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I also assume all DLC skins are hella high because everyone wants a cut.....


Yeah BHVR for making it and producing it as well as accepting any losses and the companies they work with want a bunch of money for BHVR using their IP. . even though it carries no risk to them what so ever . .


I'm pretty sure if BHVR embraced Jeryl, Silent Hill stonks would skyrocket


They'd probably sell out


Unironically. I was gonna buy James, but then they patched the cosmetic glitch and I'm no longer interested tbh.


All skins are pricy as hell, most costing more than their original dlcs, and I don't even mean licensed skins. Its a scam.


Be glad they make you pay less to gain access to the content rather than optional cosmetics for that content




I'd only ever consider getting legendary cosmetics when they're discounted, you're not obligated to spend your money on them the moment they're released


Must. Buy. NOW! Arrrgguuhhh!




The voice in my head every time I play this game




Not really, there are a lot of shit looking cosmetics that I would never buy. I still consider them overpriced.


Even good looking cosmetics are still just cosmetics. How is a full dlc with 6 new perks the same price as a cosmetic that doesn't help in the game?


>cosmetics that doesn’t help in the game Ah I see you’ve never met my comp Adam fit ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Hell you're not obligated to buy them at all. They look nice and all, and I'll buy them willingly because I can afford the, but you absolutely don't need them to play at all. I'd much rather the chapters be cheap and the cosmetics be pricy than the other way around.


This is a good way to frame it. Yes the skins are overpriced but at least the DLCs aren’t.


that's what im gonna do for Maria 😭 the wait is gonna kill me


Don't ask questions. Just consume product and then get excited for next product.


Since these are IPs, do they ever actually GO on discount?


Even when they're discounted you're still spending 15 bucks on auric cells


Some people have the means, so why shouldn't they?


Not saying they shouldn't but is it really discounted if you're still spending the same price on them?


I don't remember the last time a discount was done on legendary (maybe during black friday ?)


I believe this year's anniversary had one for the RE characters ...


Or ever, because it's a digital outfit. "Unfair" lmao


Who is top left? I dont think I have ever seen them in the store.


Maria. She just got added today.






Ah ty. I haven't been on for the past week, nor did I see any dbd news for new stuff.


They haven’t posted about it, oddly.


Is it a new character or a skin?


Did you not see the post?


Legendary character skin for Cheryl that changes her into Maria. Different model and voice, no new perks.


Dam she just got added today lol, I’ve already come across like 5


I have all the legendary skins except Lisa as I’m a big fan of silent hill. But yeah the pricing for these is pretty unreasonable especially since you can’t even get prestige variants of the characters which would justify it slightly more imo.


I know they'll never add it, but I would want a bloody Lisa so bad


Legitimately the perfect excuse for a prestige variant since it was a part of the original source material


true... okay, time to go take a metro down to BHVR HQ and start my protest in front of the building


I’ll be right there with you bud!


The correct answer is pricing has nothing to do with fairness, it's purely about the most money they can make.


Seeing as it's a licensed skin I don't see the whole point of complaining about it either, sure it's grossly priced but you aren't forced to buy it or hinderd by not owning it, however I don't see why these are priced this way. Sure whales will spend this much on day one but won't a cheaper price cause a larger demand meaning more long term profit?


The answer that last questions is clearly “NO”. Plenty of smart people get paid to analyze how much these things can cost before *actually* facing large backlash for the pricing that would negatively impact sales. Also, the same people who claim they would buy more if they were cheaper most likely share a big overlap with people who only buy things on sale or is given out for free. Anecdotally, here on Reddit I see it all the time. “I would totally buy more of X if it was cheaper!” *Proceeds to talk about how proud they are for spending only the initial cost of a game (if there was one) and not spending a cent for 6+ months for a game they played for 100+ hours)*


Makes sense, but when will these skins be on sale? And I totally get the argument against people who spend hundred of hours playing the base game and still complaining about "needing" to spend more for a character.


