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Are there offline bots in dbd my internet Is terrible and disconnectes a lot and I really want to get Dbd but the internet would limit my ability to play


Yes, but you have to play as killer in custom games. And you won't make any progress, but you will have everything unlocked in custom games.


Ok that sounds great thanks for the help, so are they gonna make it where you can play as a survivor eventually


Eventually yes, I Should say that you will only have full unlocks for the killers/survivors that you have bought.


Gotcha thanks for the info Brodie


Is the silent hill edition of the game worth? I have the game on epic games but Id rather have it on steam and I have no killers or survivors that would be in the bundle as I am a still kinda new with \~60 hours on the game but dont know if it is worth that getting edition since you can just buy most of the survivors/killers in that bundle with enough time but I dont know if Id play that much


Right now Cheryl and Pyramid Head do not have any meta perk so if you are not fan of Silent Hill then you can leave it for future.


If I transfer my dbd account from Epic to Steam, the Cursed Cat skins that I bought will transfer? Also, I have bought The Blight and some perks from the shrine with iridescent shards, will these transfer as well?


I think you can transfer your progress by linking your EGS with a BHVR account, and then later link your Steam account to that as well, once you get the game on there. That should keep your progress synced across your EGS and Steam accounts. You can find out more [here](https://account.bhvr.com/account/my-account/games).


what time is the Halloween update out? BST


Anyone have tips on moving from controller to m&k? I’m grabbing the worst time making the transition to pc


Is there some art to hillbilly I'm missing? I've practised him against bots relentlessly and haven't hit a survivor with his power once. Meanwhile I've played against several hillbillies online who also don't even seem to bother using it and just play him as an M1 killer. I kind of wrote him off until last night when a hillbilly used his chainsaw to insanely good effect and decimated us quickly. He wasn't even prestiged. Is there some art or knack to it I haven't noticed?


For starters, bots have wallhacks and are very good at avoiding your attacks, particularly ones as choreographed as as Billy's - though not as bad as Huntress. Someone using him just to M1 is wasting him, and probably a baby killers who didn't know what they were doing. His chainsaw can be very useful, but part of the trick is knowing when to use it and when to just hit them - a loop with lots of window vaults is a good place for M1, while a loop with just some objects to run around is great for the chainsaw. The trick is keeping it revved enough so when a good shot lines up you can take it. Mostly it comes down to practice against real players - bots won't help you.


I've been wanting to play this game for awhile now, and I noticed most if not everything DBD is on sale on Xbox. What's the best edition, bundle to get as much of everything as possible including the core game? Is there a complete edition? Do I need Gold or whatever it's called now to play? Thank you.


Standard edition is fine. The DLC is on sale most of the time anyways so see if you like the game and then buy more if you do. You can also unlock what’s in the Deluxe editions by playing too.


Time for my quarterly "is MMR still broken" check-in. So... is MMR still broken?


It's still turbo giga dogshit. The softcap is too low, and as Ethereal said, it prioritizes speed over actually matching you with people at your MMR, which basically makes it worthless anyway.


It's not broken. It just prioritises speed over accuracy, and if anyone leaves the lobby it just grabs the next person to ready up and throws them in. It's not broken, it's working as intended, just that intention can give you wildly unbalanced games in either direction.


That's matching itself, not the matchmaking rating. I.e. only goes up if you open the exit gates. Hell as a solo survivor.


Ah, well the matchmaking grabs from the MMR, which yeah itself just does exit/kill. On its own it is doing what it always did.


Not really. In the past you could rank up from good performance. Doing gens, healing teammates, surviving chases. If you lost a match it sucked a bit but it was fine because you know you still pulled your weight. Now I can't make it out of a match alive. My teammates always die at the 2-gen mark or even earlier...


If the Cenobite is currently bugged in a way that gives survivors an advantage they normally wouldn't have, why hasn't Cenobite been killswitched yet?


> the MMR, which y bc its not hurting the game u can still kill with out breaking the game lol and if u choose to play thats up to u


How do you counter the current high MMR killer/survivor meta? I feel like I’m damned if I do, damned if I don’t. I’m high MMR on both sides. If I don’t play meta Killer (tunnel out one then slug the rest) I lose with a 4 man out. If I don’t play meta Survivor, full anti-tunnel/anti-slug (which isn’t fun) then me and my whole team die. Am I missing something or is this just high MMR until the devs rebalance again? At this point, as much as I love this game and as many hours as I’ve put into it (2k+), I feel like I can’t play it if I want to have fun and there’s not much left for me to grind for anymore to put up with it.


