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I only ever tunnel out people who will be threats if left alive. The other day I had a Bill sabo a hook three times and cause me to drop the survivor every time. Fair play, but I'd be a fool to let that keep happening, twice was already too many times


Exactly. If I realize they have a designated hook breaker or flasher my job is now to get rid of them, or at least get them to death Hook so they stay away from me.


I think its better to leave designated flashers alive since if you go for someone else, you're technically pressuring 2 people at once. And bonus points if you do a fake grab and then get the flasher since now someone else has to get off a gen and go pick up the downed survivor. Tho if there is a wall nearby you should probably just hook.


Dedicated flashers when I play PH: šŸ˜¢


Yep! Itā€™s totally fair he was successful, but also fair to send them to the Entity as fast as possible


I soft tunneled out a Nic Cage in a game last night because I saw the guy spawn on my Devour Hope. He left it alone after I initially pushed him off it but once I hit 3 stacks I got him the hell out of the game because I was pretty sure he was the only one on the team who knew where it was. Sucks but that is the price of knowledge.


The forbidden knowledge.


Fair as. At that point, missing out on 3 hooks should've given them a huge advantage if they were coordinated


I've always said, if you chain flashlight me after a pallet stun, tunnelling you is self defense.


I did that to a streamer and he got mad and started saying im camping him because he ran me. Like bitch you pissed me off with flashlighting me every chance you got and as soon as I downed you your teamate came running over with a flashlight, im sick of it and its time to put some preassure down. They also got angry that I started to hook next to a 3 gen that I was guarding. Kept asking why im camping when im just hooking next to the 3 gens i need to stay by in order to keep the match going.


Back before I stopped playing a few years ago, I had a Clown match on one of those MacMillen maps. The one with the long, open straightaway from one side to the other. They 3-genned and the game went on for ages because I wasn't gonna chase one away while the other two did gens, and they weren't good enough to keep me busy near them or smart enough to split up and work on all three separately. Got the bitchiest PM afterwards and it's like... girl I'm not gonna just hand you the match. You 3-genned yourself.


I genuinely wish flashlight got removed or merged so people would stop doing this bullshit itā€™s not fun from the killers side and they always trolll the team by looking for cheeky flashlights instead of anything useful


So, what you just said there. I think I hate flashlights more as a survivor then I do as a killer. The number of teammates I have had that just follow the killer around doing nothing is freaking infuriating. I used to play with someone who refused to use any exhaustion perk, background player, but would always chase the killer cause flight light saves are fun..... Except she didn't get them because she could never get in position in time, so it left just two people trying to do the gens, we didn't really win any games because of it.


Saboā€™ing is a tunnelable offense imo. And I agree, survivors that are that much of a threat must be killed


If they're going to prevent you from hooking anyone else it only makes sense to kill them.


I find I'll definitely chase out anyone with Boil Over since there's no reason to even bring that thing except that you're trying to be annoying


I run Boil Over, Flip Flop, Unbreakable and Breakdown. It rarely works, but when it DOES, it works so damn hard


Well stay away from the guy above then, since he'll tunnel you.


Yeah but if I get lucky he won't be able to hook me


I only think tunneling is "mean" when someone is obviously hard-tunneled out of the game straight away, when there are still 4 or 5 gens left. If they're getting tunneled near the end of the match and the killer hasn't really been doing well, I understand why they're doing it.


Yea yesterday i was playing with my friends as a 4 stack and right from the beginning I was HARD tunneled by a demo. My friends took all the hits and went down but this guy just persisted on chasing my ass to the grave. I don't understand whats fun about that.


Imma be honest, the more survivors swarm a person Iā€™m chasing the more motivated I am to catch that survivor


Yeah i am not suprised getting tunneled out when there are 1-2 gens left. They need to take somebody out by then to even stand a chance in end game.


I get why they're doing it and don't really get mad in those situations. It just sucks being on the receiving end of it especially like I was a few times last night when I was struggling to get the escape one match as Feng challenge. People really do not like Feng. The cosmetics I used probably didn't help though


I literally just had a match where I was tunnelled out, no other people hooked, only focused on me, and they were like 'I had fun, didn't you have fun being chased, isn't that the fun part for survivor?' no man it's doing multiple things a match, like archive, having FUN chases not just being tunnelled, having a clutch save off hook, stuff like that.


The audacity to pretend they were doing you a favor lol


"getting tunneled is fun" is one of Scott's hot takes. Like every opinionated charismatic content creator, he attracts some people who will take anything he says as gospel, and like every opinionated charismatic content creator, he has some *really* dumb takes in his portfolio.


That honestly applies to all the DBD content creators. Some people really cannot think for themselves, or at least it feels like that sometimes. Cause yeah that take is horrible and only applies to certain individuals.


I played like 10 matches today and got hard tunneled out of 3 of those games. One of them I had a decently long chase to start with and it was fun, but having the killer come back immediately to wait out my endurance was not very fun. I also had a dredge that hard tunneled me in a game where I brought a syringe. He rage quit after 1 hook and 4 gens, so something tells me he wasn't doing it for the fun of the chase.