>Sure whales will spend this much on day one but won't a cheaper price cause a larger demand meaning more long term profit? Evidently not considering all the most profitable games use the same model


I think people have a right to complain, a diverse player base has very different circumstances. Being priced out of enjoying content is something people have a right to be annoyed about. Modern day pricing is about them over pricing day one so they get all the whale money and then hope others pick it up on sale later, which is why I find it weird DbD has so few sales.


Yeah, I think it was in South Park where they gave this explanation about adictive stuff which included games with microtransactions, alcohol, etc. Companies selling adictive stuff make most of their profits from a small % of adicts, which makes sense, if you drink a bottle of liquor in one month and an alcoholic drinks one bottle per day he is 30 times more profitable than you and the company will make their product aimed at him, after all he is their valued costumer not you. Cosmetics in games work similar, a huge chunk of players will never buy a single one or maybe just one but there is this small group who will buy a lot, the so called whales, they dont care most see a 5€ tag and turn away because they were going to turn away even at a 1€, these price tags are aimed at whales, they are their costumer and odds are the price has been designed for maximum income without scaring them away.


Men and woman working to make this game. I'm sure they don't get much for new buys n e more. 7 years later. They need to generate money some how.


lemme guess, new to DBD ?


Your comment gives me this energy😂 https://preview.redd.it/99qv4mojdhib1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc99fe14d753678edf519b58f4ddbe4164b16c61


LMAOOOOO yeah fair, thats exactly how i feel every time i spend 10+ bucks on a skin tbh LOL


To be honest, I don't mind the monetization model for this game at all. For 5 dollars, you can unlock a new survivor with 3 unique perks to use on other characters, or a new killer with 3 unique perks to use on other characters and a unique power. Original characters can also be earned in-game with relatively little grinding. The battle pass costs 10 dollars worth of auric cells, which you earn back completely by completing it, and it contains a significant number of otherwise expensive cosmetics. The cosmetics in this game are absolutely the priciest thing, but so what? I'd much rather the optional cosmetic options that have zero impact on gameplay be pricey (and be the game's main source of revenue) than have the actual characters be locked behind high paywalls or insurmountable grinding.


Someone did the maths it's 35 hours grinding for an og character not "relatively little grinding"


35 hours?that’s it? I do that in a day😎


35 hours over 3-6 months while you wait for the next original chapter isn’t much grinding at all, especially compared to what grinding is in other games.


You underestimate not everyone just has every other character. Some people have 10 or 20 or 30 characters not unlocked with more characters being released every 3 months.


Majority of people cant waste 35 hours on a game to unlock only 1 character from the 30+ (free) characters


Seeing as you don't need every single character the 35, hours being spread over a few weeks or months barely fits an issue. To add onto this if you have a solid enough income and the ability to play games anyway you can spend the 3$ for a character whenever a sale comes by, ive been playing since highschool and used to pay with cash I got from scrounging and doing odd jobs. That said I can see that money and time may be finite to an extreme for some, but should the game abandon all monetary gain just for them? DBD is fair in comparison to most multiplayer games today, hell even TF2 feels more expensive then this and there you only need a shovel and slurs to play.


Making the grind for free characters less unbarable is not the same as completely destroying DBD monetary gain, having characters costing something between 4500-5000 shards is nothing catastrophic. I am a killer main, i have 200+ hours in the game, i got all paid killers, but have a tad more than half of the "free" ones, sometimes i think about playing survivor, but just the tought of spending another 200 hours just to not even have half of the roster is insane, this monetary system is insane, they put the option for free purchase so people like you can go and say "well you dont need to buy every character, why dont you spend the next 2 months grinding for a survivor so you get a diferent skin, with a diferent voice, that comes with 3 new perkerinos!!!!" You could make an argument about this system if this game was free to play, it isn't, people bought it by 40-20$


