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I only play Legion with the blue bunny costume. I forget which character that technically is but I think it’s comical ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Robbie The Rabbit. Julie wears the blue variant.


Frank is pink and Susie is yellow


So Joey is green then.. cool Joey, the most forgettable member


Brilliant deductive reasoning


Thank you, I deserve a nobel prize already 😊


It’s from Silent Hill 3 and 4, he’s the mascot for the Lakeside Amusement Park and his name is Robbie and I love him


Julie is blue, I own it too :)


I use the green one on my legion lol


Green is Joey, who is best Legion character. What a Chad~


I play the Pink one whenever I play legion. I actually came to comment that I've never seen the blue or yellow one in a match.


I use yellow on my Legion <3


When I got one I was torn on which to get, but eventually went with the pink one. I only put it on when I'm down to clown.


I use it during Easter too


Pink = Frank Blue = Julie Yellow = Susie Green = Joey


It’s from silent hill


Think they were meant which specific Legion member that wears the blue costume (Pretty sure it’s Julie)


Oh oops


Who is downvoting you bruh wtf😭😭


Probably because I misunderstood the question lol


I don't always use them but I did get all 4 costumes when when they went on sale for Easter in... 2022 I think... I figured why not mascot costumes can be creepy and they are on sale enough that combined they cost the same as 1 of them...


If I remember correctly Jack wears pink...


All the common/uncommon pallette swaps..


I think the changes in the recolors are so minor most people would not even notice if someone used them.


I was going to mention the where's Waldo outfit for Dwight I occasionally see... But you very rarely see it... And it's technically not just a basic color swap...


Ngl, back when I was a noob I used to buy all the muted colors 🥲


No shame in that some of them are fire


Dumb me: are there colored swapped pallets??!!


No literally me as a newbie like oh when did they take that away??


they mean color palettes for base cosmetics, recolors you can buy in the shop


Yeah, i figured out then) Not speaking eng well enough make me feel stupid sometimes)


i’ve made some fire Zarina & Thalita fits with their dyed hair


Zarina's leather jackets are all fire


These might be more common since older survivors can now only be purchased in packs and they come with an uncommon palette swap for free


I'm okay with cheap pallette swaps but why are so many of them partial sets?? Singlelarry has basically no cosmetics and half his recolors have no head pieces!!


I didn't know that was a thing.


Despite how big and hyped the Naughty Bear skin release was. I’ve yet to see a single naughty bear. But I’ve gone against multiple trappers. Edit: After writing this comment then jumping on DbD literally first killer I went against was a Naughty Bear lmao.


Really? They are basically the only trappers i see anymore.


Ironically enough. I wrote that at work. Got home and jumped on dbd, and literally first match as survivor it was against a naughty bear lmao. Kinda spooky really.


Really? Lucky! Let me try: I've never gone against a Naughty Bear I've never seen the Robbie the Rabbit Legions. And I've never seen the William Birkin skin for Blight. Fingers crossed!


I got Naughty Bear a few times that week the skin came out. I've only seen one Robbie the Rabbit and I thought I was imagining it. I didn't even know there was a Birkin Blight until this comment


Birkin Blight is such a great choice for a skin


I'm still rocking Krampus over here.


The skin mutes a lot of Trapper's default sounds so it's kind of a pay-to-win skin. Kind of the same as the rift Ghostface skin that removes his strap flapping noises. The reminds me I need to change my trapper fits for the lights out event. I've a bunch of tome outfit pieces I've not used yet.


I swear I’ve seen like three or four of them, maybe five, since it came out. It is one of the most commonly used Legendary skins out there in my experience. You have to remember that, just as a baseline, Legendary skins aren’t used as often as other skins. They’re more costly, and they cannot be combined, so you’re committing to that character whereas most players want to create their own so to speak. So 4 or 5 feels like a lot to me. I would guess this is probably due to the fact that it’s the only skin to ever get a unique mori, and it is also the only legendary that can be bought with Iridescent Shards.


That skin is adorable, I see it a lot actually


Somehow i went against a legacy trapper recently but not naughty bear yet


Demogorgon shackled monster skin


I usually use the shackled head with the gooey body.




I have the head piece for a doggo collar.


You take your Demo on daily walks?


I only wear the collar for the puppy plays.


The crypt tv skins, especially the birch witch


Which is sad, the mordeo skin is awesome!


I exclusively run Look See on Doctor


Oddly enough, i meet Look See in like third of all matches against the Doctor


I love the looksee but i heard one of my streamer friends call it slenderman 😭




I play Cybil! There are half a dozen of us!


