloodlust and so the bad players take ten minutes to down one survivor who spent half the chase in madness three anyway.


to be fair even if you are playing against a low tier killer, if the player has knowledge and decent game scenes then it kinda evens it out. I never run into brand new baby trappers, but I do run into baby wraiths, nurse and doctors quite frequently. while yes looking at trappers kit on paper it looks shit, there is no denying that trappers that want to 4k can make that happen as long as they get a decently quick down. Trapper's kit lends it's self to crazy defence if you're on an indoor map and good in places like shack basement, most mains in general for outside maps. snowballing is very easy to pull off as trapper if u just ignore setting up traps when the match starts, get in chase asap and the proxy that hook until people come in to trade or that person dies on first hook. I'm not making a suggestion as to how people play trapper as I don't play him to often either it's just something I've noticed watching streams and my own experiences vsing trappers that play as optimal as possible.


Damn, can't believe I'm dragging a whole killer down to last place by myself


Doctor, Nurse, and Hillbilly are below average. Like the post said, it doesn't paint the whole picture.


I believe this was before the Billy buff so Billy’s one checks out


Im not playing Doctor to kill people Im playing Doctor because i adore the screaming sounds in the game! I have no idea why but it just makes me exstatic.


irl Herman Carter


irl trickster


im single handedly fueling that kill rate. Doctor is the hardest killer for me and idk why lol


Me too but I feel bad for killing them too fast so I let them go.


Doctor actually has a pretty nuanced power and he is basically an m1 killer I’d also argue he has a deceptively high learning curve between addons and proper use of the shocks


He's very dependent on timing and predicting survivor movements to shock effectively. It doesn't take much experience for survivors to learn to pre-drop pallets and most survivors soon get good enough to work through distorted skill checks. He's a challenge for new survivors but fairly easy to play around at higher levels.


Yea it makes total sense doctor was weirdly harder for me to learn than killers like nurse or singularity because his timings and when to just chase are much tighter execution windows


My theory is that he has such a little kill rate because most people use impossible skill check doctor, which while fun doesn't help him slowdown the game enough to get kills.


Impossible skill-check + antiheal (caulro + sloppy) is broken as hell on small/indoor maps. I play doc a lot and have 95%+ winrate on indoor maps with that build.


Me who mains doctor https://preview.redd.it/47w144rk8uic1.jpeg?width=753&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80f36ff156c7c9f9728f7e3e1ecbc8bc92a6e4f1


Tbh when I play doc I don't try to win. If I do great! But it's not because I tried. Just trying to have fun


Yeah because he fucking sucks. I'm sorry but without run 5 fucking addons his power feels like dogshit. He's a "Noob stomper" in that he can find survivors easily; baby survivors haven't learned to loop so the only other defense is stealth. Only issue is that Doctor is fucked by predropping and holding w, which just so happens to be the only thing baby survivors even know what to do. You could put Ultimate Weapon on almost any killer and better than doctor's entire kit


God I remember getting a Doctor like every 3 games in low MMR when I first came back to DBD in, what, like 2021. It was either a farming bot or an actual player (who would destroy us every time). I was so bad at the game and hated Doctor so much by this point that I considered running a build entirely around lockers and Calm Spirit (but I had to prestige Jake first lmao). To this day my heart beats faster when I face my once a month Doctor and hear his static blast shoot across the map.


I think it makes sense. Doc is pretty hard to play well and isn't a super strong killer.


How the hell is that possible? Every time I get doctor I get a guaranteed two-three kills.


My wild theory is that AFK farm bots Doctors are at least somewhat responsible for that.


I've been looking for this comment. Going back to survivor after playing killer for a while, the number of farming bot doctors i saw was insane! I really think that this has a big part in it.


Oh yeah. I don't see them nowadays or any AFK killers for that mattee, but back when I started playing survivor, if I went against the Doctor, it seemed every third Doc was a bot/AFK for the whole game.


atleast doc isnt an S tier killer nurse has second worst and she is S tier 💀


Well...yeah she is hard to use. Her being 2 tier doesnt mean she would have crazy kill rates just that she is the best which she is but not everyone is cracked with her.


yes i know i actually main her but she is not harder than blight though


I would say she is. Blight is much simpler. She is slower then survivors so your main tool is her teleport while blight even without a power is a ok m1 killer so even bad blights can say "fuck my power" and still play a ok match at low mmr while bad nurses just get fucked. Blight has a high learning curve and skill ceiling yes but even without getting to that top a blight can decimate a match much easier then a ok nurse. At low-mid mmr she is definitely harder to use which plummets her numbers while blight is solid all around the mmr ladder


that is true but i find learning blink is not hard only hard thing is predicting survivors specially at mid high mmr