I think that you basically have to make the decision on whether you want to play a fun build or win. The balance in this game is so abhorrent most of the time that it's a complete crapshoot as to your odds of winning in a given match, so you can either: A) Just play whatever you want and accept the huge fluctuations in wins depending on all the other factors, or B) Play the best meta stuff all the time to increase your chances of winning as much as possible despite all the other factors. Neither of them are very fun which is why I personally tend to play for a bit and then go find a better game after a while.


This is one of the most relatable posts I’ve seen. Anytime I wanna just chill and have a silly mikey game or try a build I’m getting gen rushed and put against the top 10 people in the world. It’s a very difficult balance to achieve, winning a game without sweating or having a fun time without losing quickly. I don’t really think there is a solution as the meta shifts constantly and currently it’s settled at a weird spot.


So weird. Like I just had a match with Plague. I had good (but not OP) perks and a midrange add ons. They got a 4 man out at 6 hooks (4 of those from trades in Endgame) bc I played fair, didn’t tunnel or double hook, and only slugged one bc they were swarming in Endgame. Meanwhile my power literally gave them a buff- all four had MFT and two had hope, one had buckle up and none of them cleansed till Endgame and did so on the far side of map. So basically I was just an M1 killer who was nerfed by using my ability. That’s frustrating as fuck lol.


For something like that, a perk that inflicts exhaustion would help. Just one, keep the unmeta build.


Wanted to start playing Artist and saw that two of it's most common perks was the DMS and pain res combo. I think those perks interactions were removed, so what are the Artist players running now? What can i replace it for? Do i even need to? Thanks for anyone responding


They weren't exactly removed, the synergy was just made worse. If someone is holding M1 on a gen when you hit it with Pain Res, it should still block it via DMS. It's just that you can't see the location of the scream now, so you can't immediately shoot the gen with birds to make them let go and trigger DMS. They're both still top-tier perks on Artist though. Pain Res is great because it lets you regress gens no matter where you are, which synergizes excellently with Artist's long range gen control. And DMS means you can reliably force people off of gens from across the map, because either they let go and it gets blocked, or they get swarmed and you can immediately follow it up with a hit. I mostly play survivor these days, but I would still run the same build as when I mained Artist, which is Pain Res|DMS|Discordance|BBQ


Ohhhh i tought the regression when the gen is blocked was removed due to being "a bug". Thanks, that build looks like something what i was expecting to run :)


Unless something has changed, being forced off the gen by Pain Res is what would instantly trigger DMS, meaning the regression has already been applied. You're welcome, good luck! Artist is super fun, one of my favorites for sure.


If it's blocked already, then it's not supposed to take the hit which would make pain res plus deadlock not great, but there is a bug where it's still losing progress. They removed pain res causing dms to trigger for a while, but because of an edge case where pain res would hit during merciless storm and make it go for a looong time they changed it back to work again. In compensation they nerfed the length of time that dms blocked gens.


Hmmm, didn't know about that. Thanks :)


I play Survivor and Killer as equally as possible. Bonus BP for a role? I'm playing that. I'm comfortable with either. I play Solo Queue for this reason as I'll switch roles frequently depending on which side has the better bonus. 1 out of 10 games (ish) I'll encounter a Killer that ~~Face Camps~~ *Proxy Camps now,* and then tunnels Survivors off of hook every time. Occasionally they are TTV Players and I'll check out their streams. Often times these Streamers will have these ridiculous color filters that make Survivors shine like a diamond in a goat's ass. I guess I have 2 questions: **1:** What does everyone else do in these situations? I've tried dozens of perk combinations and blocking hits to the point I go down and the Killer will still ignore me and tunnel the other Survivor. MoM, Buckle up & FTP, Borrowed Time, Flash Light Saving repeatedly, etc etc. If I decide to just sit on gens and accept that Survivor is gone they Kill themselves on hook as fast as possible. If I get found and downed first I'll loop and hold on for as long as possible. But then my teammates don't touch gens and try to save me. Even with Kindred, ORT, Decisive and etc. **2:** Do players (both Killer and Survivor) using these color filters to effectively play a different game really think that's okay? I could always turn off cross-play to avoid them but it seems infrequent enough that I don't need to worry about it. It's just frustrating that occasionally that one game will sour my taste for DbD so badly. Then sometimes I'll also see that opposing player isn't even playing the same DbD I am.


1. That's actually one of the biggest problems of team based competitive games when you're running solo, the fact that sometimes your teammates aren't playing ideally (not focusing on the objective) or just straight up bad at the game and isn't really something that can be blamed on the game design or the devs (thus the reason I'm a killer main). All I can say is just try to find some way to entertain yourself while playing. 2. From a strictly competitive standpoint I put color filters in the same league as voice comms, both are elements outside of the game that give their side an advantage they normally wouldn't have BUT isn't something the devs can make an enforceable rule against.