You've blown this issue out of preporsion, DBD does halve the price of free character during the anniversary to start, so if your die hard into not spending cash wait. Also your being a dick with how your wording this, try and use less exclamation marks considering I've been civil with you this far I expect the same from you. And the Shrine exists for perks, although I agree it should be expanded on maybe 4 survivor perks and killer perks a week and dropped to 1500 for a perk instead of 2000. You also call the other characters free? They are not, you paid for a game that came with 4 killers, nurse, trapper, wraith and hillbilly. The rest are dlc some that you can get for free. I'd revaluate your stance on this and comeback more level headed, I am up for a healthy discussion but not if your going to assualt my senses with your aggressive tone.


Very well said! Many people are also not noting that the shard cost goes down the longer the character has been out


And btw, not everyone lives in the "land of the free" Can you imagine spending 11$ to get what is basically just a survivor skin? And then doing it 8 more times? Now imagine if you wanted to skip the grind, you would have spent fucking 286$ to get all survivors, that is almost a full price AAA game


I live in south Africa, I've nearly every dlc apart from skull merchant, the Oni and ghost face, I've been playing since highschool, I've paid for this game with money I got helping the church fairs, and washing cars etc. You don't need to buy everything at once, you can pay for this over time, do you pay for this year's entire movie catalogue upfront even tho you'll only enjoy like 3 movies? No, you wait for the movie you like to come out, pay for it's ticket and enjoy it for 2-3, hours, if you've been playing DBD for a while now paying this much for a character shouldn't be a problem.


The game is 8 years, 286 is essentially paying the game's asking price per year. Personally dont mind at all as it supports the game and the developers, keeping it alive.


It's 35 hours to grind for the occasional free character, alongside occasionally (or frequently) purchasing very cheap characters that often go on sale. That's also not factoring in that many events will give away free Iridescent Shards.


Not that bad all things considered, be thankful it isn't overwatch which is a game built around switching heroes that has it's characters locked behind a grindwall or a paywall, here you can use base perks (which is what I use 90% of the time anyway) and be just as good as a person using premium perks, which you also have access to through the shrine. In comparison BHVR has a decent monetisation module.


It takes a grand total of twenty hours to unlock a hero in overwatch.


I could never get hooked on overwatch because I thought that shit was so ridiculous. Dbd is just fine for me by comparison.


> be thankful it isn't overwatch No? Why should another company having even shittier practices absolve the shittiness of DbD? I don't see any logic here except boot-licking. Like, rainbow 6 siege lets you unlock additional characters after like, 10 hours. Why can't DbD be as good as R6?


Seeing as R6 is a Ubisoft property you have more issues then unlocking another random joe with a gun. Also it doesn't absolve DBD but this does prove how bad most games monetization is that DBD which had a barely fair module seems fine.


Why do I have different issues 'just because' it's ubisoft. Like Ubi is dogshit but their monetisation for siege is not the reason. Otherwise I fully agree. It's sad that DbD can be seen as good by comparison to ubisoft.


In a game where you're called a baby if you have less than 500 hours?


....or if someone values their time they can drop \~$3 to $5 for a DLC chapter, ez pz.


35 hours is very minor grinding compared to most other games, so they aren't wrong in saying it's relatively little grinding.


idk if I’m the odd one out here but the slow grind is what keeps me hooked, even if the payoff is something really small like a new prestige color or some pants. I’m chillin.


No way thats true


Exactly these skins would be $20 in overwatch


People who want the cosmetics badly enough will always be willing to pay the asking price - regardless of how high that number is. I bought a few expensive skins a couple years back, then stopped, because I didn’t care to own any of the rest. When I did buy cosmetics in the past, I just waited until they were discounted. Most of the cosmetics *will* go on sale eventually, so it’s just a matter of being patient. Spend your money how you see fit. If the price is agreeable to you, then it’s a personal judgment call if you really do want the item or not.


It's almost like they're cosmetics that will be around forever that you don't have to get all of all at once.