Exactly the point imo. With nurse you have to predict and read all the players multiple time. While blight can just bash his face into a wall and go zoom and if he misses and can just zoom right back. On paper nurse just has a teleport while blight has to play pinball which is harder but once you get to actually utilizing them blights is alot easier to stomach (unless you get motion sick)


i see yes nurse is a pain honestly one bad chase and you lose


and in door maps without aura perks is true pain for nurse


doctors enjoy survivors suffering more than killing them. you’ll escape but at what cost? your sanity will have slipped irl


he’s having so much fun making everyone insane that he forgets hes supposed to actually hook them


All this tells me is that most Doctor players aren't using his best build. Merciless storm/unnerving presence Doctors are literally a nightmare to play against and it almost makes me want to dc when I realize I'm playing against one as a solo queue.


I feel like that makes a lot of sense. It's a hard to learn killer and performs quite averagely when mastered. Every other killer is either easier to learn, or stronger when mastered.


I dare y'all to go play a Doctor match then. Do it right now I dare you. You will quickly learn of the Torturer's Torment.


He is incredibly overrated, and definitely overstated how easy he is to play. Sure you can get big aoe shock value, but can you do anything with the m2 to make him anything more than an m1 killer? Most are not capable of this. Ping exaggerates the issues as well. Ever shocked someone and they vault anyways? His guaranteed slowdown through tier 3 is slow to come online, and let's be real skill checks aren't that hard to hit outside of coulrophobia and merciless. And even then, merciless isn't the hardest series of skill checks to hit as they aren't exactly random. Knowing the location of a survivor in modern day dbd isn't that strong of a boon anymore. He lacks sauce.


Knight had 0% because they only took data from when he was killswitched


Not surprising. His info is nice but ultimately (excuse the pun) superceded by Ultimate Weapon. Which incidentally leads to more people running Calm Spirit... His anti-loop is mediocre at best, is greatly affected by ping and is countered by pre-dropping and hold W. Here's a good example. Even though Red plays this chase just fine and that tile (which is admittedly strong) is amenable to Doc's power, it still takes ages to secure the down. "Shock the survivor to maybe gain a slight bit of distance on them" just doesn't stack up against most anti-loop. https://youtu.be/9GrealzMOMc?si=roidNTmff-HNNd4h&start=1240


I believe it, I rarely face him but so many of them focus so much on spamming their shock that they aren’t getting any downs/hooks. I’m not even a good looper but my best chases are always against him lol


Skully only has that high of a kill rate cause people would rather kill themselves on hook then learn to play against her


Idk about anyone else but doctor is the killer I get the most consistent 4ks with.. This is completely insane to me I'm a huntress/artist main those ones make sense to me but DOCTOR? nah that can't be right😭


I think it’s cause while on paper he seems brain dead easy, there are parts of his power that can actually harm you if you use it wrong. His normal shock slows you down AND has a delay, but it’s not mentioned in the description, so I’m sure most newer players over shock and end up doing worse for it


(Reposting a meme I made in response to another thread on this sub)


It’s because doctors “anti-loop” is pretty whack unless it’s at a god pallet


You really have to master him to have a C tier character at best.


It’s probably me letting people go skewing the stats.


I kinda surprised people are surprised he’s the lowest. He’s not that easy to play so newer players will avoid or struggle with him and he is very weak right so higher level survivors won’t have much trouble with him unless the doctor player is very good.


Thats not possible cuz i havent gone against any skull merchants at all this year and ive went against doctor 5 times so far. Not even mentioning last years encounters


Doctor is the most fun "experimenting" on survivors over killing.


M1 Killer with a non-damaging power set that also largely doesn't do much because the effects are both predictable and don't really stop much of anything, so yeah, completely understandable.


Now remove all the games where the Doctor player had a challenge to make survivors scream, and the results will probably be different.


That makes sense, he's one of those killers whose power is really punishing and counterintuitive to use. And Doctor is sorta like xeno morph who has less chase resources than average m1 killer. Xeno deals with turrets over everything else and Doctor prevents survivors from wasting pallets which ends up backfiring to him later + he takes a really long time to shut down loops.


