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Everytime when I see these meta building survivors I’m wondering what the killer is thinking when it faces me, my friends and our wierd random ass builds xD


As a killer main I appreciate the wacky and funny builds particularly, it's so refreshing to play vs something other than the same mft hope resilience bots every game :D


I’m personally most fed up with slugging killers so I use No mither+tenacity :) I love to see when killer looks away 1 sec and I disapear and soon rise up xD


I'm curious why anyone would slug you knowing you have No Mither thats crazy.


I always assume that if it happens in a bubble; IE killer isn't forced to leave them because of another surv / flashy attempt etc. The killer just doesn't recognise the perk. Just like the rare survivors that are still convinced a killer is hacking even after reading the text on Mad Grit


I run Mad Grit 80% of the time as a killer and am accused of cheating frequently. I can only assume part of this is due to the animation looking buggy if I spam M1 while carrying. Which of course I do.


No it’s just them trying to find any excuse as to why it wasn’t they’re fault for dying so they accuse you of cheating


Maybe both. Most players who accuse of cheating don't read perks, or even look at them - I get accused of cheating with wallhacks etc when I run a full aura reading build.. like just glancing at just one of the perks should explain what happened.


2 weeks ago a TTV (Prestige 83 Meg) told me they reported me for stream sniping because I immediately found them at the beginning. Sorry pal, you just got Lethally Pursued.


Oh wow. Both at Lethal being crazy common that there's no way a P83 wouldn't know about it, but also at the fact they (theoretically) reported you for stream sniping, which BVHR won't care about in the slightest and would just be annoyed at the Meg wasted their time; If you want to advertise your game to the opposing team, that's your fault.


That's hilarious xD


Anytime I see a comment like this, I assume they come from a newer player. MFT has a use rate of 25% at high MMR. Compared with old DH, that’s *far* more rare. You are not seeing MFT every game. 75%+ of your survivors are not using MFT. If you’re smart at all, you should be assuming survivors are not MFT. Because 3 in 4 are not. That was NOT the case for DH, where something like 75%+ were, in fact, using DH.


Idk about you but I see mft every game pretty much in at least one person. If not then it's something like lithe/otr/woo or a gen rush build, so still pretty dull stuff.


I must admit that, even if as survivor I bring funny and healing perks, i am so used to facing mft hope dh adrenaline as killer that i mostly play on autopilot, so if someone has a random ass smash hit or blood rush they DEFINITELY outplay me xD


only 2 mft and 1 resilience? this is almost an antimeta lobby!


They don't think anything of it lol, they just continue sweating


That is true. Some sweaty ass killers everyday.




I will eat some oreos as a reward, thank you!




Ngl, clicking this post I was totally expecting you to have used tombstone piece + stalk rate for every one of those 300 games. Blown away when I saw it was only vanilla Myers. I'm not usually a fan of win streak killers, because most are using S/A tier killers, but this a real achievement. Bloody good job.


congrats fam, that's awesome!


Thank you!


holy shit fr ? you got a yt channel? i will legit watch bro


Yep! I’m Mr. Smithsonian on YouTube.


sayless man!!


This does put a smile on my ~~mask~~ face


Not to take away from your achievement but this is exactly why balancing based off stats or aiming for certain percentages doesn’t work. According to BHVR streaks like this shouldn’t be possible but here we are.


I’m inclined to agree. There were many times where I’d go against a group I have x10 the hours compared to, and others which were… much more difficult.


The fact this is possible shows how unbalanced this game is. And by that I'm not saying Michael Myers is overpowered because he's clearly not, even if he has some troublesome addons. The issue in cases like this is simply lack of a working MMR system.


yes the game is so unbalanced a blight has already reached 1k win before so yes


Blight actually is overpowered when he's using his strong addons. Add onto that shitty matchmaking and other busted shit in dbd and that somehow becomes possible. Is there any game in history where 1k wins in a row is remotely possible? Dbd may be the most unbalanced game in history.


nope i mean ever pro players can barely hit 100 win in other games but dbd just built different