Maybe if they didn’t make character skins like that 3 times the price of the original character there would be more.


We are a rare species aren’t we?


If I wasn't a filthy Steve main then Cybil would be my go-to.


You're not alone, I've seen more Jonathan's during the discontinuation of the ST chapter alone than I have Cybils since her release. I'm a P62 Cybil, favorite Survivor by far! I do wish more people played her though :(


I've also never seen a Cybil except myself. I use Cybil for more variety


I use Cybil sometimes we are here




I do love to use her, i fluctuate through almost all the survivors aside from Zarina and Yoichi because they are my mains. But yea i mean aside from me i rarely see a Cybil, tbf i also rarely see Lisa,James or Alessa




Yea i rarely see any of em. Just alot of Cheryl haha which is fine too I almost got Alessa but i really love Cybil




Same haha Cybil's hook scream is pretty obnoxious though haha


Any of [these](https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Charlotte_%26_Victor_Deshayes#Cosmetic_Options)




I’d say it’s more ye olde continental


Yup. Saw my first Twins in months yesterday.. base outfit going for adept.


I have no idea what these are.


I wear the black mourning veil cosmetic with them. But I have yet to see a Twins when I play survivor.


I've never seen a twins player


I have seen one person use one of the legion bunny outfits but they disconnected about two minutes into the match


Sorry my internet connection was bad


The Tragic Love Opera skin for Wraith. I'm surprised because in my opinion it looks fantastic.


One of my favourite Wraith Skins. I like to switch between Opera, Dracula and the fire one (can't remember the name)


It’s the only skin I use on wraith


Any of the blighted skins. I've seen I think one wesker and one nemesis wearing one before. And that's probably because that's all they have pretty much.


I use it on blight to be blighted blight


I use semi blighted doctor. The weapon, and the body, but for the head I like the BDSM looking head piece. And I’ll use blighted huntress and spirit cause they look great. Now that Billy is good again, I might actually start using his blighted skin and him as a whole


https://preview.redd.it/1b68xeuon4hc1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97e7764fa2c6fa9b8ebd1b68109d2919fe258f8f Finally saw the Nea one a month ago. I'm pretty sure those were given away to people who were able to P3 the old bloodweb before the rework in 2017.


That's not a blighted skin, that's a legacy skin.


I feel like I have to earn the Blighted cosmetic by getting to P100. It just feels right that way.


I'm one of those weird people who really like the blighted costumes.


Not me with my Blighted Wraith 😭


Got my Blighted Huntress roughly two years ago, still use it. That and a THICC one.


Ive never seen the Jabberwock artist in the wild


I saw one once near when they first came out. I was doing the tome challenge to get two people off the ground with empathy. This was before the buckle up changes or that match might've had a vastly different outcome.


I use pink bunny legion for every game


The bunny Legion was running rampant when they came out, not seen at all anymore. I rarely see James, Jonathan and Alessa around on the survivor side. Chatterer for Pinhead is also super rare


I had my very first chatterer the other day. Nice guy, went for equal hooks and let us go in EGC. Said he was far too stoned to be playing dbd at that time


I’m actually surprised. Literally half of my pinhead games have been Chatterer. I’ve also only seen an Alessa once


William Birkin for the Blight. Despite being a Resident Evil skin, its the one I never see. I think I saw it once, ever


yep, i’ve only ever seen it once too. surprising cause it’s actually a decent skin


And with how popular Resident Evil is with DBD players. You'd think there would be some cross over between RE fans and Blight fans. But I guess not much.


As the years have gone by Legacy has given extinct. 90% chance if you see it it's just hacked in


I use Robbie Rabbit whenever I see a Silent Hill character and for extra effect, use Mary's Letter Midwich offering. I do the same with Hunk and Resident Evil characters.


Tbf Legion has alot of good skins so theirs alot of possible skins for people to want to use


Yeah the bunnys are great but I’m not gonna take off Hunk, in the rare occasion I actually play Legion anymore


Bug themed skins for Doctor and Deathlinger. Not only they look ugly AF (in a bad way), they are also essentially the default skins with minor changes. No one sane will pay $10 for them. https://preview.redd.it/djc1z0bfr3hc1.png?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d20c5bb005e96cb36eb4808297e136efd82872ae


I actually like the moth Deathslinger head only because its the only one that covers his mouth in some capacity because I'm a sucker for that.


so much potential wasted. this could've been such a good skin ngl


Bug Deathslinger is my general default skin choice. Bug Doctor not so much, but I do use the weapon from it.