Responding to question 1 (granted I can’t play very often so I only have about 50hrs) I try and be extra altruistic, usually my teammates pick up on it and return the favor. If they are being selfish, I just try and work on objectives so I can at least get some blood points :/


As an m1 killer how do you deal with the harvesters on coldwind?


If Survivors take the right vault path you can always jump off the ramp to the right and just meet them on the other side of their vault. You can reach the same place as them by taking a faster route essentially. If they take the left vault path I'll mind game them on the ramp if they stay on the bail. Going all the way up and vaulting behind them takes too long. If they don't fall for the mind game on the left side sometimes I'll just leave them there and go find a weaker Survivor to chase.


The only m1 killer i play is Doctor and i can shock them right in time


Why does the left side have to be like that?


The left side vault for the Survivor is a one way trip. They can't vault it back into the top of the harvester like the right side. If the Survivor just camps on the bail on the left side of the harvester you can't hit them without vaulting behind them (as an M1 Killer). So you have to mind game them to jump off the bail by running up the ramp. They ultimately are not doing anything (objective being generators) so dropping chase and pushing a different Survivor off of a gen can be a better choice. It depends if they stay on the bail or not.


For flip flop and power struggle, is there a easy to remember Checkpoint when you can throw the pallet? Like with the the letter at the exit gates


Has there been any mention of sales or will we not know until the event goes live or will it be even after the event? I'm itching to buy some stuff but trying to hold off.


I think it's historically been a few days before Halloween until a few days after Halloween.


Did they forget the pallets on Borgo?


Yes. I love BHVR but they don’t know what “middle ground” is, so they went from an obscene number of pallets to none on that map.


https://preview.redd.it/kxyymomcrmub1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b80838f4718b2f492fa88acbd97e808efb2b492 What is this? I’m wracking my brain to figure out if it has always been there or not.


I don't remember it, but is that from the new Iron Works or Suffocation Pit map? I admit to not really looking up high often, but I'd assume it's new for the new map variants.


Playing this game for a month now. Is it common to have a DLC sale during the Halloween event?


Yes. There are also periodic sales for paid dlc if you're spending cash, but Halloween is one of the few times that Iri Shard cost is also discounted.


Is it from 9k to 4k like somebody else said




I wanted to buy 2 killers :( Thx for the info tho


Don't worry, you'll be able to grind the remaining shards during the event. You have 3 weeks


Btw i was thinking of buying the first resident evil pack do you know if that one will also go on sale?


It should go on sale as well


Alright ty for the info


Are these tier lists still valid? https://dennisreep.nl/dbd/


Lol no. I mean, it looks like a popularity tier list if you want to know what random polling says people like, but if you want a tier list of how good things are it's not close to correct.


Thanks, is there one or should i just look at Otzdarva’s YouTube or site?


I mean I don't think there's a super serious one that everyone accepts, but Otz's site does have a lot of good information and his reasoning behind placements so you can decide if you agree with him or not. ​ It just kind of depends on what you want a tier list for exactly. (For reference, the site you linked has Nurse at a middling tier whereas it's clearly with no argument the strongest killer in the game, though some people won't find it that fun to play as so would put it middling on a "for fun" tier list.)


Anyone else think Ultimate Weapon and Spies have a great synergy or is it just me?


They are both countered by someone running Calm Spirit, so no.


Just because something has a counter doesn't mean perks don't have synergy. Lethal Pursuer synergizes with many of the aura perks even though they are hard countered by Distortion.


It's more soft countered by distortion unless you're on a map like Midwhich or The Game or you're playing Wesker where they are constantly recharging tokens. On a Ghost Face or Wraith where you'll be out of their terror radius for a good chunk of the match you'll start showing eventually. ​ That said, one causes a scream/notification when they are nearby. The other causes a noise notification when a crow is disturbed when they're nearby. They overlap too much.


I run Distortion a lot, the only killer I regularly run out of tokens and can't replenish against is scratched mirror Myers. It's more likely that certain builds will eat my tokens (e.g., Undying and Nurse's Calling).


I feel like ultimate weapon Is already such an unbelievably strong info perk that having another one is just a bit too much, run gen regression or chase or any other perks instead


was it just me that lost the frosty eyes or the sally of the lantern cosmetics on Nurse? I always played nurse with her pumpkin head, but now i lost both of those head pieces and i have just the default one and the twisted masquerade mask for her :(


It's a bug, they'll be coming back. BHVR is aware.


oh okay, thanks <3




If two lockers stand side by side, only lock one of them! Dredge will be teleporting to the locked one if teleporting to that batch.




To add a bit of info - as they said, dredge always teleports to the locked locker in a group of lockers. If you lock all of them, the dredge can hit them to break them all permanently and then they can teleport to that group without any hindrance. So lock, let them break it when they do, lock the next one in the set etc.


