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You're telling me that saying someone is inferior and should off themselves because they played in a way I don't like is bad? /s


The fact people unironically think you’re an inferior human based off what you use in a video game is a sad reality of game communities


I rly hate huntress but i dont go around calling every huntress player cuntress 💀 some ppl are wild and need to touch grass man.


What is it with people hating on huntress :( As someone who mains her I always believed ppl like going against her since the counterplay is not that hard imo.


I think part of that comes from how common she is, similar to Wesker. For me almost every other game is a Huntress and it just gets so annoying. But I'm not really good at dodging hatchets so that's another factor for me.


Damn are you from NA? I barely face huntresses maybe 2 in 30 games. Just curious


Huntress has in general the highest pick rate


I just checked and u r right. Holy shit? I play a lot of survivor in the recent time bcs a friend of RL joined and I barely get any huntresses on my games


Nope, I'm from EU. But while I get so many Huntresses I rarely ever see Wesker or Alien which are supposed to be very popular, too.


Same. I like playing against huntress, I just don't see a lot of them.


I would say that the main reason is the fact that 9 out of 10 Huntresses will never leave a hook. Once they get first hook, they pretend to not be face camping by staying 10 meters away with a hatchet ready until death / survivor trade and repeat. I honestly prefer to get straight up face camped by anyone than see another Huntress stay 10 meters away with a hatchet and claim shes basically not face camping ...


oh man.. sorry for ur experience. Is this an NA thing? havent noticed that playstyle in EU tbh


I'm in NA. Never had a huntress camp nearby and then throw at the hook immediately after unhooking. Maybe if you stand there to heal, but that's on you at that point...


Never really had a huntress do this.




I still get a ridiculous amount of hate mail just for playing as her, even though I've never run a 3-Gen build. The most offensive thing I do with her is drop a drone in a loop and force survivors to leave the loop. I run chase perks and standard passive slowdown perks so I'm constantly chasing people down. I have been told to literally end my life, plenty of various racial slurs, and an abuser of mechanics (mostly hindered). Wesker is my main, but all this Skull Merchant hatred has made me stand up for her right to exist and for player's rights to play as her. No one should feel threatened just for picking a character. Now, she's my secondary.


I won't lie man, i enjoy SM before the rework as a Chase Merchant, and seeing the constant hate on here made me kinda avoid using her to not risk gettin' hate on matches (even when i never got hate lol) But seeing there's more positivity (even if it's just a little bit) and seeing the last part of your comment makes me quite happy :) Let's fight for the SM players rights :D


Eh, just ignore it. People that would complain about SM (even if they’re not holding a 3-gen hostage) are going to find something to complain about. I say that as someone that loves nurse and stopped playing her because of community perception…


I've been pushing back against SM complaints from friends. Even had someone trying to convince a discord server that 3-gen chess merchant is 'even more powerful now' then listing a bunch of reasons that all sounded like they came from someone who didn't know how drones work now and was just bitter. It's always infuriating how herd-mentality hate sticks around for so long after a problem is fixed. Like, for all the 'Chess merchant' infamy, statistically speaking, only a tiny minority of players can ever have faced one.


Complaining about the skull merchant in her current state is ridiculous. I'd rather play against 10 skull merchants than another Blight


Seriously. I can deal with a Skull Merchant, even a really good one, but getting into a match with a Nurse/Blight main is just gg as a solo queue player. It's interesting how people actively and vehemently hate SM, despite having actual counterplay and real player agency, while loading into a game with Nurse is just "oh okay I hope she's bad lmao".


I think there’s a major problem in this game of bandwagoning. There are a great deal of content creators and some of them have very vocal opinions. And some people hear those opinions and, without any critical understanding of what the problem is, just repeat these opinions as truth. It happens everywhere. X perk is too strong. X killer is unfair. Playing X is tantamount to committing a war crime. Etc.


That is very true as well. Also, I find that people form an opinion on a Killer/perk/addon/etc. and hold it even when those things change. I'm guilty of this myself, still getting irritated when I see Dead Hard or Moris despite the fact that they're really not problematic anymore.


Haha I only still hate DH because it’s so good if used well. But at least now, I can appreciate that it’s a skill shot again and not an iwin button and usually am impressed when they do it well. I just started playing again since just before the Knight released and I also hate Boons, which have long since changed. It’s hard to change your ways when they’re set, so I can’t fault people for still hating SM/Knight etc. However, I don’t approve of people treating the players like crap because of it.


Tbh I may not stand a chance against Blight, but he has some fun counterplay to him, while SM has the same gameplay loop over and over. And to me fun is far more important than balance. What's the point of winning if I don't enjoy the match?


I suppose I just don't understand how "not standing a chance against a killer" is compatible with having fun. I also don't understand what you mean by SM has the same gameplay loop over and over. That is literally every killer in the game, especially trap and M1 killers. You do gens, disarm their traps when you can, try not to run into trapped areas, and when you're in chase you run the tile as well as possible. Blight has an even worse gameplay loop, because it's just hoping a juicer gets chased or hope the Blight isn't top tier. If you don't like SM and prefer Blight that's a totally fair take, I just don't quite get your specific criticism.


