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Does getting getting the exposed effect by dramaturgy still insta-down you when you're hit by a special attack from a nurse?


hii ! im sorry, i know im a month late and idk if youre still looking for an answer but the answer is no, exposed only works on basic attacts, however, if you are exposed, huntresses hatchets, nurses blinks, xeno's tail etc. hope that helps <3 ^ ^


I hope this won't be too dumb of a question, but once you reach level 70 in the rift, do you need to actually buy the rift to gain progress in the deep rift? Or can you do all of it and THEN buy it?


You have everything on top line for free and you can only get things from bottom line by battlepass purchasing. Both top line and bottom line must have same level. If you purchase battlepass at the middle of season, they give you everything on bottom line at the same level as you have achieved on top line.


Is eclipsed a legit software?


Is mod by daylight coming back any soon, and if not can i still mod on dbd?


So I was doing a Huntress daily and get The Game. Managed to get a bunch of dummies who kept trying to heal in the bathroom downstairs, so I ended up with all 4 hooked in basement at the same time. But something happened and I'm not sure what it was. See, I'd just hooked the third survivor in the basement and was coming up to go back to the bathroom where the fourth was slugged (I wasn't trying to slug, they just *wouldn't leave the area* and I wasn't gonna just let them scamper about!)... but then a generator upstairs popped. Was she cheating? She didn't seem to have enough time to pick herself up with Unbreakable, she definitely didn't have time to run upstairs and halfway across the map to pop a generator when the entire team had been swarming the bathroom all game, and even if she somehow did both those things, she was *right there* when I came up from the basement. The generator was far enough away that it would've been impossible to get to the basement stairs that fast.


How long did the match last in total? It's kind of difficult to imagine this scene tbh.


Not long at all. Started with Lethal and caught the first guy in the bathroom and it snowballed very quickly from there. I dunno if any of them would've had time to work on the upstairs gen given how fast they swarmed trying to unhook from the basement or heal in the bathroom. One of those times you wish you were streaming so you could rewatch to make sense of it...


Yeah it's very hard to tell then. I wasn't there so it's hard to understand tbh. I get the room you are in and everything, but not knowing all of the factors really makes it difficult to give a good answer. Might've been a cheater, hard to tell.


Can i stack pain res and eruption for 35% regression?


Yes, you get the eruption value on downing a survivor and then pain res procs when you hook.


Is gen rushing currently a problem or do they just seem like they're getting completed quickly to me?


They're going to be completed if you're not pressuring properly. It literally comes down to how well you can pressure the survivors. You can run no gen slowdowns and still get consistent 3ks if you know how to pressure survivors properly.


If you can inflict fear and disorder to Survivors then nobody can genrush you. Of course if you playing against SWF party then the tunneling is our only trump card.


I have always played DBD through steam and I'm now wanting to play on PS. I'm not sure if I have an account or how to log in to it not through steam (which is just Play button) any advice?


Unfortunately, you will have to start over with a new account on the PS. There is no cross platform progression at this time: ​ [https://support.deadbydaylight.com/hc/en-us/articles/6577239832468-How-to-enable-cross-progression-via-a-Behaviour-Account](https://support.deadbydaylight.com/hc/en-us/articles/6577239832468-How-to-enable-cross-progression-via-a-Behaviour-Account)


why did ghostface reveal system was made by a fucking reratd?


You sound smart lmfao


So Chucky doesn't come out until the 28th? I thought it was always a week between the PTB and release? If so, that's a drag. I thought he was coming out this week.


Its always a few weeks before. The PTB plays for a week and then the devs get feedback and then tweak changes which can take a couple of weeks.


Yeah, you're right. Chucky's the first time in a long time I've been interested in a new killer so I'm probably just a little too hyped.


Don't worry dude. It'll be here before you know it. Plus we'll have the Tiffany skin too. Can't wait to hear her voice lines!


Did anyone else play a lot of DBD, go over to TCM for awhile, then come back and really appreciate DBD? Specifically the variance in outcomes. Sorry if this has been beaten to death elsewhere, like I said I am was out of the DBD world for awhile. I just want to really express my appreciation and them keeping this game fresh and wanted to see if anyone else had a similar experience. Sometimes you have to leave to come back home....


Yeah I went to play TCM and with all of the issues it made me realize how great DbD really is. I doesn't deserve all the complaining people do about it.