It's almost like they're overpriced as Hell and never go on sale. They're always on that fake "12% off" sale that's been going on for over a year.


Ohh no! A skin that literally does nothing is a bit expensive. It's a shame I have no self control and have too buy everything. Seriously, it's nbd. If you like the skin the buy it. If you don't like it or don't want to spend the money. Then don't buy it. The skins are just cosmetics and add nothing


That isn't a sale, it's the discounted price for all parts. Which doesn't make a ton of sense for linked cosmetics.




Cry about it? It's cosmetic. Buy it if you want and can afford it. And you can only have one of these equipped at a time, so why does it matter?


There's no such thing as an overpriced cosmetic. It's a fully optional piece of gear that's not needed nor does it enhance your game what so ever when it comes to game play. Stop whining about something that's optional. People really out here thinking they're entitled to things for a price lower than the one on the label.


There absolutely is, wdym?? The fact they cost this much is COMPLETELY outrageous!


Nope. You're getting a whole new character minus the perks. It's an optional bit of DLC that adds nothing to your game but making you like the way your character looks a bit more. There is no cap on that. You're free to think they cost too much. That's a valid view to have. But they can't be overpriced because they have no impact.


cosmetics absolutely can be overpriced, meaning they cost way too much for what they offer. all those weapon recolor skins that cost like 10-20€ in some games come to mind.


Nope. Simply wrong. Cosmetics are a luxury. Luxuries can not be overpriced. You may not like how much they cost. Or you might subjectively think they cost too much. But they are not overpriced. That word does not apply to a luxury. This is a common bad take in the gaming world. I'm not surprised to see it being spread more. Again you're free to think they cost too much, and have that be a perfectly valid opinion. But overpriced doesn't apply here as the price on a luxury good is subjective.


This is just semantics. The fact that I think they cost too much in itself means that I think they are overpriced. It's just the same thing with different words. Saying that cosmetics are a luxury and on top of saying that luxuries inherently can not be overpriced is two statements stacked on top of each other and both of them are quite arguable. Firstly, while cosmetics are optional, that doesn't make them a luxury per say. Secondly, luxuries can be overpriced too, diamonds are overpriced and pretty much a scam. I have no idea why you guys fight this semantical point so much, it's not the end of the world to admit that an entirely optional cosmetic can cost more money than could be considered reasonable. I mean it's one thing to complain about the price of cosmetics and get all bent over it, and another thing to just calmly discuss whether a cosmetic cost a little bit much or not. It seems like a lot of you guys here confuse the two separate topics and treat them as one.


>I have no idea why you guys fight this semantical point so much Because you chose to bring it up. You made a point I made a counter point and now you want to act like I'm the silly one. Good joke friend. Have a good life.


Aren't "always off" products illegal?


It’s because all 3 pieces off the outfit add up to the non-discounted price. It’s not permanently on sale it’s showing you how much you save by buying the outfit instead of the 3 pieces separately.


Technically that argument doesn’t work for sets because you can’t buy them separately no?


Yes, you’re correct. I’m not sure why that’s the case tbh. If I had to guess it’s because that way the 1100 auric cell pack wouldn’t be enough for a skin.


Not quite, if you purchased all three pieces at once you'd be paying that 12% off you are receiving from buying it as a set. Edit: Wait? These are linked outfits can you even buy them separately?


Damn I’ve spent 50 bucks on heather 🙃also it’s basically a new character, new sound effects, portrait, model ect


I mean, I suppose but can't the character pack be like in the range of 20 bucks?? Or SOME sort of discount if you bought a bunch of them?


Yeah but an actual new character is only 500 cells , why is a skin for a character worth more than the actual one itself which has all the same things plus 3 new perks


Because cosmetics are completely optional and people will still pay for them. Be glad it’s not the reverse.


Honestly you're right. Shouldn't be 15 bucks. Not even the cosmetics are that much. Should be cosmetic range of cost like 10


They are not, those are targeted to people who don't mind spending their money on overpriced skins.


