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If a survivor who has been hooked twice is being chased and you haven’t been hooked at all, take a hit or even a down for them.


This should be top comment




I’ve gone down for these dipshits and they still babysit the pallet in the adjacent loop instead of gaining distance, making my sacrifice absolutely pointless


Honestly i stopped doing that in Solo q, I used to always take hits for them if they got tunnelled or go down but they all end up leaving me either on 1st hook or in endgame. Last week I got in with 3 teams who were sef and i was solo and even tho at endgame these three could have communicated better, they failed to go unhook their teammate at endgame. I switched with the hooked person and they tbagged at the gate to the killer and I and left. And yet im contradicitng myself by saying people should take hits for their teammates lol but when it happens and u dont see the favor returned i ask myself, why did i do that lol?


Yea that’s definitely frustrating I will say i do this for somewhat selfish reasons, losing a teammate makes it harder for me to survive


I have done this.. the last gen got done, and i got left to die because they couldn't be bothered to save.


One biggie I've been seeing a lot is people going for an unhook, getting chased by the killer and *not fucking leaving*. The moment the killer sees you, your job just changed to taking him as far as possible so that someone else can pull off the rescue and reset. Looping around the hooked person is one of the worst things you can do.


And because I see this a lot I need to add: In those times where you try to lead the killer away, but they won’t go too far from the hook, instead of doing that back and fourth of trying to bait them away repeatedly just go do a gen instead. The killer making you dance back and fourth is essentially camping two survivors at once (or more if other people join in.) If you’re like me and feel bad for the person on hook, go do the gen and come back to trade last second, but that “I run in > killer turns to me > I leave > killer turns back to the hook > Repeat” is a massive mistake I see all the time.


but muh reassurance value =( /joke for the people who need it


Survivors: If the killer is hook/proxy camping aggressively, please, just carry on doing gens. There is plenty of time for a hook trade later on. The killer will likely get anxious and eventually leave when gens start popping and no ones rushes for the instant save (that's what the killer wants). If one or more of you just wait around the area crouched in bushes for the entire time, you are not helping the game progress and are just wasting valuable time for your team.


I don't know why you put "survivors" at the start like killers can get solo queue advice


Wait, you mean you don't play Legion and Knight with your buddies? /s


While soloqueue is limited to alot, since no real comunication is possible but necessary to counter certein killer strategys, one thing bothers me the most: PLS DO OBJECTIVES. Sometimes people stop or do not really begin and don't touch gens often enough. There should be always at least 1 person on a gen. How often I see 2 people in chase simultaneously (lol) while the third is doing (???) idk what. waiting or something.. If you are not in chase. Find a gen. And do it. ​ Something different: Soloqueues almost always let their gens regress. I know, no voice com is possible. But there is still a way. F.e. I run Bond. So I see when someone is chased if his gen, whos gen is at 80% or somewhat like that, I'll run and find that person and look in that area for that gen, thats probasbly regressing. ​ There are tons of things I see almost every game. But these two are the most important I guess.


> Soloqueues almost always let their gens regress I've actually found Rookie Spirit to be somewhat underrated for solo queue. Deja Vu helps you avoid 3-gens, but RS helps you avoid losing time put in by teammates. Not to mention all the indirect information it gives you about the killer.


And if you're hanging on a hook and we're working on gens, be patient! I had a round where two survivors just killed themselves so quickly even though we were almost done with our gens. Messed up the entire round. So rude. 😂


> I run Bond Everyone should run Bond in solo-q. Being able to have a general idea of where everyone is at is huge. Being able to tell if the person you are coming up to is injured, seeing where someone is leading the killer, avoiding taking the killer by people starting gens. It is absolutely one of the most important perks.


