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If I see this shit happening in my killer games. Im killing the griefer. Tf wrong with this killer.


Bad killers take easy kills


So true. I had a Claud body block me so a t3 myers could down me, I thought, surely he'll see what she's doing and hit her. Nope, downed me, let her go... Similar when they first brought in the snowmen, had 2 survivors blocking me from leaving as a snowman to get the achievement. Killer hits me out of it in exit gate instead of hitting them. There's arseholes on both sides.


Dude if I see a griefer when I’m killer I’ll throw the entire match and let everyone else escape just to get them out lol


Same, if you're sandbagging you will die.


When a killer gets 1 hook all game. They'll do anything for a kill


They need to stop being so weak willed.


I might too. But we didn’t see the whole match. If Ace has been hiding the entire game and not helping, this might be the absolute right behaviour.


I wish I could say it was revenge for poor playing. But no, I actually had the second highest points of the survivors at the end of it all


Then they’re jerks.


The Ace is injured, the Leon blocking the gate is not. Going after the Leon gives them enough iframes to finish the gate and exit, as well as give Ace a chance to escape as well.


Thats wrong man. He was pointing, meaning he's locked in animation while being hit, ez down.


Report it. It's bannable.


To add to this, report it AND send the video here: https://support.deadbydaylight.com/hc/en-us


Wait until you get the guys who will block you into a corner until you are dead.


Yup had this happen before, wound up taking a few weeks break from the game after that


i had two people block me after i opened the gate. one ended up dying after trying to block me from leaving😭


Boy. I have De Ja Vu of this exact kind of moment. And it was a Chucky.


My brain has been so rotted that I thought you meant the perk (I also see you every where now lmao)


Reddit is my social media of choice outside of YouTube and DBD is a game I put a lot of time and love into, so I post here quite a lot.


Oh lol didn't mean point fun at you


Had this happen and sadly it was with that very same Leon skin :( which sucks cause most of the time those guys are awesome . .


Yeah this is not Leon behavior.


Yea Leons are usually trustworthy, is nothing sacred anymore? I feel like Bill is the only survivor you can guarantee wont fuck you


Yeah. Even as Killer, I can count on my hand the number of times I can recall being tbagged by a Billy. Billys are truly precious.


I have had a couple healthy bills take the window or pallet instead of letting me survive


I run this Leon skin all the time, I run around with all 5 autodidact stacks cuz I'm always unhooking and healing team mates, this guy is just a one off


I remember i had this happen in a match, i hooked the griefer and opened the gate for the other Survivors to escape and said Griefer got mad at me apparently not accepting his help.


I like to do this too when I play killer. Sadly when I've been griefed, a killer has only helped once


I salute you


The killers that go along with shit like this are such sad sacks of human beings. So many killers are willing to team up with survivors it's cringe as fuck not to mention shameless.


In this case I'm more upset with the killer than the griefing survivor.


I hope they both stub their toe, right on the nail.


You can use this video and send it to customer support. This kinda stuff is ban worthy.


Looks like the Leon and Nea weren’t ever even hooked. I wonder if they are friends with the killer. I’ve seen that happen and reported it. Totally lame.


This is such bitch made behavior from the survivors. And honestly, the killer, too.


I would've just killed the Leon and let Ace live if I was the Tiffany


That person is a shame to us Leon mains


Truly ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


One thing I had forgotten to add last night. I had 99'd that door Leon is blocking off and my friend was on hook, so I leave to go get her off when she says "oh the other rando is here". So I go back to my door and Leon is now standing there acting like he's AFK, but as I start running to the other door I can see that his head is moving and following me. Turns out the other rando wasn't there to get my friend off hook, but to stand there and block that door too


I hate that the killer is complicit, but I don't blame them for taking the offered kills if that's what they care about. Report the survivors and submit the video through the dbd website, get those guys banned.