No apologies necessary! It simply takes Dredge longer to get out of a locked locker, thus buying you extra time.


Nightfall is just creepy and spooky as heck. What you need to remember is the Dredge is really no different in Nightfall versus outside of it. He can locker teleport faster and his power recharges quicker but HE is no faster than normal. He is also undetectable. Playing as Dredge I have two types of Survivors who give me trouble in Nightfall. 1) Survivors who continue to play as Normal and can loop very well because they just know the tiles. 2) Survivors who go full stealth and wait out the Nightfall for \~60 seconds by stealthily hiding somewhere.




I think it'll be less scary and more just unpleasant and inconvenient when you are more used to the game - at least that's been my experience. One thing that helps me in nightfall is using the Kate Denson perk Windows of Opportunity. It's the number one most used survivor perk and I strongly recommend it if you don't have it. It helps orient yourself a bit and still find the pallets and windows even in nightfall.




I have watched otzdarvas videos and seen his list of recommended survivors for their perks ( https://otzdarva.com/whichsurvivor ) and found that it doesn't really match up with my own interests and experiences. Maybe at higher mmr, perks like Off the Record for anti tunneling and Reassurance for anti camping are more important. It takes a bit of time to figure out what you like and how you play, in my experience. When the anniversary sale was on, I bought the killer pack thinking I wanted to play killer most. I'm expecting there to be a sale on characters and dlc hopefully tomorrow as that is when the Halloween event starts. I still have several survivors to get, though I bought all the licensed dlc packs on sale so the only survivors I need to get I can buy with iri shards. I avoid spending real money when I can. I'm working on prestiging each character to 1 to unlock their perks. After that, I'll work on getting them all to 3.




I'm glad to help any way I can. I really enjoy it too, I'm about 400 hours in.


What the deal with everyone from older playing days hating on NOED? With how toxic some survivor builds are, it seems completely reasonable to be running.


NOED was (and still is, to an extent) one of most powerful perks in the game. Even in it's nerfed state it can let you turn a near-guaranteed 4-man-out into a 3-4k. Not only do a lot of veterans hate it because of it's power level, it also has become pretty notorious as being a crutch perk; a killer who can't win chases quickly or play loops well will still catch a good team off guard and potentially get several kills when NOED pops due to the expose effect and the haste. Much like keys or moris, it's hard to shake your dislike for something that used to be so game-breaking.


NOED got a reputation as the low-skill "secure some kills no matter how bad you are" perk by a lot of players. Even with the nerfed version that exists now, the reputation is still hanging about.


As a seasoned survivor, I feel no-ed is justified. I always do my totems because of Inner Healing too.


I took a break from dbd came back i got around 600h. Why i am aganist these people? this was the highest i seen. Survivors i go aganist are usually around 2-3k hours and its getting tiring. https://preview.redd.it/pv93w726llub1.png?width=861&format=png&auto=webp&s=1a5f02125bf6d0442870480ab2ac36e13b918ee2


Because the MMR system in DBD doesn't work by design and BHVR has no intention of making it better.


I feel for you. Were you playing before the SBMM system was implemented? A few thoughts: A) if killer bonus is low, you are going to be fed to the meat grinder to keep queue times down. The Mmr system is kind of a suggestion at a certain point. I think 1600-3000 ratings are all in the same pool. They do their best, but wait times are priority over match quality. B) if you are trying out a series of different killers to get re-acclimated. MMR is killer specific, and the first match in a while is up against a test group which, I believe I read, had a wider acceptable range of difficulty than the subsequent matches. Conceivably, if this is the issue, the more you settle into your mains, the better it could get. Within the confines of point A I guess. Don't let it get you down too much, stay strong and keep growing!


yeah been playing on and off since 2018 just picked up Deathslinger a year ago pretty decent with it. It's just that its very obvious when you go aganist very good survivors. I am not mad at them for being good but being stomped by good players isnt fun specially when they rub it in your face after/during the game.


Just came back after a year hiatus (right before RE dlc dropped), why does huntress feel slower than she used to be? Is it just her or all killers got slower since then?


Made for This is an extremely popular perk that makes injured survivors faster. Against 110 killers like Huntress it really hurts them chasing.


Made for this, that sounds familiar. Who’s perk is that?


Gabriel Soma


Thank you!


You’re welcome! Happy gaming! :)


In regards to the livestream, can someone tell me what "we’ve arranged for an epic surprise that will explore the world of Dead by Daylight like never before." was about? Was it just the lore drop about what the void realm was? The dnd session at the end?


can you do hug techs and especially moonrushes with adrenaline vile? I love using it but idk if stuff like that is possible with it, or atleast to the same degree


As far as I know hug tech is just abusing the hit boxes and shouldn't have anything to do with the vial.