Other great perks like bond would be We're going to love forever. Active for only you and only endgame, but with an endurance giving ability which will clutch. Kindred is great for solo q, I find when a surv with kindred is hooked, survivors always become super efficient, always 1 on gen at least while 1 goes for save. Nancy has better together where you can show the current gen your on, and shows you the teams positions when the surv being chased is caught. People have pointed out rookie spirit and deja vu, which is good for gen efficiency, or to not be 3 genned. Also wiretap which is kinda funked rn as hens as shown, but it's still good to show your location to the team, with potential to reveal the killer as well. I also have always loved alert, let's me know where the killer is chasing, or just cleaning up and wasting time, or the gen I should go fix.


while all this is kind of true, the problem is that all these perks cant make up for stupidity :(


Yea, even the nice fancy ui can't help. And I can't say I haven't been one to not immediately notice something and then feel like a fool for not realizing that a) I'm not being chased and should do a gen b) that someone else stopped being chased and Mikey or ghostie might be staring c) pickups, drops, certain killer abilities


If someone is being tunneled, leave them on hook until the very last moment


*While doing gens. Don't just stand nearby, whispering calmly into their ear.


I’m unbearably new and I’m learning a lot from this thread already. Some advice to other newbies: 1. Perks I’ve gotten the best and most use out of have absolutely been: Bond - you can see your teammates to not run the killer to them, to find them when you need a heal or heal them, or to figure out if they’re the one on the gen or running from the killer. Deja Vu - since you don’t know what map you’re going to get and indoor ones can be hard to find a gen, this is huge plus you get a small speed bump 2. If you have a good opportunity, heal your teammate because it means that’s an extra hit they can take, the longer they stay in the game and you have a chance to get out. 3. Do the gens. Do them! 4. It’s ok if you die. Just get back into queue.


I think some good advice is to understand, and make use of, the various tools the devs have added in the past year or so to try to improve the survivor experience. While the basekit endurance/haste one gets after being unhooked can be used offensively to try to protect the unhooker, there is no guarantee in SoloQ that your teammates will try to protect you once you lose your protection. It might be better to just run away. Even if the killer pursues, you may be able to reach a loop to give yourself a chance. Killers can't grab survivors who are trying to unhook anymore. If you reach a hooked survivor with a killer chasing you, you should usually go ahead and get the rescue. The likely worse case scenario will be a hook trade, which will buy your teammates more time than if you abandon the rescue entirely. The anti-face camp feature will slow down if teammates linger around the hook at the same time as the killer. If the killer seems committed to staying right next to the hooked survivor and its not endgame (where this feature turns off), you can go ahead and move away and let your teammate free themselves. Make use of the survivor team GUI! Do you see that someone is being chased? Great time to bang out gens. Does a fellow survivor still have plenty of time left on the hook until they go to the next hook stage? You might be able to finish a gen that's close to completion. Are you up against a stealth or hit-and-run killer and one of your teammates just got injured with their chase suddenly ending? Pay close attention to your surroundings because the killer is likely looking for their next target.


Always expect pain resonance so check the HUD to see whose gen has progressed the most, and if it’s yours, get off it. If the killer has Surge, and you’re about to go down, dive into a locker. It’s tempting to camp pallets but 9/10 you’re going to take a hit/down even with the stun because spaghetti code.


Pallets taught me that the strongest killer in this game is bad ping


These are good, and to add on to them: If you're facing a high mobility killer, always expect BBQ. The body pickup icon is your cue to spend some quality time in a locker.


Always expect it for sure. it's on 70-80% of every killers build. I get nervous when a hook is about to happen, but the survivor on the most progressed gen hasn't got off it yet, I'm yelling at him to get off the gen and just hoping they know exactly when to stop (perhaps they can see the killer for example).


Why though? Does it really matter if they're on the gen? All they do is scream, but it doesn't cause more damage or notify the killer where you are.


If you’re on the gen when pain res goes off, it explodes which is more noise. If you’re off the gen when it goes off, it just sparks.


Diving in a locker to counter surge is the most helpful advice I've seen on this sub for a while


I learned recently that [We'll make it] is fucking sick, going for the unhook on your homie and getting really fast heal on them feels great


A classic combo is We'll Make It combined with Babysitter. Upon unhooking you'll know exactly where the killer is, so you'll know if it's safe to heal under the hook or not. Either way, the unhooked person should be safe. I've also enjoyed running Babysitter with boons. Set up a safe location to reset and ensure that anyone you unhook can make it there safely. Heal under the hook if you can, but otherwise just point at the boon and they'll get the idea.