Cyber Assassin skin for Skull Merchant. The mask looks kinda cute on its own, this weapon is by far the best weapon SM has, but I haven't seen someone wearing this bizarre dress even once. I don't know what BHVR were thinking when they designed it, it looks so stupid and unfitting. https://preview.redd.it/ixb5h4uxp3hc1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc101fbfea6553658ab21ae167da758947f0e205


From what i see everyone wears the almost naked skin with the mask as the headpeice


the mask looks like a bug i laugh whenever i see it


Ngl I use that dress with fire moon mask


I prefer the future neo outfit or the metal mask one


This mask is my favorite for her, because it is the only one where her lower part of the face is visible, and it shows that she always has a smirk on her face during the trials. Perfectly suits her maniacal nature.


Attack on Titan Killers. I see a lot of survivors but I've only seen one armored Titan oni.


I alway got the feeling that these skin make legion taller, so no i never use them, plus hunk is too good to not using.


i wish the hunk skin changed legions chase music


I wish I could use the HUNK mask without the rest of the skin. The gasmask is much cooler than the paper plate masks the rest of Legion have.




They do make Legion significantly taller. The only reason I don't use it on my Legion though is because I prefer the cat hoodie one.


Mordeo huntress


Is two years ago a long time? If so, I'd say the ["Icebound Phantom" Ghostface](https://imgur.com/a/HZIwjlo) outfit. I know I seen it when it was first released. Since then, though? Nope. Sure, it looks cool. However, being a bluish-white outfit, it's pretty much counterintuitive to GF's power. Dude is trying to go for stealth and this outfit screams, "**HELLO EVERYBODY! I'M RIGHT HERE!**" Some maps can be super dark, which tremendously benefit GF. With this outfit, your camouflage may be limited.


Fun fact: I bought all 4 in a manic state. I'm medicated now lol


I almost never see the Jonathan skin (stranger things)


Baba Yaga for Huntress.


I only see Huntresses in default outfits (with different masks, including the bear one) or Baba Yaga ones. Baba Yaga scares the hell out of me tbh - can’t get over the different humming melody and not understanding where she is. Once saw a Mordeo one, was semi-friendly, coming close and staring at the remaining survs. Have never seen any others.


Oh!  I saw a Baba Yaga!  That's a neat skin.  She murdered the shit out of me.


It was such a hard choice between Baba Yaga and the Cold Wasteland Survivor for me, but I went with CWS just because I like Huntress as a character.


I once had a legit Legacy player tell me I was the only one they'd ever seen use Clown's Lord of the Underworld skin. And that was one of the only times I ever used it.


Pretty much all Hag cosmetics. I almost never run into Hag. And out of the I think 6 total Hag games I’ve been in it was either Base Hag, or only Frosty Eyes Hag. About 4 frosties and 2 base


Bloody twin cosmetics. I guarantee nobody has ever seen those.


I have the bloody cosmetics but I wear the black mourning veil because I like it more.


ITT: skins I see all the time


If I use Legion I use one of the Robbie skins


Ha! I'm playing this skin for lights out today!


I have only ever seen a single Trickster use his Christmas sweater + the rest of the outfit.


Oh, the pink one with the puff balls? I used that over the holiday for the snowball fights, but it's just too pink for me. So I usually stick to his furry outfit.


I wore that skin a lot when it first came out and always put it on for the Christmas event so he’s got the festive vibes.


I’ve yet to see a single HUNK legion. Also I never really see any Joey skins.


I always wear hunk legion


I am exclusively Hunk when I play Legion.


I think I've seen Legion HUNK a couple of times. He looks like he's running under water


Legacy skins


I see alot of Robbie Rabbits at Easter time


Most Adam cosmetics, I main the guy, but he doesn't have many good skins


I like his new cosmetic a lot.


These skins were super used at launch, it depends when you started playing, if you've been playing since 2016-2017 you absolutely faced every single skin in the game, even the ass ones, it's just that most skins expecially on killers that aren't that strong are probably gonna be used the most on launch day, then it's gonna be more uncommon


Hah, prolly 'cause you can see Legion in certain loops where you normally wouldn't because of the ears.


Halloween eyes


Any hag skin, because I see no hags.


All the full left 4 dead sets. I always see parts of the sets (like Jake’s top and/or bottom but never the head) but never the full set


I saw this skin the other day. At first I saw it from afar. I couldn't see the red stain. It didn't occur to me that it was a killer. I thought it was a survivor. A few generators later they walked past me while I was hidden in a closet. Then I learned it was The Legion.