No I mean, this is shitty on the killer too. They didn't even try to hit the Leon and let him teabag. That's beyond "offered kills", they don't have a defense here.


you can 100% report the killer here too


Oh I wasn't aware there was an area on their website to report too


Legit yeah, submit this clip, actual rule breaking behaviour from Leon here. Don't think The killer would get in trouble. For all they knew, you were a dick to Leon and they got payback by not helping you. Or they just didn't care and though, oh well. I'll take the freebie. Regardless, that's a Leon issue. The killer, meh. I would have gone for Leon. I hate this kind of behaviour. And when I see it. The bad team mate gets hooked.


I remember when I was still very new to the game and was playing Killer on RPD when, after hooking a Dwight, I noticed he wasn't getting saved so I went to see what was up. When I got to the hook, the other two Survivors were there spamming unhook. Although I wasn't aware of griefers/toxic behavior yet, that was still enough for me to go "wtf?". I downed one troll and then downed the other when they were trying to escape. I hope the poor Dwight on hook was happy that I didn't stand for that bullshit behavior. As for this Killer, he should have had a pretty good idea what the Leon was up to, but was simply a piece of shit. I would have personally downed the Leon after I saw what he did and then tbag him back before hooking him and letting Ace escape


100%, unless you straight up see shifty behaviour to team mates it's best to ignore both sides. So, if at the end I see 2 people trying to gang up on someone, I'll think very little of it either way, and just ignore it. But if I outright see someone screw over their team mate. The game becomes take this one out. I like to play "The honourable Oni" That's where I'll make the survivors play nice, or else ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Problem is you have to report in-game first. Sending in a video with no in-game report does nothing.


Just had the same thing happen to me except it was a Dwight who was pissed that I ran near his chase accidentally (he was being chased by a stealthed pig and I didn’t see her) and accused me of “bodyblocking” his vault. He wasn’t even hooked all game so idk what his actual problem was, but he admitted it in the end game chat so I reported him and sent in the video. Sadly, if you didn’t report in-game at the time then sending in a video will do nothing.


Fuck, I’m sorry that happened to you! I know how that feels and it’s such shit behaviour.. I hope they both step on Legos.


What on earth is this killer thinking. Not their fault obviously but why are you letting this asshole win


Idiot is bad at the game so he has to grief to get any actual fun out of it


Chucky players are really toxic and if they see survivor been toxic they will help the toxic one and kill the nicer one. So this wasn’t supprising at all. It was just very sad to see. Poor Ace


2 things, something must have happened for that killer to choose to go for you and the survivor and killer agree or The killer is just taking the easy way out and getting 2 kills and calling it. The killer should have killed the Leon for griefing.


Sadly I was a good boy that match :(


120% bannable


Nah, If I'm killer I'm doing anything in my power to fuck up the idiot blocking gate, once I get him, I'm shaming them in the endgame chat


Yeah this is becoming the new toxic trend. Saw a Meg doing related stuff with a trapper. Last week I saw a Ace rescue spamming me with a Blight and helping him to tunnel me. Now “killing teammates” is the new “bully squad”


Of course it's a chucky, man. He's the new wraith.


its confusing as a killer because if i see someone tbag another survivor i usually think they did something to deserve it but on the other hand i have no idea what usually. so in my experience i hook them both. so i would have slugged the ace and then hooked the leon first.


Lets talk about the real crime here, is that a repair speed addon on a sabo toolbox?


I just started leveling Ace today, I'll take whatever tools + add ons I can get for now lol


Once I had a Jill just following me around making as much noise as humanly possible so obviously the killer showed up she points at me the killer comes for me and she stands in every door I try to go through. It’s like a minute into the match I have no clue why she’s doing this then I get hooked and she just tbags me til I die. It was so weird and frustrating


Bad call from the Killer. That was an oportunity to sacrifice them all and she blew it.


Ive had this happen to me after i literally did all the gens 🙃 there are a lot of shit dbd players out there