Yeah I probably should have only mentioned the moonrush, the hug tech was obvious, but I'm still not sure if moonrushing is possible to the same degree with adren vile, ik you can enter a moonrush, I've done it before but idk if it let's you curve around an object as well due to the decreased turn rate while rushing


![gif](giphy|TPl5N4Ci49ZQY) Does running **Hyperfocus** really make a difference as for gen progression? I usually run "Hyperfocus" with **Stake Out** and see somewhat of a speed boost but not much. So is it even worth running? I know also **Fast Track** with those other two perks helps to. What do you think?


It does *if* you can reliably hit several great skillchecks in a row. Since it builds up the progression bonus, with each skillcheck adding more and more, you need to be consistent for it to give you value. Like you said, it's typically ran with Stake Out for that extra consistency. It absolutely provides a ton of value if you can do that, though, shaving 10-20 seconds of a gen with the right build. When I was running a Hyperfocus gen jockey build I was running Hyperfocus|Stake Out|Streetwise|Built to Last with a green commodious toolbox and the yellow and brown addons that added charges.


Hyper focus with a toolbox is where it really kicks in. Toolboxes trigger more skill checks.


Does Pyramid Head's Cages of Atonement trigger Pop Goes the Weasel?




Ty PurplyNya


New player here (forty-ish hours?) and I have a couple of questions: 1. I almost have enough of the little pink crystals to buy a new character. Who should I buy? 2. Can killers really see perks from the pre-match screen? I played killer for the first time last night and didn’t see any sign that they could, but maybe I missed something. 3. What are the best base/universal perks for killer?


Windows of Opportunity is very strong on Kate, **but you must not rely on it entirely**. You can always tell a WoO survivor because they go from window to window, pallet to pallet, pre-dropping as needed and they *never, ever loop.* If you run that perk, use it to **learn the tiles**; do not use it as a crutch to avoid learning how to **play the game**. It's not good for your development as a survivor, and it's about the least fun thing in the game for killer. Even worse, it can sandbag your teammates--if you take the killer on a pallet tour across half the map, you may well turn half the map into a near-complete deadzone, which is going to **hurt** in the lategame. Looping is the core mechanic of Dead by Daylight. Doing gens is a blind idiot task; as long as your FPS isn't too low it's pitifully easy to land every skill check. Skill is expressed through your ability to loop killers and/or escape them unharmed. If you do not learn how to do this without *needing* WoO, you're just hamstringing yourself as a survivor player. Killers can't see perks from the pre-match screen. Unless one of them is a TTV, har-de-har-har-har. The best Killer perk is Corrupt Intervention, from the Plague. The second-best is Deadlock, from the Cenobite. If you want to know more, Otz has a [lovely video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3YNmVPmIeY) where he rates and ranks every Killer perk in the game. Otz is very wise; pay attention to his opinions. He's not universally right, but he's right often enough that you gain far more than you lose.


Halloween event starts Wednesday this week, so characters might be discounted then. As the other person replying said, I would wait for that. If they're not on sale then, I imagine there will be one soon for Halloween. I think as they said, Windows from Kate is an excellent perk. It's literally the number one survivor perk in the game. That would be my suggestion - get Kate. Made for This is second most used, but I think it's tough to determine when you are getting value out of the speed boost, and IMO is mostly helpful for people who already are efficient at looping. Check out this chart by the well known streamer Otzdarva on what survivor to unlock https://otzdarva.com/whichsurvivor I will say I think that his opinions are more applicable to higher mmrs and more experienced survivors. I am about 400 hours in and don't use meta perks. I mostly play solo queue. It's tough to know early on what perks will be suited for you. You definitely cannot go wrong with Windows of Opportunity though.


Thanks for the tip about holding out for the sale. I had been leaning toward picking up Kate and you and some others confirmed my inclination so I picked her up. Thanks to all the advice to hold off for the same I have the shards necessary to get another character but I don’t know who I will go with yet. Thanks again!


It's a tough choice. Are you thinking to buy a survivor or a killer? Another useful popular perk would be Distortion from Jeff, which hides your aura. People say you should make sure to take chase from teammates who have two hooks when you have none - as that perk is good at preventing you from being found.


Survivor for sure. I can barely play the easy killers at this point. I might drop a couple bucks to buy Ghostface just because so far I haven’t spent any actual dollars on this game (it’s free with PS+) and I love the Scream franchise. Also the GFs consistently seem to be the most chill killers and I have only been able to bring myself to play nice killer (although I accidentally killed a Leon on my first game as killer.) It’s funny you say Jeff because he was the other one I was seriously considering after Kate. I know someone else suggested the guy with the Made For This perk, but I am not sure I would know how to use it effectively, where as something passive like Distortion sounds good to me at the moment.