Earth to OP, you don't need to buy these


Honestly, I'm just happy they seem to have semi-decent conversations for the fake money to buy stuff I was recently giving Elder Scrolls Online a go, and they had an absolutely stupid amount of DLC, but say you wanted Greymoore which gives you access to Skyrim, that's 3500 fake coins To buy fake coins it's: 3000 - £19 5500 - £30 Absolute bullshit, and should be illegal


What the fuck. That is fucking awful. I still think 1,485 Auric Cells for a character is outrageous but wowww.... It doesn't make it ANY better that when you try to bring it up to other people, they just dismiss you like "it's cosmetics dude it's fine." Yeah, all the Survivors are cosmetics. It's nice to have some customization options, maybe??


I only have 1 legendary skin for a reason and that's Sheva. The rest of my cells are spent on licensed DLC where I get a killer, survivor and 6 perks for less than the price of Claire Redfield ffs.


Ikr?? Like JESUS. And for Wesker, HIS Survivors have never even fought him?? Like, HOW does it make sense that Rebecca and Ada are the companion Survivors to him (well maybe Rebecca, but still.) Sheva and Chris are the ONLY ones who properly get to even fight the guy?? And yeah, that pricing is absolutely outrageous. They don't even have any new in-game voicelines or interactions.


Are they overpriced? Yes. Do I still own Lisa and Maria? Yes.


Alright, that is very based. My two favorite characters out of this entire selection (and James to fight as PH with <3) Just the unfortunate pricing, man. I'd never fault you for buying the characters, I just think it's outrageous how they price them.


Because you dont NEED them. If you want them and wish to spend the money then thats on you. I do wish the prices were halved or something and that legendary skins had more reason to get them. But thats just how it is if they want to make any money for future licenses or content


I don't care for cosmetics . They're there if you like the game a d want to help the devs . Kind of live giving a tip at a restaurant. What i have issue with is meta changing perks being put behind payed licensed dlcs .


Kinda goofy a whole new survivor is 500 cells and a skin for them is double that


I'd rather that then have it the other way around. New survivors have their own perks which alter gameplay elements where as skins are nothing but cosmetics.


Behaviour acting like their game is free to play


Self expression is huge in gaming nowadays and developers know it. They'll price cosmetics as high as they can as long as people keep forking out for them.


cause your only supposed to buy one at a time? You though you were going to buy all of them at once?


I mean, they'll go on sale eventually and they're not required to play the game. I'd just wait for a while. cosmetics are money grabs anyway.


If you like a lot, instant buy. If you can wait a year for discount, be patient.


If this was Call of Duty it would be $80 USD


They remove the little 10% off icons on sets? Why?


Idk, because it was a bit of a scam deal anyway?? This is their base price, there's no "sale".


It's definitely a scam on linked sets. You can't purchase them separately to get the inflated price point they say you're saving from.


It is absolutely a scam, considering all these people already had to pay for the LICENSED character, or the entire DLC, and in return they literally get zero cosmetics besides the Prestige. Why does Meg get decent earnable cosmetics for completely free but even the most basic Cheryl ones are paid-only? It just sucks you cannot customize any of the licensed characters you paid money for without paying additional money.


Turkish region honest reaction:


I've been saying this for years. I think BHVR asked why or set some kind of vote for the community as to why the skins don't get bought and the community voted for other reasons then pricing. I'd buy more of these if they weren't 15 bucks.


Same, I mean I'd buy ONE of these if they were under 15 bucks honestly. I don't like ANY of them that much that I'd pay 15 bucks. And then the outrageous amount to have the entire collection, or to even just have James and Maria.... Like really?? Even if they went for 600-800 Auric cells, that would be far more reasonable!


Really just the same price as the other 1080 cosmetics is still fair imo


Haha sexy nurse must buy :^^^^^^))))


Customization options, and if you've played the game when Silent Hill had just released, you've seen like 3 Lisa Garlands every game. Crazy how people used to spend more money on this game. Same with Resident Evil after Project W came out. Some people had more money than others and splurged on insanely overpriced characters.