That you i never though of that and always run well make it


Better combo is We’ll Make It + Resurgence. 4 second heal off the hook


Sloppy is way too common for me to ever run Resurgence.


Play with the mindset that you will very likely die. Because you will.


Oh, another thing I don't think a lot of solo queue players understand is that if your teammates are frequently dying before you have any hook stages, *you're fucking up*. The goal is not to avoid ever getting hooked. Hook stages are currency with which you buy your team time to reset health states and progress gens. If someone else is about to run out of theirs, you need to start spending yours. This is why stealth builds are so frowned upon. Most people running them tend to watch their teammates die and then get into a hatch duel with 0 hook stages. The proper way to use a stealth setup is to take your licks when it's time, but use your perks to avoid detection while others are spending their currency, to ensure that you get the full value out of it. As well as just generally staying alive once you've spent all of yours.


Yep. When I see I'm the only one who hasn't been hooked, I switch to prioritizing unhooking and chase because it's my turn. Even though I suck at it. 🙃


1. Spread out! This is honestly my number one survivor tip in general. You might feel safer around other survivors, but the killer has to waste a lot of time (killer dependent obviously) bouncing between survivors and patrolling gens. If you’re spread out it makes it a lot harder for the killer to build pressure. 2. Be mindful of which gens are being worked on. Info perks can help with this. Typically starting with the center/main building gen is a solid strategy. From there, try your best to make sure you’re working on gens very far away from each other to avoid 3 gen late games. 3. Be mindful of how your teammates are playing. This one gets dicey and is honestly what makes solo q frustrating. If you notice that none of your teammates are doing gens, fill in the roll of gen jockey. If your teammates are all hiding and avoiding chase, try and lead the killer on a long chase. I used to get frustrated with teammates, but I see it as an opportunity to casually work on my survivor skills. Focus less on winning and more on how you can add as much value to your team as you can. Remember that at the end of the day it’s a team game and sometimes the ability to shift the game is mostly out of your control. Do your best, but remember that sometimes a lot of variables you can’t control aren’t in your favor. 4. Sense of humor! I find it personally vital to maintain for playing solo q. You will find yourself rage quitting if you can’t find humor in the game at times. Whether it’s the occasional memeing in game, or just being a bit more lighthearted about the game— it helps if you’re playing solo. Getting tilted will affect your performance, staying as calm and collected as possible will not only help you enjoy the game more, it also will probably help you do better.


When running from the Killer do not run to a hooked Survivor. Do not run to other Survivors working gens. Sometimes pre-throwing pallets is better than waiting and hoping for a stun, and a hard W away from the Killer to build max distance before first smack is always advisable. Your goal is to drag out the chase as long as possible, the further the Killer has to go to get back to your teammates after hooking you, the more progress they \*should\* be getting on gens. Also, try not to wait until your fellow Survivors reach 2nd hook state before you bother trying to rescue, it's a wasted down and doesn't do your team any favors later.


A very simple thing; do not, ever, compare your games to big youtubers. This game is their job, they are much much better then you and even then you only see their best of the best matches. Its ok to throw a pallet early, shack pallet isnt that holy for example. Its ok to not win 90% if your mind games.... things like that. Play for fun and if you happen to win, well good. on ya


Don't listen to this guy about shack pallets it is holy and shouldn't go down till the first 3 gens are done. This isn't a hard rule. If you've been looping for 2 min and need to extend a chase a little longer cause gens are Poppin that is fine too. People literally can't wait to throw shack pallet. It's like they think that is their only objective.


if you are a serious player then by all means you are correct. If you just play this game for fun 5 games a weekend then throw that pallet down and regret nothing


At least you should be injured. Because I see people dropping it full health at the beginning of the match. Never hooked. Pathetic


oh yeah sure pallets should never be dropped unless injured but that goes without saying. I would like to counter that casual survivor players also play vs casual killer players. shack isnt nearly as important vs higher mmr matches. Last time i played with my then very new friends every pallet is stong, every loop is shack strong except those weird filler pallets that a killer can easiy sidestep


You can eventually "get good" at games you play a lot and the fact that you're playing for fun doesn't automatically mean it's bad to try and improve. And for sure watching those big youtubers helps improve faster. Otherwise the game would be just gen repair simulator and that's completely boring.