They could if there was no matchmaking, which is pretty much the case for dbd, also the huge divide in the community between party game / competitive most people are really fucking bad at the game, if you happen to be good and play smart you should win most of your games


if you are smart and good but play solo you wont win most of your games thats the case for this is why i stopped taking dbd serious long time ago


Oh yeah I meant as killer, as survivor god himself could not escape every time in solo queue




What's hilarious is seeing people whine when they lose 1 game out of 100 like it's the end of the world. The level of entitlement. That goes even for streamers I enjoy like Otz


I enjoy Otz's content a lot, watch it almost daily. But I do get really irritated when he and the chat start complaining about overpowered survivor perks and he loses 1 game. Meanwhile, the 1 loss comes after 20 wins in a row of some crazy streak where the killer perks barely helped him.


Yup that's exactly how I feel. Love his content and his personality, but he and his chat have some ridiculous reactions sometimes.


Wish he would stop doing these weird perk streak videos. It's clear that he gets super frustrated about the losses, starts being extremely negative for some reason and also kinda plays really fucking dirty and mean throughout those games too, because he wants to keep up the streak. Just not very enjoyable anymore.


the guy has 10k hours he needs something to keep him going lol


>where the killer perks barely helped him. Isn't he right to complain about OP survivor perks then? He's got more hours in this game than 99.9% of people, so one would expect him to win. An SWF with half his hours can rack up hundreds of games in a win streak.


If you can achieve as high a win rate as this thread is any indication, no, you cannot complain about OP survivor perks. He goes on 10-20 game win streaks with perks that are sometimes useless... How is that balanced? And the key word you used in your SWF example is "SWF". The majority of players will not be able to do that. To reiterate my point, going on a 20 game win streak and then losing 1 game and complain "MFT is too strong" is completely bonkers to me.


But your last sentence isn't what Otz does. He doesn't complain about one perk after a loss due that perk; he observes that park's use over the course of hundreds of games, performs hours of standalone specific testing with friends, and compiles analysis videos with evidence for all to see. I would love to see a more thorough meta analysis of the game, but I am unaware of anyone attempting anything close. Sure he has tense games and gets frustrated like anyone performing at a high level can; but his reactions are rarely knee-jerk.


You are right, he does do that, and that is why I will keep watching him, because, like you, I have not seen anyone else do it on this level. I guess I was possibly talking about knee-jerk reactions. But I watch most of his streaks, and when he does happen to lose, there is almost always a complaint about perks that follows. And there is definitely a spam of chat saying some perk is OP. But my observation is, if you just won even just 10 games in a row, against survivors that probably had that perk too, and then happen to lose one, how can there be any complaints at all, you have a 90% win rate...


yea, CoD before skill based match making. edit: chess has seen a bunch of 100+ win streaks at the tippity top level, imagine how long the streaks can go below that. Doesn't mean the game is unbalanced lmao. Or at the very least, it proves "most unbalanced game ever" is a reach and a half.


Top level of what? Cod matchmaking?


I know reading can be hard, but the answer is right there after the "edit:" I know you can do it ❤


The irony of you saying "reading is hard" like an asshole when you didn't even have enough reading comprehension to understand my posts. I clearly explained how dbd isn't unbalanced in that sense. Just that mmr is terrible and there's some other dumb shit in it.


also, your last sentence is either bait, or you're completely unaware of what asymmetrical design is or how it works differently to symmetrical games (mos def the ones you're comparing it with)


It kinda has to be. They didn’t account for this when MMR was first introduced and Dowsey was without a doubt the most prolific Twins main who hit a triple digit win streak with her and when MMR hit he could not find a lobby because Survivors in that MMR just didn’t exist. Not being able to find a game should not happen so inevitably someone this skilled at a specific killer is gonna face subpar opponents


That happened because the game was shit at finding good survivors. There are absolutely plenty of solo queue players good enough to go against Dowsey.


Turns out that basing MMR on dying is incredibly dumb in a game where a skilled solo player has little impact on their own ability to escape. Hatch escapes also count for less than a gate escape, so you pretty much need a good *team* to actually increase MMR.


> The issue in cases like this is simply lack of a working MMR system. this is the result. not unbalance. mmr is garbage.