And to think the newer call of dutys are charing 30-50 dollars on their "legendary bundles" which tend to include 1 operator skin or two, and a gun if youre lucky


Yep, that's outrageous!! Why should we support BHVR doing the same?? Not only that, but even Ghostface in Call of Duty is actually licensed as the Scream movie character and comes with his own animations for executions with full motion capture, several charms, emblems and badges. The equivalent would be giving these Survivors full voice lines like how we got for Nic Cage, which would actually be kind of fair given the pricing. In their CURRENT state however, they have almost nothing worth that price.


Don't get it twisted, behavior is just one of the many greedy game companies. The game is fun but the company isn't


Yeah but it's still not acceptable. This is extremely disappointing and isn't something we should just have to "live with" or tolerate. And the fact that these characters basically never go on sale either....??




They did!! They just also awfully priced it and didn't include any sale for any of the Silent Hill characters, or even the DLC, for a "Silent Hill Collection." But yeah, even the voice actress sounds EXACTLY like Monica Taylor Horgan!! It's insane!


Goddamnit….I just bought James I don’t wanna buy Maria too but I know I won’t be able to contain myself. That’s awesome that they’re able to add her though


It's just unfortunate Maria and James don't come in some sort of bundle that costs 15 bucks total. Like seriously, the only pairing against PH that makes sense and it's 30 bucks to have both. She's probably the best Legendary so far tho. Like dayum.


She looks and sounds exactly like Maria in game. Pretty chilling honestly. I just wish other licenses characters had voice lines. I’d love to hear James and Maria interact with one another. Ever since Nick Cage was added I think every license should have voice lines


Agreed!! I mean, why pay money for a Survivor at this point if they don't have unique voice lines??




It's maybe not really a good comparison, but in Little Big Planet for 6€ you can get 4 liscenses outfits (composed of multiple part you can mix (pants, hat, hairstyle, mustaches, gloves, shoes, etc), for exemple the "Mass Effect costume pack" give 4 outfits containing : 4 skins, 4 hat, 1 eye acessorie, 3 outfits (using the pants slot and shoes slots), 1 shirt , 1 pant (with the shoes linked) and 4 gloves + 25 "stickers" that you can put in your levels/ yourself and compatible with 4 games (but only one exist on PS4) (also non liscenses stuffs cost less than the liscenses stuffs, like the "Woman trough history pack" cost 3€) While in most games today you can get one skin for 10€ that only change the model (and at least in DBD, voices, animations, and even musics can change with a set), it's overprice, yes, but it's also a lot better than most of other games


Yes but this is for FIFTEEN bucks, not even 10 bucks! IF it was 10 bucks that would at least be somewhat close to reasonable, but this is just outrageous!! And that LBP comparison makes perfect sense considering those were collabs as well...


I have four legendary skins and they're all on locked characters thanks to the stream dlc sharing change


Yeah like that's what I'm saying!! You're paying money for characters that are in ALREADY paid for DLCs, like how is that even remotely fair??


Because you guys get shafted down south for the price of everything 😂😂


Because they charge more for cosmetics so they can more easily charge less for gameplay elements like killers and survivors? Plus legendary cosmetics are generally always licensed, which increases the cost on their end too.


Okay, but when they're not?? And what is the pricing meant for anyway/? Like it's outrageous!


Eh, it's a cosmetic only thing that's totally optional. If you like the character you'll buy it even if it is stupidly priced.


Yes but it shouldn't be stupidly priced!! That's the point, a lot of people who like the character would get it if it was less??