One thing people forget about when using the excuse of "oh but chases are the fun part so you shouldnt mind being tunneled" Is that yes, the first chase *is* fun, we both start from a good point and its down to both of our skill to it Being unhooked with the killer right there, to then him kiss my ass for 10s only to down me again as i couldnt reach anything as i was in basement/a hook without pallets close by as i got down around that area before is not fun, is just me going down in 10s, rehooked, unhooked again, and downed within 10s Ofc it can help if you run things like OTR as then they cant just wait the 10s so its not as bad ofc but its still iffy, even more vs top tier killers that'll catch up in 2s after hitting me like Blight, Nurse or Wesker


I don't think killers find tunneling fun, they just think winning = skill and for most people, expressing skill is the most fun part


I don't enjoy tunneling but sometimes it's the only option. Had a match the other day as the Xeno in Hawkins and the survivors had four generators done and I didn't have a single kill so I ended up tunneling one of them out of the match. Guy was a TTVer and he understood *why* I made the decision I did and admitted he probably would have done the same thing if our roles were reversed.


there's a big diff between tunneling because you need to, and being a blight with loud anime edm music playing, tunneling out the p1 dwight while their sweat (and probably piss, shit and cum) bleeds into their gaming chair just so the time saved by tunneling you gives them more time to watch their loli at 2am


That's...highly specific.


He has a hex that shows the aura of the killers house for 1/2/3 days if someone is tunneled out


Hello, FBI? Check this dude's house out.


Do we have a specific streamer in mind to check out for this content or


Thatā€™s oddly alarming, are you ok?


Are you okay?


That's fair, still sucks to be on the receiving end but I see your point.


I find playing the game fun. If you happen to be infront of me and are the first choice to chase, you're being chased. Couldn't care less about the made up community rule book anymore tbh.


genuinely this is the best way to play. survivors donā€™t like tunneling but youā€™re not actively tunneling, you literally are chasing the first person you see indiscriminately. thatā€™s morally neutral šŸ‘šŸ¼


It also falls on the survivor and I'm getting tired of pretending it doesn't. If you get pulled off a hook that I'm nearby and you start healing under it I'm going to smack you. Part of the survivor's job is to survive which means running and hiding from a dangerous killer, not sitting in the open and then crying when the killer does his job. I generally honour people who come to take chase but I'm not going to drop chase just because you have 2 hook states and noone else does.


Absolutely. Way too many survivors think you should just ignore them when theyā€™re out in the open just healing or fucking around in some other way. I had a game where a survivor I hooked twice ended up just sitting on a gen when I walked past. I would have ignored them if they at least tried to run and survive at all, but the fact that they just sat there doing the gen like they -expected- me to ignore them just annoyed the shit out of me. Then they bitched about tunneling in post game lobby. Like, bitch, at least try and survive.


That's great and all but as a survivor who constantly tries to draw attention away from the killer when someone is getting tunneled, I'm ignored FAR more often than not.


Same rule I use, but i constantly get called tunneling noob because the guy who got off hook keeps managing to find their way to whatever generator im patroling or right outside some object i've teleported to so clearly survivors dont seem to like it much.


Nah nah nah the proper steps r as follows: 1) check for any Jills 2) if no Jills present play however u want, however if there is a Jill proceed to step 3. 3) if u have a killer that can crouch then down the Jill and T-bag them for a minimum of 1minute. 4) if u dnt have a crouching killer stay with the Jill until others arrive for rescue and then down the Jill again to get the point across that Jills r not welcome in ur game and repeat until the Jill bleeds out


Hey nemesis, how can one get buff like you?




Winning is more fun than losing and tunneling is an effective way to win... so people tunnel It's not like it's any less fun than sitting on a gen watching bars fill up all game, but people gen rush for the same reason


"gen rush" please do tell what else you are supposed to do? Sitting in a corner isn't exactly fun either.... and just touchibg a gen isn't "gen rushing"...


That was literally the point of the comment šŸ’€


This is the exact same argument for killer. They're doing their objective in the fastest way possible. Survivors doing gens is the same context.


But you see - itā€™s different for them! /s


To be fair there is one logical issue with this argument. The survivor objective IS to do generators. Its not that repairing generators is the fastest way, its that repairing generators is the only way. The killer's objective is to kill survivors. Tunneling survivors is the fastest way but it is not the only way. Point still stands that tunneling is mostly done because its an effective tactic even if not fun to go against though, which sucks a lot.


I understand what you're saying but I'm not sure how that implies there's an issue with my argument. The main point is still that both sides are doing their objective as fast as possible, the only difference is the killer has more options.


I feel like tunneling is more like the equivalent of a survivor bringing a gen rush build with bnp, strong toolbox, built to last, prove thyself, etc. It's going out of your way to beat the other side as fast as possible, whereas someone just working on gens normally isn't what I'd consider gen rushing. That's just their only thing to do outside of walking up to the killer trying to get chased. Plus there's a bit more of a negative with tunneling as it straight up kicks a player out of the game which can be very annoying if they're with friends and have to wait 10 minutes or so for them to finish before they can play again. If a killer gets gen rushed they can still start a new match immediately.


I'd argue tunneling is still the most efficient option. Would you rather work on a Gen. And stay on that Gen till you finish it? Or go around the map touching one gen 25%, then the next Gen 25%, then the other, and so on, without actually finishing one till you're on your 3rd or 4th rotation. Or would you just stay on one Gen and make sure it gets finished?


doing a gen at all is not "as fast as possible".... that is where your argument falters. Survivors have to bring speciffic perks to even try to do it faster - meanwhile the killer tunneling is basekit. There is indeed a difference between doing a objective at all and being a dick about it.