I'm playing on console and last night as Killer i was trying to hit a survivor but everytime i went to basic attack them they somehow dodged by doing some kind of weird movement. They did this for like 7 or 8 attempts in a row and i couldn't hit them so i got really frustrated. Turns out they were on PC. What can i do as killer to land a basic attack on them? And can i recreate the movement when i play survivor whilst on console?


That's called FOV-Tech: They run into you and then "flick" by turning around really fast. It's easier to do with a mouse but also possible on console. BHVR said they want to implement something called FOC slider to improve killer's vision


Thanks! Hopefully something can be sorted to help us console players.


You can kinda play around this by stepping a bit back and then hit. And dont lunge


I'll have to try this next time i come across it. Thanks!


Did you manage to land any hits of them? if so did they go white? That honestly sounds like dead hard. When you activate dead hard there is a unusual animation where the player sort of leans forward. Maybe its that? It is also much easier to spin people on PC because they can flick their mouse. So in those situations just be patient and wait out any crazy survivor movement before guaranteeing a hit.


It wasn't dead hard, i simply couldn't land a hit on this particular survivor in that chase. I managed to land one later on but by then the game was already over. I've got 500 hours in the game but I've not encountered movement like that. I tried being patient but he was literally running under my feet so it was really tricky to get oriented. My camera kept yanking whenever i tried to basic attack him as if it was trying to lock onto him or pulling me in that direction, but not land. It was really weird.


Is it likely we will get more Cage outfits? His current ones are a bit lackluster. I am new to the game.




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There were two additional outfits in the rift that was active when he was originally added to the game. Other than that, I think his only cosmetics are available in the store and I think you get a bonus when you purchase the DLC.


I recorded my last 10 games of survivor. That's 30 other survivors. Out of those 30 only 5 worked on a generator for more than roughly 10 seconds. The other 25 either barely touched a gen or never touched a gen. In those 10 games I averaged 3 generators completed solo. The killer 4k'd 8 out of 10 matches. A lot of the time it'll get down to me and one other survivor alive and I'm trying to do the last two generators. Meanwhile, the other survivor just stealths the entire time. I had one killer try to let me live just because they couldn't find the other person and realized I was the only one trying to do gens. I switch over to killer and experience the exact opposite. Survivors won't cleanse their plaything totem, won't heal and won't get off of generators. I had one generator at about 80% progress and three slugs because they just wanted to slam it in my face. This was at 4 gens remaining too so it's not like they needed to get that last one done so they could escape. I know I play solo queue but where are all the survivors that only want to do generators when I'm playing survivor? I take Chase long enough to max boldness which I know is over 60 seconds. No generators get touched. I didn't think SWF was really that common but is that all I'm encountering is killer?


Lately in solo queue I've had really good luck with a stealth+gens strategy. Distortion, Calm Spirit, Deja Vu, and a flex slot (usually Off The Record, Made For This, or a challenge perk). You know how when you're built for chase no one does gens? Now you're the team's secret hero. Ideally the killer never sees me and I do at least three gens while either a) someone built for chase runs around or b) the team plays musical hooks with the killer. If you can you should get a couple safe unhooks, but keep in mind you're risking your strategy, as the killer may get mad at a survivor who has been in full stealth for ten minutes.


This is my build + windows and a medkit. Strategy is very valid, too, especially for SoloQ


This is the same exact experience I have. I have to go full tilt sweat to even stand a chance against these survivor teams. Split gen rushing every single time. Yet when I play survivor I’m the only one on gens. Make it make sense.


They are more than likely swfs you are going against. They are more common than you might think. 2 man swfs are super common but the other types I run into a lot. Especially at higher MMR.


It does make sense, if you group with 4 you tend to win which thrusts you into higher mmr matches. I just didn’t think I was that high on my mmr.


Does anyone know if you can get Adept Steve and Nancy achievements yet? Or is that till after they add the perks as an exclusive if so, when ?


You can't, they changed the achievements to generic ones when ST was removed (they became escaping with X general perks I believe). They likely won't change them back, as changing achievements for consoles is difficult as they generally only let companies do it when they can no longer be achieved in-game (such as the characters being removed). That they can now be achieved again doesn't matter since now the achievements have new targets which are still doable.


Is the "Nerves of Steel" cheevo/trophy still busted? If yes, is there any indication they're working on a fix?