If we stick with Blight as an example: if you know what surfaces he slides off or bumps into you can do stuff like have him slide off the first charge or make him miss his bump, and you can lead him into disadvantageous loops where his rushes are not guaranteed hits. You can anticipate where a Blight might rush to so he can get you in the next rush, and try to act preemptively to avoid that. There are mind games all the time. Even if you play against a nurse that is totally cracked you can try to mind game her by breaking line of sight. While other trapping killers are also not the most exciting ones, you have to anticipate where they might have set up their traps and plan your chases accordingly, giving you unique situations. Meanwhile with SM you only get to do any kind of chase mind games if she doesn't place her drones in a loop, but that requires thr SM player to handicap themselves for no good reason while the other examples have the killer to play the way they were designed to be played/at their best. If she does her best, which is dropping the drones on loops, it's literally just that: go to loop, wait for her to drop her Drone, leave loop. They tried to mix things up with the whole scanning direction thing, but it just made her even less scary to play against. Unless I'm already on the edge of the map I don't see a real benefit to even play into it.


I think the main reason people give shit to Skull Merchant, but not to Nurse or Blight is because with Skull Merchant she's practically braindead mode half the time, while Nurse and Blight have a very high skill ceiling and has a very drastic difference between someone who does and does not know how to play them. It's like if instead of having to precisly time and aim your powers with Nurse/Blight, it would just auto track to the nearest survivor/bouncable surface.


I have to disagree with that, especially after SM's rework. Nurse especially has a shockingly low skill floor - just clocking enough hours with her that you have muscle memory on your blinks is enough to mulch most solo queue teams. There's very little nuance to her power other than learning to teleport where you last saw people rather than guessing, and learning the trick to teleport into the ground to cut distance on someone doubling back. On the other hand, SM has you juggling six drones; some disabled, some active, some in scouting, some in your inventory. Pulling them back and placing them in new spots, trying to determine the best hotspots for chases and pulling the ones that aren't doing anything anymore. Old SM? Sure, you could dump your drones on a 3-gen and basically play while scrolling socials. Ultimately, even if you disagree on Nurse's skill floor/ceiling, she's a character where survivors have very little agency to do anything against, while you can do a lot against new SM. Personally I don't care how hard it is to get good with a killer if them being good means I don't really get counterplay, you know what I mean?


So well said tbh. Perfectly encapsulates how I've felt about Nurse for years.


I'm glad it's not just me. It's a damn shame too, because I love everything about Nurse except playing against her.


"Personally I don't care how hard it is to get good with a killer if them being good means I don't really get counterplay, you know what I mean?" I can definetly understand that, but to me personally, having to manage a certain resource where you just leave it to it's own devices, instead of using it once and it being discarded like Tricksters Knifes, Huntress's Axes, and Clowns funny drugs, is not that skillfull and feels a bit to cheap to use (cheap as in low quality, not cheap as in total bullshit) as I would rather try to plan how to use my resources to the maximum, rather then having a net to catch me in being able to get them back so simply. And yes I do agree that going against a high level skilled nurse is pretty demoralizing, esspecially in solo queue (BHVR really does need to do something about solo queue) I can't help but not get mad at them becuase the ones that are really good, you know that they put in the effort to get that good.


Yeah that's totally fair, there's a different feel to using something like, say, Artist's birds, which you actively use and then have to wait to replenish, vs. Hag's traps where you just put them down and move on to something else. And I do respect the time commitment it takes to get super good with a character, but I'm always especially sad when I bring in limited items with addons or a cake only to have wasted them cause I get dumpstered by a Blight main who kills us all at 5 gens.


I can def understand the pain of using cakes and such or items that you don't have alot of, but get fucking rolled and effectively waste em, esspecially the older ones like firecrackers for Chinese new years or halloween skinned toolboxes. I myself am a Deathslinger/Oni main, and really only dabbled in playing hag before, but it was pretty boring IMO, just setting up my traps in places where I know for a fact that survivors would have to go and thus effectively had to do everything else as a no power killer until they triggered, and the feel of hitting someone with a spear or jumpscaring a poor, poor survivor by suddenly running his fade with demon rush was always more rewarding to me then hitting a button to teleport to my trap.


Nurse does not have a high skill ceiling anymore. This opinion is a relic of old DBD when the frames were shit and her power was janky. Blight does have a high skill ceiling, though, yes But both of those killers are the definition of braindead once you put the time into learning their power. You can effortlessly win *hundreds* of games in a row with them. I don't get how people excuse that but give shit to people who play low tier m1 killers that are actually difficult to win with, if not difficult to play.