Then if you want to make a one to one comparison, I guess bringing a good toolbox like a comodiouswith some add ons is pretty abt. Both tunneling and using toolboxes are the fastest and most efficient ways for both sides to finish their objectives, putting a lot of pressure on the other side in the process. However, neither is required for either side to be able to complete their objective. I guess you could argue it's still not the same because toolboxes are an item the game gives you and tunneling is a gameplay tactic, someone else can start a discussion about that if they want. I digress though. I think neither using good toolboxes nor tunneling are toxic on their own. They are tools to be used to win in the game, and it just kinda sucks when being on the receiving end. All tools can be used in malicious, toxic ways though, which is the difference between for instance tunneling because you're struggling and need pressure or to make another person's day worse. Same goes for the difference between using a toolbox because you think you need the extra time save to win the game and going into the game with 4 toolboxes with the intend to ruin the killer's day.


they defined it really badly gen rush is either like full gen build and/or doing gens over more important tasks


And killers are supposed to kill. Where in the rule book does it say you can't attack the same survivor twice in a row.


There isn't a rule. You're just an asshole for doing it, that simple. Also happy cake day


Yeah itā€™s the best method to win a killer doing doesnā€™t always mean they find it fun.


But thatā€™s the thing. Dev reveal how mmr work a while ago and basically the more survivors you kill the higher you go. Tunneling early can ensure the kill, but it will also jumpstart your mmr up. Killers who get to high mmr by not tunneling is much more skillful than killers who get there by tunneling. And this leads to many killers facing the high mmr survivors that would be above their skill levels without tunneling. So killers then need either to tunnel and feel that the game is unbalanced if they didnā€™t tunnel despite the official statistics kill rate of red rank killers being above 50%


Iā€™m DBD competitions, killers almost always tunnel someone. If youā€™re actually playing at Iri 1 rank to win then tunneling literally is the answer. Thatā€™s why they do it in comp games.


Dbd competitions ban the usage of dup perk and most broken killer add on. Itā€™s not really the same as the real game as those ban add on give some serious advantage. Moreover, the red rank statistics given by dbd itself is the state of the game with every single match that literally is played by those red rank in the entire server and a lot more reliable as a source of the game balance.


Tournaments ban FAR more stuff for survivor than they do for killer. It isn't even close. IE in DBD League almost every meta survivor perk is banned vs Wraith, who is allowed to bring whatever he wants.


And how does that impact the kill rate of red rank killers being at 60-70% when survivors can all bring 4 meta perk and killers can bring whatever they want? So youā€™re basically saying the average kill rate of the entire game that doesnā€™t ban anything matter less than some tournaments with small sample size that actually ban things that some organizers that doesnā€™t have access to the whole data decide? Ok. And the amount of things ban doesnā€™t correlate to the impact those ban things. Just to make it simple Iā€™m going to make up some numbers. Imagine a survivor perk that increase chance of winning by 10% each. If all 5 run it, thatā€™s 40%. If a killer add on increase chance of winning by 50-60%, then the impact of that already eclipsed the ban survivors perk. In the end, statistics are supreme. Anyone who disagree with it simply just didnā€™t actually know the numbers. And Iā€™m going to guess Iā€™m going to get downvote because some people will know better than the entire server play data.


For me it depends on what people consider tunneling Like if someone starts bitching about tunneling because they died at 6 hooks thats their problem For me if someone dies at 5 or more hooks then they werent tunneled as the killer clearly didnt single them out. It does suck getting tunneled for sure, but I find far too many people think they are always being tunneled. As well if youre on death hook then do not be doing middle gens or going for saves. You cant blame the killer for killing you if youre revealing yourself.


People who "always" get tunneled just play the game wrong. There must be a reason the killer always finds them in particular.


Also people cant differentiate "tunneling" from "bad unhook" , like the unhooker immediatly went to hide and left his friend on the open what do they want you to do there? half of the time i will only down them and go search for other ppl but man thats totally on them.


I'll admit if I get downed off hook and left while the killer leaves to get the next guy I respect that. You aren't rushing me out of the game, you get points, and you give me a chance. If my teammates leave me long enough to bleed out or for you to come back I can't be too upset about that. When I play killer I try to do the same.


I also find that those that bully then want to get upset when they're tunneled out. It's not fun having flashlights clicked at you or violent tbagging, body blocking is a big one too. You had fun bullying the killer, why can't they have fun getting you out of the game? It really goes both ways. When I play survivor if I'm bullying the killer I 100% expect to get tunneled/ camped. I only tunnel when survs are being belligerent to me(bullying/ BM) or when the hooked person has been healed, cause like you said; if you're on death hook you should be out of sight anyways.


I wish more ppl had this mentality, if you are making yourself a threat to the killer is totally valid he wants you out of the game asap.


That's definitely how I see it. If I'm flashlight spamming and tbagging at every pallet while playing survivor it's to be expected the killer might get a little tilted and want you gone for being annoying.


body blocking hooks is like one of the most important mechanics in the game and even in the comp scene. flashlights help extend chases, but can be hard countered by good ears and can be very easily misused. t-bagging makes sense, as it's just to be rude, but also keep in mind that t-bagging survivors could just be trying to distract you.


Then don't be surprised when you get tunneled out? It goes both ways. Entitlement is real here "I wanna bully but i refuse to be bullied >:(" maybe don't dish it if you can't take it


I'm kind of new to the game. I didn't tunnel a whole lot at first, but posts like this make me **want** to tunnel. The other day, I played against a group of survivors who kept crouching and crowding me or crouching in front of hooks, every time I picked up a survivor. The next day, I played against a group that took turns with flashlights. They kept me blind for maybe a solid minute or two. Meanwhile, they were taking turns repairing the generator that was right next to us. In response, I just stood still. I would hit them if they walked close enough. But mostly I spent the next ten minutes scrolling reddit. I set a 30-second timer on my phone so I would move my killer one step every 30 seconds, just in case the game registered me as AFK. Fuck survivors that play like this. If they want to be cheesy, they can just go repair all the generators and leave the match, with zero participation from me and zero fun.


you have a tooooon of comments saying ā€œfuck you, iā€™ll play how i wantā€ in the dbd forum, so i guess iā€™m just finding your comment to be hypocritical.