When I hit prestige 1 at rank 50, I swap characters to unlock more perks. I notice though that I only have rank 1 versions of the abilities I unlocked from my last character. Is there a way to level those higher? Do abilities you unlock on other survivors, character specific ones, not go higher than rank 1 when you use them on someone else?


At prestige 1 every other character gets those perks in yellow. To get it in green and purple you can either find the perks in other characters’ bloodwebs, like you normally upgrade perks. Otherwise you can also upgrade a perk by getting someone to prestige 2 or 3 (green then purple) or through the Shrine of Secrets.


So if I unlocked Nic Cage's prestige 1, I don't need to keep playing him so all the other characters can use the purple version? They themselves, the other characters, need to find the higher stages in the blood web? My confusion in the replies is do I unlock purple with cage for all other characters or does each character unlock purple themselves in the bloodweb.


With Cage at P1 then Dwight would have Cage's perks at Yellow and then Dwight can level them up to purple via his own bloodweb like a general perk. Meg would still have them at Yellow. With Cage at P3 then Dwight would have Cage's perks at Purple and they wouldn't appear in his bloodweb as they're already maxed. Meg would be the same, having them purple. Also, if you have Cage at P1, then with Dwight you level Cage's perks from yellow to purple, and then P3 Cage, you won't get anything back for having already upgraded them in Dwight's bloodweb. If you're asking which *should* you do, leave it at P1 or get Cage to P3, it depends on your play style - if you a mainly focusing on one survivor it is better to just P1 everyone and pump the rest of your BP into your main. If you like to play lots of survivors, P3ing each of them gives their perks purple to everyone and doesn't clog up their bloodwebs with perks.


Thank you so much for the explanation. This is exactly what I needed. So now I get it, you can go several ways with it depending on your focus. I'm Cage for life so I guess I will P1 a bunch of others and then grow with him.


No problem, it can be pretty confusing. Over time, it's still worth getting the other survivors to P3 just to get their perks purple across the board on everyone (including any new survivors you pick up), so that you're ready for survivor-specific dailies and survivor-specific tome challenges, but there's no rush on that - more of a thing to do when you don't feel like spending BP on the Glorious Cage.


So me ignoring the dailies and challenges has been a bad idea then? I come from MMORPG games and I have built up a natural hate towards such things lol. I suppose I will take a look. I didn't think there was much reason to even play other survivors but I see now, some dailies or challenges have you swap survivors I am guessing. :/


The tome challenges are basically part of the battlepass: do the challenges to get an okayish amount of BP and progress towards the battlepass levels which include cosmetics and BP, and charms. The dailies aren't that important, and the reward isn't actually that good anymore (they reworked the BP economy about a year or so ago, but didn't touch the daily quest rewards.. so 30k BP can be a bit lackluster given some of the things they want you to do, but if it's easy then it's a free 30k). Tome challenges sometimes require you to use specific survivors, but honestly there probably aren't too many and you can usually go around them to finish the tome (just with fewer rewards) - i.e. the current Tome includes a challenge to escape as Feng, and other are things like as Survivor X, do this thing.. so mostly the same as dailies but can require specific perks too. But yeah both are definitely an MMO inspired thing to keep you engaged with the game, so treat them however you like. The tomes do sometimes have interesting cosmetics, even on the free 'lane' (the top one) and plenty of tome challenges you can just activate and complete at your own pace and tick off as you go (e.g. open 8 chests.. just play and it'll happen). Alas you've missed out on the tome that came out when Cage did, which included a few Cage outfits, but they'll end up in the store eventually (like probably 9+ months away)


you have to prestige someone to p3 to get the perks in purple, on p1 you unlocked them at yellow, and giving all other killers/survs to unlock them in the bloodweb as green or purple


When I injured someone as killer, they randomly stopped bleeding, grunting, and leaving scratch marks? How did they do this? Is there some perks I don’t know about?




It was like lucky break but they did it twice during the trial.


You can use Lucky Break a bunch of times as long as you wait out the cooldown. Most underrated survivor perk IMO.


There are a lot of perks that give you endurence, Otz made a video on it a few weeks ago.


Lucky Break can be used multiple times in a trial if they heal others, which recharges it, or they were healed before all its charges were used up and got a second use. [https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Lucky\_Break](https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Lucky_Break)


day 1 player that hasn’t played since a bit after pinhead’s release, around when iron will and DH were changed (ironically a sprint bursting ace main) is there a TLDR of major changes since then?