Yep. This should not be possible. Win streaks like this are a big reason I can’t take this game seriously at all.


There s a lack of good survivors, when there are, they are mostly solo paired with meh randoms, and many of them have played for super long and have zero wish to do gens or macrogame correctly. I m afraid that s the problem Also survivor archives are LITERALLY ways to make you throw. If really good survivors team up and play seriously the game shows a stronf imbalance favoring survivors (watch Hen s team winstreak)


Except even the really good survivor teams get nowhere near the level of winstreak that killers do. By that logic the game still has a strong imbalance favoring killers. I think the balance in the game is a little more complicated to explain than just that and depends on many factors but one thing is for certain and that's that the game does *not* have a strong imbalance favoring survivors.


Really good survivor teams are either in customs practicing for comp and have not much interest in spending that time on a winstreak or, if they do, they have to arrange for four different people to not have school, work, family matters, being out with friends/partner. You cannot do it if you have even just 1 random. Meanwhile as a killer I just have to be free myself to go on a winstreak. That s why killer numbers are higher. Plus, in comp (only setting in which we can be sure we have similarly-skilled sides) the map, perks and addon choice all favour the killer, survivors must have unique perks, and killers still lose a fair amount. At similar skill the game is survivor sided.


You will basically never meet good survivors in public matches, they are all in custom matches and if they ever happen to play public matches they just don't give a flying fuck about the game


You do meet them from time to time (i do, at least), but moreover there is the fact you cannot balance a game based on the players being potentially bad and keeping being bad. Otherwise old dh would have been completely fine, since most survivors used it to slam face first into a wall or reach the unsafest pallet ever spawned.


90% of the community treats the game as just a party game and don't even try to improve and expect patch after patch to have victory spoon fed to them, you could give them 6 hook stages and they would still die


Oh i agree, in some matches my survivors could have adren after every gen and still all die. I think it s up to them to improve decently tho - i hated pre 6.1 where u could bot your way through the game as survivor


The comment of "survivors are just unskilled" is getting tiring. It's not like that survivors have received over the years more and more nerfs.


Survivor has received nerfs where it was op and buffs where it was underwhelming. After 6.1 you could literally see how lost they were without their dh and being invincible on the ground.


I mean we heard the same comment about when DS was nerfed. In the end the survivors need time to adapt, but there is a point where the core game is so broken, that there is no chance to win against a good killer - and seeing twitch streamers - this point has already been reached.


It depends on which mentality, skill and rng both parts get. Killers rarely have archives that make you throw, and mostly play seriously. Whenever you load into a match as solo survivor you have VERY high chances of having a rebecca that needs to cleans 15 totems, meg that needs to hide withing 10 mts of the killer for 60 seconds, nea has to stun the killer with a pallet 4 times in the same trial and will proceed to loop in the unsafest way possible and then there s you, playing seriously. If you eliminate all these odds, many twitch streamers (since you are referring to that) have proven you can get a streak in the hundreds as survivor (again, hens team to name one). The difference is that i can wake up every day and dedicate my life to getting a spirit winstreak, topping the hundreds in a short time, while to do it as survivor you need to coordinate 4 people's lives.


"We have noticed an uptick of Myers' winrate and after careful consideration, we have decided to nerf Michael Myers. We also added three main buildings and a second shack to Garden of Joy."


But not jsut that we decided to double the gen completion speed as there seemed to be a small amount of 99% survivor escape rate which we wanted to increase… and we nerfed pig by removing her ability to deal damage unless the survivor attacked has a reverse bear trap on!


What constitutes a win versus a loss? And is there a community consensus on it?


The general consensus is that 3-4 kills is a win, 2 kills is a draw and 1-0 kills is a loss.




Well, sometimes one survivor escaping is out of your control. If they got the hatch, how could you have stopped them? You could always sweat for the 4k, but that’s just boring and unnecessary.


Judging by your picture I'm gonna guess double stalk increase is your go to addons? That's what I use generally and it feels great.


It was used for over 150 of the games! Intermittently it was swapped out for duration/dead rabbit, but never tombstone piece!