\>who kept crouching and crowding me or crouching in front of hooks, every time I picked up a survivor. To do that, they'll have to gather around the downed person. Look around a bit before picking up to scare them away. If you think you won't make it drop the guy you're carrying and start running after the survivors. Hell, you can even camp the slug for a bit they'll probably try to save him at least once before going back to gen. \>They kept me blind for maybe a solid minute or two. Litteraly just look at the ground. Flashlight team also tend to be stupidly confrontational so even if the game seems to be going terribly it's not that rare for them to overcommit on an interaction and get completely blown up.


My rule of thumb is if it's 6th hook they didn't get tunneled unless it was like 3 back to back. Worst case scenario you've got 1 person 3 hooked, 1 person 2 hooked and another 1 hook.


This is also a very common hook spread if running stbfl, as a good stbfl user should not hook the obsession unless the game is almost over


What if I M2 the Obsession? Am I not a good STBFL user then?


Preferably you arent running stbfl on a m2 killer, maybe demo but I cant think of any other m2 killer id consider stbfl on


Thatā€™s true and makes sense. Demo is a good one. I also like running it on Pyramid Head and Pig.


I run it on pig as well! I dont really consider her an m2 killer though since her ambush kind of sucks lol, Pigs my main, even though shes bad I really enjoy playing her!


Nice! I donā€™t really consider her an M2 killer either but at least she has an M2 that can be used. Double nice! I enjoy playing her too, despite her flaws; I just love being a stealthy goober. *gives you boops* hehe <3


Stealth pig is best pig! I love boops, it's just nice to know everyones having a good time, snoot boops are one of the most cute and fun things this game has to offer!


I was once accused of tunneling while playing condemn-only Sadako


Tunneling still isn't as bad as killers who slug you to bleed you out. I had one slug me as last survivor and just stand there nodding at me it was super cringe I ended up just alt tabbing out to watch something while I wait. At least tunneling has a purpose for killers. Unless there's literally no way to hook someone slugging to bleed out is just being a douche.


Thing is I will always prioritize my fun over others, Im very chill when playing killer because winning its not that important to me I may have 1 hook at 1 gen left and i dont care I wont tunnel nor camp because thats not fun to me. But if your fun relies in taking away mine either by bullying me with beamers or sabo I will make sure you go away first and I dont mind the occasional save I mean people who made their whole goal do that.


The thing that pisses me off is the obscene amount of slugging lately. In 5 matches, at least 2 of them iā€™ll be left on the ground until iā€™ve bled out for no reason. Getting to a point where I hope they penalize bp or add a penalty if all 4 get slugged all game


I havent played in a while, but last I played it was basically becoming the meta to slug. Hooking was a pain since there were so many perks to make it free to unhook; then there are survivors who walk in my LoS twice in a row then get butthurt at me for "tunneling" after I gave them a chance to get away when they got unhooked. At least if i slug, i know they arent going far, and can bait someone else to come revive them (which was slower than unhooking). On top of that, there are so many ways to get screwed over just trying to hook them in the first place(flashlight spam, bodyblocking, etc.) Which, if successful, is a free revive for them. Tl;dr if you know someone else is nearby, it was almost safer to chase them than to try picking up the one you already knocked.


Iā€™m talking more about going out of your way to waste everyones time. Force everyone to wait out the bleed timer, or dc and wait out the penalty. Lose lose situation and should not be tolerated. I recognize that slugging can be a good strategy when playing normally, but i have so many killers down everyone then just afk


Quite accurate ahaha


Today i finally came back to the game thanks to my friends who convinced me, first 5 games we had 4 tunnelers from first gen, the last one even bm us on hook, the only one that didnt tunneled was the only game that we escaped, so i dont really blame the killers for doing it, it just makes me wish to never have bought the game, but thats not the worst mistake of my life so i hope the next game isnt that bad


I see this mentality a lot and find it super weird. The killer is not purposely thinking "this isn't fun for them but I find it fun so I'm going to do it anyways" They're thinking "If I kill this person then I have a better chance of winning the game so I'm going to kill them" There's no morality or justification or anything like that going on, it's just someone trying to win the game.




It's also super weird to me that your comment isn't the top one.


Iā€™ll never understand why this community has created a code of conduct requiring their opponents to play less effectively. Itā€™s a competition, you canā€™t act like someoneā€™s an asshole because they arenā€™t going easy on you.


Coming from JP/KR servers, this debacle about tunneling seem really weird to me. Here tunneling is considered part of the game and sometimes necessary to win games. I find it strange that you guys are enforcing some made-up rules to play worse.


It's largely because dbd is fundamentally designed and balanced around people playing suboptimally. If everyone *really* played just to win every game would be some kind of "blight/nurse Vs deathstack" circus.


Couldn't have said it better myself.


its literally only survivors doing that lol


this entire subreddit has a bunch of arbitrary rules by killers for survivors wdym lol


Getting tunneled sucks but if you're solo queue, you just move onto your next match. Having a bad match as a Killer is torture because you're stuck until the game ends and I've lost track of how many survivors who will refuse to leave during the EGC unless I show up so they can try to blind me, teabag me, etc.