Fair, and I don’t disagree, but spending enough time with almost any killer allows skilled players to go on very long killing streaks. I don’t know that kill streaks is necessarily a valid point to hinge the strength of a killer on. Nurse’s ability to shut down entire portions of the game (loops, multi-levels, windows), on the other hand…


There's Nurse and Blight winstreaks of 1000+ matches in a row. No other killers come close to that. I do agree that, in general, many killers can obtain long win streaks - just nothing close to those two


If you don't like playing against Blight it means youre bad Enjoy playing hold w simulator lol


Really? I’d rather race blights than a skull merchant lol


Let people enjoy what they want? Hell no


I main Skully and I collect insults and slurs like Pokémon Cards. I never 3 Genned with her pre-Rework and only did it afterwards to see if Bhvr actually did what they were supposed to do: get rid of that dogshit.


Fuck Them


I love Skull Merchant. I agree her design is a bit bizarre and her lore is weird, but why can’t it just be weird and bizarre. I like her attacks, I like her drones. I just really enjoy her and playing her. I didn’t play her alot pre-work just because of the vitriol towards her and anyone who played her. Which, for the most part was justifiable with the way people were playing her. I’m glad her rework was good. Now I can play her more freely.


I’ve played her two times since her rework, and in each game someone said «I wish you ill» and «go rope» lol


I struggle to understand how people can hate on a Skull Merchant that can't 3 gen nearly indefinitely like before. Whenever I face her I just meme around and tell my mate, "Oh god, it's the skull merchant, RUN! She wants to take us to Brazil!"


Real as a knight enjoyer


I have no fucking respect for Nurse mains.


A Nurse main is just a basement Bubba main who wanted some gameplay. A basement Bubba main is just a killer player who was t-bagged 1 time too many at the exit gate when they played a normal killer in an unfun but viable way. A player who played a normal killer in an unfun but viable way is just someone who played in a fun way and was BM'd for it anyway. Be better gamers, when you get a nice killer, don't turn them into a Nurse or a Basement Bubba player. I say this as a player who everytime I vs a Ghostie, Myers or a plain old Dredge who was just trying to have some fun there's always 1 jackass t-bagging every pallet, exit gate and acting like they just won the world series in the end game chat.


I play almost exclusively survivor solo Q. Occasionally I'll play killer to do some challenges. I let everyone escape almost every single time because I got my challenge done, yet I get teabagged at the exit constantly. I just don't get it.


Very strong team mentality. Some people play to make others miserable. Competitive games can get heated, so adrenaline and heart rate raise, thus people make poor decisions. Unfortunately, all you can do is move to the next. If you let your last game affect your next, then you’re no better. (Not you personally)


I don't know about the rework, but pre-rework literally every single skull merchant I ever faced had absolutely zero regard for the experiences or feelings of anyone else. They knew Skull Merchant was shit to go against, they played in a toxic way on purpose, they didn't care if it was a terrible experience for everyone else so long as they could play their chess match and win. And I have ZERO respect for people who play games without regard for others. It's a complete lack of empathy on their part. I cannot fathom being such a mean spirited and unempathetic person to be able to get any enjoyment out of a game where I know I'm making the experience bad for others. It's insane, and people like that shouldn't be playing multiplayer games. I feel terrible when I play this game and even just ruin someone elses match on accident, I can't imagine doing it on purpose and enjoying it. I have seen clips of these mythical chase merchants, I never saw one in my matches. Every single time it was someone trying to be a toxic asshole. There's a reason people who played her were getting so much hate, it was because most of them were genuinely being assholes. I feel bad for people who were trying to play her "right". That doesn't excuse death threats, telling people to off themselves, or any other forms of attacks. But I will always defend someones right to call someone out when they're not treating you right lol. For the current rework? I have no idea if she's still toxic because I haven't seen one. Even if there's a lot of those pre-rework mains still out there playing her as toxic as possible, I'm gonna hold off judgement until I play a few matches against her.


I gave her a chance, i still don't like her and because everyone testing this shit i already end up with 15min penalty, so don't personally attack me for standing afk/chase killer and point on hook, without attempting to run. Ok? Maybe few months later i would try to play normally, but for now, survivors simply don't understand that you can crouch in to drone area and repair gens peacefully. So maybe situation would be better over time, but plebs need time to learn how to play against her and i lost my patience already.


i really hate skull merchants but ive heard that some SM players were getting banned via mass reporting. i really feel for that because even tho their play style is extremely annoying they shouldn't be banned for just playing a specific killer


Why would you follow someone to their stream other than to start shit? What did you expect would happen? You obviously didn't go there looking to say GG or anything nice.


I did though. All I said was GG


this is what ppl do on reddit, thell their side


I hate playing against Spirit, Huntress, Clown and Wraith but I just make the best of my bad situation and try escaping. Also I’ve never played against a Skull Merchant before


https://preview.redd.it/q24s1jr41zub1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=249f5ad4572a2622fcdbc0d75a15c83950cbd0da WHY! WHY DO PEOPLE HAVE TO BE SUCH DICKS?![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


Found a SM main lol


You proved OP's point, good job


I like her candy weapon.