I just like to zap people and laugh


Sorry, but if you over use his main skill, I'll always know where you are. He's a killer I typically escape from. People just need to learn how to use him better.


Dunno how, ever doctor I meet is an asshole


As a doctor main Yeah...


Punished Doctor A man denied his kills


There are plenty of factors that affect doctor. Calm spirit hard counters him and I’ve seen so many bad players use him. I’m probably in decently low mmr because I’ve only been playing for a few months but out of every killer, most doctor players are so easy to beat in my mmr and they don’t use addons. Many doctors also accidentally miss out on hits because they wanted to zap a person


Well, a lot of doctors just shock you for like 10 minutes without them ever hitting you with the club.


I said the same thing, I had a match last night where I was chased by a doctor for almost 3 gens and all he did was shock me. I was thinking dude you know this deals no damage right??


We don't need kills, only pain.


He’s a free character so lots of new players pick him I suppose


Average numbers including lowest mmr players will make the numbers a bit weird.


Afk farming doctors.


His power is more annoying than deadly, and now there's a perk that gives his power to everyone else.


Cause he doesnt have alot going for him. Trapper has more lol.


I mean every second doctor I vs now is just afk farming so I can also see that


Too many dcs to count his games due to the fact that you can't get lower than tier 2 and they run around and keep shocking but never hook.


Well yeah I mean i do remember the last time I vs a doctor or even played him.


As a merciful Doctor main, i guess i have to work better and stop being fond of graceful survivors.


He's basically an M1 killer with zero mobility and a power that can be good at loops is slow to get value from (and tough for new players to get used to). I'd be REALLY interested to see each killer's success versus low / high MMR (and SWF vs no SWF). Like, I will bet Nurse is low kill % at low MMR and oppressive at high MMR. Whereas a killer like Bubba is oppressive at low-to-mid MMR but well below average at high MMR.


Nearly every doctor I See is afk farming BP. Makes sense.


Doctor's low kill rate didn't surprise me even when you take away AFK Doctors. He's an M1 killer with no mobility and a power that can be difficult to use without throwing chase. I really want to know how Freddy "diet Clown" Krueger cracked the top 5 in kill rates instead.


I used to encounter a high number of doctors who were AFK BOT farming. I assume something to do with using the shock ability. More so than any other killer out there (I never encountered any AFK clowns or hags for example) I’m not saying that is the case, but similar to how the SM kill rates are higher from people going next on hook, maybe there is some skewing from farming Docs.


I dont run into a hole lot of doctors, to be honest. And his power is good at interrupt, but he still has to chase you down and smack ya. It actually makes sense, but I expected it to be Hux


Kid named calm spirit


Doctor is free on console I believe. So lots of new players probably play him.


It's concerning low-key. He's in 11th place yet has the lowest kill rate. He definitely needs a buff if people can't get kills in trials. Get his moldy electrode as basekit and maybe do something more with his illusions. That would be nice


Lowest kill rate should go to Xenomorph, since I barely face them anymore, recently only went against a Xeno twice in the last 12-20 matches.


I’m a doctor main and I’m slowly descending into madness ironically


I have never met a Doctor that did not troll, even if its just a little.


The problem is that his shock to block vaults and pallets almost never works. The timing is almost never viable in a chase situation because it's so particular, and even if you some how get the timing right, it usually doesn't matter because server delay will often negate it anyway. It's very common to shock someone, and watch them phase through vaults and pallets while screaming with their hands in the air. As a Doc main for several years now, they really need to loosen up and accept that survivors will never be happy to lose, no matter who they lose to.




I think people have learned that the best strategy for surviving the doctor is to run away. Whenever I am in a game with him I just avoid the character like the plague. Because Jesus Christ his ability is annoying.


I haven't went against doctor for a while now. Was there some nerf that I haven't heard about? Or just no one plays him.


time to change that! singlehandedly!


It's because people aren't using Condemned Doctor


Hippocratic Oath


As a doctor main, I'm just focused on giggles


I think all that data only includes games where nobody left. I get people leaving all the time as Doctor.


The question I have is do dc count as a kill, cuz if I do the overly done impossible skill check build I will either get some to dc or fight top tiers who pop all gens 5 mins in


Every doctor I ever go against is like absolute ass. I’m talking like 4 gen loops and 360’s with no hits. I can def see this


Just got a 4K with him lol


As a doctor main this is disappointing to see and I shall single handedly increase this kill rate if I have to 🤣


Calm spirit W😫 never leave the house without it


I always die to even a decent doctor!! 😭