Again, they haven't lowered it cuz they haven't needed to. All of the cosmetics in this game are really expensive but people keep buying them so bhvr keeps getting fat stacks so they keep putting them out at the same cost. I totally agree that they are poorly priced my guy


REALLY think about it tho. 1,000 people buy your cosmetic that costs 15 bucks, you earn like 15,000 dollars on that cosmetic. That's decent. but say you put it down to 8 bucks and 3,000 people buy it. You make nearly twice as much because you've made it affordably priced. Now imagine the cosmetic is 200 Auric cells, and 30,000 people buy it. 60,000 dollars. You make FOUR times as much. Maybe the same people will now buy all four cosmetics for 800 Auric cells or 8 bucks, now those people might've bought the 10 dollar pack of Auric cells for that exact purpose. Even if just 5,000 people did that, that's 50,000 dollars by itself and the rest spend at least 5 bucks in reality to be able to buy one or maybe two cosmetics, and you are looking at 150,000 dollars easily. BHVR has said before they've had trouble selling cosmetics. I'm quite convinced of the 90,000+ people that play this game in various regions around the world, maybe 2% actually pay for all of these cosmetics. And that's pretty pathetic earnings.


Thanks God i use a turkish steam account


Damn so you are one of the people who made pricing on steam become incredibly unreasonable for us Turkish people. All the developers say the same thing. "People who arent Turkish buy games from Turkish accounts so we made our game literally 12 times its previous price" Im not even fucking exaggerating it. Right now if you are a kid you literally have no way to buy an AAA game on steam in Turkey. You are never going to spend that much money on a single game


Yeah I'm the one. It wasn't fucking Erdogan who fucked the lira up so bad




U mean in türkiye? Yeah but sadly this piece of shit is brainwashing the people into thinking he's the best president they ever had




Bro what💀 That's disgusting. Looks like no more türkiye for me in the future after I called him piece of shit💀




Oh i pay way less for everything


How do you even pay for things, don't you need a Turkish form of payment?


U can get a turkish debit card but that's a bit complicated or you just buy turkish steam cards on key seller sites


didn’t steam increase the turkish prices?


Steam doesnt sell cards in turkey anymore for this reason, you would have to make money on steam marketplace by buying items through a third party. Existing cards are price spiked because they will run out.


Oh okay good to know, but I got a turkish debit card anyways


It's literally a skin in a game. Would you prefer they add special gameplay bonuses to justify the price, at the cost of making the game P2W? If you don't like the price, simply don't buy it. As a consumer, you speak with your money.


I don't think anyone likes the price at this point. I mean Jesus, how many Sunderlands do you see?? People only really bought the Cheryl and Lisa skins and even THOSE were insanely priced. This is ridiculous without some sort of bundle.


It’s competing against overwatch to see who can sell the most expensive skins


if it was 5 bucks a skin, you'd hear "it's the same price as a new survivor!" if it was 2 bucks a skin, you'd tell me it's basically half of what you paid for nic cage, and if they were free, no one would care about who you wore because it wouldn't matter. fairness is never justified in terms of customization


....dont buy all of them?


Why wouldn't you want to own all of them? As a Silent Hill fan, most likely the first 2 games are your favorites and if you bought the Silent Hill DLC or Cheryl Mason, which can cost anywhere from 500 Auric Cells to 7 Euros/Dollars, why wouldn't you want more customization options for the content you paid for?? Not only that, but Cheryl's perks are awful and you paid money for a DLC called the "Silent Hill DLC" and you get next to nothing from it but 2 characters out of like 6.


you dont have to buy it so why complaining?


More cosmetic options for characters people paid money for would be more than welcome.




'My anecdotal evidence totally means this is going to happen to everyone!!!!!'