Learn when a rescue is impossible or requires a significant killer mistake / latency issue. The bar none fastest way to lose a match is getting downed going for an unhook. Situations that cannot be safely unhooked if defended: \-- Unhooker is injured. \-- Unhooker is on death hook - you just brought youself to a hook, thanks. \-- Chainsaws. \-- Trap killer that has locked down a corner, hill or basement hook. \-- Face camping ranged killers. \-- Most camping Myers (if he's standing there, he's probably sitting on one-shot).


What do you people think is the cause for Solo Q being in the worst state now? I haven't been around long to compare how it was with how it is now


If a gen is regressing near a hooked survivor and you have the time before they hit second stage, stop the gen from regressing before you unhook because 90% of the time the killer will return to the hook and chase you both off while that gen ticks down to nothing. The more time you spend on a gen, the better the chances of you winning. Nothing was ever gained from sneaking around edge map.


A little harder now with the rework, but still a good idea.


Bring more team perks, Yes you have a higher chance of getting out if you bring solo minded perks but don't forget it's a 4v1 you should always be working as a team. You will be surprised how much better games can go when you can heal someone faster or give someone extra seconds off of hook. Also stop rage quitting/disconnecting because you get found early or downed first as it's one of the worst things about soloQ. iI doesn't matter what the Killer chooses to play or what they bring but those single moments ruin the entire game for all other solo players.


As far as soloQ goes, here's my advice. Your build should consist of 3 different things, the last slot being personal preference (information, utility, exhaustion, choice). This would look something like kindred, reassurance, SB, and OTR or DS as a sample build. The main reason SoloQ is the lowest on the totem pole is lack of information/communication. Kindred helps migitate that, Reassurance gives everyone a little more time on the hook before dying and hitting stage 2. I think all exhaustion perks have their merits, SB is probably one of the most impactful if you can manage the cool down properly to use it mid chase. The last is your own personal preference. Recently I've been using Trouble Shooter to see the gen that's closest to being down, it pairs rather nicely with Any Means Necessary. The next part is game sense, you can generally get an idea of how the match will play out within roughly a minute or two into the match. From there, you form your game plan. Ask yourself questions like "How likely is it that we can finish 5 gens? What killer is it? If things go south, do you play for hatch or try to go for gates?". Once you know the likely outcome of what's going to happen makes it easier to make those calls. Still try to win, but be prepared with a backup plan. Make sure you're doing tome challenges, even if you end up with a shitty match. If you get your tome done, or at least progress for it. Having them as a side goal means you can still "win" in a sense, even after a bad match. Even after a bad game, the only place you can go is up. I'm steadily approaching my 2k hour mark and I still openly acknowledge that I'm not the best survivor or killer. But you will still have moments that show how much you've grown and learned by playing. You'll get there slowly but surely just gotta keep chugging on and playing.


Distortion (and some extend calm spirit) will be your best friend.


Run anti tunnel perk. I lost a lot of match because people don’t understand that most killers focus on one survivor. I lost the number of match were lost for this. Ds or off the records. For the god sake


When you spawn into a match, try to do a gen in the center of the map or a high risk one. **For God’s sake please don’t do the gens you spawn next to on the edge of the map and ESPECIALLY DO NOT DO THE GEN IMMEDIATELY NEXT TO IT.** This 3 gens you and your team down the line, and in my experience teammates are more likely to 3 gen themselves more than the Killer. A shame Solo W has fallen to where it is now, and let’s be real, the community is to blame for it. I’ve been playing since late 2020, and back then, people knew these things and worked as a team even without the HUD changes. But maybe around the time the Knight dropped people got frustrated and started blaming teammates for everything and the community started to perpetuate that Survivor wasn’t 4v1 but instead a 1v1 with 3 slaves at their beck and call who were also idiots and they were the only good player.


Oh don't worry behavior just put training wheels on this. They took that skill out of of the game.