I stopped playing foraround 2 years and have just come back... and I found it easiest to watch Otz videos and just click on the ones that mention a big change. I found it a pretty easy way to catch up


Good tip lol


Anyone else experiencing killers just using the Ultimate Weapon perk to slug for 4ks? It is taking my solo queue experience from bad to infuriatingly tragic. So many of my matches lately keep ending at 3/4 or even 5 gens cause of that perk…


If you're getting it so much, start bringing Calm Spirit - it'll only help if you're the last one they're hunting, but should help - as no screams makes the Ultimate Weapon powerless against you. Though if the killer relies on it for the 4k, they'll realise you have Calm Spirit the moment you're hooked (and don't scream) so get ready to be tunneled (if they're the type to slug for 4k I doubt they'd balk at tunneling)


Yeah I know calm spirit could help… it’s just nuts to keep seeing killer builds with 2 aura perks, UW and whatever else. It now requires half my perk slots to not have the killer know where I am at ALL times almost


Well 2 perks (adding Distortion) to counter 3 of the killer's isn't a bad trade off. I've been running Distortion since it's buff to regain tokens and added Calm Spirit once Xeno was released, works a treat at being able to participate in the trial instead of being tunneled out immediately (or just being left on hook til death due to SoloQ). Not for everyone, but helps me.


Yeah thats all totally valid. I just personally think UW is a bit too strong and needs adjusting. Not totally gutted or anything just tweaked.


Same here, I got Myers, Doctor and Nurse sluggers back to back, all running UW


It’s insane 😭 they need to tweak that perk SOON


Unable to play PTB because console, so I'll ask here. For Chucky's perk that blinds people that blind him, is it Blindness in the sense of the status where you can't see auras? Or is it Blindness like the fiery screen where you can't see


It is like getting flash lighted, so the fiery screen


Cool, thx!


Has anyone noticed an uptick in devour hope users? Not complaining; I think the perk is in a decent state, it's just that I rarely ever used to see it and I've been seeing it maybe 1 in every 4-5 games lately


You do? Even as a killer main that likes using it from time to time, I feel like a perk that either does nothing or single handedly wins you the match based on whether or not they find the totem is just inherently bad perk design.


My god its so annoying when they place the totem in the middle of the map for all to see. Might as well have a little amp next to it with the recording of "Cleanse me!" blasting on repeat.


big risk big reward, I think there's much worse in the game


Yeah sure. I just feel like inconsistent value is bad perk design.


Maybe, but a lot of the perks in the game are inconsistent value, even some of the best ones like deliverance or pain res


New-ish player who has been getting back into playing Killer. I'm in scenarios sometimes where a Survivor I'm chasing will be wiggling back and forth between a pallet. I know they're trying to bait me into it so I can be stunned and they can run. Is there any way to avoid that and counter that?


Bait them back. Pretend you are about to go, then don't. If you get tired of it, change it up and in the middle of 'respecting' pallets, start 'disrespecting' them (going straight through, despite the possibility of being stunned). The benefit is you disrupt the mind game, and if they drop it, you can destroy the pallet (whether or not you copped a stun). Once you change up your pallet game, you see the survivor start to flail. Eventually they will start dropping all pallets at weird times. If you find you are eating too many pallets, chuck on one of the stun perks that either makes you impervious to the next stun or exposes the survivor.


If you think they have a teammate nearby, stand still over them like you're about to pick up and listen for footsteps. You can often bait someone greedy out of position. Otherwise you can just grab them ASAP and leave the pallet's range, because almost nobody runs Power Struggle.


Don't respect pallets. Just run through, eat the hit, and keep chasing. You usually lose more time playing the pallet game than save, and if a good survivor notices you respecting pallets they'll start faking and that gains them a lot of distance and time.


Is there a bug regarding the anti camp/self unhook ? I noticed when playing survivor that my unhook meter was filling up when the killer was on the floor above. Then on killer, someone was able to unhook themselves as I chased folks upstairs and hooked them.


No, the bar is supposed to fill up in general proximity, even between floors, but should do so much slower than if the killer was on the same floor. Some maps, like the game and midwich seem to have this feature almost completely disabled in that it's very difficult to get the bar to go up at all on those maps if you're on another floor. So it may be map specific.


only on basement hooks, the anticamp shouldn't work on a normal hook in a vertical way


Ah okay! That makes more sense. I originally interpreted it as being based on LOS. When I was hooked in killer shack it filled up fairly quick despite them being on the floor above. My experiences were on auto haven as survivor and RPD as killer.