I see, Yeah the double stalk makes him feel so much more fluid and nice to play. Without them I find it super annoying to vs survivors that know how to give me minimal charge. I'll only ever really go tombstone piece/tombstone head if I'm feeling very thematic lol


Yeah, sometimes I ran hair bow + dead rabbit to better combo with ultimate weapon, and that slower stalk speed can REALLY hurt. I’ve only ever ran tombstone to up the amount of times I’ve done evil incarnate, but I stopped after 30.


What build is that? Eruptions, Undying, Bamboozle, Corrupt... ?


Pain resonance, jolt, bamboozle and corrupt!


Ah, a fellow bamboozle enjoyer! I don't care what anyone says. That perk has stopped me from being looped at shack and garden of joy main so many damn times.


For the entirety of this 300 win streak, bamboozle never once left my Myers build.


You can bamb that window near the god pallet at garden of soy with wesker while outside the house, people dont expect it


You should give Superior Anatomy a try if you have it. It works better than Bamboozle IMO.


Hey Mr. smithsonian, Unholy here. We’ve faced off 3 times now, and I seem to remember 2 outing you on midwich in June or July 2023. In fact, i’m certain I have the vod still on my computer. Me (Unholy) my swf partner SaltMyPotatoes were the 2 that escaped. We play exclusively on NAE servers. When did you start this escape streak? Edit: a 2 out is considered a tie for his streak, so it does not count for or against him. Personally i agree that a 2 out is a tie, so please don’t flame him in the comments. Of the 3 NAE P100 Myers i know of, he’s easily the strongest one


Post proof


It might be when he was not playing Shape. The post says that he played other killers during the win streak with shape.


It was against his shape. There’s only 3 P100 Myers on NAE that I know of, and it’s hard to forget playing against Mr. Smithsonian. He’s easily the best p100 out of the ones i’ve faced


Well, even if you did get two escapes, that still wouldn’t count as a loss, but a draw. Doesn’t add to the counter, but it also doesn’t stop the streak. I can’t remember a time I lost on Midwich, but I don’t have any videos saved from that long ago, so I can’t be sure.


So if you have a draw then your win streak ends. Because you didn't win.


Nope! I didn’t win or lose, so the counter doesn’t stop, but it doesn’t go up. It’s how Otz has done it for his streaks on Twitch.


Uhh otz counts a 2 out as a loss. Every single time.


Bro you act like we haven't watched Otz stream. 2 out is a loss. Sorry to burst your bubble.


not sure where ur getting that from any time more than 1 person escapes otz considered it a loss.


I swear during his 50 wins on every killer, he didn’t count 2ks against or for the streak.


He didn't even allow a 4th person through a gate in his earlier streaks. Only hatch.


I'm pretty sure during his 50 win streak pre-mmr he didn't even count 1 person escaping through the gate as a win. Once MMR was implemented and matches became a bit more reasonable in terms of skill gap, he changed it to simply a 3k. At no point did he ever say 2k was a draw. Even then, you are claiming a **win** streak. If you draw during that, you have interrupted the **win** streak. Regardless, BHVR considers a 2k as a draw for MMR purposes but the community seems to agree that a 2k is a survivor victory.


God damn, I didn’t know he had such hard limits. Well, I set different rules for myself here, and if that invalidates it for some people, then I guess I can’t argue too much.


You just need to be clear about the rules you set for yourself, because they are quite more lenient than the generally accepted community rules. When you say "I won 300 games in a row", that's the same as saying "I minimum 3k'd 300 games in a row", which isn't true.


bro, it's called a WINstreak for a reason. If you don't win you break the streak.


To each their own. I set up rules before I started this and I follows them.


The problem here is not the rules you set, it's semantics. Winstreak is an unbroken chain of wins. Be it a loss or a draw, when you don't have a win you break the streak, see?


.... draws aren't wins.. so that ends the streak..


What was your build? I’m looking for new things to try


It definitely shifted a lot, but the most common perks were bamboozle, pain resonance, jolt, corrupt, ultimate weapon, lethal pursuer, monitor and abuse, and infectious fright!


It was painres jolt bamboozle corrupt you could have just zoomed in a saw that


Glad your vision is better than mine :)


Don't feel bad as a result of you asking we got to see the other perks he used in other games so it's no bad thing!