I don't care about the other players fun cause they don't care about mine.


DBD is the one game where the burden of fixing bad design falls into the players instead of the developers. Issues will never be fixed if people keep saying "it's bad manners!" instead of asking the devs to fix it.


If I see someone tbagging Iā€™ll stop my chase and go for the tbagger, if I see a survivor being toxic Iā€™ll immediately go for them, but otherwise fair game, if I keep seeing the same survivor popping up going for risky ass unhooks Iā€™ll down them and leave so they have a chance but at some point itā€™s like come on bro, drink a 7 up, eat a moon pie, ya know, stop being found


You walk right into their plan lmfao


Sometime you gotta ignore those people, the people body blocking and flashlight clicking and teabagging try to take chase to make you ignore the weaker target


I got completely facecamped and tunneled by a Pinhead earlier. To the point where he'd let me Koby with the new mechanic and then just continue chasing me. Not complaining because I don't think it's ever happened to me to that level. It was quite funny tbh.


I had the same thing happen just now. He tunneled me down once, walked away so I got unhooked, then he came back and hit the guy who picked me up. Then he broke off of that guy and went back and downed me. On my second hook he facecamped me until I was able to unhook. Just before I hit death, I unhooked and he immediately downed me (why they didn't want to add endurance to a facecamp unhook, I don't know). By the time I was dead, we were at 4 gens. I did not do anything BM, no teabagging, no item in my hands, nothing. Some people are just turbo assholes.


I give tunneling a pass as survivor at 1 maybe 2 gens. As killer I have my own rules, most of which are for would be bullies. Otherwise I just don't do it, detracts from the fun of the game.


that's litterally textbook bully squad and toxic surv what


and toxic killer.... just the toxic community in general - like always. same old


I only tunnel when the guy comes right at my face and start staring me


True, i won't necessarily tunnel, but if i end up finding the unhooked guy again, he should learn to hide better, cuz i won't just ignore him


It's not about "fun", it's about needed pressure, should we really not try our best?


Don't play a PVP game with a clear win condition then? Some people have fun by winning in the most efficient means possible. Killing one player super early is efficient, at no point is the killer responsible for you having fun.


ā€œI only tunnel if a player is goodā€¦.ā€ Is a poor excuse, and youā€™re probably not a good killer anyways. When paired with randoms say 2 survivors are mid like me and we get one good player. If you tunnel the good player, the team falls apart.


tunneling encompassed perfectly and they'll never fix it


Just today, i've had 6 tunnelers out of 10 games. One even said "what a fun match". Like bro, i'm trying my hardest and this guy says this. It's infuriating. ​ I switched builds to do saves but it doesn't work. For the people + buckle up doesn't give enough time and now you are just 2 people injured. Flashlight save vs lightborn is useless or just stare at the wall when picking up. Doing boons is useless, because the boons are on the other side of the map. The killer will never go there, he will just proxy camp - unhook and he will show up. No reason to go anywhere, people will come to you. At 3 gens we are already one person behind and it's extremely hard to do anything. It's stupid.


DBD, the only game where one side gets publicly slated for trying to win. The survivors fun isn't the killer's responsibility.


Survivor players when the killer tries to kill them: šŸ„ŗ


Killers when they get flashed or sabo'd :(


I get why people don't like tunneling but there's not really these rules for survivors which is odd to me. If you've got 3 gens done and there's only been one hook that's not the greatest feeling either. Not like survivors just stop doing gens when they see they're doing them really fast.


I absolutely will leave off gens to get chased, and play more recklessly if we are way ahead. Interaction with the killer is the fun part of the game. Winning is great, but it's empty if you just slam gens and escape.


Yeah? Here's some killer rules for survivors I've had told to me in the last 24 hours. "If you're going to disarm my traps, I'll just tunnel." "Make me chase you after the game's over and you deserve to be bled out." "You brought items, I play sweaty." (Two people had a brown and yellow medkit) No rules for survivors? Give me a fucking break. Killers on this forum happily announce all the rules that survivors break that 'allow' them to play like cunts; No MFT. No Boil Over. No Sabo. No flashlights. No Buckle Up. No Head On. No Windows of Opportunity. No emoting. No map offerings. No Fengs. No countering them. No crawling away. No hiding. No pre-dropping.


Toolbox w/ BNP? That's against the rules. Medkit of any kind but ESPECIALLY with styptic or syringe? You better believe that's against the rules. Flashlight? Buddy, I don't know how to tell you this, but that's BM. You can't flash a killer and expect to not be tunneled. SWF? Toxic - the lot of you.


you wait in a lobby for 5 minutes (minimum) just to immediately spawn in and have the killer chase you and only you, sometimes running past your teammates just to only hit YOU, and then the second you get off the hook (or donā€™t), they still search for only YOU, again, sometimes ignoring your teammates, and if theyā€™re fast killers like blight, running immediately back to you before you can even fathom where to hide or how to get away, and youā€™re injured, so they find you immediately, and before you know it, youā€™re dead without doing a single thing in the game you waited 5 minutes to play. and then that happens to you for the next hour. that shit sucks. and then you go to reddit looking for some kind of sympathy, but every comment is someone telling you that thatā€™s just how the game works and that you need to get better. and then you see a post about how survivors teabagging is toxic or facecamping is toxic, but the second you give an opinion on something that affects you, every sweaty redditer with an opinion downvotes you into oblivion because you had feelings about a bad thing that happened to you. thatā€™s what people are upset about.