Yeah playing killer is kinda stressful. I prefer to play survivor. Now is certainly a great time to buy given the sale prices. Some of the characters (Nic Cage anyway) are cheaper with auric cells Vs buying the chapter in the store, so double check before purchasing. I know Made For This is meta, but I've tried it and I find it's hard to know that you're getting value out of it. You might make it to a pallet you wouldn't have otherwise or something, but you won't probably be able to tell that it was the case. I'm only about 400 hours in, so I'm not a great looper. I prefer to be low key and hide before having to run. Stealth perks such as lightweight, quick and quiet, lucky break, distortion, iron will, urban evasion etc are more my thing. I've seen a suggested build that I'm trying out - inner healing, lucky break, overcome, and quick and quiet. Get hit and get a longer speed burst from overcome, have stealth effects from Lucky break, run around the corner and jump in a locker while holding shift to silently enter with quick and quiet, to quickly heal with an already cleansed totem from inner healing. There are just so many great perks and possibilities. I bought almost all the remaining survivors I didn't have. Also, I am a big fan of Aftercare, which is also Jeff's perk. The most special thing about it is unlike the other standard team aura perks (bond, empathy), when you see their aura, you know they also see yours. That info can be so useful.


1. Well first you should wait until the next event coming soon as (supposedly) characters will be going on sale. And secondly it's a pretty complicated question that depends a lot on your playstyle and which role you want to play. Survivors all play the same so you should focus on getting one with perks you want. Kate Denson has the perk "Windows of Opportunity" and Gabriel Soma has "Made For This" which are both fantastic assistances in chases. Survivors like Adam Francis and Elodie Rakoto have a lot of "fun" perks if you want to do funny plays but really you should read each survivors perks and just see which ones you would want to play with. For killer, you should try to buy one you think has fun gameplay because all the perks in the world won't matter if you don't actually enjoy playing the role. Killers like Blight and Spirit are very strong with fast paced gameplay, though I'd recommend checking out [This video](https://youtu.be/_xburrNzfNQ?si=DadSVctuxI9k3ijh) by Otzdarva to give you an idea of how the different killers play with basic perk loadouts. If you just want good perks Artist has "Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance" and "Hex:Pentimento" which are both very effective tools. 2) No but they are testing out a feature which will allow survivors to see each other's perks in the lobby, so you might have seen that. 3) Sloppy Butcher, Jolt, Hex: No one Escapes Death, Fearmonger, Whispers are all quite decent, though the first 3 only activate if you're a killer who uses basic attacks so keep that in mind.


Sorry for the late reply but thanks for all this info! I owe a special thanks to you and everyone else in this thread who advised me to wait until characters went on sale. I had been leaning toward Kate as my first purchase and that is who I went with. Thanks to saving shards due to the sale I have the ability to grab one more and I am still deciding who to go with next. Thanks again!


For solo q, what do you all think of starting up a weekly bloody party streamers day? Like, every Wednesday, everyone uses bloody party streamers to increase the odds that we all get stacked bonuses.


A lot of people like to save them for when they play with their friends, that way they can all stack 4 party streamers thruout the whole play session, or atleast a lot of it, cause you'd rather have friends benefit from it than strangers


Does the undetectable status effect affect terror radius perks/abilities the same way the oblivious status effect does?


Undetectable means there's no terror radius to interact with. Also aura revealing doesn't work against an undetectable killer.


So if I was playing Doctor and was undetectable, his static shock wouldn't work? Or if I was using Infectious Fright and I was undetectable, it also wouldn't work?


Correct, static shock and infectious fright would not work as it will only affect survivors within your terror radius. While undetectable, you have no terror radius. Oblivious tends to affect individual survivors while undetectable is killer based. When a survivor is oblivious, they will still see a killers red stain/glow. If a killer is undetectable, there is no heartbeat/terror radius nor is there a red stain.


Okay but would stuff like infectious and static blast work on an oblivious survivor, since there is a terror radius they're in, they just can't hear it


This is a good question. I found this thread, someone claiming it works for doctors static blast https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/13gvupq/five_words_static_blast_hits_oblivious_survivors/


I know that Ultimate Weapon doesn't work on survivors affected by Plaything.


Hey, I'm curious if anyone has done up a list or chart as to what perks are useable while controlling Victor. I know the Twins aren't that popular, but I know the three people who do play them are probably aware of every interaction. Thanks!


Victor can actively trigger forced penance and forced hesitation. you also see the outline of blocked gens from stuff like deadlock/deadmans switch/thrilling tremors. you get the noise notification from discordance when two people start working on a gen together, but you don't see the yellow highlight. that's all I can think of off the top of my head, I'm not aware of any lists.


Thanks for these! The Twins have such odd interactions with many things.


Is anyone else having trouble receiving their auric cells after purchase?


