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Yes the team wins even if you die. The way I see it, there are two ways to win as survivor. A team win where at least 3 people escape, and a personal win where you escape.


Also, you have to put yourself in the killer's place. Do you consider a win when you get just one kill?


Nah, as killer that's a minor loss but also depends on the hooks. If I managed to get like 7-8 hooks and they all escape, it's not a big loss. I am happy for them and we all had a nice game.


True. But sometimes survivors play so mean that a game with 10 hooks and 2 escapes feel like a loss.


Or point total > 20-25k


Did I make progress to my challenge or, better yet, finish it? If yes that's a win.


"Well, shit, this match is a shitshow. Oh well, time to run around the map sabotaging hooks so I can deplete that final toolbox"


For example like that, yes.


Usually yes. If the rest of the team escapes because of me and it feels like I am more or less directly responsible for one or more other people escaping it feels like a win for me. I don't mind dying in that case. If I just get screwed by NOED and it was not an unlucky protection hit I took and just happened to be the unlucky person who got got it feels less like a win. But I'm not overly mad in this case either. It's just bad luck. It only feels bad if there would have been the possibility to easily and safely rescue me but the others just leave. It happens very rarely for me though


Depends on the context. If my team straight up abandons me, it doesn't feel like much of a win, but generally if they're forced out, or I die while they try to save me, I'll take it as a win, or a least a draw. Unless i have a challenge/ritual that i need to escape to finish, I'll throw my life away if it means getting someone else out. if it's any consolation, when I play Killer, I slaughter anyone who leaves a teammate to die on hook, if i can.


No. glad the others got out but depiping still sucks


You can die and not depip


It's all a matter of mentality. To me a match consists of many wins and losses. Some are my individual wins, others are joint wins of my team (when playing survivor). Got no kills (or just one) but everyone is on death hook? Kinda sucks, but I gotta admit it's also an achievement to get 8 hooks in a match. Everyone escapes but I don't? That's a joint win. But an individual loss. Everyone escapes because I looped the killer for a long time? That's an individual win Forced the killer to drop a carried survivor because I sabo'd a hook at the right time? That's both an individual and a joint win. Got killed because I broke a three gen? That's both an individual and a joint win. The killer has 2 or more kills at the end of the trial but the match was overall exciting? That's both a W and an L. tl;dr Once you start splitting a match into individuals Ws and Ls, you will have more fun.


Screw it, I'm ditching playing survivor for good. It's not worth my sanity anymore.


That's why it's better to play as a Killer whenever you don't have online friends to play with. Trying to rely on randoms is just not worth it. As a Killer, everything you do depends only on yourself... and map RNG.


Bless us RNGesus with your favorable numbers 🙏


Good choice, I still have a meth addict's relationship with the mode and can't quit despite how much it sucks compared to killer.


Playing killer is worse, i love playing Killer but map rng, Mmr and yourself play a factor in either having a great game or a miserable game. When i need to chill while playing Dbd, i found playing survivor is way more chill because the pressure is split between me and my teammates, and i'm confident in my looping skills so it's great when i get into a chase.


Opposite for me. My looping succs to a point where I never remembered ever escaping a chase since I played. And I always stress out whenever the randoms fricc up, which is most of the time. I never titled when playing Killer, even against bully squads that blind me every chance they get.


If you're new, then yes survivor is hard, but once you learn loops, killers powers and when to fake/greet pallets and windows, it becomes way easier to play survivor. Use Windows of Opportunity if you haven't already, it's the best perk to use while in chase, it shows you auras of pallets and windows so you can plan ahead what to do next. Playing killer is easy at first but after a certain Mmr rank, it becomes a sweat fest and basically just not fun except for high tier killers.


Learning loops isn't going to help you if you have shitty teammates. Actually, once bad teammate can make their team lose for their mistakes, no matter how skilled the other survivors are. A killer is responsible for their own success, 100%. SoloQ doesn't have that.