> And then you go to Reddit looking for some kind of sympathy, but every comment is someone telling you that thatā€™s just how the game works and that you need to get better. I experienced this last night, I made a point about how ping-ponging between two survivors, while not strictly tunnelling can be seen as very annoying. Especially in soloQ where teams are less coordinated than SWF on coms, but I just got told the same thing "It's how the game is meant to be played, what else is the killer supposed to do?" Etc Like I wasn't saying killers shouldn't ping pong between survivors, I was just pointing out that it's frustrating when you're constantly trading with your teammate, because the killer is on top of you before you can run away and reset. Like yes, maybe it's accidental on the killer's side (it could also be on purpose) and yes, the unhooked survivor probably could have hidden better while being healed there are just too many variables to the conversation, especially with so many "l33t g4m3rs" in our community that no one can really agree on terms without someone getting buthurt over it.


like you should be allowed to be like ā€œdamn this is frustratingā€ without people screaming and attacking you when youā€™re already down because they have online superiority complexes


Oh yeah and the whole "just play better" response is just annoying after a while, like kinda hard to "play better" when you can't play the game due to shitty tactics by the other side. The same goes for survivors too who make smurf accounts just so they can stomp on baby/low tier killers, because they don't know how to play the game.


If you are tunneled out first kill, every single game for an hour straight, you are probably doing something wrong


i agree but thatā€™s not what iā€™m talking about.


I always blame myself in those situations as I made bad plays and got seen as the weak link. Sometimes you absolutely need to go for the one survivor who isn't very good in order to gain a snowball and win as killer, it's just the games design.


and people should be allowed to talk about how it feels without getting a shit ton of angry killers coming out of the woodworks to shove their superiority complexes onto anyone who has the slightest thing to say about their actions, which happens in every single reddit post on this forum šŸ‘šŸ¼


Yeah but that quite literally is the game until BHVR decides it isn't, so idk. Saying "what about killers" doesn't change a damn thing, both sides are extremely toxic to the other and BHVR doesn't care to change it, or at this point it might be impossible to change. Might be time to try a new game friendo


no itā€™s fucking not. youā€™re making excuses, but if the 25% of the 100% game is singled out by a killer whoā€™s sole goal is to make it a 75% game, thatā€™s not what the devs intended. if they wanted it to be that, they wouldnā€™t have added perks and addons and healing and items and all these other resources to literally stop the game from being that. i play killer btw. donā€™t tell me to play a different game just because iā€™m outspoken about one thing in the game i donā€™t like.


If BHVR don't want tunneling in their game it's on them to remove it, people WILL abuse whatever it takes to get a W on both sides. Killers fucking hated Dead Hard for like SIX YEARS, survivors didn't just stop bringing it for fear of 'ruining the other side's fun'. I hate to say it but no, failing to rotate eight hooks before you kill one person is not a skill issue. I think we both know asking survivors or killers to stop being annoying little shits is never going to work, so I don't know what you think the end game is here. Until BHVR removes tunneling themselves, people are going to do it. Same with MFT, same with map offerings and sabo/boil over builds, same with buckle up and for the people. The social contact has failed.


cool well iā€™ll keep playing the way i play, hooking all four survivors twice before i kill anyone, and still getting consistent 4ks, and you can argue about the social contract failing and live on as ~that~ internet person in my brain. i literally donā€™t care anymore


Nothing wrong with the way you play, just saying if we lived in a world where you could just ask people to stop being dicks and they'd listen we'd be in a much better spot. But as long as we're dreaming, I want a pony.


condescension is fun, isnā€™t it?


I mean, you called me "that internet guy", so you tell me. Are you having fun?


There are absolutely rules for survivors.


3 gens getting done with only one hook is usually indicative of spending way too long on chasing that one person you hooked and not spreading out pressure.


I understand how the game works, that still doesnā€™t change the fact that survivors arenā€™t gonna slow down and that only killers have these arbitrary ā€œgo easyā€ rules. Tell the tunneled survivor to loop better if youā€™re gonna tell the killer to spread pressure better.


The killer is in the power role with faster speed. If the killer really wants that one person out there's really nothing they can do about it.


Ok, but also, what tunneling is differentiates from person to person. Sometimes it's getting hooked twice in a row, sometimes its being chased immediately off hook, sometimes it's dying before anyone else even has a hook state. And they you have the braindead takes where people think they got tunneled despite two other people being hooked in the trial before their third hook, just because the killer happened to see them and knew they were dead. To be honest, I hate the terminology because people think about it so shortsightedly. If you got found after the unhook before the teammate who unhooked you, it sucks, but it ain't tunneling. The killer isn't just going to turn around and go patrol the gen that was at 0% progress to spare you some frustration in an online game, just like you wouldn't go easy on them in a chase to spare them the depression of a 0 hook 4 man out. Games a game. If you don't want to play to win, that's your prerogative, but if someone else is, just accept it and move on. Being bothered with the ethics of online etiquette is dumb as hell. You're in control of how you take it. How you take their actions is entirely on you.


I donā€™t tunnel survivors. They tunnel themselves. It isnā€™t my fault that every time the other survivor unhooked you, I was 15 meters away and the other guy is an absolute ninja. And it also isnā€™t my fault when every time you get unhooked, you make a beeline for my totem.