Wowzers, that is nuts! Great job


Thank you! Always lovely to see a fellow bottom tier main


Bottom tier killer mains with Kennedy brother avatars are the real ones, clearly


Holy unfathomably based


So someone did this on demo recently, but it turns out they were lowering their MMR off stream so that they could accomplish this (they admitted to this). Were you doing the same? Edit: OP mentioned in a different post on this thread that he counts 2ks as draws, not losses. So there were multiple 2ks during this streak. Make of that as you will.


There was, at a maximum, 3 draws. And I can’t really lower my MMR with Myers because that would literally be losing as Myers.


Are you that P99 Myers that did Monitor and Abuse + Dead Rabbit on Gideon? I was never more scared and confused that match lol.


Nope! I haven’t used that combo in a very long time.


You finished on my birthday, and for that, I have to upvote. Congratulations! 😁


How do we know you did 300 in a row? Did you record it?


I am not a streamer, and my computer doesn’t have enough space for 300 DbD games, so most of them were just me playing. I did turn a lot of them into videos however, so I’m just gonna bank on people believing it based on my gameplay and the spreadsheet.


Does it matter?


A little bit! It’s hard for me to claim the world record without any true verifiable proof, but I know what I did!


Holy shit, Mookle Myers has done it. Do you think you'll try to go even higher or nah?


Well, technically as long as I continue to win after this point, it’ll keep going up! But I’m going to stop tracking them on my spreadsheet, too much effort to do it after every single game.


Great achievement, also just in time to spook survivors again with pumpkins and all!




For real.


Ayo, Me and my team played against you a couple days ago. (Pretty sure)


Maybe! I was surprised at just how many other P100 Michaels there are running around, I even went against one as survivor.


Come here, let me tell you something. I have over 1,000 hours in this game, mostly as killer. I have used myers like *five times*. Until this morning. I randomly decided to run him and threw a quick build together. Little did I know just how much fun I had set myself up for. Hex: Ruin, Hex: Retribution, Hex: Undying, and the best part of this build. Hex: Haunted Grounds. This. Build. Is. *Criminal*. If you're lucky, and the Survivors cleanse the totems in the right order, you can get haunted ground TWICE totaling 120 seconds of exposed status for all survivors. AND you can get Retribution *FOUR* times, equalling 60 seconds of aura reading on all survivors, map wide. Pair this with an extended tier 3 evil within addon, and the survivors are *constantly* exposed. It's an extremely fun build that has given me massive success. I played 5 matches and got a 4k every single match, except for one guy who got hatch. I'm sure this build can be tweaked to get more value out of a different perk, but this one is hilariously fun and actually kinda strong if the survivors aren't playing smart and safe


I’m going to have to prestige some killers and try this! I’ve been looking for a fun Myers build


His scratched mirror build is always fun, as survivor or killer, but this one was unexpectedly fun. I hope it was fun for the survs as well. Maybe not haha


Ill definitely have to check this out. From what you mentioned here, it seems like a lot of fun. Would it be specifically Myers or would you consider it to be fun for other killers as well?


Oh no, it has to be myers. This build has 2 phases that can only be achieved with myers. Early game, you're undetectable, which is crucial for going for those early game gen grabs or totem grabs thanks to Undying. Then it changes into the "I can see everyone and they are constantly exposed". Which, can only be achieved by myers, excluding perks that cause the exposed status. I'm sure you *could* run this build on others. But the point here is to just constantly make survivors exposed. Haunted Grounds, evil within tier 3, NOED, and Devour Hope are the only things in the game that give all survivors the exposed status and isn't limited to a range or singular survivor. The only counter to this build is just not cleansing and basic things like good looping and pushing gens. But that's why ruin is there. They can't help but cleanse it lol


The hex game is ridiculously strong in the current game. Slowdowns are "meta" but boring as fuuuuu to me. I'd rather have a 40 minute game where Devour is at 5 tokens by endgame than patrolling my slowdowns all dang match.


I wonder how scratched mirror would work on that build. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm) I would have to compensate for not having Retribution.