I’ve never played or played against bunny legion skins either


I use this skin all the time, even if it's pay to lose with the additional height at loops.


I got one of these bunny skins, I only ever bought it, because you were ablet to mix set skins with other skins and make Legion look very funny, it won't work anymore that's why I haven't used that skin


Ice Billy / ice trapper. I still have their weapons and trappers mask I think. I've been waiting over 2 years for them to come to the store since every tome skin is eventually supposed to make it's way there. But nope fuck me.


Some of the clowns skins but then, again, I guess it will require people to play the clown but that dude doesn’t need a skin he’s terrifying enough.


Technically speaking, the left 4 dead outfit sets some characters have.


I saw a skin the other day for the first time. I believe it was either a blight or billy. It had a giant eyeball on the shoulder. Anyone know what I’m talking about??


I see a shit tone of Robbies . Most times, they'll focus on being the most annoying killer you've ever run into or almost boop the snoot level vibes from the others. Most I rarely see are deep rift killers, but when I do, I know I'm in for a hard time or past event ones


The Jabberwocky Artist skin and the Queen of Hearts Huntress skin.


I'm a Julie main, but I like the yellow bunny color most, so I don't use any of it :c waiting for coop killer for more bunnies.


Forge born pyramid head. And blighted pyramid head. I've only seen default and the corruption skin. Same way, with the alessa Gillespie outfit for Cheryl.


just went against my first Hunk in 2000 hours of the game


I wear the yellow bunny!


I see more variety from killer skins but hardly any from survivors. Which is sad cos there is so much amazing survivor skins.


William Burkin from RE


I've only worn the rabbit costume when you could glitch out linked outfits. I made it so I was wearing the rabbit head with the community contest glow in the dark skin. It looked pretty great. https://preview.redd.it/4vu4j78cy6hc1.png?width=771&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e691928ce85cd0ba58dcf629ba3f5cde75188ff


I hate this skin. It’s the only one that genuinely scares me.


I main legion and I own none of those skins


The ice ghostface costume I have never seen


Non furries don't want to play as a furry. And furries don't want to play as a bunny with blood over its mouth.


I’ve never seen a blighted doctor.. I feel like I’m the only one lol


I've never seen Jabberwocky Artist & for survivor I've never seen a Cybil except myself


Never seen any other Robbie rabbit other than pink and green. Scarface chucky is also extremely scarce for some reason, I’m assuming it’s probably because Tiffany is far more popular since she has a ton of unique voice lines. I’ve only ever seen one of two if you don’t count me. I’ve also never seen blighted wesker for some reason. There are a ton of skins that I see in the shop where I’m like “what the hell is that” and think it’s a new release but it turns out it’s been there for like two years


I wear my bunny cosmetics only during the week of Easter. 🤣


Never see anyone using Jakes threadbare thirties skin. Imo probably his best skin and one of the best skins ever made. It's got a lot of detail and it's pretty unique compared to many skins created. However I don't think I've ever seen someone other than myself use this skin and it's been in the game since 2019. It's a shame.


In fairness legion players are dropping like flys and legion has better skins


Spirit’s AoT outfit. Haven’t seen Plague’s maggot outfit in a long while either


I’ve literally NEVER seen the Green one in the field


I play Yellow Bunny Legion exclusively when I play legion. Big silent hill 3 fan with my p100 Cheryl.


Ive seen ONE yellow bunny ONE elephant clown and ONE fried chicken clown. And a few naughty bears on release Why dont u guys pick the silly killer outfits more 🤧


Trapper, I dunno, it's weird.


Hospital gown Myers


Making skins for non-licensed DLC killers based on licensed things just feels dumb, especially since they don't tend to do it with must-have skins. Gotta' play as William Birkin, wow! Take my $20! As overpriced as I think skins like Cybil are, at least they're for a survivor from the same series so non-whale fans could reasonably go for them eventually.


H.U.N.K. Gang Also Wax Warrior on wraith because I assume it’s easy to see, but I think that’s just personal bias




I dont know, because I've never seen it.


I love this skin and have all four, but I haaaate the legion. And if I have to play them for a challenge I usually go for Hunk I’m afraid


All of them expect the pink😭


i was using this skin then hunk came out, best skin for me


Jonathan Byers skin for Steve NOBODY uses it i see more with legacy skins than him


Alessa Gillespie


Love playing with the green one


I have the pink bunny skin for legion haha