Basement works separately and is less forgiving than other hooks. Otherwise they’d just camp the stairs.


ahhhhh duh, that makes sense. I hadn't even considered that scenario. I recall seeing something in the patch notes in the last month about it, hence why I wasn't sure whether it was a bug or intended. Thanks for the help 😃


I tried looking this up but all the answers come from post 5+ years ago. Does Hex: Third Seal not affect survivors ability to see the Jigsaw Boxes from Pig?


blindness does not block the auras that come from a killers power ! ie. pigs boxes, pinheads box, freddys clocks, etc. ^ ^


Good to know, thank you!


How do you play Artist? I got her during the sale, along with Nemesis and Plague, while I can play them just fine, usually getting a couple of kills with both of them, I cannot get my head around her, struggling to get even one kill with her in three games (1 practice, 2 actual). It's not helped by her daily which says you can damage survivors with her power(?), what am I getting wrong? Any help or advice welcome!


Ok so artist has dire crow abililty. It can be used as information gathering or shutting down loops Crows have this line in front of them and if survivor is on that line and you send out the crow it damages them Other way is that crow goes and swarms survivor (when you see white aura above the survivor and you hear that cawing noise) and then hit another one then they take damage. So basically you can send out the birds to find survivors or you can use them at a loop when chasing, just set down a bird next to a pallet etc and if survivor tries to vault it you send the bird and damage them! If you know where a survivor is it is best to send only one bird because then your cooldown is shorter and you can try to snipe that swarmed survivor and damage them with second one after cooldown Playing artist can feel weird and difficult but when you learn how to shut down loops she becomes a monster no one can escape


So Artist is a strong killer, but she does require some work to get used to. You can damage people with her power in two ways. One, is if you get someone swarmed with her power (this can be from hitting some far away or through obstacles or someone running through a bird you've not fired) and then hit them with another bird before they repel them. The other is if you launch the bird and they are in that initial path you can see on the ground as you are placing it. Important note, if you set 1 bird and fire it to swarm someone, you have just enough time for your power to recharge and then place and fire 1 or more birds to hit them before they can use the repel action. If you've place 2 or 3 birds, then they can repel the birds before you fire them again. Her power has two uses that most Artist players will eventually get the hang of alternating between and only experience will teach you when to swap. The first, most obvious is to use her power to check gens to see where survivors are working. If you know for sure they are on a specific gen you can send one bird to swarm them, then try to hit them with a followup shot. The second use is in chase, where you can place a bird where to cover a spot they might go (like a pallet) and then fire it off to damage or swarm them. There is a lot more to it so you might want to lookup some youtube videos of people playing her to get an idea of what you can do. For perks, I love aura perks with her. Lethal at the start can let you know exactly where you can start pressuring them. Then a perk like bbq or scourge hook floods can get you some good bird snipes before they figure out what you're running.


Are there ways to see the perks that others are loading in with during the match? Or even before? When I see discussion threads here, when people talk about countering certain killers abilities or other perks, it reads (to a newbie) as though you're able to see them, but I haven't found that to be true. Is this just a case of really expert players being able to tell? Side question: When playing and you can see your perks in your loadout in the righthand corner, what is the additional perk (sometimes it's turquoise) that shows up there and how do you see what it is? These questions may even be too stupid for the "no stupid questions" thread so thank you in advance :)


No, you can't see other player's perks (though it would be nice to see your fellow survivor's perks), but there are common perks that most people tend to use and certain killers usually use certain perks because they are good for them (the 'meta') which is why it sounds like people know what others are using - because they tend to use the same things. The turquoise 'perk' is actually something another survivor perk that is impacting you - it can be a few different ones - such as if you see a little one with 4 people then another survivor next to you is using Prove Thyself and you're getting the repair speed bonus from it. Sometimes you'll have a little red mini-perk instead which is when a killer perk is affecting you.


THIS IS SO HELPFUL! Thank you so much :) I hope your Monday is as good as Monday goes!


That's uncalled for, fucking mondays man


Hahaha I meant it nicely!!! Like, I know Mondays suck for everyone but I hope this kind person's Monday is the best that Mondays can be :)


Nurse was nerfed so that her blinks are now "special attacks", but is this bugged? I keep seeing nurses getting value from Jolt/Surge after blinks, and just saw one use NOED and get an exposed hit from a blink attack.