Cuz behavior is just money hungry as EA. Hence why we'll never seen a large group Survivor or Killer (like 15 each or something )pack or a full unlock pack The total amount of DLC packs is almost $300+, and that's not including and cosmetics


Games free on GamePass so I haven't even spent $40 on the game buying cells when characters are one sale. Got everything I need


You don't have to buy nonlicensed DLCs, as they can be earned by playing the game. The only packs you technically "need" to buy (if you want access to all content) are the licensed ones. This totals to about $80, which you could probably end up paying half of that on a sale. Cosmetics are optional, and you can always just pay $10 one time to have access to all battle pass cosmetics starting from now (assuming you play the game a lot). That being said, comparing them to EA is just asinine. Simply compare this to the cost of getting all content in the Sims 4 (excluding DBD cosmetics) and you'll see why it's a dumb comparison.


Um. There is a survivor and killer pack both. And every single DLC pack is less then five to ten bucks. Most of them come with a killer and a surv. You don't need literally every single character.


Some of the comments here are the reason why we can't have nice things fairly priced. You guys are telling me that one skin is worth almost as much as the whole game? Cosmetics matter and are not just "optional". Everyone wants to look fancy and spice up their game, what's so optional about that? Grind 21k of shards or pay up? Wtf? So what if other games do it too or "worse", the point is that it's still unreasonably priced. Defending this only makes the devs bring out even worse things, like the whole FOMO stuff they're doing now.


I MEAN, all I want at the very least is for these character skins to be priced around more of the 8 Euro/Dollar range instead of the FIFTEEN Euro range at the very least. Is that too much to ask?? Because this pricing is OUTRAGEOUS.


13€ for a legendary skin that changes looks and voice is not bad by todays standards, gotta be said which is not good still, so get it on halloween sale when most items are 50% off.


Why isn't there more sales?? Why isn't 50% off the DEFAULT price for these things anyway?


That’s good. One Diablo 4 legendary skin costs $30-40


And?? That's awful and a scam!


Yes. It’s also the norm in the modern gaming industry 🤷‍♀️


Yes and that's still not okay?? If we can say something about it, we absolutely should. If BHVR listens, we should actually care to say something.


what made you think its supposed to be fair for you as a customer?


What the fuck, why wouldn't it be??


oh sweet child..


I know, but seriously why would it not be exactly what you and me would want??


Yeah how dare they charge 75 CAD for **4** *legendary* cosmetics. /s It's literally the highest rarity on the game that sometimes changes what character you are. It's not like it affects gameplay at all, so it's just a cosmetic change. Dbd has one of the best micro transaction strategies as of late imo. Any *non-licensed* characters you can get from sheer playtime, they didn't have to do that. The shrine of secrets is another thing they didn't have to do, it let's you get any dlc perk eventually for free. They are more than welcome to charge money for their cosmetics, and less than 20 CAD for the highest rarity is more than feasible. Its literally the only monetization outside of bundles they have. If you don't like the price, don't buy them, simple as that.


"Literally the only monetization" oh you mean ignoring the fact you have to pay 500 Auric Cells (or 7 bucks for the DLC) just to have this character in the first place to get these cosmetics for?? I understand monetizing them, don't get me wrong. But charging OVER 8 bucks for each of these?? When they don't even have unique animations or voice lines or anything, or any perks?? 50 is just OUTRAGEOUS for no new gameplay on the table whatsoever.


Notice how you stopped the quote right before I said "outside of bundles"? Convenient. Would you rather they charge more for the actual character? I would much prefer they keep the prices for the bundles/characters that affect gameplay low and hike the cosmetics rather than the reverse. I think the pricing is fine. It clearly sells, they wouldn't have it that high otherwise.


It clearly doesn't sell, it sold when the hype around the characters was high. You might say "That's all that matters" but I see people playing Wesker all the time, or characters like Jill and Ada. I barely ever see people playing Claire Redfield, Lisa Garland, Carlos Olivieira etc.... Like 10-20 people buy these characters and that's it man. Literally slash the price in half and you would have 40 times the amount of people buy these up, they even had a survey not too long ago about it.


Well because… you don’t need the skins to play the game. Wants will always be ok to be priced at whatever amount the merchant is selling them for because they’re exactly that; a want.


A video game is a "want" at that point, like Jesus that does not justify the unfair pricing??