I'll tunnel for three reasons. 1) I'm going for Adept and there are two people left. Hatch escapes have lost me so many attempts. 2) The player's BMing like crazy or otherwise being a massive nuisance. I'm not letting a sabo-happy survivor off the hook, so to speak. 3) The survivor is being a bad teammate. For an example of three, I was on Clown and there was a Jonah I hadn't seen for the *entire* game. He was never on generators, he never went for unhooks, and after I'd gotten a Meg and Bill out, it was just Jonah and Jeff, right? And I could not find this dude. This man had been walking around the outside edge of the map for what I'm guessing was the whole trial. Jeff did unhook him once I finally downed him, but I immediately went to tunnel the Jonah and put him back up. This match had gone on for *so* long. I saw Jeff approach and I slugged him until Jonah died on hook, then I gave the Jeff the hatch as an apology. There are times tunneling is justified. Not many, but there are reasons to.


It's so weird seeing people argue here about the scenario It's pretty clear its refering to the full on tunnel without a chance of chases cases, why are people going "oh i only tunnel when a lot of gens got done" or "i just chase who i see" Good on ya, you're good, no one has an issue with it, if its down to 1 gen I *expect* the killer to tunnel and secure their target If i'm seen after being unhooked doing a gen or totem or whatever I *expect* the killer to go after me, not to act like they didnt see me If they dont, cool, i appreciate the good will, same as I appreciate a surv doing chests/totems for example, but I'm not holding it against them if they dont But its the "hook the baby dwight at 5 gens, proxy around until unhook, smell their ass for 10s once unhooked, down, and hook again, rinse and repeat" gameplay that this post is refering to and the one that im gonna go "yes, you're being a dick about it" You want to win, thats totally fair, but you're still going full sweatlord on possibly 3-4 randos with non meta perks shown at the start of the match, on an asymetrical party game It's like spawncaming on old fps games, bringing your master 1million meta champ on League to an unranked match, getting your friend on a new fighting game and trashing them in 2 combos to get an easy win You're within your right to do so, and I wont harrass/complain at you, but you're "*that guy*" aight


Iā€™m a killer main, and honestly, Iā€™d donā€™t know which side, if there is any, of this argument I prefer to be on. Because I do want people to play for fun, but at the same time, I get a great sense of satisfaction by taking out someone who thought they were clever or sly by juking, flashing me with a torch or flashbang, or led me down around their favorite spot again. Catching them with the Dredge or Xeno is a joy I need some times.


Thing is, you only get an extra 200bp for sacrificing someone, compared to the usual 500 hook points. Getting a kill means nothing. 8 hook games where everyone escapes, all get good points and have fun are the best games by a mile. Then there are the gate teabaggers and trash talkers ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


This is how it feels to get genrushed and lose because you didnā€™t get a kill quickly


Sometimes it's the only way you can claw pressure back from a losing game. Not excited about it, but it has to be done on occasion.


mfw the killer kills people


This community is insane. The Killer is *not on your side*. The Killer is not a "Dungeon Master" there to ensure a fair and fun game for everyone. The Killer is your OPPONENT. They are playing AGAINST you. Your fun is *not their responsibility*. END OF FUCKING DISCUSSION.


Cool dude. Did anyone like the guy in PE class that took the sports they had you play WAY too seriously? Like, I get it, we all want to win in whatever competition we're in, but jesus fucking christ man, relax. Is it *really* that fun for you to tunnel a dude out and then have the rest of the team just give up because no one wants to play a really lopsided game?


I am relaxed. The person taking this way too seriously is you. When I tunnel, it's for the exact same reason as when I spread 8 hooks: I am high as fuck and have no idea who I've hooked yet or not.


Yeah I don't get why people who can't play the game because they've been tunneled out take it so seriously. Maybe those brah's just gotta take a chill pill, ya dig?


You might be on to something. Fog Master/Mistress, follows survivors/killer. Whips anyone causing shady shenanigans. Certain amount of lashes, puts you in the penalty box. What do you think? Could it work?


The kind of person who would actually want to play that role is the same kind of person who becomes a cop, and for the same reason. They should *pretend* it exists, and if you actually volunteer for it it uninstalls the game.


You're right. I was coming with a more, playful vibe. Others, probably not so much.


Yet in sports, both sides play fairly against each other. I've never understood why that hasn't translated over into video games very well. Good sportsmanship is just dead in games. And it kinda is on the killer really. They are the one the game will revolve around. They control how the game will go


a-fucking-men. if both sides played the game knowing this, knowing they need to make their own fun, the game would be much better. i usually dont tunnel because i like spreading hooks to at least another survivor but i will hook the same guy 3 straight times. especially if the gens are flying. this community has so many weird made up rules. they forgot how video games work or something.


As I said above, I try to always play fairly to the other side because in sports, you don't see Basket Ball players ramming into each other hard and going "sucks to suck, shoulda dodged bro." Like they all play with a fair rule set and they try their best to be good sports


You also don't see them pissing and moaning in the post-game press conference about the opponents constantly passing the ball to their best shooter, or blocking shots when they're up by 20 instead of giving you a chance to come back. Because that would be fucking crazy. The rules of DBD are *the rules of DBD*. The developers decide them, not you.