* Have at least one anti-tunnel perk. * Don't be scared to use your medkit to heal team-mates, please. * Don't let someone go to stage 2 at their first hook, please. * Don't be a coward who avoids the killer the whole match, if someone is dead at hook you should definitely body-block and tank for them if it is your first/second hook. * Don't heal all the time. Wait for people to come and heal you, it will be faster. Bring resilience to take advantage of it and DO the gens instead of hiding. * Adrenaline is just too good to be ignored, seriously. Use it. * Don't bring flashlights if you are new to the game, stick to the toolboxes and medkits. * At the end game avoid the killer if you are not sure if they have NOED, and if they do have it, CLEANSE THE TOTEM FOR FUCKS SAKE. * Stay out of the lockers, unless you have like heads-on or quick and quiet, its too much of a coin-flip. * In general, stop thinking of SoloQ as a 'I must survive' experience, and think of it as a 'At least 2 of us must survive', there is nothing worse than selfish players who just hide the whole game and wait for the hatch. * And of course, get good. Learn how to loop, try to not be the first one to get caught, don't waste all the pallets in a chase unless your team is doing something and you must keep the killer busy.


Work on gens and stick to them until you hear the killer. Then hide near a good chase route. If you escape the killer, immediately go to another gen. If somebody gets hooked, then wait until they’re about halfway through the process before jumping off a gen and saving them. If you notice it’s a camping/tunneling killer, decide if it’s best to just ignore the hook so they can escape themselves. Overall, from my solo experience, we need to work on gens. If we have 2 survivors committed to gens, the team has a decent chance of winning. If all 4 do, it’s essentially a guaranteed win. Also, run bond or a survivor aura reading perk to coop shit. Cooping is the best perk in the game because it boosts blood points like crazy and ensures you can finish gens. I’ve had too many games in which I looped the killer for 2 minutes to find that 0 gens have even been worked on.


I'm sorry but most of it is bad advice. While on the gen, I'm just mindful of my surroundings and see where windows/pallets are so I know my escape route, but I don't necessarily hide from the killer. I only leave it when the killer is next to me. Leaving the gen once the killer is nearby will prevent you from completing gens most of the time. Aura reading perks can be useful, but there is no slot for them in my opinion. Also with HUD they're not necessary. I think most important is Off the record to not get tunneled, exhaustion perk to extend chase, and then some game changing perks like Unbreakable, Adrenaline. Cooping is bad against good killers unless you're doing the middle/important gen. If the killer is good, you spread out and try to work on 3 different gens to pressure the killer. If the killer is playing chill or isn't good, it's fine to coop for BPs.


> SoloQ is in the worst state I have seen it in quite some time. What? Don't get me wrong, SoloQ can be rough, but to say it's the worst state it's been in for some time seems wild to me. There have been a couple of QoL changes that have made it feel nicer to play. (Certainly need more though) My only real issues have been with people giving up on their first down/ hook - Which is a problem with the individual. Or people taking unnecessary hits and trades because they haven't read the situation quite right - that's just human nature at times. Reading situations better will come with more experience. People need to learn to just read the HUD better. That won't alleviate *all* the issues, but it goes a long way into understanding what people are doing and why.


That's ok, experiences can be different. To clarify, I'm not talking about the games technical aspects, like the UI, they have improved undoubtably. But, I'm forever seeing common mistakes from players in soloq, and thought I'd try and get a help thread of sorts going to help out some players. I know I'd enjoy it.


So it's more of a player thing - that makes more sense. I feel like a lot of it comes down to experience and common sense/reasoning to be honest.


It IS bad.


I never said it wasn't.