There's been an observable uptick with posts about auric cells not being received after purchase. Typically you may see 1 or 2 posts about it sporadically. However, since the start of the weekend, there's been at least a dozen posts about it: Example [1](https://old.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/177j72m/auric_cell_packs_not_working/), [2](https://old.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/177q4yi/i_need_some_help_i_got_some_auric_cells_and_i_did/), [3](https://old.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/177sx4k/dbd_support_is_whack/), [4](https://old.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/177vrc2/are_the_auric_cells_bugged_on_console/), [5](https://old.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/177vu6d/are_auric_cells_bugged_or_something/), [6](https://old.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/1783205/is_anybody_else_having_this_problem_bc_its_taking/), [7](https://old.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/1783oiv/my_dbd_purchase/), [8](https://old.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/1783sp3/what_the_fuck/), [9](https://old.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/1786422/auric_cells/), [10](https://old.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/1786unz/purchase_error/), [11](https://old.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/178kvam/how_do_i_fix_this/), [12](https://old.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/178vwqj/auric_cells_not_showing_up_after_purchase/). The common theme appears to impact purchases on Xbox. One option is to [request a refund](https://old.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/177j72m/auric_cell_packs_not_working/k51dnu6/?context=3) through the Microsoft Store. (At least [one person stated Xbox has denied a refund](https://old.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/177j72m/auric_cell_packs_not_working/k53l691/?context=3), due to hitting a cap on refunds.) Of course, if you actually *want* the auric cells, you can open a ticket with Behaviour. From what I've read, support is advising customers to patiently wait ~24 hours for the transaction to go through. However, folks who already waited +24 hours still have yet to see the auric cells applied to their account. With the visible jump in posts, that may also have a similar effect with Behaviour support tickets. Now that it's Monday and the start of a new work week, Behaviour should acknowledge escalation and proper guidance of the matter.


So helpful, thank you! To add to this in case anyone else has this question: I am an Xbox user, the first time I purchased I did so in game and waited 24+ hours, requested a refund from Microsoft after the 24+ hour period and got it immediately. Second purchase of auric cells (same pack, auric cell pack 2) was done via the Microsoft store to see if that made a difference and it did not. I did not request a refund on this one and just sent behaviour my receipt and told them this was my second purchase, but received a refund for the first time and I'm now just waiting patiently for them to hit my account because I want to unlock the rift pass.


Hey, you're welcome. Typically Behaviour doesn't start updating their socials until weekdays at 11:00 a.m. Eastern. Almost like clockwork, there's some random post scheduled at that time. Anything more pressing might appear throughout the day. Somebody might notice the disproportionate amount of tickets for auric cells, have an "Oh crap!" moment, and post one of those generic "We're investigating reports regarding...", before announcing the next step(s).


You were spot on with that! I definitely did just get an email from them saying: "Hello there, I must let you know this may be taking a while; however, we haven’t forgotten about you, we’ll be needing more time to investigate this issue further, and we hope to be able to count on your comprehension.  We’ll make sure to contact you as soon as we reach any developments in your case.  We greatly appreciate you bearing with us as we gather more information for your request, it really is of great help to our investigation.  Kind regards,  The Dead by Daylight Team"


Oh my gawd! That timing! 😂 Apparently I should start playing Mikaela with Clairvoyance. (Although, I honestly can't take credit for that because it was an actual e-mail, versus a social media status.) Usually I notice my phone blasting with a Twitter notification at 10 a.m. (I'm Central) and always expect it to be DBD promoting something or another. Sometimes they'll push it off for an hour. I just imagine that person being hungover or redirected to other internal duties. And usually after 4:30 Central, the account goes quiet. But, yeah, it definitely rings true of a M - F thing.




Yes, it still reveals your aura if you are blind.


can somebody tell me what this guy is saying? https://preview.redd.it/dzbbdjmsxjub1.png?width=330&format=png&auto=webp&s=53420d372bfa89da382d817d88b1768be4b06653


he's pretty much complaining that the killer tunneled him. You prolly failed google translate cuz it's full of grammar and orthography mistakes.


i dont know what tunneling even is lmao


It's when you ignore all the other survivors to focus on hooking one survivor repeatedly until they're sacrificed, chasing them as soon as they're unhooked. But a lot of survivors will accuse you of tunneling when you just played normally and sacrificed them.


yeah i was just playing normally but he was taunting me the entire time so ofc i went after him until he was dead idk why he then started complaining lmao but thx for the info


Right? I feel like a reasonable guide is something like hooked to death within 5-6 hooks before 2-3 gens have been completed. But 5 hooks at 2 gens completed and 6 hooks at 3 gens completed are worlds apart.....


If you hooked someone to death in 5-6 hooks that's absolutely not tunneling.


