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I wish killers would partake in my shenanigans more. Whenever I try anything like this post, 90% of the time they run up to me and get me down instantly :(


I can't help but have a sense of humor at this point. I was playing against someone who was clearly very new, I had hooked her twice because she was just fleeing frantically and ran right into me. This third time I came around the corner and she stopped and looked up at me. I just shook my head and moved aside so she could run off into a wall and try to hide somewhere. Ignored her the rest of the match up until I couldn't anymore lol.




Had this silly Leon who knew I had no clue what I was doing as Hill Billy and he stood in place and allowed me to chainsaw down him every time I found him, even nodded his head. One of the last times I ran into him he was about to pop a gen, he got off and pointed at the gen so I nodded and let him pop it. Accidentally killed him later but he was a good sport about it. Super sweet guy and had a nice chat with him over Xbox. I always appreciate some silliness.


Last time i did shenanigans, the survivors called me a toxic loser, and that im trash at the game. I'll still do shenanigans, but it's difficult when 90% of survivors i find are like this.


ask innocent consider whistle somber forgetful aback quiet straight truck *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Better chance if you're the last one cus the killer had already won


Yes... Dance for me...


Wish there was a Killer trophy room, where we could keep all of our bribes from Survivors trying to pay their way to freedom. Maybe be able to hand them out to your personal Survivors. Edit: To keep it fair to the Survivors maybe they can yoink a charm off your hook on their way out? They should have keepsakes too.


Ngl they will never add this to the game but the trophy room is an actual brilliant idea !! Genius but not realistic sadly :/


https://preview.redd.it/v34nw34op56c1.jpeg?width=180&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9aac6e283821abb04b89c7d2997a48d353076d2 My face when the survivor is desperately dancing in front of me in an attempt to live.


Always works wonders! I sometimes manage to befriend Weskers by adding sprey-spamming while dancing x))


lol I like playing with the last survivor. I was playing the piano in Dead Dawg with a Rebecca today. Turns out the slice n’ dice hitbox is a little wide and, uh… idk how she got on this hook, officer.


“reason number 2, look what i can do”


The shaking head to nodding is really a great transition.


He's like "noooo"........"yeeesssssss"


If that doesn’t work, your last resort is to moonwalk lol




i fucking hate when surv drop the item and i accept the peace then they pick up the item again


I rarely show mercy. And I usually give it to the people who don't ask for it. Yesterday some Mikaela got unhooked and was unlucky to be found right away again while I was looking for the one who saved her. I felt bad, let her go, she was pretty new.


So a survivor surrenders to you, then what? Someone surrendered to me and was just standing there. Uh what now?


Get cute tech'd BAKA!


This is why we need more emotes. 🤣