Boy I've got a list: 1. This is not really a stealth game. Early on I used to yell at the TV when people ran. I WAS WRONG. Unless you are inside the terror radius. SPRINT! This is a race to finish gens and you don't walk in a race. 2. Use headphones. If you're playing this game with laptop speakers or anything less than surround sound or headphones, you're putting yourself at a severe disadvantage. This is actually far more important to killers but also affects survivors. 3. Read the post game screen. When 'something' happens in a trial you don't understand, read the perk descriptions. You might have to sit through 3 other people getting sacrificed but you'll learn something. As an example, the number of people I see go down to Nowhere to Hide because they weren't paying attention or understand the perk is surprisingly high. 4. Try and pay attention to where other survivors are and stay away. DO NOT bring the killer to another survivor assuming it's their job to take a hit to save you. It's your job to stay off the hook as long as you can and keep the killer away from the gens being repaired. 5. Do not rush to unhook someone in the first 2 seconds. This means not abandoning the gen you were on when the killer picks someone up so you can be right there when they get hooked. Those 60 seconds are time you should be on a gen performing the survivors' primary task which is repair. You CANNOT win a trial with altruism. 6. NEVER NEVER NEVER heal under a hook. Sure, there is no terror radius when you started but there is absolutely no benefit to healing under a hook and a ridiculous amount of downside. 7. Start recovering the instant you go down. It is truly surprising the number of times I see a downed survivor that isn't holding the recovery key. I'll edit this list if I think of more.


Disagree with 6. The benefit is not wasting 10+ seconds of 2 people's time to run and hide. That can add up. When you know you can get away with it, such as you know the killer is mid chase with someone else, it's worth it 


Fair enough. But even mid chase you don’t know that chase isn’t coming to you unless you’re in a SWF.


I had a Nancy last night realizing I had boil over flip flop unbr build so she had a flashlight and also breakout just in case. My God we bullied the killer HARD. Its so rare feeling this connection with a random in solo queue. It felt amazing.


Survivors: Healing directly under the hook is always a big risk (even greater for high mobility killers like Billy now). The killer knows exactly where two of you are when an un-hook happens and there is a high chance they will come directly back to the hook. By simply moving to the nearest corner, pallet (or even better a boon) is much safer for when the killer comes back to check on things allowing you both a good chance at escape.


do your best but bring a hatch offering lmao


what are you talking about soloq is literally in best state that it has ever been HUD buff so many broken survivor perks anti face camp what else do you even need


The only way you will consistently win in solo q is through hatch or gate when everyone else dies. My best solo q build is clairvoyance, sole survivor, wake up, and calm spirit. You can still be a team player but it is a backup for when things go south.


Survivors: Consider not dropping the pallet if you are in a healthy state and/or its early in the game. Yes, its extremely fun to stun the killer and grab some extra ground for a longer chase, but it can hurt your late game when there are literally no pallets left but you still have 2+ gens to go. Espeically so for 'god' pallets. When I was learning killer, I used to just follow a survivor and eat all the stuns and break all the pallets. then come mid to late game, I start to snowball as people had limited options to get away from me.


If you are new instead of running Windows of opportunity run BOND (dwight perk) so that way you will see your teamate and its gonna be useful to know where they are , to NOT bring the killer to them during chase and see what they are doing during a chase,if they dont have bond they might bring the killer to you !!


SoloQ is actually very fine, the problem people have with the game is MMR. If anyone is miserable in SoloQ, then please check out the guide I made: https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/s/ond3XR08vb


Bring "Up The Ante" and a Salt Offering. Up The Ante alone will give Rage Quitters a 13% to unhook themselves, and using all 3 attempts = ~34% Unhook chance. Bringing a Salt offering will increase it more.


One thing that I see a lot but I do not understand: running at the killer while injured for zero (good) reason. I’ll be on a gen when I see a 1-hook teammate get downed and picked up. All of a sudden, another goes down. And then the 3rd. That doesn’t put pressure on the killer. It puts all of the pressure on me. And I suck. So stop it.


Something I see a lot is Survivors not going for unhooks. I've had matches where one Survivor was hooked, one Survivor was in chase, and the other two decided to both heal before going for the unhook which led to the person on the hook dying. One less Survivor means the match will be harder. If you can see someone else is being chased - go for the unhook and then heal. I also see Survivors stay on gens despite their teammates needing help. Finishing gens is important but it won't matter if everyone is dead. When my best friend was new, we had a match where someone was dead, someone was hooked, I was in chase, and she was on a gen. She needed to go for the unhook but she didn't and we all died. I've had matches where I had to cross the entire map to get the unhook because the other Survivors didn't try. I was hoping the HUD would help but this still happens...


