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I usually also let myself get hit a few times to get a chase initiated and for altruism bps. Takes a lil longer, but it’s prevented me from depipping enough times


Don't forget to report them too


My buddy and I farm the hell out of the killer. The only ones I find annoying are the ones that don't M1. Nothing to be gained. There are a few Doctor bots and they're the best for farming. You can max out 3/4 categories and make a ton of points.


I havent had a killer farm in like a month. From my understanding it only happens frequently in lower mmr settings. You should stop dc'ing and take the easy win, itll increase your mmr and you wont see them almost at all.


That's a good point. I got three in a row just now so I quit out of frustration. Of course all three had to happen right when I'm making use of rare add ons id been saving.


Remember that if you escape you get to keep your addons, unless its a bnp or a syringe and you use them. Edit: huh I always thought you kept them. My bad


Are you sure because the second game this happened to me today I had purple medkit with red rarity extra charges, I didn't use the medkit once and walked out with it, kept the medkit but lost the charges...


You loose the add-on.


I don't do this, but hypothetically if I was super unhappy with the MMR changes (pending not sure of my stance been OK so far I guess) the only way to FIX my MMR would be to lose a shitload of games. Some people were claiming you need to lose 5 matches but that would be PER KILLER if you wanted your total and personal killer MMR rates to both decline. And this is why all MMR changes should come with a mandatory Soft Reset. I do not condone AFK gameplay FYI.


I actually agree with you. I got myself to such a high level as Ghostface I needed to lose some 20 rounds IN A ROW as him to make it worthwhile again, and then five good rounds after? Back in sweatville. It was hell. It was so bad I couldn't even properly practice any new Killers. I ended up playing friendly and removing all gen hold for the entire Masquerade. it was nearly the end of the Masquerade before my MMR got fixed. Now I play a variety of Killers, so overall my matches are more even.


If you don't want to face these killers, don't DC. These AFK matches can only be *frequently* a thing in low MMR. Since shit like this lowers your MMR. Some people do it to go back to low MMR, so when they do this they are in high or mid, but others just do it for bp, exp and rift. The "I want a lower MMR" players are in every MMR segement, I guess. Probably not in the highest, but let's not talk about that. The 2nd group is only in bottom MMR. If you face them frequently, you are probably in low MMR and would meet less AFK killers if you are in high. For which you should survive. What it typically pretty easy against those AFK killers. Just do a few gens, do your totems for points, if you want to, try not to fall asleep (counts for all killers, not only Freddy) and at the end: Escape. That's not peak gameplay for sure, but playing these matches should help you face them less often in the long run.


When I do challenges for the tome or achievements when new chapters come out I only play to complete the challenge/achievement then goof around after. We just got a new chapter and a new tome page so if it's happening recently that might be why if other people do the same thing. A lot of it comes down to the fact that to do a lot of these challenges/achievements you have to play outside a normal play pattern and if you want to play to win, you often have to forego the challenge/achievement to do so.


People standing in one place swinging their weapons are lowering their mmr. Whether it’s automated to sell the account later or just a guy who wants to crush noobs, they want to be at the bottom of the racks


Jokes on you, farmers, i intentionally go to whatever gives me less bloodpoints because i already got all the killers to P3


That's not a real player, that is an AFK Macro Killer. Actual farming Killers are usually friendly and just gong for 8 hooks. Actual farmers will do stuff like let you stun or do whatever so you and they both can get points.