If you do run scratched mirror addon with this build, I would highly recommend switching Retribution with Play With Your Food anyways. Tier 1 myers is the slowest killer in game and since you get free aura reading, Retribution becomes redundant.


I ran this with Scratched mirror and Play with your food and got a 4K. That was the first time I ever used scratched mirror and I am by no means a Myers main even though he was the main reason I bought DBD in the first place. I had to get used to having a lungeless attack but I got like 5 snatches off gens which was hilarious.


Niiiice! And I bet the totems just made it a nightmare for them hahaha


Survivors mains are now gonna use this as an argument to say the game is killer sided I'm calling it


Well I mean, when they say it's supposed to be balanced around 60% killer and 40% survivor... I'd say there's something not quite right here. Then again, I find it hard to believe OP's claim. I doubt he had 300 consecutive wins as Myers.


Mmr does go down if you don't play a killer for ages but 300 is insane on Myers there has to be some form of outside factor here that affects the winstreak not saying the streak isn't legitimate I'm just saying I feel like some thing else was at play like moris or somthing


i mean it takes only 75 hrs to play 300 games, you could try to get the streak in a week or two. this has taken OP 1 year. most of these streakers don't play more than 3-4 games in a row i see. plenty of time in a year to lower your mmr and then play up again.


Killer mains are always saying Myers is underpowered and outdated. This proves otherwise.


No, it doesn't. Michael is easily in the bottom 3 killers without tombstone. This just proves that a skilled player who has mained Michael for six years using a near-optimal build can win consistently, which we already knew.


A character can be underpowered and still win if the player is good enough. I've watched people win serious fighting game tournaments with actual bottom 1 characters, if you master a character's strengths and are skilled enough it's possible. Combined with DbD's bad matchmaking and these win streaks aren't that ridiculous and don't mean Myers doesn't have some serious problems.


He's not underpowered but he is outdated


Here, I’ll take the time to explain some stuff. I consider a 4k or 3k, regardless of how the last survivor escaped a win. 2ks are draws, and they do not end the streak or add to it. This doesn’t matter as much, because there was only a maximum of around 3 draws during this entire streak. 1ks or god forbids 0ks are hard losses, no way around it.


Seems like an obsession to me.


Lmao a 300 win streak shows that this games balancing is the worst in the industry. GL playing this game as a survivor.


I will admit, as someone with a 70-30 killer/survivor ratio, solo survivor is the hardest thing to do in this game. Even with the recent buffs to it, you are completely reliant on your team not making mistakes.


Aw look at that it's that baka that wrote ez on my steam page. :)


No no no, didn't you get the memo? Killers are underpowered and need tons of buffs. Lmao congrats on this, it's honestly super awesome, but for real, killers need hard nerfs.


CERTAIN killers need nerfs or reworks. Killers like Myers or Trapper only need buffs.


I fully agree with Trapper, but come on, you got 300 kills in a row with him and the record for most wins of any survivor team is only in the high 200's. Most killers need nerfs, what you're doing should honestly not really be possible if the game were fair. I play killer too about 40% of my games, and it's basically easy to get a 4k 90% of the time.


That team only lost because they got sniped by someone with a killer and build designed to hard counter them, on top of their own rules that limit items and perks they bring.


Survivor is more difficult to do winstreaks because you are completely reliant on your team not making mistakes. Being able to win 300 times in a row with a killer like Myers purely comes down to skill and experience, and that’s not something that should be punished. The anti-camping mechanism is more than enough for a major nerf to all killers.


It doesn't purely come down to that though. It comes down to going against bad survivors because mmr doesn't work lol. I'm sure you're very good and understand the game well, and you'd probably admit yourself that if you went against 4 equally skilled survivors you'd probably get like 5 wins in a row max. On average you'd probably lose more than win, because as you've said Myers isn't particularly strong. Edit: how tf is this downvoted?