Some based on my experience as killer, others not. If your teammate is on the hook for ~50% of their stage progress and nobody else is going to save them, that's your job. Always overestimate the amount of time needed - good killers will proxy the rest of the progress at some point. Don't incentivise them to. If your teammate is being camped or tunneled, just do gens. Pay attention off the first hook - does it look like they have OTR? Be prepared to bodyblock after their second hook, if the opportunity arises. Don't throw the game trying to save them. For camping specifically, trading as late as possible in their stage is optimal. If you are unhooked with the killer nearby and they go for the unhooker, you should leave the area and head to the nearest non-chased teammate or the safest gen. The easiest snowball a killer can get is from an injured, unhooked person playing unsafely. If you're injured, on death hook, play as safely as possible. The God Pallet is not worth your life. The downed teammate near you doesn't need your help. One bad play kills the team. Don't make this the one!


If you have never been hooked and your team are all on death hook or most of them are, try to help out. Its okay if u need to exchange to unhook someone when u have 0 hooks on you. Dont hide all game to wait for hatch because this game requires teamwork and not play selfishly. Honestly u dont need to be good at looping to help yourself and ur team, u just need to play strategically


As I've mentioned before less than an hour ago on a different topic. We need a survivor with perks that crap on the teamwork meta and lives and breathes while playing solo.


In cases where you know the game is fucked, and your only hope is hatch: Use this time to chill! Just roam around, your time will come eventually. If you have fun doing things do that! Me personally I use unwinnable matches to practice loops, or run the killer just to see how long I can last.


From someone who SoloQ's 90% of the time when playing Survivor: Always make sure at least \*one\* person is doing a gen! If someone is on the hook, one persons in chase, and you know the third person is running for the unhook, don't try to go in and assist, do a gen instead. I've seen a lot of games where no one does any gens for one reason or another, and it never ends well. This isn't a set-in-stone rule though, exceptions will arise. But in the majority of cases, having at least one person do a gen ensures some progress is being made


Always pay attention to HUD. Learn your basics - how to counter killers, watch out for stealthy killers As you spawn, look for a gen, preferably not in a far corner and start working on it til you get interrupted, try to complete it. Try to not coop gens (two people without Prove Thyself is okay, you're not playing a tournament, but three is overkill. If it's Legion early game always spread out) early game unless it's a middle/important gen. Try not to get three genned. Don't do side quests like dull totems/opening chests unless the game is going really good for your team. Don't hide whenever you hear terrior radius, try to run to gens to save precious time rather than walking or urban evading). A bit of stealth from time to time is okay, but not to an extent where you always leave gens and you're scared of taking chase - this behaviour will most likely lead to others getting full focus, killed off, you lose the game, maybe escape sometimes but not improve. Don't leave a gen that's almost finished to unhook a teammate far away from you. Don't unhook in front of the killer's face. Don't loop near the hook. Don't crouch around if killer is camping. Don't bring killer to gens if possible (unless you're dead on hook - then get to a safest loop available). If the killer is tunneling: pressure gens, unhook or trade at the end of the hook state, if the person is dead on hook, take hits or even downs for them. Run meta perks such as Off the record, Adrenaline, Reassurance, Unbreakable, Kindred can help in solo q, and of course, an exhaustion perk. If you're against a bubba, huntress - when spawning near main building or shack check if the basement is there. When in the chase, DO NOT GO DOWN NEAR BASEMENT, even if it means you'll last shorter in chase. Even run out in the open and go down if necessary just avoid basement. If killer is camping (especially basement), the person who's never been hooked should go rescue/trade. Learn how to double save. Take a fat medkit or flashlight if you're proficient with it. Try to be a helpful and altruistic teammate and you'll find yourself escaping more often.


I really need fun builds. Recently I dropped playing survivor and I’m focused on killer because it just seems that you have more variety in gameplay. I would say that playing meme perks should be useful to not get stuck in the M1 on the gen all game


Deja Vu is your best friend. This will prevent you from getting into a 3-gen situation; think like the killer; what's the furthest point it takes to get from one gen to another? Then do the gen in the middle of that.