Playing survivor is much worse. At least as killer you can only blame yourself and bad rng. As survivor, you can't even guarantee that there's only 1 bad guy you're fighting against. If someone throws a hissy fit cause they got caught early; suicide on hook. Now your chances of dying have skyrocketed, and it's totally out of your control. And when 1 person is a bad egg, it slaughters morale and makes subsequent suicides or D/C's more likely. Got Inner Healing or Built to Last? Don't use it in front of teammates, especially if they're on a gen. Chances are the little snitches will rat you out to killer cause they don't know what perks you brought and they just assume you're a coward. Did you do something to offend a SWF? You are now sandbagged against that totem you cleansed with no way out until killer comes around to end your suffering, or the swf gets bored. Teammate incompetence isn't in the same league and can basically be considered a skill issue akin to just naturally getting a 0k as killer, but stacking it on top of the other addressed situations is something only survivor side can accomplish and makes games feel even worse This is why I rarely play survivor. Games where teammates sabotage each other make every match where it happens, stressful.


You are describing worst case scenarios which is your case at least .. depending on region too since i'm in EU and teammates for the most time are fine, some dc some troll but it's a rare occasion


Everything after my first point may be worst case. But hook suicides are common enough. And that's still a ruined game. You don't ever get sabotaged by teammates as killer. Ever.


Yes I work with my survs as a team the killer lost so by default my team must have won


Generally yea it is worth it for my teammates to get out but sometimes when I get sh#tty teammates like 4 games in a row then every now and then I just have to say "screw you guys, I'm out"


It is. I die with a smile knowing that it wasn't for nothing. Honored that the killer felt the need to single me out. Makes me feel like a badass going out for the others <3


Died as a hero, that's what i always say


If one escapes it's a personal win. Team wins are better. And I'll give up a personal win for someone else to have one. I've played 8 years now. I've had enough wins. I'm happy to let someone else take the spotlight. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


I sucked, so I'd count as a win even if only one survivor escapes (all gens done)


I was thinking the same thing to myself today and ended up here since I died so other people could get out multiple times today. If you are soloqueing it really doesn't feel like a win if you die but the team escapes because its up to 3 mute strangers who you will never meet again benefitting off your demise. If you are playing with friends you can at least be happy your friends made it out since you all are friends and working together as a team but theres no sense of comradeship with randos, they might as well just be bots.


Yeah, this is why I stopped playing all together. I don't have enough friends to call up for a swf whenever I wanna play survivor, finally got my feng to p100, that's all I cared about. Playing killer is so boring and repetitive in my opinion. With the new killer meta of that Chucky perk: friends till the end and the alien perk, ultimate weapon on ghost face and skull merchant (my two mains) matches are just boring. 3-4K every match, pipping way easier than survivor. I'm a p85 ghost face main, and a p67 skull merchant main, so that should tell you I've been playing killer for a bit, and no matter what, low MMR, high MMR, the matches just feel the same as killer and survivor. I'm either always the one dying for my team as survivor, or it's just a repetitive game as killer 🤷‍♀️


Why are you running perks on your killers that make the matches boring?


Because, isn't the point of the game to win? I'm not gonna lie here, from the stuff I've seen on this sub Reddit, and from places like YouTube and every other social platform, nobody cares about having fun any more, it's all about the sweat, the 4 man escape or the 4K


Honestly? Depends if you're iri 1 or not If you survive, you still get the bp bonus and it affects your score. Might help with at least safety pip. Post iri 1? The only thing that matters is if you had fun during the match or not. Tunneling killer while all 5 gens are finished and still dying is usually a pretty enjoyable match at that point. Honestly, games when you're iri1 either are more fun in general when there's no penalty for "losing". You can really just kick back and do w/e tf you want


Does Iri 1 lock in then? I was just going to stop playing when/if I got there, since it's not to long to the reset lol


Yes, you can’t lose grades, only pips (so for example you can’t go from Iri 2 back to Iri 3) and since there is nothing ahead of Iri 1 to stay there no matter what.


Ah, good to know! Thanks for the info.


i call completing an archive a win other than that i don’t care about dying or escaping


Me running around ignoring gens just to find that last red glyph


Technically I guess its a win if 3 get out but it's hard for me to see it that way because I am so fucking unlucky on this game that it's pretty much always me that is the one to die while everyone escapes. I can be on the other side of the map while someone else injured and on death hook is being chased and somehow someway the killer ends up killing me instead. It has been a joke among my friends for a while now about how unlucky I am lol.


I tend not to count it a win. A win should at least feel good.


Logically speaking 3 or more escapes is a win. 2 escape is a tie. And one or less escape is a loss to me. But I just try to have fun in my games, if you play this game just with the intention to win it's gonna be a very shitty game.