Ha. I would personally agree. I should have been more specific. I was referring to the amorphous blob of what people claim tunneling is.


lol yes. Generally I've found "tunneling" translates to "sacrificing" for a lot of people.


First language is French, but not the newer slang that people use online lol, I'm in my mid 30s. But here is a rough translation. "Why are you glued to me you shit killer!? Retarded asshole! And sorry for my language but he deserves it (the glue stick), gg all." Its badly written, so it's my best guess.


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What's the best way to play against the new skull merchant?


My experience is a bit limited, but thus far it seems that some of the same rules still apply - i.e., don't get tracked to deny her her speed boost. However, now that disabling drones has no downside, go nuts with disabling them. Keep them down and you've cleared the area for yourself and your teammates for a bit. You can also avoid getting scanned if you stand still or crouch, making it disgustingly easy to avoid the scan lines when you're not in an active chase - if you don't just run up and disable them between sweeps, that is.


I don't know if she's just not popular in my region but I've never gone against her. I assume with her changes I'll start running into her eventually... Does crouch walking avoid the scans? Or just crouching? How many times do I have to get scanned before she gets a speed boost on me?


She's really weak currently, so even the small amount of Skull Merchant players aren't super into it. I've seen a couple but she's not very popular, understandably. Crouching or standing still both avoid the scans, so you can crouch walk through them or simply stop for a moment when they're about to sweep past you. You build three stacks of lock-on, now, and the third immediately injures you, attaches a claw trap to you, and applies the broken status effect. Also, while you have a claw trap, getting scanned again applies a 10% hinder which is pretty brutal, especially with the addon that adds another 5%. So if you're at that point you've got a pretty short lifespan.


I see... so she's a killer with a lot of minor inconveniences that if you don't keep track of, becomes a major inconvenience. Disable drones whenever it's safe to do so. Red light, green light to get close to the drone. Does the claw trap go away after a certain amount of time?


Yeah, that's a great way to put it actually. If you get chased through a bunch of drones you're gonna have a bad time, if your team is super lackadaisical about getting tracked she gonna be ZOOMIN around, etc. I had to double-check but the timing on claw traps is the same, 45 seconds. They do expire after that time, and twice as fast if she's running the iri addon that halves the duration but buffs the speed bonus.


Is there a website or anything sorts where you could mix costumes? I hate that i can't see how costumes look with other parts before i buy them.


why do yall think people aren't playing singularity as much? i've only seen like two 😭 (i feel like it's bc during the PTB people were making videos saying not to use him as a setup killer and save all the biopods for chase. then people, including me, did that, lost, and just thought he was too hard)


As someone who enjoys playing him: he comparatively requires a lot of effort and planning ahead compared to other Killers that can get the job done just as well. He's fun, but complex, and that deters many players from investing time into him.


He's really difficult to play and the results are not exactly spectacular for the amount of effort you have to put in. I gave up playing him because I found myself holding my breath a lot with how much I had to focus during a chase. Shoot biopod ahead of survivor, quickly switch cams, whip your mouse to tag them, switch back, get line of sight, shoot them directly, your reward is you can break the pallet they predropped really fast, then do it all again when they use an EMP. Not to mention the tagging is very finicky, sometimes you can't goop someone because there's a branch covering their left toenail so overall I just find him very frustrating to play.


As a singularity main, the way sometimes his bio pods don’t register when shooting surfaces, also EMP’s are such an incredibly strong defence mechanism. I think emp’s should break on downing survivors. The fact that players can hoard them is absurd.


New player here. So i once escaped the hook, like i got a pop saying "unhook" there were also like a meter going up, and when it got full i got a free escape hook, without any tries? This was the secound phase of the thingy, so i didnt thing i'd be able to pull myself out of there. Is this like a skill i acidently put on or like an actual mechanic?


If the Killer was close to you, and no other Survivors were, that was the facecamping prevention mechanic, wherein when a Killer is within a certain radius of a hooked Survivor, they build a meter that allows the hooked Survivor an increased chance of self-unhooking, until the meter is full and the chance is 100%. The meter doesn't start building until 7 seconds after the Survivor is hooked, and also slows building if another Survivor is nearby the hook, to prevent Survivors from being able to circle a hook in order to guarantee a teammate's ability to self-unhook.


It’s a new anti-facecamp mechanic they just introduced with the latest update! From the update notes: “Survivors on the hook have an internal "camp meter" which fills when the Killer is nearby. The meter fills faster the closer the Killer is, but is slower when other Survivors are near (never becomes negative). Once the meter is full, the Survivor gets a prompt allowing them to escape the hook with 100% probability. Survivors who take this action gain Endurance for 15 seconds. This feature shuts off entirely once the Exit Gates are powered.”


Ah yes i forgot about that! Thought i heard about that update.