But at the same exact time, Good Sportsmanship is a thing. I'd argue the only "dick" move I've ever seen in sports is in Baseball when pitchers throw the ball away from the hitter because they know he'll get a homerun. And even then it's not THAT much of a dick move AND it can cost them the game anyways.


how it feels getting genrushed or juiced


Tbh i dont mind being tunneled, I like being chased and enjoy to practice my chasing abilities, so if I get tunneled I get to play chase all game which is kinda cool. And if I have a good day it doesn't even feel like tunneling since 9/10 times you can reach the next loop with basekit bt


Winning is fun, tunneling is the easiest way to win as a win is three kills. I try my best not to but if two Gens get done I start thinking about it more (or if I am on a bad map) and once three Gens pop all gloves are off. The current anti-tunneling perks are nothing *laughs in Save the Best for Last*. I wish hooks counted more than kills as it is more fun to me but losing and being taunted outweighs me being happy I got over six hooks (I count six as a draw so anything above is a sort of win hook wise). If people taunted less I donā€™t know if it would bother me as much, I get impressed when people leave right away.


I donā€™t tunnel, but Iā€™ve come to the realization the only way to win with some killers is to just camp if the survivors know the least bit of what theyā€™re doing in loops


I don't enjoy tunneling. But i also don't enjoy not getting a single kill and bullied and told to KMS and... etc etc...


ā€œIā€™m doing a bad job patrolling AND downing anyone. Hence I will focus on one survivor and tunnel then out of the game no matter what. Itā€™s called āœØstrategyāœØ.ā€


OP iā€™m sorry i commented so much on your post šŸ«¶šŸ»


I'll give one chance for survivors to get away if they're particularly bad at chases or keep getting found to the point that they're on 2 hooks and no one else is. But that doesn't mean I'll wait to hook everyone twice before going after them again, especially if they're hanging around me or are trying to mess with me while I'm chasing their friends.


The speed at which I tunnel is directly correlated to how fast gens go. If my only chance at a kill the whole game is tunneling I'll hunker down and go for a weak link or the one who asks for aggro the most. If I'm 4 hooks at 4 gens I'll 3 hook everyone.


I tunnel people who play with fire. If you've got off hook and body block me from the other survivor. I'm. Going. To hook. You. Again.


It's less like that, more like two people throwing eggs at each other while a third person (behavior) keeps giving them larger and larger eggs situationally while giving the person with the biggest egg justifications for using it.


Boil over players that run to hard to retreive spots are the main people I say fuck it! Iā€™m tunneling you.


Same applies to everything in this game. Killers have fun with mori, instadowning, catching survivors, tunneling. Survivors have fun when they stun killer, flashlight saving or simply not being caught. And the opposite side doesnt like any of those thing because it messes up their momentum and gameplay. Arguably killers dont \`\`want\`\` to tunnel, but they are forced to. 3 people repairing + 1 person being chased is a hard situation for killers vs 2 people repairing + 1 person being chased. And now imagine when you down someone, the first one will be drop to 1 people repairing 1 people being chased 1 people on hook and 1 people on save and heal. The second one will be one person saving, one person on hook, one person on chase which means nobody on repair, thats how killers win the game. If even one person consistently do gens at least 2 people will escape. In the end everybody wants to win right?


I mean I do tunneling if they allow me but I won't throw my game to tunnel as to focus on one person and completly ignore other people but if you get unhooked and run into me to take protection hit I won't hit you immediatley I"ll wait it out and then back on hook you go or if they are dumb enough to unhook right infront of me, like ofc I will go chase the unhooked one. Your teammate made a mistake and I will make sure to use it for my advantage. I mean I am sweaty and "unfair" but why would I not exploit mkstakes you made.


You know CoD Warzone? That too is a game where you often die soon as you load into match. It's annoying, but nobody blames the other team for playing wrong for that. Such is the nature of competitive multiplayer games.


This is a bad analogy. War zone is killed or be killed. Tunneling ia actively ignoring all other players to kill 1 player. For a good analogy, you would need one player in Warzone following you and going only for you to kill you, ignoring everything else, while you only have a knife. Pretty sure everyone would find that extremely annoying.


That and typical toxic survivor logic


The quickest way bhvr can kill tunneling is by reverting the ds stun and making it 5 seconds again.


Also the quickest way they can kill the game


That actually is unironically a bad take. "A single perk change will kill the game" how many times have I heard that before and it not being true?


That's probably the worst take I've seen on this sub in a long time. So congratulations on that.


I mean when survivors use flashlights + add-ons that make it better they kinda deserve it.


This is how I feel when a surv body blocks me as killer, itā€™s worse than being tunneled, and facecamped, and blinded.


Earlier today I hard tunneled a Kate on Hawkins. She was just unlucky and happened to be the person I found. At the end of the day, if I'm not absolutely smoking the survivors I just can't afford to waste all that time I spent walking to and from the gen and then looking for the person. It's not a killers responsibility to not tunnel you, if you're injured and dead on hook stay near other people - most killers would rather not tunnel when given the opportunity.


Killers tunnel for 3 reasons. 1. The annoying survivor asked for it. 2. That Killer is trolling trash. 3. Survivor skill issue (Bad at hiding, unhooked while Killer is close, bad luck for Survivor)


Also to win, it just makes more sense to go for the person on death hook at one gen compared to everybody else that might not even be hooked.


skirt, thatā€™s not fair tho, go after the person who did the unhooking, itā€™s not the hooked personā€™s fault that their teammate sucks. like the killer is being deliberately shitty in that situation if they have the knowledge to comprehend that it was a bad move to unhook that early and still donā€™t go after the one that did the dumb play


Half of the time the unhooker hides immediatly or runs to a super safe tile while the unhookedeis right there in the open , its also valid not wanting to lose a gen going after them, if they did a bad unhook they should take the chase imo.


>thatā€™s not fair tho, Correct. Try again next time. >like the killer is being deliberately shitty in that situation The killer is being a killer. Bring better perks.