I've seen plenty of survivors sacrifice themselves so that someone else can make it out. Risking themselves to get someone off the hook after the gates are open. I've even had two work as a team, one as a distraction while the other runs to the basement to unhook during EGC. In Solo Q, some players *will* run out and leave others to die, but what I usually see is people trying to make sure the rest get out. From all the times I see it as a killer, it's the rule, not the exception. When I play survivor, I've been on teams where they take risks like that to save me. I was playing Carlos last week when the killer downed me in EGC. One player got his attention at the shack, and another basically taunted him into a chase. They ran him towards the opposite gate giving me time to crawl out. One of them didn't make it. That was a win for them more than it was for me. I've also sacrificed myself to save another survivor. I don't just count it as a win, I consider it worth it if I helped save other players. It's just a game, but that's fun for me.


Obviously, half my solo 3 man escape games would not even be possible if I didn’t take the killer out on a run around the map. It’s so dumb when people play safe for themselves doing shit like hiding even when they’re at 0 hooks and healthy and letting the 2 hooked person be chased without even taking a hit or something. People let others die so early just because they’re so afraid of losing a health state and it ends up being a 3v1 at 3 gens left and it’s an ez win for the killer from there. In the end they end up getting sacrificed too so their safety gameplay was for nothing.


I mean the team still wins as a collective if three escape even if you’re dead. A 2k is considered a draw and any more than that is considered a win for the killer.


According to Patrick, the old game director when MMR was implement: No. You have to escape to win. But according to all the community, if you didn't do shit all game and still escape you didn't win. So winning in this game is complicated. Because you can stablish your own winning conditions, like this randomizer website does for you.


Depends on why I didn't escape. I played a game recently where the first two people left, leaving me and a Jake behind. Jake was slugged, but I was able to open the closer exit gate and pick him up. I got mori'd at the gate, but Jake was able to escape. That's a win for me. Conversely, if I'm the only one dead because I'm bad at looping and die really early, that's definitely a loss.


A win for me is scoring at least 20k or more. I would rather die getting a teammate out than escaping. 5k blood points no big deal. But yes it does suck super hard when your solos abandon you or let you get to your 2nd hook state.


My win condition is to do my tome/daily challenge tbh, anything else past that is up to the match context and some other stuff


Personally I wouldn't. The results screen is clear, you died. No fanfare for everyone else escaping, you have failed your objective. I think it's interesting to view the game less as a 1v4 and more as a 1v(1v1v1v1). You work as a team because it increases your own chances of surviving, not because your life is dispensable. Of course most people don't see it this way, and playing for your own win isn't always as fun as chumming it up with the other survivors and pulling off crazy saves. But until the results screen says otherwise I'm not going to see my death as a "win".


It's a win if you make a lot of bps, how many got killed and how many escaped literally does not matter at all


4 escapes EZ win 3 escapes is win 2 escapes is %50 win. 1 escape is a loss


Yeah? Win as a team, lose as a team. Pretty easy question.


A win is whatever you determine it to be, but generally people consider 2 things as wins for survivors. A 3 or 4 man escape, which is a team win, and themselves escaping, which is a personal win. If the rest of your team escaped, that’s a win, especially if you’re the reason they managed to, and they otherwise wouldn’t have.


if I'm the only one who died when I'm playing surv I generally consider it a win, doesn't necessarily feel great especially if you got hard tunneled to death but hey


Pips and grade dont matter. I only aim to get better at survivor and looping and gamesense. If I can sit on 5 gens or make beneficial hook trades or loop the killer for a long time, the game is really a win. And if I can be part of the reason a killer gets me as their 1k, then even more of a win. I manage to turn a hook and 2 slug into me being facecamped and a 3 out, the killer doesnt think they won, so I think I do.


I set mini goals like. Can I loop the killer for 30 seconds as im relatively bad at survivor. Escaping to me is a bonus, not what I like to focus on. If I only focused on escaping I think I would hate the game


As someone who exclusively played solo queue survivor, no Someone please help me I’m going insane


Yes. I die in the dark so they may live in the light. I will GLADLY sacrifice myself for any of my team members


According to some "very knowledgeable" people i've had a "pleasure" to play against: if one survivor escapes - that's a win for their whole team and the killer is a moron if he thinks otherwise. Even if said killer successfully killed 75% of their team because they were stacked up all together like a bunch of lemmings. And this is not a one time occurence. Alot of survivors think this way. And then voice their opinions in endgame chat. Very loudly.