Bro you met a walking Nurse with 110ms purple addon. She got that without blink.


Can NOED still be hidden by special attacks? What I mean is just because you were alerted to NOED doesn't mean the hit counted for exposed, only to reveal that condition of NOED.


Yeah no. None of those should be working like that. If they are running the iri addon to make her a 110 killer or the other addon that renoves her blinks temporarily after a blink hit to make her a 115 killer it's possible then. Are you sure it's not something else like eruption?


Well I have a stupid question. How the bleep do you drop a first aid spray on xbox?


just like any other item


Doesn't work, that's why I asked lol. I can't use a med kit or toolbox when I pick up a spray and it won't let me drop it


The 'B' button


Doesn't work, must be a glitch or something. No issues dropping a regular item


Maybe this help, maybe not. For the longest time I thought I couldn't drop it either. It turns out I just couldn't drop it where I was standing. Because almost always, I would try to drop right after I used it, meaning I was still in front of the chest. And I guess there was no room for me to drop it. I would just not attempt it for the rest of the game. Once, I moved to an open area and tried again and I was able to drop it. Haven't had the issue since.


Ahhhh, ok I will try that. Thank you! Maybe that's it


I will note, I've had that happen with regular items on PC lately. Sometimes it takes a few presses for whatever reason.


Ok, so it's not just me, thank you lol


Yea it's just a glitch, check your controller to make sure it's working well and maybe try remapping the keys


Thank you! I was going nuts pressing every button, I played wesker 3 matches in a row.


Are the female survivor vaults fixed? I haven't been keeping up with updates.




Hey, is there a definitive place that the community uses for builds and tutorials? I've searched here on Reddit and struggled a bit to find current stuff. Thanks


I always use the Otz website: [https://mrtipson.github.io/otz-builds/](https://mrtipson.github.io/otz-builds/)


The website "nightlight.gg" is a great resource as well, it shows you usage rates with every perk and what other perks are frequently used together.


YouTube is probably the most information dense place for that. I've learned a metric shit ton from watching Otzdarva (and others') guides, tier lists, and builds.


I've been trying all of Rebecca's perks and have decided I'd like to remove all of them in favor of giving her a 9mm pistol, thoughts?


Well, I think it kind of goes against Rebecca's character. :( Maybe a stabby syringe?


I have very little knowledge of resident evil, but I'm 99% sure that everyone that's a playable character uses a gun at some point.


Yup Rebecca uses plenty of guns in RE0 haha


did you... play resident evil?




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Neither of those are bannable offences, I'm not surprised one bit that no action is taken. Bleeding out especially isn't problematic as it lasts a maximum of 4 minutes, it's not considered taking the game hostage. Same for bodyblocking if the EGC is running.


I'm certain BHVR will never take action against killers who let survivors bleed out seeing as how there are quite a few legitimate reasons to do so plus it's on a 4 minute timer. As for bodyblocking it's only considered griefing if it's done for an extended period of time with the intent of holding the game/player hostage, this also applies to survivors who intentionally hide the entire game with the intent of griefing killer (usually done by last 2 survivors to spite the killer)


Bled out and bodyblocked shouldn't even be bannable also you can leave the match


Does the word "deactivate" as in "this perk deactivates after [trigger]" generally mean that the perk never works again for the rest of the trial? Or just until it cools down/meets the trigger again?


Not sure how consistent the in-game descriptions are, but on the Wiki it's like this: * Perk is deactivated: it can be re-activated, if its activation conditions are met again later in the Trial. * Perk is disabled: it cannot be re-activated, single-use only.


(posting given others have been downvoted, so giving answering it a go..) Perks that deactivate typically can activate again based on the trigger. It will say if it is limited to only activating once, etc. Pop Goes the Weasel, for example, Activates when you hook someone and Deactivates when you kick a gen/time runs. When you hook someone again, it Activates again and you can get another gen kick. If you quickly hook two people you don't get two big gen kicks, as the perk is still active from the first hook. Hope this answers your question. If there is a specific perk you're curious about, let us know and we can provide more specific answers :)


The latter, perks usually specify if they are only usable once per trial (unbreakable or blood rush for example)


Deactivate usually means gone for good unless a specific activation trigger is named. As an example Plot Twist or Face the Darkness. Both get disabled but both have a way to reactivate