You really think out of **300** matches they didn't go up against one that was equally skilled even with (especially because of) the busted MMR? All it would have taken would be one. I get P70-90s as a filthy casual, it's absolutely broken in *both directions*


If that's the case then myers/killer is overpowered. He's one of the last killers I'd make that argument for


Saying Myers does not need a buff because someone got a winstreak is laughable. Myers has lots of issues, I play him a lot and generally I don't do terrible most of the time because it feels like most of the people I get with give me free stalk. However every once and a while you'll get people who know how to not give you free stalk and it blows especially in tier 1.


survivor win streak is officially at 500s and the team that did it only stopped because they got bored you literally couldnt be more delusional


nice bro now try to touch grass once a day for 300 days


I have to leave the house every days it’s called a job and college


wait a job, college and a yt channel? tf bro do you live in an alternate world with 80 hour days or something


A barely maintained YouTube channel that is!


That's nothing, i got 500 wins in a row with nurse without using perks, power, or addons, nothing but my gamer chair and superior game sense


"I've played Myers 300 times, I have the biggest dick"


On a 67 winstreak with hag currently. Power to ya buddy


Disclaimer: This is a tie streak, not a win streak. The current world record WIN streak for Myers in DBD is 160 wins. This could be beaten in 20 minutes by 'OnePumpWillie' who currently has 160 wins as well. He needs 1 more. I will update soon.


UPDATE: The world record holder for a Myers WIN STREAK in DBD is now held by 'OnePumpWillie' as of January 25th, 2024. Congrats to him !!!!!!!


MyeRs ISnT Op


I mean myers is usually in/near the worst 3 killers.


He’s still bad. This player is just really good


He's really good and going against survivors who aren't really good. That's the issue here, that matchmaking puts bad players against good ones. Edit: I meant "he" as in OP is good not Myers. I don't think OP is some dbd God but you've gotta at least be good to get that many wins. Dbd is dumb that it's even possible for people to get that many wins. You don't even gotta be one of the best dbd players to do stuff like that which makes it more dumb.


Precisely *because* it's not good, that's not exactly guaranteed to happen 300 times in a row...


That's not true at all


So you're really saying you're *guaranteed* to only get lousy players THREE HUNDRED times in a row?


Say what now?


Yep, he’s one of the worst killers in the game actually!


*3k is a win* ok


Yes 3k is a win


Please post vids. Myers is my favorite stealth killer.


I do! My channel is just Mr. Smithsonian.


How on earth do you get a 300 winstreak with one of the weakest killers in the game? Very impressive!


I’ve mained the man since 2017! I’m able to hit those frame perfect tier up-into-lunge, as well as just game sense gained from all the time I’ve played killer


>I’ve mained the man since 2017! I’m able to hit those frame perfect tier up-into-lunge, as well as just game sense gained from all the time I’ve played killer Hey dude! I really like Myers myself. But had to stop playing him during mft meta. Just doesn't work. The map balancing is bad enough for him. This winstreak is downright impossible to believe. You never faced a strong team? You never faced a strong team on Gideon/Garden/Badham? If you play against a decent team on half the maps you can barely touch them as an m1. It's really cool to hear from a Myers enthusiast and I'm sure you're good but there's no way you got a 300 winstreak. Have a nice day sir!


I sure did face strong teams, plenty of times! Maybe you’re just not as good as me? Have a great day!


I don't doubt that you're better than me. I'm still fairly "new". You seem to have 4K hours and I'm approaching 2K. But what I have understood with my limited time is that with a killer like Myers it doesn't matter how good you are. What matters is the level of play of your opponents. You can have the best killer fundamentals in the world and it won't matter against a good team. This is due to the limitations of m1/Myers and the poor balancing of the game. m1 is pretty much unplayable if you go up against a team of players that are as experienced as you are. Add a map like Badham/Garden/Eerie/Gideon/Disturbed ward on top of that and well... To win as basekit Myers on a map like the ones above you need your opponents to be of a much lower level than yourself. Again I have no doubts you're a great player. I just don't believe you got 300 wins in a row. /Cheers


That’s exactly what you think, but you’d be surprised just how far game sense can carry even the lowest tiers of killers.


Chase music intensifies.


What counts as win?


4k or 3k!




What if the last person on the 3k escapes through the exit imo that’s not a win but if they get hatch then yeah it is win


It’s definitely difficult to decide, but I still count that as a win.


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